You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep4 - Part 1

The Adventure of Colored Fame

I still need a love interest from Red!

Oh, and if you guys don't mind, could you press the up arrow next to the title of this story in Foreword? You don't have to, but if you do, tell me and I'll personally thank you!


Do you guys know what I just realized?

Hweri is actually supposed to be able to speak English..
This whole time, I thought she could only speak Korean. o___O
Well, unless I asked asked her to change her languages before..... Not sure.

Warning: Some hardcore feels are about to be released in this chapter.

"Jalmeokgeseubnida!" the 41 voices of managers and male idols rang simultaenously, getting ready to jab their chopsticks into the multiple plates of food placed before them.
But just before Peniel's wooden chopsticks came in contact with the chicken, he looked up and saw that no other male had touched their bowl of bibimbap. They all seemed to be staring at the same thing, and Peniel quickly retreated his hand before following their gazes.
All members of the 6 male bands were staring at their dongsaengs, who awkwardly stood in a row at the head of the table.

"Why aren't you girls eating?" Onew asked, his chopsticked hand refraining from touching the chicken.

"Well you see.." Chaerin started.

"We're on a diet," the female leader finished for lead dancer. The females looked at their managers, who were savoring the rich flavors of Crayon's cooked goods.

Instructor Yong Jo sighed in defeat when he saw the female puppy faces directed his way and set down his chopstsicks, "You girls can feast. Just for today, okay?"

The 6 females lit up like children at a candy shop and rushed to grab a seat around the dining table.

For the second time, "Jalmeokgeseubnida!" was heard before the sounds of bowls and chopsticks coming in contact with eachother erupted throughout the living room. Hungry grins stretched across the males' faces as 47 pairs of chopsticks dug busily into the countless plates of food placed on the dining table.

"Wahh, this is so good!" Luhan cheered like a 5 year old, stuffing a piece of Korean sushi into his mouth. He was beyond happy that he could finally eat some of the food instead of just staring at it.

The head chef, Setsuna, let out a small victorious smile at the compliment from EXO's baby face, and continued eating. Chaerin and Hweri were busy holding a piece of paper with lyrics on it, staring and trying to memorize it while munching on the delectable foods.
Haejin quietly enjoyed her portion of the meal, but couldn't help but notice the looks that Kai was giving her.

*He's just mad because his bladder capacity * she thought to herself, shrugging it all off as a piece of chicken came contact with and she chewed gratefully.

Kai eyed Haejin despisingly, still holding the grudge from earlier. His chopsticks scooped up a chunk of rice from his bowl of kimbap and he let it slide into his mouth before adverting his attention elsewhere.

"Where are we performing tonight? I forgot," Hweri asked, looking across the table at Setsuna who shook her head.

"M!Net. Gosh, you are so forgetful," the leader could only let out an awkward laugh and return to her bibimbap.

The blue and yellow members giggled like school girls, occasionally placing pieces of chicken onto eachother's plates and whispering to secretive things. Many idols sitting around the table eyed them curiously, wanting to know what was so funny to make them both nearly burst into laughter.
But as you can probably guess, these two were fangirling to eachother about the 37 attractives males who were currently sitting around the table and living room, eating the food that they cooked.

For a fangirl, this was a dream come true.

The duo, realizing that they could not handle the heat emitting from these idols anymore, decided that they were finished with their lunch, excused themselves, and retreated to their shared bedroom, not shutting their door because they didn't want any misunderstandings amongst the males.

Setsuna and Haejin both knew exactly what was going on between the two excused members and exchanged knowing looks, softly chuckling as they nodded at eachother.

Eventually, Hweri and Chaerin caught on as well, and the former leaned in to whisper, "They're probably hardcore fangirling right now. Must be hard trying to keep silent."
The lead dancer couldn't help but grin when she heard the word 'hardcore', and nodded in agreement, trying her hardest to hold her laughs as she carefully chewed on a kimbap. Inside, she was slowly dying as she tried to contain her feels on camera, and secretly wanted to join the duo.
Should she keep up her calm act or run to her fellow fangirls and spazz?
Confirming her decision, Chaerin quickly finished everything on her plate, excused herself, and fled to Carmie and Sooyun's room.

When Carmie and Sooyun excused themselves, only a couple of their guests seemed to notice. Now that a third member was fleeing from the dining table to the same location of the duo, the males couldn't help but stare at the open door suspiciously. What the heck was going on?


Inside the bedroom, Carmie was busy hugging her giant teddy bear to death while Sooyun paced back and forth, both trying their best to restrain from screaming. It was so much easier containing their inner fangirls while they were cooking because they were distracted by their duties in the kitchen and had no time to think about anything other than spices and the fire. However, now that they had actual time to think, their thoughts were going all over the place.

When Chaerin came barging into their room, the startled maknae and JOAL literally jolted from their positions.

"Breathe. We need to breathe. Just breathe," Chaerni managed squeaked as the JOAL and main vocalist both tried to 'breathe'.

Sooyun fanned herself with her hand, "Calm down. Calm down."

"I can't! I can't!" the JOAL protested, rolling like a buffalo all across her bed and using the teddy bear to supress her squeals.
Her actions started a chain reaction and the two other females in the room broke down into a puddle of feels, flopping and spazzing silently with eachother. Sooyun hopped onto her bed and squirmed around in the bedsheets. Chaerin had no bed to spazz on and ended up sitting on the floor, wrapping her arms around her legs and swaying side to side.

Everything came to a halt, however, when they heard Sungjae and Sungjong's voices.

"I want a tour of the house, Hweri noona!"

"Me too!"

With panic written all over their faces, Carmie and Sooyun hopped off their beds, pulled Chaerin up off her , and looked around.

*Must seem like we're doing something normal,* all three thought at once. Sooyun's eyes landed on the electric keyboard piano next to her bed. The two other females followed her gaze and immediately caught on.


"I want a tour of the house, Hweri noona!"

"Me too!"

The twins simultaneously set down their empty bowls and looked at the eldest female with eager eyes. Hweri responded with a nervous chuckle, secretly praying that the three fangirls would get their acts together by the time the tour got to the duo's room.

"Sure..?" and as soon as Hweri approved, the rest of the male idols finished their lunches and stood up, ready for the tour to begin.

"What are Chaerin, Sooyun, and Carmie noona doing?" Sehun mumbled, starting to wander the house by himself. Soon enough, EXO's maknae became the tourguide as the other male idols followed him.

*Please tell me they've collected themselves,* Hweri silently prayed, racing to the front of the crowd where Sehun was.


"Aniyo, the tune doesn't go like that," Sooyun's voice rang from inside the bedroom before a series of chords, which were recognized as part of the chorus of 'Alone', were heard.
The curious idols peered through the open door, spotting Chaerin, Sooyun, and Carmie gathered around the electric keyboard, their backs facing the males. Sooyun's fingers were placed on the black and white keys of the piano as the two other females watched intently. Hweri exhaled a breath of relief as the males observed the tidy room and nodded their heads approvingly.

Carmie turned around and acted surprised, "Oh! When did you guys come?"

Tao pushed Sehun and they both squeezed into the room, clearing the doorway for other idols to enter.

"Everything's so neat," Sunggyu said, running his fingers across the ridges of the books on wooden shelf.

"Heh.. heh," both girls awkwardly laughed, enchanging knowing looks with one another, *Only because we emergency cleaning today..*


After what seemed to be forever, the idols decided to leave the trio alone and move onto the next destination of their tour. Once everyone stepped out of the room, Hweri raised her eyebrows at the three, gave them a knowing smirk, and closed the door.

The three girls looked at eachother.

"Now what?"

"Back to fangirling."

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O