Work Hard Then Play in Disguise

The Adventure of Colored Fame

A bit late, but EXO and Ailee won awards at MAMA! I'm just gonna go curl up into a ball and drown in my feels now.

True to their words, Crayon really did manage to learn 'Alone' and 'Cry Cry' within 4 days, taking 2 days for each song, and let's just say that Carmie got pretty rich within a day. They wanted to move on to the choreography as soon as possible, but could not do so until they officially recorded those two songs for their new album.

After taking a couple more days to perfect the song, the girls found themselves sitting around with their oppas in the spacious recording studio.

Hweri yawned and rested her head against Chaerin's shoulder. It was 11 AM. For their debut album, Crayon started recording everyday at 1 in the afternoon, but their instructors insisted that they had many warmups and vocal preps to do this time.

So after around half an hour of scales, chords, and lots of lecturing from Sooyun the choir teacher, 6 females were found playing with their hairs and biting their lips nervously.

And they weren't to be blamed. The SM artists that were present (SHINee and EXO) knew how strict the director was. While recording their debut album, he made Crayon members run their parts over and over again until they could practically sing it in their sleep. This director certainly wasn't the friendliest guy in the company. But he was the director, so all had to follow his commands.

The large group of male and female idols moved to the lobby. Attached to the wall was a large flat-screen TV where they could watch whichever artist was up to record. Expensive speakers were placed in every corner of the room to emphasize sound and quality of the audio being recorded.

Setsuna ped a nearby duffel bag, revealing that it was stuffed full of water bottles. She proceeded to pick a couple up and toss them at her fellow bandmates: Carmie and Chaerin barely caught theirs, Haejin and Hweri caught theirs swiftly with no problem at all, and the one that was meant for Sooyun ended up hitting Woohyun on the head, causing Hweri to laugh and nearly choke on her water. Startled, Minhyuk began to pat her back vigorously.

"I can't - even. You totally - deserved - that," Hweri choked out inbetween coughs, a wide grin on her face.

Woohyun pouted indignantly, "What have I ever done to deserve such cruelty from you, my younger sister?"
The female sibling only waved him away and continued trying to calm her coughs.

All came to a silence, however, when the director's voice came on the speakers.

"Baek Sooyun, please report to the recording studio."

Sooyun gulped loudly, and Sunggyu gave her a reassuring pat on the back.

"Looks like I'm the first victim of the day," Sooyun whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear, and they chuckled, "I should've expected it.. Since I have the first line of the song."

She took a couple last gulps of water, took two new bottles from the duffel bag, and stood up to leave, "Hwaiting!"


Everyone in the room watched intensely as Sooyun appeared on the TV screen in front of them. She put on a pair of headphones and stood beside the hanging microphone obediently, watching the director as he adjusted knobs in the editing room.

After a nerve-wrecking amount of time, he spoke into the intercom sitting on top of the desk, "Let's run it from the top."


The director made Sooyun run the same lines over and over again, yelling the same thing each time, "That one note was flat! Run it again! You didn't stretch this note out long enough! Run it again!"

Ones in the lobby winced at the director's constant scolding, and watched as Sooyun ran it over and over again. However, they found no mistakes whatsoever.

"If he's like this to Sooyun, imagine how much worse it'll be for us," Carmie whispered to Hweri, who shivered unpleasantly.

And finally, he was satisfied, and spoke into the intercom again, "Dismissed. Park Setsuna, please report to the recording studio."

Setsuna groaned unhappily, "Someone please spare me."

Sooyun returned to the lobby with two empty water bottles in her hand, and high-fived the lead vocalist before returning to the sofa and curling up next to Hweri.

And again, the idols watched the director scold the Crayon members one by one. If there wasn't something wrong with the pitch, there would be something wrong with the tempo. If not the tempo, then the volume, and so forth. 


By 5PM, only half of the girls - Sooyun, Setsuna, and Hweri - managed to finish recording, and the director looked like he was about to go insane.

In the middle of rerunning the chorus for the nth time, he suddenly stopped the music, "Nevermind Carmie. We'll try again tomorrow. Crayon, you may leave now."
The JOAL slowly took off her headphones and headed back to the lobby. Her fellow bandmates greeted her with a sympathetic smile and a group hug.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. He's just like this because he's too much of a perfectionist," Setsuna rubbed Carmie's back soothingly.

"Let's go to Music Bank tonight!" Chaerin chimed, pulling Haejin and trying to lighten the mood, "SHINee sunbaes are performing there tonight."

EXO and SHINee had gone off to practice, leaving their three dongsaengs in the care of the other bands. 

The lead dancer and JOAL stared at SHINee's dongsaeng with eyes that screamed, 'Bring me with you!'

"Don't look at me. Ask Hweri."

Upon hearing her name, the rapper signed in defeat, "Okay fine.. I'll bring you three there, but we better get going soon if we want to get backstage. It's already 7 and the show starts at 8."

"I think I'm going to take a nap," Sooyun yawned, much like sleepy kitten, and rubbed her eyes, "I just want to make the most of this short hiatus before we go back to practicing all day and night."

"Do you want to go with them?" Taecyeon asked his dongsaeng, Setsuna, who replied with a curt nod, "Let's go then!"

"Come on, sleepyhead," Sungyeol called, heading out the door with Hoya. Sooyun walked leisurely behind with the rest of Infinite.



Chaerin, Hweri, Setsuna, and Carmie pulled their hoods over their heads. Their managers had given them permission to sit in the audience. It was a hard decision to make, but they trusted the girls to be cautious and safe, and, hence, allowed them to join the crowd.

Carmie fixed her blonde bangs carefully, "It's been so long since I last attended a concert as a normal fangirl."

"I'm so excited," Chaerin babbled, ready to unleash the fangirl side that she had been hiding since debut, "Too bad Sooyun's not here. She'd go crazy."

"I think it's best if she's not here.. She would probably strain from screaming so much," Haejin adjusted her face mask and cap. Being the collected female she was, Haejin decided that screaming and cheering tonight would be too immature for her.

The other girls mentally agreed and put the final touches to their disguises.

"You girls ready? We're gonna have some fun tonight," smirked Hweri, zipping up her hoodle and motioning for the girls to follow.


Five idols-in-disguise squeezed through the crowd, followed by three security-guards-in-disguise.

The live show had already started, and it was nearing the end. After finding a spot in the crowd, the girls settled down and joined the pumped atmosphere. Because MBLAQ was performing, A+'s were screaming like there was no tomorrow. They had made it just in time because SHINee was to perform next.

Soon enough, "Run" by MBLAQ came to an end, and the Shawols were going insane with excitement. Carmie and Chaerin were busy screaming along with the other girls and wrecking their voices while Setsuna, Hweri, and even Haejin couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

The moment the lights dimmed and SHINee got on stage, they started searching for their dongsaeng, Haejin. Crayon's manager had told the boys that Crayon (minus Blue) were in the audience disguised as fangirls.

The lights flashed on, and Taemin was the first to spot the Purple member. As he got close enough to her, he sent her a wink and danced his way back to the middle.

"Did you see that?! Oh my god, Taemin oppa just winked at me!!" a girl beside Haejin squealed to her 4 friends, who fought back.

"No, he winked at me!"

"No, me!"

Haejin only slightly shook her head and smirked, knowing that Taemin's wink was actually meant for her. Hweri seemed to read her dongsaeng's mind as she wrapped an arm around the two girls beside her, Haejin and Setsuna, and smiled knowingly.


After sending many winks and smiles at their dongsaeng, much screaming from the girls next to Haejin, and many assumptions from fangirls that the winks were meant for them, SHINee's performance came to an end. And soon, missA's stage came to an end as well.
It was now time to announce the night's winners, but before that, an intermission was held so that the fans could calm some of their lingering nerves from heated performances.

"I can't wait to see oppas behind stage later on," Chaerin beamed, much like a ray of sunshine. The angle of the stage lights shining on the girls' faces caused them to be unrecognizable as idols. But their conversation also obliviously caught the attention of a nearby group of females.

"Did you girls remember to bring any presents?" Hweri asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No... Why?"

"I heard that they were gonna win tonight."

"Wait really?!" Carmie and Chaerin, being fangirls, mentally facepalmed. They had forgotten to buy flowers.

Haejin couldn't help but chuckle, "I knew that you guys would forget.. That's why I brought some."

The four other girls looked at her in shock, "Woah, really? The ice princess is melting."

"Don't even start," Haejin glared at her fellow band members, "We can give the flowers to them after Music Bank."
And again, became emotionless again as she re-turned her body towards the stage.


The lights went crazy again, and all performers from that night walked out to the stage. It was time to announce the winner.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom," Haejin shouted over the screaming fangirls. Hweri nodded, but mouthed a 'be careful'.

She turned to leave, but was stopped by Crayon's bodyguard.

"Where are you going, Haejin?"

"Just to the restroom. You don't have to come along," Haejin slightly tilted her head and shrugged. The guard pondered for a second, creating a mental list of the possible dangers of letting the female idol go by herself, but eventually waved off his worries and let her pass. Haejin squeezed through the wave of fangirls again and headed toward the public restroom.
Meanwhile, the group of girls that were standing next to Crayon decided that they had somewhere to go as well.


Haejin let out a relieved sigh, adjusting the cap on her head. Having to stay as the calm and collected one, she tried so hard to refrain from screaming along with Chaerin and Carmie while her oppas were performing. It surely was tempting, though.

The lighting in the bathroom was bad, and Haejin had a hard time trying to fix her luxurious brunette hair.

With a final satisfying swipe of her finger, she finished fixing her bangs and headed toward the door, only to stop midway upon noticing five figures.

Squinting in the dark lighting, Haejin recognized the faces of the females.

They were the group of girls standing next to her in the crowd.
They were also the 5 females who assumed that SHINee was winking at them.

Scarily hardcore fangirls - that's what they were.

Well, 's going down. Hope you enjoyed this long update & excuse my grammar. asdfkjlg

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O