You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep3 - Part 2

The Adventure of Colored Fame

To make up for my loss of updates, here's a LONGGGGGG update!

And by long.. I mean LONGGGG....


By the way, I still need a duet from Carmie and Chaerin, I believe.....

Instructor Park pulled his iPod out of his back packet, attached it to the speaker system, and played a song. There were no words to the song, and it sounded much like the song that Sooyun had played for everyone on the piano, except it was much more upbeat - the girls recognized this to be the instrumental version of 'Alone'.

"SM's CEO, Kim Min Young, has already approved of the first two tracks, 'Alone' and 'Cry Cry', of your new album, which is why instrumental tracks for both songs have already been put together," he spoke over the blaring music of the speaker system, "Sooyun, play the vocal parts on the piano."

His fingers pressed down on the 'rewind' button, making the instrumental track start all over again.

The girls swiftly set down their instruments and gathered around Sooyun, whose fingers grazed on the black and white keys.


"Doesn't sound too hard," Setsuna tapped her chin thoughtfully after the song ended.

Carmie seemed to agree because she turned to the males and grinned, "Bet you all $5 that we can learn this song in four days!"

The oppas' mouths dropped opened and they gaped, "It takes us at least 2 weeks to learn our songs!"

She walked over and wrapped an arm around the pianist, "That's because you don't have Sooyun in your group!"

"This girl. She teaches us the same way a choir teacher would - part by part, person by person. She makes it a lot easier than having your vocal instructor yell at you over and over again if you sing something wrong," Hweri ruffled Sooyun's hair, who smiled appreciatively at her eonni.

"It takes a lot more than a good teacher. My eonnis also catch on and learn quickly," Sooyun wrapped her arms around Carmie and eye-smiled, "Anyway, let's not waste anymore time."

"Towards the end of the song, there's a short rap, so let's start with that," she placed the music sheets into Hweri's hands and pointed at the rapping section, "Do you think you can improvise the beat on that part? I'll play the piano accompaniment first so you can find a beat."

Sooyun played the rapping part on the piano as Hweri, Chaerin, and Haejin read the lyrics of the rap. Once she was finished, the three rappers split the rap into three parts, each girl taking one part.

"Ready? I'm starting two measures before the rapping comes in," Sooyun briefly looked up at the trio, searching for some 'okay' signal from them. Then, she adverted her attention back to the piano and began to jam on the keys again, "3.. 2.. 1.. Go."

Hweri caught onto the beat quickly, as the lyrics began to shoot out of in a rap-formation.
Boy, was she good at improvising. Each word matched each beat perfectly, making the rap flow smoothly and professionally. Her voice was powerful, giving the lyrics of the song even more emotion and emphasis.
After Hweri's emotional rap, Chaerin came in with a softer tone. Her part sounded a lot more like singing than rapping. Haejin would occasionally rap along with her, creating short rapping duets here and there. Then, Hweri ended the rap part with another solo, and Sooyun stopped pressing the piano keys to clap.

"Good, now just remember that same rapping beat in your head!" Sooyun chimed, turning to face the vocalists, "Now it's time for all the vocal parts!"



By lunchtime, the girls had already learned 1/4th of the song. It took plenty of trials and errors, but in the end, the girls managed to learn a fourth of the song. Now, they were in the process of remembering and perfecting that section of the song.

"I'm hungry," Chaerin complained, rubbing her stomach and pouting her lips. It was already 12:30, and everyone, including the oppas, were getting hungry.

"Our beloved dongsaeng is hungry.. Anyone up for lunch?" Suho chuckled at his dongsaeng's aegyo, ruffling Chaerin's hair affectionately.


-recording for 'You're My Oppa' starts again-


"Where can we possibly eat and not get noticed..?" Minhyuk ran his fingers through his hair, "There's no way we can walk into a restaurant without getting noticed.. We're 6 idol bands... How can we possibly go unnoticed?"

Then, Ilhoon's eyes lit up like a lightbulb, "We can go to Crayon's dorm and eat there!"

"Eh?!" the girls' ears immediately perked up and Carmie nearly choked on the water she was drinking.

"Wait! We can't ea-"

"I object that idea!"

"You guys-"

"I protest! Opp-"


"Absolutely no wa-"

There were plenty of reasons why the girls didn't want their oppas to go to their dorm. The biggest one was that their dorm was WAYY too messy for anyone's liking; they had been too busy promoting their new album that they didn't bother to clean up their rooms. Clothes were scattered all over the floor in both rooms, dishes had to be cleaned, laundry had to be done, floors needed to be swept, carpets needed to be vaccuumed, and the list could go on.

Overall, there was NO way these girls were going to let famous male idols into their pig stye.

"But we can't eat anywhere else!" Tao pouted his lips and attempted his aegyo.

"We don't have any groceries at home to cook for the.." Hweri quickly did the math, "43 (excluding the managers) of us!"
That was the first excuse that came to her mind.

"It's okay! We can all go out, disguise ourselves, and buy some ingredients, noona!" Sungjae grabbed Hweri's arm and swung it back and forth cutely.


"No buts! It's settled. We'll go buy groceries, you will go cook for us!" Taemin chimed happily, drooling at the thought of food, "I heard that Setsuna, Sooyun, and Carmie cook really well!"

"Aish, so demanding..." Haejin muttered under her breath. Even she was against the idea of 5 idol groups eating at Crayon's messy dorm.

Setsuna, on the other hand, had found a perfect solution to this problem, "Sure! You guys can come over for lunch."



"Are you insane..?!"

"I object!"

"COURT IS NOT IN SESSION!" Setsuna face-palmed, "However, you guys will have to buy groceries, so start creating a list of who will get what."

Hweri, who didn't understand what was going on, pulled Setsuna into the instrument room, and the rest of Crayon followed, completely confused.

"Our dorm is a mess! How can you let them come over for lunch?!" Haejin hissed, clearly against this idea.

"They'll take at least an hour to create that list and get all the ingredients. During that time, we can get back to our dorm and clean it all up! It's not like they would've given up on the idea of coming over anyway. There was no way we could've avoided it," Setsuna smirked victoriously at her brilliant plan.

Chaerin and Sooyun oooo'd in amazement, "You're a genius, eonni!"
The six girls emerged from the instrument room and cleared their throats.

"Well, the 37 of you decide on what to buy and we'll make whatever we can out of what you buy," Hweri announced, "In the meantime, we'll be at our dorm!"
Crayon started heading out the door, but the maknaes of each group tried to follow them.

"No! Maknaes have to go with their  bands!" Haejin brusquely snapped, yanking Tao's arm off Chaerin and dragging him back to EXO-M. The girls gave their oppas sheepish grins before running out of the building and jumping into their van.

"OPPA! DRIVE! HURRY, HURRY!" Carmie practically yelled at their male manager, who was driving steadily along the freeway. He did as the female wanted, and pressed down on the gas pedal.


Mission 2; Clean Our Dorm!

Crayon burst into their dorm, frantically beginning to pick up the trash that was displayed all over the living room floor.

"Let's split this up! For now, Carmie and Sooyun, clean up the kitchen. Chaerin and Setsuna, do the laundry. Haejin and I will clean up the floors!" Hweri's leader instincts kicked in immediately as she threw orders around. The girls mentally saluted to their leader, not a single complaint flying out of their mouths, and scattered to find their designated groups and cleaning areas.


Chaerin and Setsuna ran into the laundry room and face-palmed at the sight of it.
(A/N; If you've forgotten how Crayon's dorm looks like, click here!)
Clothes were thrown all over the marble counters and floor. The two girls couldn't even tell which clothes were dirty and which were clean.

"You know what? Just throw them all into the washer!" Setsuna suggested, not even bothering to sort anything out. Chaerin nodded in agreement and began to pick up the clothes from the floor. The two of them gathered all the pieces of clothing into one pile and began to throw them into the white washing machine.

"WAIT, WAIT! We need to check the pockets first!" Chaerin frantically pulled the jeans and shorts out of the machine and dug her hands through the pockets, Setsuna quickly joining her.
Thank goodness Chaerin remembered to check the pockets. The two girls found all sorts of things hidden inside these clothes, from money to lollipop wrappers.
They stuffed the machine full and sighed bitterly. There was still a mountain of clothing, but the washer was already full. They slammed the door of the washer shut, turned the dial, pressed the red 'start' button, and leaned against the counter.

"Shoot. It's going to take more than one washing machine to clean all these clothes," Setsuna huffed unhappily, "In the meantime, let's clean something else up."

"We should probably make our rooms look presentable," Chaerin mumbled, remembering her untidy bed.

"Let's do that," the duo headed out of the laundry room to their bedroom.


Meanwhile, Hweri and Haejin ran back and forth through the living room, picking up paper cups and plastic wrappers off the floor.

"I am never litering in this dorm ever again," Hweri moaned unhappily, opening the trashcan and throwing an empty box of crackers in.

Even Haejin had stopped her attitude today, "Why didn't we think of the consequences before leaving our trash all over the place...?"
The two of them quickly picked up everything off the floor before running to the closet and grabbing the vaccuum and Swiffer sweeping mop.

"Okay.. Haejin, vaccuum that half of the room. When you're done, I'll pass you the Swiffer and you can mop that side of the room while I start vaccuuming this side," Hweri gestured to Haejin's side of the room, then to hers.
Haejin quickly got to work, running the vaccuum back and forth across her half of room, then under the sofas and tables. When she finished, she exchanged the vaccuum with a Swiffer and started to push the lightweight mop all over the floor as Hweri began to vaccuum the other half of the room. Then, when Haejin finished, she ran over to the kitchen to grab some towels while Hweri started to mop. Haejin wiped down the sofa, TV shelf, the TV, tables, and anything else that looked unsanitary.

After what seemed to be forever, the living room was sparkling clean again. Haejin and Hweri high-fived victoriously, and for the first time in a while, Haejin smiled genuinely at her hard work.


As Hweri and Haejin buzzed busily in the living room, Sooyun and Carmie scrubbed dishes in the kitchen that was attached to the living room.
They had walked into the kitchen only to be greeted with a mountain of dishes in the sink and a messy refridgerator. The duo let out simultaneous sighs and moped toward the sink full of white dishes, stained with all sorts of different colors.

"First thing's first, we need to clean out the refridgerator," Carmie suggested, opening the white door to reveal a refridgerator stuffed full of all sorts of things.
The duo set off to work, pulling everything out of the fridge and setting it on the large table to sort.

"How long has this been in there...?" Sooyun scrunched her nose up in disgust as she held out a plate of strangely-colored dukbokki.

Carmie nearly gagged, "Let's just agree to throw any leftover food away, okay?"
After emptying plates and plates of food, they threw those plates into the sink and began to work on the canned and boxed food. The girls found all sorts of foods that they didn't even know existed in Crayon's fridge.

"What on earth..?" Carmie raised an eyebrow as she held up a can of green beans, "Why do we have this..?"
Sooyun replied with a shrug as she tossed a can of corn into the trash. Soon, the garbage can was full, so the girls tied up the bag and brought it out, only to find five other bags of trash outside already.

"Dang.. We have a lot of trash," Carmie's eyes widened in surprise as she placed down the large black trash bag. Realizing that they had no time to waste, they quickly ran back inside to start washing the dishes.

"Eonni, I have a good idea!" Sooyun chirped excitedly.


"I can wash the dishes while you dry them. Anything glass, I will set down on the table for you to dry. Anything plastic or unbreakable, I'll throw it at you so I don't have to waste time walking to the table."

Carmie let out an amused laugh, "So you're trying to turn this into a game, ey?"
Sooyun nodded and pulled towels out of the cabinets for Carmie to set down on the large brown table.
Soon, the two girls were whizzing through the dishes. Occasionally, there would be a plastic bowl or plate and Sooyun would yell, "HEADS UP!"
Luckily, Carmie never failed to catch the plastic objects. When they finished, Carmie and Sooyun began to sort everything out and place them back into the shelves. After putting everything in place, they wiped down the counters and tables.

"Mission accomplished!" they let out a relieved sigh, flopped down onto the sofa in the living room, and high-fived eachother.

"Now to clean your room," Hweri, who was sitting on the other sofa, snickered mockingly. The two girls groaned in protest, but dragged themselves into their room.


Setsuna and Chaerin finished cleaning their parts of the bedroom that they shared with Hweri and Haejin and bolted back to the laundry room. They transferred all of the clothes from the washer to the drying machine and started to load the second (and final) batch of clothing into the washing machine.

Chaerin pouted her lips and wiped the imaginary sweat off her forehead, "Phew! Almost done, eonni~"




As all of this was happening in Crayon's dorm, 6 male bands sat on the floor of the practice room in a circle. Onew rested at the center of this circle, a pen and notepad in his hands.

"First of all, I want each band to think of a dish they want Crayon to make," Onew said, fiddling with the pen in his fingers.
He was leader of the oldest band in the room, SHINee, so no one objected him as the one in charge.
The 6 groups had their own discussions and each group finally decided on their own dish.

"Dak Galbi!" (Stir-fried chicken w/ vegetables and rice cake)

"Galbitang~" (Short-rib soup)

"Bulgogi" (Beef)

"Daktoritang" (Spicy chicken and potato stew)


"WAIT A MINUTE!" Onew interrupted Sehun, "There are way too many things. This is lunch, not dinner!"

Sungyeol pouted his lips and let out a soft whine.

"How about galgi (ribs), bibimbap (mixed rice), and gimbap (Korean sushi)?" Onew suggested.

"Ooo, galgii!" Wooyoung cheered softly.

"Dak galbi (stir-fried chicken)," Onew corrected the 2PM member and grinned happily. He loved chicken and definitely did not want to miss out on his dongsaengs' cooking.

"Then it's settled," the chicken fanatic scribbled on his notebook, "We need chicken, beef, duk (rice-cake), carrots, onions, seaweed, mushrooms, cucumber, ham, eggs, and fishcakes!"
Every male created a mental list of the ingredients as Onew read them aloud.

"Wait... Why so many things?!" Peniel asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Our dongsaengs said that they don't have any ingredients at home, remember?" Onew replied, not tearing his gaze from the notebook.

Then, he started spitting out orders like the leader he was, "2PM, get carrots and onions. Infinite, get duk (rice cakes) and seaweed. BtoB, get ham and eggs. EXO, get cucumbers and mushrooms. SHINee will get chicken, fishcakes, and beef."

Minho groaned and flailed his arms, "You would make us get chicken, hyung. You would."

Onew giggled like a school girl and flung his arm around Minho's shoulder, "Everybody, remember what you need to buy! Now let's put on our disguises and start shopping."

"Oh, and don't forget to buy a lot of each ingredient.. There 37 of us and 6 of Crayon.... That's a lot of mouths to feed. Meet back here when you're done!"




The washing machine let out a loud 'ding', signalling that it had finished its task. Chaerin rushed over and pulled open the door, revealing damp clothing, as the dryer also dinged. Setsuna took the dry and clean clothes out of the drying machine and began to fold them as Chaerin transferred the wet clothes from the washer to the dryer and pressed 'start' before helping Setsuna fold the first batch of clean clothing. The duo was exceptionally fast; Setsuna folded the shirts and jackets as Chaerin folded the pants.


Carmie slid open the door of the closet she and Sooyun shared. For two girls, this closet was considered pretty small, but they didn't need a big closet because most of their clothing rested in Crayon's huge closet room in the SM building. Clothing was scattered all over both beds, so to clean it all up, Sooyun was in charge of placing the clothing onto hangers while Carmie placed them into the closet.
The girls swept through the clothing with ease and moved onto organizing Carmie's gigantic stuffed animal collection.

Carmie, being a neat-freak, didn't have much to clean beside the plushies that were scattered all over the floor. This wasn't even all the plushies that she had - Carmie had already brought half of her stuffed animals to EXO's dorm.

"Whhyyyyy, eonnnnniiiiiii?" Sooyun moaned tiredly, grabbing a Hello Kitty plush and tossing it at Carmie, "Why do you have so many stuffed animals?!"

"Don't throw my lovely Kitty!" Carmie rushed over to pick up the plush. Sooyun rolled her eyes and placed a tiny Snoopy plush next to a huge stuffed Chococat.
After listening to Carmie fuss about where to put her beloved stuffed animals, Sooyun gave up and began to organize her own desk.
Placing her Apple laptop in the center of her light-brown wooden desk, she was finally finished tidying it up. The American room now looked presentable, making both girls seem organized and neat, when in reality, only one of the two was actually organized.


The final batch of clean clothing was folded and organized, so Chaerin stuck her head out of the laundry room and yelled, "EONNI'S! WE FINISHED THE LAUNDRY. COME GET YOUR CLOTHES OR WE'RE TOSSING THEM OUT OF THE WINDOW!"
Almost immediately, 4 girls raced into the laundry room, grabbed their stacks of clothing, and raced back to their rooms.

"And that's how it's done," Chaerin did a peace sign and eye-smiled happily.

So.. this chapter was actually supposed to be longer, but I decided to cut it there. That way, I'll be able to have a head start on the next chapter~
Thanks for being so patient! School is being a pain in the , so I'll try to update as often as possible.
And if you guys don't mind, check out my new story featuring you and Kris:

Only Fate Knows

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O