You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep3 - Part 3

The Adventure of Colored Fame

Decided that Crayon's love interests shall be in SM Entertainment.

Mission 3; Buy The Ingredients! - Part 1; EXO & 2PM

EXO and 2PM hurried down the streets of Seoul and raced towards Shinsegae Department Store. The two bands had to buy similar ingredients, so they decided to team up and buy them together. The 18 males were dressed in all sorts of different disguises - from sunglasses to face masks to hoodies to fake mustaches. But there was absolutely no way they could've gone unnoticed in the department store because there were freaking 5 cameras following them!

Girls here and there were beginning to recognize the two bands, so they decided to speed up their pace.
They finally reached the vegetable section of the store and began to search for their assigned ingredients.

"I got the carrots!" Chansung yelled from across the aisle, waving a large bag of carrots around like the Korean flag.

Junho face-palmed and yelled back, "Hush! They'll notice us!"

"Mushrooms, where are youuuuu??" Tao and Sehun cutely wandered around the displays of vegetables like lost children. Suho and Kris spotted the maknaes and smiled, shaking their heads at the silly youngsters.

"Maknaes, they're right here," Luhan softly smacked the back of Sehun's head and held up two packs of mushrooms victoriously. The youngsters' mouths opened into a 'o' formation as they gathered a couple packs of mushrooms themselves and followed Luhan back to the group like puppies.

"Onions, check. Mushrooms, check. Carrots, check. Cucumbers, ch-," D.O. eyed the shopping cart, searching for a large bag of cucumbers. Just then, what he was looking for was tossed into the cart and he looked up to see Kai and Chanyeol smiling innocently at him, "check......"


The 18 males stood at the checkout line impatiently. Their shopping cart was stuffed full of 4 items: Mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, and onions. It looked as if those four items were on a super-sale, so they wanted to buy a huge amount of each of them to save money.

As they approached the cashier, she looked at them suspiciously. These 18 males were wearing all sorts of different masks and sunglasses, making them seem like criminals of some sort. And for some reason, there were cameras behind them..
Finally, Suho paid for everything and Kris, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, and Nichkhyun each grabbed hold of a bag of groceries and turned to leave. Baekhyun, who was wearing only a face mask, leaned in to tell Chanyeol something. Unfortunately for him, the mask fell off and a fangirl recognized him immediately.

"OH MY GOSH, IT'S BAEKHYUN!" she screamed. Seemingly everyone in the store turned to look at the 18 males, who froze in their places.

"Shoot," Xiumin whispered, loud enough for the 17 other males to hear. There was an awkward tension in the air as Baekhyun desperately tried to pull his mask up again. Then, a wave of fangirls began to form and run toward the males.

"RUN, GUYS! RUN!" Junsu yelled, immediately bolting in the direction of the exit. All 18 males ran full speed ahead.

"2PM IS HERE, TOO! OH MY GOD, EXO!" the sea of fangirls screamed, chasing after the idols.





Those comments only made the males run even faster. They turned the curb, bolting through the streets while trying to follow eachother, and after what seemed to be forever, the sea of screaming girls were finally out of sight. Poor Kris, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, and Nichkhyun were exhausted from running with the heavy bags of groceries.

"Oh god.. That was one of the worst experiences of my life," Kris panted heavily, placing his hands on his laps as he tried to catch his breath.

"Let's hurry up and return to Crayon's practice room," Suho suggested, and began to walk.

Mission 3; Buy The Ingredients! - Part 2; BtoB & Infinite

The oppas of Crayon's eldest and youngest member decided to team up and buy their ingredients together. Sunggyu felt absolutely ridiculous as he stuck a fake mustache above his upper lip. If anyone saw him like this, his pride would literally drop to rock-bottom.
Sungjae and Sungjong, maknaes of BtoB and Infinite, looked practically like twins. Even their names sounded nearly the same, and all of these similiarities made shivers go up the spine of members from both groups. The two maknaes must've been long lost twins! Hell, they even started bonding as soon as they greeted eachother.

Turns out that the members from the two groups had quite a number of things in common.
Minhyuk was actually a fan of Woohyun's, so when the latter told the former that Hweri was his sister, Minhyuk nearly choked on his water.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" nearly every BtoB member's jaws dropped, and everything fell silent for a good 10 seconds.

"Well.. this is awkward," Sungyeol cleared his throat, effectively breaking the ice.

"I expect you guys to take good care of my sister," Woohyun laughed heartily, killing the tense atmosphere as he playfully hit Eunkwang on the shoulder.


"WHERE ARE YOU DRIVING THAT THING?!" Sunggyu, from across the store, nearly shrieked as he watched Sungjae and Sungjong steer the shopping cart around like a racecar and giggle gleefully like little school girls.

"I'M NOT PAYING FOR ANY OF THAT, MAKNAE!" Sunggyu yelled when he spotted Sungjong placing a large variety of snacks into the cart. The maknae smiled sheepishly and slowly pulled his treats out of the cart.

Sungyeol and Woohyun weren't doing any better as they tossed a bag of ricecakes back and forth, laughing happily as they played monkey in the middle with Hoya; Hoya being the monkey. Ilhoon and Peniel decided to join the game as well, and it soon turned into a multi-directional throwing chaos between the four idols with Hoya eventually dragging Dongwoo into the game as well, and Minhyuk trying his best to put an end to the crazy game.

Myungsoo, Changsub, and Hyunsik became the only ones who seemed like normal males as they trailed behind a pissed off Sunggyu and a confused Eunkwang.

"I bet I can throw this into the shopping cart all the way from here," Woohyun boasted, an arrogant smile on his face as he held up the bag of ricecakes with his right hand and eyed the vehicle that the two maknaes were pushing around.

"No way, hyung!" Peniel smirked daringly as fixed his beanie and sunglasses, "I bet you won't make it!"

"Don't you dare," Sunggyu growled, his fake mustache twitching rapidly while his eyes nearly disappeared completely as he narrowed them intensely.

"Oh yeah, Peniel? Just watch. One.."

"You wouldn't dare."


"I swear, I will kill you, Woohyun," the leader roared furiously.


With a swing of his muscular arm, the bag of ricecakes flew through the air and everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

It landed perfectly inside the rapidly moving shopping cart.

Myungsoo, Changsub, Hyunsik, Ilhoon, and the two maknaes (who stopped pushing the cart when they saw something fly inside) clapped like judges on a variety show. Peniel and the two leaders' jaws could only drop while Woohyun did a little victory dance.

"I wanna try that too!" Peniel protested, racing over to the shopping cart to pull out the bag of white.

"Oh no you don't," Eunkwang snapped, rushing over to the playful youngster and dragging him away.



After what seemed to be forever, the idols finally finished shopping and Eunkwang and Sunggyu split up the grocery bill, each member taking one or two bags. They had successfully gone unnoticed by fangirls as they safely headed back to Crayon's practice room.

Mission 3; Buy The Ingredients! - Part 3; SHINee

"HOW DID THEY EVEN RECOGNIZE US?" Key shouted uneasily at the leader as he leaped over a box of carrots and continued running as fast as he could, "I'M EVEN WEARING A FAKE BEARD!"

Jonghyun and Minho couldn't help but laugh as they watched Key's fake beard fly all over the place. The dinosaur trailed quickly behind Onew, air rushing into his open mouth, "YOU LOOK LIKE SANTA CLAUS."

Taemin, who was the most agile and fast, ended up in the lead and he turned around to point at an alley, "QUICK, RUN IN HERE!"



The five idols were cautiously headed for E-Mart, minding their own business.
Key was wearing a fake, white beard, Jonghyun with a zipped up hoodie, Onew wearing a fake nose and mustache, Taemin with his hair extensions, and Minho in a pair of sunglasses and face mask when they suddenly heard a female scream, "SHINee!"

How this fangirl managed to decipher their costumes, SHINee did not know. But they did know to run in the opposite direction of the scream. Soon enough, they had a whole mob of fangirls trampling down the streets, chasing after the 5 of them. Some of these fans even had SHINee posters and banners in their hands. Why did these fans bring posters of SHINee wherever they went? The males did not understand. But they did understand that if they did not escape, they would be trapped and surrounded with screaming females - and that was something they did not want.


Their backs flat against the wall, SHINee seemed like they wanted to melt into the wall and disappear. Their hearts were racing within their ribcages as they prayed that the fangirls would not discover their hiding place because if they did, well... there would be lots of trouble, especially since this alley just happened to be one with a deadend.

There would be no escaping if they got caught.

The idols heard the approaching scream of the fangirls and broke out in nervous sweat, leaning even straighter against the wall and holding their breaths.
After a ridiculously long time, the screams started fading away and the males let out their breaths of relief before fixing their disguises and slowly inching out of the alley, highly alert of any fangirls that may have remained.

Thankfully, the coast was clear and their non-directional running had led them to a small local grocery shop. It was nowhere the size of E-Mart, but it seemed much safer.


The moment they stepped inside the store, the ahjumma greeted them, but gave them a strange look. Was it Halloween? Why were these men dressed in such weird costumes? But then, she remembered that it was none of her business, so she smiled and walked back to the cash register, but kept a sharp eye out for these suspiciously dressed males.

After throwing a couple pounds of beef and fishcakes into their basket, Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Minho headed toward the chicken section, but stopped in their tracks when they spotted their leader holding at least 7 bags of chicken in his hands.

Taemin poked at one of the bags curiously and raised his eyebrow at the leader, "Are you sure we need this much chicken..?"

"Of course!" Onew placed all bags into the basket and rubbed his hands while Jonghyun, the one who was holding the basket, struggled not to topple over from the weight on his left hand, "You can never have too much chicken."

As they dragged their shopping basket over to the counter, the ahjumma's eyes widened in surprise. No one had ever purchased so many things from her store at one time, so business had been slow for a while.

Being the oldest, Onew had no one to split the bill with, so he simply paid for everything and left, happily holding onto his bags of chicken.

Just as they were going to turn the curb, the males' ears perked up at another sound.

The sound of a scream.


"RUN RUN RUN RUN!" Key screamed, and the males bolted off with bags on their hands.

Excuse my grammar mistakes. :c

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O