
~Being loved again~
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L- "min....minseok"

M- "luhan"


They both stare straight into each other eyes. The time suddenly feel like it stop and they both are speechless trying to make sure that they are not dreaming and is in reality.


I'm here luhan….

 You here minseok….


 As he is about to run to minseok bringing the boy into hug and kiss him, a hand land on his shoulder.


Y-"ge. Whats going on here?" (he shift his gaze to where luhan gaze on.)


[yixing pov]

Who is this guy??? Wait .....why does he look so familiar?..... I remember now..... He's the guy in the picture....Is this...


Y-"Kim Minseok?"

L- (noded. He then begins to take a step again)

Y- (yixing stop luhan again) "ge wait... We have meeting. And it’s going to start soon."

L- "cancel it then"

Y- "no we can't ge. They are already waiting for us in the meeting room. It will be rude. Plus we cannot postpone as their flight will be on the evening"

L- (he shake his head and take a deep breath) "ok fine. Brings minseok to my office and stay there with him till the meeting end. Please."

Y- "ok ge"


 Luhan turn to look at minseok


(speaking in Korean)

L- "I'm sorry I have to go. I'll be back soon." (he turns around walking back toward the elevator. Half way, he turns around looking at minseok) "I love you"

M- (smile)


Yixing order the guard and the receptionist to go back to their work and ask them to leave minseok with him.


(speaking in korean)

Y- "sorry for all the chaos. I appologize in behalf of the staffs behaviour"

M- "no that's alright."

Y- "hello kim minseok shi.... My name is Zhang Yixing. I'm mr luhan personal assistant. Nice to meet you." (he give out his hand to minseok for a hand shake)

M- "yixing???? ... Oh sorry " (he shake hand with yixing). " I heard a lot about you from luhan." Y- "me too. I heard a lot about you too. Like almost everyday. 24/7"

M- (he let out a shy smile).

Y- "so if you don't mind, can you come along with me. And maybe we can talk comfortably in luhan office."

M- "yeah sure"


The entire top level belongs to luhan and yixing territory. Their office is just adjacent to each other office which conquers 1/3 of the floor compund. In their office, there is a window showing the view of beijing city from above. There is also a special elevator bringing them to the top floor. And of course that elevator can only be used by luhan and yixing. The other 2/3 is where their second home is situated. It’s more like apartment to them as there is 2 bedrooms with personal bathroom inside, living room, dining room and a kitchen. Whenever they have to stay up for work, both of them will just sleep there because going home will just be incovenient. Nobody will get any access to the top floor. Only luhan, his mama, yixing and victoria has the access to the floor. Minseok thought that luhan apartment in korea is luxurious but his office and the apartment is beyond that. It’s like he is inside the 5 stars European hotel. He can't keep his eyes and mouth close even for once.

Yixing has bring minseok into the apartment. Now they are sitting on the couch in the living room.


Y- "minseok shi....”

M- (minseok is still looking around)

Y- (he tap on minseok shoulder) "minseok shi"

M- "oh sorry... What were you saying?"

Y- "are you okay??? Is there anything wrong with the apartment?"

M- "no... No... I'm just too amaze looking at how big the apartment and how well decorate it is. Wah... I thought I was standing inside a castle. Can even play football inside this"

Y- (chuckle) “No wonder luhan had always say that you are full with aegyo. Now that I got to see you face to face. You are indeed cute and you really have a baby face"

M- "no... I'm not cute. He just like to call me cute"

Y- "anyway minseok shi….".

M- "but please yixing. No need to be so formal with me. Just call me minseok. And I'll call you yixing."

Y- "maybe it’s more appropriate to call you minseok hyung"

M- "hyung??? You are younger than me???"

Y- "yep. By one year. Why? do I look old?".

M- "no... No...please... I don't mean it that way. I just thought that you are the same age as luhan"

Y- " its okay ... I was just kidding. Yeah I'm younger. But since we are close and we both known each other for so long so we are more like chingu.”

M- “ oh yeah… I never know that you can speak Korean?”

Y- “Luhan ge has force me to go with him to the Korean lesson together just so that he get someone to practice with him…. Emm minseok, why didn't you inform us earlier that you are coming. I could have pick you up at the airport. It will be a lot easier for you"

M- "actually I want to suprise luhan. And….. we hasn't talk much lately. And we fought too. So yeah. I just thought that maybe if I told him. Maybe he wouldn’t allow me to come."


Yixing could feel the change in mood. So he quickly change the subject


Y- "oh... I almost forget. Luhan had an urgent meeting that he need to attend now. So he ask me to accompany you while he is in the meeting room. I think he sent me a text for you to read." (he handed his phone to minseok)


Minseok take the phone and read the text.


Hi baby. It’s me luhan. I can't believe that you come all the way from korea. I had to attend a meeting right now. I'm sorry that I have to leave you. Yixing will be with you in my office. So when I finished with the meeting, I will return to u asap. So wait for me. I’ll make the meeting quick. You don't know how happy I am right now. I couldn't focus at all. Anyway Can’t wait to see you. I love you.


Minseok just smile looking at the text.


M- "thank you."

Y- "no worries. So would you like some coffee?"

M-"yes sure. I'll help you"

Y- "no please. Just have a sit. "

M- "no I insist"

Y- "ok then."


Minseok help yixing making the coffee. They then bring the coffee to the cofee table.


Y- "Sorry hyung. I have no food to offer you. We rarely store any food. We usually eat outside or order food."

M- "that's alright. I'm not hungry anyway.... Coffee is just fine... Ermmm.... Yixing can I ask you something?"

Y- "sure."

M- "is... Luhan... Luhan ok??... He doesn't look good... Is he sleeping well? Is he eating well?"

Y- "emmm.... How do I answer this question?.... I would say that he is fine on the outside but he is not fine on the inside.... I think you yourself know that he is force to stay here in china and take over the company. He did well in company matter. But I can feel that he is force to do what he is doing now. He is in a lot of stress and he feel lonely. He was under a lot of burden and expectation from the public. He was pressure by people expectation to keep this company succesfull like his father. He had sacrifise a lot for this company but yet he still feel that he is lacking. Eventhough me, his family is close to him. But I can feel that he still feel empty. Maybe he just wants to be with you. And this morning, the smile that he give to you. I miss that smile. The smile that has been missing for months. He always find comfort through you. But he couldn't anymore as his work prevent him from seeking comfort from you."

M- "he must have suffer a lot. I just hope that I can cheer him up while I'm here. I'm just so worried about him."

Y- "don't worry hyung. Ge will always be ok whenever he is with you." (he give a reassuring smile)


Eventhough they just met, minseok find that he can be comfortable around yixing faster. They talk and talk until the sound of the door clicking stop them. Both of them look at the door and later luhan come inside from the main door. His eyes focusing on minseok.


M- "luhan"

Y- "oh you here..... so since luhan ge is here, I think that my job here is over. hyung see you again. I need to go now".

M- "yeah. Thank you yixing"

Y- (he walk up to luhan and pat his shoulder) "ge I’ll be in my office. So if you need anything just text me…..and your schedule. I cancel everything. I thought maybe you would like some free time"

L- "thank you xing. I see you around."


Luhan watch yixing walk out of the apartment. Once the door is close he turn around and face minseok again. He walk slowly to minseok, when he is 5 steps apart from minseok, he stop walking.


L- "hi." (he wave at minseok awkwardly)

M- "hi"

L- "did you get my text?"

M- "yeah I read it. .... How is the meeting??"

L-" it is ok…"

M-" ...... "

L- "I'm annoyed"

M- "what??"

L- "the meeting.... ithought that it will be quick. But it took about one hour and half……….It was so long that its making me crazy……I couldn't focus at all. How could I when I know that the person I love, the person I miss, the person I longing for is here in the same building……Its making me crazy that because of it, I couldn't go and hug and kiss that person"


They both stare at each other eye. Trying to enjoy the moment of them standing close to each other. Tears start b in minseok eyes.


M- " then, what are you waiting for? Now that I'm in front of you, why don't you just do what you wanted to do? just so you know i feel the same. I'm here now. I'm here for you."


With that luhan close the gap between them and pull minseok into a tight hug. Afraid that if he let go minseok will be gone. Minseok is crying quietly hugging luhan waist tightly causing luhan suit soaked by his tears.


L- (he whisper softly on minseok ear) "thank you minseok..... Thank you for coming" (his nose nuzzles close to minseok hair before kissing the crown of minseok head).

M- "I miss you so much"


Luhan pull away but not too far to make minseok hand let go of his waist. He cup minseok face and stare lovingly at him.


L- (he begin to move one of his hand and start caressing minseok hair) "you don't know how much I've waited for this moment to come. Praying for the moment where I can feel close to you again……And god has granted my prayer. My love is standing in front of me now. No matter how much I keep reminding myself that this is not a dream, I can't help to worry what if it is a dream and I woke up realizing you are not by my side." (he land his forehead on minseok's while closing his eyes savoring the moment before pulling back) "I miss this forehead and how it cringe whenever you are doing calculation on your sale" (he plant a lingering kiss along the forehead line) " I miss this beautiful eye and how it shine whenever you are with me" (he kiss both minseok eyes) "I miss this cute button nose that turns red when you are cold" (he plant kisses along the bridge to the tip of the nose) "I miss this white fluffy cheek that always make you look like a high school student" (he kiss minseok cheek on both side) " I miss this lip that never fail to show me the most beautiful smile.... And the same lip which always make me feel love, make my heart beat like crazy everyti

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u