you have me

~Being loved again~
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Minseok and Luhan clean after their drench body at Minseok’s house. Luhan end up settling on Minseok’s bed after they finish their dinner. For the first time, Minseok let another guy other than Jongdae, sehun and Jongin to sleep on his bed. Due to the heavy rain and Luhan clinginess, Minseok has no choice other than letting Luhan to sleepover at his house, for second time. Minseok is doing his daily before bedtime routine of folding the clean clothes on his bed. Luhan is silently watching over Minseok before his thought is interrupted by Minseok question.


M- “Luhan???”

L-   “ what?” (shaking his head from side to side)

M- “ did you even listen to what I’m asking you?”

L- “huh??? I’m sorry I wasn’t listening. You are too beautiful. It’s your fault that I’m too distracted watching what you are doing” (smirking).

M- “what??? How is that my fault? I’m just folding the clothes.”

L- “it’s a good view. I like watching you doing the housework. You’ll be a good wife” ( winking at Minseok)

M- (blushing at luhan compliment, he take the rolled sock and throw it at Luhan) “ stop it Luhan, answer my question!”

L- (chuckling) “ ok2. I’m sorry but I really don’t get your question. What was the question again?”

M- “ your dad. How was your dad? Is he ok?”

L- “ oh my dad. He is okay. He had the emergency operation on the night I got the news. He stays in ICU for one week before he was transferred to the normal ward. He is fine now.”

M- “ It’s good to hear that. I never know that your dad has a heart problem. I mean you never tell me anything about your dad”

L- “oh that’s because I didn’t know about his condition too. I was shock at first too but I guess my dad doesn’t want to make me worry. And maybe because we are not close enough for him to tell me about his health. Actually, the reason why I stay longer in China is because of my dad. He insist on wanting  me to take over the company. Sometime I just don’t understand, why doesn’t he just let yixing take over the company. I mean Yixing is more expert in this area. I know nothing about business.”

M- “yixing?”

L- “ oh sorry. Yixing is my cousin and my bestfriend in Beijing. We grew up together. Since his Father is my Dad personal assistant, so Yixing has been helping his father at the company since he was in his high school. I keep telling my parents to let Yixing take over the company since he knows better than me. But as expected, my parents wouldn’t listen to me and insisting on me taking over the company. I had to stay longer in Beijing to watch over the company while my father recovering. All that they think about is the company” (sigh)

M- “ Luhan…. I know I have no right to meddle in your family matter, maybe your parents want what best for you. Maybe they want to let you stay close to them”

L- “yeah… Maybe… I don’t know” ( Luhan stay silence for couple of seconds thinking about what Minseok said to him) “ oh Minseok. Where is Sehun and Jongin?”

M- “ Luhan… you just realize now”

L- “ oh yeah… hehe” (massaging his back of neck) “ no wonder the house is so quiet”

M- “ They have one week school holiday, so I let them play with Jongdae since Jongdae just finish with his studies. They are staying together with Jongdae for vacation. I couldn’t join them as I have to look over the café.

L- “ oh I miss them so much. The kids are quite close to their uncle Jongdae.”

M- “Of course Luhan, Jongdae has been by their side since Sehun was born and since Jongin get to know me. Jongdae is like their own father”


Father. Luhan feels hurt. When he hears the word father come out from Minseok’s mouth, he feels hurt.  Jealous is what luhan feels at the moment. He was jealous that he is not the only person in Minseok and his boys’ life. There is Jongdae too. He can’t help feeling greedy over Minseok’s love. Minseok who notice the change in Luhan facial expression quickly grab luhan hand and give some squeeze of assurance.


M- “They miss their uncle Jongdae. I mean. Jongdae has been busy with his study and couldn’t come to visit me often. But I bet they miss their Luhan Ahjushi more. They have been asking about you every day when you are away. Especially sehunnie. I …… I miss you too” ( looking at Luhan lovingly looking away)

L- “That’s good. Well maybe it is a good idea for you to send them away as I can spend more time with you. Just the two of us. Don’t you think so seok ah?”


To avoid answering Luhan’s question, Minseok get up from the bed carrying the folded clothes to put it in the cloth cupboard. Luhan lies down on the bed while saving some space for Minseok to lie on.


L- “ Seok ah…. Come here. Let’s get to sleep” (tapping the space beside him inviting minseok to lie together.


Minseok hesitantly walk to the bed and lie down on the bed beside Luhan. Minseok is facing upward while luhan laid his body at the side facing Minseok. Noticing Minseok feeling awkward with the position, Luhan pull minseok body so that Minseok is on the same position as him. Both of them stay silent looking at each other eyes. Silence filling the room.


M- “I need to go to toilet” (about get up)

L- (pulling minseok down so that Minseok can stay lie down) “Stay!!”


They are back to looking at each other again. Not wanting Minseok to leave again due to the awkward silence, Luhan grab Minseok hand in his before speak up.


L- “seok ah…. What are we??? Are we like boyfriend-boyfriend?”

M- “ I….. I….. don’t know”

L- “what do you mean you don’t know??? We kissed right???”

M- “ yeah… we kissed”

L- “You are mine now. Ok let make it official. Kim MinSeok would you like to be my boyfriend? So what is your answer?”

M- (Minseok spread luhan palm and land it on his chest so that luhan can feel how fast his heart beat.) “This is my answer”

L- (luhan smile at Minseok understanding about what he mean, he cupped minseok face giving him a quick chaste kiss on Minseok lip) “I love you Kim Minseok”


Luhan pull Minseok so that Minseok can snuggle close to him. They whisper goodnite to each other before doze off to sleep.


The next morning


Luhan wakes up earlier than minseok. luhan is mesmerized by the sight of sleeping minseok in his arm. Minseok look so cute with his mouth slightly open and a light snoring that comes out once in a while. He looks exactly like a puppy that makes luhan doubt wether minseok is really a mum. Luhan never be bored waking up with the sight of his sleeping boyfriend every day. Boyfriend? Yes minseok is now his Boyfriend and he will make sure that he will do his best so that minseok will always be his. After countless of stolen kisses on minseok face, luhan notice that his action causes the latter to wake up slowly from his deep sleep. Minseok blink his eyes sleepily before rubbing his eyes cutely with his palm.


 M- "Luhan???? Oh I must be dreaming again. Me and luhan kissing. That is not going to happen. Stop dreaming minseok. Luhan is in china. Maybe I should just slap my face to wake me up from this dream"


Luhan watch Minseok talking to his self. After a while luhan can feel that minseok must be thinking that yesterday incident is just a dream. When minseok is slapping his face, luhan grab minseok hand before giving a quick chaste kiss on minseok lip.


 L- "gud morning love" (smiling) "you are not dreaming. It's me luhan. I'm back from china. Should I remind you on our kisses?"



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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u