
~Being loved again~
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It’s been 3 months since luhan back in Beijing. His life of course is not as fun as before without minseok sehun and jongin without his side. Eventhough he is close to his family and no longer living abroad, he always feels something missing. His life have been busy in handling the company and what worst is, he is not enjoying any single of what he is doing now. Eventhough being a doctor is tiring but at least treating people is what he likes to do. No matter how tiring it can be but when you are doing something that you like to do it will be fun. But despite of all his difficulty, yixing has been a great help to aid luhan with the company matters. His relationship with minseok has been great. They both feel like they become closer and their love has become stronger even when they are far away from each other. Because of luhan busy schedule, they will make sure that they will use their phone calls and their video calls as good as possible to convey their love to each other. Eventhough their phone calls will mainly about luhan complaining about his workload, minseok never complain, he never tired of listening to luhan. And he tries his best to give comfort. And he make sure to send cute text to luhan when he has free time just to make sure that he can make luhan forget about his problem by reading his text.




Today is just a big mess to luhan. Having to bear with such a rude client, his mama decision of his engagement with Victoria and yixing absence are just too much for minseok to handle. Being the owner of a company, his client is his first priorities as they are the main key to company business. Handling with international client is the thing luhan can't tolerate the most. He ussually will just let yixing do the job but his bestfriend is currently not in country that left him with no choice to meet this 'difficult client'. Not only because of the langguage barrier, this clients seem to be fussy and rude. He just bears with them for the sake of the company. But it is pain in the . Not only that, what stresses him more is upon the entire problem that has been happening for the the past days that chose to happen when yixing is not around. Yeah of course it is troublesome for me to handle every each of it when i barely have any skills and experience in bussiness world. Oh great. And again he just bears the situation and waits till yixing his guardian angel, his unicorn to come back so that he can escape from all the mess.

He thought that he can rest when he reach home, unfortunately his mama has decided to discuss with him on her proposition of enganging him with victoria just right after he enters his house. Luhan knows that his mama has always like victoria. How she always says that victoria is preity, educated, kind, great cooker. But he never thought that his mama looking at victoria as one of the girls she will be expecting to be my wife. He thought that his mama always like victoria as my 'friend'. His mama just couldn't unsderstand when luhan say no because she knows that luhan has no one and victoria is not some stranger to luhan. So why not he just agree with the proposal. I can't mama. If only you know that my heart is taken bonded strongly to someone who is waiting for me in korea. And the only person that I will be married to is no other than my kim minseok.

After the fight with his mama, he ends up back in his office sitting alone accompany by the dimmed light coming from the moon, looking at the frame of picture of him together with minseok sehun and jongin. Luhan just need minseok right now. Cause minseok is the only person that can help him away from all these stress and frustration. So he take out his phone from his pants pocket and text minseok.


Luhan: hi baby... Are you free for a videocall?

Minseok: hi baby :). Video call??? Yes sure I'm not doing anything. Just give me some time. I just finish preparing cutting vegetable for tomorow. Let me wash my hand first. <3


The video call is on, revealing a shy looking minseok. His hair is long now covering his beautiful eye. And his smile that never ever stop causing his heart to beat like crazy everytime. It has been so long since they had their video call which is 2 months back. It’s all because of luhan hectic schedule with his company.


Hai minseok

                                                                        Hai luhan. It’s been long time since I see your face. I miss it.

(chuckle) same here. How's your day?

                                                                        It was fine. Just like usual. How about you???

Yeah.. like usual as well. Anyway. Where are

the boys?

                                                                         Oh.. they already sleeping now. They had a sport day today so they are a bit tired today. I'm sorry that you couldn't talk to

                                                                         them. They will be mad at me if they know that you called tonight. They miss their luhan ahjushi.

(smiling) It’s ok. Maybe next time. But can I at

least look at their face.

                                                                          Yes sure


With that minseok disappear from the screen and the familiar view of minseok house appearing on the screen till it stops at the face of jongin and sehun soundly sleeping on their bed.


Oh.. They have grown up a lot. Look at sehun,

he's not the chubby sehun anymore. And

jongin just look much more handsome and manly. Omg.

                                                                                     I’ll do the the honor of caressing their hair and kissing their forehead for you.


With that minseok lean down and kiss the boys forehead the caressing their hair.


Sehunnie…jonginnie. Luhan ahjushi miss you a lot.


Hahaha.... Dont be jealous...


Luhan just smiling at minseok tease. Then minseok suddenly decide to ask luhan.


Luhan….. if you don't mind, is there anything bothering

you today?.... Your face tells me everything….Your

smile doesn't look like the same smile I see 2 months

back. Are you okay???

                                                                                               Nothing... Just some problem with the company.... There a lot happening today... I'm just tired

Oh.... Is there anything I can do to make you feel


                                                                                               You already make me feel better…. just by looking at your face, your smile. And just by listening to your voice,

                                                                                                help me to forget about it

(smile) do you ... emm…….Do you want to listen to

me singing???

                                                                                                 Do you sing???

Yeah In high school... But I only sing infront of jongdae.

I have been listening to this song... And I like it.. It just

somehow feels close to us. So …..do you want too???

                                                                                                    Yeah.. Please singer kim minseok.


Minseok dissapears out of the screen again. And this time minseok bring luhan to his room and he appears on the screen sitting on his bed holding a guitar. I


i'm abit nervous right now…….But anyway

I better do it before I change my mind…

So… this song is from ed Sheeran, photograph


Minseok starts with beautiful melodies from the guitar and later luhan is suprised by minseok angelic voice singing with emotion.



Loving can hurt

Loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard

You know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive


We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Hearts are never broken

Times forever frozen still


So you can keep me

Inside the pocket Of your ripped jeans

Holdin' me closer' Til our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

Wait for me to come home


Loving can heal

Loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know (know)

I swear it will get easier

Remember that with every piece of ya

And it's the only thing we take with us when we die


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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u