
~Being loved again~
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V- (bring out his hand to minseok for a hand shake) “hello Minseok. I finally get to meet you. I’m Victoria”

M- (reach vic hand for a handshake)” oh hai. I’m Minseok. Kim Minseok”

L- (luhan getting closer to minseok and wrap his arm around minseok shoulder)” seok ah. Victoria is my friend from china”

M- “wow all the way from china”

V- “Yup. Since I having my break from work now so I decided to visit Luhan. Last time when he was back in Beijing I was out of country. So I wasn’t able to meet him. I’m sorry minseok my Korean is not really good but I can speak a little bit”

M- “oh that’s alright. You sound good enough to me”

V- (she walk behind minseok and greet sehun and jongin)”So I guess you two are Sehun and Jongin. I heard a lot about both of you from Luhan ahjushi. I know you guys call luhan ahjushi but calling me ahjumma make me sounds so old. So annyeoung kid, I’m Victoria noona, Luhan’s ahjushi chingu from China.”

S,JG- “nice to meet you Victoria noona”

V- “just call me vic noona. It’s easier” (caressing sehun and jongin hair)

L- “Vic has had your dinner?”

V- “not yet. I went straight here from airport”

M- “hmmm….. If you don’t mind you can come to my house for dinner. Since we haven’t had our dinner yet too”

V- “really?? Sure. Why not?. I love too”



inside Minseok’s house


M- “I’m sorry Victoria shi, my house is a bit small. But please make yourself comfortable”

V- (look around inside the house) “no, it’s fine. It’s cozy. And please Minseok just call me Victoria.”

L- “ Ya it’s cozy I like this house better than my apartment” (reaching for minseok hand before whisper in his ear) “ Because there is this special person living here”

M- (chuckling while punching luhan playfully on the chest) “Victoria just sit on the couch, I’m going to cook us dinner. Kids please go to room and unpack your clothing bag”

S,JG- “deh omma” (making their way to their room)

V- “minseok do you want me to help you with cooking?”

M- “no that’s alright, I’m sure you are pretty tired. I’m just going to make a simple food. There is not much work to do anyway.”

V- “ok then” (she links her arm with luhan while dragging him to the living room) “luhan come on I have a lot to talk to you”


Minseok make his way to cook for dinner. While he is cooking, he can hear luhan talking in Chinese with Victoria. They keep laughing and talking like they are in their own world. Minseok is happy. with Victoria present luhan can at least feels home. After 30 minutes, Minseok manage to finish cooking for dinner. He serves the food on the dining table before calling everyone to eat. When he headed to the living room he sees Victoria head is landing on Luhan shoulder. He thought that “oh they must be really close”.


M- “Sehunnie, Jonginnie the food is ready. Luhan, Victoria come, we can eat now.”

V- “wah that’s quick. Wow what are you making? This looks interesting.”

M- “I’m sorry Victoria, I running out of ingredient. So this is the only thing I can cook. Plus it quick to make”

S,JG,L- “wahhhh omu rice”

L- “oh my god, I can’t wait to taste your omu rice, The kids say that your omu rice is the best”

M- “ok everyone please has a sit so that we can start eating now”


They start seating and eat the dinner.


V- “wah this is so nice. What it call again? Umi? Imu?”

S- “it’s omu rice vic noona. Didn’t you watch  ‘The rooftop Prince Drama’? Omma learn how to cook this from that drama”
JG- “sehun, Remember vic noona is from china. I’m sure the drama is not broadcast there”

S- “oh yeah I forgotten” (smiling)

V- “you are so cute sehun” (pinching sehun cheek) “wah you are a great cook Minseok. No wonder luhan has been complimenting about your food a lot”

M- “ No It just okay”

L- “Yes you are. The best cook ever.” (intertwining his finger with Minseok)

M- (minseok just smile back blushing hard)

S- (whispering at luhan)

L- “eventhough he ask me not to tell you this. But vic, Sehun just whisper to me that you are the most beautiful woman he ever sees”

S- “Ahjushi” (whining)

JG- “ yeah. he keep talking about you noona in the room before.”

S- “hyung not you too” (whining)


The room is full with laughter and teasing on sehun. While they are eating Minseok can see that luhan is removing the cucumber from his plate to Victoria plate.


JG- “ahjushi why you not eating your  vege?”

V- “oh jongin, Ahjushi didn’t like cucumber, he can’t stand the smell. So whenever I’m eating beside him, he will always give it to me. Coz I love cucumber.

L- “yeah true2 you’re my savior.”

M- “oh you didn’t tell me you don’t like cucumber. But when you eat my kimbap you never leave any cucumber”

V- “minseok, he usually will just eat the cucumber, but once he is with me. He will always tend not to eat the cucumber.”

L- “because you is you”

V- “whatever Luhan”


Minseok can see that luhan mouth is smeared with the sauce. As he was about to take the tissue, Victoria already wipe luhan mouth with her hand.


L- “so vic where are staying while you are here?

V- “yeah I haven’t check in to any hotel yet. I was in a rush to meet you.”

L- “don’t worry just stay at my house. You can keep me company for the whole week”

V- “I know you will say that”

L- “silly”


Minseok feels happy to see Luhan become so happy with Victoria presence. But then looking at them close to each other there a hint of unhappiness inside Minseok heart. But then he just shake it off.



the next day at minseok café


L- “hey” (Luhan approach minseok and kiss him on the cheek)

M- “hey you here”

V- “hai minseok”

M- “hai Victoria”

V- “I always want to taste how good your steamed bun is. Luhan like it so much”

M- “oh. Have a sit. I’ll get the food for you”


Once the food is served


V- “wah it look so fluffy. And is this dokbukki? Wah this is my first time eating it. I can’t wait to see how it taste.”


Minseok can see that luhan is so caring with Victoria, he will blow the hot steamed bun first before giving it Victoria. They will sometime feed each other and wipe each other mouth with the tissue. If a stranger look at them, they might mistook them as a couple. The kids look like they are enjoying Victoria company, and Victoria is really charming with children. That is what playing at minseok mind at that time. And again he feel uneasy with their closeness.



They next day at lunch time


Minseok had ready luhan lunch set on the tray to be deliver to luhan, but before that he make a phone call to luhan to let him know.


Hey luhan

                                                                                  Hey baobei ( yeah that is minseok new nickname now, it mean dear in Chinese)

Have you had your lunch?

                                                                                             Yeah, Victoria cook for me lunch he come to the clinic to send me lunch.

Oh really that good. That’s so nice of her to cook you lunch

                                                                                                                                                                                                     She used to it

Ok I don’t want to disturb you from eating. Anyway I was thinking of going

to the market to buy some groceries this evening. I’m wondering if you want

to come along. We can spend sometime together.

                                                                                  I’m sorry seok ah, Actually I promised Victoria to bring her around the city.  

                                                                                 She is bored at home. I love to join you and the kids. But I’m sorry. Maybe next time?

Oh that’s alright. There will always be next time. Enjoy


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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u