letting go

~Being loved again~
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Minseok look at the way where jongin is looking at. There stand a man around 40 years of age looking straight at jongin. minseok quickly stand near to jongin. To his suprise the man come closer and hugs jongin.


T-"jongin I'm so glad I finally found you. Appa miss u son."



[minseok pov]

Appa??? Son??? Is this man jongin's appa?






S-"omma I'm back"(running to his omma but suprise to see some ahjushi is hugging his hyung)

 L-"hai minseok" (walking to minseok and loop his arm around minseok shoulder)

 S-(pulling his omma hand so that minseok look down on him) "omma who is this ahjushi? Why is he hugging jongin hyung?"

M-(looking at sehun before changing his glance to the man who is hugging jongin)"huh????....he is..."

T-(noticing that somone asking about him, he let go of jongin and face minseok) "oh sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Kang Taemin. I am Jongin's appa. You must be Kim Minseok."(stretch out his hand to minseok for a handshake)

M-(minseok hesitantly shook his hand with taemin)

T-"it’s so nice meeting you. Thank you for taking care of my jongin for all this while. I heard a lot about you from the orphanage home"


The awkward moment was saved by luhan inviting taemin to have a sit for some evening snack at the cafe. Minseok has been quiet the whole time. There's a lot in his mind at that moment. Too shocked over the sudden appearance of jongin appa. The same situation goes to jongin. He has a mixed feeling. Not sure to feel happy over his father appearance and a scare feeling over something that going to happen latter. Sehun who is clueless over the current situation is playing happily at jongin side and taemin. Not wanting minseok to be overwhelmed by current situation, luhan approaches minseok for comfort.


L- (puting his arm over minseok shoulder) "hey"

M-(looking up at luhan with a sad smile)

L-"are you okay?"


L-(massaging minseok shoulder up and down) "everything going to be fine. Don't worry too much"

M-(noded) "I'm going to talk with taemin later"

L-"yeah...do you want me to be there with you?"

M-"maybe not... I don't want sehun to be there"

 L-"I understand"

M-"can you bring sehun up while we talk?"

L-"sure. I wait for you upstairs. You can tell me when you are back"

M-"thank you luhan"

L-(give an assuring smile before pulling minseok for a hug) "it will be fine" (kiss minseok on his temple).


A while later


M-"sehunnie. Can you go up with luhan ahjushi first? Omma need to have a talk with your hyung and taemin ahjushi for awhile."

 S-"ok." (walk to jongin and hug him) " bye hyung see you tomorow "


Before leaving the cafe with sehun, luhan hug jongin, kiss minseok cheek and say goodbye to taemin. Just as the two come out of the cafe minseok take the seat opposing taemin. Jongin who is seating beside his appa change the seat to the one beside minseok.


M- (looking straight into taemin eyes) "so taemin shi, what brings you here?"

T-"I come here for my son. For Jongin"

M-(voice slightly raised) "you left him. You left him alone with no food no protection. You don't know how he had to suffer to survive. He could have die because of starvation, because of infection if I didn't met him. How could you leave 7 years old kid alone? He could have been kidnap or beaten by punk. How could you?! You left him and now why do you care. After 4 years what its matter to you now?!" (this time his voice is a lot louder)

JG-(startled by minseok loud voice, jongin touch minseok thigh trying to cool him down)

 M-(feeling jongin atention on him, minseok glance at jongin and take hold of jongin hand squeezing it tightly. Knowing that he might have acting inappropriately, minseok close his eyes, sighing before apologize to taemin) "I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice. It just I'm too overwhelm by my feeling"

T-"I understand minseok shi. You don't have to be sorry. It’s me who has to be sorry. I admit I'm guilty. I was fool back then. I shouldn't have left him. I regret my action. I do everything to compensate over my wrongdoing"

M-"so tell me why you left him at that time?"

T-"because I think that he is a burden to my family. We were so poor at that time, I was thinking by getting rid of him our life will be easier"

JG-(hearing how priceless he is in the eye of his parents, jongin can't help to feel down and worthless. The tears who has been gathering in his eyes bed begin to fell down rapidly)

M-(couldn't bear looking at the crying jongin, minseok pull jongin into his embrace)"it’s okay baby. Come on you don't have to listen to this. Let get you upstairs."

JG-"no... No its okay. I'm okay. I just stay. I want to know"

M-"are you sure baby???"


T-(watching jongin cries, he get up trying to go to his son before minseok stop him)

M-"no... Please continue"

T-(sit back) "I'm sorry son. But that the only thing I can think off. Plus we have been trace by the loan shark. At that time, appa couldn't risk your life. And I admit that I was fooled to think that by leaving you at the market will keep you safe. We begin to stop gambling and with the help of some friends, they manage to help us set up a small grocery shop. By the first 3 year we manage to pay for the loan and the business is getting better and we are stable now. We regret over leaving you jongin. We are. We begin to try to find you all over the city and report it to police station. Just one month before. The police station calls us and gives us the contact number of the orphanage home where jongin is residing now. When I go and meet the principal of the orphanage home, they have been telling me about you, kim minseok shi. About how you had save jongin and about your plan of adopting him. I really want to say thank you for saving my son. For loving my son like your own son. For letting him working here for his future saving. But I’m afraid you can’t continue with your plan because I come here with the intention of bringing jongin back with us. I already discuss with the management and it’s possible for us as the illegal parents. Come back with me son. We needed you. Your mom needed you. She is sick jongin. She misses you so much. Starting from the day we left you, she has been regretting and blaming herself. This causes her health to deteriorate poorly. We know that our action is not forgivable. So that is why I come today to bring you back to our family where you originally belong to. We want to bring you back and let you live with the new us. We want to make up for our wrongdoing. Forgive me son. Please. Appa and omma love you. Give us a chance. Please. I do anything for you to come back with us."


Silence developing the room.


Jg- "omma. Can you send me home to the orphanage home?"

M-"sure baby"

T-"but son..."

M-"you heard him taemin shi. I know he probably in mess now. It’s hard for him to digest everything that you said just now. You said you do anything for him. So for now, please just leave him alone."

T-"ok but at least please let me send you to the orphanage home."

M-"no its fine. I can do that. Please taemin shi please."

T-"ok I leave now. I'll come back tomorow. I love you son."


With that taemin leave the cafe. Minseok make sure he locks the door of the cafe before making his way to send jongin home. Along the walk minseok make sure to hold jongin tightly to comfort on the sad jongin. No words are spoken between the two of them. After 10 minutes, they arrive at the front gate of the orphanage home.


M-"we are here jongin. You probaly tired right? Sleep early tonight and rest well."


M-"hey"(he lift jongin chin up) "please smile for me. Smile for your omma."

Jg-(jongin give out a small smile)

M- "Ok that's my boy" (minseok pull jongin to his embrace)" it will be fine jongin don't worry too much. Since tomorow is saturday. I come and visit you. We talk about this tomorow. Now get you body moving. It’s getting dark now. Just have a nice warm bath and then go straight to sleep. It will help."

Jg-"I love you omma" (mumbling on minseok shirt)

M-(minseok breakaway from hug) "me too. I love you too son."


Minseok leave a peck on jongin forehead before saying goodbye and go home. At minseok house Luhan is working on the laundry machine when suddenly he felt a familiar arm wrapping around his waist.


L-(smiling while putting his arm over the hand wrapping around his waist) "you're back already? I'm sorry I didn't hear the front door clicking"

M-"where is sehun?"

L-"he's taking nap at his room" (luhan is about to turn around so that he can face minseok but the latter just tighten his hold more on luhan waist)

M-"let just stay like this for a while"


After a while luhan untangle minseok arm on his waist and turnaround facing minseok. He caresses minseok cheek.


 L-"what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"


L-"let’s talk in your room"


In the bed room


(both sitting on the bed)


L-"so how was the talking?"

M-(looking down on his lap while sighing)

L- (luhan put minseok hand in his while massaging it softly) "hey... It’s okay.  Talk slowly... We are not in rush or anything"

M-" he told me about why he left jongin 4 years before. They are poor and they were chased by loan shark so they worry about jongin safety. They stable now. They got their own grocery store and they regret on their action. He found out about jongin living in the orphanage home. He also found out about my plan to adopt jongin. He already discuss with the principal and its fine for him to... To...."

L-"brings his home?"


L-(luhan tighten his hold on minseok hand)

M-" I am mad. I'm mad about how easy he says after leaving him for 4 years. 4 lonely years for jongin. Why now. Why not 3 years before. It will be fine for me then. What worst is I'm scared to let go. What if the same thing happens again? What if they decided to abandon jongin again? I can't. I can't. I love jongin like he is my own son. I'm scared. At first, I admit that I don't want to return jongin to him. But I know I am no one. I cannot break a family ties. If I do that I will repeat like what my parent did to me. I didn’t want that cause it hurtful. Jongin deserve to be with his family again. Plus his mom is sick and she needs him. I... I'm scared of losing him. I'm scared if I can't accept letting him go."

L-(luhan bring minseok closer and hug him. Caress his back while whispering comforting word) "it’s okay to be scared. It’s normal to be scared when losing someone. But think on the positive side, Jongin will be happy to have his family back. So do his parents. They must have misses each other company. I know that it will be hard for you to accept this. I mean it’s so sudden. Just remember. I will always be here with you. I'll help you go through this. I

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u