its never your fault

~Being loved again~
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At the hospital


 L-"help... help please... My boyfriend needs to be treated... Please... This is an emergency"


Luhan carried unconcious minseok in bridal way inside the hospital with jongin trailing behind him in weak state. Luhan keep on screaming for help so that minseok can be treated as soon as possible. As a doctor luhan know that minseok is not in a  good state. His boyfriend loss lot of blood and by checking on his pulse, it keeps on deteriorating. Luhan know that he might lose his love if immediate treatment not being issue. Luhan want to just get into the surgery room to treat every wound on minseok body by his own but then he is restricted to the fact of not being the employee of the hospital which prohibit him on doing what he intend to. After getting the wheel bed, the nurses start on pushing minseok into the surgical room for emergency treatment. Luhan straightaway carry the weak jongin for treatment as well. Luhan is so scared right now because two important people in his life are battling with their health. But he is more worried for minseok as he knows that jongin can survive after some minor treatment. He leaves jongin under the care of the doctor in charge and rush toward the surgical ward. Luhan wait quietly at the bench outside, face buried in his palm praying for minseok to be ok. Just looking at minseok blood covering most part of his shirt is enough to reminds him of what had happen back at taemin house. He feels mad, mad at taemin and his wife for hurting jongin and minseok. But he can't help to be mad at himself the most as he failed to protect minseok. He regrets leaving minseok behind alone. If only he force minseok to stay with him, none of this will happen. His thought is interrupted by the sudden sound of the surgery room’s door open. The door opens revealing a sad looking surgeon approaching him.


[Luhan pov]


I know that look. Please... Please don't tell that minseok is de.. No.... What am I thinking.. He must be tired from the surgery... Minseok is fine... I know minseok is going to be fine.


Surgeon- "I'm sorry. I've done my best. He couldn't make it"

L- (stuttering) "wh...what...what do you mean?? He's fine right?"

 Surgeon-"I'm sorry... He loss too much blood.... It is too late to bring him to the hospital... I'm sorry to say that we couldn't save him"

L- (he clutch the surgeon hand in his) "please... Please tell me that you are not telling the truth now.... Minseok is strong... He can do it... Please... Please let me see him.... I can save him... Please I'm a doctor"

Surgeon- "I'm sorry sir.... We lost him by the time he was brought into the surgery room"

L- (tears start falling from his eyes) "no... No..... No..."






Luhan wake up from his sleep with face streak with tears. He wake up to the sight of sleeping jongin with bandage on his arm and body lying on the hospital bed. His hand is holding tightly on that boy hand. Then he begins panicking looking for minseok. When he turns around, he feels so relieved to see minseok sleeping on the adjacent bed looking peacefully recovering with bandage around his face and body, with IV drip install to his hand. He walks slowly to minseok sitting at the side of the bed. He lean down and plant a kiss on minseok forehead. He keeps his lips on minseok pale forehead for some time before pulling back and caresses the latter face with love. The relief tears begin to fall again.


L-"it was just a dream. I know it. That was the scarriest dream I ever have. The dream that I wish will never ever come true. Losing you is the last thing I ever want. I love you minseok. I love you so much that I don't think I can live without you by my side. I know you can make it. You are a strong man. Wake up soon ok. Jongin and sehun must be happy to see you awake. Especially me. I'm sorry minseok for not protecting you. I'm not gonna leave you behind anymore. I love you.”


Flashback on few hours back


Looking at the unconscious minseok, luhan know that his boyfriend is probably just fainted because of weakness. He knows that It will take some time for ambulance to reach the destination. He tells the police to use their car to bring minseok to the hospital. He carry minseok carefully into the car to make sure that he does not widen the wound on minseok back knowing that any rough movement can widen the wound more as the broken glass is still stuck on minseok body. The other policeman carrying jongin into the car and then head to the hospital which is 10 minutes from there. Once inside the hospital, the nurses push minseok and jongin on the wheel bed and carry them to the emergency ward. Because of minseok serious injury, the surgeon have sign minseok for the emergency surgery of removing the glass from minseok body and closing the wound to prevent further loss of blood. Luhan waits patiently outside the sugery room praying for the best for minseok. Once the surgery is done, the doctor happily conveying the operation as a success.


Surgeon: "luhan shi. I'm happy to tell you that the surgery is a succes. Minseok shi is stable now. Luckily the glass doesn’t get through his internal organ. He may be awake for the latest by tomorow or longer because his body still needs to recover from the sudden loss of blood. Don’t worry he is safe now. He just need some time to rest."

L- (he grab the surgeon hand in his clutch smiling brightly) "omg doctor. You don't how happy I am to hear this from you. Thank you so much for saving him... Thank you... I really appreciate this... Thank you"

Surgeon- no worries it my job anyway. The nurses is currently treating his minor wounds so maybe later by evening we can transfer him into the ward"

L-"ok.. can you please transfer him to the same ward with his son. If possible in a room with only two of them"

Surgeon- "yeah sure. I work that out for you"

L- (bowing) "thank you"

Surgeon-"I'm sorry luhan I have to go. I have other patient waiting for me. I get going first"

L- " yeah... Yes sure. Thank you again. Thank you."


With the hapoy news. Luhan then return to jongin and convey the news to him. After everything is fine, Luhan gives  a call to jongdae to come to the hospital. Of course jongdae is surprise to know that jongin and minseok been admitted into hospital but then luhan reassure him that both of them is fine and ask him to bring sehun along. By the time jongdae and sehun arrived at the ward, minseok is already being transferred into the same ward. It’s hard for jongdae to accept everything luhan tell him about whatever happen on that day. He thought that this kind of situation only happen in drama. It is saddening for jongdae to accept that this kind of situation happen to his best friend. Looking at minseok laying unconscious on the bed make him feels guilty for not been there to protect him. It is harder for luhan to explain to sehun about what had happen to his hyung and his omma. He is sure that it will be too much for 5 years old boy brain to digest all this info. And of course what worst is, sehun has been crying the whole time worrying about his hyung and his omma. He keeps asking luhan when his omma is goin to wake up. He keeps asking if his omma is going to be fine. Luhan make sure that that kid won't be worry and say that his omma need to have a long sleep for recovery.


Since the hospital only allow 1 person to stayback on ward, luhan has to persuade sehun to go home with jongdae and comeback tomorow even the boy refuse to. Luhan stay close to jongin helping him to sleep. He knows that jongin probably has the worst trauma about the whole situation. And he sure that boy probably blame himself the most about the whole situation. So to avoid that thought, luhan has stay close to him giving comfort and reassurance about the whole situation is none of his faults. The boy closes his eye in deep slumber with hand in luhan's.


The next morning


At 9 am jongdae and sehun come for visit. They bring some fruits and poridge for jongin and luhan. Jongdae bring some of his cloth for luhan to change to. By the time they arrive jongin is already awake but minseok still not awake yet but he looks better and his face not as pale as yesterday. The doctor seems has change the blood stained bandage to a new one and jongin seem to be more cheerful and not gloomy as yesterday eventhough his smile can only be seen once in a while. Sehun make his way to sit beside minseok on the bed. He keep kissing minseok all over the face and whispering something on the ear.


S- (whispering) "omma sehun is here. I miss you so much. I can't sleep all night thinking about what happen to you and jongin. I hate that ahjushi for making you like this. Luhan ahjushi said that the doctor sai

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jennifer_yuki #1
Chapter 28: I think luhan and vic should work togther to break their engagement. minseok and luhan go back to korea, yixing taking care the company, maybe some fanxing going on so yifan would still being the lu's company investor.

Thank you for update. I really like this story. :)
meiosei #2
Chapter 28: next chapter will be like luhan&victoria discuss about their wedding again.. and I don't know if minseok will stayed at China for how long and I don't know what will happen again, maybe luhan mum will broke his feeling again? or else? and give us story about sehun&jongin, are they did missed their mum, didn't they?
keep spirit :)
exo_luhan363 #3
Chapter 27: When r u going to update pls update I really like ur story
Chapter 27: Please, dear author, do whatever you can, to make things right....They deserve a happy life and neverending love for each other!!!!! But I believe in you and Xiuhans happy end. Maybe you can write a happy end for Jongdae and Yixing too??? And , by the way, I really HATE Luhans mother......
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 27: he's not gonna kill himself right ?right?
xm_exofan #6
Chapter 27: I feel really bad for luhan :'(
Why can't he just have what he wants :'(
TAOxoxoHUN #7
Chapter 27: I do ship XiuHan really hard and I almost cry when I found your fic. I read the first chapter and found it good but then the second chapter upset me a lot

Why use the dialogue style? It felt weird :( i look at your lastest chaptet wish the style would change but it is not :( so dissapointing for me

Im sorry if my words sound harsh or annoy you, I just state my feel since i really enjoy ur first chapter u,u