In New York

Little Apples ( Sequel to Sorry, I can't be with you)
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Minami’s Point of View

Out of sudden, the date changed and I’ll fly to NYC less than 6 hours from now. I informed Mommy and Hyunki oppa (older brother Hyunki) that I’ll be going in two weeks. It is going to be my first Christmas without Mommy and Hyunki oppa since I’ll be away during Christmas break. I don’t think Mommy would fly to NYC just to celebrate Christmas. She is plainly busy with the business.

Actually there’s something bothering me. Why Hyunki oppa doesn’t want to share with me what was written in Mommy’s diary? He kept the book for himself and I until now I don’t have any idea about his plans. Every time I mentioned about the diary, Hyunki oppa would avoid the topic and runs away from letting know. Something that he has been keeping alone.

One night, one particular night when Hyunki oppa was not in his room. I sneaked into the room and look for the diary. I found the book in his wardrobe and quickly flip the pages. Then I found one a small piece of paper in between of the book. It was cut with a scissor from this book. Could it be this is oppa’s doing?

“Minami, what are you doing?” Mommy’s voice approached me. I startled a little and put the book back into one of the drawer in oppa’s wardrobe.

“Urm, I was looking for something.”

“Okay. Anyway, Minami. Have you seen my book?”

“What book?”

“A black one. That’s my diary. I lost it.”

“Have you search for it? Maybe you misplaced it somewhere.”

“I did. As I remember, I have never brought it out of my room.”

“What’s inside the book? Maybe if I found it.. I need to know.”

“There’s nothing you need to know from the book. Just a small black book that looks like a memo.” Mommy said and left the room with the door ajar. Heh. Clearly there’s something she is afraid of. She doesn’t want us to know from something that she has written in the book.

Of course it is about her past…


Because of this trip has move on earlier, I couldn’t make myself to sneak again and read what was written in Mommy’s diary. All, I have to do is wait until this trip is over and look for some hint by myself again. I fish out my cellphone and dialed Mommy’s number.

“Hello, Minami…”

“Mommy, I’m going to take off soon. See you in a week later, Mommy.”

“Yes, dear. Take care. Don’t forget to eat. Be safe. I’m sorry I couldn-“

“Yes, I know. It’s okay. It’s just a class trip. Don’t worry. The teachers are around. I’ll be safe or maybe you can send Takuya with me since Maru will be looking after Hyunki oppa (older brother Hyunki).”

“I think it is fine. That Oh Sehun is in country. I want Takuya to have his eyes on him tomorrow. Your brother needs Maru next to him. Who knows he might pull out a stunt out of nowhere. Love you, Minami.”

“Me too.” Our conversation ends as I hung the call first. My plane is ready to board as I gather my small luggage with me.

“Minami, let’s go!” A friend calls.

“I’m coming.”

While we were walking to the international gate, a small group of men in black suit and Oh Sehun rushing towards the private plan lounge. Oh Sehun?! What is he doing here? Wait, what? Mommy said he is going to be in the country since Takuya is going to spy on him tomorrow. Okay whatever…

After 24 hours of flight is really exhausting. I just want to get to our hotels and clean myself and doze off. That is the best thing I could think for now. Oh wow, for the first time I’m away of home and Hyunki oppa (older brother Hyunki) miles away. Alone… Alone… By myself..

My wish come true, I finally got a room for myself and time to get into bed but the view of this city is breathtaking from here. Hew hew, so nice.

Knock.. knock.. !

“Who’s that?” Okay, this is pissing me off. I peek into a small whole from the door and it was my friends. I open the door and they look so excited.

“Minami, let’s go for a night stroll. The street along this hotel is happening. There’s a Christmas market not far! Let’s go, let’s go!”

“I’m tired. I want to go to bed.”

“Oh my god, Minami! We are in New York! The night is calling us. Come on!”

“Fine. Let me take my things first.” I grab my purse and cellphone and the door lock automatically behind me after I walk out of the room. We climb down the building by elevator and make our ways out of the lobby. It is true. The scenery is nice.

The lights and people strolling along the street. Can consider it quite busy. Oh damn it’s freezing! I shouldn’t go out in the first place. We enter the Christmas Market and they are selling lots of things for Christmas. Tall pine trees decorated with lights and stalls are selling good things.

I was too concentrate warming myself while my eyes never leave my friends which are 2 to 3 meters away and I accidentally bump into someone. “I’m sorry.” I said in English and look up.

“It’s okay. Oh? Hi there.” I never imagine that he would be here. “It is a surprise to see you in NY. School trip?”

I nod. Oh my god, Mommy sure will freak out if she finds that Oh Sehun is in front of me in New York City.

“Not really a school trip. Just a class trip.”


“You mean does my brother come along? No, he didn’t.” I said and blow my hands. It’s too cold.

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Chapter 31: Wonderful story!
Chapter 31: Wonderful ending for such a beautiful story! Well done!
Chapter 31: Is this the end of the story ?? Eeryobe is hapoy now
Chapter 30: awwww so sad. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 29: cliffhangers.. hope minami wil be ok... fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 29: Cliffhanger again?! Can't wait to see the next!
Chapter 29: It's okay author nim. This story is getting complicated. Hyunki wanted to stab his own dad
Monggu-88 #8
Chapter 28: Did she have triplets and the oldest one died? Confused >.<
Chapter 28: What elder son has dead. Then minami and hyunki is adopted ???
Chapter 27: So the first son, is dead. The first son, that Sehun claims. Have dead. So these two twins was not his? Was somebody else. Right?!