Chapter Seven

The Road Less Traveled

After a good lunch, those that needed some well-deserved sleep were able to get in a few hours. The others lounged or played in the water, letting themselves relax. After the night they had had, no one felt like they needed to be anywhere in a hurry.

KyuJong for one, had put off thoughts of leaving again for a long while. He enjoyed the company the others provided, as well as watching those who weren't aware he was watching. He knew somewhat of the history between KyuHyun and RyeoWook, but the way the two talked to each other seemed more... intimate than the friendship they claimed to have. KyuHyun always seemed to be watching RyeoWook, even from over the pages of his book he was keeping an eye on the shorter man. It didn't seem like RyeoWook was aware of it until he happened to catch KyuHyun's eyes and grinned at him. It was cute in an overly sappy way.

It was obvious to KyuJong that Kevin and KiBum had become fast friends, the two always having their heads together and talking quietly. That didn't sit well with KiBum's brother even now so many weeks later. KyuJong was pretty sure there was more to the story there that the brothers weren't talking about.

Of course, watching everyone else meant he was ignoring the one person his eyes went to automatically. There was something about YoungSaeng that intrigued KyuJong and wanted to get to know him better. It wasn't entirely intentional, but KyuJong found himself sitting or standing near YoungSaeng. When the sun had set and RyeoWook had made them a good meal, KyuJong had seated himself next to YoungSaeng up against a fallen log. Sipping at a flask JungMin had been passing around, he tried not to stare at YoungSaeng's feet stretched out in front of him.

"My Grandpa used to tell me, when he was a kid, before the plague hit," JungMin was saying to no one in particular, "he would say that people would come out of the cities and camp out in the wilderness for days at a time. Just to camp. Not to live or fend for themselves, but just to sleep in a tent. I still don't understand why people would willingly do that if the cities were as nice as people always said they were."

"Probably the same reason my folks were traveling acrobats," YoungSaeng chuckled, leaning back against the log. "You see the cities, how hollow and chilling some of them look. Apparently there were millions all crammed in each one. I don't even know how they got around without stepping on each other."

"Ten million, in Seoul," KyuHyun looked up from his book. "How many are there now…a couple thousand? Last time I was there, most of the buildings were abandoned, and even those that weren't they'd only use the first couple floors out of twenty or so. It was even worse in China."

"You've been to China?" KiBum asked, looking at KyuHyun in awe. "I've never heard of anyone who's been outside the country before."

"I heard somewhere that China has a cure," JungMin said, lips thinning.

"Yeah, well I heard that the whole rest of the world has a cure and they're leaving us here to die," KyuJong said. "I don't believe any of that."

"I was in China ten years ago," KyuHyun snorted. "They didn't have a cure then, but who knows. You'd think if there was a chance of a cure, people would be crossing the border in the hundreds."

"They've given up," YoungSaeng said, leaning forward with a long stick to poke at the fire. "People don't want to make that kind of a journey to a foreign land and face disappointment. Not when there's so many dangers along the way."

"There's always going to be someone with hope though," JungMin said. "I've met plenty of people who were going to China to see if they had a cure. If nothing's there, they were going to keep going until they reached the west. My grandpa told me the west had the best medicines, so if anyone had a cure it would be them."

"Now that would be an exciting journey," YoungSaeng chuckled. "Traveling all the way to the west, watching the landscape change…that's not a bad plan, cure or no cure."

"There's a lot to see out there," KyuHyun replied. "A lot that few people see cause they're all holed up in their compounds scared to look past their gates."

"Isn't that really dangerous though?" KiBum asked, knees tucked up to his chest. "I mean it's dangerous here, but at least we know the terrain and how to get around. Could end up in the middle of the jungle and eaten by a lion or something."

"Could end up in the middle of a ravine and eaten by a bear here," KyuHyun smirked. "It's dangerous no matter where you go, some people think it's worth the risk."

"How come you came back here then?" JungMin asked KyuHyun.

"It wasn't my decision," KyuHyun glanced at JungMin. "Father caught plague and wanted to die in his hometown, so we came back from China. We were supposed to go to Vietnam next, never made it that far."

"Vietnam? I've never heard of that," KiBum said, frowning a little.

"I'm sure there's a lot of places you've never heard of," JungMin said. "Most folks don't even know there are other countries or what's across the sea. Hell, Kevin here has never even seen the sea."

"I haven't," Kevin murmured. "I want to, though. Sometimes we'd get traders in the compound who'd tell stories and…it sounds amazing."

"We're heading that way, so you'll see it soon enough," YoungSaeng smiled. "I think we should make a point of seeing whatever we want to see, whenever we have the opportunity."

"I like that idea," RyeoWook nodded, looking down at his hands. "You never know when the damn spot will turn red and kill you. Best to make what you can of life, enjoy it while it lasts."

"That is exactly how I live my life," JungMin said. "Old folks say we've all lost our morals since the plague, but who has time for morals? I want to die happy."

"All this talk about dying," YoungSaeng wrinkled his nose. "I want to live happy, so that's what I'm going to do."

"The old folk can rag on about morals all they want, but most of them can't say they've lived happily," KyuHyun stretched out his arms. "They forgot all about things like that with the last few waves of the plague."

"Exactly," JungMin grinned, winking at YoungSaeng. "So, you busy tonight? I can think of a way to keep us happy."

KyuJong coughed uncomfortably, looking away towards the trees. That of course didn't go unnoticed and RyeoWook chuckled. "Careful Min, someone's jealous."

"Or uncomfortable," YoungSaeng rolled his eyes, throwing a twig at JungMin. "Sorry Min, I'm not following you into any bedrolls." He glanced at KyuJong out of the corner of his eyes, brow furrowed.

"Missing out," JungMin sighed, shaking his head. He noticed the glance and the way KyuJong was pointedly ignoring him. "No, I think Wook's right. I think he's jealous. What's wrong KyuJong, wish I was asking you instead?"

"No," KyuJong said, glaring at JungMin who seemed unfazed by the look. Getting to his feet, he passed the flask off to KyuHyun before leaving the fire, heading towards the caravan.

"Someone's testy," KyuHyun quipped, taking a swig from the flask.

YoungSaeng gave a long-suffering sigh. He waited for the conversation to start up again and move on to other subjects before standing, tossing a stick in the fire. Turning around, he headed back towards the caravan.

Hopping up, he poked his head inside the caravan. "Knock knock."

Laying down on one of the benches, KyuJong sat upward when he heard YoungSaeng. "Oh... hey. Sorry. I just needed a bit to myself. JungMin... takes some getting used to."

"He's got quite the personality on him." YoungSaeng sat down on a crate across from KyuJong. "I can have a word with him if you want. I don't think he realizes how uncomfortable he can make some people with that kind of talk."

"No, it's okay," KyuJong shook his head. "Probably easier for me just to try to ignore than it would be to get him to stop."

"Maybe, but if it's going to be a source of conflict then I want to address it right away," YoungSaeng watched him. "You might have already noticed that most of us here have…an attraction to men or at least no qualms with it, but if you don't then the last thing any of us want is to make you uncomfortable."

KyuJong frowned, his brow furrowed as he looked down at the bed of the caravan. "That's... I don't have any problems with that. I mean... I shouldn't." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Saeng... I grew up in a compound. A smaller one and... they kicked me out. Me and... my partner."

YoungSaeng was quiet for a moment. "…For being together, I assume?"

KyuJong nodded, looking up at him finally. "He died, about a year ago. Plague got him. We never really talked about what we were or anything, but we loved each other. Even if we never told anyone else after that. You're... the first person I've told since we left the compound. We didn't want to be treated differently or kicked out of a place because of it."

The older man nodded slowly, looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry for what you've gone through," he looked back up at KyuJong. "I won't speak of this to the others, it's not my place. But you have my word that as long as you're with this caravan, you'll have a place that'll accept you for exactly as you are."

"... Thank you," KyuJong said softly, his lip trembling a little. "I don't... I don't even know how that feels. To be accepted for who I am. Sometimes I wish I could be like JungMin, so open about everything. He's right about me being jealous... I guess."

"Being as open as JungMin is a double-edged sword," YoungSaeng's lips quirked. He stood up, crossing the caravan and sitting down next to KyuJong. "I saw you happy today…and I hope I'll see you smile like that again."

"I haven't felt happy like I was today in a very long time," KyuJong said, tensing a little when YoungSaeng sat down. "When he died... it just felt like everything good in the world went with him. It's why I've been alone since then."

"Do you still want to be alone?" YoungSaeng asked quietly.

"I thought I did, that's why I left," KyuJong said. "But I don't. Not anymore. I... miss having someone to talk to, to share things with. I guess I didn't realize how much I had missed it until I left. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

YoungSaeng's lips curled into a soft smile. "I'm glad you came back." He looked like he was going to say something else, brow furrowed slightly. After a moment he exhaled slowly and clapped one hand on KyuJong's knee. "I'm up for first watch, so I better go. Get some sleep, we move out in the morning."

"Do you... want some company for a bit?" KyuJong asked, looking up at him. "I don't think I can sleep yet."

"I won't say no to company," YoungSaeng replied, smiling. "I was just going to try patching up that old guitar anyways, once I kick that lot to bed. They're starting to get a little cranky." He could hear KyuHyun's mocking tone outside, which meant an argument was impending. Standing, he picked up the guitar from the corner and a small tool kit.

"Is it really worth it to try and repair that?" KyuJong asked, following him out of the caravan. "It's not going to play again."

"Probably not," YoungSaeng replied, smiling as he saw the others by the fire. "But he'd give me hell for leaving it all soot-covered." Approaching the fire, he sat back down. "All right fellas, bedtime. We're moving with the sun tomorrow morning."

"You heard him," JungMin said, getting to his feet. "I've got second watch Saeng, so wake me up in a couple of hours."

"Of course, now go," YoungSaeng smirked, shooing him off with one hand. "Night." He watched the others slowly head to bed, some inside the caravan and some in bedrolls by the edge of the campfire's light. "Sure you're not tired, Kyu?"

"I'm fine," KyuJong said, sitting down next to him. "It's a nice night. Maybe I'm just a little too anxious to sleep."

"Anxious? About?" YoungSaeng opened the kit and set the guitar in his lap, carefully going over the fire damage.

"That someone else is going to attack," KyuJong said. "Between bandits and the thief from last night, I'm just worried. I don't want to see anyone else hurt. Not if I can do something to stop it."

YoungSaeng chuckled quietly. "Just don't keep yourself up all night out of anxiety, I'm still not going to be able to steer the caravan tomorrow. There's safety in numbers, that's something."

"I know, I'll be okay to drive tomorrow," KyuJong said, hugging his knees. "I'll sleep when you do." He was quiet for a moment, watching the fire die down. "Maybe I'm just worried about you being alone."

"That's almost sweet," YoungSaeng glanced at KyuJong. "You know, for someone who wanted nothing to do with us when we met, you worry a lot about us."

"I know, and it bothered me at first," KyuJong said, chuckling a little. "It's why I made the decision to leave. I thought if I left quickly I wouldn't get attached to you or the others... but I did. I don't regret it though."

"Good," the older man's lips quirked. "Cause some here got a little attached to you while you were with us."

"Yeah, I noticed," KyuJong chuckled. "I should probably talk to Kevin tomorrow if he lets me. Unless you weren't referring to him specifically?"

"He was one of them," YoungSaeng smirked, turning back to the guitar.

"You're being vague YoungSaeng!" RyeoWook called from the caravan, followed quickly by JungMin yelling at him to shut up and get to sleep.

KyuJong chuckled a little, shaking his head. "I guess we're not talking quietly enough."

"Only downfall of havin' so many people around," YoungSaeng said, making his voice loud enough for those in the caravan to hear. "No privacy!" He heard Kevin giggling off to one side.

"If you want privacy then you picked the wrong business!" JungMin said, once again yelling at people to be quiet.

That of course set off KyuHyun, who had to snipe at JungMin for being the loudest one in the whole camp. YoungSaeng snorted and covered his face with one hand, shaking his head. "What am I going to do with these people…"

"I'd suggest running away, but they'd probably find us," KyuJong chuckled.

"Once they stop arguing."

Eventually the camp did settle down to sleep, though it took a few minutes for people to stop yelling at others to be quiet and quiet down themselves. Listening to the sound of snoring slowly become audible, YoungSaeng smirked to himself and absently plucked a single string on the guitar. Running away had never crossed his mind; this group was his family and friends, and he wouldn't want it any other way.




At first light, JungMin woke everyone up. Though he had slept some the day before he still looked haggard and weary. With half of their supplies burned up, they couldn't afford to take time to rest for a few days. Maybe after they supplied up they could camp somewhere for a week. Not that YoungSaeng liked staying in one place like that for too long, but it could be necessary. Whatever it took to prolong them getting to Seoul was fine by JungMin.

After breakfast was eaten and cleaned up they loaded the caravan back, JungMin motioned YoungSaeng away from the others. "There's something I need to tell we if we're heading for Seoul."

YoungSaeng looked up at the younger man, raising an eyebrow as he followed to a point out of earshot. "Alright, what's up Min? You look like hell, maybe you shouldn't have taken watch last night." He reached up and lightly tugged a stray hair back down.

"I don't really trust anyone else to do it right now," JungMin shrugged. He made sure they were alone, dropping his voice. "Look, you know I don't tell you everything about where I came from before I met up with you. No one really talks much about their past. But I came from Seoul, and I'm not exactly looking to head back there."

"Why's that?" YoungSaeng watched JungMin's expression. "You wouldn't be telling me this now without a good reason."

"Let's just say I have some people there who wouldn't like to see me again," JungMin said. "And I don't really want to see them either."

"Seoul is a big city, even after the plague," YoungSaeng folded his arms across his chest. "You can't tell me more than that?"

"Not much more to tell," JungMin said. "We've got a good deal going here Saeng. I don't stick my nose in your business, you don't stick yours in mine. I just don't want to be in Seoul for any longer than we have to."

The older man's lips twisted slightly, and he was silent for a long moment. "With the damage to the caravan, we'll need whatever trade we can get between Yesan and Seoul. I'll see what I can do, Min."

"My only interest is keeping people safe," JungMin said, clapping YoungSaeng on the shoulder. "That's all I'm doing."

"I know," YoungSaeng chuckled, looking at JungMin. "And I have to keep us all fed. We'll just have to find a way for us both to do our jobs, won't we?"

"We will, we always do," JungMin said, grinning brightly at him. "Come on, let's go before someone ends up in a ditch somewhere."

"Your confidence in the others is amazing," YoungSaeng snorted, turning back towards the caravan. "Okay guys, break's over, we're moving out! KiBum, Kevin, are the horses ready?"

"Yes boss," KiBum said, holding the reins to JungMin's horse as well as his own. "Are we going to be getting Kevin another horse?"

"Depends, is he going to lose that one too?" JungMin said, taking the reins and climbing up onto the mare.

"First, we're getting our caravan patched up and recovering our losses," YoungSaeng said, hopping up onto the caravan bench as Kevin protested losing the horse. "Then we'll get him a horse. Kevin are you riding with KiBum again, or coming back to the caravan?"

"Uh…" Kevin looked at KiBum, catching HyungJoon watching them with a frown from the side.

"He's riding with me," KiBum said, his chin lifted a little as he glanced at his brother.

"Then get saddled up, we're leaving now with or without," JungMin said, nudging his horse in front of the team horses.

Brightening, Kevin hurried to join KiBum on his horse. YoungSaeng chuckled at them, glancing back into the caravan. "We're all set back there?"

"Yessir!" KyuHyun called, securing a crate down.

YoungSaeng held the reins out to KyuJong. "On your signal, Kyu yah."

KyuJong's lips quirked, taking the reins as he settled on the bench. Clucking to the horses, he gave the reins a light jostle that got them going at slow walk to start. The caravan creaked and protested at having to move again, but soon enough they were on their way.

It was a calm, uneventful day of travel. Still wary after the encounter with JaeJoong, they took one of the lesser-traveled roads towards the next compound. It meant stopping once or twice to clear the road of large branches, but they didn't see another soul. Stopping for a short lunch, KyuHyun decided to show off his archery and bagged them two rabbits. YoungSaeng let him have his moment before ordering him to help RyeoWook skin and dress them.

By the time they reached the next compound, it was in the middle of the afternoon. YoungSaeng told KyuJong to stop the caravan a yard away from the gate when he saw it was locked tight. "Time to charm our way in again," he sighed, hopping down from the caravan. "Wook, get together a list of whatever supplies you need. Our priorities are food and fixing up the caravan." He strode towards the gate to meet the guards.

"Yes boss," RyeoWook said, though he had already been working on that. JungMin followed YoungSaeng to the gates on his horse, his hand resting against the shotgun strapped to his saddle.

"Who are you and what business do you have here?" Someone called, though JungMin couldn't see where he was at.

"We're traveling merchants," YoungSaeng said, stopping in front of the gate. He didn't try looking for the speaker, expression calm. "Looking to trade and give some business to your carpenters."

"What kind of business?" The voice asked.

"Our caravan is damaged, we need someone who knows wood to fix some weak points," JungMin said. "We're not looking for any trouble here."

It was quiet for a moment until it sounded the locks were being disengaged and the gates swung up. Three men with guns awaited them on the other side, though they looked more wary than hostile. "Alright, you can come in, but any trouble and we won't hesitate to kill you."

"Business as per usual then," YoungSaeng smiled at them, nodding. "You won't find any trouble from us." He turned back towards the caravan, waving them forward. "Would one of you good men point us towards where we might find a carpenter?"

"I can show you the way," one of the men said with a nod. He turned and started down the muddy street, KyuJong following after in the caravan once YoungSaeng was back on board.

As they rode, JungMin frowned a little as he glanced around. There weren't that many people out, though that wasn't that strange. Something about the compound felt off and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. When the caravan stopped at a run down building, the man disappeared inside before bringing out a second man. "This is our carpenter, tell him what you need done and he can do it. What goods do you have to trade for the work?"

"We've got some good metal and leatherwork from the eastern compounds. KyuHyun, HyungJoon, bring out one of the crates," YoungSaeng called back to the two before nodding to the carpenter. "We've got some fire damage to the back of the caravan, it was contained but the back gate and roof need replacing. The sooner we can get back on the road, the better."

"Let me see the damage," the carpenter said, and YoungSaeng brought him around to the back of the caravan.

"Wook, let's see what we can get for food stuffs," JungMin said, motioning for the man to join him on his horse. "KiBum, Kevin, don't you dare wander off this time," he said, keeping his voice low. "We don't know the people here and I don't want to have to go looking for you."

"Yes sir," KiBum nodded.

"We'll be back in a little bit Saeng," JungMin called, turning his horse around.

"See you, Min," YoungSaeng replied, glancing towards them before turning back to the carpenter.

It took a bit of haggling to work out a good price, but YoungSaeng had learned from the best. Once a deal had been reached, the carpenter got to work, saying it would take the better part of the afternoon and until dusk to complete his work. They were cutting it close if they wanted to leave before sunset, but there was no hope for it. They wouldn't make it very far with the caravan in it's current shape, as it was they were lucky it hadn't rained on them yet.

YoungSaeng sent HyungJoon to water the horses while they waited for JungMin and RyeoWook to come back, keeping Kevin and KiBum close to guard the caravan and it's wares. He himself kept a close eye on the carpenter for any sloppy workmanship.

The afternoon ticked by with no sign of JungMin or RyeoWook. KyuJong could tell YoungSaeng was becoming concerned the longer the two were away. It shouldn't take that long for them to procure the supplies.

"Maybe we should ask some people if anyone's seen them," KyuJong suggested.

YoungSaeng's lips thinned, and he turned away from the carpenter. "Watch him," he murmured to KyuJong before gathering KyuHyun and HyungJoon together on the other side of the caravan.

"Go for a walk, stay together," he spoke to them quietly. "Take one of the whistles from the first aid kit with you, and whistle your head off if you find trouble. Ask around for Min and Wook, but don't bring too much attention to yourselves."

"Aye boss," KyuHyun turned to hop back up into the caravan for the whistle.

HyungJoon eyed him. "You think there's trouble here?" he asked quietly.

"There's trouble anywhere, and they shouldn't have taken this long," YoungSaeng replied. "I'm keeping KiBum close, you get out there and worry about the missing two. The sooner we find them, the sooner we can leave." HyungJoon nodded, and when KyuHyun returned they both got up on top of HyungJoon's horse and headed off. YoungSaeng didn't say anything about KyuHyun grabbing his bow and quiver along with the whistle.

"We'll check the general store first, they would have passed through there," KyuHyun said, HyungJoon nodding and nudging his horse's sides to get it moving faster.

There wasn't any need. Before they even got to the store RyeoWook was running towards them, eyes wide. "They got JungMin!"

"What?" KyuHyun dropped down off the horse to meet RyeoWook. "What do you mean, they have JungMin? What happened?"

"I don't know, we went to the market and soon as we got there JungMin said we had to leave and then we tried to leave but someone started yelling at him," RyeoWook said, shaking. "JungMin pushed me off the horse and told me to run, next thing I know there's like fifty guys surrounding us and they hauled JungMin off somewhere."

"No idea where they went?" HyungJoon asked, lips pressed thinly together and gaze watching their surroundings.

"No idea," RyeoWook shook his head. "I need to get to Saeng."

"Get on the horse," KyuHyun stepped aside. "I'll take a gander around and see if I can spot anything, you both get back to Saeng and tell him what happened. He's gonna be pissed."

"Be careful," RyeoWook said, climbing onto the horse behind HyungJoon. "He'll be more pissed if he has to get you both out of jail!"




Uh oh~ trouble in paradise!

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@ping501: Heavens be thanked :D Lol it's my graduating year, so pretty hectic right now. And yeah, they try their best to make light of bad situations, cause what's the alternative really? And Kyuhyun will always do his best to get on Jungmin's nerves :D 

@Forever5501: The ship is unsinkable! And Kyuhyun and Jungmin...we're still not sure if they are friends or not xD;; They get on each other's nerves so much. Joonie isn't his goofball self in this verse, so have Kyuhyun and Jungmin instead LOL they should be more than enough entertainment.

@ST01Now: Quarreling is hilarious both to read and write xD And the brothers...have their own issues to deal with, but to be fair the rest of the caravan is unusually chipper for this verse. Hyungjoon is actually acting pretty similar to how most people living in the compounds are, which can be seen in this chapter.

@Forest_pixi: Lolol like I just mentioned, Joonie isn't acting that far from how most people in this world act xD And with all the dangers about, with good reason. And of course I'm promising drama ;D I just can't promise who it'll come from~ And yaaaaaay for May babies! Let's celebrate together :3

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waaahhh im reading this at LJ :D
Chapter 13: Poor things can't get a break and and MINJOON.
Chapter 7: Jungminnnn please be safe.
Chapter 6: Can't resist KyuSaeng's cuteness. They are so adorable and it's always fun to read your JungMin.
Curious about everyone's past.
Chapter 1: Finally! I'm reading this. Yayeeeee
Chapter 35: i was sooooo absent....
and this made me sooooo emotional.
the chacters have my spellbound
Chapter 34: I've been reading the updates silently. I am happy your story is back. Now with the annoying HeeChul and Prince ZhouMi? I do hope they get to Beijing fast before anything happens to the prince. Welcome back author-nim, though I am late for the welcoming party.
Chapter 34: withdrawl....that's what I've been feeling.

This right here hit the spot...prince Mi? what else are you hiding?
and yes! yes! Heechul...I'm smitten by this man.

but now I'l; be getting the shakes again because you spoiled me with all them updates....
Chapter 1: Holy cheese author I think I'm in love with this story! Terribly sorry for not running into it sooner! I mean...SS501, Super Junior AND U-Kiss...some of my favorite boy groups in one of my most favorite world settings of all time. Not only that, but I just love your writing style.

You caught me with this. It's long and I've got a lot of catching up to do, but it definitely looks worth it.
Chapter 33: ....never seen a what? how could you leave it there?!!!!