Chapter Three

The Road Less Traveled

They'd cleared the abandoned town within the afternoon, and settled out in the forest for the night. That night, Kevin felt his spirits lift for the first time since leaving the compound. They'd sat around a campfire and just talked, or rather the merchants talked and Kevin listened. YoungSaeng told him before they turned in for the night that he'd be put to work soon, once he was used to how the caravan worked.

The following day, they rolled up to a tiny compound by a river. YoungSaeng hopped out of the driver's bench and strolled to meet the guards standing by the entrance. "What're we doing here?" Kevin asked KiBum, up on the wagon since he didn't have a horse like most of them did.

"Trading for supplies," KiBum said. "We were running low on food and stuff, and now with two more people to feed we need a lot more. This is a really nice compound though, we've been here a few times before. They have an amazing waterfall, fresh spring water. They're really lucky to have that so they're not drinking bad water like some others."

"A waterfall?" Kevin's eyes lit up at that. He'd never seen a waterfall before. "Is it nearby?" He tried to listen for the sound of rushing water, but all he could hear was the horses.

"Yeah, it's just beyond the wall, on the south side," KiBum nodded. "It's really nice. You want to go see it?"

"Can we?" Kevin asked, perking up. "I've never seen one before, we had a brook back at my compound but nothing like a waterfall."

"Of course, once we get past the gates I'll take you," KiBum said. "We'll be here for hours so we can take our time."

"Okay," Kevin grinned. He glanced back to the gate, seeing YoungSaeng heading back to them as the guards opened the gates to the compound.

"Let's get a move on," YoungSaeng hopped back up onto the wagon beside Kevin, the younger man handing the reins back.

They headed into the compound, Kevin looking around. In many ways it resembled his own home; modern and traditional houses mixed together, some in various states of repair. Some villagers walked by with buckets of water suspended from wooden poles over their shoulders.

They followed a path into the main square, a villager directing them to where they could set up shop.

"KiBum," HyungJoon pulled up beside his brother, keeping an eye on the villagers. "Stay with the caravan while we're working, okay?"

"What? Why?" KiBum deflated a little. "Why do I always have to stay with the caravan, why can't I look around?"

"Because we know next to nothing about these people," HyungJoon frowned at KiBum. "I don't want to be worrying about you off somewhere that's not safe."

"I'll be fine HyungJoon, I'll be with Kevin," KiBum said. "We've been here before, these people are nice!"

"Joon, let's go," JungMin was a little ways away, his horse stamping his foot impatiently as if to emphasize the point.

"They're nice for now," HyungJoon scowled, looking at JungMin. "I'll be right there! I mean it KiBum, stay here," he gave his brother a pointed look before wheeling his horse around to follow JungMin.

"Your brother seems very overprotective," Kevin blinked.

"Yeah," KiBum grumbled. "You ever ridden a horse before Kevin?" he asked, glancing at the other.

"Uh, a couple times?" Kevin replied, looking around before meeting KiBum's eyes.

Maneuvering his horse closer, KiBum held out his hand. "Come on, it's much better to ride a horse then sit in the stuffy old caravan. No offense Saeng."

"None taken," YoungSaeng replied, tying up the horse reins. "KyuHyun put down the book and help me set up," he called back into the caravan.

Kevin smiled widely, ignoring KyuHyun's protests as he stood up and took KiBum's hand. With KiBum's help he hoisted himself up onto the horse behind the other man.

"Am I going to get into hell from your brother, KiBum?" YoungSaeng asked, pulling a box out from underneath the caravan's tarp.

"Why would you? I'm just going to show Kevin how to ride a horse," KiBum said, a picture of wide-eyed innocence. "If the horse gets spooked on us and takes off, how is that your fault?"

"I think he's been spending too much time with KyuHyun," RyeoWook said, climbing out of the back of the caravan with KyuJong behind him.

"I've taught him well," KyuHyun drawled, pushing out a second box. He yelped when YoungSaeng opened up his box and hit him on the head with the wooden cover.

"Should I be holding on?" Kevin asked, wrapping his arms around KiBum's waist.

"Yeah, don't let go," KiBum said, turning his horse around. He glanced around first to make sure his brother wasn't watching before taking off, leaving the caravan behind. With so many people in the streets he couldn't give his horse his head to run but they went at a nice canter towards the river. The waterfall itself wasn't overly impressive, only a few feet at most as the water from the spring fell into the pond below, but it was the only waterfall KiBum had ever seen in his life. "See? And the water tastes the best here," he said, letting Kevin down off the horse first before dismounting.

Kevin didn't seem to care it was only a few feet high, eyes wide. "Wow," he smiled widely, walking as close as he dared to the edge to look down. "That's amazing. Are there lots of waterfalls around?"

"Maybe, if there are I haven't seen 'em," KiBum shrugged. "I hope to find more one day. They're great places to put villages and compounds. If you secure one well enough, you can keep all the bandits and stuff out without having to worry where you're going to get clean water."

"And a food source, if there's fish," Kevin chuckled, crouching down. He watched the waterfall, finding the soft rushing noise soothing. "Have you and your brother been out here very long?"

"Long as I can remember," KiBum said, sitting down next to him. "My brother and I lost our parents in a fire. I don't really remember what happened and he doesn't talk about it. He pretty much raised me since I was a kid."

"Oh," Kevin saddened. "I'm sorry about your parents." He could sort of understand HyungJoon's protectiveness, hearing that. "At least you've got each other."

"He's... all I have," KiBum said, his expression twisted bitterly. "He doesn't let me have friends, doesn't want me even near other people. It's so frustrating sometimes. The only reason we're a part of YoungSaeng's crew is cause I said I was going to run away from him if we kept spending all our time with each other. I wanted to talk to people you know?"

Kevin nodded slowly in understanding. "I would too," he smiled sadly at KiBum. "At least the rest of them seem nice enough, so you've got friends now, right? Me too, I'll be your friend."

"Don't let him hear you say that," KiBum said, though he smiled at Kevin. "I don't count the others as friends, he doesn't even like it when I talk to them. He's always hovering around me."

Chuckling quietly, Kevin shook his head. "I've noticed. I'm not scared of him though. And I'm kinda envious…I'm an only child. Would have liked a brother or sister, growing up."

"Yeah, and I'd rather be an only child some days," KiBum said. "Did you like living in a compound?"

"Yeah," Kevin nodded. "I mean, it had it's downsides, like never seeing much of the outside world aside from a few traveling merchants, but…it was my world. Even after the plague took mom away, there were a few other motherly figures in the compound, and even if I didn't have siblings there were always some younger kids around."

KiBum's eyes dimmed a little and he looked away, his expression troubled. "I hate the plague. I hate what it's done to our country, the world. HyungJoon told me once about how everyone lived in cities, and were nice to each other. There was no fighting over food, there was always enough for everyone. Then this stupid plague happened. It's destroyed everything. I bet you've never seen the ocean huh? A lot of people haven't."

"Never seen much of anything before some days ago," Kevin replied quietly, looking at KiBum. "According to the older folk in my compound, a lot of people back home used to be very religious, but after the plague most of them stopped believing. Too many people dying." He looked back out to the waterfall. "That's just the way it is though, isn't it? Gotta make the best of what time you have." He chuckled softly. "Maybe I'll add seeing the ocean to my bucket list, that would be nice."

"It's stupid," KiBum said, closing his eyes. "If the plague doesn't get you, you have to worry about getting shot at for a piece of bread. Shouldn't be like that."

"It is though, that's why everyone's so cautious all the time," Kevin replied. "You're lucky to have someone looking after you like that, even if he's a little mean about it."

"I guess," KiBum sighed, hugging his knees to his chest.

Glancing at KiBum beside him, Kevin smiled slightly and wrapped his arm around KiBum's shoulders. "Thanks for showing me this place. It's nice and relaxing."

KiBum visibly flinched when Kevin touched him, scrambling up to his feet. "Yeah... uh... you're welcome," he said, taking a step back. "Maybe we should get back. Before my brother has to come looking for me."

Blinking repeatedly in surprise, Kevin slowly pushed himself back to his feet. "Uh…sure. Everything okay?"

"Course, why would anything be wrong?" KiBum said, trying to act nonchalantly as he went back to where the horse was grazing nearby. "You want to walk back?"

"Okay," Kevin replied, a little hurt because it was obvious something was wrong, but KiBum wasn't saying anything. Messing up his hair with one hand, he slowly followed KiBum back to the horse. "Maybe they'll be done with supplies by the time we get back."

"Maybe," KiBum said, taking the horse by the reins and starting back towards where the caravan was.

Kevin's shoulders slumped slightly as he watched KiBum's back. He wasn't sure what he'd done wrong, following after KiBum towards where he presumed the main streets were.




It wasn't long after Kevin and KiBum had left that those still at the caravan put it out of their minds that the two had gone. Unintentionally of course, but they went about their usual business, not giving it another thought. All except for KyuJong, who with his injury was still ordered to sit and not do much by the resident medic.

Sitting on the back gate of the caravan, KyuJong got a rare glimpse of how people interacted with each other when they weren't aware others were watching. It had been such a long time since he had been around other people that he forgot how social dynamics worked, though he found the whole thing fairly amusing.

"KyuHyun, you're supposed to be helping me!" RyeoWook had set up a small table nearby the campfire YoungSaeng had put together. Busy chopping vegetables, RyeoWook didn't even look to see where the other man had gone to, he already had a pretty good idea. "I swear I'm going to use your books as kindling if you don't get out here and help me."

"Help with what?" KyuHyun was sitting on a crate inside the caravan, book open in his lap. "I don't cook, and you always nitpick when I try. Don't you know what book this is? Are you really comparing Hwang SunMi to firewood? It's so hard to find anyone who appreciates true knowledge these days," KyuHyun complained at KyuJong.

"Most people would rather be able to eat," KyuJong said, shrugging a little. "I don't think I've seen a book myself in years."

"The least you could do is get me some water KyuHyun," RyeoWook said, coming to the canvas flap and pointing a knife at him. "Help out for once."

"Can't I finish the chapter?" KyuHyun protested.

"KyuHyun if you don't help him I'm taking one of your arrows and shoving it up your ," YoungSaeng called back at them from where he was trading with villagers.

"Fine," KyuHyun grumbled, putting his book down and standing.

"You have no right to complain, you haven't done anything since we got here," RyeoWook said. "What exactly do you do around here anyway?"

"I am the bearer of knowledge among all you uneducated peasants," KyuHyun said, sniffing as he hopped out of the caravan. "World traveler and book collector."

"Because that's so useful," RyeoWook made a face at him. "Are you calling me an uneducated peasant?"

"No, you know how to read," KyuHyun grinned. "Unlike some person."

"I dare you to say that to his face," YoungSaeng glanced back at them. "I don't see that water, KyuHyun."

"I'm going!" KyuHyun groaned, shuffling off.

"One of these days JungMin is going to pop his head right off," RyeoWook said, shaking his head.

"You'll want front row seats to that," YoungSaeng smirked. He finished off what he was doing and headed back to the caravan to deposit a few bags inside. "How's the patient?"

"I feel useless," KyuJong said with a sigh. "I'd like to be able to help out in some way."

"You can help when you're healed," RyeoWook said from where he was set up at the table. "Until then you can relax. You really don't want me to stitch you up again."

"...Yeah, cause it was so fun the first time," KyuJong replied, shaking his head. "There isn't anything I can do to help? I still have one good arm," he said, looking to YoungSaeng.

"Unless you want to hide all KyuHyun's books on him, we can handle it," YoungSaeng replied, straightening and looking at KyuJong. "We're not so desperate to put a guy with one arm to work. Let's not piss off RyeoWook."

KyuJong chuckled a little at that. "No, I don't make it a habit of pissing people off who brandish knives and cook my food. I'll just have to pay you back for your generosity."

"I told you, don't break your brain over it," YoungSaeng smirked. "One traveller looking out for another. Don't find many decent people out on the road as it is."

"No, and even those that start out nice can gut you like a fish while you sleep," KyuJong said. "Not that I think that's going to happen here. I don't think I've ever felt this welcome anywhere."

"We're a tight bunch," YoungSaeng glanced towards where KyuHyun was lugging back the water. "Even if some of us can't read and others can't keep their mouths shut, everyone's welcome. So are you."

"Aren't you afraid one of these times you pick up a traveler, they're going to harm someone?" KyuJong asked, watching YoungSaeng. "You know nothing about me, but you let me sit in here unattended. I could do anything to you."

"You underestimate me, and my crew." YoungSaeng smirked. "There are plenty of reasons to be afraid. We acknowledge them, but we don't let them have power over us."

"I wish more people were like you and your crew then," KyuJong said. "Maybe if people were less afraid then we wouldn't be living like this. Scraping by before the plague takes us, not trusting each other... this isn't a way to live."

"It isn't," YoungSaeng glanced back down, meeting KyuJong's eyes. "The plague is what it is, and makes every moment a precious gift. I have better things to do with that time than live in fear. Are you afraid, KyuJong?"

"I am," KyuJong admitted, his eyes lowering. "I can admit that. I'm afraid of dying alone, even if I would rather be by myself right now. Does that seem silly to you?"

"No." YoungSaeng sat down next to KyuJong, watching KyuHyun sneak pieces of food while RyeoWook wasn't looking. "What seems silly is staying alone and refusing offers of help if that's what you're afraid of. That isn't a way to live either."

KyuJong was quiet for a moment at that, his brow furrowed in thought. "How long has your crew been with you?" he asked finally. "What would you do if you lost one of them?"

"I already have lost one of them. Two, three…this crew is relatively new. JungMin's been with me the longest, just about two years now. Have you seen the dusty old guitar in the back of the caravan?" YoungSaeng chuckled quietly. "It's owner made me swear not to sell it just before plague took him. Not that I know how to play it, and it's probably horribly out of tune."

"And you'll just hold onto that reminder of him?" KyuJong frowned at that. "I don't think I could do that."

"Why not?" YoungSaeng glanced at KyuJong. "Do I really want to remember him as a blood-covered corpse? That would be an insult to his memory. I remember him as the guy who would play his guitar every night by the fire, and we'd sing along just to cover up the fact he had a crappy singing voice."

"Are you really not afraid of dying?" KyuJong asked quietly, looking back up at YoungSaeng. "You could wake up tomorrow with the sores... would you be afraid then?"

"If I wake up with the sores, I'll deal with it then," YoungSaeng snorted. "I know they're coming one day, and I'll be ready for them when they do. And I'll give RyeoWook elaborate instructions on what my last meal will be, splurge on the finest drinks, and set a course for the East Sea. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?"

"It does," KyuJong quirked a smile at that. "I envy that kind of thinking."

"It's not that far out of reach," YoungSaeng shrugged, then hopped off the caravan. JungMin and HyungJoon had reappeared. "And?" he called. "Are we stocked up?"

"We should be able to survive another week," JungMin snorted, dropping a bag of rice at his feet. "We had to trade some munitions though, bandits are getting worse out here."

"Really, I didn't notice," YoungSaeng drawled, walking out to meet them. "The list, Joon," he held out his hand as the other man dismounted from his horse.

HyungJoon held it out, eyes searching the group. "Where's KiBum?"

YoungSaeng blinked. "He took off a while ago, showing Kevin how to ride a horse."

"What?" HyungJoon's eyes widened. "Where did he go? How long has he been gone? Why did you let him go?" he demanded, scowling.

"I'm not his babysitter Joon, I've told you that before," YoungSaeng folded his arms across his chest.

"... I forgot he was even gone," RyeoWook said, looking up. "I thought they would have been back by now?"

"KiBum's old enough to take care of himself," JungMin said. "Seriously HyungJoon, I don't think anything's going to happen to him while we're still inside the walls."

"Says you, you don't know him at all," HyungJoon scowled at JungMin, stepping away and looking around as if KiBum was going to appear any second. The older brother was quickly becoming erratic. "If he's not back in three minutes I'm going to look for him, I agreed to join you because he'd be looked after!"

"We know him well enough, you've got the kid on too short of a leash," JungMin rolled his eyes.

"I think I heard something about a waterfall," KyuJong said, peeking out from the canvas flap on the caravan.

"The waterfall?" HyungJoon looked back at KyuJong, lips thinned. "I know where that is," he turned back to his horse.

"Not three minutes yet, give him time to head back," YoungSaeng sighed.

"He's fine HyungJoon, look," JungMin pointed a ways down the path, seeing KiBum and Kevin leading the horse. "He's right there."

HyungJoon looked around quickly, spotting his brother. His expression filled with relief before it was replaced by irritation. "KiBum! Where were you?" he demanded when the other two were closer. "I said to stay with the caravan!"

"I wanted to show Kevin the waterfall," KiBum replied, looking sullen as they approached. "It's not like anything was going to happen, we're still in the walls. And see? We got back just fine."

"And what if something had happened?" HyungJoon folded his arms across his chest, scowling. "No one would know where you are, or be able to help! Why can't you just listen to me?"

"Because you're being ridiculous!" KiBum replied, throwing his hand up in exasperation. "I'm not six years old anymore, I can take care of myself!"

"I'm not being ridiculous! How is trying to look after my little brother ridiculous?" HyungJoon snapped. "I don't care if you're not six anymore, you're still my brother."

"Then treat me like your brother and trust me enough to be out of your line of sight," KiBum retorted, brushing past him with the horse still in tow. "You can't protect me all the time."

HyungJoon stood there stiffly for a long moment, hands clenched into fists at his sides. Finally he grabbed the reins of his own horse and stomped off in the opposite direction.

Kevin looked between the two brothers, a little unnerved. "Kevin, go help RyeoWook for a bit," YoungSaeng pointed towards the chef. "You can cook?"

"Uh…yes sir," Kevin ducked his head and hurried to help.

"Sometimes I really question your policy of taking in anyone who wants to stay Saeng," JungMin said when the brothers were out of earshot. "We spend more time keeping the little brother out of harm's way than anything."

"Nothing's keeping you here if you disagree with what I do, Min." YoungSaeng turned to tie up a long cord of rope that had been pulled out of one of the boxes. "Joon'll cut the apron strings eventually. He'll have to."

"That going to be before or after he puts the rest of us in harm's way?" JungMin said, leaning up against the side of the caravan. "And why would I want to go elsewhere? The pay's good and I get to see your cheery face day in and day out," he chuckled.

"That would depend on the brothers, not us." Tying off the rope deftly, YoungSaeng smirked and tossed the bundle at the younger man. "If you've got time to flirt, you've got time to help me load up. We leave after we've eaten."

"Always have time to flirt," JungMin snorted, catching the bundle and slinging it over his shoulder. "Maybe you should try it one day, my bedroll's always open," he said, wandering off towards one of the packhorses.

"He seems like an interesting character..." KyuJong said when JungMin had gone, looking at YoungSaeng. "Was he being serious?"

"That would depend on what you consider serious," YoungSaeng chuckled, finishing cleaning up the supplies. "Does it bother you?"

"If it did, would you kick me out?" KyuJong replied. "I just... want to know if I should be worried about him picking the wrong blankets in the middle of the night."

"I wouldn't worry about that. He keeps to his own bedroll. And I wouldn't kick you out, long as you keep your opinion and tongue civil," YoungSaeng answered, straightening and looking at KyuJong.

KyuJong glanced away towards where JungMin had gone for a moment before looking back at YoungSaeng again. "... Have you ever... I mean... I don't want to presume anything but... would you?"

"And why do my personal preferences interest you so much?" YoungSaeng raised an eyebrow at the younger man.

"It doesn't," KyuJong said quickly, shaking his head. "I guess I just want to know more about the people I'm traveling a little bit with... and the way you two get on it seemed like you two were I don't know and I guess I was just curious if you two were..." he stammered, trailing off as he felt his face heating up and had to look away.

"If we are together?" YoungSaeng looked amused at the stammering. "We're just good friends. I'm pretty sure any more than that and we'd kill each other within a month."

"Okay, then.. okay," KyuJong said, shifting a bit awkwardly.

"Dammit KyuHyun, those were supposed to go in the stew," RyeoWook huffed. "You're not getting dinner now, you get to starve."

"I just had a couple!" KyuHyun protested.

YoungSaeng looked at KyuJong for a long moment before turning around to see what the commotion was. "KyuHyun, stop stealing food. Go help JungMin if you can't behave yourself."

"So he can yell at me too?" the younger man glanced towards where the redhead had gone.

"You bring it on yourself. How's it coming, RyeoWook?"

"If KyuHyun stops eating all the ingredients, it'll just be a few minutes," RyeoWook said, swatting KyuHyun out of the way.

"Go pack, KyuHyun." YoungSaeng ordered. The other man headed off reluctantly. "There, he's out of your hair for a while. Don't starve him though, he'll just get whinier."

"I don't think that's even possible," RyeoWook said, shaking his head. He glanced around briefly before looking at YoungSaeng. "I think JungMin's right about Joon though.... the brothers could be a liability."

"And would you rather kick them out?" YoungSaeng raised an eyebrow.

"No, I didn't say that," RyeoWook said, lips pursed a little. "I'm just telling you my concerns Saeng."

"I know. We'll keep an eye on them. But their problems are their own for now." YoungSaeng glanced towards where KiBum had headed off. "If they can't be open with us, there's little we can do to help right now."

"Wish there was something more though," RyeoWook said, sighing a little. "I'll go find Joon and tell him food's ready. Hopefully he won't bite my head off."

"If he does, bite back.”




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@Forever5501: Hehe Joon may be the baby of SS501, but he's a very protective big brother ^^ In real life, Kibum's said he looks up to Hyungjoon a lot. And Kyuhyun will forever be the evil magnae. He is one of my favorites to write because he's such a pain in the .

@ping501: Knight in shining armor? More like knight in a dusty, rickety old wagon XD Kyu may need you to tie and gag him, cause he's still set on leaving. Thanks for the comment~

@Forest_pixi: Most expressions if you stop and look at them don't make any sense XD I'd say it's just English being weird (because English is a very weird language) but I know some French expressions that don't make any sense either. Chemistry may be there, but you know us =P We're never nice to our characters. And Ryeowook is going to need to put Kyuhyun on a leash. Joon just needs a smack in the head.

@ST01Now: Kevin looks up to Kyujong a lot, probably because he appeared right when Kevin needed someone. There needs to be more HnB moments, everywhere, they are just so much fun XP Jungmin was one of the characters on a horse, yeah xD It's him and the brothers, the others are all in the caravan because Saeng steers, Ryeowook can't ride and Kyuhyun can't settle down long enough to ride properly. Glad you like the way we're portraying the characters! :D Livejournal is getting less and less active, it's kinda sad. Well the SS501 fic community has been dead since forever, but so are the other fic communities lately :(


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waaahhh im reading this at LJ :D
Chapter 13: Poor things can't get a break and and MINJOON.
Chapter 7: Jungminnnn please be safe.
Chapter 6: Can't resist KyuSaeng's cuteness. They are so adorable and it's always fun to read your JungMin.
Curious about everyone's past.
Chapter 1: Finally! I'm reading this. Yayeeeee
Chapter 35: i was sooooo absent....
and this made me sooooo emotional.
the chacters have my spellbound
Chapter 34: I've been reading the updates silently. I am happy your story is back. Now with the annoying HeeChul and Prince ZhouMi? I do hope they get to Beijing fast before anything happens to the prince. Welcome back author-nim, though I am late for the welcoming party.
Chapter 34: withdrawl....that's what I've been feeling.

This right here hit the spot...prince Mi? what else are you hiding?
and yes! yes! Heechul...I'm smitten by this man.

but now I'l; be getting the shakes again because you spoiled me with all them updates....
Chapter 1: Holy cheese author I think I'm in love with this story! Terribly sorry for not running into it sooner! I mean...SS501, Super Junior AND U-Kiss...some of my favorite boy groups in one of my most favorite world settings of all time. Not only that, but I just love your writing style.

You caught me with this. It's long and I've got a lot of catching up to do, but it definitely looks worth it.
Chapter 33: ....never seen a what? how could you leave it there?!!!!