Chapter One

The Road Less Traveled

Kevin didn't dare look back the way he'd came to see if he was being followed. He could barely see the ground in front of him as he hauled himself up the steep slope, fingers fighting for purchase on loose rocks and sharp branches. What he could see wasn't illuminated by the cloud-covered moon, but the fires that still burned brightly in the small village compound he'd left behind.

Bandits, that had been what his father had told him seconds before he'd shoved a pistol and a pack into Kevin's hands and sent him out through the back door. Kevin had gone straight to the half-broken part of the stone wall surrounding the village, using the rubble to climb over and land in the bushes on the other side. A few other children had tried to escape with him. Most were shot down; it was sheer luck Kevin hadn't been caught by the bullets too. The one girl left had slipped and fallen in a ravine neither of them had noticed in the dark, neck snapping on impact. With that, Kevin was alone.

He thought again about going back home, trying to help. But when he turned around carefully to see better, his heart sank in his chest. The whole village was up in smoke. Even here, up on the hill, he could see the bodies and the bandits pillaging the houses still standing before setting them on fire too. The screams that had echoed through the air had mostly died out. All he could hear now was the crackling of the flames.

Swallowing thickly, Kevin turned back to the slope and continued to haul himself up, body protesting the movement. Finally he crested the hill, and bit back a shout as he tumbled a few feet down the opposite side. He made sure the backpack was still secure over one shoulder, the pistol hooked into one pocket, before continuing as fast as he could in the darkness.

Finally the trees and bushes around him blocked the sound of the fire out. Kevin walked for what must have been a couple hours before he couldn't move a step further. He dropped down onto the group, panting quietly. He was definitely lost, but it was too dark to do anything about that.

Numb from cold and shock, he found a bush to crawl under. The backpack had an emergency blanket and dried food, and he bit back tears thinking about how his dad had always made sure he knew where the pack was, just in case.

Bandits…his village, his family, everything gone.

Using the backpack as a pillow, Kevin curled up as best as he could and tried to ignore how uncomfortable he was, shutting his eyes and waiting for sleep.




The sun rose in the morning, unperturbed by the events of the previous night. Birds sang overhead, chasing each other through the branches of the canopy. With the coming of the morning, someone was wandering through the underbrush. It was only by chance that one of Kevin's feet was visible and that it was noticed. Peering in between the leaves of the bush, the stranger frowned a little. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, nudging at Kevin's foot.

Stirring, Kevin woke up quickly at the nudge, blinking blearily. The second nudge made him sit up quickly and he yelped as he got tangled up in the bush, arms and face scratched lightly. He fumbled for his pistol as he pushed himself out from underneath the bushes, looking at the stranger with wide eyes. "…What? Who are you?"

The stranger backed up quickly, a shotgun appearing from his back and leveled at Kevin because of the flailing. “Nevermind who I am, if you have a weapon drop it. I don't want any trouble.”

That woke him up. Eyes widening at the shotgun, Kevin slowly placed his pistol down beside him and lifted his hands in the air. "You're not one of the bandits, are you?"

“Bandits?” The stranger's eyes narrowed a little, glancing side to side. “What's your name? Why are you sleeping under a bush?”

"Kevin," Kevin eyed the shotgun warily. "From the Jangjeon compound. Bandits hit it, last night. You're not going to shoot me, are you?"

“Depends on if I believe you or not.” Was the reply, though the shotgun was lowered and a hand extended out into the bush. “I'm KyuJong. I saw the compound... what was left of it. I'm sorry, I didn't get close enough to see if anyone else was alive.”

Kevin looked at the hand before taking it, standing. His whole body felt sore from the night on the uncomfortable earth. "I don't think anyone else got out," he shook his head, looking down and holding onto the emergency blanket tightly in his other hand. "They burned everything."

Eyeing Kevin for a moment, KyuJong sighed a little. “I'm sorry. But you made it out, and still alive. Could be a lot worse off right now.”

"I don't know about that," Kevin shook his head again. "I've never…been out of the compound before. I don't know where to go now. Can I pick up my gun without getting shot?"

“Do you even know how to use a gun?” KyuJong asked, resting the shotgun over his forearm. “You can pick it up, but do it slowly.”

"I figured it was easy enough, point and shoot," Kevin gave a strained smile before stooping to pick up the gun. As promised he moved slowly, checking to make sure the safety was still on before slipping it back into his pocket. "You're alone? Isn't that dangerous?"

“No more dangerous than anything else,” KyuJong shrugged. “So I guess you have no idea where to go or what to do now huh. Why don't we have something to eat, you look like you could at least use a meal first before you decide what to do with the rest of your life.”

"Yeah…okay," Kevin sighed, looking a little relieved that KyuJong wasn't just going to walk away. "I have some dried stuff in here, I think, I didn't really check all too well last night." He stooped to pick up his backpack.

“I saw a little clearing back this way,” KyuJong said, nodding over his shoulder. “I've got some good bread and fresh meat if you'd rather have something more filling than dried food stuffs.”

"If you're offering, I don't want to take from your supplies," Kevin chewed on his lower lip before stuffing the blanket back into the backpack, shouldering it. "Is it tough, being out on your own?"

“Not so bad, you're not really a target for bandits like compounds are,” KyuJong said, leading Kevin away from the bush. “But you learn real quick how to take care of yourself without anyone out here to hold your hand.”

"I guess there's not much of a choice," Kevin followed after KyuJong, stumbling slightly on the uneven ground before getting used to the terrain. "You die if you can't. If the plague don't kill you first."

“I'd rather be taken out by bandits or a wild animal than die by the plague,” KyuJong said, a hard edge to his voice. “It's a horrible way to die.”

"Any way to die sounds horrible," Kevin said quietly. "Dying out here alone sounds…terrifying."

KyuJong stopped and turned, looking at Kevin with narrowed eyes. “You ever seen someone when the virus goes rampant? How it spreads over the skin and turns blood red, and you're in horrible agony for weeks until your veins explode? I'd rather die being mauled by a bear or shot or something. At least that would be quick. If it went rampant on me while I was out here alone, I'd rather be alone so people didn't hear me scream.”

Kevin's lips thinned and he lifted his chin slightly, meeting KyuJong's eyes. "I saw my ma die from plague a couple years back. Dad and I didn't leave her to be alone…kept her as comfortable as we could."

“Would have been better to put her out of her misery,” KyuJong replied, turning away and starting to walk again.

"Don't say that like you knew her!" Kevin stared after KyuJong. He stayed where he was for a long moment before continuing, head down. He didn't want to die out here alone, no matter what KyuJong said was better.

KyuJong didn't respond, finding the small clearing and dropping his pack in the dirt. He set a small fire in a tin can using bits of cotton to light and fueled by a hard paste in the bottom of the can. Holding a pan over the fire, he dropped small pieces of meat onto it. “I'm heading to a compound just south of Seoul. I can bring you there if you want. They've taken in people before.”

"…I'd appreciate that," Kevin nodded after a moment, crouching down. He decided to go through his backpack and remember just what had been packed, hoping it was enough to take care of himself. "I've got a map, but I'm not…the best at navigating."

“It's fine, I know where I'm going,” KyuJong replied, pushing at the pieces of meat with a stick. “I'll get you there and you can figure out what to do after that. They might need some more farm hands or you can go find somewhere else to stay if you want.”

"Thanks," Kevin looked up at KyuJong. "How long have you been out here, it seems like you really know what you're doing."

“I lost count few months back,” KyuJong shrugged at that. “Over a year now probably. I came out of a compound just like you. Had no idea what I was doing. You don't think you'll make it right now but you will if you're determined enough.”

"Did you pick up on all this stuff on the road, or did you know it beforehand?" Kevin watched what KyuJong was doing. "I mean, I can fish, and tell what plants are safe to eat or not, but that's about it."

“You sure do ask a lot of questions,” KyuJong sighed, spearing one of the pieces of meat and holding it out to him. “Just eat, you don't need to know my whole life story.”

"Sorry." Kevin took the offering with a quiet thank you, blowing on the food to cool it a little. "I'm just really glad I'm not alone right now…There were others trying to get out, but then JiHae got shot and MinAh fell into the ravine…" He looked down, wiping at his eyes lightly.

“I don't know if it's going to get any better for you after all this,” KyuJong said. “But sometimes it's just better to be alone out here. Don't have to rely on anyone for anything except yourself. I think it's better this way.”

Kevin just shook his head, because he didn't agree with KyuJong at all. Even with the plague and the chance of dying any day, he would have preferred his friends and family beside him right then. Fighting back the burning in his eyes as he thought about everyone he'd left behind, he ate quietly. Maybe it would have been better for him to die in the village along with them.

It was a few minutes of quiet eating before KyuJong snuffed out the flamed and packed up his materials. “We've got a few hours of travel to get to, let's get going,” he said, righting his backpack. “You going to be able to keep up?”

"I'll keep up," Kevin nodded, zipping up his backpack and slinging it back over his shoulder. He stood, dusting the dirt off his jeans the best he could. "Thanks…really."

“Thank me when you get there alive,” KyuJong said, already heading out. “Until then, just stay quiet and try not to get in my way.”

"…Okay," Kevin frowned. As thankful as he was for KyuJong letting him tag along, his new traveling companion didn't seem that friendly. He followed along after KyuJong, keeping quiet as promised. He didn't see how he'd be able to learn much if he couldn't talk, but there was little point to bringing that up.

After ten minutes of walking in silence, he asked, "Can I call you hyung?"

“Do you even know how old I am?” KyuJong replied, glancing over his shoulder briefly. “And I thought I said to stay quiet.”

"Well, you look older than me," Kevin answered. "And even if you aren't, you know a lot more than me, so I should still be respectful."

“You can call me whatever you want,” KyuJong said with a smirk. “Long as you stay quiet.”

"I can't really call you much of anything if I'm quiet though," Kevin mumbled to himself before falling silent again. It was going to be a long day at this rate.

The rest of the day was quiet, with an occasional question from Kevin. KyuJong humored him at first, answering if he felt like it. By the time they stopped for the night, KyuJong found somewhere for them to take shelter. A parking garage had toppled over, two cement blocks forming an open space they could crawl in to.

They made another meal of warmed up meat and bread, KyuJong building an actual fire for them. “It's going to take a few days to get to the compound,” he said, sharpening a knife on a whetstone. “A week at most if we run into bad weather.”

"Okay, that's not that bad," Kevin nodded, watching what KyuJong was doing curiously. "Are there always going to be places like this for us to hide in, like if we hit a storm?"

“Only if we're lucky,” KyuJong said. “I haven't taken this route before so I don't know what we'll run into. But it's bad on the more traveled roads right now. Too many bandits.”

"Oh," Kevin's gaze lowered. Bandits, he could go the rest of his life gladly without ever seeing another one. "Guess I'll be getting a crash course on outdoor survival," he tried to remain upbeat, pulling out a long thin cord from inside his backpack. "Improvised shelters and stuff."

KyuJong eyed him, continuing what he was doing as he wiped the blade with a cloth. “Yeah, you make do with what you have around you and try not to draw attention to yourself.”

"Would you mind showing me how to set up camps that won't draw attention? I mean…I'd probably be sleeping under a bush again tonight if you hadn't found me," Kevin chuckled ruefully, trying to remember the knots his father had shown him years ago.

“Sleeping in a bush isn't that bad, I've slept in worse places,” KyuJong said. “You just have to make sure you aren't visible from the outside. I wouldn't have seen you if your foot hadn't been sticking out.”

"So bigger bush, next time," Kevin nodded. "I wasn't exactly thinking straight. I wish there was some way I could pay you back for this, but I don't have much on me…unless you don't know how to fish or avoid poisonous berries."

“Pay me back for what?” KyuJong raised an eyebrow at him. “We're going the same way, you're just following me. I know how to fish, but I don't really like fish and it's not worth it to try and scavenge for berries.”

"Even if we're going the same way, you could have just left me there. So I'm saying thank you, for not." Kevin frowned at the snare that was quickly turning into more of a knot than anything. He undid the knot to try again.

“What are you even doing?” KyuJong raised an eyebrow at him.

"Trying to remember how to make a snare," Kevin flushed in embarrassment, carefully redoing the knot. "Dad tried to teach me some years ago, but it's been a long time…"

“So you going to try and catch a bear with that?” KyuJong asked in amusement.

Kevin blinked, looking up at KyuJong with wide eyes. "I was…hoping for something a little smaller, and less likely to break the rope and maul me."

“I may have an easier method of hunting than trying to figure out how a rope works,” KyuJong said, patting the gun at his feet. “Not that I usually hunt though, I'm not a fan of skinning and field dressing animals.”

"I guess that is easier," Kevin agreed. "I'm just not sure how many shots my pistol has in it, figure at least trying to set a snare would be better than starving. I don't want to be deadweight for however long we're together, I will hold my own."

“Well if you know how to use a snare, then by all means use it,” KyuJong shrugged. “But you're only dead weight if you get me in the way of bandits or get me killed. Then you're really screwed.”

"I'm not going to get you in trouble with bandits," Kevin's lips thinned and he looked back down at what he was doing. "I just mean…I want to be able to take care of myself. Even if I don't exactly know how yet."

“Then why are you trying to convince me you're useful?” KyuJong asked, tilting his head. “Remember what I said about staying quiet? I meant that as watch, listen, and learn. Because if I'm more focused on telling you how to do something, then I'm not paying attention to what's going on around us.”

"I didn't mean— that's…" Kevin's shoulders slumped slightly. "…You're right, I'm sorry. I'll try not to bother you with too many questions."

“I just want to make sure we get where we need to go in one piece,” KyuJong said. “But if you want, I can at least show you how to use that weapon you've got. That would be more useful than trying to remember how to tie a rope into knots.”

Kevin finally perked up a little at that, looking up at KyuJong again. "I'd appreciate that a lot, hyung. I don't know much about guns, probably shoot myself in the foot instead of any animals."

“And then you would be a liability,” KyuJong said. “This isn't a joke, so you need to take it very seriously. If you think you're going to shoot yourself in the foot, then you shouldn't even be handling a gun.”

The younger man's lips thinned, and he turned back to his snare. "I'm just trying to lighten things up a little. This is a little scary for me. I know it's serious."

KyuJong looked away into the darkened forest outside their shelter. “I know it's scary,” he said quietly after a while. “Sometimes I forget what it's like. I'm sorry if I'm not as... friendly as what you're used to. I've been alone for a while.”

"It's okay. I understand," Kevin said. "If you don't mind me asking…why are you out here?"

“I do mind, actually,” KyuJong replied tersely. “That isn't any of your business, so keep that in mind.”

"Okay, sorry," Kevin winced at the tone. He fumbled with the knot his snare had become again before giving up. "I'll get some sleep then." Placing the snare aside, he tried to adjust the items in his backpack so it would be a more comfortable pillow, pulling out his blanket.

“I'll wake you when it's time to head out,” KyuJong said, leaning up against the cement slab. He rested the shotgun on his lap, keeping a watchful eye on the area just outside of the shelter. There was no telling if the bandits that had attacked Kevin's compound weren't still out there somewhere, and KyuJong didn't want to be caught unaware.




Over the next couple days, Kevin and KyuJong traveled west towards Seoul, or what used to be Seoul. Kevin had no idea how KyuJong kept them on course; the surroundings hardly seemed to change from his point of view. They took dirt paths through forests and mountains, crossing narrow rivers and old country roads. Every now and then they came across abandoned villages or suburbs, the houses empty and falling apart. They never stayed in those places long, save for shelter at night. Too dangerous; scavengers likely hid in them.

By the third day of traveling together, Kevin had stopped bothering KyuJong with questions unless he really needed to or they'd stopped for a break, instead watching the older man and imitating him the best he could. The way he walked without breaking every single branch in his way, how he tested water sources, how he hunted. Even if he wasn't the friendliest person to talk to, Kevin admired him, because he knew so much.

"Those clouds don't look very promising," he commented lightly that afternoon as they walked. He'd looked up to see thunderclouds looming in the distance.

“We'll have to find shelter in a couple of hours,” KyuJong said. “Good news is, we're not far from the compound. We'll reach it by tomorrow night. We made pretty good time.”

"That's good," Kevin smiled in relief. Seeing the trees clearing gradually up ahead, he blinked. "Are we heading back into a town?"

“Yeah, this one's been empty for a while,” KyuJong nodded, keeping himself in the lead. “Raiders cleaned it out already so there isn't much left.”

Nodding, Kevin hurried to catch up; he was falling behind again. His whole body was sore after a couple nights sleeping on the ground, but he hoped it was something he'd get used to eventually.

As KyuJong had said, the town was abandoned. Almost. They were through to the third row of houses when Kevin heard something a street over, the sound of metal ringing. "What's that?"

“... Not sure, probably the wind catching something,” KyuJong said, motioning for Kevin to stay close. “If I tell you to run though, just go, and don't look back.”

"Okay…" Kevin tried not to walk so close he'd get in KyuJong's way, looking in the direction of the noise nervously.

He was so focused on the noise that when they hit the next intersection, he didn't even notice the group of bandits coming from the other direction.

KyuJong did notice though, pushing Kevin roughly towards the tree line. “Run!”




First chapter is a go! Thank you to everyone who's subscribed to the story already! :)

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Just a heads-up, I don't know if I'll be able to get another update up before the new year; I'll be visiting tons of friends and family over the holidays so internet access will be spotty. But we'll be back with a new chapter in 2015! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuhkah, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

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waaahhh im reading this at LJ :D
Chapter 13: Poor things can't get a break and and MINJOON.
Chapter 7: Jungminnnn please be safe.
Chapter 6: Can't resist KyuSaeng's cuteness. They are so adorable and it's always fun to read your JungMin.
Curious about everyone's past.
Chapter 1: Finally! I'm reading this. Yayeeeee
Chapter 35: i was sooooo absent....
and this made me sooooo emotional.
the chacters have my spellbound
Chapter 34: I've been reading the updates silently. I am happy your story is back. Now with the annoying HeeChul and Prince ZhouMi? I do hope they get to Beijing fast before anything happens to the prince. Welcome back author-nim, though I am late for the welcoming party.
Chapter 34: withdrawl....that's what I've been feeling.

This right here hit the spot...prince Mi? what else are you hiding?
and yes! yes! Heechul...I'm smitten by this man.

but now I'l; be getting the shakes again because you spoiled me with all them updates....
Chapter 1: Holy cheese author I think I'm in love with this story! Terribly sorry for not running into it sooner! I mean...SS501, Super Junior AND U-Kiss...some of my favorite boy groups in one of my most favorite world settings of all time. Not only that, but I just love your writing style.

You caught me with this. It's long and I've got a lot of catching up to do, but it definitely looks worth it.
Chapter 33: ....never seen a what? how could you leave it there?!!!!