
Like Spring
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"Lets go out today." I suggested, whispering into Hanas ear the minute she opened them.

"Where?" she yawned, blinking her eyes.

"Anywhere you want."

"Anywhere I want?"

"Mmmhmm." I nodded out of generosity.

"Lets go to the beach!" She beamed a smile just thinking about it.

"We can swim, have a picnic and waterfight!" ideas that popped into Jung Hwans mind.

I laughed at how dorky he is. "Sometimes, I forget you guys are 16."

"I'm going to fill the balloons up with water." Jung Hwan went on a scavenger hunt around the house to find some balloons we stored a few months ago.

"Unnie, lets make the food."

"Okay." My eye smile showed brightly whilst I patt my sisters head.

We went over to our kitchen which I describe as 'pocket-sized' since its cramped. However I'm still more than happy to call it mine.

I prepared the fruit as Hana made the sandwhiches. She offered to do the main food since she's the pickiest out of us three.

Chopping the fruit is no problem to me, I learnt to do so at a young age with the nuns and ever since, I classify myself an expert at cutting - not just fruit; from vegetables to meat.

"Unnie." Hana called behind me, our backs were facing eachother.

"Mmm?" I hummed.

"Do you believe in love?"

"What?" Before she could reply, I accidentally cut my index finger with the knife for not focusing. "Ahhhh." I hissed, quickly on my bloody wound.

The taste of iron dissolving into my taste buds made it hard for me to listen to Hana in the background.

"Unnie, are you okay?!" She panicked.


"I'll go get you a plaster." She ran out of the kitchen and into the toilet next door where I could hear the cabinet opening and closing. She immediatly swifted back into the kitchen and handed me the plaster.

I took off the seal and quickly wrapped it around my finger when I felt the blood stop flowing. I used wet wipes to wipe away any excess blood that dried around my index finger.

"Thank you." I nodded to Hana.

"Unnie, you do the sandwhiches and I'll cut the rest."

"No." I refused. "You'll get hurt."

"I'm 16 now." she grabbed the knife from the counter.

"Hana, you can't even cook rice from a rice cooker." I furrowed my eyebrows to make a point.

"That doesn't mean I can't cut fruit."

"Nope, I'm not taking that risk, give me the knife." I asked but I took it out of her hands instead.

"But unnie, you already do so much for me-"

"Just make the sandwhiches ~ I'm fine." I went back to focusing on chopping the vegetables.


We took the taxi on the way to the south beach, it didnt tak long but it was long enough for the kids to sleep in the car ride.

I tapped on them lightly and they woke up in a flinch ~ Its good that they're light sleepers.

The three of us got off with our baskets, its autumn yet it's extremely hot. I prepared the seat by the sand by putting out the blanket for us to sit on, I assembled out the food on the blanket since we came late and decided to have lunch at the location.

"Unnie, watch out!" I hear from a distance as I placed the basket down on a appropriate sand at the beach. I stood up straight to see a balloon coming my way.

The elastic broke infront of me and water splatted on every feature of my face, making my baby hair dripping wet.

The cackle of my brother gradually became louder.

"You think thats funny, huh?" I sneered, mocking him as I held a water balloon on my right arm hid behind me.

I sprinted behind him but he obviously heard my footsteps; he threw another one at me causing myself to stop and reflect.

"Aigoo." I sighed, wiping the water droplets from my face.

"Dont worry, unnie, I'll get him." Hana claimed vengeance, snatching the balloon away from my hand.

Chuckling, I walked back to the basket to prepare the picnic whilst they played with the balloon.

I decided to eat earlier than them, just a plain sandwhich that I was satisfied with whilst watching them enjoy.

Watching the open wided smile on Hanas face pleases me, knowing she's enjoying herself and forgetting about the bullies in school.

The sun reflected on my skin as I went onto my phone as the two continued to bond, later, I noticed no voice from either of the twins.

I gaped up at the scenery to see Hana sat down by the sea, letting the waves brush upon her legs.

Left and right, no sign of Jung Hwan.

Until he came back with street food, still warm.

"What happened?" I wondered as he gave me a stick pierced onto fish cake.

"What do you mean?" munching, he took a seat next to me.

"Why arent you guys playing? Did you run out of balloons? ~ I have some more in here." I moved near my hand carrier before he took my hand to stop me. "What is it?"

"I guess she just wants to be alone."

I sighed, not knowing what to do. "I heard."

"Heard what."

"Heard what happened early in the morning."

"You did?!"

"Please ~ Did you expect me to run all night around the city looking just for one person?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, she is your sister afterall."

"Well, I knew she'd be back by then."

"Noona, don't be mad at her."

My expression changed, slightly confused. "I'm not."

"She'll be okay with time by our side."

"I hope so." I grunted as I got up on my two feet, imprinting my feet on the sand as I stood next to my sister who was still sat down with her legs crossed on the waves.

"Are you tired?" 

"What makes you think that?"

"So I take that as a no?"

No comment from .

"Then lets go play." I encouraged her, taking her wrist, pulling her up as gravity tried pulling her down.

Hana moaned and pushed herself downwards, not want to get up.

"Why?" I asked.

No comment.

"Just because I'm the eldest doesn't mean I can't act my age."

No comment.

I caught Hana taking a glance at her left and back at me cautiously.

"What is it?"

She became alarmed, her body stiffened which was easily shown in my eyes. "Nothing."

I squinted my eyes showing disbelief in her words as I turned back only to see Jung Hwan looking the same way on the left.

"What is it?" I sat down by Jung hwan.

"Chiaoxiang." The way he said that boys name gave me shivers down my spine. It was like a name that shouldnt be said ~ like Voldemort.

I observed him and he was also with his family, as it seems to be.

"What's a rich family doing at a normal beach where the water is ice cold in Winter."

"You're so stereotypical sometimes." I had no clue whether that was a compliment or an insult from Jung Hwan.

"Should I have a talk with them?" I suggested, almost getting up but he stopped me once again.

"No, Hana wouldnt like it."

"But I don't like the fact that he's been bothering both of you."

"Remember, Hana doesnt know that you know she tried to commit suicide. Lets keep it that way."

I took note from my younger brother. "Fine." I made a face, a displeased one.

"I'd like to go home now."

"Already?!" I was surprised, knowing we only spent 2 hours in the beach. I checked my watch to find out its still early. "Well...If you really want to go-"

"Yes I really do." She interuppted urgently.


The day after, a Sunday, a normal day where we always attend church.

of course, its the same church we always attend, the one where mother Yunsoo would take us.

After one hour of mass, us three came to visit Mother Yunsoo and the other mothers to check on how they are doing.

Jung Hwan and Hana offered to help in the kitchen since they've been doing that for the past couple of years whereas I had a talk with mother Yunsoo ~ alone.

"She's been really depressed lately, and I'm really worried." I frowned, bowing my head down to the floor.

"I'm sure its just a phase. Dont you remember being like that?"

"No." I shook my head straightforwardly.

"Okay, you were a good girl, a happy and obediant one. But trust me, this is completely normal for a girl on their teens."

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Bicaso #1
Chapter 21: I'm crying now I was taking rest from my study but I end up crying what to do now
Chapter 21: OH MY GAWD!!! I have no words for this... My tears a falling down like a waterfall ㅠㅠ
This is why I can't read angst stories, but I couldn't resist this. I knew from the start is not going to be fluffy fluffy, but stil!!
Chapter 12: Bom and Kris better fight for their love!
Chapter 11: Why does Mei Ling had to come back!
Chapter 10: I did not see that coming, you know, the brother confession. I feel so bad for Kris, he's not a bad guy!!
Chapter 8: Why can't Bom live a happy life for ones?!
Chapter 6: Poor Bom!! She has so much weight on her shoulders. I just want to hug her ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Jung Hwan is such a great guy, I wish I had him as my brother. They've been through so much, poor kids.
lily-leo-vvip #10
Chapter 21: I hate you because you made me have mixed emotions...but i love you because you made a heart felt story like this and it made me happy...thank you author-nim...