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[A/N]: Early update because its Christmas! Wooo! Merry Christmas to you guys, your friends and your families! [I'm aware that its not Christmas where you guys are from due to the time zone] Since its Christmas, I expect alot of you to not log on today, but yeah, this is kind of a Christmas presant for you guys, enjoy your holidays!

Some of you may be shocked about whats going to happen, it will get better, to be honest, I dont think its one of those cliche stories, something will happen and I don't want to spoil it for you guys.

Oh, and there will be some fluff coming your way! Looking back at the story, I just noticed how depressing it is...damn ~ I apologise.


My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I am awake again.

The dream? I don't remember it, it disappeared in a mere second but I get that vibe telling me its something I'd be interested in if I knew.

The stars above me aligned perfectly, showing some form of constellation.

Only one lamp post was lit nearby and not much was seen other than the city lights of the scenery of Seoul that outshined the  nature.

A mellow breeze brushed against my bare skin and thats when I noticed I'm . I guess not completely since some of my clothes were lying on top so I used it as a blanket.

Next to me is Bom, her head rested on my shoulders ~ stupid of me for not noticing earlier.

Time didnt stop me from tucking her in with the rest of her clothes to keep her warm, afterall, were in a public field/hill.

It makes me wonder if people passed by when we were sleeping...

...probably not, they would have called the cops, something along those lines or maybe they didnt want anything to do with us.

Boms heart pounded, the side of my chest could feel it and her tender breath exhaling out

Her last words last night, 'I love you', should I trust those words? Nevertheless, I did confess back to her, but then again, we aren't really together and to top it off, she was drunk.

I don't want her waking up anytime soon, I'm afraid of the aftermath, she probably thought I took advantage of her, she probably didnt know what she was doing, she'd probably hate me for this.

Enough with the 'probably's ~ she will think I took advantage of her, she didn't know what she was doing and she will hate me for this.

Not to sound like a ert, but I scanned her body and you can see the red marks printed in almost every inch of her body, I'm going to get it.


The small movement of her toes curled then a split second, it was her eyes' turn, without rushing, she opened them and batted her eyelashes for a few moments to satisfy her vision.

Forgetting she's completely , she lifts her upper body where the clothes on top slipped down towards gravity, revealing her firm s.

Due to her quick reaction, she pulled them back up to specifically cover her private areas.

Boms cheeks flushed red as her lips pouted showing that cute side every girl has.

Her first words got me, truthfully, it was surprising. "What time is it?" she gapes at me, relying on me to tell her ~ funny, I expected something like a 'why am I ?', 'what happened?', or a 'why am I here?', but out of all questions its that.

My phone was hidden inside the back pocket of my pants that is set on top of me, I reached out for it and checked the time. "11:24PM."

"Thanks." She scratches her head, making her bed head even worse but strangely attractive.

First off, she had to put on her underwear then the rest whilst I rested on the same position.

Seeing how calm she is, does she know what happened earlier on in the day? I had to think it thoroughly since she could blow up anytime after remembering we had , public .

"So...How do you feel?"

"After having , I feel the same, it isnt my first time so why make a big deal out of it?"

Its like a huge amount of weight has been lifted off of me, she knows, she remembers and she isnt mad...or so I thought. "I'm not making a big deal about it."


"So you remember everything?"

"Pretty much." She bluntly replies, making it no fun for us.

Being my underhanded self, I tugged on Boms arm, making her head land on top of my chest. "So you remember the words you said to me earlier?" I light up a crescant grin on my face.

"Well what about you?" Her playful act makes me want her more. "Do you remember the words you said to me earlier? Do you remember how many marks you left?"

"Care to tell me?"

"You left 20."

"Oh so you actually counted." It was sweet of her to keep count but I dont remember seeing that much, sure I said there were alot earlier but I exaggerated.

"Not just on my flesh but you left alot in here." She gestures her hand, pointing her index towards her heart.

"I hope to leave more aswell."

"I'd like that." She curled her lips deeply, giving me a deep shiver throughout my body, she's so beautiful. "But-"

"Oh no." I interuppted, expecting the worst.

"I'm not supposed to be with you." She pushes herself away from my body. Thats what shes good at, pushing me away, like always. "Luhan knows."

"That I'm your ex?"

"Yes, and more."

"And more?!" My mouth muttered into repeating her words.

"He knows that we sneaked away in the middle of his tour, he thinks I still have feelings for you."

"Which you do."

"I know and I'm so ing wrecked."

Expecting this conversation is about to get serious, I willingly put my clothes back on to make it comfortable for the both of us.

"We're supposed to be friends." She roughly brushed her fingers through her hair expressing how tough the situation is for her.

"Thats the problem ~ Friends don't say they love eachother or kiss like we do."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"We both know the truth but one of us is afraid to admit it."








My car wasnt parked far, I gave her a ride home assuring she's safe.

I ushered her to her door, practically doing everything for her, I pressed the doorbell and waited.

Jung Hwan opened it, he had the dissatisfied expression glarring at the both of us, and to think, he was kind of in my side a couple of days ago when Bom confessed.

"You two were out together, again?"

"Sorry." Straightforwardly, Bom apologised to her younger brother, bowing her head down.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Past midnight?" Bom shotted a guess.

"Correct, its 00:19PM."

"Sorry." I apolagised this time. "It was my fault." Bowing my body at him respectfully.

"Noona, get some sleep."

Bom followed his command, he may of sounded strict but its clearly an act.

"Hyung, come inside."

"M-me?" Accidentally stuttering at his sudden request.

"Yes, I'm your dongsaeng so I won't bite."

Its almost kind of cringey how he tries acting older than me, however I went in with him so there would be no trouble between us, I want to be on his good side.

He took me inside the kitchen, I was familliar with it since Luhan imvited me to Boms party a couple weeks ago, but Jung Hwan wouldnt know.

He offered me a seat which I sat on, he sat opposite me across the table.

"I know its weird how I'm trying to protect Bom like a father but thats what I've been told to do, I'm the only male in this family left so I hope you understand." I nodded, trying to put myself in his shoes. "I maybe only 18 but I prefer it if we talk formally instead, like brother to brother?"

The moment he requested it, I was more than happy to speak informally, the tense atsmosphere has almost gotten me trembiling.

"Sure, I prefer it that way."

"Okay, I dont know how to put it but judging by the love bites on her neck, are you two t-together?"

Just by thinking about it, a sweet memory thats been planted in my brain remains as I smile just by hearing about it. "Bite marks are love notes written in flesh." I muttered ~ he didnt hear, I don't know if thats a good or a bad. "I wish I could tell you but I honestly dont know."

"You don't know your relationship status?" He found it hard to believe.

"We actually had a talk about this earlier, just me and Bom."

"How ironic is that. What did you two say?"

"Both of us had no idea, I mean ~ she's still with Luhan."

"Still with Luhan? Are you sure about that?"

Silence happened ~ the absoloute lack of sound overpowered the kitchen.

 Swallowing a wad of saliva down my throat, its easily heard. "Is she not?"

No answer came from his mouth but the movement of his head shaking left to right said it all. "-Actually, its complicated."

"S-should I b-be happy?" I questioned myself, knowing shes kind of free makes it easier for the both of us yet I have a sense of greed flowing around my body after hearing I practically wrecked a relationship.

"Thats for you to decide ~ but if you two decide to get back together, I trust that you'll look after her."

"Thank you." I bowed, he gave me a thumbs up as I leave for the door.

Just as I felt the metal knob come contact with my fingers, he haults me with his voice. "Please don't disappoint her this time."





Jung Hwan helped me on my way out, giving me one farewell as he sends me off.

Before leaving, I wanted to pay Bom a visit, we didnt really get to say goodbye.

I flung my body over the gate which lead to their backyard, there are 2 glassed doors with a balcony, guessing one of them is Jung Hwans room and the other is Boms.

The laced blinds and pastel pink curtains gave away Boms room. Against the wall had plants in the midst of growing around the balcony.

Its midnight and the only light source available was the moon which didnt make a difference, it would be a challenge for me to climb up.

Without a doubt of failing, I clunged on carefully onto the plants, making my way towards her room.

She's in there ~ talking. Another person is there too, a lower voice with the sound of a male.

Again, reffering to the dark landscape, they wouldnt be able to see me, I stuck close to the glassed doors, squinting my eyes hoping to make it easier for my eye sight.

There I saw Bom and Luhan in the middle of a conversation.


"Yes, I do." Bom replies shamefully.

Luhan gets up on his feet, running his fingers through his hair, taking a moment to breathe in. "I'm begging you to stay but their is really no point when you're already on your way."

Realising this is something I shouldnt be hearing, I backed away leaving it to them to sort it out.




A month. A month and a half.

That long without having to see, hear or feel Bom, was the talk with Luhan so bad that she doesnt want to talk to me anymore?

I watched movies like this before, a cliché story of a girl and a boy breaking up and the girl has to take some time to fully 'recover'.

How long does she need?

I'm not rushing her, I just miss her.

Should I make the first move?


Reluctantly, my hand grabbed my phone by the bedside to dial her number.


"Hello?" Bom answered with a croaky voice.

"Did you just wake up?" Forgetting the time, I looked over at my watch to check, its only 2:43PM, she should be awake right now. "Maybe I should call you back later."

"N-no!" She stops me from hanging up on the other line. "I'm actually glad you called." A sore crack made her pause in the middle of a sentance.

"Are you okay? You don't sound alright." I worried, trying to not offend her.

"Just a

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Bicaso #1
Chapter 21: I'm crying now I was taking rest from my study but I end up crying what to do now
Chapter 21: OH MY GAWD!!! I have no words for this... My tears a falling down like a waterfall ㅠㅠ
This is why I can't read angst stories, but I couldn't resist this. I knew from the start is not going to be fluffy fluffy, but stil!!
Chapter 12: Bom and Kris better fight for their love!
Chapter 11: Why does Mei Ling had to come back!
Chapter 10: I did not see that coming, you know, the brother confession. I feel so bad for Kris, he's not a bad guy!!
Chapter 8: Why can't Bom live a happy life for ones?!
Chapter 6: Poor Bom!! She has so much weight on her shoulders. I just want to hug her ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Jung Hwan is such a great guy, I wish I had him as my brother. They've been through so much, poor kids.
lily-leo-vvip #10
Chapter 21: I hate you because you made me have mixed emotions...but i love you because you made a heart felt story like this and it made me happy...thank you author-nim...