Jia's Story Part 6: Paradise

I Will Never Love You

"I missed you Jia-shii" Heechul whispered to her ear. Jia quickly turned around and without noticing Heechul placed his lips on Jia's lips! After a long 3 seconds, They both let go of the kiss and stared at each other's eyes. Of course both were shocked at the fact that they both shared a kiss....


I missed you Jia-I missed you Jia-I missed you Jia- Those three words constantly echoed in Jia's mind. Did those words just came out of Heechul? HEECHUL?! Without noticing that the two just kissed, Both stepped back. Silent. Awkward and Strange. 

"A-Hem, Ugh, Ah" Heechul faked cough trying to break the awkwardness between them.

"I came here too....too v-visit y-y-YOU" Heechul stuttered.

"Oh, Umm t-thankyou" Jia said in soft voice, Trying to avoid Heehul's eyes.

The two just stood there in the cold air up in the balcony, The air was sure cold but Jia couldn't feel it. She was still flustered at the fact that Heechul kissed her at the most random time.

"Aish STUFF THIS! Come with me!" Heechul grabbed Jia's arm and leaded her outside of the hospital.

"Where are you taking me" Jia yelled.

"Paradise" Heechul said in a soft voice with a grin attached to his face.

Confused by the words, Jia didn't reply back. She was too busy stuck in her thoughts thinking where 'paradise' was.

"Here put this on" Heechul was holding a motorcycle helmet but Jia didn't hear him, She was still starstrucked.

"Aish" Heechul murmured and decided to place the helmet on Jia's head placing her on the back of his motercycle.

"Hold on tight, We don't want you falling off the motecycle" and with that Heechul rode off wild into the highway on their way to 'paradise'.


"Just where are-" Jia was interrupted by the beautiful sight of the sulty sand and the beautiful beach waves. It was a beach.

"Ta-Da welcome to paradise! I'll be your guide for today, Allow me to you Miss Jia" and with that Heechul offered his arm to Jia which she glady accepted and leaded her to an already set up 'sit up' place on the sand of the beach. There was a picnic rug, a basket full of food and a blanket. Heechul and Jia sat on the mat and adored the night where the sun was almost ready to rise up.

"I always wanted to watch the sun rise but I couldn't, Because I'm not the type of person who would get up so early in the morning to watch the sun rise. I would only ever get up to watch it if someone special to me would watch it with me. I wouldn't dare watch it by myself because it rises to early. But for some reason, I got up early because" Heechul broke off his sentence.

"Because....You're with me Jia-shi. You're the reason why I wake up every morning" Heechul said softly staring at the almost risen sun.

"I know I might have an image of being rude or self-centered but everything seemed to change. Not just physically or mentally but emotionally. I've fallen for a girl who I've never thought I'd meet. A girl who's too talented and way too beautiful who I'd never thought I've deserved. A girl that I love, Fell in love. And that's you Jia. I love you" Heechul said but only realized the tired Jia dozing off on his shoulder.

Heechul sighed and wrapped his arms around Jia while wrapping the blanket around her.

"Jia, I wanted to tell you this, Because I'm afraid I'll never see you again"....................

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I need to update soon! O_O


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Hope you are ok, even if you forget about this^^
Keep writing forever~ you are so good!
Chapter 38: Omo! Please update soon*0*
Minneo19loki #3
Chapter 31: Omg please update! I wanna know what's going to happen to Min. And I Want to know who her "husband" is in wgm
tcliani #4
i give an upvote hoping you'll update soon
Precious421 #5
Chapter 35: Please update this story soon.... I want to read it to the end!!!
Chapter 38: Please update soon!
Chapter 38: Aigoo... Please update soon... Can't wait to know the rest of the story... Why did Jia or Fei didn't report Yuseok to the police?? What did Yuseok mean by he's keeping Fei Dark Secret?? I hope that Yuseok will have a punishment for what he did to my veloved Miss A members... I hope that Jia and Heechul will be couple after Heechul go out from the army... keep update and keep on writing good story author-nim... xoxoxo
Skibop #8
Chapter 38: I found this story and started reading, and then I find out you also wrote Bad Girl, Good Girl... omg please update both of them! I'm upset that neither are finished :(
Chapter 22: Fei & Leeteuk <3