Chapter 7

So Near Yet So Far




After Bigbang’s Inkigayo recording, the two Seunghyuns immediately went straight to the hospital to check on Dara.


Jiyong, on the other hand, looked like a lost puppy with nowhere to go. Looking at his troubled friend, Youngbae went to him and said,


“Ji, I’ll drive.”YB insisted and took the car keys on his friend’s hand.


After a few minutes of driving, Jiyong felt that they weren’t going the way to the hospital nor their way home.


He frowned and asked him..


“Youngbae-ah, where are we going?”


“Han River.” YB said.


Before he could protest, his friend beat him to it by saying,


“It calms the mind and the heart, Jiyong.”


Jiyong’s POV


At that moment, I bowed my head down. I couldn’t look at him. I was too ashamed of myself. Shifting my gaze at the car’s window, I couldn’t help but remember…


“Yah, Dara! Where are you taking me? I asked the petite girl in front of me holding my arms and leading the way.


“Aigoo, Jiyong. Just shut up and follow me, okay?” she said.


As if I didn’t hear a thing, we kept on bickering on our way to wherever she is taking me. After a few minutes of walking, the sight of the Han River took over my eyes.


So this is where she’s taking me? I thought.


“Yah, Dara. Are you kidding me? Is this the place you wanted to show me?” I said.


I glanced at the brown eyed girl beside me and saw her chuckled.


“Neh.” She proudly answered and continued..


“Isn’t this place wonderful?”


I shook my head and faced her.


“Yah! We always pass by the Han River whenever we would go to YG and practice. What’s so special about it?” I ranted.


Aigoo! This girl definitely came from another planet.


“Ani, Jiyong. This place is special to those who consider it special. If you will just try to close your eyes to feel the wind touching your skin and to listen to the sound of the water flowing endlessly, you’ll know why.” I heard her say.


I suddenly fell silent and took the courage to do what she had just said. I stepped forward and slowly closed my eyes.


A few moments later, I opened my eyes and saw Dara beside me, eyes still closed.


“Doesn’t the Han River calm your heart and your mind, Ji?” She asked.


Gazing at her pale skin, I suddenly realized..


“Neh.” I said to her.


This place is special. It became a whole lot special because I’m with you.  


I didn’t know why or how the hell it all happened. How the Great Kwon Jiyong, Bigbang’s leader fell for the Alien Sandara Park. How this petite looking girl made his heart jumped out from his chest.


Feeling my arm touched hers, I watched how our fingers connected, her hands perfectly fitting mine.


When I saw her opening her eyes, I quickly shifted my gaze on the river and smiled.


I wish moments like this would never end. I thought.


“Let’s go?” I heard her asked.


I frowned not wanting to break this moment of ours.


“Ji, someone might recognize you here and..”


Before she could say more, I held her hand tightly and motioned her to sit on a nearby bench.


“Let’s just stay here for a while.” I said.


She was about to argue when I heard her sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. With that position, we stayed until the sun started setting.




We reached the Han River in no time. I quickly went out of the car and stood in silence. This place holds a lot of memories to me. Memories I never thought would slip away so fast.


What happened to us Dara?


Furthermore, what happened to me?


Just when I started questioning and doubting myself, I heard Youngbae’s footsteps come near me. We stood there side by side facing the river.


“Time really flies so fast, right?”


I nodded.


“I can still remember our training days. Those were the hardest but the happiest moment of our lives.” YB uttered reminiscing the past.


“You think so?” I asked him.


“Yes. Those were the times we’d practice all day non-stop then we’ll go to the karaoke bars at night drinking, dancing and singing our hearts out. Those times we wouldn’t mind people staring at us weirdly. They probably thought we’ve lost our minds.” He chuckled at the thought.


“Neh. That time, I was just Kwon Jiyong. Not Bigbang’s leader. Not G-dragon. I failed you, Youngbae-ah. I failed everyone of you. Most of all, I failed Dara. I didn’t know what happened. How everything ended up this way. I swear I didn’t want any of this sh*t right now. It . I big time.”


“What happened to you and Dara noona, Ji? Everyone, including me.. We all thought everything is fine between the two of you. You were together, right?” He asked.

I know this time would come. I know Dara and I have too much explaining to do with what really happened before. Our friends, they didn’t know. They have no idea at all.


I guess it’s about time I tell Youngbae what really transpired between Dara and I. Why up to now, I still love and hate her both at the same time.


I filled my lungs with air and closed my eyes.


“Youngbae-ah, I…” I paused putting the words into my mouth.


“I was ready to leave everything behind. Ready to face a new chapter of my life with her. I asked her to marry me..” Tears suddenly filled my eyes upon bringing back that moment.


Youngbae just stood there waiting for his friend to let everything out. Although a bit shocked by his sudden confession, he just listened.


He knows Jiyong’s been keeping this for quite some time now. That its effect on him is the big change he saw in his friend. Sadly, that change wasn’t for the better.


Youngbae heard his friend cleared his throat and continued.


“But Dara.. She turned down my proposal…” I said not minding the tears that escaped from my eyes.


I was about to continue the story when I heard Youngbae's phone ringing. I watched him flipped his phone to answer the call.


"What happened? Okay. We'll be there right away. He's with me, don't worry." I heard him say. 


As the call ended, I immediately bombard him with questions.


"Who's that Bae? Is there news on Dara's condition?" 


"Neh. That's Top hyung. He said Dara's operation already ended and that she's already out of the ICU."


Upon hearing that, I sighed in relief. Thank God she's already okay.


With a swift movement, I got my car keys back from Bae's hand and drove our way to see Dara. 


A/N: Aigoo. A small Daragon moment there you guys! :)

I think i on doing cheesy moments for our couple. Keke

Anyways, sorry for the short update. I'm dead tired. Need to wake up at 6 this morning but i'm still here updating.

I'll update you guys with longer chapters this weekend. 

Keep the love and comments coming!






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Chapter 20: Can you finish the story please?
Chapter 20: I can't stop my tears now ~T_T~(~_~メ)
Chapter 14: This chapter together with the other two before this made me cry so hard
myjoyce1986 #4
Chapter 20: oh my they are hurting each other....please more update more soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
bijabbers #5
Chapter 20: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont go Dara!! So sad. I hope they get back together. Daragon forever!!!! Update soon
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 20: I'm crying already :'( ji, why can't you just go for her so that she know she's making a wrong decision by leaving?! Update soon please
NOOO Jiyong!! You can't accept it! So... GO FOR HER!!
Thanks fi the update dear^^
myjoyce1986 #8
please i hope that you can update more
GO GO jiyong get her back please please please please jiyong fight 4 dara (^.^)
Jiyong fighting fighting (^o^)/~~
Authornim please make dara and jiyong end up together in dis story please please please (^-^)

Authornim please update more (^-^)v
myjoyce1986 #10
please i hope you can update this soon please and let her be with tabi