Chapter 16

So Near Yet So Far




As soon as Seunghyun left, I directly went to Teddy oppa’s recording studio to pay him a small visit. But upon finding out that he was not there, I headed up to the rooftop instead to gasp some fresh morning air since it’s too early to go to Sajangnim’s office and report to him.


I closed my eyes and felt the wind brush my skin. It’s good to be back. I thought. Though I was emotionally exhausted before the accident, I had conditioned myself to let bygones be bygones; that it’s time for me to start anew. As for Jiyong, I’m preparing myself to let go. Time has not been a friend for the both of us. I thought and hoped that giving Jiyong his time to forgive me will make everything back to where it has originally been. But it didn’t turn out as to what I was expecting. He hated me. His anger seems to have never subsided.


She sighed at the thought of them separating ways permanently. She will never forget the good times that the both of them shared. But if there were things that most people say that we’re not meant to be, maybe Jiyong and I would be there.. just like Joseph and I.. just like Appa & Omma.


I looked up and saw how the sun’s rays slowly enveloped the sky. This will be the start of new things, a fresh new beginning for DARA PARK.


Taking a glance at my watch, I grabbed my bag and went to the President’s office.


“Dara, are you really sure about this?” The President asked me for countless times. And I knew he will.


Before going here, I knew I’m going to be bombarded with endless questions of why. No, this wasn’t an abrupt decision others may think it is. I even consulted my family and they all supported me.


“But what about 2ne1? Have you said this with the rest of the girls? I completely understand where you’re coming from, Dara. I have always considered you as my daughter and I know and I believe in you. I won’t include you to be in this group if you didn’t deserve this, right?” He explained.


I sighed.


“I know, Sajangnim. But this decision I’ve made, it wasn’t because of what others said, judged and told about me. I’m doing this for myself. As much as I love what I do, I think I won’t be able to give a 100% of me if I always have this doubt inside me.”






“What?!” I exclaimed. I heaved a deep sigh to calm myself down upon hearing Dara’s decision.


“You got to be kidding me, right Dara?!” My eyes never leaving her.


“Mianhe, Bommie unnie. Mianhe..” She said with her head bowed down and tears flowing down her cheeks.


“We know that a lot of things have happened to you in the past, Dara-ah. But don’t make sudden decisions that you will soon regret for the rest of your life. You have always wanted this, right? We have wished and hoped for this. And now, you’re just going to throw it away just like that?” I explained to her.


“Dara unnie, Bommie unnie is right. How about us? Are you going to leave us just like that?” The leader asked.


“No. I’m not leaving you three. You will always be here in my heart. You will always have Dara as you’re number one fan. I may not be beside you on stage, but I will always be at the back cheering you three on. Don’t ever think that I’m leaving the group because of what other people say. I’m leaving because I’m doing this for myself, arasso? Besides, I still have one more year as 2ne1’s fresh vocal right? Let’s make the most out of it, okay?!” Dara said.


A moment of silence pass by until I said..


“I still don’t understand, Dara. But I’m going to let you off the hook for now. I’ll let you see that you don’t need to leave us just to put back the pieces of your broken heart. I have enough time for you to realize that 2ne1 will never be the same without you.” I defiantly said to her.


“I’m going.” I quickly said to the girls.


“Where are you going, unnie? Are you mad at me?” Dara asked.


“I’m just going outside. And no, I’m not mad. I just have to talk to some people. I’ll be back by dinner.”





As soon as I walked out of our dorm, the tears that I tried holding back inside raced as they go down my cheeks. I may be the tough unnie they know but I couldn’t help but feel disappointed at how Dara easily decided to walk out of our lives.


Call me selfish or what but I won’t let her go. 2ne1 won’t be the same without her. I can’t even imagine waking up in the morning not seeing her across my bed, not being with her almost every day practicing, recording, playing and chatting with her. We’re sisters! Isn’t it enough to change her mind?



As I reached my car, I immediately started the engine and headed my way to someone I know have caused her to make an abrupt decision, to someone I don’t want to associate myself anymore. I have to face him despite of knowing he’s the sole reason why Dara is turning back on her dreams. However, he also had this hold on her that hopefully can make her stay.




Hey guys, do you still remember me and this fic? I know I haven't updated in years but I'm not yet abandoning this story. Keke.

Just hold on tight, arasso?

Annyeong! :D

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Chapter 20: Can you finish the story please?
Chapter 20: I can't stop my tears now ~T_T~(~_~メ)
Chapter 14: This chapter together with the other two before this made me cry so hard
myjoyce1986 #4
Chapter 20: oh my they are hurting each other....please more update more soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
bijabbers #5
Chapter 20: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont go Dara!! So sad. I hope they get back together. Daragon forever!!!! Update soon
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 20: I'm crying already :'( ji, why can't you just go for her so that she know she's making a wrong decision by leaving?! Update soon please
NOOO Jiyong!! You can't accept it! So... GO FOR HER!!
Thanks fi the update dear^^
myjoyce1986 #8
please i hope that you can update more
GO GO jiyong get her back please please please please jiyong fight 4 dara (^.^)
Jiyong fighting fighting (^o^)/~~
Authornim please make dara and jiyong end up together in dis story please please please (^-^)

Authornim please update more (^-^)v
myjoyce1986 #10
please i hope you can update this soon please and let her be with tabi