Chapter 11

So Near Yet So Far






It has been a very long and tiring two weeks and we’re not even back to the YG building to practice. We can’t. Not yet. Not until Dara unnie decides to wake up from her long slumber.


Chaerin unnie, Bommie unnie and I together with the YG family are taking turns visiting her, talking to her and taking care of her.


Yes. It’s been two weeks after the operation but it didn’t turned out quite well. We were all expecting her to recover fast since she’s already out of the ICU. However, we did not know that there will be bigger news waiting for us.


To our shock, the doctor told that Dara unnie is in a state of coma.


“After going through a series of tests and performing a full Head CT Scan, the patient Ms.  Sandara Park is declared to be comatose.”


Clearly, I can still remember that day. Unnie’s family and the 3 of us were the ones who got the information first hand.


We were all left speechless as the doctor continued..


“Although the injuries she got during the accident were treated right away, the patient might have suffered from a head trauma due to the vehicle collision resulting to her lack of consciousness up to this moment.” He explained.


“When will she wake up?” I heard Durami unnie worriedly asked.


“That I cannot give you an answer. We have had patients before that became conscious after a month’s time, some took years and others… never woke up at all.”


After hearing those words, I felt that my whole body was drained. No! This couldn’t be happening. Not to her.


I ran as fast as I could letting my feet drag me to wherever it may take me to. And after a few minutes of half running, I looked up and found myself standing in front of the chapel of the hospital. Slowly, I took a few steps in and sat on the farthest seat.


Dara unnie..


Being the youngest in YG during our trainee days, most of the time I felt that I was being left out. But she was the first to make friends with me. Not only is she caring, she’s also very kind and true. Though almost all the time she acts like she’s younger than me, it didn’t bother me at all. In fact, it was one of the reasons why I adore her. I have even documented her craziness on cam when we have our late night practices at the YG Building. Yes, not only do I adore her, I love her like my own sister.


And she being in a state like this, makes me regret many things…

That I haven’t showed everyone that there’s more to Team Maknae/Fake Maknae. That we make a good team too just like before we debuted.

I haven’t even thanked her for always being around taking care of me like a mother to her child. That even though we have had difficult times before, she was always present to put a smile on my face.

I haven’t even cried with her.. Though I know there’s something bothering her before the accident happen. There’s so much more left for us.. I thought and deeply sighed.


A moment of silence had passed and the whole area was filled by my silent cries.


 “Please, let her comeback.. Let my unnie wake up..”




“Bommie unnie, why is Dara unnie not waking up until now?” I remembered asking Bommie unnie as my patience starting to get thinner and thinner as time goes by.


“Minzy-yah-- “ Bom sighed. Even she cannot answer their maknae. Even she is becoming impatient that Dara’s still in the hospital. Though they already transferred her to another hospital here in Seoul, it didn’t guarantee them that she will be waking up anytime soon.


“Your unnie… She has been through a lot these past few months. Maybe she just wants to take a rest for a while. She’ll be back in no time. Let’s just give her this time to take a break from all that.” Bom continued while patting the maknae’s head.


Though it’s hard, Minzy nodded as she took all her unnie’s words to understand.


The three of them are currently in their dorm. As of the moment, they were doing individual projects so as not to make the public suspicious of what’s really happening behind the cameras. CL has been collaborating with other artists outside YG, Bom’s recording her solo song and Minzy participating in the Korean version of Dancing With the Stars. But with all these things going, they still make sure to visit Dara whenever they’re free from work.


Bom’s currently in the kitchen preparing dinner for the three of them while CL is on her room probably packing her things up for the next day’s activities. The maknae, on the other hand is out buying baby carrots for Bom’s dish.


“Minzy-yah, where are you?” Se7en oppa asked over the phone.


“Oppa! What’s with the sudden call? I’m on my way home. I just bought some baby carrots for Bommie unnie. Why, is there something wrong?” The maknae asked.


“I’m here at the hospital to visit your unnie. But Doongie asked me to be with her for tonight for he’s going to be filming today. He even asked me to contact all of you to go and watch him.”


The maknae frowned. What would Cheoundoong-oppa say? Will he reveal Dara unnie’s situation to the public? I thought to myself.


“Neh, oppa. I got it. I’ll be home as quickly as possible.” I said as I begin to quicken my pace up.


“Bommie unnie… Cl unnie…” I continuously called them heading to the living room to open the television on.


The two girls upon hearing their maknae quickly searched for where she is..


“Minzy-yah, what’s the matter?” The leader asked.


“Se7en oppa called me a while ago and he said Cheoundoong oppa is on the show tonight. He even said that we need to watch it.” She explained without looking at her unnies because she was too fed up searching for the channel.


Her two unnies, on the other hand glimpsed with each other with worried faces. What would Thunder say to the public? What could he be thinking right now?


As the show starts, they saw him sitting calmly with the other guests. Seeing him like that, a sigh of relief came to them. But the anxiousness never left them for they don’t exactly know what Dara’s brother is into right now.




“Actually, I came here today not because I am the one who have a strong heart.” He started. He looked at the board beside him and smiled upon seeing what he wrote that says “The Strongest Heart goes not to MBLAQ’s Thunder.”


The audience, guests and even the emcees were curious to what story he was about to tell.


“There’s this girl I know who has gone through so many tough challenges in her life. A girl who smiles at everyone everyday without them knowing that she’s crying inside… A girl who is willing to give up her life and her happiness for her family… A girl I have always admired…”


I can see the crowd whispering to each other furious to who I am referring to…


“Cheondung-ah, are you describing your girlfriend?” One of the emcees joked.


“Ani. But I would love to have a girlfriend like her.”


“Then who are you pertaining to?”


“I’m referring to my sister, Sandara Park.” He proudly said.


The crowd then cheered.


“Ah.. So what about Dara noona?”


“Noona…” He paused remembering her lying on the hospital bed. It was hard for him but knowing that he’s doing this for her made him come back to his senses.


He sighed and continued…


“She never told anyone here what really happened when we went back.  The four of us, Omma, my other sister, Dara noona and I were the only ones who knew the truth. She said that it was unnecessary to go back to the past and that it was best we move on with our lives that’s why she never opened up the whole story to anyone not even to the 2ne1 members…"



A/N: Everyone, I already finished the next chapter.. keke.

Do you want me to post it up now? or maybe later? or tomorrow maybe? cheeky

Aigoo, what's with all the trolling?!!! Guess i learned it from the expert, YG and Dara-unnie!! 

Ah, and etude and now, Nikon!!!

....til the next chap, guys! yes



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Chapter 20: Can you finish the story please?
Chapter 20: I can't stop my tears now ~T_T~(~_~メ)
Chapter 14: This chapter together with the other two before this made me cry so hard
myjoyce1986 #4
Chapter 20: oh my they are hurting each other....please more update more soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
bijabbers #5
Chapter 20: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont go Dara!! So sad. I hope they get back together. Daragon forever!!!! Update soon
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 20: I'm crying already :'( ji, why can't you just go for her so that she know she's making a wrong decision by leaving?! Update soon please
NOOO Jiyong!! You can't accept it! So... GO FOR HER!!
Thanks fi the update dear^^
myjoyce1986 #8
please i hope that you can update more
GO GO jiyong get her back please please please please jiyong fight 4 dara (^.^)
Jiyong fighting fighting (^o^)/~~
Authornim please make dara and jiyong end up together in dis story please please please (^-^)

Authornim please update more (^-^)v
myjoyce1986 #10
please i hope you can update this soon please and let her be with tabi