Chapter 10

So Near Yet So Far





“Jiyong-ah--” I heard someone called my name. Turning around, I saw Dara waiting for me at the door. “Let’s talk, please?” She said.


As much as I want to turn her down, I sighed and walked out of the practice room. I felt her footsteps just behind mine so I decided to go to the rooftop to hear what she had to say.


I opened the door and saw the vast sky gloomy.  Even the world is having a slice of my pain, I thought.


“What is it?” I quickly asked not wanting to hear another rejection coming from her.


“Ji..” She paused for a while probably contemplating on the words she was about to say.


“If you’re still thinking on what to say, might as well gather them first before coming up to me and wasting my time, Dara”. I said as the thin line of patience I was hanging unto was about to break any minute now.


“I’m sorry, Ji.” I finally heard her say. 


“Goddamit, Dara!” I bursted out. “That’s what I’ve been hearing from you countless times after I proposed to you! You know what I want right? I demand an explanation. I demand to know why?! Is that too much to ask? Just tell me why…” I was on the edge of breaking down. Tears began clouding up my eyes but I couldn’t care less. I’m so tired of her asking for forgiveness. All I wanted was to know the reason why she can’t marry me. Why the hell did she rejected me?


“Did I do something wrong? Am I not good to you? Is it because of my career? Or yours? Tell me, Dara!” I placed both of my hands on her shoulders abruptly shaking her.


“Tell me. I’m about to go crazy thinking what the hell your reason could be.”


After a few minutes, I bowed down letting her go. Shaking my head, I still couldn’t get the answers from her. “Why do you have to this to me, Dara?” I asked.


My ears were then filled by her sobs.


“Jiyong.. I don’t know how to explain everything. I don’t even know how and where to start. All I wish is for you to understand my decision. Not because I did not accept the ring, doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore. I still do. I will always do.. It’s just tha..”


“Forget it!” I said cutting her off. “. I just wanted to know why… But since you’re not giving any response and couldn’t care less of my feelings, might as well forget the ring and forget everything. Don’t bother me anymore. It’s all over between us!” I said with finality.


Leaving her behind, I went back to the practice room and grabbed my things. I need some distraction! I thought. I called up Youngbae and asked him to meet me at the bar we frequently go to.


“What’s with the sudden invitation, Ji?” I heard YB asked as soon as he settled a seat beside me.


“Let’s celebrate, Bae! I’m a free man now.” I sarcastically laughed. 


“What do you mean?”


“Dara and I.. It’s all over..” I said after drinking a glass of liquor laid in front of me.




That’s what most I can remember that night. I don’t even remember how I got home. I must’ve been too drunk to care. Good thing, I called Bae for it could’ve been all over the news if they see me drunk and wasted.


From that day on, it felt like the time was running too fast. Dara and I barely see each other anymore. She was fed up with the rigorous trainings for their debut while the boys and I were preparing for the Japan market.


It was a good thing, though. With our busy schedules, I didn’t have much time to sulk over the things that had happened. Also, I did not dare open up to anyone why Dara and I broke up. What for? Things have already been said and done. I just focused myself on moving forward and leaving everything behind.  




Seungri’s POV


After that night when Jiyong hyung proposed to Dara noona, I’ve seen the worst from him. Trash talking, late night clubbing, smoking, drinking.


I wanted to ask him, console him and be there for him but he seemed too distant now. He wasn’t talking to me that much anymore. Maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he’s ashamed that I know he was rejected. But I didn’t dare tell anyone what happened that night. Not even Top hyung, YB hyung and Dae hyung. I wasn’t the right person to tell them what really happened.


I knew it was hard for him. Even I was shocked when I saw noona walking away and leaving him after he proposed.


At first, I just thought that noona wasn’t prepared about it but will eventually accept the proposal. However, Jiyong hyung’s plan did not quite go as what he expected it to be.


Dara noona turned him down without explaining why she had to.


Why does love can be this complicated? He said to himself.




I turned around to look for the voice who called me. And there she was standing right before me, my favorite noona.




“Are you going back to your apartment?”I heard her ask.




“Are you also angry with me, hmm?”


“Ani, noona.” I quickly said pertaining that I have nothing against her.


“Thank you, Seungri-ah. Is you’re hyung doing okay?”


I sighed upon hearing her ask on Jiyong hyung’s current state. As much as I want to give her good news, there wasn’t any.


I shook my head in response. After a few minutes of silence, I heard her sighed deeply.


“Can I ask a favor, Seungri-ah?”


“What is it, noona?”


“I know he’s hurting right now and it’s all because of me..”She bowed down and continued, “Please be there for him.. Look out for him because as of now, I can’t do those things as much as I want to.”


Seeing Dara noona like this, I can tell that she’s suffering, that she’s also in pain.


“I will, noona. No need for you to ask.” I said and smiled at her.


“Thank you..”


After that conversation, I went straight to our apartment and saw Jiyong hyung lying in front of the door.


“Hyung?..” I tapped him on the shoulder a few times but he didn’t budge.


I shook my head in frustration. He was too drunk to open the door and fell asleep on the doorway. A few minutes later, I carried and settled him on his bed.


“Dara..” I heard him whisper.




After a few days off, we’re back to the filming of our new music video. Thanks to that, I won’t see a lost Jiyong hyung around the apartment.


For years that we become roommates, this has got to be his lowest time. I’ve never seen this side of him. The fuming dragon seemed to unleash every time he hears something about Dara noona.


By this time, 2ne1 has been doing promotions for I don’t Care and is doing a great job establishing their fan base. But hyung doesn’t see this as good news.


I can still remember his comments when he watched the girls’ performance on Inkigayo where Dara noona’s stage presence and charisma was undeniably overflowing. Even my eyes got stucked watching her perform on stage.  


“What a show off! What’s with all the cute and smiley gimmick?!” I caught him whispering.


Up to now, hyung has not moved on. I thought one day, he’ll come to realize that though noona had hurt him, it wasn’t her real intention. But it seems that luck wasn’t on noona’s side.  


I glanced at my phone as soon as I saw it blinked. As usual, I received a message from her asking if hyung’s okay. I quickly replied seeing that we’re about to resume shooting.


Often times, she would drop by our practice room and bring food for him secretly. I know she cares for him too much. Although busy and tired with all their activities, she would still find time bringing things Jiyong hyung might need. Food, Towels, Energy drinks, Medicine.. Name it and she got it. I, on the other hand had to make different excuses on where did I get those things since Dara noona requested to keep it just between the two of us.


Hyung and the others were oblivious to all these. I have always wanted to ask her why she had to turn him down but keeps on looking out for hyung. But I did not dare to.  As much as I want to hear it, I think Jiyong hyung deserves it than me. That maybe she hasn’t found the courage to tell him the reason why..


I just hope things will get better soon. 



A/N: Aigoo! Mianhe for another boring chapter guys! This chap is also a flashback so don't get confused, neh?

Thunder's POV will be coming up next so get your tissues ready, arasso? keke :D

Keep the comments and the love coming! 

Annyeong, yeorabun!



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Chapter 20: Can you finish the story please?
Chapter 20: I can't stop my tears now ~T_T~(~_~メ)
Chapter 14: This chapter together with the other two before this made me cry so hard
myjoyce1986 #4
Chapter 20: oh my they are hurting each other....please more update more soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
bijabbers #5
Chapter 20: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont go Dara!! So sad. I hope they get back together. Daragon forever!!!! Update soon
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 20: I'm crying already :'( ji, why can't you just go for her so that she know she's making a wrong decision by leaving?! Update soon please
NOOO Jiyong!! You can't accept it! So... GO FOR HER!!
Thanks fi the update dear^^
myjoyce1986 #8
please i hope that you can update more
GO GO jiyong get her back please please please please jiyong fight 4 dara (^.^)
Jiyong fighting fighting (^o^)/~~
Authornim please make dara and jiyong end up together in dis story please please please (^-^)

Authornim please update more (^-^)v
myjoyce1986 #10
please i hope you can update this soon please and let her be with tabi