Operation start part 3: trip plan

~♥♥prince IN disguise♥♥~ - completed-
When Yoochun and Junsu left I looked at changmin:' changmin, we have a holiday for a week starting the day after tomorrow, do you have any plans?'

Changmin looked at me:' no not really, I was planning to go and visit mom in the hospital for a while but that is it why?'

I:' I was thinking to go on a trip with a friend, want to come?'

Changmin:' who is this friend?'

I:' oh it's our new classmate kibum'

Changmin:' oh… I don’t really like him, I thing he is kind of a snob so I wont come'

I:' oh but we are going to have a lot of food with us and cakes too… but well if you don’t want then I guess…'

Changmin cut me off, I could see the glitter in his eyes as he heard the word FOOD:' oh but then again I will be all alone at home… where are we going?'

I:' a hot spring up resort in the mountains'

Changmin:' cool! Why don’t we ask Yoochun and Junsu hyung to join us too?'

I nodded my head smiling

Changmin nodded:' this is great hyung'

I smiled:' it’s a plan then, now let's go to bed we still have school tomorrow'

Changmin nodded:' good night hyung' and walked to his room

I went to my room and called kibum:

An old man sound:' hello?'

I:' may I speak with the family leader please?'

The old man:' sorry he is busy'

I:' please tell him its Kim jaejoong and that it's really important'

The old man:' oh its young master, I will go tell master that you need to speak to him'

A few minutes later…

Kibum:' Jae?'

I:' hi, I asked him about the man'

Kibum anxiously:' and?'

I:' he is the family friend and nothing more, he was offering changmin to help him but changmin turned him down, and beside the man already have a boyfriend!'

Kibum:' you are sure?'

I:' of course'

Kibum happily:' oh that is great, thank you so much'

I:' and another thing'

Kibum:' what?'

I:' this holiday, I just told changmin and he agreed, we will go and spend it in that cozy hot spring up in the mountains, and you should come with us! It will be you, me, changmin, Yoochun and Junsu!'

Kibum:' sounds good to me'

I:' great, I will call and make the reservations tomorrow, three rooms will be enough'

Kibum:' three?'

I:' Yoochun and Junsu in one room, you and changmin in the second, and poor me in the third room'

Kibum:' oh, did you talk to Jin Ho?'

I:' yea, I will give him a chance'

Kibum:' and yunho?'

I:' I pray that time can heal my wounds'

Kibum:' alright then'

I:' ok see you tomorrow at school, and try to talk to him and be nice; it will help if you had candies… a lot of them!'

Kibum:' ok got it, good night'

I:' good night'

I hanged up and went to bed, it was weird how I could not sleep on this big soft bed, I missed the apartment and my bed… I missed my work and most of all… I missed him; I missed hugging him, kissing him or even holding his hand… I miss his scent, I miss his breath on my neck, I miss the way he talk to me, the way he makes me feel hot…I miss his eyes, his lips, his hands and his perfect six packs!

I closed my eyes and imagined him in front of me, I dreamed of him holding my hand and walking on the beach under the moon light, it was so romantic and the cold water touching our bare feet while we walked together in a very comfortable silent… suddenly I looked at him, his eyes became red and he started to change! Yunho turned into a monster and ran after me wanting to attack and kill me!

I opened my eyes in shock and looked around me; I was in bed and sweat covering my body, I sighed, it was just a dream a nightmare. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower and went through my daily routine and walked out to see changmin sitting in the living room watching TV and eating a cold slice of pizza

I walked to him and smiled:' good morning'

Changmin:' oh morning hyung'

I sat down next to him and grabbed a slice of the cold pizza myself before looking at the clock and sighing:' come on min, time to go'

We walked out of the house while I'm still holding the cold pizza slice in my hand and stepped into the car; I drove to school and parked the car. We walked out to see Yoochun and Junsu standing in front of us smiling sweetly so we walked to them:' good morning'

I looked at Yoochun:' hey what plans do you two have for this holiday?'

Yoochun and Junsu looked at me:' nothing'

I smiled:' I was planning to go to a really cozy and nice hot spring resort in the mountains, care to join?'

Yoochun looked at me:' who is coming?'

I:' changmin, kibum, you, Junsu and me'

Junsu:' why is the new guy coming?'

I:' he is a nice guy and my friend'

Yoochun nodded:' seems like fun, I did not go to a hot spring since forever, what do you think baby?'

Junsu nodded his head:' I want to go'

I smiled:' ok I will make the reservations today then'

We walked into the class to see yunho sitting alone and looking at me with the same sad and hurt look like yesterday but once again I suffocated my poor heart and looked at him with the coldest stair I could pull and walked away to sit next to changmin

The bell rang and the teacher walked in and looked at us:' ok first of all I will rearrange your sitting…. And he started calling names until changmin next to kibum…bla bla bla… Yoochun stay where you are next to Junsu the fact that you are paying attention to the class is still amazing me!... blab la bla… yunho next to jaejoong in the last row'

I widened my eyes in chock and raised my hand:' teacher… I don’t want to sit next to him, please!'

The teacher looked at me:' Mr. Kim we are not in kindergarten here and you will sit where I told you so we could start our lesson!'

I hated this and I hated my life right now… of all the people in class I have to sit next to him? I walked to the desk slowly and sat down next to him, he looked at me and looked down while I tried to concentrate on the lesson and act like he is invisible just like air but I could not! That stupid heart of mine was beating so hard and I was afraid that I will have a heart attack; I could not take it, the fact that he is sitting just a few inches away from me made me go crazy… I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him and tell him that I love him but yet again I felt these heavy chains of pride around my hands, legs and throat holing me back and making me suffer more and more

Time seemed to freeze and the seconds felt like hours while I waited for the lunch break so I could fly away and run from his side… yunho on the other hand was stealing glasses at me but I ignored him and kept on looking at the teacher who was explaining god knows what…

Finally the bell rang and it was lunch break, I stood up and ran out of the class and to the rooftop, I wanted to be away from him, I ran to the rooftop and sat there looking at the sky, suddenly I heard a low sound behind me and I turned around to see yunho looking at me, I looked around trying to find a way to escape him but I could not he was blocking the only exit…

Yunho looked at me:' Jae…'

I backed away:' I'm trying my best yunho… I need time and I need you to give me some space… I just can't handle it right now… I'm so mad at you, you hurt me deeply and I'm prying that time will heal my wound'

Yunho looked down:' I will give you all the time in the world if it means that you will forgive me… I love you Jae, I really do and I want you to know that I was not acting and that I can't live without you, you are the air that I breath and I feel like they took my air away, I cant sleep, eat, work or do anything right since you left me… I will do anything to prove that I really love you Jae, anything!'

Yunho started to cry as he looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to forgive him, and I felt it, my heart was starting to melt by his look and words. All the ice and coldness that I surrounded my heart with started to melt down, I had to run and get away from him before I forgive him… he must prove that he loves me first

I walked past him and ran to the soccer field, I wanted to run away so he won't see me crying like a little weak baby

End of jaejoong's pov

Yunho's pov:

The teacher seated him next to me and I felt my heart beat fast, he was sitting so close yet so far away from me, I kept my head down and stole glasses at him every now and then but he ignored me completely,

Yesterday when I saw him in the meeting room wearing that white suite I barely held myself down, I wanted to hug him and kiss him… I wanted to rip that suite off of him and take him, I wanted to show him how much I love him and that is was not just an act… I wanted him to know that I love him for real and that I'm dying slowly and painfully every second without him in my arms…

When the bell rang and he ran away so fast, I ran after him, I wanted to talk to him and explain… I wanted him to tell me what to do… how to make him give me a second chance… how to make him mine again

I ran to the rooftop after him, he was sitting there looking at the sky, he turned around to see me looking at him, he looked around us I guess to try and find a way out but I was blocking his only way out

I looked at him:' Jae…'

He backed away:' I'm trying my best yunho… I need time and I need you to give me some space… I just can't handle it right now… I'm so mad at you, you hurt me deeply and I'm prying that time will heal my wound'

I looked down and felt my heart broke again with every word he said:' I will give you all the time in the world if it means that you will forgive me… I love you Jae, I really do and I want you to know that I was not acting and that I can't live with out you, you are the air that I breath and I feel like they took my air away, I cant sleep, eat, work or do anything right since you left me… I will do anything to prove that I really love you Jae, anything!'

I could not hold my tears anymore and I started to cry as I looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to forgive me, I could see the love in his eyes, behind the hurt and anger, behind the sadness there was still love in his eyes… so there is still hope for me, for us! And I will fight for that hope with all I got, I will win him back no matter what!

He walked past me and ran to the soccer field, I wanted to run after him but I felt that its enough for today and that I should let him go for now, I must think of a plan to make him sit and listen to me and even if it meant to kidnap him!

End of yunho's pov


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
yasminasaaaa #3
Thank you!
Chapter 48: Thank U (^_^)
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 48: so beautiful, nice and amazing story i had ever read.. Love it thank u and always keep writing AKTF...
shaddybabie995 #7
Chapter 48: So beautiful and amazing
Chapter 48: Nice, very nice, really nice, really very nice................ Plot was so good & I think this was more about Kimin... But that is not a problem... YJ shipper, sorry.... But the story was superb... Love it!!! Write more....... :-)
I've read all your fics and once again you've never disappointed me
moonjoy #10
Chapter 48: two thumbs up author ssi :)... hope for more stories :)