Even I Noticed, Jongin

Four Years Later...
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Hey guys, It's been a long time, huh?

I apologize for my absense, it wasn't intentional at all. I hope all of you have been doing good and it makes me really happy that you guys are still here despite what's been going on.

So, here is the next long awaited chapter that is unedited x.x So please pardon my mistakes ^.^

Don't forget to comment at the end, I want to hear from you guys again!!!!





"So can you do it hyung?" Sehun practically pleaded over the phone.

Chanyeol chuckled on the other end "You’re so impatient." He said "I worked out a deal, it’s either take it or leave it, so not much of a choice. It was all I could get."

"Okay, what is it?" Sehun asked.

"You don’t have to move there, but you leave tomorrow morning for two weeks on business and every month you have to go at least twice for about a year." Chanyeol answered.

Sehun pursed his lips "Okay, I can live with that." He said.

"Alright, I’ll let them know you’ll be arriving tomorrow afternoon then."

"Thanks for doing this hyung."

Chanyeol laughed "Don’t worry about it, but make sure you don’t forget what your real intentions are."

Sehun smiled "I won’t, thanks again hyung." He said before hanging up.

Sehun breathed a breath of relief. He couldn’t be anymore thankful to Chanyeol right now for what he did, not having to move to move meant he could pursue the apple of his eye now without hesitation.

Sehun then dialed the number of the person he’s currently a little too in love with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Hello? Hunnie?" Sehun’s smile quickly changed into a huge grin hearing his Lulu’s voice.

"Hey Lulu."

Luhan chuckled "You’re in a good mood, what happened?"

"Can you take a week off from work starting with tomorrow?"

"What are you talking about? That’s so soon." Luhan sounded unsure "Why are you asking Sehun?"

"I just wanted to take you somewhere for a week is all, is that okay?"

Luhan stayed quiet "Well, I suppose, but even so, it’s still so sudden Sehun, where are we even going?"


"China?" now Luhan really sounded unsure "Why China? You still don’t have to move do you? I thought you were going to figure something out!" Luhan was getting a little upset and Sehun could totally tell.

"Calm down Lu, I’m not moving anymore. I’m going to China for two weeks on business and I wanted you to come for at least a week." He explained.

He could tell Luhan was pouting a little now "Say that first dummy."

"You wouldn’t let me." Sehun laughed. "So can you?"

Luhan sighed "I’ll talk to my boss, I might not be able to have tomorrow off, but maybe later this week, where are you going to be in China?"


"Okay, well, I’ll talk to her, but I wouldn’t bet on tomorrow, but later this week probably if that’s still okay with you?"

"Lu, I just want to spend quality time with you whenever I can." He knew Luhan smiled hearing that.

"Alright, I’ll call you later then with when I can come see you, okay?"

"Alright, bambi, talk to you later." Sehun chuckled hanging up.



"Lu, I’m heading out for my last meeting, I’ll be back in an hour or two, kay?" Sehun said from where he was standing at the end of their hotel bed.

Luhan came out of the bathroom finishing his hair "Okay, I think I’m going to go out for a bit anyway."

Sehun nodded "Alright, why don’t we meet up for dinner or something?"

"Okay, where do you want to meet?"

Sehun finished tying his tie real quick "How’s that sushi place we saw the other day downtown sound?"

Luhan smiled "Sounds good to me, I’ll meet you there, say five?"

Sehun smiled and leaned over planting a kiss on Luhan’s forehead "See you then, don’t get lost." He said before leaving the hotel for his final meeting.

Luhan rolled his eyes with a small smile "Get lost? Please, I used to live here." He said.

While Sehun was at his meeting, Luhan proceeded to go out and spend the twoish hours walking around Beijing, something he hasn’t done in years.


Walking around, Luhan takes in the sights of Beijing that he hasn’t seen in years, it’s nice being back in China and he sometimes wonders why he left in the first place, but he knows the answer to that.

Luhan decides to do a little shopping, maybe get some things for MiRae from another country, she already knew some small and simple words in Chinese, so Luhan figured, maybe get her some books in Chinese and he can teach her how to read them, but of course, she get’s some clothes as well as and some stuffed toys too.




"Jiwoo-ah~!" MiRae shouted running up to him as he and his parents walked inside.

Jiwoo smiled hugging her back, Yeolie was barking happily along side them, though he was no longer the little pup he was at Christmas. He was now almost full grown and was taller than his adorable owner, but he loved her just as much and loved to tackle her while her face.

"Come on! Let’s go out and play with Yeolie!" Jiwoo and MiRae then disappeared down the hallway and ran out to the backyard with Yeolie hot on their trail.

Kyungsoo and Jongin chuckled at the sight of their son enjoying himself to where the two little kids were already screaming in laughter.

"I see you guys finally made it." Chanyeol then appeared at the end of the hall with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks for having us over." Jongin smiled.

Chanyeol just rolled his eyes "Get your asses inside, Baek's upstairs by the way."

"I actually need to talk to him, so I'm going to head up." Kyungsoo said walking ahead of Jongin and heading upstairs.

He found Baekhyun sitting on his bed folding laundry, he stood in the doorway "Laundry is so fun, isn't it?"

Baekhyun looked up laughing "Oh yeah, it's the life."

Kyungsoo smiled and went over to sit next to Baekhyun on his bed "How have you been, work aside?" he asked.

Baekhyun nodded "I've been really good, Chanyeol is home a lot more now, though, MiRae still wants him to permanately live with us."

"Is there a reason he isn't?"


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
Beau1996 1382 streak #3
Chapter 5: I'm undecided on sulay -
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!