MiRae Brings Home a Friend...?

Four Years Later...
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Super long chapter ahead :) I missed you guys! ^.^ Please read entire A/N at the end!!!!




Baekhyun sat in his nice comfy office chair while two of his closest friends sat in front of him “I cannot believe you two.”


“Yes you can.” Suho responds in a heartbeat.


“You better be ready for the biggest emotional roller coaster of your life, both of you better be, it’s not going to be easy for either of you. Yixing can’t do it alone just as Suho can’t be at fault for everything. Even though he’s the reason you’re pregnant.”


“I know, we were there with you Baek, I’m not scared and I know Joon isn’t either. And we have two very special people with us too who are doctors, we’re not worried.” Lay smiled.


Baekhyun smiled softly “Then I’m not worried.”



After Lay and Suho left, Baekhyun left his office to go down to the ER to check some files before heading home for the day. Chanyeol was out of town until tomorrow for a meeting in Taipei with Kai and some other co-workers, so it was just him and MiRae tonight, not that he minded all that much.


While Baekhyun loved Chanyeol to death, he could live just fine without him for a little while. But only a little while.




“Mommy, I met someone at school today.” MiRae said softly at the table.


Baekhyun’s interest was immediately caught, MiRae didn’t really talk about the people she played with or met at daycare that much, she really only said what she did “Oh really? Who?”


MiRae looked up “His name’s Jiwoo. He was playing on the playground when I was today and he bumped into me.” She didn’t seem happy talking about it.


Baekhyun frowned “You didn’t get hurt did you?”


She shook her head “No, but he had a big cut on his arm and it looked like it hurt, but when I asked him if he was okay, he ran away.”


“A cut?! Did he go to the teachers to get it cleaned?”


“No, he ran away from school, the teachers didn’t see him.”


Baekhyun frowned “Does he go to daycare with you?”


“I don’t think so. I’ve never seen him before.”


Baekhyun frowned “If you see him tomorrow, will you ask him if he’ll get his cut cleaned?”


MiRae smiled and nodded. “I will mommy.”


“Good girl.” Baekhyun kissed her hair.




“So, I heard about you and Chen.” Kyungsoo said when Minseok joined him for their planned lunch date.




“Jongin told me, although I don’t know how he even found out.” Kyungsoo chuckled.


“Yeah… I don’t really know how I feel about it.”


“You have the same feelings he does, don’t you?”


“Of course!” Minseok said in a heartbeat making Kyungsoo smile.


“Then that’s your answer.”


Minseok sighed “I know that, but it’s hard, I don’t really know him as well as I want to though.”


“What’s his favorite pass time?”


“Playing the piano.”




“Lamb Kebab.”






Kyungsoo smiled “I think you know him pretty damn well if you ask me.”


“Really?” Minseok asked completely unsure.”


Kyungsoo nodded “You may not think it up here” Kyungsoo points to his head “But you know it here.” He moves his finger to his heart “While your heart is probably the hardest thing to follow, it’s what keeps you alive. Follow it with all your being, it knows what it’s doing. I promise.”


Minseok smiled and played with his fingers “I want to tell him.”


“Then what are you waiting for?”


“Nothing.” “Minseok smiled as he pulled out his phone.


“Go get him tiger.” Kyungsoo laughed as Minseok left the small restaurant to go hopefully meet up with Chen.


Kyungsoo chuckled to himself as he watched Minseok disappear before he paid the bill and left the restaurant to go see what his best friend Baekhyun was up to.



“Hello? Minnie?” Minseok smiled hearing Chen’s voice.


“Hey, do you have some time today I could steal you for?”


Chen chuckled “What’s it gonna cost ya?”




“I like your answer, where are you, I’ll come pick you up.” Minseok didn’t hesitate telling him where he was, the sooner he got to see Chen, the better.


Chen pulled up not even five minutes later and Minseok got in the car “Where to?”


“Anywhere is fine.” Minseok answered.


“Okie dokie.” Chen smiled and pulled away from the curb, going who knows where.


“So what brings you to call me?”


“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Minseok answered.


“Really? What about?”


“Once we get to wherever we’re going, I’ll tell you.”


“Alright.” And if Minseok didn’t know any better, he could have sworn Chen drove just a little faster form that point on.


Once the car was parked, Minseok got out and looked around, Jongdae had taken him to the beach. Not crowded thankfully.


“This okay?” Chen asked.


Minseok smiled and nodded “Go on a walk with me?”




Minseok somehow led the way towards a little trail off the beach and once they found a bench, Minseok decided here was as good as any other place.


“So, what did you want to talk about?”


Minseok took a deep breath “Your confession.”


“Oh?” Chen sounded almost too interested.


“There’s something I want you to know first though.”


“Okay, tell me.”


“Relationships. They don’t end well for me. My last one was two years ago and I’m still not sure how I feel about it being over. He married not even half a year later and here I am being pathetic by still being hung up on it two years later. I don’t let go easy. What’s mine is mine. I hate sharing and I hate letting things go.” A pair of arms wrapped around him stopping him monologue.


“Well, I suppose we have more in common than I thought.” Chen said “If you’re here to reject me. I’m not going to take it well, but if you’re here to tell me you feel the same. I won’t ever let you go. You’ll be mine forever and anyone who touches you that isn’t okay with me, won’t get out unscathed. You’re mine and I keep what’s mine until I die.”


“Kim Jongdae?”


“Yes, Kim Minseok?”


“I’m in love you.” Minseok said softly and Chen turned him around and leaned in pressing their lips firmly together.


“I know.” His Cheshire grin was sparkling and Minseok felt his heart swell with happiness.




Chanyeol, Kai, and Kris sat a little uncomfortably on their plane ride home, Chanyeol missed his daughter and Baekkie like no tomorrow so he was extremely antsy while Kai really just missed Kyungsoo, and well Kris, no one could really tell.


“When’s yours and Baekhyun’s wedding?” Chanyeol about choked on his coffee.


“Excuse me?” Chanyeol turned to Kris.


“What? Don’t tell me you don’t plan on marrying him?”


“No! I do! Just, not yet, things are still a little rocky for us right now.”


“Rocky?” Kris asked confused.


“What’s rocky about it? You guys have a kid, that should be enough.” Kai said.


Chanyeol sighed “We both have our own things to do. It’s not that easy unfortunately. We haven’t even moved in together yet, and we both have work to sort out as well as just sitting down and figuring things out together. It isn’t something we can do spur of the moment.”


“Well, when you say it like that, I suppose you’re right.” Kai mumbled.


“If either of you were in my shoes, you’d be in the same mindset as I am. I love them both to death, but it’s a huge responsibility and if you’re not ready for it, then you’ve got a lot of thinking to do.”


“Are you ready for it, though?” Kris asked.


Chanyeol stayed quiet for a moment before letting out a breath “I can sure as hell hope to whatever the hells up there that I am, cause I’m not letting go again.”




Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sat on the couch in Baekhyun’s living room watching the news “Seems like Chanyeol’s relationship with you is worldwide wonder.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes “Not even.”


“I don’t know, I mean everyone wants to know who you are and especially who MiRae is.”


“Chanyeol hasn’t said anything yet, so I’m just waiting until he comes to me.” Baekhyun glanced over at Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo nodded “Just don’t wait too long and let him think it’s his problem to deal with alone.”


“I won’t.”


“Mommy!” Baekhyun jumped. “I need your help!” MiRae’s voice echoed through the house and Baekhyun was already on his feet running towards the front door.


“What is it baby girl?” he asked as he reached her.


And that’s when he noticed the beat up little boy stand behind her with cuts on his arms and dirt everywhere on his skin. “Oh my, are you okay?” he asked kneeling down.


“Mommy, this is Jiwoo, he can stay here for a while, right?” MiRae asked with concerned eyes.


“Of course, let’s get you inside and get you cleaned up.” Baekhyun said and led the two kids inside.


Kyungsoo glanced over when he saw Baekhyun, but what he didn’t expect was a little boy with them who looked pretty damn close to hell. “What happened?” he was on his feet in a second and rushed over.


The little boy looked at Kyungsoo when he kneeled down in front of him “What’s happened to you?” he asked the little boy softly, cupping his little face and running the pads of his thumbs along the little boys cheeks.


“M-Mommy… left m-me…” he whispered.


“What about your daddy?”


“I-I don’t… H-Have one…” the little boy looked like he was a

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
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Chapter 10: Only a dream - sigh 😔
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Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!