You Really Don't Know Me At All... Do You?

Four Years Later...
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 Chanyeol stood petrified staring at Baekhyun “No.. N-No that’s impossible..” He said softly shaking his head.

Baekhyun just looked at him “How can she be mine?!” he shouted.

“You know how, that night, it was you and me.” Baekhyun said.

“Bu-But, I tho-“

“It doesn’t matter what you thought, you got me pregnant and left me Chanyeol.” Baekhyun hissed.

Chanyeol just looked at him “I-I’m sor-“

“Stop.” Baekhyun stood up “Don’t even try to ing say you’re sorry. I’m not sorry I had her, but I’m not too proud of the fact that my daughter’s father doesn’t even know who the she is. You have no ing idea what it’s like raising a child on your own, I was lucky that my friends and my parents were there the whole way, but I can’t say that about you. Her. Father.”

“B-Baek, I swear I didn’t know or even realize that there was no protection that night, I’m sorry! What do you expect me to do? I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there for you!” Chanyeol said.

“What do I expect you to do? You really want me to answer that?” Baekhyun asked “Then get the out! Don’t ever come near my daughter again!”

“You know I can’t do that!”

“I don’t give a ! She’s mine, you didn’t even know of her until I just told you. You will never have her, she may be your biologically, but that is it!” Baekhyun shouted “Now get out before I call security!”

Chanyeol staggered back, was this really happening? Was Baekhyun really pushing him away after he’d spent five years trying to find him? Was he really denying Chanyeol of his rights with his own daughter? Chanyeol sighed heavily and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Chanyeol reached the lobby, he just wanted to go home now, that was all he wanted. “Hyung!” Chanyeol stopped momentarily to glance to see Sehun running up to him.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Somewhere.” Chanyeol answered shortly.

“Hyung? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Sehun asked worried.

“Everything is fine, I just need some time to myself right now.” He said and walked out of the hospital.


He sat quietly on the railing by the Han River, the sun was setting and so was Chanyeol’s mood. He felt like he’d been shot it heart when Baekhyun had said those things to him, he was here to make amends for his mistakes, that’s all he wanted. A single tear strayed down Chanyeol’s cheek, it was over, wasn’t it?

“Mister?” a voice then pulled him out of his thoughts, he looked down to see his daughter.

She smiled when he looked at her “Are you okay mister?” she asked concerned “Why are you crying? Was my mommy mean?”

Chanyeol shook his head with a chuckle “What are you doing out here little one?”

“My names MiRae, I’m here because I saw you unhappy and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” She said.

“MiRae huh, that’s a pretty name, did your mommy name you?” he asked.

“Mommy and aunty LuLu named me.” She answered.

“Aunty LuLu?” Chanyeol asked.

“Mmhmm, my aunty Luhan.” She nodded.

“What about your daddy?” Chanyeol asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

MiRae thought for a second “I don’t know where my daddy is, mommy says he’ll come home when he’s ready, but I’ve never met my daddy and mommy doesn’t have any pictures of him either.” She said.

Chanyeol was surprised, MiRae was very smart as well as very well mannered “Has your mom told you anything about your daddy?”

MiRae shook her head “Mommy doesn’t like to talk about daddy, mommy cries sometimes when I ask about daddy, so I stopped asking, I don’t like seeing mommy cry, it makes me want to cry too.” MiRae frowned.

Chanyeol patted the area next to him “Want to come sit up here?” he asked, she smiled up at him and nodded, he picked her up and set her next to him “How old are you now MiRae?”

“I’m four years old.” She smiled holding up four fingers.

Chanyeol smiled, “When’s your birthday?”

“May 22nd.” MiRae answered.

Chanyeol smiled “My birthday just happened, November 27th, do you know how old I am?” he asked.

MiRae looked up at him and thought for a second before shaking her head “No, I don’t.”

“I just turned twenty one.”

“Mommy is twenty two!” MiRae laughed “You’re almost the same age as my mommy.”

Chanyeol laughed “That I am.”

“Mister, what’s your name?”

“I’m Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol.” He smiled.

“Uncle Yeolie,” she smiled “Can I call you that please?”

This girl was too damn cute for her own good “Of course.”

“RaeRae!” a voice suddenly shouted, MiRae turned to see Lay and Suho standing off to the side together. Chanyeol looked at well a little confused.

“That’s my aunty Lay and Uncle Joonie, my mommy’s best friends.” MiRae smiled.

“It’s time to go, say good-bye to the nice man.” Lay said walking up.

MiRae nodded, she stood up and bravely gave Chanyeol a small kiss on the cheek and a big hug “Don’t feel sad anymore, okay uncle Yeolie?”

“I won’t.” he smiled returning her hug.

She got down and waved to him before running off to her aunty and uncle as Chanyeol waved back even though she wasn’t looking anymore. Chanyeol felt better, at least a little. He still was unsure of what to do about Baekhyun, but MiRae’s look of fear from earlier was gone and she seemed to be more comfortable around him now. He was glad, he was ecstatic.

“I really have a daughter.” He smiled to himself “She’s really mine.”


“Hyung! Where were you? It’s past midnight!” Sehun asked running up to him when he got home. Chanyeol looked to see Kris there as well.

“Uh, I told you I was going out for a while.” Chanyeol said.

“But you looked pissed, I went to all your usual hangouts and they said they hadn’t seen you so I got worried so Kris hyung and I came here to see if you were here and you weren’t so we decided to wait until you got home.” Sehun said in a large ramble.

“Ah yeah, I was just kind of walking around, and you’re right, I was upset, but I’ve figured things out now.”

“Why were you upset, I’ve never seen you like that before.” Kris asked walking up to Chanyeol who was now leaning against his kitchen counter.

Chanyeol shrugged, he didn’t want to tell them yet, he knew they would be there to help him, but he also had to respect Baekhyun, after all he’s the one that made her into the perfect little girl she is today. “Just something.”

“Okay, well we’ll be here if you need us.” Kris said patting Chanyeol's shoulder.

Chanyeol smiled and nodded “Thanks guys.”

“We’re going to go visit Kai again tomorrow, do you want to come?” Sehun asked.

Chanyeol shook his head “Not tomorrow, I have some things I need to do.” He said. The other two simply nodded.

“Well we’ll get out of your hair for the night, don’t forget to sleep tonight Mr. workaholic.” Kris smirked before heading towards the door.

Sehun gave Chanyeol a quick hug before following “Goodnight hyung!” he said before closing the door.

Chanyeol sighed and walked up to his room, his house was large and empty, it was just him here except for when his friends would come over, otherwise it was just him, maybe he should get a dog, or a cat, or both?

Chanyeol collapsed on his king size bed, his room was colder than usual, emptier than it normally was, he looked around, everything was the same. So what made it feel so different. Maybe it was because he’d found out he had his own little family.

He sighed for the millionth time today before just deciding to fall asleep, he was tired after the argument he’d had earlier and his brain was over worked, he needed sleep, and lots of it.


The next morning Chanyeol woke up slower and later than usual, he had a lot to do today, but he wasn’t sure where he wanted to start. He figured it would be a good idea to start with actually putting on some fresh clothes and taking a shower, so he started there and took a quick shower. He put on a nice paint of white skinny jeans, a plain blue t-shirt with a white sweatshirt, casual seemed like a good idea today.

He grabbed his car keys from the table and left his large home to get started with the day. First, he got a little breakfast at his favorite café. He then made his way to the flower shop, being romantic was never his forte, but he wasn’t not romantic. He wanted Baekhyun back and most definitely MiRae, and he sure as hell wasn’t stopping until he got both of them back.

Walking into the flower shop, he immediately walked up to the woman, he already knew what he wanted to get, he asked for a large bouquet of light purple, blue, violet, and pink flowers, he didn’t really mind what kind of flowers as long as there were at least a couple roses, for Baekhyun of course. For MiRae, he went bright and simple, big vibrantly colored flowers, for her bright and beautiful self. He put them as delivery for two hours from now, the women asked if he wanted to put cards with them, he nodded. She handed him two cards.

“Can I have some colorful pens?” he asked, she smiled and nodded before going and getting some.


Baek, my beautiful Baek,

I know you’re upset with me and don’t want to see me, but I want to see you. These flowers are for you and I hope you’ll like them. This is my first time with this sort of thing and I hope I didn’t do too bad of a job.

With so much love it hurts,


P.S. I’m not giving up anytime soon, be prepared.


He put that one with the big bouquet and then moved onto MiRae’s card.

RaeRae, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,

I picked these flowers out for you because they reminded me so much of you, I hope you like them. If I picked out a flower you didn’t like, tell me and I’ll be sure to get you a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, one for both you and your mommy, be happy and never stop smiling that beautiful smile of yours.

With love,

Uncle Yeolie

He gave the card to the lady and paid for the flowers before leaving, getting into his car he called Kris.


“Hey it’s me, I need a favor.”

“Sure, what’s up.?”

“Check to see if Director Byun is working at the hospital since I know you and Sehun are still there.”

“Um, okay? But can I ask why?” Kris was beyond confused.

“Please just do it hyung, this is really important to me.” Chanyeol said.

Kris let out a sigh “Okay, well Kai’s doctor said that Director Byun is working.”

“Ask to see when he gets done with work.”

“Seriously Yeol? Why do I have to do this?”

“Please hyung, just do it.” Chanyeol said.

“He said his shift is done at three, happy? Now can you stop asking me to embarrass myself?”

“Three huh, okay, thanks hyung, I’ll call you later.” And Chanyeol hung up.

He checked his watch, it was just before noon, the flowers would get to the hospital at two and then Baekhyun would leave at three, perfect. Chanyeol gave himself a victory smile as he drove to Park Industries. His last and final task of the day, and also the longest and boringest. A meeting.

Pulling into his parking spot, he got out of his car and walked in making his way to the elevator to his office. He wasn’t really paying attention to what was around him as he made his way to his office, he needed to get through the meeting and then to the hospital if he had time.

He got to his office and put his desk phone on the meeting call, it was thankfully just a call today, but the next meeting would most likely be in person. He sat for three and a half agonizing hours at his desk taking notes and looking over a power point that was pulled up on his computer screen.

“And that’s what we have so far President Park, what do you think?”

Chanyeol took a deep breath “Everything looks fine, just revise it a few more times, I saw a couple things here and there that could use over looking, other than that, just make sure the presentation is perfect for when we go abroad in a couple months.” Chanyeol answered.

“Yes sir.”

Chanyeol ended the call and checked his watch, Baekhyun was already off shift as it was past three already. He groaned in annoyance, well there went that plan.

“Why is this so hard?” Chanyeol whined to himself running his hands through his hair.



Baekhyun stood in his office starting at the bouquets on his desk, he’d just gotten done with a surgery and he’d stayed to fill out paperwork for the patient. Luhan was bringing MiRae to the hospital since she had a doctor’s appointment at five and he had to go grocery shopping as well so he asked Luhan to bring her to the hospital to get the errands done before her appointment.

His office door opened and MiRae came running in and attacked Baekhyun’s leg “Mommy!” she said happily.

“Hi baby.” He smiled picking her up and kissing her.

MiRae saw the flowers on Baekhyun’s desk and pointed to them “Mommy, why are there flowers on your desk?” she asked.

“I’m not sure baby, I just saw them myself as well.” He said walking up to his desk where the flowers were.

He put MiRae down and they looked at the flowers “Mommy, look there’s a card.” She said pointing to the small card in the flowers. Baekhyun looked at both bouquets, one was large and absolutely beautiful, the flower choice was lovely and he loved the purples and blues, the second bouquet was smaller and bright, he liked the big flowers that were in it. He grabbed the card from the smaller bouquet first.

Baekhyun's flowers from Chanyeol

MiRae's Flowers from Chanyeol

“This one’s for you baby.” He smiled.

“What does the card say mommy?” she asked excited.

“RaeRae, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, I picked these flowers out for you because they reminded me so much of you, I hope you like them. If I picked out a flower you didn’t like, tell me and I’ll be sure to get you a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, one for both you and your mommy, be happy and never stop smiling that beautiful smile of yours. With love, Uncle Yeolie.” He read, who was Uncle Yeolie? He asked himself.

MiRae jumped happily “Uncle Yeolie got me flowers mommy! Aren’t they pretty? He said they remind him of me too!” she was beyond happy that she got flowers.

Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile at her cuteness, he gave her the card so she could see the pretty colors that the note was written with, he then grabbed the card form the larger bouquet.

Baek, my beautiful Baek,

I know you’re upset with me and don’t want to see me, but I want to see you. These flowers are for you and I hope you’ll like them. This is my first time with this sort of thing and I hope I didn’t do too bad of a job.

With so much love it hurts,


P.S. I’m not giving up anytime soon, be prepared.

Baekhyun stared at the card ‘Chanyeol sent these…?’ he asked himself. He felt like crying as he reread the card over and over. What the hell was this? He was supposed to be mad at Chanyeol, not crying over the fact that the giant had sent him the most beautiful flowers he’s ever seen.


“Uncle Yeolie is nice mommy, I talked to him last night, but he was sad and he was crying.” MiRae looked up at Baekhyun “Mommy, did you say something to make uncle Yeolie cry?”


Baekhyun didn’t answer “Baby, why do you like uncle Yeolie so much?” he asked.


MiRae thought for a second “Uncle Yeolie is nice and he’s funny, he also likes mommy a lot. I want mommy to be happy too and I don’t want mommy to make uncle Yeolie sad again.” Baekhyun looked at her in awe.


“Uncle Yeolie likes mommy huh?”


MiRae nodded “I could tell, he kept asking me about you mommy, and he would smile when I talked about you too.” She said a matter of factly.


Baekhyun chuckled “Alright, we’ll talk about this later baby, we have some errands to run and you have to go to the doctor tonight.”

“Okay mommy.” MiRae said with a smile.


Baekhyun grabbed his things “Grab your flowers honey, don’t lose your card either, we don’t want to make uncle Yeolie sad again.” He said.

MiRae smiled and nodded as her and Baekhyun left the hospital.


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading through my subscriptions - featured story but alas unfinished 😕
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Chapter 1: It to be left alone the next morning...
Silence_soul238 #5
will you ever update this authornim?
Chapter 39: Update again ah....Hunhan!Hunhan!Hunhan! This story is awesome and little MiRae is so cute and bubbly
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 39: Love the fic,update if u can =)
Kkyungxoo #9
Chapter 39: Cant hardly wait to the next chapter. Please finished this story author nim
wallflowerbaek #10
Chapter 38: update soon!!