Chapter 12

Never Again
ohmigoodness!! i finally updated this fic after more than a month!!
oh my gosh i hope you guys aren't mad at me... really sorry for not updating, i still love you guys... >_<
even though i've been updating my other fic and started another one, i still write this fic whenever i got the chance to do so.....
so here you go, on with the story and just one quick note, this is coming to its part so yeah...


Time flew by and everything is going smoothly between me and Kibum and after a lot of persuasion I finally had him to agree in moving in with me. It was in August when Kibum finally agreed and the very next day, when the other members of the Kim family were out, I decided to stop by at their residence to help Kibum with his things. 

When I was helping him, I noticed that he was only planning to bring three medium sized luggages and a small box with him. It was a good thing that I brought boxes with me because they did come in handy when I packed Kibum's stuff for him. He kept insisting that we don't have to bring his art things that every time I put something inside the box, he would take it out when I'm not looking. 

From I what I think, we've been doing that for hours until he finally gave up when I explained to him that I already had one of the spare rooms in my house cleared just for his new art studio.  

When we got to my house - or should I say our house since Kibum is moving in - Kibum and I felt so tired, well probably me mostly because I was working all day the other day. It was already 
sunset, the orange glow was starting to light up Kibum's new room and the boxes creating abstract shadows. 

"Ahh! I think my shoulders are going to fall off," Kibum exclaimed when he put the last of his boxes down on top of the other boxes. 

"Speak for yourself, babe. I'm the one who carried everything." I huffed, tiny beads of sweat covering my forehead. 

I was carrying all three of his luggage with another box on top of them. I tried to put them down as careful as possible, but due to an unknown reason, my foot got caught on one of the suitcases resulting in me tripping face first as the remaining two suitcases fell on top of my legs and the box I was carrying fell open, the things inside spilling out. 

Kibum laughed hysterically, casing me to laugh with him as he helped me up. He was wiping something on my face, his fingers carefully touching my skin and they felt so smooth against mine. When they grazed on my lips, I can't help but kiss them one by one. I could see a faint tint of pink slowly coloring Kibum's cheeks. Aww, he's blushing! I thought and seeing the weakness of my very being, I leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips and he blushed even more. 

From what I can remember, that mostly consisted of us forgetting about putting Kibum's things away, the still full boxes forgotten everywhere and the two of us snuggling on my bed until we both fell asleep from exhaustion even though we barely managed to unpack his things away to their proper places. 

It’s already past September – nearing October – and Kibum was back to school. I have work five days a week, he have school five days a week and since he’s on his final year in university, there are a lot of things he needed to do especially for his upcoming exhibit at the end of the school year, leaving us with almost no time for each other at all.

The last time we had a time for ourselves was when I took him to Macau with me for a business trip. Don’t take me wrong but I didn’t bring him there to accompany me during the meeting - okay, so maybe I did brought him to work but after that we went out and strolled around and went sight seeing. But you know what really made me so frustrated during our stay in Macau? It’s the fact that Taemin and Minho actually followed us there and bothered us the whole time. When we got home, I was actually pissed because after that, Kibum had to go back to school, bringing us back to the present situation.

“Hey, stop day dreaming, man,” I heard someone say. I was in my office reading the monthly report Joon gave to me when my mind suddenly drifted off some place else. I looked up to see who intruded me to see Joon looking back.

“I wasn’t daydreaming, you moron,” I replied, putting down the blue folder back to the table between us and stood up from my seat. I walked closer to the window, seeing the grey clouds form and cover the blue skies with its gloomy aura.

“Yeah, right, I heard you mumble ‘Kibum’, Jinks, so don’t try to fool me. By the way, I still can’t believe that Kibum hasn’t dumped you yet. I mean, seriously, you’re an old man, Jinks, let’s face it. And he’s this gorgeous university student that most of your employees are going after if it weren’t for the fact that he’s taken by you so why is he still dating you?”

Joon had this expression of disbelief and curiosity. Stupid bastard, I thought. “How long have you two been dating anyway, four months or something?” he asked casually as he flipped open one of the magazines lying on top of my table.

“We’ve been dating for more than six months, idiot. And just so you know, I’m planning on going steady with him. Well, after he graduates from university that is.” If only Joon was drinking something when I said that, I'm pretty he would have choked. 

“Excuse me, but did you just say ‘going steady with him? You, Lee Jinki, going steady in a relationship?” Joon also stood up from his seat as he came closer to me, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. I nodded. He kept blinking, and after minute or so he asked me once again, “Are you serious? Like, for real? There’s no more going back after you decided, man.” I nodded again as a big goofy smile crept itself on my face. 

“I am one hundred percent serious, Joon. I don’t want to lose Kibum. I mean he’s my life now; I want him to be with me forever, or if not forever for as long as time will allow me," I said. Just the though of being with Kibum all my life is enough for me. It's been a long time though since I felt the same thing towards my ex, well probably way more than I felt towards her. "After…" I started as I took and deep breathe and continued, “After what happened between me and Sunyoung, this is the first time in a long time I felt something like this.” I reached for my suit’s pocket and took out a black velvet box.

I saw Joon’s expression and I’m pretty sure I know what he’s thinking. Opening it carefully, inside the box was a simple silver ring. Its band was semi-wide, as tiny diamond stones decorated it in a wave-like pattern. It was pretty simple compared to the other engagement rings I saw but I know that Kibum likes simple things instead of extravagant ones, and besides isn’t the thought that counts the most?

Joon was about to touch the ring when I immediately snapped the box closed. “Hey! You could’ve hurt my finger, Jinks! Sheesh!” I laughed and put the box back inside my pocket. "So when are you going to pop the big question, huh?" he asked as he went to back to his seat and waited for my response. 

"I don't know yet; maybe soon, maybe later. Until we're not busy anymore, maybe I'll ask him to marry me."

"You're right. I mean, holidays are getting closer, meaning the company's once again going to be a hell lot busier compared to other days. But if I were you, I'd ask him soon." He stood up and was about to walk to the door and when he turned around and said, "But the way, you do know that churches here don't do same marriages, right? Are you planning to get married somewhere else?"

I've never really thought about that because I was too busy thinking about other things. Well it looks like my wedding proposal will be delayed longer than I thought it would. Joon left my office and I was left alone. I looked out the window and noticed that rain already started pouring heavily, the water splattering on the windowpane making little noises. 

I don't really have time to worry about that because right now all that matters to me is Kibum. Oh, now I want to see my baby and I still have to wait for three hours until I can finally leave work and pick him up from school. I took the black velvet box out of my pocket again and opened it, inspecting the delicate ring nestled between two dark purple velvet cushions. If I ask him to become mine forever, is he going to say yes, or is he going to think about it first? What if he answers that he isn't up for a steady relationship, what am I going to do? 
*knock knock* 

I quickly hid the small box on my pocket once again. I can't just hide it inside the drawers because there is a chance that I might forget about it or lose it. "Come in," I said and one of my department heads came in. "Do you need anything, Tiffany?" 

"Yeah, I need your opinion on this portfolio our new intern have for us. I think its fine but I also think that it needs something more, don't you think?" She handed me a black portfolio and flipped it open as she sat on one of the couches and I on my chair. 

Each page has different clothing designs - both for men and women. All of them have the same concepts yet the feelings are different. "Hmm, you're right. This needs something more. Do you mind if I take this home for tonight, Tiff?" I looked at Tiffany who was already standing up in front of my desk. 

"Sure thing, Boss. You just have to make sure that you bring that back by tomorrow, okay?" 

"I thought I'm the boss here?" I asked jokingly while Tiffany laughed, "Whatever, Jinks, I'm still older than you," she stuck her tongue our and with that she left my room. 

For three hours or so, I kept myself busy doing my work - reading reports, last minute meetings, checking everything that needs to be done for the upcoming holiday season, and of course, the winter/Christmas sale that makes the company busier than ever. I love my job, I really do, it's just sometimes things can get either boring or hectic that the excitement and thrill had disappeared. And since I've been working here even before I graduated from university, I already got used to how things work around here: same thing over and over again.
*knock knock*
"Come in," I said in a monotone voice and my secretary came in. 

"Sir, its five o'clock," she said. 

"Ah, finally I can leave!" I exclaimed and she giggled lightly. "Heh, you can go now, too," I told her and she excused herself. I must've sounded like a kid who just can't wait for the school bell to ring signalling dismissal. Hurriedly but carefully, I put my things in my briefcase and grabbed my jacket and left the room. 

"Must be nice to be the boss," I heard someone say. 

"I know, right? The minute the clock strikes five you can leave just like that while we stay here on an overtime to finish work," another voice said. 
"I'm not even part of this project so why am I staying here with you two?" another said complaining. 

When I looked around I saw Joon, Donghae, and Eunhyuk gathered around a blueprint on a rectangular table. I smirked at them and said, "If you three want to be the boss then you better finish that, otherwise my dad is going to kill the three of you." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just go, okay. You don't have to rub it on our face that we're running late with this. Just go and be with your 'Kibummie' and be all lovey-dovey like a high school couple that the two of you are," Donghae said bitterly. 

"Change it to a university couple since Kibum's still in school," Eunhyuk piped and the three of them laughed. 

"Haha, very funny. But you know what I think you and Donghae are much worse than Kibum and I," I said raising one of my brows at them. 

All of sudden, the three of them stopped altogether, their expression a mixture of shock, fright and something else I couldn't explain but was still funny to me. "What? You think I don't know about you two?" 

"W-what are you talking about, Jinks?" Eunhyuk nervously asked gulping while Donghae gripped the armrest of his chair as Joon glanced back and forth between the latter and Eunhyuk. 

"Hm, from what Kibum told me, he saw you two coming out of a Movie Theatre during one of our dates. He even had a picture taken as proof. Joon, want to see it?" I asked playfully taking my phone out and turned it on. The screen lit up as I pretended to look for the said 'picture' when in truth I was just looking at a picture that Kibum and I took when we were in Macau. 

Hesitantly, Joon stood up and went beside to look at my phone. At first, his eyes were closed but when he saw the screen of my phone, he let out a big sigh of relief. "Ah, it’s just you and Kibum. I thought... Never mind," he mumbled as took his sit again. 

Both Donghae and Eunhyuk looked so scared so I decided to show the picture I showed Joon. "Isn't he cute? I mean, he's possibly the cutest boyfriend anyone could ever have," I said proudly. "So, if you three don't mind I still have a boyfriend waiting for me." I put my phone back on my pocket and left the three of them alone. 

On the way to Kibum's school, I was still feeling giddy with the idea of two of my employees falling for each other. Well, it looks love can really happen to anyone, anyplace, and anytime because most of the companies worldwide forbids employee-employee relationship, unless they are professional enough to separate work from personal issues. 

The rain was pouring heavily that I can't even see the road clearly. The road was packed with cars barely moving and I'm still at least half an hour away from where Kibum is right now. I was getting impatient already that I kept looking at my watch to see the time: 

6:07 pm 

, Kibum's classes ended half an hour ago and I'm still here in the middle of the road surrounded by cars as rain kept pouring down soaking everything and everyone. I kept honking the horn in hopes of making the traffic go faster but nothing happened. When all the cars finally started moving at a normal pace it was already past 7:30 and I’m pretty sure that I’ll be greeted with a grumpy Kibum.

*ring ring*

I didn’t have to look at the caller ID to know that it was my boyfriend, so I quickly took my Bluetooth, attach it to my ear and pressed answer on my phone.

“H-hey… wh-where are you?” Kibum asked, his voice shaking.

“I’m almost there, baby. Just give me five more minutes, okay?” I said assuring. “Are you outside the school?”

“Y-yeah… h-how d-did you kn-know…?”

“Your voice kept shaking, did you got rained on? Where are you?” I kept looking around trying to see if he’s somewhere close to where I was.

“I-I’m at the b-bus st-stop…” , his voice was shaking really bad. How long had he been waiting at the bus stop for me?

“Alright, alright, I’ll be right there. Sorry, baby, just wait a little more, okay?” I can already see the bus stop where he was waiting. He was all huddled up on the bench inside the waiting area, his chin resting on his knees that were folded up against his chest.

I skidded to a stop in front of him as I hurriedly get out of the car carrying my jacket for him. His whole frame was shaking, his lips were already turning pale and once the jacket was on top of him, I hugged him tight to give more warmth. I was rubbing his back when I noticed that he looked as if he was trying to keep himself from laughing, and then he just started laughing so hard that he was slapping his thigh while his other hand was covering his mouth.

What the heck?

“Oh my God, That was so funny!” he exclaimed, laughing harder.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Honestly I don’t have any idea what is going on right now. Was Kibum acting?

“Ha-ha!! You should’ve seen your face! It was epic, hyung,” he said his laughter finally dying down as he wiped tears that managed to escape his eyes from laughing too much.

“You tricked me?”

He nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been waiting here for more than an hour, although I do know why you’re late – it’s because of the rain and the traffic, right?”

“Yeah, it was the traffic. So, when you called me, you were already acting? Is that it?” and again he nodded with a big smile on his face. “That was so not funny, Kibum.”    

“Sorry, it’s just that I wanted to try it and see what your reaction will be like. Are you mad at me?”

“Well, kind of because I was really worried when I heard you on the phone.” I made my voice sounded upset and it worked because all of a sudden Kibum hugged as tight as he could while apologizing nonstop for tricking me. I was just there enjoying the moment with a goofy grin on my face that Kibum didn’t eve notice it. When he let go of me, he then started planting kisses all over my face that I decided to make him stop.

“Okay, okay, I forgive you. Let’s just go home and drink some hot chocolate, okay? What did you do to your lips though? Its white." 

"I put powder on them, is it gone?" he asked and I nodded. 

I stood up, grabbed his messenger bag slinging it on my shoulder and held out my hand for him as he wore my jacket. He took my hand and I noticed how cold they were. “Holy… your hand is freezing! Come here,” I pulled him closer to me as I took both of his hands to mine rubbing them together.

As we walked towards the car, the rain had already died down a bit. I opened the door for Kibum on the passenger side and then closed it once he’s inside. When I got to the driver’s side, I noticed a black car on the other side of the road, the windows were tinted dark but I could tell there were four of them inside through the windshield. The car was just there unmoving even though there wasn’t any traffic at all. I got inside my car still looking at the car’s direction. I was about to start the ignition when I noticed that one of them, the one sitting on the passenger seat was looking at my direction with such intensity that it looked like he had been watching me for a long time.

“Hyung, what’s wrong?” I heard Kibum asked as he gently put a hand on my arm.

“Do you see that car over there?” I asked softly, my eyes not leaving the man’s gaze.

“Yeah, why? Do you know them?”

“No, were they here the whole time?”

“Yeah, when I got to the bus stop they were already there. Maybe their car broke down or something that’s they’re still there.”

“But they look suspicious to me.” Unwillingly, I let my gaze tore off from their direction and looked at Kibum. “Don’t they?”

“You’re worrying too much, hyung. What makes you say that anyway?”

“I…” I looked back to where the car was but they were already gone. “I don’t know. I just had this feeling that… they’ve been watching us.”

Who are those people exactly? I have a bad feeling about those guys. They don’t look like people who would just stare at you for no reason whatsoever. And I don’t think that their car broke down because it looked perfectly fine to me.

I have to forget about it. Maybe I was just over thinking things or maybe I’m just too stressed from work that my brain is starting to malfunction. Although there is one thing that I'm certain - my relationship with Kibum is in danger and someone is planning to break us up. I have to keep an eye on Kibum. I have to make sure that he's safe and that the people around him aren't someone who has other motives than to socialize with him. 

Even when I got home, I was still feeling bothered especially when I saw another black car with the same style just across from our house. Again, there were four people inside and just like before, they were looking at our direction. 

This is not good, I thought as I unbuckled my seatbelt while Kibum undone his. "Hyung, are you sure you're okay? You haven't said anything at all on the way home," Kibum said worriedly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really tired today. Come on, let's go in." I opened the car door while Kibum did the same. "You go in first, okay? I'll come in a minute." He nodded before getting out of the car with all his things. When he was already inside our house, I decided to call someone who I know for sure will be able to help me. 


"Hey, Jungmo, I need a favour," I said, my eyes hasn't left that car on the other side of the road. 

"Sure thing man, what is it?" 

"I need you to send me a dozen bodyguards by tomorrow. You think you can do that?" 

"What, you don't trust my skills, do you? Of course I'll be able to give you bodyguards tomorrow. But what do you need them for?" he said. I can't tell him what I have in mind; I can't let him get involve in this even though I trust him completely. 

"Just wanted to be sure, that's all. Thanks, hyung. I promise I'll treat you next time for lunch." He agreed to my promise and we hung up. 

When I got out of my car, I noticed that there at least three more black cars around the block. Holy , this is more serious than I thought. More thoughts are going through inside my head all at the same time to what was going on and why are all these people watching me. And then I heard a loud bang inside the house and even before I knew it I was running to where Kibum is. 

I searched for him inside the kitchen, no; the living room, no; the washroom, the basement, no. The only room left was our bedroom, and then I saw him there lying on our bed with a blanket covering his body up to his chin. "Oh hey, what took you so long?" he said as he sat up and threw the blanket off of him, patting a space next to him. 

"What was that?" I asked, my heart was still beating so fast after I heard that bang. I thought something bad happened to Kibum and with all these things happening right now are making everything worse. 

"What's what? I was just watching a movie. Is something wrong?" he was frowning a little bit, his lips slightly pouted as he looked at me in concern. 

I looked at the TV, and sure enough there was movie showing, an action and a violent one. Sighing and closing my eyes for a little bit, I walked over to our bed and sat next to him. "I thought something happened to you when I was downstairs and then I heard something that sounded like a bang and then i got scared and worried so I frantically ran inside looking for you." 

I was in the verge of crying, my head hung low with my hands covering my face. He turned the TV off and hugged me, his hand rubbing my back soothingly. "Shh, its okay. Nothing happened to me and nothing will. It's okay, hyung." He kept saying those things to me, they worked somehow but I was nonetheless still feeling afraid of him getting hurt. 

Without breaking the hug, I laid us down with me trying to calm my heart. I'm pretty sure he can hear with his head resting on my chest. Ever since Kibum told me everything about who is, with the moment I realized I was deeply in love with him, I knew that the things we have to face would be difficult but I never thought that it would be like this. 

I never thought that those who disapprove of our relationship would come to the extent of hurting one of us just to separate us from each other. For him and for the both of us, I have to be strong and I have to make sure that he will be safe in my arms. 
Inside his room at the Kim mansion, Jonghyun was looking at his desk with at least dozens of pictures scattered on top of it. Each picture, his brother's face was there and each picture, Kibum was always beside Jinki - hugging him, kissing him, laughing and smiling at him. 

The photos were taken by the spies Jonghyun hired to follow his brother's whereabouts, to find out who he socialize with and the things he do. He was mad - no, he was extremely furious that Kibum left the household to live with the enemy. But at some point, there was tiny part of him that felt somehow happy to see his brother smile truthfully. 

Even as a child, Jonghyun never really saw Kibum smile like the way he smiled to Jinki. To anyone who had seen and known Kibum, they would never be able to tell if his smile was wholehearted or a pretend, because Kibum has mastered making it look natural even when it is only a forced one. 

Jonghyun took one of the pictures - the one where both Kibum and Jinki were in close up, both of them smiling with Kibum clutching Jinki's arm from laughter. He didn't want to admit it, but he envies his brother. 

He envies that he isn't living at this hell their parents called home, living with two uncaring parents who only cared about business and what people think, and since their parents never cared for Kibum his life wasn't controlled like his life. He never had to make sure that he meets his parents' expectations in everything he do, he didn't have to act like how his parents want to him act, and most of all, he didn't have to live a double life.
*knock knock*
"Come in," Jonghyun said, putting the picture down back on the table. 

"Ah, Jonghyun-ah, why are you here so early? When I got home the maids told me you were already here," Mrs. Kim said when she entered Jonghyun's room. It was obvious that she just got home seeing that she was not in her evening wear. 

"I just got home a little while ago. How was your trip with your friends?" In truth, Jonghyun doesn't really care about how his mother's trip went, but being the 'good' son he is, he decided to ask her. He stood up from where he was sitting and went to stand by the window. 

"Oh, it was lovely, Jonghyun. We should come there next time with Dad." Mrs. Kim sounded really happy talking about her trip but Jonghyun noticed that she didn't even mention Kibum when she said that they should go next time.
"I had a great time with the ladies, we went shopping, got massages and facials and..." 

"What about Kibum? Can he come with us?" Jonghyun interrupted. 

"What for? It's not like he wants to come with us anyway so what's the point of asking him to come with us." Hearing her talk like that, Jonghyun really wanted to yell at her but he decided to restrain himself from doing so because after all she is still his mother. "By the way, I heard he moved out of this house. Is that true?" 

Mrs. Kim moved closer to Jonghyun and put a hand on his shoulder making him face her. "Yeah, he did last month." Jonghyun sounded solemn and Mrs. Kim noticed it already the moment she saw her son sitting on his chair near the window. 

"Do you know where he is right now?" Mrs. Kim is still Kibum's mother, although she doesn't act like one towards Kibum, she wants to know where her youngest son is. In fact, the moment she came home, the first thing that came to her mind was to see Kibum. 

She was a coward woman who's afraid to do things that she really wanted to do. She wants to see her sons getting along, see herself talking to Kibum about different things like how she does with Jonghyun. But whenever she tries to do so, she'll see him looking at her with scared eyes. Yes, Kibum was afraid of her, afraid of his own mother but he was even more afraid of his father. 

Whenever they see each other in one of the hallways of their house, she can see Kibum halt to a stop, stare at her with wide eyes, bow quickly with a quiet greeting and scurried to leave. She even heard him greet her 'Mrs. Kim' instead of 'Mom' when they bumped onto each other one morning. It hurt her to see her own son act like that towards her. But being the coward that she is, she can't do anything but to avoid him as much as possible. 

"Why do you care? It's not like you really want to know were he really is, right? So what's the point?" Jonghyun asked the same thing to his mother, using a more sarcastic tone to his question. 

"Kim Jonghyun! How dare you talk to me like that? I'm your mother in case you have forgotten!" 

Mrs. Kim saw pictures on top of the table, and when she picked on up, her eyes widen in shock. "Jonghyun-ah, what is this? Who's this person with Kibum?" 

Jonghyun doesn’t know if he should tell her the truth. He fears that his mother would tell everything to his father and that is enough reason for him not to. But on one side, he had to tell someone; he needs someone who can help him and tell him what to do with this situation. 

Before he even knew it, his mouth was already spilling everything out, "That's Lee Jinki, President Lee's oldest son..." he heard Mrs. Kim had a sharp intake of breath, her hand going to , "He... is also in a relationship with Kibum." The last part of the sentence was barely a whisper, but judging from the photos in front of her, Mrs. Kim knew that what she had in mind was true.  

"Kibum is dating someone from Lee Corp? Andd he's the oldest son, you say? Does your father know about this?" 

"How am I supposed to tell him, Mom? Huh? 'Oh hey, Dad, guess what? Kibum's dating the son of your rival. Isn't that great?' Like that? Is that it?" The tone of his voice was dripping with sarcasm, frustration and just plain anger because he had had it. Everything that's been pent up inside him was becoming too hard for him to contain. 

Mrs. Kim was speechless. She doesn't know what to say with her son acting like this and adding the fact that her youngest was involved with someone that her husband despises the most. "Since when?" she whispered, looking down at the pictures, her fingers tracing the photos' surface. 

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's been months." Jonghyun sighed and turned his back to his mother. 

"When are you going to tell your father?" Mrs. Kim asked quietly. 

"Not now, that's for sure. I have to think things out first before I tell Dad about Kibum and Jinki." 

"Why do you have to wait? The longer this goes on without your Dad knowing, he will be more than furious when he finally did find out." Mrs. Kim tried to make a point, but Jonghyun already had his mind made up.  

"I can't," Jonghyun said as he turned around, "Mom, if I tell Dad he'll hurt Kibum. I don't want that to happen." 

"He will get hurt either way, Jonghyun, you know that. The longer you hide this fact from your father, the worse will happen to Kibum. You know very well your father's personality. You have to come up with something soon, Jonghyun; otherwise, you're just going to have to prepare yourself with what will happen to your brother." 

Before she leaves, Mrs. Kim took one photo from the table without Jonghyun knowing and hid it in her pocket. She was about to open the door when Jonghyun said, "Mom, can you promise me that you won't tell anything from Dad?" 

Mrs. Kim sighed before answering, "I'll try, Jonghyun. Knowing all this, I can't make any promises." 

"Mom, you have to. If you have at least the littlest bit of concern for your son, you will help me with this. I can't do this by myself I need someone's help. I know you're not like Dad, Mom, I know it. You care for Kibum just like how I do. Please," he pleaded. 

Hesitantly, Mrs. Kim agreed and Jonghyun felt that somehow a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. His mother left his room with a gentle bid of goodnight. Jonghyun then collected all of the pictures in one stack and put them all together in one of his drawers and locked it. But he doesn't know anything; he doesn't know that his father already knew everything. 

Mr. Kim had his own ways, his own spies much better than Jonghyun's, and he already have the information he needed. All he needs now is for the right time to make a move. As of the moment, he is watching everything his spies had recorded for him. 

He felt betrayed by his own son, even if they've never had any father-son relationship with each other, Kibum was still his flesh and blood. And as a father, he had to keep his son away from those who he doesn't like. 

ahh!! everything's going crazy now for our ONKEY!!
and just to let you guys know, i already kind of have an idea for the sequel...
i know, the story's not done yet but in my head it is so yeah... 
i already have everything planned out and i just need to type them out... 
please comment or subscribe!!!
- immaLocket029
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writing the next chap because there's nothing to do at home...


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Chapter 46: Waaaaah please update this author-nim. TT i need my babies together. ><
Chapter 27: Poor Kibummie TT
Chapter 25: I need a friend like Minho, a Brother like Jonghyun and a dongsaeng like Taemin. I really love their characters. <3
Chapter 22: Damn. From the start i already hate Kibum’s dad but what I’m really disappointed about is Taejin. He acts all nice and all but he can’t see how much his son loves Kibum. He let their rivalry with the other family prevail and get manipulated by Mr. Kim. Well now he feel the hatred of Jinki to him. And i think that is the worse feeling for a dad. Karma !!!!!
Chapter 11: Kibummie is like an in-love 15 year old boy. HAHAHHAHAA that makes Jinki a pedo. ><
Chapter 8: Gaaaaah~! This couple is the sweetest, the cutest and the cheesiest couple I’ve known! >~< oh and that pudding kiss~~~

I laugh out loud when Kibum is already sitted comfortably on Jinki’s and he forgot to tell him where he lives. So I’m thinking where is Jinki driving at? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 6: They’re monologues and the confession is too cute for a 20-something XD gaaaaaah! I can’t. It’s so fluffy!!<3
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Oh no. I really feel sorry for the Kim brothers :( Kibum wants attention and love from his family and Jjong wants to give it but don’t know how. :(
Chapter 1: Damn first chapter and I’m liking it already. Too bad it’s incomplete TT
Chapter 46: Wish u'd update this again..