First Failed Experiments

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

Five years had passed since the last war in EXO. Everything was slowly recovering; the destroyed town, houses, schools, buildings; everything had been rebuilt and then were much better than before. There had been no more fights or major problems since then; they all lived in peace and they couldn't be any happier.

There were no more EXO-K and EXO-M; they were then one big kingdom called EXO, like the name of the group of twelve loyal guardians who had been maintaining the peace and had been watching over the whole kingdom in the last five years. They had become the so-called symbol of the kingdom's solidarity.

Although it had been quite long, each one of them were still learning to know about themselves deeper. They still got the promised help from the young fortune teller's family, Jung Nara and Jung Taehyung, who had helped them during the war. Since their ancestors had done countless researches and studies about the whole guardians thing, and were still being continued by the younger generations, the two siblings could tell lots of information that could help EXO know themselves better.

Like, for example, consuming the black pearls could make the guardians age slowly and live longer, besides having great superpowers, abilities and also physical strength that resembled those of a wolf's. Five years equaled to one year of their lifespans. Nevertheless, in the end everyone still had to face their deaths.

The group of twelve guardians spent most of their time in the ice castle, in the middle of the horse field that used to be the borderland of K and M. Sometimes people came and see them there, most of them were kids, since the twelve always welcomed and treated them nicely and would play together with them using their special powers.

But there were times when they didn't accept any guests. Whenever they wanted to have some quality time together, or to do something important, they would apologize wholeheartedly to their people and bow deeply many times before shutting the door.

Like that day, when suddenly Baekhyun urged everyone to get into the meeting room in the ice castle without telling them the reason why.

The other eleven males plopped down on the comfy seats around an antique big rectangular meeting table made of ice - and was surprisingly not cold and slippery - and shot questioning looks at their cheerful puppy. King Suho was about to raise his hand and ask when suddenly Baekhyun hopped like a bunny onto the middle of the table and threw a hand up in the air, another one resting on his waist. The crystal lamp hanging above them twinkled and lit up brighter until it was as bright as his smile.

"I'm here to announce something!" Baekhyun declared and puffed out his chest proudly, earning amused looks from the other eleven.

"What is it? Hurry up, I forgot to feed Jjanggu," Kai remarked, glancing at his wristwatch anxiously.

"What? He can get his own food," Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and put both his hands on his waist.

"Yesterday he told me he'd stay in form of puppy for today and we'd play together all day and I agreed so hurry up hyung he must be really hungry now," Kai said rapidly and impatiently tapped his finger on the table.

"Okay, okay," Baekhyun pouted before clearing his throat, "so... I was kind of enlightened last night when I was reflecting on my life. And you know what? I guess I've found out my true passion, I've seen my future, it must be my hidden desire-"

"Okay we got it, so what do you want to be, Baekhyun-ah?" Suho cut with a soft and understanding smile.

Baekhyun was a bit stunned because his speech was cut even before he got to the point, but then he brushed it off with a goofy grin of his.

"I want to be a professor."

Everyone remained silent and kept staring at him with clueless expression, as if they were asking themselves doubtfully inside their heads, What kind of lame joke is he throwing again? So he shook his head and continued, "Since my brother was a professor, I shall be one like him! I believe inside this head, my brain is at least the same size as his! Just wait and see, I'll be a greater professor than Lay hyung. So, to begin it with, I shall be his assistant!"

The jaws slowly dropped and some eyes twitched at the boy's declaration.

"Are you serious, hyung? Aren't you in the dork line?" Tao snickered quietly.

Baekhyun imitated the younger's words mockingly and rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Tao-yah. Of course I'm serious."

"You should think about that deeper, Baekhyun-ah. Being a professor is nothing easy, you know," the short king warned worriedly.

"Nah, like I said, I believe my brain is at least the same size as my brother's, or maybe even bigger! Who knows?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows and flashed his signature square grin.

"Your brain size doesn't determine how smart you are, Bacon-ah. Our brains are slightly bigger than a walrus' and that doesn't make us slightly smarter than walruses. What's good about having a big brain when you don't actually use it anyways?" Kris said nonchalantly with unimpressed face, but then grinned and high-fived Tao when the others cackled at his statement.

"Well that's why I'm going to try to use it," Baekhyun pouted hard at the tall king, secretly muttering under his breath, "like you're not any dumber than me."

Everyone tried to smile understandingly at the puppy, maybe actually he was still not over his brother yet, but they still couldn't hide those pessimistic looks on their faces. Except for the one and only Kim Jongdae, who was sitting the closest to where Baekhyun was standing and was staring up at his back - or his - admiringly with sparkling eyes.

All of a sudden Chen stood on his seat and joined Baekhyun on the table. He slung an arm around the other's shoulders and beamed at the other ten males who looked even more puzzled then.

"I'll be his assistant too! We'll be perfect partners, Baekhyun-ah!"

Baekhyun's pout slowly broke into a broad grin, his skin emitting a faint glow as the sign that he was elated. He threw his arms around Chen and squeezed him tightly.

"Thanks a lot, bro! You're the only one who really understands my feelings. Even Channie laughed at me too," Baekhyun squinted at his boyfriend through Chen's shoulder, making the big boy widen his eyes and wave his hands frantically in attempt to brush away the misunderstanding.

"Of course! Anyways, I also want to be Lay hyung's assistant not only because I'm following you, but I guess it'll be really fun! Wearing lab coat, experimenting with mice and rabbits and all! But of course it'll be more exciting if we can work together."

Baekhyun and Chen laughed and high-fived each other, already too excited just by imagining the crazy things they'd do together in the lab.

Baekhyun turned around to flash his brightest smile at the confused Lay, his soon-to-be mentor, and asked confidently, "So when do we start?"

"...Wait, who says I approve you two as my assistants?"

But he ended up accepting them anyways, because, could he ever say no?

At first Lay was anxious about how his precious lab would end up like with those two trolls working in it, but the two proved that there was nothing to worry about even on the first day. They paid full attention to everything Lay did and said, treated all the equipments in the lab extra carefully, even studied all day and night to expand their knowledge. The rest of the boys found it really surprising when the two best friends refused to play with the children outside the castle and opted to study in the library instead. They had never refused to play with the children.

But all efforts didn't come to waste; in no time, Baekhyun and Chen were famous among all the seniors that they trusted them to start their own small experiments. In addition, Lay's father, Professor Zhang, supported them wholeheartedly because he was getting really fond of the puppy of the group. Not only because Baekhyun reminded him of his old lab partner, Baekbeom; but also because Baekhyun was a bright and diligent boy who always listened to him.

Their first ever creation was a tiny robot doll that could turn into a functioning maid. They gave it to Yoona, Sehun's cousin and Jae Sun's daughter, as her third birthday gift. It made the baby cry at the first sight because of its rather scary face. Messy curly blonde hair, a pair of scary big blue eyes with thick and long eyelashes, blood red lips that formed a smile of a murderer... Baekhyun had insisted that its appearance was okay.

When the doll sang and danced, Yoona broke into tears and slapped it across the face.

"Waaaahh! Yoo hates ugly doll!"

And when the doll turned into a maid to help her take a bath, she ran away and hid under the bed, crying like she was going to be murdered by the robot.

"Waaaahh! Mommy, daddy, ugly maid wants to hurt Yoo! Heeelp!"

The loud shriek startled the boys who were passing by outside Yoona's bedroom. Luhan kicked the door open in alarm and took her out of her hiding spot immediately, cradling her in his arms while checking every inch of her little body. He sighed in relief after making sure that the girl was still as perfect as a new porcelain baby doll.

Luhan her long wavy brunette hair and stared at her teary big chocolate brown eyes lovingly, kissing her chubby cheek before asking anxiously, "What happened, Yoo?"

The baby sniffed and pointed a finger at the robot accusingly. "She chased Yoo and wanted to hurt Yoo! Yoo wants her to go away and never come back."

Luhan turned his head towards the robot standing idle next to the bed. The other three boys; Sehun, Chen, and Xiumin, were standing in front of it and squinting at it closely and accusingly.

"I was just trying to do my duty," the robot said with monotonic voice.

"Too bad, you're too ugly for that," Sehun stuck out his tongue and flicked the robot on the forehead, getting a flat "Ow." in return. "You just have to hold a knife in your hand and BAM, you'll look exactly like a psychopath."

"Yah, I'm here, you know," Chen pouted and crossed his arms. "I knew she was not okay but Baek insisted that changing her appearance wasn't necessary and Yoo would love her a lot, but it turned out like this. I'll tell Baek about this later and we'll fix this baby."

"Baby my ," Sehun rolled his eyes.

Chen opened his mouth to defend his robot again, but Xiumin covered his mouth and pushed him out of the room along with the robot.

Yoona grinned in victory as soon as her maid was out of sight.

"Now, Yoo, is it okay if Sehun and I help you with bath? Your mommy is out on a date with your daddy again," Luhan offered with a kind smile, which was accepted right away by the baby girl.

"Yes! Yoo will show Duckie to Luhan oppa and Sehun oppa," Yoona slid down Luhan's body and ran towards the bathroom excitedly, followed by the grinning princes.

First robot had failed; total failure.

And so, Baekhyun and Chen worked even harder to modify the robot, making her look much more normal - and even quite pretty - with more motherly behaviors.

That one morning Yoona was playing mommy with Kyungsoo and Luhan in her bedroom. They did the classic game of rock, paper, scissor to decide who would be the parents and who would be the baby. Yoona jumped happily when she got the role of the mommy, while daddy Kyungsoo laughed at Luhan's sad face for being the baby. He wanted to be the daddy though.

"Honey, you should go buy some diapers for our baby," Yoona said to Kyungsoo, copying her mother's way of talking while trying hard to control her laugh. Luhan lied down and put his head on her small lap, jutting out his bottom lip cutely at his "mommy".

"Aigoo, our baby poops a lot recently, doesn't he?" Kyungsoo patted Luhan's and covered his mouth to muffle his cackle. "Good boy, good boy. I'll buy a mountain of diapers for you, baby. You should eat and poop more, okay?"

Luhan pursed his lips to stop his laugh from exploding. Glancing at the younger boy he whispered, "You're lucky this time, Kyungsoo-yah. Next time you'll be the one who poops a lot."

"Oppa, babies can't talk," Yoona protested. Luhan covered up immediately by folding his legs up to his chest and balled his fists on his cheeks, pretending to cry like a baby.


"Aigoo, there there," Yoona cooed and patted Luhan's head. Kyungsoo guffawed and Luhan widened his eyes when the petite girl his and blurted out, "It's hot and heavy here! He pooped again. Quick, get a diaper!"

"I'll go get it, honey!" Kyungsoo struggled to get off the bed and stood up straight on his feet properly while still laughing uncontrollably. He almost tripped on his own feet when suddenly a certain robot barged in and moved pass him towards Yoona's bed.

The robot maid stood next to the bed and shifted its eyes from Yoona to Luhan, trying to identify who should be taken care of. And then Yoona shouted in horror.

"My baby! She's taking away my baby!"

Kyungsoo could only watch with his big owl eyes as the robot pulled Luhan away from Yoona's lap and lifted him up in its arms, cradling him as if he was a real baby. Luhan himself had started freaking out and was squirming in attempt to get himself off the robot's hold. Unfortunately the robot maid misunderstood his gestures; it thought Luhan's diaper was already full of poop so it put him down on the bed and proceeded to tug his pants down. Luhan screamed and immediately pulled his pants back up, clutching on his waistband as if his life depended on it, while Kyungsoo gasped and scrambled to them to help yanking the robot away from his baby. Yoona was literally crying like a mother seeing her baby being sacrificed to the devils; it suddenly became a chaos inside the room.

"Heeeelp! Someone help! This psycho robot is going to me!" Luhan screamed continuously.

"Aigoo, what are you saying, baby?" The robot unexpectedly cooed like a mother, "I'm trying to change your diaper! Now stop moving, okay?"

Taken aback, Luhan unintentionally loosened his grip on his pants and the robot maid used the chance to take it off completely. Yoona ran away quickly and hid in her bathroom while Kyungsoo wasn't really sure how to react, so he covered his face with his hand but peeked through his fingers.

"Kyungsoo-yah, call Baek and Chenchen now!!"

Second attempt had failed again.

Baekhyun and Chen were really confused as to why their robot maid had chosen to take care of Luhan instead of their little Yoona.

"It's not our fault nor the robot's fault. It's Luhan hyung's fault for having a baby face that looks more like a baby than the real baby," Baekhyun defended himself and his robot, "you can say he's babier than babies."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not his fault for having a cute face, Baekhyun-ah. You two should really fix your robot this time, or else Jae hyung will make the other professors destroy that robot chemically," Lay warned.

"Yes, hyung," Baekhyun and Chen answered in unison.

And so they worked hard again to find the mistakes. Later they decided that they should just make it a special robot for Yoona, so it would serve the baby girl only by recognizing her face. They also gave it more abilities and added a little bit more touch to its appearance.

Another one morning, Yoona was sitting alone on her bed, playing with her dolls. Suddenly came a soft knock on her door, so she jumped off her bed and ran to the door to open it.

She gasped when she found another girl standing on her door. She was about the same height as her and she looked quite pretty with her long brown hair, pale skin and hazel eyes.

"Hello, who are you? May I help you?" Yoona greeted kindly.

"Hello, I'm Yuri," the other girl bowed, "I'm here to play with you!"

Yoona perked up and pulled the other into her room instantly. "You come at the right time! I was playing with my dolls. I'll introduce you to them!"

Without her knowledge, Baekhyun and Chen tiptoed towards her room and pressed their ears on the door. What they heard weren't screams anymore; they could only hear the baby girl's happy giggles. They quietly pumped their fists and high-fived each other.

When it was Yoona's bath time, the two young assistants waited anxiously outside her room. They had been waiting for about fifteen minutes only but it was like eternity to them. Suddenly the door was opened and they jumped in surprise.

A fresh Yoona was in her pretty maid's arms with her small hands wrapped around the robot's neck. She beamed when she saw two of her oppas there.

"Hello, Baekhyun oppa, Chen oppa! Look, this is my new friend Yuri, and she can turn into a maid! She's pretty, isn't she?" Yoona stared at her smiling maid adoringly with sparkling eyes.

"Yes indeed," Baekhyun grinned. "Hello, Yuri-yah."

"Hello, master," the robot greeted politely. "Now please excuse us, Yoona has to eat now."

"Okay, bye," Baekhyun and Chen waved goodbye at Yoona and the robot.

When they were out of sight, Baekhyun and Chen silently jumped and danced in joy.


A/N: how was it? :D for the first chapters the scenes will take place on their own planet, and then they'll move to Earth! Heheheh xD

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!