Luhan's Chaotic Way to Beijing

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

Later that night, Li Yin brought Luhan and Sehun to their fallen spaceship. It had passed midnight and the beach was totally empty. Chen Lin, Li Yin's friend, was left asleep in her own room next door. Earlier that day Li Yin had told her many things about Luhan, intentionally missing the fact that she had found him in a spaceship, because she had thought that it would have been too soon to tell her about that and it would have been too risky. She would just tell her buddy the rest of it after they went back home to Beijing.

As the three of them stood there quietly in front of the broken spaceship, Luhan balled his hands into fists inside the pockets of his new white hoodie and shivered because of the chill. He didn't know what to say or how to react; he had no memories of that ship, so he wasn't really sure what to feel. Unlike Sehun, who had woken up inside the ship; he wasn't too happy seeing that again, recalling how he had been trapped inside, squished under his master's body. Nonetheless, he had tried going inside again to sniff around and see if there was anything valuable left in there that might help them remember just a little bit, yet he found none and came out again after shocking himself by slipping and falling under the cockpit.

After standing there barely doing nothing for about fifteen minutes, Luhan ended up saying flatly, "Let's leave it here and go back to our room. It's so cold out here."

All the way back to the hotel, Li Yin kept asking him the same question several times just to make sure he wouldn't regret it later. Before reaching their room, she asked again for the last time, "Are you really sure you don't want to see it anymore?"

"Yeah I'm totally sure. It doesn't help anything, since I don't understand anything about it at all. Seeing it somewhat makes me feel a little bit worse instead."

With that, she decided to leave it there and didn't ask any further about it. Even until the lights were off and the three of them lied down on the same bed again, no words were exchanged between them, with an exceptional of the casual "goodnight"s. Luhan was fast asleep, but Li Yin spent three more hours lying there wide awake, thinking that maybe she shouldn't have brought the boy back to where she had found him.

Unlike the morning before, the next morning was painfully quiet. No half- deer or booty flash that could bring all the voice out of the quiet Li Yin or make her turn red. Luhan woke up much earlier and went straight to the bathroom, not coming out again until he was done. Li Yin noticed that Luhan was quiet even inside the bathroom too; she didn't hear his random hums like the morning before.

After breakfast, Li Yin only stayed on the bed and watched Sehun lie down in front of her laptop, watching some funny videos while happily chewing on some dog snacks she had given him earlier. Luhan was sitting on a chair outside on the balcony, quietly staring at the view of the sea.

Since Chen Lin had gone away to the mountain to visit a friend, Li Yin had decided to stay at the hotel all day, yet she didn't know what to do about the deer being all quiet and melancholic. She sighed deeply as she slid off the bed and walked to the balcony. Sliding the glass door a little bit, she poked her head out and stared at the boy.

Without even turning his head to see the other, Luhan flatly said, "Sit here with me, Li Yin."

Li Yin stepped out and plopped down on the seat next to the other obediently. Thinking that Luhan only wanted to be accompanied sitting there, she bowed her head and fiddled with the big button on her shirt, not attempting any conversations with the other. So she was pretty surprised when Luhan finally initiated to start it first, after all those painful long hours without any proper conversations.

"How are you doing today, Li Yin?" He asked softly, only turning his head slightly to catch a glimpse of the other's face.

"Fine enough," Li Yin replied with a smile. "How about you, Luhan?"

"I'm fine." He bowed his head and heaved a long breath. "I'm sorry for acting like this. I've just realized it's really childish."

Not expecting the apology, Li Yin's eyes went somewhat wider as she slowly turned her seat facing the other. "Then, may I know what has been bothering you?"

Not trying to hide anything anymore, Luhan bluntly answered, "I just feel weird and empty. I feel something missing... Something inside my heart is gone. I can feel that something; someone used to fill this heart, but now they're gone and my heart is empty."

Li Yin sighed quietly as she pondered over the right way to put her thoughts into words.

"...You should refill it then."

Apparently that answer had gotten the other quite fascinated, because finally Luhan turned his head and stared directly at her with his confused doe eyes; the pretty grey orbs catching her off guard for a split second.

Luhan brought his hand up slowly and placed it on his chest as he doubtfully asked, "How do I do that? What should I refill it with?"

Li Yin bowed her head and smiled before throwing her gaze towards the sea.

"With something valuable to you, of course. Something or someone you love. The ones who can fill your heart are only those who are valuable to you, those whom you love. Strangers can never fill that empty heart of yours, unless you let them have their impacts in your life. So what you need to do first is to open your heart and learn how to love all over again. You can start by simply trying it on your closest one, who is none other than your own doggy. I'm sure you really loved him a lot before you lost your memories, so he's supposed to be a big part of your heart."

A really big one.

Luhan turned his head to see the dog lying on the bed inside. He had been ignoring him too since the night before. He felt really bad for him then.

"Okay, I'll try," Luhan said softly, "maybe I can do that. Refill my heart."

"Don't fill it too much though. Spare some space for the ones that used to fill it too, so when you remember them again, you won't have to kick them out of their own space for something else; something new that will have 'stolen' it while it's still empty. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

Luhan kept staring at Li Yin's face as he registered her words into his mind. To make it easier for himself to understand, he made his own example, "Like, if actually I had someone I loved, but then I find someone else and fall in love again, and if I fall too deep then I'd have no choice but to forget this past love after I can remember again?"

Li Yin's lips stretched into an amused smile, quite fascinated with the other's example. "If you put it like that, I guess it's about choice. You'd have to choose one of them. That's why you shouldn't fall too deep, that's what I mean. Unless you're dead sure that it's okay and no one will get hurt. You can only be that sure either after you can remember whether you have someone precious in the past or not, or when you decide to give up trying to remember. You shouldn't choose the latter though."

"But, will I get my memories back? For sure?"

"You should pray hard for that," Li Yin chuckled and flew her gaze up to the sky. "Because if you did have someone whom you loved and loved you too, they must be waiting for you now. Get your memories back soon, don't let them wait for too long."

Luhan diverted his gaze from the other's face to the bright blue sky. Waiting for me, huh?

"I will, then," he finally said, "someone out there must be waiting for me. It doesn't have to be someone special, but I believe I still have my own home and family. Right?"

"Of course. Someday you'll meet them again. Cheer up now, Luhan. It feels kind of weird when you stay quiet like this."

Feeling somewhat better, Luhan turned his head towards the other again and thanked her by flashing a sweet smile at her. Li Yin perked up and stood up to give her hands to him. Grinning, Luhan took them gladly and pulled himself up to get back inside with much lighter heart.

Sehun had long finished the video he had been watching. He saw Luhan entering the room again and wondered if he would be ignored again, but then he didn't find any reasons to worry about it when Luhan pounced on him and pulled him into a big hug, rolling together on the bed with the deer turning all giggly and smiley again. Both Li Yin and Sehun somewhat felt like shedding tears of happiness, but since it would be too melancholic, they only cracked their face-splitting grins. Sehun wagged his tail gleefully as he got more giggles from the deer by his whole face.

Seeing the two boys playing around cutely, an idea popped out in Li Yin's head. She took her camera and snapped a picture of the oblivious boys in a quite nice angle; she got the side view of Sehun lying on top of Luhan with his chin resting on his chest, while Luhan's arms were wrapped around his body, hugging him like a pillow. Both of them were staring at each other lovingly with big smiles plastered on their faces. Li Yin just had to crop the picture a little bit and it would be a perfect one to be used as a new background picture on her laptop. But then that she thought about it again, that would be pretty awkward for Luhan to see his own picture there like how she felt seeing her own picture as the background, so she grabbed her laptop and connected her camera to it as another light bulb appeared inside her mind.

Luhan realized what Li Yin had done when his eyes fell on the screen of the laptop. His face turned a faint shade of pink seeing himself in the picture, yet he couldn't help but be proud a little bit because he did look pretty cute there. It felt weird to admit to himself that he was cute.

"Li Yin, what are you doing with that picture?" He shyly asked.

"I'm editing it, to make it look nicer. This is photoshop. I'm going to spread your picture all over the internet," she jokingly replied.

Not quite able to understand what she meant, Luhan crinkled his eyebrows, "What will happen then?"

"Sehun and you will get some admirers, I guess?" The girl chuckled.

Luhan could only nod dumbly as he watched Li Yin do stuff to the picture, and later open the browser again. She actually meant what she said, he guessed. He couldn't understand the next things she did on the internet though.

"You must be really confused now," Li Yin laughed lightly, getting a nod as the confirmation. "I'm making you a blog here, you can have some fans if you're lucky enough. I also have one like this. You can see some famous people here and follow their blogs or just have some normal friends."

"Really? I can do that there?" Luhan asked in awe. "This thing you call internet is really awesome."

"Yup," Li Yin nodded as she finished making a new account for the other. "Look, I've posted that picture I've editted earlier. You can tag pictures here, so people who search for the tags can find it there too. Here people can reblog your posts too, so if you're lucky enough you'll get some admirers in form of followers, and if you're luckier they might reblog your posts and you'll get more new followers," she finished her explanation with a broad grin.

"Is that even possible to get famous that way?" Luhan mumbled doubtfully.

"It has happened a lot to many pretty people though. They get famous because of their good faces. Some of them even become models later. In Korea they're called ulzzang, they can participate ulzzang contests and later work as models. I think your face meets all the requirements to be an ulzzang," she giggled.

Luhan bowed his head and scratched his nape shyly. "I don't think I look that good."

"That's nonsense. You'll see the proof later," Li Yin smiled as she typed some additional information in the bio. Nothing much she could write though, because Luhan himself wasn't able to give more information that he could remember. She reread it once again.

Wu Luhan. 19 years old. April 20th. Beijing, China.

She made it Beijing because that was where Luhan would most likely stay with her. They were going back there the following day.

"Can you see Cristiano Ronaldo too here?"

Li Yin was practically amazed by the other's question. How did he know that soccer player? But then she brushed it off with a smile. He must have found many things on the internet when she had been away the previous day. She should check the history later, just to see the stuff he had found out.

"Well, you can see stuff about him here by looking over his tag, like his pictures, videos, gifs or just people's writings about him. Gif is a moving picture, by the way. But yeah, of course he doesn't have an account here. Most users on this blogging platform are chinese people only."

"Oh, okay," the deer nodded, somewhat disappointed. "Still pretty cool though. Can I try to use it?"

"Of course! Here, try it," Li Yin tilted the laptop facing the other and proceeded to teach him how to use the blog step by step. She quietly giggled to herself, finding Luhan's mixture of confused and fascinated expressions quite cute.

The day went by just like that; Luhan stuck with the laptop, Li Yin watching over him from the desk while working on her music sheets, Sehun watching the stuff Luhan was browsing with his mouth constantly chewing on some snacks all the time. By noon Li Yin went out to get them some food, and after lunch they returned to the same position.

Few moments after, Li Yin glanced at Luhan and found his face a mixture of startled and embarrassed. She plucked her earphones from her ears and asked, "Luhan, is there something wrong?"

Luhan tore his gaze off the screen to look at the girl with dazed expression on his face. "Li Yin, there's this one guy who has just followed my blog and he commented on the picture you posted. He said I'm so cute and pretty like a girl although he could only see my side profile and he wanted to see more pictures of me. It's so embarrassing!"

Li Yin covered immediately to prevent her laugh from exploding uncontrollably. "I told you so, Luhan. Just thank him for praising you, it's the beginning of your popularity," she grinned and wiggled her eyebrows, only making the blush on the deer's face turn a shade deeper.

"Why should I thank him for telling me that I look like a girl?" He mumbled and pouted, yet still did it anyways.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Li Yin got up from her seat to get the door. Who could it be? She wasn't expecting anyone to come at that time.

But of course, anything unexpected could always happen when it came to her beloved mama. The beautiful middle-aged lady barged in dragging a big suitcase behind her while noisily greeted her dumbfounded daughter.

"Mama? Why are you here? I mean why do you come here now?" Li Yin asked cautiously. She still had her back facing Luhan but she knew exactly that he had most likely turned into a terrified deer again, just like when he had met her father the day before.

"Well, this is basically my hotel and you're my daughter so I can come to your room anytime, can't I?" Mrs. Xi chuckled and pinched Li Yin's cheek. "Here, I've brought you another extra suitcase. I knew yesterday you went shopping and I believe you've bought a mountain of clothes, so put them in here! Now where's that cute baby boy?"

"What cute baby....boy?" Li Yin gawked as her mother walked past her into the room, to be more specific towards the bed, where Luhan was sitting frozen with wide eyes like a human statue. She truly wished there had been a hole on the floor where she could jump into and hide, when her mother yanked Luhan and pinched his cheeks, technically kneading the baby-like face that seemed like it was about to be torn apart any second. She quickly pulled her mother away and flashed an apologetic smile at the deer, who was pitifully whimpering and holding his hot cheeks with both hands. For a second he had thought that the woman had been intending to kill him in a merciless way by ripping and destroying his face first.

"Mama, what has gotten into you? You can't just approach someone you don't know and go kneading on his face!" Li Yin hissed.

Totally ignoring her daughter, Mrs. Xi stared at Luhan adoringly and cooed, "Isn't he cute? Is that even possible for a boy to be this cute?"

Still cupping his reddening cheeks, Luhan bowed his head and awkwardly pretended to clear his throat. His mind had gone blank because of the sudden attack and he didn't know what to do or what to say, he was only wishing hard in his heart for the girl to save him from her wild mother.

"Mama, do you know him?" Li Yin asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the older woman.

"Yesterday I saw you walking with him and this dog from the beach! I didn't see his face clearly though. Furthermore, I overheard some staffs gossiping about you and a cutie boy, and right there and then I knew they were talking about this boy! So I actually come here to see him too," Mrs. Xi smiled sweetly at Luhan. "Pardon me for my act just now, I couldn't hold myself! My daughter here hardly hangs around with a boy, so I was really happy when I found out about you!"

Li Yin looked away and covered her flushed face with her hand, pitying herself hard for being in such situation. "Mama, you're embarrassing me," she whispered and lightly nudged the older woman's elbow, but Mrs. Xi lightly brushed her hand off and kept smiling at the baffled boy.

Luhan rubbed his nape, nodded and smiled awkwardly at Li Yin's mother. "I-It's okay, ma'am."

Without any clear reasons, the pretty short-haired woman laughed lightly and clapped her hands. "I like this boy."

After few more pauses of awkward silence and some more giggles from the eldest of the three, Li Yin finally managed to push her mother out of the room. Just after Mrs. Xi was out of the door did Li Yin tell her that she was going to take Luhan home to Beijing. The girl's poor ears were immediately attacked by her mother's loud happy squeal, but fortunately she was already outside, so when she was about to enter again, Li Yin briefly apologized and shut the door.

After that everything became painfully awkward between Li Yin and Luhan for a moment, even Sehun the dog was quiet in great bewilderment too. Li Yin kept apologizing every couples of minutes and Luhan answered it with a smile everytime, but as they busied themselves packing their stuff, everything went back to normal again even before they could realize it. By night time they were already laughing and insulting each other again.

The next morning they woke up early to catch the flight back to Beijing. Chen Lin was also there with them. Sehun was put in a big cage that Mrs. Xi had gotten for him somehow, and he didn't seem too happy about it. The only things that could keep him calm while he was inside the cage were his tasty snacks and a strange doll in form of a bear with a blank expression, sitting in the corner of the cage. Li Yin called it Rilakkuma, if he hadn't misheard it. It was pink, so he secretly named it Pinku Pinku. He had a fun staring contest with the doll along the way to the airport.

While Sehun was pretty calm, Li Yin noticed that Luhan looked extremely nervous about the whole flying idea. He kept squirming uncomfortably in his seat in the car and fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hey Luhan, you seem so scared. Is this your first time?" Chen Lin asked cheerfully from the front seat next to the driver.

"I-I don't know, um, I mean yes," Luhan answered nervously, stumbling on his own words. Actually it wasn't his first time flying, of course, since he had come in a spaceship. But he couldn't remember how it felt like and somehow he had a feeling that he would hate flying a lot, although they hadn't even reached the airport.

Chen Lin chuckled at the clumsy answer and waved a hand. "Don't worry, you won't feel anything. Maybe you'll even fall asleep."

Sadly it was completely the opposite of what actually happened. Luhan's fear almost reached its peak even before they entered the boarding room, especially when they separated with Sehun. Li Yin told him that animals had their own place in the cargo holds and Sehun wouldn't be sitting with them during the flight; that alone was enough to make Luhan feel like crying. Li Yin kept patting his back to calm him down, while Chen Lin couldn't stop snickering at his terrified face without actually intending to hurt his feelings, but seeing someone that scared was somehow really funny to her.

However, Luhan was a little bit distracted when Li Yin went to the toilet and came back again with a mask covering half her face. He also noticed some pairs of eyes following their movements around. Chen Lin could read the confusion on his face, so she voluntarily explained with a low voice, "You see, some people have recognized her face. She's famous, remember? But she's on her break now, so I guess they're still not really sure if she's really her."

Luhan nodded slowly and eyed the masked girl quietly as they walked together, but then he caught something out of the corner of his eyes. He turned his head and found two teenage boys and a girl standing not too far away, one of them aiming a camera at them.

"Oh look, guess your new picture will be up on the internet today," Chen Lin nudged Li Yin and pointed her thumb at the two boys. "You're lucky that you're wearing some nice clothes today."

"My clothes are always nice," Li Yin shrugged and grinned behind her mask.

Apparently the young teens had got the guts, because suddenly they approached the three and handed Li Yin a big marker.

"Li Yin jiejie, sign my shirt!" One of the two boys beamed.

"Mine too!" The other boy parroted.

Li Yin looked around and noticed that they had earned more attention from the people around, so she quickly signed their shirts with the permanent marker, returned it to them and kindly gave them her eye smile before dragging Luhan and Chen Lin away, disappearing in a blink of an eye. She was on holiday, so she didn't really want to get distracted, especially when she had someone to take care of. Hopefully there wouldn't be any unnecessary rumors spread on the internet later.

As they waited in the boarding room, Luhan's nervousness slowly returned back, getting a little bit worse when he saw the big aircrafts outside. Li Yin was almost completely sure that Luhan had a serious traumatic issue when they were already seated on the plane. He was visibly shaking, his hands balled inside the pocket of his white hoodie and his eyes not leaving the window next to him any second.

"Luhan." Li Yin tapped Luhan's shoulder, making him yelp and slightly bounce on his in surprise. He tore his gaze off the window and looked at Li Yin with wide eyes.


Li Yin took off her mask, flashed an apologetic smile and patted his shoulder soothingly. "Are you okay? Do you want to exchange seats with me?"

Chen Lin, who was seated next to Li Yin, tilted her head to see the boy and smirk at him. "Yeah Luhan, you should sit in the middle."

"I-I'm okay," the deer smiled nervously.

"Are you sure?"


When the airplane moved, Luhan pressed his back flat on his seat and glanced at the window next to him. Chen Lin felt like laughing again seeing his uncontrolled face, but she held it in by focusing on chewing her bubblegum and locking her eyes on the picture of a funny bald man's face on the newspaper she was holding. The plane moved faster and Luhan's grip on the armrest tightened as he prayed hard to the heavens to let him live longer. He wondered if Sehun was okay, because he hiimself wasn't okay at all.

And then it happened. When he looked outside again, he realized that they were slowly going higher, far from the ground. His eyes widened and his jaw slowly fell open.

"Ah.... WAHH- Hhmpff!"

Li Yin quickly slapped a hand over Luhan's mouth to prevent his scream from exploding inside the cabin, which was unfortunately a little bit too late. As the replacement for the rest of his scream, Chen Lin's laugh finally boomed and Li Yin's hand swiftly flew from Luhan's mouth to hers. The girl in the middle closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before turning her head around and slightly bowing at everyone who were giving them strange looks.

"Pffftt." Chen Lin bit her lip to control her internal laughing, her shoulders violently shaking up and down, while Luhan bowed his head and covered his face with his hands out of fright and embarrassment. He didn't dare lifting his head from his hands, afraid that he might scream again seeing the sky outside. When Li Yin touched him again, he absentmindedly threw his arms around her body and buried his face between her back and her seat, his body shaking greatly out of fear. Just then he had felt a strange yet very familiar falling sensation going through his body, making him feel like screaming out loud. By that he knew he basically had a problem with height. If only he could have remembered it, he would have known the reason; in the last twenty four years of his life, he had fallen from extreme height twice. He was so lucky that he could survive both and was still alive then.

With eyes widened and back straightened up, Li Yin looked down at the arms wrapped around her body. She awkwardly placed her hand on Luhan's arm and it in attempt to make him feel better.

A small head of a little boy popped out from behind the seat in front of Luhan. As the boy chewed his bubblegum, he poked his mother's shoulder and said with a mocking tone, "Mama, this gege behind me is really scared of flying."

The smile on Chen Lin's face vanished away instantly. She leaned towards the boy, squinted at him and hissed with a deadly low voice, "Shut up and sit back down."

The little boy stopped chewing abruptly and slowly slid back down to a sitting position next to his sleeping mother. Still annoyed and not satisfied enough, Chen Lin pushed the back of the boy's seat in a childish attempt to scare him, which no doubt was really successful. She smirked in victory and patted Luhan's knee before leaning back in her own seat again. She elbowed Li Yin's arm and whispered to her, "Give him a mommy hug."

Li Yin raised an eyebrow at the other girl. "Mommy hug?"

"You know, that hug a mommy gives her son when he gets scared on his first flight," Chen Lin smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. Li Yin bit her lip doubtfully as she stared at the rather stupid grin her best friend was making, considering if it was okay to do so.

Gently and carefully, Li Yin pushed Luhan away from her back to see his face, and gasped when she found his cheeks wet and flushed. She quickly wiped the tears away and pulled him into a hug, patting his back to calm him down. She lifted the armrest separating them and let Luhan snuggle closer to her with his face buried on her shoulder.

"It's okay, Luhan, it's okay," she whispered, "don't be scared, it's okay."

Li Yin stretched her arm to pull the window shade down, just to place her hand on Luhan's back again after. She wondered if it was okay, but she carefully placed her other hand on his head and gently his hair in a motherly manner. The deer whimpered and hugged the other even tighter, yet not tight enough to knock all the oxygen out of her lungs.

Fifteen minutes had passed since their take-off, yet Luhan still couldn't overcome his fear. He tightened his hold on Li Yin instead, his face not leaving her shoulder any second. It wasn't funny anymore to Chen Lin; instead, she was glancing at the couple sitting on her other side with narrowed eyes. The girlfriend seemed to be jealous seeing Luhan and Li Yin, because she was obviously trying to get her oblivious boyfriend to put his head on her shoulder too. It somehow made Chen Lin kind of annoyed; did that girl think they were having a romantic couple contest there inside the airplane? Their deer was clearly having a hard time, nothing romantic about that.

"Luhan, are you okay?" Li Yin asked, tilting her head to see a little bit of Luhan's face.

Luhan shakily replied, "No. I want this plane to go back to land as soon as possible."

Right after he said that, the plane shook lightly and dropped down a little bit in a sudden move before moving up again almost immediately, causing some of the passengers to shout in surprise. Luhan shut his eyes tightly and whimpered, mentally screaming for the plane to just land anywhere soon. As he thought harder about that, the plane shook more violently. He absolutely had no idea that his mind was the one causing all the great turbulences. He wanted the plane to move down, so it moved down, but of course the pilot would move it up again. The captain asked the passengers to buckle up again and told them not to panic, which was pretty hard even for the captain himself, because he couldn't find the reason of the turbulences.

Li Yin had no choice but to push Luhan away lightly so she could pull down the armrest and make him sit properly. It turned out to be an extremely hard task, since Luhan wouldn't let go. But while Li Yin was trying to push him away, she caught something strange on him. Something really strange that couldn't be considered as a normal sight.

The tattoo on the side of his neck was glowing blue. And if only there hadn't been so many noises, maybe they would have been able to hear Sehun's howl inside the cargo.

Li Yin's mind went blank all of a sudden. She stared at Luhan's tattoo with abnormally large eyes; it scared her, she had no idea what was happening to the boy and what should she do to stop it. Was he the cause of the violent shakes? Then that she thought about it, she guessed Luhan wasn't just a Chinese-Korean genius who had made a spaceship to travel from Korea to China; no, he might have been a kind of real alien, coming from an unfamiliar planet bringing a huge amount of power inside his body that could even shake a flying airplane out of his fear of height.

Li Yin shook her head hard and snapped out of her thoughts. She must have watched too much cartoons when she had been younger.

Apparently she wasn't the only one who had noticed the glowing tattoo. Without any warnings, Chen Lin grabbed Li Yin's head by its sides with both hands, tilted it and shoved it towards Luhan's face, causing her lips to slam on his cheek. Luhan shot his eyes open and straightened his back immediately. He touched his own cheek as he gaped at Li Yin, who was equally startled by the sudden violent attack by her own lips. The girl swiftly turned around facing her best friend and pinched her arm. She narrowed her eyes and whispered in a deadly low tone, "Prepare yourself to be choked to death later at home."

Chen Lin grimaced and rubbed her arm, completely ignoring the other's threat as she stole a glance at Luhan and mentally praised herself for her own stupid spontaneous act earlier. She didn't know what that boy was, but then she knew he had something in him, and of course she wouldn't use that big secret of his for something bad. She wasn't that kind of person. Luhan himself seemed to be unaware about that secret of his own though. But whatever it was, Chen Lin couldn't help but be proud of herself for somehow indirectly preventing them all from falling into the sea. She would just have a serious talk about that glowing tattoo with Li Yin later.

When Li Yin turned around again, the glow on Luhan's tattoo had died down, but not the blush on his cheeks. His eyes were still wide and his lips parted slightly. "L-Li Yin...?" He said, his voice barely a whisper.

Li Yin wasn't really sure how to respond to that, so she bowed her head and let her hair slipped from behind her ear, being the curtain to hide her reddening face.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Luhan lowered his gaze and nodded slowly. "I-It's okay." And for the first time since take-off, he relaxed in his seat and closed his eyes. The plane wasn't shaking anymore.

Li Yin thought Luhan had surprisingly calmed down, but actually it was because the weird feeling he felt had distracted him from his fright. It wasn't like his heart was thumping louder because of the kiss on his cheek; no, it just simply felt weird inside him.

"It's awkward, isn't it," Chen Lin snickered quietly.

"Obviously, thank you so much," Li Yin rolled her eyes and puffed her cheeks.

"You'll thank me later," the other girl chuckled and whispered, "Look, let me just tell you guys about my trip to the mountain yesterday."

Luhan opened his eyes again and looked at Chen Lin, looking quite amused about the story. The black-haired girl smiled in satisfaction getting the attention from the deer, so she started her story with low voice so she wouldn't bother the other passengers.

"So I went to the school where I learnt martial arts-"

She had just begun and Luhan's eyes had already turned wide at her, couldn't believe that the manly girl also learnt martial arts too.

"-and I met my old friend called Chen. We have same nickname but he's a boy, deaf and mute."

Luhan's lips formed a small circle as he nodded slowly, while Li Yin kept looking at the other girl, waiting for her to continue. She had already known the story about that Chen guy.

"Usually he's always alone, but strangely enough yesterday I found him with another guy. I talked to that guy all day and I found out that he was a new student there. His name is Tao."

Chen Lin paused to glance at Luhan, waiting for his reaction to the name, but the deer's face remained the same. And then she remembered what Li Yin had told her earlier; Luhan had lost his memories and he could barely remember anything. That made sense.

"He's a really nice boy, he takes care of my friend really well even on his first day there. They're roommates now, so I don't have to worry about my buddy anymore. Oh, this should be strange enough, but I spotted a tattoo in form of a strange symbol on the side of his neck, under his left ear."

Chen Lin noticed that Luhan's eyes widened a little bit, but turned normal again right away. It was the exact same position as the tattoo on his own neck, but it could only be a coincidence.

"...And I saw him wearing a chain necklace too. The pendant was made of a hexagonal black stone with a different symbol carved on it, it looked really pretty and antique. I've never seen any stones like that before, it must be really expensive."

This time Li Yin's eyes also turned wide along with Luhan's. The deer boy pulled his pendant out from beneath his hoodie and let the other two girls see it too.

"Luhan, it's the same necklace as yours and Sehun's," Li Yin whispered, "he could be your relative!"

"He has lost his memories too," Chen Lin added.

Li Yin turned to the other girl and frowned at her. "Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could have taken Luhan to that boy."

"I thought we wouldn't have time for that anyways, since our flight is early in the morning," Chen Lin grinned apologetically. "We can always contact him through my friend's phone anyways. That Tao guy stays at the dorm there now, he won't go anywhere."

"...And I'm not sure if I'm ready to meet him anyways, so it's okay," Luhan said softly, shoving the pendant back under his shirt.

Li Yin gave him a doubtful look, but quickly brushed it off and nodded understandingly. "Tell us when you're ready then."

"Okay. I will." Luhan leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes again, sinking in his own thoughts about the said Tao guy. At that point he was completely distracted from the fact that he was flying thousands of feet in the air above the land.

To Li Yin's relief, half the flight Luhan actually fell asleep and didn't wake up until they were on land again, so he didn't have to freak out again when they were landing. The deer couldn't look happier when they finally entered the big airport in Beijing; he kept turning his head around as they walked together, admiring every details of the place. They got Sehun back and the dog jumped towards Luhan as soon as he saw him. Luhan crouched down and hugged him tight, letting him his whole face like they hadn't seen each other for a long time. It seemed like the dog had been worrying too much about the deer during the flight. Sehun wanted to tell his master that earlier on the plane his necklace had glowed blue, but he knew Luhan would think he was imagining things again.

As soon as they went out of the airport, a man dressed in black suit approached them and took them to an expensive-looking black car waiting outside. At first Luhan had thought he was a bad guy because of the black sunglasses he was wearing; turned out he was only Li Yin's personal driver.

Just after their tummies had been full from a big lunch together did they head to Li Yin's house, which was located in Haidian district. Since Luhan had thought that the hotel in Qingdao had been Li Yin's house, he wasn't really surprised when he saw her real house, although it was also really huge. A maid opened the gate for the car to enter, while some more maids came out and waited until the car stopped so they could take out all the suitcases. They greeted and bowed at the three teens when they came out of the car. They were surprised when Sehun jumped out though; some of them were scared, but more of them cooed happily seeing the cute-faced big white dog.

Chen Lin was the one to barged into the house as if it was hers. "Ziyu, where are you?? Come out, your jiejie is here!" She shouted like a mother, her voice booming throughout the big house.

Almost immediately, came a loud sound of a door being banged open upstairs, followed by hurried erratic footsteps. The three teens and the dog stood there and watched as a teenage boy ran down the stairs while struggling to put on his shirt properly and fix his hair at the same time. After he was close enough, he threw himself towards Li Yin and squeezed her with all his might, causing her to gasp for air and smack his shoulder repeatedly to make him let go of her.

"Jiejie, I missed you!" He laughed as he lifted the shorter girl few inches off the floor and squeezed her a little bit more.

"Hey, what about me?" Chen Lin crossed her arms and frowned in protest. "I had been away much longer, you know."

The black-haired boy grinned and put his sister back on his feet, letting her breathe properly again. "I'm sorry, who are you?" He raised an eyebrow and flashed a teasing smile at the short-haired girl.

"Hey! Is that how you greet me after all those tiring six months? A small part of the reason why I decided to go was because of you too, you know. Greet me properly!" She demanded.

Ziyu giggled and shook his head before leaning down to peck Chen Lin's cheek, making Luhan's eyes widen in surprise. The other boy could do that easily, and it seemed like he didn't feel anything weird like what Luhan had felt after the "accidental" kiss he had gotten from Li Yin. Ziyu was only smiling brightly, even laughed when Chen Lin punched his arm playfully.

And then Ziyu finally noticed the unfamiliar boy standing there next to the two girls. He stepped closer to Luhan and stared at him closely, making Luhan shift on his feet uncomfortably while trying to stare back into the other male's pretty black orbs. He couldn't possibly act all shy in front of a younger boy.

"Look at these two cuties, staring at each other like twins in a forbidden love," Chen Lin remarked and snickered when Li Yin slapped her arm lightly and gave her a scolding look. But if Li Yin looked at the two again, her best friend had got a point; they looked quite similar, with thick black hair, pretty doe eyes, equally cute faces and almost the same height. Luhan was still a few centimeters taller though, and his hair was a bit curly; while Ziyu's was straight, falling freely covering his forehead and framing his face nicely.

"H-Hi," Luhan croaked awkwardly and cleared his throat, "I'm Luhan."

"I'm Ziyu," the other boy replied, his pinkish lips forming a small smile. "Are you my jiejie's new boyfriend?"

"W-What? No, I'm-"

"No he's not, he's just a friend," Li Yin cut quickly, her pale cheeks turning faint pink. "But he'll stay here from now on. He's older, so call him gege, okay?"

Ziyu's round eyes enlarged and for a second Luhan thought he should just run away and die, but then his eyes caught the other's lips slowly stretch into a big smile. Suddenly Ziyu threw his arms around Luhan's body and squeezed him like he had squeezed his sister.

"Finally! I'll make you happy staying here, I promise! It's so boring to stay here with my jiejie only, so if you stay here at least I won't be dying out of boredom! Oh, we can even play together! Do you play sports? Basketball? Soccer, maybe?" Ziyu asked enthusiastically, oblivious to the look of disbelief on his sister's face.

Luhan's face brightened up as soon as his ears caught the word "soccer". "I like soccer! I've never tried to play for real though. Do you have a soccer ball?" He asked with sparkling eyes, already too excited just by thinking that he would be able to play with a real ball really soon.

"Of course I do! It's okay, I'll teach you. We can play at the backyard, there's a basketball court. Actually I've just finished showering after playing basketball, but I'll be glad to play again with you! Wait here, I'll take my soccer ball." Ziyu was about to run back to his room to grab his ball, but stopped abruptly when he caught a big white creature out of the corner of his eyes. He looked down and squealed gleefully seeing the dog.

"Oh wow, how could I not notice this dog here?? So cute! It's a Samoyed, isn't it?" He crouched down and titlted his head to peek at the dog's crotch, making Sehun take a step away and give him a weird look. "It's a male too! Is he yours, gege? What's his name?"

Luhan's smile grew wider seeing how happy the other was because of the dog. "His name is Sehun. He likes soccer too."

"Awesome. We can play together then!" Ziyu laughed and Sehun's chin, making the dog smile in contentment. He liked it to be touched there. As the reward, he gave Ziyu a on his cheek, earning some giggles in return. His reaction reminded Sehun of Luhan a lot. Sehun looked up to see his master and he wasn't sure if his eyes were wrong, but he could see a hint of jealousy on the deer's face. Was it a wrong thing if Sehun felt kind of happy seeing his master get jealous?

"Ziyu, let them rest for awhile. They must be really tired," Li Yin said. "You're that excited, huh? If you want to play with him, at least show him his room first and help him unpack his stuff."

Ziyu stood up and gave his sister a thumbs up. "Easy matter! So, which room? Is he staying in my old room upstairs?"

"Yup. You better hide your dolls before he sees them," Li Yin giggled.

"What? Gosh, Ziyu. You still keep your dolls? I thought you've given them all to the orphanage already!" Chen Lin said exaggeratingly, pretending to be really surprised and disappointed. "Even your barbie dolls too?"

Ziyu pouted as he grabbed some of Luhan's stuff and took them upstairs. "I've never had barbie dolls. They're only stuffed animals. I just thought it would be better if I left them there in my old room so it wouldn't be so empty."

Li Yin and Chen Lin shook their heads and clicked their tongues, not buying the boy's excuse. Ziyu wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue childishly at the two older girls before disappearing upstairs. Before following the boy to his new room, Luhan turned to Li Yin, bowed deeply and flashed a genuine smile at her.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Li Yin. I owe you a lot."

Li Yin chuckled and shook her head. "You've thanked me too much, Luhan. You owe me nothing, consider this house as your own. Get along with Ziyu, okay? Now go upstairs with Sehun."

Luhan bowed again and nudged Sehun's head, making the dog bow at the girl too, before going upstairs to catch up with Ziyu.

Ziyu brought the other two to one of the three rooms upstairs. It was pretty big and cozy, as big as the room Luhan had stayed in with Li Yin at the hotel in Qingdao. Almost everything was in baby blue and white there; the wallpapers, the desk and chair, the cupboard, the bed, even the bathroom too. A part of the wooden floor where the bed was placed on was covered with big round fluffy white carpet. In the corner were some small wooden racks with many books arranged neatly, and some stuffed animals sitting neatly on top of them. In other corner were a small cozy-looking white sofa and a big blue beanbag, which was immediately occupied by Sehun the dog. There was even a quite big television too, directly facing the bed.

"You like it?"


They unpacked Luhan's stuff quickly and put his clothes in the closet. After they were done, Luhan proceeded to his shirt to get changed into more comfortable clothes, but before he could finish it, Ziyu pulled him towards the window and opened the curtain.

"Lu ge, you see the window out there?" He pointed at the window of the house next door. "You have to be careful with the creature living behind it."

Luhan's confused face turned anxious as he asked, "W-What's living behind it?"

"A monster. In form of a girl," Ziyu eerily whispered, narrowing his eyes at the other.

"A monster...? For real?" Luhan widened his eyes.

"Yes," Ziyu nodded, "so you have to be careful. Everytime you get changed, don't forget to close the curtain, or else she would see you and wink at you."

"W-What happens next if s-she winks at me?" The deer asked nervously, actually scared because of the serious tone and expression of the younger boy. Seeing how the two boys were whispering, Sehun jumped of the beanbag and stood between them, staring up at them curiously.

"She would make you her target," Ziyu grabbed Luhan's shoulders, making him yelp in surprise, "and make you her prey."

Ziyu left Luhan dumbfounded to lock the door and walked back to him again. He leaned closer to the tensed up deer and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret, but you shouldn't tell my jiejie about this."

"O-Okay," Luhan nodded nervously, "what is it?"

"This happened a long time ago," Ziyu started, "when I still stayed in this room. One night I was changing and I forgot to pull down the curtain. When I looked out through this window, I saw her staring at me. She motioned me to wait here on my window as she wrote something on some papers. She wrote them big enough so I could read it. She said, 'Come to my door tomorrow night'. I was pretty young and stupid then, and that time I thought she was pretty, so I actually came the following night when my jiejie was asleep. Let me warn you now, if that happens to you too, you should never do what she says."

"W-What did she do to you?" Luhan squeaked, instinctively pressing the side of his body to the wall. Did she poison him? He still looked perfectly fine though.

"Well, how do I say this..." Ziyu rubbed his nape and awkwardly cleared his throat. "She, umm... She kissed and touched me."

"Touched you?"

"Like this." Ziyu pulled down the curtain and grabbed Luhan's ed shirt, slowly sliding it off his shoulders and down his arms, causing all the hair on the older's body to stand up. As the shirt fell onto the floor, Ziyu grabbed Luhan's waists and pulled him closer, one of his hand moving up to hold Luhan's chin as he tilted his head and brought their faces closer. Luhan's mind went blank all of a sudden.

'W-What's happening...? Is he demonstrating it on me?'

Luhan's eyelids dropped halfway as their lips inched closer until he could feel the other's breath on his face. He wasn't supposed to react that way, was he?


Luhan froze and widened his eyes, while the other pulled away and scratched his nape. Ziyu placed his hand on Luhan's bare chest and slid it down his abs, finishing it with a tug on his waistband.

"Like that. I can't show you any further, you'll freak out."

Luhan blinked several times as he tried to register what had just happened into his mind. Instead of kissing him for real, Ziyu had only said that "Smooch" thing, which had left him dumbfounded. He wasn't really sure what to feel. How could that boy have the idea to do something like that to another boy?

Luhan bowed his head and cleared his throat. "So... Did she go much further than that?"

"Well... She didn't get me exposed more than this but she did touch me more. I put a halt to it though, by slapping her and running away immediately," Ziyu chuckled with no hint of guilt in his voice. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a rude guy. But she went past the limit. So, the point is, you should just leave this curtain closed. You can open the window to let some fresh air in, but leave the curtain like this, so she wouldn't be able to see you."

Luhan nodded nervously and picked his shirt from the floor. "Okay. I got it."

"Don't be so scared! You'll be fine as long as you don't come around her," Ziyu grinned. "Now, Lu ge, hurry up and get changed so we can play soccer together."

The anxiety on Luhan's face flew out of the window right away, replaced with a bright smile as he fast-walked to the closet to grab a tee and a pair of shorts, while Ziyu went back to his room to get his ball.

Sehun was still staring at the closed window though. His curiosity about the so-called "monster" had reached a point where it wasn't so healthy anymore.

'Is she actually that scary? I want to see how she looks like.'

"Sehunnie, why are you still standing there? Hurry up, we're going to play with a real soccer ball!"

Sehun tore his gaze off the window to see the excited Luhan standing at the door, holding it open for him. Brushing his curiosity away for awhile, Sehun ran to his master with a big smile plastered on his face. Luhan took a glance one more time at the window before quietly closing the door.

A/N: Luhan was finally in Beijing yaay xD would something happen to him and the girl next door? Next chapter won't be his part though, we'll go back to Korea :D if you see the results of the poll on chapter 7, it barely helps me decide whose part should be continued further, since all choices got almost same amount of votes ^^; so let's just wait for the next chapter and see whose part it will be :D

Thank you so much for reading and subscribing ^^

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!