The Hard Life of Wu Yi Fan

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

"Yoojin-ah, are you sure you don't know where they went to?"

"I don't know, daddy. I'm tired and I miss Sehun hyung and Luhan hyung and other hyungs I feel like dying now."

"Shush! Who taught you to talk like that, Yoojin-ah?" Jae Sun frowned at his little boy. "Noone's dying and we're going to find them soon, okay?"

Yoojin bowed his head and pouted, squeezing his Pinku Pinku doll in his arms. "It's been more than two weeks though, and those people wearing white clothes said they couldn't find any traces." The little boy jutted out his bottom lip and blinked back the tears that were starting to prick his eyes. "I want Sehun hyung back. As a human. I don't want a doggy anymore."

Jae Sun sighed, placed his hands on his waist and chewed on his bottom lip restlessly. They were only repeating the same thing everyday. He picked his son up and patted his back, knowing really well that he was about to bawl again like the previous days. Which happened right away.


"Sshhh, there there, Yoojin-ah," Jae Sun shook his son up and down lightly and his hair. "I promise we'll get your Sehun hyung back, don't cry, I'm begging you please don't cry."

Outside the room, everyone became silent as the baby's screams and screeches echoed throughout the corridors in the underground research center. It sounded really painful and sorrowful and they all knew it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Some women began to shed tears too and the professors and scientists around massaged their temples out of frustration.

Although it had only been a week on Earth, the time on SM World had flown quicker double times. For the first days the guardians had been missing, the kingdom of EXO had been like a little chick losing its mother. Their days were swallowed just like that by their overwhelming bewilderment and fear, their attempts to find the twelve males out there in space were fruitless too. Nonetheless, the people had trusted the position of the temporary king to Jae Sun, who was equally confused as his people. It didn't stop him from doing what he could do though; he gathered all smart people in one place, in EXO's underground research center underneath the huge hexagonal maze, and made them do everything they could do to find the twelve males. They were all working on a new spaceship, depending on only one guide; the design and blueprints of the first ever spaceship made by the young scientists Baekhyun and Chen. Just at the time like that did everyone admit how rare and precious those two geniuses were.

But it was just not enough. They didn't even know where their guardians had gone to. Of course the four young transformers - Monggu, Jjanggu, Lulu, and Bomi - and the two young wizards, Nara and Taehyung, had also given a hand by doing what they could do; but they could only tell how the twelve had gone away, not where.

Jae Sun was still trying to calm his son down when the door opened and walked in four young teens in black uniforms. One of them approached the temporary king and took the little boy from his arms.

"Sehun hyung?" Yoojin sniffed and looked up expectantly while he was being moved to the silver-haired boy's arms.

"No. But I'll try to be him again if you really miss him."

Yoojin tilted his head, closed his teary eyes and kissed the corner of Monggu's lips as he clutched the older's shirt in his tiny fists. He wrapped his arms around Monggu's neck and buried his face on his shoulder.

"Sehun hyung."

"Yes, Yoojin-ah."

What a pathetic scene, Jae Sun thought. It had been going like that for the last three days and Jae Sun was starting to worry about his son's mental health, because no matter how much Monggu resembled Sehun, it was still easy to differ both of them.

Actually Monggu had tried once to cheer Yoojin up by taking Sehun's form, but when the little boy had found out that it had only been a trick, he had screamed louder than ever in the middle of the night. That was why the four transformers didn't dare taking forms of any of the twelve guardians.

Yoojin fell asleep rather quickly in Monggu's arms, still holding his Pinku Pinku close to his chest. They all sat on the couch in silence, the frustrated Jae Sun burying his face in his hands.

"Thank you for coming here," he said weakly.

"You can call us anytime, uncle," Jjanggu said and the other three teens nodded in support.

Jae Sun dropped his hands down and forced a smile. "How were you guys doing in the lab?"

"We could barely do anything. Bomi and Nara unnie did most of the work," Lulu said, pointing her thumb at the blonde girl sitting next to her.

"I guess we were doing it wrong, uncle," Bomi frowned, "we couldn't see anything much by only focusing on one event, which is when the spaceship took off. Just earlier Nara unnie pointed it out, we have to gather all the puzzle pieces. The events before the spaceship was launched, mostly about Baekhyun oppa and Chen oppa's plan. Before we came here, I could catch a blurry vision of them talking few moments before the take-off. Again they mentioned about Exomoon."

"But it's confirmed that they're not there," Jae Sun protested, a deep frown appeared on his face. "They have sent a device to the moon to take pictures of the surfaces and it was proved that there was nothing on it. The moon isn't that big, if it was really their destination, we should have found them last week. It's just impossible, they disappeared just like that."

"Wait, we're still positive that they didn't get into an accident in space, aren't we?" Jjanggu opened his hands and raised his eyebrows. "They couldn't get lost, like, in the blackhole. They're probably on other planet and are perfectly fine and healthy now. Our problem now is just that we don't know which planet it is. But they're perfectly fine, I'm sure of it."

"We were still trying to listen to Baekhyun oppa and Chen oppa's conversations in the past. It was just so hard and it wasted a lot of my energy because they talked a lot, like, almost all the time," Bomi whined, "most of them were unrelated to the possibilities of their destination."

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard, Bomi-ya," Jae Sun said, fidgeting restlessly.

"I'm okay, uncle," Bomi smiled. "Besides, currently Taehyung oppa is taking over the job. Nara unnie and I are strong in vision, but he is better in hearing."

Right after Bomi had said that, the door slid open and the said boy barged in, followed by his sister, both of them looking out of breath. Jae Sun and the four stood up in alarm.

Taehyung coughed a little bit and bent down to catch his breath before straightening up again, his face tensed and serious.

"..I heard it, I heard their plans."

With that, they all rushed to Baekhyun and Chen's lab. Taehyung led them towards a big telescope and told them to wait there while he went to a desk nearby and opened the drawer. He took a book out of it and showed it to the group.

"This. This must be where they went to," he said, showing the cover of the book.

Earth and Its Humans.

The group gasped and widened their eyes at the book.

"I heard Chen mention this planet too," Taehyung said again, "he set the route of the spaceship to Earth. Baek was against it, but Chen said he would change the route back."

"Since the launch was an accident, we assume he hadn't had the chance to change it back to the moon," Nara added.

A long silence fell upon them all. They knew it must be the answer of their unresolved big question. But then, they also had a new problem to worry about.

Seeing the word "Humans", they doubted if their guardians were still alive.

"There's one more thing," Nara broke the silence, "and this could be a really big problem."

"What is it?" Jae Sun sounded everyone's thought.

Nara walked to a trolley in the corner of the room and grabbed one of the oxygen tanks, and then brought it to the others.

"You see this red mark here?" She pointed at the red cross on the small tank, the other nodded and crinkled their eyebrows. "I got two visions about this tank. First, which is an earlier event, I saw Baekhyun oppa fill some tanks with some kind of gas, which I recognized from the second vision as a poisonous gas that could erase your memory. He was wearing a mask too. He put those unmarked tanks on a trolley next to another trolley full of identical tanks. Later he came back with blue and red markers, I could hear him ask himself which trolley was the real oxygen and which was the poisonous gas. Apparently he had forgotten, but he tried to assure himself and decided to mark what he thought was the real oxygen with blue marker, and the poisonous ones with the red one. But from my complete vision, what I could see was that he remembered it wrong. What he thought was oxygen was actually the poisonous one."

Everyone in the room began to cuss at Baekhyun's clumsiness, but stopped when Nara continued again, "The second vision was few moments before the accident. I saw Baekhyun oppa show the red marked tank to Chen oppa, assuming it was the new gas mixture he had invented, which was actually only oxygen. With further hearing from Taehyung oppa, we found out that Baekhyun oppa also doubted if the colors of the marks were right, but he hid it from Chen oppa and tried to assure himself again. Long story short, they put the blue marked tanks into the ship, assuming they were oxygen, which were actually the poisonous ones. That means-"

"If the gas leaked, they would lose their memories?" Jjanggu completed.

Nara and Taehyung sighed and said in unison, "Right."

Everyone groaned and made pitiful sounds of dying whales, slapping their hands over their faces.

"Great. They're probably on a planet full of monsters and probably can't even remember who they are," Jjanggu whined. "If they forgot about us, even if we find them later, how would we convince them to go back with us? They'll probably see us as strangers who want to hurt them."

"We should worry about that later. The important thing now is that we have to find that planet first," Monggu said, "and I guess that planet can't be small like our moon."

"Someone has to read this book and study the planet," Jae Sun took the book from Taehyung's hand and flipped through the pages. "I wonder where they got this book."

Right after he had said that, the last page flipped and his eyes fell on the small note on the bottom corner of the blank page. His eyes widened and his lips stretched into a smile, the others holding their breath in anticipation.

"How could I not think about this? Of course, this is Professor Zhang's."

All the teens gasped and enlarged their eyes.

"Professor Zhang? Lay hyung's father?" Jjanggu asked, "Come to think of it, we haven't seen him around since last week."

"I heard he was sick," Lulu said and all eyes fell on her. "Well okay, no, I eavesdropped some professors talk about it. Maybe he got sick because he was worried about Lay oppa? They said Professor Zhang went back to his old house last weekend."

"We should go there then," Monggu said a little bit too excitedly, causing Yoojin to stir and squirm in his arms. He cradled the little boy again immediately to make him stay asleep.

"Is it okay to bother him while he's sick?" Bomi asked anxiously.

"I'm sure he won't mind. This is about our whole guardians, including his son too," Jae Sun said. "We'll see what he knows about this planet. Get ready kids, we're going this afternoon."

"Awesome! It's another progress," Jjanggu pumped his fist and slapped Monggu's . "Come on, let's get moving, guys."

"You don't have to touch my precious though," Monggu mumbled as they all made their way out of the lab.

"Your buttocks are cute, they bounce when I slap them. Just like Sehun hyung's when Baekhyun hyung slapped them."

"Shut up, brown ."

"Ya!! Whatever, brown is sweet. Doesn't it remind you of Xiumin hyung's favorite mocha buns?"

Jae Sun chuckled quietly and shook his head. Those two boys really reminded him of Sehun and Kai, his beloved nephews. But still, it was just not the same. As desperately as Yoojin did, he wanted those twelve dorks back, he missed them so bad. He wished Professor Zhang could be the key to end EXO's worst nightmare.

However, deep inside he knew they couldn't be happy just yet. They were nowhere near close to get their guardians back.

Meanwhile, somewhere in China, Earth, the former EXO-M's king Wu Yi Fan was standing in front of a house with Bao, the skinny poor teenage boy. Bao rang the bell and soon the door was opened by a fat curly-haired woman.

"Good morning, ma'am," Bao greeted and bowed politely. "Do you have any tasks for us to do?"

"Oh, good morning, Bao! You come at the right time," the woman beamed and clasped her hands. "Can you please take my clothes from the laundry? There are quite a lot though."

"It's okay, ma'am. I've brought a friend to help me." Bao smacked Yi Fan's back and the taller bowed immediately.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Wu Yi Fan at your service."

"Oh, such a handsome and polite young man," the lady giggled and batted her eyelashes. "I shall pay both of you then. Wait, I'll get the money for the laundry."

The woman went back into her house again and then came back to give some money to the two teens.

"Here, I'll pay you after you come back here again. Don't miss any of the clothes, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am. We'll come back as soon as we can. Thank you for giving us the task," Bao bowed again, Yi Fan following suit, and then they went away.

"Where's the laundry, Baobao?" Yi Fan asked as they walked together.

"Just down the street. You see, gege, our goal is to make people satisfied with our service. The better we do the tasks, the more they'll pay us. So-"

"So we should run and return quickly, right? Come on!"

Yi Fan began to run, his long limbs swinging rapidly his feet almost left the ground. He widened his eyes when his body suddenly became as light as the wind for a split second, he thought he had just floated a little bit. His pace slowed down unintentionally, letting Bao catch up with him and run ahead of him.

"Run, big loser! Run run run!"

Yi Fan shook his head and brushed the thought away, grinning and running after the younger boy.

Bao taught Yi Fan how he got people's laundry and paid for it, so the giant would be able to do it by himself next time. They returned to the woman's house fifteen minutes later and got paid double times for returning fifteen minutes earlier than expected.

"This is enough to buy a little food," Bao grinned happily, so did the taller boy. "Now try to get another work for us, gege."

"Me?" Yi Fan pointed at himself. "How do I do that?"

"Like I did, approach people that you think need some help, and then offer some help."

Yi Fan nodded slowly and turned his head around. "Okay."

He narrowed his eyes and spotted a middle-aged woman across the street. She was rummaging through her bag, looking like she had lost something. Yi Fan's face brightened up right away.

"Let's go there and help that woman, Bao," he pointed across the street. The younger nodded obediently and trailed behind the taller walking towards the woman.

They stood behind the woman and Bao crossed his arms, waiting to see what the giant would do next. Yi Fan scratched his head clumsily and reached out his hand, poking the woman's shoulder.

"Excuse me-"

"Hyaaaaaa!" The woman screamed and swiftly turned around with her arm swinging in the air, landing square on Yi Fan's cheek with a loud snapping sound.

Both Yi Fan and Bao froze with wide eyes.

"What were you trying to do you ert?! You wanted to harrass me? Hypnotize me?? Lay your dirty finger on me one more time and I'll rip your handsome face apart! Hmph!" The woman shouted her head out and stomped away after smacking Yi Fan with her big bag.

Everyone around them gave Yi Fan disgusted looks, some of them clicked their tongues and shook their heads. Yi Fan bowed his head, jutted out his bottom lip and blinked his sad puppy eyes.

"I'm useless, Baobao."

"...You are."

"Hey! You should at least cheer me up," Yi Fan protested and his pout transformed into a big gummy smile of disbelief, half-laughing and half-whining.

"But then I would hide the truth," Bao stuck out his tongue. "Come on, let's get back to work."

Bao took Yi Fan to where Biyu usually worked. It was one of the stalls at the market. The young girl went there everyday and the woman running the stall always gave her some snacks to be sold again outside the market. Biyu would give the money she earned to the woman and also got some amount of money for herself in return as the reward. Everytime she was done with her job, she would go around to find other tasks like Bao did.

This time Biyu offered more hands to help and the lady was more than happy to accept the help from the boys. More hands meant more money to earn, although she had to pay three times the usual; not like it was a big amount anyways.

And so, the three teens walked around peddling the snacks to everyone they met on their way. Their main destination was the neighborhood; they were going door to door. Bao and Biyu were undoubtedly good at friendly services so they let Yi Fan knock on a door by himself after showing him once how to be a friendly "salesman".

Yi Fan stood in front of a door carrying a basket in his hands. He was traumatized enough because of the last incident of him getting slapped earlier, but with determination flaming in his eyes, he lifted his hand and knocked the door three times.

The door swung open and a woman came out. Yi Fan sprinted away immediately.

It was the woman who had slapped him.

Could he be unluckier?


Yi Fan kept running without turning his head back until he was about ten houses away from the screaming monster's nest. He panted heavily and bent down to catch his breath, and after he had calmed down a little bit, he approached the closest door and forced himself to knock again.

This time it was a young teenage girl, who froze as soon as she saw Yi Fan at the door. So tall and handsome, she thought, but why does he look scared?

"Umm hello? Can I help you?" The girl asked and Yi Fan mentally facepalmed for forgetting to greet first.

"H-Hi, good day," Yi Fan bowed and smiled awkwardly, "would you like to buy some snacks? Cookies, maybe?"

The girl's face lit up. "Sure! Let me see them."

A little boy poked his head out of the door and ran outside immediately when he spotted some snacks in the basket. He grabbed everything that looked good to him and the girl had to scold him and bring him inside. When she returned, she had some money with her, which she gave to the giant.

"Here, I saw the price labels and counted the total price for you. Take all of this, it's the exact price," the girl handed the money with a friendly smile.

"Thank you for buying a lot," Yi Fan bowed and smiled. "Goodbye-"

"Wait," the girl held the edge of the basket in Yi Fan's hands to stop him.

Yi Fan raised his eyebrows. "Yes? Did you count the money wrong?"

"No," the girl chuckled. "Just... Are you new? Usually it's Bao or Biyu who comes to peddle some snacks."

"Y-Yes, it's my first day," Yi Fan smiled and scratched his head clumsily.

"You're still too shy," the girl grinned. "Here, let me give you some tips."

Yi Fan leaned forward instinctively, eyes widened in anticipation.

"First, you should be confident and do not stutter. And then, because you're quite handsome, you should take advantage of it. Can you smirk and wink?"

Yi Fan blinked few times at the girl. "S-Smirk and wink?"

"Yeah," the girl nodded and grinned, "can you? Try it."

Awkwardly, Yi Fan stretched his lips into a smile and winked at the girl. He turned his head away immediately, embarrassed with himself.

"Hey, it's not that bad, you know," the girl giggled. "You should make that smirk a little bit ier. Now, you should try it with my neighbors. I have to get back inside now. Good luck!"

Yi Fan thanked the girl and bowed before walking away from her house. He moved to the house next door.

Smirk and wink. Smirk and wink. Do not stutter.

This time it was another teenage girl, but she seemed a little bit older than the previous one.

"Hi." The corner of Yi Fan's lips tugged up as he bowed slightly and winked at the girl. "Would you like to buy some snacks, miss?"

The girl froze and stared at Yi Fan with comically large eyes.

"Y-Yes... Yes, of course, yes!" She nodded eagerly.

It was a success. Yi Fan left whistling happily and smiling to himself. He kept using the same trick and it was going very smoothly, except when he did it to a scary man, who grabbed a bag of cookies from his basket and threw it at his face before slamming the door shut.

Why did he keep getting attacks on his precious face?

After quite awhile his basket was empty, so were Bao's and Biyu's. They returned to the market to give the money to the lady running the snack stall and get their reward.

"This is enough to buy lunch for three of us and mother too," Bao said after counting the total of their money.

"We should eat first, it's two already," Biyu said, wiping the sweat off her nose.

"Do we go home first to give mother the food?" Yi Fan asked.

"Yup. That's why we need to hurry. Let's go!" Bao turned around and led the other two making their way towards some food stalls.

Yi Fan had thought they had gotten lots of money, but when they used all of them to buy food, he realized they hadn't got that much. He guessed he would lose some more weight by working hard and eating that little. No wonder Bao was really skinny.

After returning home to drop the food, the three split up again; Yi Fan with Bao, Biyu on her own. Bao took Yi Fan to a building which from the big sign on it Yi Fan recognized as the post office.

The man working behind the desk inside seemed to have known Bao quite well. Bao talked to him a little bit, Yi Fan introduced himself, and then the man gave them two blue bags full of envelopes and some packages. They went out with the bags slung on their shoulders.

"Baobao, how are we delivering these?" Yi Fan asked, peeking into the blue bag hanging on his broad shoulder.

"Running," Bao shrugged. "They don't provide any vehicles for us because we're not their official postboys. If we walk, we won't be able to deliver all of the mails right on time, so we have to run."

Yi Fan began to jog in place and beamed excitedly. "Okay then, come on, let's get moving!"

"We split up here, you read the addresses carefully, don't give the mails to the wrong place! Bye now!"

Bao waved goodbye and ran to the opposite direction. Yi Fan ran as well, head turning left and right to find the street signs with the same names as written on the paper in his hand.

He entered a neighborhood and found many big houses there. While still running, his eyes scanned through the numbers of the houses.

"Number 7, number 8, number 10..." He mumbled to himself, and then stopped in front of house number 12. He put an envelope inside the mailbox and began to run again after putting a tick next to an adress on the paper in his hand. That was only one; he still had a lot to deliver.

After awhile he arrived at a house that had a big front yard. He walked around to find the mailbox, mentally nagging at the owner of the house for not putting the mailbox on a place that was easy to find. Finally he found it though, it was standing at the end of the path leading to the main door of the house. It should've been easy to find it there and Yi Fan wondered why he hadn't seen it there. After putting a package wrapped in brown paper in the mailbox, he turned around to leave the yard, but suddenly he froze when he heard a low growling sound behind him. He widened his eyes and slowly turned his head around, only to find a big black dog standing there behind him, baring its teeth and glowering at him. Suddenly the dog barked and jumped towards him and Yi Fan bolted away immediately, but sadly the dog was faster to catch the corner of the bag between its teeth, holding him from running away.

"P-Please let me go! I was only delivering a package, I'm not a burglar! Please!" Yi Fan shut his eyes and pleaded out loud.

The dog growled louder and shook the bag furiously. Just after a ripping sound was heard did Yi Fan get some help; a boy stormed out of the house and snapped at the dog, causing it to let go of the bag immediately and run away before the boy could hit it with the baseball bat in his hand. Without saying anything to Yi Fan, the boy stomped his way back into the house, leaving the giant flabbergasted.

After a good minute standing there gaping at the door of the big house, Yi Fan finally snapped out of his thoughts and brought the bag up to his eye level. He gasped and widened his eyes when he found a quite big hole under the bag, and as his mind digested what had happened, he looked down to his feet and found some envelopes scattered around on the ground.

'Oh God I'm so dead,' he thought as he crouched down and began to gather the envelopes. He blocked the hole with a box inside so nothing could fall out again through it. All the while he tidied up everything, his bottom lip was slightly stuck out. He felt pitiful, he wanted to go home and sob in his room. He wondered if Bao was doing well.

There were only two packages left by the time Yi Fan almost gave up and collapse on the concrete. He couldn't feel his legs anymore, they were like jelly. He wished he had had some kind of wings so he could fly everywhere without having to torture his poor heart and legs. Or at least some rollerblades.

He dragged his each-two-tons giant feet along the way towards the last two addresses. Apparently those two places were not far from each other, he noticed. Not like he had gone far away; he had only gone around the area around the post office.

Suddenly the sky became rather dark and Yi Fan could hear a faint sound of thunder. It was going to rain soon. He forced his legs to move faster, knowing that if he only shuffled around like that, he would get into a bigger trouble for sure.

It slowly began to drizzle, the harder it got, the faster Yi Fan ran until he was running rapidly again with the bag covered under his shirt, protecting it from the water so the packages inside wouldn't get too wet, although his shirt itself was soaking wet. His black curly hair was sticking to his face and his nape. While still running, he pushed his bangs back and wiped the water off his eyes to clear his vision. By the time he had delivered one of the two packages, his head had been hurting quite a lot that his surroundings were spinning in his eyes. He could barely think and breathe normally when he finally collapsed somewhere he didn't recognize; he just knew he was lying on a hard and cold surface, the rain falling straight onto his pale face. He sighed, hugged the empty bag and slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, it was warm all over his body except on his forehead. He couldn't hear anything, probably because noone was around and the room was just very silent and peaceful.

Room. He was inside a room he didn't recognize. He sat up immediately and the ice pack on his forehead fell onto his lap. He turned his head around and eyed the room with comically wide dazed eyes; it wasn't the kind of room he could find in Bao and Biyu's house. It wasn't that big nor luxurious either, but the bed he was sitting on was really comfortable.

Yi Fan's eyes widened when his ears caught a sound of the doorknob being twisted open. He lied back down immediately and pulled the blanket up to his head, pretending to be asleep although his eyes were actually wide open.

He felt the bed shifted and someone place a hand on his head above the blanket. He shut his eyes immediately when the hand pulled the sheet down, revealing his not-so-natural sleeping face.

A soft chuckle entered Yi Fan's ears and he opened an eye to peek at the person.

It was her.

"Hello, Yi Fan. I see you're awake already."

Yi Fan sat up quickly and stared at the girl with wide eyes.

"J-Jessica...? Is it?"

"Yes," the big-eyed girl nodded and giggled. "I found you sleeping at the corner of the street."

Yi Fan's thick eyebrows furrowed as he thought deeply, trying to remember what had happened to him.

"...I guess I wasn't sleeping there."

"Oh, of course you weren't. From the looks of it, I guess you passed out in the rain."

Suddenly Yi Fan's mouth fell open and his eyes grew wider double times. "Bao? Where's Bao?? Did you find him??"

"You were with him? I didn't see him anywhere though," Jessica sighed sadly.

"I have to go home now," Yi Fan lifted the cover and shifted his leg, but the other blocked his way with her arm.

"No, rest for a bit," the girl frowned, "your fever is still high I could even feel it through the blanket."

"But what about Bao and Biyu?" Yi Fan whined rather childishly.

"I'll take you to them. They're probably still at the post office, they couldn't possibly go home without finding you first."

"Well that means I have to go now, I can't let them wait for too long," Yi Fan insisted.

Jessica sighed and clicked her tongue. "Fine then, if that's what you want." She stood up and walked to the door. "Get your bag there on the chair."

Yi Fan slid off the bed and stood on his wobbly legs. He looked down and just then did he realize he was wearing some unfamiliar clothes.

It wasn't her who had changed his clothes, was it?

Being the awkward giant he was, he didn't say anything until they almost reached the main door of the house. He looked around and found a pile of canvases. Jessica smiled noticing the curious look on his face.

"Those are for my assignments. I go to university, major in art."

"Oh, that's great," Yi Fan nodded dumbly. When his eyes spotted a drawing of a little girl hugging a teddy bear staring out through a window, he instantly thought, that's it, art must be my true passion, the calling of my life.

"...I like drawing too," Yi Fan blurted out absentmindedly.

"Really? I should see you draw next time then."

"Actually I've never tried drawing, as long as I can remember."

"Then how do you know you like it?"

"I just thought so."

"...Okay. Maybe I can teach you later."

Few moments later they found themselves in front of the post office, sitting inside Jessica's car.

"We're here," the girl said to the big boy sitting next to her.

"Uh... Yeah." Yi Fan cleared his throat and rubbed his nape. "Thanks for taking me here. For taking care of me too."

Jessica tilted her head and flashed an eye smile. "You're welcome. I didn't change your clothes, by the way. A maid did it for me. You can keep the clothes."

Yi Fan sighed in relief discreetly. "Thanks again." Why was he so awkward?

Jessica rolled her eyes and got out of the car first. Through the glass door she could see Bao and Biyu inside, sitting and hugging each other. She grabbed Yi Fan's wrist and dragged him inside quickly.

Seeing Yi Fan coming with Jessica, Bao and Biyu jumped from their seats immediately and ran towards the giant.

"Gege!" The two wrapped their arms around Yi Fan's lanky body. The tall boy blinked rapidly to hold his happy tears, but before he could hug them back, Bao hit his back really hard.

"Ow! What was that for?" Yi Fan reached his back and made a pained expression at the younger boy.

"For making us worried," Bao stuck out his tongue. He pointed at the half-wet bag hanging on the taller's shoulder. "You have to return it."

The tallest of the four jutted out his bottom lip, wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue at Bao before walking to the man behind the desk.

"Sorry I'm late," Yi Fan said as he handed the bag. The man took the wet and damaged bag silently and shot him an unhappy look. He took some coins from a drawer and put it on the desk, pushing them towards the tall boy.

Yi Fan took the coins and stared at them with a frown on his face. "What are these for?"

"I suppose you still want to be paid," The man said flatly.

The frown on Yi Fan's face slowly turned deeper. "What is this? I've been running everywhere all day, got wet in the rain and you only give me coins?? How am I supposed to eat with these??"

Bao, Biyu, and Jessica were startled by the sudden outburst, but not the man behind the desk.

"Well, be grateful that you still get some money instead of paying for this bag. You see, you've damaged it and it can't be used anymore," the man said with a bored tone.

"But I didn't do it on purpose! I was chased by a dog," Yi Fan protested. The man rolled his eyes and shrugged nonchalantly.

Yi Fan was about to speak again but Jessica covered his mouth with her hand and dragged him out of the post office with Bao and Biyu's help. They shoved him into the car and left the place immediately.

"...You shouldn't have protested about it, ge," Bao started, "we're not their employees in the first place."

Yi Fan sighed and bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't have worried about food either," Jessica added, "I can help you with that anytime. I'm taking you guys to a restaurant now."

"What? No!" Bao and Biyu said almost in unison.

"You don't have to do this, Xika jiejie," Biyu said, "we have to go home anyways, mother must be waiting for us."

"Don't worry about it, I'll call your mother," the older girl made an "OK" sign with her fingers. "We'll get some food for her too. You guys want her to eat some tasty food too, don't you?"

"Yeah," Bao and Biyu nodded hesitantly.

Yi Fan was quiet though, busy with his own thoughts. 'Xika jiejie? Isn't her name Jessica? Oh wait, that must be her chinese name, isn't it? Come to think of it, she helped me but we only know each other's names.'

With that, he decided to stop being awkward and try to be a little bit friendly. He initiated the conversation first after they had been seated inside the restaurant, while they were having dinner together. But what should he ask first?

"So, are you married?"

The other three blinked at him.

"Sorry, who are you asking?" Jessica raised an eyebrow. "The waitress passing by just now?"

Yi Fan gulped down his food and scratched the back of his head clumsily. "Umm... You, actually."

Bao and Biyu bursted out in laughter.

"Do I look old enough to be married?" The long-haired girl tilted her head, an amused smile gracing her plump lips.

"Well... I don't know the culture here," Yi Fan shrugged. To be honest he also knew his question is beyond stupid and awkward, but it wasn't Wu Yi Fan if it wasn't awkward and dumb.

Jessica chuckled and shook her head. "Of course I'm not. Aren't you a chinese too?"

Yi Fan only shrugged as the reply, which Jessica thought was a little bit weird, but she brushed it off.

"I'm only eighteen. How old are you, Yi Fan?"

"I'm nineteen."

"And you're not married, are you?" The girl smirked teasingly, Bao and Biyu giggling at Yi Fan's somewhat flushed face.

"I guess I'm not."

He had a son though. Even the same age as him. Sadly his son had become his secret crush. How pathetic could his life be?

"So... You have a chinese name?" Yi Fan asked again.

"Yes, it's Ye Xi Ka," Jessica grinned. "It sounds similar, doesn't it? My family name is Ye, got it from my father's name. He's Chinese, but my mother is Canadian."

"Oh," Yi Fan nodded slowly, "so that's why Biyu called you Xika jiejie."

"Yes, you can call me by chinese name if you want. Most of my friends call me Jess though."

"That's simpler," Yi Fan nodded.

"Jiejie, Yi Fan gege wanted to see your wings and your muscles," Bao blurted out. Biyu, who had heard the story of Yi Fan's ultimate dumbness from her brother, covered and chortled at the dumbfounded big boy.

"Wings and muscles?" Jessica furrowed her eyebrows.

"D-Do you have any?" Yi Fan asked, his face a mixture of dazed and expectant.

"Of course I don't. Well I have muscles, all humans have muscles, but not the well-built ones. And no humans have wings. What kind of question is that? Are you kidding?" Jessica asked, complete and utter confusion apparent on her face.

Yi Fan didn't answer; he kept on eating silently, face red and confused. While still giggling, Bao tried to explain about the situation to the older girl, he also told her about Yi Fan having amnesia. At least everything became a little bit clearer to Jessica then.

"I travel by airplane, not literally flying," Jessica giggled. Yi Fan had never felt so dumb before in his life.

"What's airplane?" He asked sheepishly, knowing it was actually also a dumb question, but he really didn't know.

"A flying vehicle, I guess?" Jessica raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "Really, Yi Fan? You even forgot what an airplane is?"

Ironically his home planet had had a spaceship yet hadn't had any airplanes, so he didn't have any records of the so-called flying vehicle in his memory.

Yi Fan shrugged again and stuffed his face with a spoonful of noodles and more of the food on the table. The other three giggled at him and shook their heads.

Before leaving the place, Biyu asked the older girl to take a picture together. Jessica fished out her phone gladly and took a selca of four of them. When they took a look at the picture, Bao and Biyu didn't stop commenting about how awkward Yi Fan's pose was and how he looked like a dork, completely ruining the picture. Bao even covered Yi Fan's face in the photo with his thumb to prove that the picture would have come out much better without him. Yi Fan could only smile half-gaping in disbelief. The other three laughed at him before taking another picture, a somewhat better one.

After taking Bao, Biyu, and Yi Fan back to their house to give their mother her dinner and waiting for them while they cleaned themselves, Jessica brought them to the public library. She had a part-time job there, but it was actually her day off, so she came only to accompany the other three. As always, they went straight to the computers instead of looking for some books. Bao played some online games and his sister opted to read some fanfics about TVXQ!, that famous Korean boy group, while Yi Fan opened his blog and - as always - checked his secret crush's blog.

"Oh my God a new selca! Lu Han~!" He muffled his squeals with his big hand, wiggling and hyperventilating in his seat like a dying fangirl.

Jessica, who was sitting next to him, tilted her body to take a look at the screen.

"He's cute," she commented shortly, matter-of-factly. "Who is he?"

"A deer angel," Yi Fan ogled at the screen with sparkling wide eyes. "The cutest human being."

Jessica tilted her head to examine Yi Fan's face, her lips parted slightly in disbelief. A guy like him could be a fanboy too.

"Do you like him?" She asked with a chuckle.

"He's gay," Bao remarked, eyes not even leaving the screen in front of him.

"I'm not," Yi Fan turned his head and pouted at the younger boy.

"That's too bad. You could have gotten a girlfriend rather easily," Jessica sighed dejectedly, pretending to be disappointed. Yi Fan widened his eyes at her and his mouth slowly fell open.

"Why do you listen to him? I said I'm not gay," he whined, and then set his eyes back on the picture of the copper-haired boy. "I just like him because he's cute. I'm not interested in any other guys."

"That means you're gay for him," Bao said again nonchalantly. "He's turned you gay only for him. Poor you, gege."

Yi Fan was speechless. Bao was just good at making fun of him Yi Fan guessed it could be counted as his talent. Although he was older he could never win.

"Can I see your own blog?" Jessica asked and Yi Fan mentally thanked her for saving him from getting insulted any further.

"Sure." Yi Fan opened his own blog. Most of his entries were some lame texts and reblogs of many pictures, many related to basketball.

"You like basketball?" Jessica asked, genuinely curious and amused.

"Yes, I saw a video of a basketball game and I fell in love with it instantly," Yi Fan grinned. "Hope I can try it someday."

"Oh, of course you can," the younger beamed, "you can play with me. I'm in a basketball club at my university."

"Really??" Yi Fan gawked in surprise. "I totally didn't expect that."

The other shrugged and smiled. "Guess that is why I'm tall. I play quite a lot of sports. Honestly I was very short when I was younger."

"Please let me play with you," Yi Fan bowed in his seat. "I really want to try playing basketball."

"Of course," Jessica laughed lightly and pushed the other's shoulders back up. "We can play at weekends, usually I play with my friends too. There are some tall guys like you."

"Awesome, I'll get to see them play too," Yi Fan pumped his fists. The other giggled at his face; he had those sparks in his eyes that were so child-like, showing his pure happiness and excitement. He looked cute like that.

"I don't see any pictures of you here," the younger commented about the other's blog. "Don't you like taking pictures?"

"It's not like that, actually," Yi Fan scratched the back of his head. "I don't have any cameras to take pictures."

"Oh, right," Jessica nodded and took out her phone from her pocket. "You can post the picture we took earlier. You can do it on my phone here. Do you want me to post it for you?"

"You'd do it for me?" Yi Fan's face lit up like a happy puppy. "Yes, yes please! If someday Lu Han checks out my blog, he'll be able to know how I look like."

The girl laughed and lightly hit the other's knee. "Your world only revolves around him, doesn't it?"

"Nah," Yi Fan laughed bashfully.

Jessica handed her phone to Yi Fan. "Fill in the password."

Yi Fan typed the password of his blog - which he had changed from wuyifancool to cutieluhan - slowly and clumsily, and then returned the phone to its owner.

"Wait, let me take a picture of you alone," the younger took the phone, opened the camera and aimed it at the dumbfounded Yi Fan.

"You don't have to-"

"For Lu Han," Jessica grinned mischievously and wiggled her eyebrows. It was enough to make Yi Fan smirk at the phone's camera and make a "peace" sign with his fingers.


"This is nice," Jessica giggled. "Would you follow my blog too? You can find basketball stuff and things related to art there, my life only revolves around those two."

"With pleasure," Yi Fan grinned, "I like those two things too. What's the username?"

"It's Jess90. Let me type it for you." She typed her username on the search bar and tapped the "enter" button on the keyboard before returning to her phone again. She posted the two pictures she had taken; one at the restaurant and one of Yi Fan alone, adding a "#me" tag on the second picture. She made sure she had logged out first before shoving her phone back into her pocket. When she raised her head to see the computer screen, she found Yi Fan looking at one of her pictures. It was a picture of her and her basketball team on a basketball court, one of them holding a big trophy in her hands. He was really into it. She chuckled quietly and smiled to herself rather proudly.

They stayed there until the library closed, which was nine at night. Jessica drove the three home, and before she left them in front of their house, she held Yi Fan back and made a promise to meet again.

"So, we'll play this weekend?" She smiled.

"Yes," Yi Fan nodded eagerly and grinned. "Can't wait for it."

"Okay," the younger chuckled, "but you should do well with your jobs." She patted the other's arm and stared up at his face. "Take care, giant. Don't sleep on the street again."

Yi Fan chuckled and rubbed his nape shyly. "Okay I won't. Go home now. Good night."

Jessica nodded and flashed a genuine smile. "Okay. Night."

As Yi Fan walked into the house with Bao and Biyu, the two younger teens kept smiling at him mischievously. Yi Fan glanced at them and raised an eyebrow.


"Don't forget your crush on Lu Han, gege."

A/N: hi honestly I didn't plan to make another OC because there are just a lot of OCs here, so Jessica is actually an accidental OC just like Shixin (yeah him too but I like him) heheh I have to stop adding more characters. Is it just me or is this chapter really lame? Ahaha :'D I'm losing my writing skills and the quality of my writings really depend on my mood so yeah. I guess I need to make up for this.

Double update, everyone. Yay. The second is definitely hunhan again and I don't know why I just feel everything I write is lame now. Wait for it I'll just have to reread it once again to make sure it's not that lame. Heheh.

Anyways, thank you for reading and subscribing ^^

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!