Reveal or Hide

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

Yuri came home to a silent big mansion. It had always been silent there for the previous two years, after his sweet little brother had passed away.

But apparenttly her mother couldn't take it anymore, so here she was. Yuri was standing in front of her parents, who were sitting on the sofa with a fidgety boy separating them. The boy kept his head down and his fingers wouldn't stop playing with each other.

"Say hello to your new brother, honey," her mother said and smiled at her.

That was when the boy stood up and lifted his head to reveal his face completely. Yuri's eyes widened double times and she almost lost her balance on her high heels, but she managed to hold herself together.

"Hello, Y-Yuri noona. I'm Kim Junmyeon, your little brother."

Junmyeon bowed politely, and when he straightened his back again, a soft smile had found its way to his lips.

Yuri froze for twelve seconds Junmyeon secretly counted before absentmindedly throwing herself towards the younger and wrapped her arms around his slightly taller body.


Junmyeon could feel the older's body shaking slightly and he could also hear faint sniffles behind him and he didn't know why he felt so emotional all of a sudden. He half-heartedly lifted his hands and placed them on the girl's back.

The two new adoptive siblings hugged a little bit more until Yuri pulled away and stared at the handsome face with glistening eyes.

"Y-You really look like him," she choked out.

"He does, doesn't he?" The mother agreed, and so did the father. The middle-aged man had almost had a heart attack when he had first seen the boy.

Junmyeon bowed his head and smiled. "Maybe I do look like him, but I don't know if I can actually replace him. I will do my best to be a good brother, noona. Also a good son for mother and father."

Yuri wiped the tears that had escaped the corner of her eyes quickly and forced a smile. "Of course you will."

The parents stood up and hugged both of them before returning to their room.

Before disappearing the mother cheerfully said, "Get ready for a dinner tonight, kids."

Yuri took Junmyeon's hand and led him to her room upstairs. The younger was really nervous though, because he hadn't expected her to be that bold on their first encounter. Speaking of being bold, apparently she was really brave to wear such clothes. Her skirt was so short Junmyeon didn't dare to look down, afraid that he might catch a glimpse of her underwear if she bent down a little bit. And that shiny black leather jacket. Junmyeon somehow thought she was a rockstar or such.

And he thought she was rather too bold when she pulled him into her room and locked the door.

"Junmyeonnie, turn around."

"Eh?" Junmyeon blinked.

"I'll change quickly, but you can't see," the older winked.

"Oh," Junmyeon quickly turned around, "sorry."

He could hear some rustles behind him and he didn't know why he had to be so nervous.

"I'm done." That was fast.

Junmyeon turned around again and found his new sister completely the opposite of what he had seen few seconds ago; she was wearing a loose white long-sleeve t-shirt with a Winnie the Pooh picture on it and a pair of pink shorts, and also an innocent grin on her face. Definitely not a rockstar anymore.

"Come on, let's go to your room." Yuri slung an arm around the taller's shoulders and ushered him out of her room.

Apparently Junmyeon just had to get used to her boldness.

Inside his room, after locking the door again, Yuri began to his shirt. He mentally freaked out but what he actually did was awkwardly holding the hands that were still working on his buttons, just like a little kid.

Yuri smiled and chuckled at his act. "Why are you holding my hands, Junmyeonnie? You really are a cute one, aren't you."

Junmyeon bowed his head and blushed a little.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking care of my little brother."

Yuri threw the shirt onto the bed and left the rest of his clothes on. She chuckled again when the younger shyly covered his bare torso with his crossed arms. She did nothing about that though; instead, she walked to the closet and grabbed some shirts and suits.

"Let's pick some good clothes for you to wear tonight!" She beamed.

Junmyeon sighed in relief discreetly, for a moment he had thought that the other had been about to do something inappropriate to him. He grinned and nodded excitedly as he walked to the bed, where the other had put all the clothes.

"Let's see..." Yuri tucked her long black hair behind her ear and subtly darted out her tongue as she eyed the shirts. "How about this?" She lifted a pink dress shirt up in her hands and grinned at the other.

"But it's pink," Suho pouted and shook his head dejectedly.

"D'aww. You can look manly in pink too, you know," Yuri laughed and pinched the younger's cheek, causing his face to redden again. And then she grabbed a plaid shirt and asked, "How about this one?"

"Isn't it too casual?"

"Oh, you're right. It's a formal dinner."

Yuri stared at Junmyeon's face, placing her index finger on her chin as she inspected every details, making the boy shift awkwardly on his feet.

"Let's make you wear something grey and black to match your pretty grey eyes and your black hair."

The tips of Junmyeon's ears turned red from the small compliment. He hadn't even known he had grey eyes, he hadn't had the chance to inspect himself in the mirror.

Junmyeon ended up standing in front of a full-length mirror wearing a plaid dark grey dress vest above a white long sleeve button-up shirt and a pair of black trousers. As the finishing, Yuri put a bow tie in grey with diagonal white stripes and also a black tuxedo on him.

"Ta-daaa! So handsome!" Yuri clapped her hands happily. "You'll just have to style up your hair, and you'll be perfect."

Junmyeon was still gaping at the mirror. Just earlier that morning he had woken up surrounded by garbage bins but then he looked like the son of a billionaire. Which he was.

"Noona... Isn't this too much?" He asked the older rather worriedly.

"Of course not! It's a high-class restaurant we're going to, so you have to dress up nicely!"

"But is it okay to wear all of these? They're not mine."

Yuri's face dropped and Junmyeon mentally scolded himself.

"Why not? They're all yours now," the older shrugged.

"I'm sorry, noona."

Yuri smiled again and gave the other a quick hug. "There's nothing to be sorry about. Now go change into something else, you should take a rest before tonight's dinner."

Junmyeon nodded obediently and went to the closet to grab a tee and a pair of shorts. There were many clothes there and fortunately they all fit on him. Maybe Yuri's real brother had looked exactly like him that their clothes were even the same sizes. He wondered what had happened to that actual brother of hers.

Instead of getting out of the room, Yuri dropped herself flat onto the bed, so he supposed it was okay to get changed in front of her. He had done that few minutes before anyways.

After he was done, Yuri sat up and patted the bed. "Come here, baby brother."

Junmyeon was happy because of what she had just called him, but he also felt something weird inside him. It wasn't as easy as he had tought to get used to be a stranger's brother. He climbed onto the bed and crawled towards his sister like an obedient puppy.

Yuri caught the boy into her arms and his hair lovingly. She couldn't deny it; she still imagined him as her old Junmyeonnie and not her new adoptive brother. If she hadn't done so, she wouldn't have been able to do all the skinship. It made her feel really bad for him though, especially when she saw his flushed yet contented face because of her touch.

"Junmyeonnie, would you like to tell me about yourself?" Yuri asked, giving the other a warm smile.

Junmyeon lifted his head off the older's shoulder and thought deeply, his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly and unintentionally as he tried to find what he could tell about.

"Umm... My real name is Oh Suho, I'm nineteen on May 22nd. Mother found me on the street this morning. I've lost my memories, so I can't remember anything else."

"Suho?" Yuri tilted her head slightly.

"Yes, but I like my new name," Junmyeon said quickly, "so it's okay to forget my old name."

Yuri smiled and patted the younger's head. "You should keep it in the back of your head, in case you remember everything someday. Oh, will you leave if that happens?"

Junmyeon bowed his head and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "I don't want to leave though. Because my new family is really nice."

The older laughed lightly and squeezed the other. "You're a nice boy too. I'll be sad if you have to leave."

Junmyeon shot his head up and looked at the other with wide eyes. "Really? You'll be sad?"

"Uhm, I guess so," Yuri hummed and pouted, making the younger shake his head fervently.

"No, I won't leave then! I'll stay here," he said, his brow slightly furrowed and his hands balled into fists as the sign of his determination.

Yuri didn't say anything as the reply; she kept staring at the other's face quietly, her lips curved into a small smile. He was unbelievably adorable, she supposed it shouldn't be that hard to love that new brother of hers as himself.

"You're really cute. Can I give you a kiss?"

"Eh?" Junmyeon blinked once and the other's lips were already on his cheek. Although it lasted only for a mere second, it was enough to make his eyes grow bigger to their maximum size and his body straighten up and freeze like stone. He could relax again only when he felt the warmth of the older's arms surrounding his body.

"You can't be cuter than this," Yuri giggled.

Junmyeon breathed out his nervousness and smiled as he returned the hug.

"You haven't told me about yourself, noona."

"Oh, right. What do you want to know about me?" Yuri asked with a smile.

"Anything," Junmyeon replied, smiling too.

"Hmm... Okay." Yuri tapped her chin with her finger and tilted her head slightly. "My name is Kim Yuri, I'll be twenty on April 8th. I feel old," she chuckled. "I go to university, major in dance. I'm in a dance club too, it's owned by my cousins. Sometimes we participate in some competitions too, we have won quite a lot so far."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Junmyeon giggled.

"No," the older laughed, "why do you want to know about that? Well, there's this dance partner of mine and we're pretty close but just that. Sometimes we can dance intimately and if you see it you'll probably think we're lovers or such, but it's really not like that. We focus on the dance moves, that's what dancers do, right?"

Junmyeon nodded slowly with a serious expression on his face, which somehow looked adorable to the other. She wondered if she should tell more about it to the younger, but she didn't want him to see her in a bad way.

Suddenly she remembered that boy again, that Jongin boy whom she had bumped into earlier at the dance club. Guilt started to eat her up whenever she remembered how terrified he had looked. She had to admit that she had lost her mind back then because of that dance with her dance partner and she had thought that Jongin had been that type of a y guy who was used to be touched that way, but it had turned out that he had been a pure innocent one.

She kind of felt like a .

"Can I see you two dance sometimes later?" Junmyeon asked innocently.

Yuri was a little bit surprised, but she covered it with a smile. "If you insist. You should take a nap now, brother."

"Okay. Thank you, noona."

Yuri gave a light pat and a peck on the younger's head before getting out of the room. Junmyeon couldn't be even happier. He loved his noona already. So far he had learnt that despite her bold appearance she was actually very warm and considerate, she was friendly and she liked hugs and skinship too. That came out of her naturally and surprisingly made him comfortable instead of being awkward with all the contacts. He guessed he could get used to it.

That night, the Kim's made their way to a five-star restaurant, which was located quite far away that they spent more than half an hour on the road. Usually they had their driver with them, but this time it was Mr. Kim who was sitting behind the steering wheel. He had insisted that it should be only their family going out together because it was Junmyeon's first day joining the family. And so there were only four of them in the car, all dressed nicely like the family of a billionaire they were.

When they were already seated at their table inside that classy big restaurant, a dashing waiter came and gave them the menus and Junmyeon didn't understand any little bit of the weird names of the food they had. And so he confessed shyly to his older sister in form of a whisper and the tall girl had to laugh at him again for the umpteenth time that day, which no one could hear because it was a classy restaurant and she had to act like a classy lady. That was her mother had always taught her.

She recommended some kinds of food and explained them briefly so the younger at least knew what he was about to eat. The two adoptive siblings ended up ordering different kinds of food with Yuri promising her brother that he could try her food later if it looked quite fascinating to him.

The drink came first and Junmyeon eyed their parents' drink curiously. It was different with his and Yuri's. He poked his sister's arm and asked, "Noona, what kind of drink is that?"

Yuri raised her eyebrows and chuckled. "You don't know that? Well that's good then. It's for adult, you shouldn't drink it."

Junmyeon furrowed his eyebrows. "What if I drink it?"

"Drinking it a little bit is okay, but if too much you'll be screwed up," the older giggled.

"He's that type of a good innocent boy," Mr. Kim said proudly and nodded in approval of his own statement, so did his wife. Junmyeon laughed awkwardly and took a sip of his own drink, secretly thinking that he couldn't possibly be that innocent even though he had lost his memories. It wasn't impossible that the past him could have been a douchebag who had loved to drink some drinks for adults, maybe with some women around him since he thought he was pretty cute and good-looking. It was even possible that he had a baby with one of them and maybe she was currently looking for him somewhere, carrying the baby around on her chest with a knife in her hand, ready to hack the life out of him. He didn't want to think about it though, he'd just stay as an innocent boy.

Anyways, Yuri's guess was true; when the food came, Junmyeon kept stealing hungry glances at her food. She pretended to be oblivious and ate her food quietly while listening to their parents babble about stuff until she felt timid nudges on her elbow coming from the younger. She laughed quietly and picked a piece of meat from her plate with her chopsticks, and then put it in front of the younger's lips.

"Open up~" she giggled, and so did the two older ones sitting across them. The boy smiled shyly before hesitatingly parting his lips, taking the meat into his mouth. A smile appeared on his face right away as he chewed and swallowed the food. He his lips and cracked a big grin.

"So delicious!"

"Of course it is! Want some more?" Yuri didn't wait for the answer and stuffed the younger's mouth with her food again. As a good brother he was, Junmyeon also did the same; sharing his food with his sister.

After their tummies had all been full, the father raised his glass, Yuri and the mother following suit. Junmyeon was confused as to why they were doing that while everyone else at the other tables weren't, but when Yuri elbowed him lightly, he did the same with his own glass of grape juice.

"To our new baby boy, Kim Junmyeon," Mr. Kim said and they clinked their glasses together before downing all their drinks. All three pairs of eyes then fell on Junmyeon and the boy giggled shyly getting all the proud and loving gazes from his new family.

"Thank you so much," Junmyeon bowed slightly in his seat, his eyes became somewhat glassy but his lips curved into a big smile. Yuri patted his head and gave him a quick hug before they all got up and left the place.

On the way home, Junmyeon fell asleep in a not-so-comfortable-looking position. His body and his head kept swaying side to side until Yuri caught him and pulled him closer. She put his head on her shoulder and s her arm around his waist, hugging him firmly when he snuggled into her in his sleep. She wasn't sure why she held her breath when the younger squirmed a little bit and unconsciously wrapped his arms around her body, hugging her like a pillow, but she kind of liked it. Although he was still slightly taller than her, he didn't feel that big in her arms.

She knew that it wasn't fully right to be that close; just earlier that day they had been strangers and that wouldn't have changed if her mother hadn't found him. She barely knew that boy and anything unexpected could happen anytime, but she couldn't help but shower him with all the affection that had piled up inside her for the last two years, since her main object of affection had gone away. Was it too soon for that much skinship?

"Oh, would you look at that." Their mother's voice put a halt to her train of thoughts and broke the silence in the car, but not enough to wake the boy up. Yuri lifted her gaze from Junmyeon's sleeping face to see what had attracted her mother's attention.

She looked out through the window and found a girl, probably younger than her, standing at the corner of the street with two teenage boys and a little boy. Judging from how they looked, it seemed like one of the teenage boys and the little one were some kind of hobos or maybe street singers, Yuri could catch a glimpse of a small guitar inside the box the teenage boy was holding. They were a little bit messy too, but not the girl and the other boy.

"Kids these days. It's dark already and look at that girl, she's still out with some boys. That little boy is probably her son with one of those two boys," their mother nagged.

"Shush, you shouldn't judge people like that," the father scolded softly in a fatherly manner. "Besides, that girl looks too young to have a little boy that age. It can't be her son, probably her little brother."

Yuri didn't listen to the rest of her parents' conversation; her mind was busy traveling out there.

'She looked free though. That little boy, he looked really happy. They may be poor but it's not impossible that they're happier than some rich people.'

It was so true if she compared them to herself. She couldn't even have smiled that much before she had met that boy who looked exactly like her real brother; the only things that have kept her going were only her parents and her passion for dancing.

Junmyeon squirmed again, snapping Yuri out of her deep thoughts. She tilted her head to see his hooded innocent puppy eyes staring back at her.

"You're awake," the older smiled.

Junmyeon blinked several times, and then widened his eyes and pulled away quickly as if he had just realized that he had been clinging on the other with her head close to her chest. He bowed his head to hide his somewhat flushed face and awkwardly cleared his throat, but Yuri giggled and pulled him back to his previous position. Junmyeon could feel his blood rush to his face and his heartbeats were still a little bit audible to himself, but he eventually became calm again.

'She's my sister now, I should get used to this.'

Soon he fell back into slumber until they reached their house. They went back to their own rooms after exchanging the casual "goodnight"s and they didn't have any more conversations until the next afternoon, because it was the first day Junmyeon went to school and he had to go earlier than his sister.

Junmyeon had returned first when Yuri was home again after coming back from campus. The dancer girl quickly got changed and prepared her stuff, not wasting any time because she should be at the club in an hour and she wanted to spend some time with her brother before going again.

Yuri knocked the door to her brother's room twice and opened it after getting the permission. The boy was lying on his tummy on the bed with a book in his hands. After she had gotten close though, she recognized the book as her actual brother's manga. Junmyeon sat up and put it aside when the older plopped down on the edge of his bed. He noticed that the other was wearing tight and short clothes again; what he could see on her were a zipped white leather vest that didn't even reach her hips and a very short skirt with the same color and material. He wasn't sure if she wore anything under that vest, but he guessed there weren't that many layers beneath it because he could see a little bit of her flat belly that was uncovered by the vest. Despite all of that, she was also wearing the same innocent grin on her pretty face.

"Hi, noona," the younger cleared his throat and smiled, trying his best not to steal naughty glances at the milky white thighs. Such a ert he was, but that was just how teenage boys were, wasn't it? He defended himself. "Umm... How are you?"

"So casual," Yuri chuckled. "As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. How about you? How was your first day at school?"

"It was great," Junmyeon grinned, "I thought it would be hard to start studying at school but I found it quite easy, thankfully I could understand most of what I've learnt today. I've got some new friends too. I'm a little bit older than them all though, but I guess that's okay since I'm only going to school for several months. Mother said I'll be going to the same university as you, noona. Isn't that nice?"

"Really? That's awesome!" Yuri squealed and clapped her hands happily. "She hasn't told me about that though. But I guess your major won't be the same, since apparently you can't dance," she chuckled. "Or can you?"

"I've never tried though," the younger shrugged and scratched his nape, "maybe actually I'm a pro dancer, who knows?"

Yuri laughed and nodded in approval. "You're right, it's not impossible. Let's have a dance battle next time."

Junmyeon widened his eyes and waved his hands in attempt to take back his words. "No, no, I'm just kidding! I can't dance, really!"

"Oh, you'll never know if you never try," Yuri winked and flashed a mischievous smile before glancing at her wristwatch. "Anyways, guess I have to go now. Do you want to go with me?"

"Umm... Maybe next time? I want to read this," Junmyeon picked the manga and waved it in his hand, grinning bashfully at the other. "I like this, the story is good."

Yuri chuckled and nodded understandingly. "Okay. You really are very similar to him." She patted the younger's head before getting off the bed. "I'm going now, have fun with your mangas."

"Okay, bye bye noona," Junmyeon grinned and waved goodbye adorably.

"Bye bye, Junmyeonnie." Yuri winked, turned around and wiggled her bottom slightly, causing the younger to widen his eyes and stiffen a little bit. The girl giggled at her brother's face and made her way out of the room.

After he was left alone, Junmyeon dropped himself flat on his tummy and buried his face on a pillow to muffle his pathetic whine.

"I am innocent."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door Yuri was frowning at herself. Why did I do that? She shrugged and brisk-walked back to her room to grab her bag and her boots.

About twenty minutes later, she was already at the dance club. She was supposed to practice with her usual partner, who was also her friend from campus, for the upcoming couple dance competition. But since she couldn't find him anywhere, probably because he was still on the way, she entered the dance studio to watch her cousins practice with the other kids.

She sat down on a chair at the corner, smiled and waved when the two intstructors noticed her and waved their arms up in the air to greet her, causing some of the kids to misunderstand it as a part of the dance moves and follow the gesture clumsily. Just when they heard Yuri's giggle did they notice her and laugh at their own silly mistake.

Except for one of them.

Yuri's heart skipped a beat when one of the boys turned his head towards her and their eyes locked with each other for a split second before he broke the contact almost immediately. Her eyes couldn't be wrong; it was Kim Jongin, that y naïve boy. He was dancing along with the others.

Suddenly she felt the strong urge to come to him. She wanted to do it so bad; come to him and apologize, so she didn't have to feel guilty anymore. But she couldn't possibly drag him away from the group while they were dancing, so she waited until they finished, all the while squirming restlessly and tapping her foot impatiently.

But she had to admit that seeing Jongin dance made her eyes quite happy they barely blinked. He was still a little bit awkward though, but she could see all the potentials hidden in him. If he practiced more, his moves would be smoother and later he would definitely be a great dancer.

When they finished it, Yuri stood up and clapped her hands as she made her way towards that certain boy, who was obviously starting to panic without knowing what to do. He looked funny and pathetic at the same time. The two sisters Yeojin and Jinae, oblivious to the horror on the boy's face, let Yuri take him out of the main studio and drag him towards another room without being suspicious at all; even smiling brightly instead.

Yuri and Jongin were then alone in a smaller room. When Yuri shut the door, Jongin ran to the corner and crouched down facing the wall with his arms covering his head.

"P-Please don't do anything to me," he squeaked.

Yuri sighed and rubbed her temple before calmly approaching the boy at the corner of the room. She poked his forehead with her finger and the younger let out a muffled scream.

"No no no! Don't touch me!!"

"Please stand up, Kim Jongin. I'm not a murderer," Yuri demanded.

Jongin shook his head furiously and pressed the side of his body against the wall. He didn't want to cause Kyungsoo more trouble later at night. When he felt a pair of hands on the sides of his body, trying to pulling him up, he scrambled away immediately towards another corner, but Yuri's arms were faster to pull him back and hold him still in a backhug.

"Let me go!" Jongin cried as he tried to pry the arms off his waist.

"I'm not letting go until you calm down," Yuri said calmly, tightening her hug instead of letting the other go.

Jongin retracted his hands to bury his face in his palms. He heaved a long breath and exhaled slowly in attempt to calm himself down.

'Calm down, Jonginnie. She's not a monster or a murderer, you shouldn't be scared of her. Calm down, keep cool. You're bigger than her you can throw her away easily if that's needed.'

Jongin gulped and dropped his hands down. "W-What do you want?"

That sounded cold, yet Yuri smiled because he wasn't freaking out anymore. "I would like to apologize. For what I did yesterday."

Jongin's eyes enlarged and his body stiffened noticeably. He really hadn't seen that coming. "A-Apologize?"

Still with her arms wrapped around the taller's body, Yuri leaned her head on his back instinctively and mumbled, "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. I feel guilty now seeing how you react whenever you see me, not to mention when I touch you. It's as if I'm a ghost or such. Will you forgive me, Kim Jongin?"

Yuri could feel the other's body relax a little bit, but she didn't get the answer right away; she had to wait for a good minute until Jongin finally spoke again.

"Okay. I was just surprised, before that I had never experienced something like that and it made me scared. I thought you were going to do that again. Umm, sorry... Sorry for overreacting."

Yuri grinned and flipped the other around. "So you forgive me?"

Jongin bowed his head and scratched his nape. "Y-Yeah, but p-please don't do that again," he stuttered. Talking while seeing the other's face made him much more nervous than when he had his back facing her.

"Okay." Yuri smiled and patted the other's head and Jongin ducked his head down by instinct. He cleared his throat awkwardly and averted his gaze, feeling his cheeks somewhat hot. Why did he have to be that scared of that girl's touch? Such a scaredy cat.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He went pale and stiff again when he saw who it was.

That y masculine dancer. Or so Jongin had secretly addressed him in his head. He was wearing tight pants and tight button-up shirt, leaving the top button ed, revealing a little bit of his broad tanned chest.

"Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late," he smirked at Yuri, and with the same grin still on his face, shifted his gaze towards the tensed Jongin.

"Oh, Jin! Right timing. Here, say hello to each other," Yuri pulled the tall boy by his arm and made him stand face to face with Jongin. "Jin, Jongin. Jongin, Jin."

"Hi," Jin beamed and held out his hand, which Jongin took rather shyly. "Nice to have you here. Are you new?"

"Y-Yes," Jongin stuttered a little bit and mentally scolded himself. Stuttering in front of another guy? That was so not manly.

"Awesome. You have a nice body, I should see you dance sometimes," Jin's grin turned even wider.

"Thanks, but I'm not that good. This is my first day," Jongin shrugged. "You both should be practicing too, no?"

"Right. You should watch us if you're done practicing with the others," Yuri offered with a wink. "Don't worry, it won't be like yesterday."

"What? Did he see us?" Jin asked, his eyes enlarged just a little bit before turning into crescents as he chuckled and shook his head. "Ouch. I thought we were doing that again."

"Shut up, Jin-ah. I wouldn't do that if it wasn't for helping you with your stupid mission to make your stupid boyfriend jealous. Has he seen that video? I'll definitely make your life horrible if anyone else find out about it," Yuri hissed and squinted at the taller, who only laughed and shrugged as the response while making his way to the corner of the room to put his bag there.

"Oh, I don't know. A video of Kim Yuri doing a sounds pretty expensive. I might just copy it and sell-"

Whack! "Ow!" Jin's hand flew up to the back of his head as he swiftly turned around to see a sneaker lying on the floor near his feet, most likely after bouncing on his head. He raised his head to see a fuming Yuri and a dazed Jongin, who was then only wearing one shoe.

"Ya, that's my shoe!" Jongin scrambled towards the taller boy immediately to take back his other shoe. Although it was dirty, it still looked quite new and pretty exve. Those shoes were the only stuff on him that were originally his, beside his chain necklace and its expensive-looking stone pendant. He had promised himself to take care of them and just then he let the girl pull his shoe off his bare foot and throw it across the room. Pouting sadly, he put it back on quickly and looked up to see Jin laugh at the pissed off girl.

"I'm just kidding! Okay? You don't have to attack me like that," Jin raised his hands and chuckled a little bit more. "Thanks for helping me anyways, my babe has seen it and he's stopped playing around with the . He even stripped and gave me a too."

"Stupid shameless gay boyfriends, I'm not doing that ever again," Yuri murmured under her breath and blew her bangs off her forehead as she prepared the tape recorder.

Jongin was stunned though. Boyfriends? Strip and ? That sounded... Wild. He smacked himself when the image of Kyungsoo doing those stuff to him popped out in his head.

'What is wrong with me?? He's not even my boyfriend! No. He's not even gay! He talks and acts like a straight guy. Doesn't he? His face is even straight all the time it creeps me out sometimes. Still squishy and adorable though. Wait, what? No! I should stop thinking about him.'

Yuri and Jin got into position and began to move slowly and smoothly when the music started. Even just at the beginning Jongin's eyes were fully opened and his lips parted slightly seeing how they moved gracefully in sync, slow and sensual at first but eventually getting faster and more energic along with the beat of the music. Their moves were flawless and very smooth they looked boneless. Their bodies collided and made contact every so often; hips to hips, chests to chests, hands on shoulders sliding down to waists and very subtly groping the bottoms. Jongin stiffened and widened his eyes if it was even possible when Jin pulled the zipper of Yuri's vest down to the point that her cleavage was visible. Jongin paid more attention to their facial expressions; he guessed those were the faces people had when they were kind of in heat they might start rubbing themselves on each other any second, but that didn't happen at all. There was even that crotch grabbing part where the clumsy Jongin set his eyes on Jin's crotch to see if it would form a tent, but that also didn't happen. He guessed those dancers were just used to it and that was just how they were supposed to be.

And he knew he also had to get used to it too. Like when Jin placed his hands on Yuri's waist and effortlessly lifted her off the floor, swinging her around with her legs parted a hundred and eighty degrees vertically and in result displaying her black under her very short skirt, Jongin knew he wasn't supposed to have a mini heart attack, but he did anyways.

He would get used to it.

After they had finished it perfectly, Yuri came to the wide-eyed Jongin with a blinding broad grin stretching her lips. "Ya, Kim Jongin. Let's dance together sometimes."

Could he say no? "Sure! I'd be happy to." She was that good she had made him fall deeper for dancing.

"Great!" Yuri beamed and clapped her hands. "Now, have you had lunch? Let's go grab something to eat."

Jongin widened his eyes. "Eh? Are you asking me to have lunch together with you?"

"Of course!" Yuri turned her head towards the other boy. "Ya, Jin-ah! Are you going with us? It's break time."

"No thanks," Jin, who was sitting at the corner smiling at his phone, answered without even bothering to raise his head and look at the other. "My baby has just sent me a video of him stripteasing and I guess I'll make a videocall now."

"Ugh, that's just gross. Let's go now," Yuri wrinkled her nose and dragged the dazed Jongin out of the room.

Jongin had thought Yuri would take him somewhere a little bit far away; turned out they only had to walk across the street. She was taking him to the restaurant where Kyungsoo worked at.

"Yuri-ssi, I don't have any money," Jongin stopped walking and confessed hesitantly before the other could pull him further into the place.

"Your face look like a loaded boy though." Yuri was walking ahead of Jongin, and because he couldn't see her face, Jongin thought she was disappointed. He sighed sadly, but when he lifted his head again, he got a big smile from the other.

"Come on, I'll pay."

Yuri pulled the stunned Jongin by the arm towards a table, sat down and waited until a waiter came and handed them the menu. Since all the food was unfamiliar to Jongin, he ended up picking the same kind that Yuri ordered.

"Thank you for taking me here, Yuri-ssi," Jongin shyly said after the waiter had gone away.

"Anytime," Yuri smiled. "Take this as my apology, to make up for my mistake yesterday."

Jongin chuckled and shook his head. "It's okay now. I guess you're actually a good person." He rubbed his nape awkwardly and shifted in his seat, a grin appeared on his face as he became excited all of a sudden. "You're a great dancer too, maybe I should learn from you. I was pretty amazed when you did that split in the air thingy, it was perfect! Like, how did you even do that without hurting your joints? And when you spun few times on one foot in the end before doing that cool pose, I thought it was pretty."

Yuri laughed seeing how excited the other was. "Yes, we've combined the dance with some ballet moves too. I could do that split because I do ballet too. Jin also learnt ballet despite having that giant body," she chuckled. "Are you interested?"

"Actually I don't know what ballet is," Jongin grinned bashfully, "maybe you can teach me later?"

"Of course! Guess it'll be fun, no?" Yuri giggled and winked, catching the other off guard for a split second. Jongin chuckled and nodded excitedly, couldn't wait to go back to the club and learn that new kind of dance from the girl.

Soon the food came and they both ate while talking about stuff. Jongin even told Yuri about himself suffering from amnesia. The more they talked and knew each other, the more Jongin could relax around the older. He could even make her laugh at his stupid remarks, especially when he confessed bashfully about what he had been through the day before, about how much of a ert he was. He skipped the last part though, she didn't have to know about what he had done at night with Kyungsoo. Yuri's reaction was quite unexpected though; she laughed and gave him an understanding pat on the head instead of being disgusted at him or giving him a judging look. Then he wasn't really sure why he had been scared of that kindhearted girl.

After they had finished their meal and paid the bill, Yuri's eyes fell on the chain hanging around Jongin's neck. She couldn't see the pendant because it was hidden under his shirt, but since the shirt was pretty tight, she could see the shape of it. It made the chain necklace seem familiar to her.

"Jongin-ssi, can I see your necklace?" Yuri asked in a casual manner. "I want to see the pendant. May I?"

"Oh, sure." Jongin took the pendant out of his shirt and leaned forward to let the other take a look at it.

"Oh, it looks like my brother's!" Yuri exclaimed excitedly, an amused grin on her face. "It looks pretty. Where did you buy it?"

"Honestly I don't know," Jongin shrugged and frowned, "since I can't remember anything. But my friend Kyungsoo hyung also has a similar one, with different symbol though. You see the symbol here?" He pointed at the triangle symbol on his pendant and the older nodded. "He has a different one, it's exactly like this," he tilted his head and pointed at his tattoo, and then flipped the pendant around to show her the back side of it. "There's also a name here, this Kai thing and also this EXO thing. Kyungsoo hyung's necklace has his own name on it, but this is not my name."

A deep frown formed on Yuri's face. Something was off with that necklace. Or was it just her?

'I should see Junmyeon's later.'

They were too busy thinking about the necklace that they yelped in surprise when they finally noticed another person standing idly next to their table.

"Kyungsoo hyung!" Jongin stared up at Kyungsoo's poker face with wide eyes and placed his hand on his chest.

"Jongin-ah," Kyungsoo replied with monotonic voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm... Eating? Having lunch?" Jongin grinned awkwardly. Is there something wrong with him? He has this strong satanic aura surrounding him.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"W-What? I don't!" Jongin shot up and grabbed the shorter boy's shoulders, shaking him back and forth in attempt to get whatever evil spirit inside out of him. Kyungsoo's face remained the same as he brushed the other's hands off his shoulders.

Yuri stood up and bowed awkwardly. She hadn't expected that the Kyungsoo guy worked as a chef there. "Hello, I'm Kim Yuri, Jongin's new friend."

Kyungsoo turned his gaze towards the girl and bowed back at her. "I'm Do Kyungsoo, Jongin's... friend."

"Hyung! Why do you sound so doubtful about it?" Jongin whined in protest and shook the older a little bit more until he realized how childish he was acting in front of Yuri. He let go of Kyungsoo and awkwardly cleared his throat. "So... Why are you out here?"

"Getting some fresh air, actually," Kyungsoo shrugged. "How was the food?"

"It was great! The food here had never tasted that good before," Yuri beamed and gave a thumbs up. "Did you cook them, Kyungsoo-ssi?"

Unexpectedly, Kyungsoo bowed his head and smiled shyly, folded his arms on his back and subtly swayed back and forth. "I did. Thank you for the compliment."

Yuri couldn't help but coo at how adorable the big-eyed boy was acting.

"So... Guess I should go back to the kitchen now," Kyungsoo motioned his thumb towards the door at the back of the place, and then flashed a friendly smile at the other two. "Talk to you guys later."

"Bye," Yuri and Jongin grinned and waved goodbye as the young chef made his way back to the kitchen.

"Your friend is so adorable, Jongin-ssi," Yuri squealed quietly and sighed with a big smile on her face.

"He is," Jongin nodded, sighing and smiling too.

"Oh, you look like you have a crush on him!" Yuri pointed at the other's face and laughed a little bit too happily. "Do you?"

"What? I- I don't! Of course I don't! He's a boy for goodness sake," Jongin puffed his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, I completely understand. You're still denying it," Yuri nodded and giggled. "Come on, let's go back now."

"What? No, Yuri-ssi. You've got it completely wrong, I'm not denying anything," Jongin whined as he followed the older out of the restaurant. He pouted when he only got her rather understanding laugh in return.

Gosh, what was she thinking? Of course he didn't have a crush on that adorable straight-faced and owl-eyed squishy boy. What was he to actually fall for another boy? Like Kyungsoo had said, they couldn't have been a couple because they were both boys. Besides, Jongin believed he wasn't anything like that Jin guy. He was competely straight. Right?

Completely the opposite of her happy face, Yuri was also mentally having her own dilemma. About all the similarities between Jongin, Kyungsoo and her new brother. Those necklaces, the tattoos, and the fact that three of them had had amnesia; those were too much to be just coincidence, weren't they? Jongin and Kyungsoo might be Junmyeon's relatives. Did she have to tell her brother about this? She would feel bad if she didn't do anything about it, but there was just one thing that she was really afraid of.

Even though Junmyeon had promised that he wouldn't leave, anything still could happen and she wouldn't have the right to hold him if he finally decided to leave and return to his real family. That would probably happen if she told him about Jongin and Kyungsoo.

She couldn't afford to lose her Junmyeonnie once again.

A/N: sooo here's Yuri with Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo :D do you think she was good enough? Heheh honestly I tried to fix her image so she didn't have to give out the impression of a x) would it be okay if she became closer with one of them?

So I've made Yuri handle three of them and this is still quite long hahah ^^; but who cares I'll be writing Luhan's part again and it will most likely be longer x'D I just have lots of Luhan scenarios but too bad I can't put them all in this story because again it's not only about him (I'm sorry this is so biased OTL) yeah so please wait for the next chapter ^^ thank you for reading and subscribing! <3

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!