Daddy Hun, Mommy Han and EXO's Babies

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

A competition for young scientists was held in a week. There was no doubt that Baekhyun and Chen had signed up for it; they were strong candidates.

They had decided to make yet another machine that had never existed on their planet before; a machine that could change people's age, the one that could make them either younger or older.

Actually they had been working on it for awhile and not for the competition, but because they almost finished it and they had the chance to win with that, they could find no reasons not to participate the prestigious event.

This time they used something a little bit different to make the machine; not only the usual materials, but also a magic power that was the greatest power they could get. The source was none other than the Heart of the Tree of Life.

The machine they had made looked a little bit like the one that had changed Yoona into a boy, but this one was a little bit bigger and the color wasn't red but metallic grey, making it look more sophisticated. As the finishing, they took a few drops of the liquid from the Heart and put it in a small glass tube, which was then planted inside the wall of the machine.

That one day Baekhyun and Chen went to their lab for the first test of their new masterpiece. Sadly their unicorn mentor couldn't come because he had to attend an important meeting with the senior professors and scientists to talk about the upcoming competition. With that, the two young assistants had to test the machine by themselves.

"Baekhyun-ah, what should we use as the subject?" Chen asked as he turned the machine on.

"Let's take that fat hamster again," Baekhyun chuckled, "and then we'll get into another trouble for turning Yoojin into an adult with the same age as his father."

"Yah, do you want us to be kicked out of this kingdom?" Chen laughed and hit Baekhyun's arm playfully. "Let's just use something around here."

Baekhyun grabbed a small pot with a tiny green plant from the display case and handed it to Chen. "Here, this looks okay."

"It's perfect! This tiny plant will grow big really quickly," Chen took the pot and beamed at it before placing it in the middle of the machine. "Start the machine, Baekhyun-ah! Don't push the wrong button, we're not turning this plant back into a seed."

"Of course," Baekhyun replied shortly as he pushed some buttons and finally pulled down the switch. The machine started to make a buzzing sound and emit bundles of white smoke inside.

As they waited Chen said, "It's great that we can finally use this machine. Come to think of it, if we can make living things younger or older by using the juice from the Heart, maybe we can transform them into something else too. You know, like Monggu, Jjanggu, Lulu, and Bomi. Maybe we can change this plant into a kitten."

"That's nonsense," Baekhyun laughed, "a kitten from a plant? How come?"

"Nothing's impossible."


And then all the smoke finally disappeared. Their eyes widened to the maximum size and their mouths hung open when the saw what was inside the machine.

A kitten.

"Ha! What did I tell you?? Nothing's impossible!" Chen clapped his hands and laughed maniacally, his finger pointing at Baekhyun's dazed face.

"But this is wrong," Baekhyun frowned, "but it's also right. It's right and wrong at the same time. It doesn't make any sense."

Chen ignored the other's confused muttering and opened the door of the machine to take the kitten out, still laughing in victory as if he had already won the competition. He held the fluffy grey and white kitten up in his hands and brought it to his face, while the tiny animal stared at the boy with its curious big blue eyes and pawed at his nose.

"Aww how cute," Chen cooed, "you're our best invention so far, you know? Let's find you a name."

The kitten mewled and booped his nose again.

"Okay I'll call you Boop. Baekhyun-ah, say hello to Boop!" Chen brought the kitten to Baekhyun's confused face and the kitten booped his forehead as the greeting.

Baekhyun frowned and sat down on a chair in the corner.

"You don't like Boop?" Chen mumbled sadly and jutted out his bottom lip at the kitten.

"No, that's not it. Put it down for awhile and help me figure this out," Baekhyun said with a serious tone.

"Okay." Chen put the kitten down and let it wobble around the lab and then sat next to his lab partner. "So, what?"

"That machine didn't follow the order to make the plant grow," Baekhyun said matter of factly.

Chen raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"But it listened to your words instead. You said kitten and it gave you kitten."

"It granted my wish," Chen concluded.

"Exactly," Baekhyun snapped his fingers, "I assume it's because of those few drops of the Heart. Remember five years ago, when the Heart gave Monggu, Jjanggu and Jaejun second chances to live? I guess it happened because the Heart granted our silent wish for them to live again."

A face-splitting grin slowly grew on Chen's face as he registered what the other said into his mind.

"You're really smart, Baekhyun-ah! That must be it!" He stood up abruptly and fast-walked towards a display case to take another young plant. "Come on, let's try another one!"

Baekhyun grinned and wiped his nose. "Thanks, I know I'm smart."

Chen put the plant into the machine and closed the door. Instead of pushing the buttons again, he directly flicked the switch to make it start working. White smoke came out and started to fill the inside of the machine.

"I wish this plant will grow big really quickly!"

They watched and waited nervously yet excitedly until the process was done. After they saw how the plant had changed, they jumped and hugged each other joyfully.

"It's a huge success! With this we will win the competition for sure!" Baekhyun exclaimed and laughed happily.

Suddenly came a knock from the lab's door and then came in the rest of the guardians, including Lay too. Monggu and Jaejun were also with them. The two young assistants questioned why Jjanggu wasn't with them, but then Kai showed them an adorable brown toy poodle in his hands, who barked at them and wagged its tail cheerfully. So there he was.

"Hi, Baekkie! How's the baby?" Chanyeol slung an arm around Baekhyun's shoulders and pinched his cheek, causing it to redden a little bit; not because of the pinch, but because of the blush.

"It's great," the smaller puppy beamed, "we've just tested it and it worked!"

"Awesome," Chanyeol unexpectedly stole a peck on the other's lips and got a smack on the in return.

"Hellooo, we're here! No PDA, please," Chen laughed and waved a hand in front of their faces while the others put on disgusted faces, saying "Ewww ewww eww~" in unison, making both their puppies turn red out of embarrassment.

"Can you show us how it works?" Luhan said as he eyed the machine up and down.

"Sure!" Chen took the flowering plant out of the machine and let the others see it. "This plant was only a small green plant, but now it's full-grown! Shall we change it back?"

"Really? You succeeded the first test?" Lay raised his eyebrows, his lips formed an amused smile.

"Not really the first, actually. It's the second," Baekhyun flashed a sheepish grin as he took the plant from Chen's hands and put it back inside the machine. He said to the machine, "I want this plant turn small again."

The next thing happened so fast; suddenly Boop the kitten came out of nowhere and slipped into the machine, and then Jjanggu the dog spotted it and swiftly jumped off Kai's arms to turn into a bigger dog and chase the kitten, accidentally bumping everyone around them. Baekhyun was shoved away before he could close the door while Suho, Kris, and Lay stumbled into the machine. Unfortunately it was a little bit too late when Chen tried to stop the door from closing by itself; his hand touched it right when it closed completely. The three males inside pounded their fists on the glass door in panic, so did the rest of them outside the machine.

"Heeeelp!" Suho screamed as the thick smoke swallowed three of them.

"Daaaaad!" Sehun and Luhan also shouted at the top of their lungs, but then turned around and glared daggers at the dog hiding behind Kai's legs.

The screams gradually turned into something more like wails and they all weren't sure what to feel.

After the door had opened again, Sehun, Luhan, and Kai took the three eldest out and cradled them in their arms to stop them from bawling loudly.

"Aigoo, don't cry, dad," Sehun cooed and kissed baby Suho's head, making him calm down a little bit to stare at the prince's face with cute dazed expression. Sehun's worried face turned into that one of a proud father. "That's good, don't cry."

While baby Suho and baby Lay had calmed down, baby Kris was still crying loudly, in result making Luhan panic even more.

"What do I do?? He won't stop crying!" cried the deer.

The others suggested, "Cover him with something. Maybe he's cold, he's ."

"Or maybe he's hungry? Give him milk."

"Or maybe he wants to poop! Be careful, hyung, he might poop on you."

But then Chen stopped all the fuss by pointing out, "Let's just change them back to normal."

"...You're a genius," Chanyeol said, his face looked beyond amazed.

"I know, I know. Thank you."

And so they put the three babies inside the machine again. Baekhyun said to it, "Turn them back into adults, make them back to normal."

The machine was about to start working when suddenly came a loud sound of glass being broken from the inside of the machine's wall. Quickly, Baekhyun opened the place where they had put the glass tube inside and found that it was already shattered into pieces, and it looked like the liquid from the Heart had drained before the tube was broken. The pieces of the glass had cut some cables inside and shut the machine down. Chen tried to turn it on again but it was completely dead.

"Aww man," Baekhyun whined, "we have to fix this quickly. The competition is in four days, we don't have much time."

Jjanggu turned back into his human form and bowed deeply at everyone. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. I acted by instinct."

They could only sigh and gave him sad smiles. Blaming him wouldn't do any good.

"It's okay," said Baekhyun and Chen.

"But we need time to fix this. Until then, I'm afraid these three have to stay like this. But we promise we'll turn them back to normal," Baekhyun promised wholeheartedly. The others couldn't do anything beside nodding weakly and accepting it with heavy hearts.

The babies started to cry again and the three princes took them out again immediately. Then, they all had the same question in their minds. Kai was the first one who pointed it out, "Umm, who will take care of them?"

"Who else? You guys, of course," Chanyeol replied with a tone that sounded like it was the most obvious thing that they shouldn't question about.

"Just us?" Kai frowned.

"You're the first ones to hold them," Tao said, "but I'll help taking care of Kris gege!"

"I'll help too," Jjanggu said sheepishly.

Jaejun added excitedly, "Me too! I like babies."

They all ended up wanting to take care of the babies. But then the troll Chenchen said, "We should just take care of Lay hyung and let Sehun-ah and Luhan hyung take care of their fathers by themselves! How does that sound?"

Everyone except Sehun and Luhan agreed right away without any fights.

"Why? That's not fair!" The princes whined, "we need help too, you all are too many to take care of one baby!"

Everyone ignored their whines and laughed at them instead.

"You have to practice being good parents for your own future babies!"

With that, they had no choice but to keep quiet and accept that harsh fate of theirs.

That night, Sehun and Luhan slept together in their room in EXO's ice castle with a big baby bed placed next to their bed. Baby Suho and baby Kris had fallen asleep peacefully next to each other; Suho sleeping neatly and quietly on his side, Kris lying on his back with his limbs sprawled here and there and his little mouth hanging open. The princes were also lying side by side, but the difference was that they were wide awake, although the dark circles under their eyes clearly showed that they were extremely exhausted.

Luhan shifted and lied on his side facing the younger prince. "Sehunnie, I'm so tired," he whined quietly and pouted cutely, while the other flashed a soft yet tired smile at him.

"Yeah, me too. Taking care of babies is much harder than I thought," Sehun mumbled. He closed his eyes and opened them again, and then his side and propped his head up on his hand. Luhan lied on his back again and let their faces get closer until their lips met in a soft kiss.

"What was that for?" Luhan grinned, his face didn't look tired anymore.

"To make us feel a little bit better, I guess?" Sehun answered doubtfully, but then lowered his head again for another kiss. He propped himself up on his elbow, ghosting over the other's body, and caressed Luhan's cheek gently with his other hand. "Does it make you feel better?"

"Indeed," the deer smiled even wider. He placed his hands on Sehun's shoulders and slowly pushed him back down on his back with their lips stay connected in a kiss, which he broke just after he had dropped himself on Sehun's body. He beamed and softly brushed his fingertips against the younger's pinkish lips. Sehun stared up at him with curious eyes, one of his eyebrow curved up and his lips forming an amused smile.

"I also have something to make us feel better," Luhan whispered.

Sehun raised his eyebrows, "Really? What is it?"

Still grinning broadly, Luhan reached out an arm towards the bedside table and carefully opened the drawer so it wouldn't make too much noise and wake the babies up. He fished a small package out of the drawer and waved it on Sehun's face.

"No," Sehun laughed lightly, "when did you get that?"

Luhan put his finger on the other's lips and shushed him, "Shhh, you'll wake the babies up." He craned his neck and peeked at the baby bed. After he was sure that they were still deeply asleep, he grinned at Sehun again and whispered, "I got it this morning. Don't ask me where I got this because you know it."

Sehun laughed again quietly, "You shushed me but it will make noises too."

"You don't have to be that excited."

"But we've already brushed our teeth."

"We can do that again later."

"Okay then."

Luhan opened the plastic bag quietly, took a piece of its content and popped it into Sehun's mouth. The younger closed his eyes and moaned quietly at the familiar heavenly taste.

"Ah, until now I'm still curious about what Mrs. Kim puts in the ingredients that makes these cookies taste this good." Sehun swallowed the cookie and slid his tongue along his lips to clean them from the crumbs. He took another piece and put it between Luhan's lips, and was gone almost immediately into his mouth.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense how cookies can have such a heavenly taste," Luhan said quietly and smiled brightly after the piece had slid down his throat. He lowered his head and let Sehun what was left on his lips.

Suddenly the silence was broken by one of the babies' wail, and soon was followed by the other's.

"Oh, not again," Luhan groaned and dropped his head on Sehun's chest.

Sehun chuckled and patted the deer's head. "Come on, get up."

Luhan put the cookie bag on the bedside table and dragged himself off the other's body lazily, rolling to the edge of the bed until his feet could touch the carpeted floor. He slid his feet into his fluffy bunny sandals and wobbled towards the baby bed to pick the babies up and move them to the bigger bed.

Baby Suho and baby Kris were wailing like there was no tomorrow. Luhan sat down on the bed and leaned closer to the babies, his body propped up on his elbow, while the other prince got off the bed and walked towards a table in the corner of the room.

"Are they hungry?" Sehun asked.

Luhan put his fingertip on Kris' lips and the baby took it into his small mouth immediately. He did the same to the other baby too.

"Yeah, they are."

"Ugh, at times like this I really do wish you had ies, Lu," Sehun mumbled, but Luhan's sharp ears could catch it clearly between the loud cries.

"Why ies and why me and not you?" Luhan crinkled his eyebrows.

"Because if you had ies they would just have to the milk from you and you look more suitable with ies than I do," Sehun snickered.

"Yah," Luhan laughed, not able to return the insult. "Just be quiet and make up the milk."

Sehun proceeded to make up some formula milk for the babies while Luhan took Kris in his arms, cradling him to at least lower his loud wail a little bit. He had never imagined his father could be that loud as a baby. Suho seemed a little bit calmer when his noisy fellow baby was taken away from his side.

Sehun returned back to the bed with two bottles of milk in his hands. He gave one of them to Luhan, who took it with a grin plastered on his face.

"Who taught you how to make this?" The deer asked as he began to feed the baby.

"My fatherly instinct," Sehun winked. "It tastes good, I tried it."

"You like it because you're also a baby," Luhan giggled.

Sehun grinned, leaned closer and stole a peck on the other's cheek. "Yeah, your baby."

They fed the babies in comfortable silence until the bottles were empty in no time. They held the babies up and patted their backs, after they had heard small burps coming out of the small mouths, they put them in the baby bed again.

Luhan glanced at the ice clock on the wall and sighed heavily. "Let's just brush our teeth and go to sleep, it's two already."


When they returned from the bathroom, the babies were already crying again. It made Luhan feel like crying too. Sehun checked the babies for him but found nothing wrong, so he picked them up again and moved them to their bigger bed, placing them in the middle. The princes lied down on both sides, covered their bodies with the thick sheets and started to pat the babies' butts until they fell asleep again. Luhan pouted quietly because he couldn't snuggle into Sehun's warm body, but their tiredness didn't let them say anything about it as they blinked sleepily and slowly drifted off to sleep together in silence.

The next morning was chaotic; the princes woke up early with darker eyebags, they had to feed the babies again and bathe them and it was not as easy as they had thought, they also had to change their diapers several times before they could finally take care of themselves.

That afternoon, with the babies placed securely on their chests, they stomped their way to Baekhyun and Chen's lab like some angry parents ready to scold a teacher for letting their kid eat some sweets. They kicked the door open, making the two inside the lab shoot up from their crouching position in great shock. Baekhyun and Chen clutched their chests and held the edge of a table for support, eyes widened and chest rising up and down furiously.

"Yah! Do you want to kill us?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief. He felt like his heart had just exploded inside his chest.

The princes ignored him and rolled their eyes. Luhan snorted and unequivocally said, "As a prince I demand you to finish that machine immediately. I give you time until this evening, and if it's still not functioning, I will ask the guards to cut your heads off."

The two young assistants scrambled to the princes and knelt on their feet right away.

"But mommy Han, daddy Hun," Baekhyun looked up and gave them his sad puppy eyes, "we can't finish it today. Maybe tomorrow? Please?"

"Then you take care of these babies," Sehun deadpanned.

"But then how should we work on the machine?" Chen whined, "please have mercy on us."

Luhan opened his mouth to speak again but then another baby's laugh caught his attention. The princes shifted their gazes and found that the others were there too. Baby Lay was on Kyungsoo's lap, looking all smiley with a jiggly toy in his tiny hand and laughing cutely at Yoojin's funny faces. Sehun and Luhan clearly knew that kind of toy wouldn't do any good with their dad-babies; earlier that day Tao had come to their room to play with baby Kris and had given him the very similar toy, just to be thrown away by the baby and had managed to hit Sehun square on the forehead. In result, Tao had cracked a high-pitched girly laugh and had praised the baby nonstop for his act; Suho had cried again and Kris had only flashed his innocent smile at the pouting and whining Sehun. Life wasn't fair for the princes.

"We'll help you with them," said Kai, everyone nodding in agreement. "It looks like those two babies are harder to handle. Your faces look... pretty awful."

"No doubt about that," Sehun shook his head and waved his hand.

And so, Sehun and Luhan spent the rest of the day sleeping together in their shared room after they had locked the door so no one would bother them, while the rest of the boys ran here and there to get everything they could think of to make the babies stop crying.

It was three in the morning when Baekhyun and Chen finally shouted and shed tears in joy and victory. The others were there too, but they were deeply asleep, scattered here and there around the lab. So the two young scientists woke them all up by turning on the fire alarm, making the consciousness jumped back into their bodies almost immediately, causing them all to shoot up and run around the lab frantically to find the exit. The silent lab suddenly turned chaotic; the room turned red because of the emergency light, the alarm didn't stop screaming continuously, everyone shouted in unison and the babies were competing against the fire alarm to see who could scream louder.

"Yah! Calm down, there's no fire here!" Chen shouted at the top of his lungs.

"This is a bad idea," Baekhyun muttered as he ran around to gather the other males and stop them from panicking too much.

After everything and everyone had calmed down, the males and the babies sat down quietly in front of the awfully messed-up young assistants.

Still panting heavily, Baekhyun and Chen held out their hands towards the group and said, "Give us the babies."

Sehun, Luhan, and Kyungsoo quietly handed the babies and then sat back down with the others, questioning what the two were about to do with the babies.

Chen held Suho and Lay while Baekhyun placed Kris inside the machine and closed the door immediately.

"This," Baekhyun said, "has been modified, so we can see their ages after they change. We'll start it now."

The puppy flicked the switch on and said to the machine, "Turn him back into an adult," he paused and turned his head towards Luhan, "how old is he again?"

"Forty eight, this year forty nine," Luhan replied sleepily.

"Forty eight years old," Baekhyun said again to the machine.

As usual, the machine started and the baby was swallowed by thick white smoke. Everyone waited anxiously and impatiently, holding each other to calm themselves down. The smoke faded away slowly and they all gasped when a tall figure appeared inside the machine.

The door opened automatically and a tall, handsome black-haired man stepped out of it like a model. His face looked like a teenager, his hair was a little bit curly and slightly longer than before, but not too long; reaching his nape and covering his forehead, framing his face nicely. Tao was the only one who reacted to the sight; giggling and clapping his hands happily like a teenage girl, loudly whispering, "So handsome, gege!"

"Hi," Kris greeted casually with his usual husky voice.

It was silent for awhile until the males screamed in unison.


"He looks very young!"

"He's ! Quick, shield your eyes!"

"No, cover him, give him something to cover that- ugh."

Baekhyun quickly turned towards the machine and asked, "How old is he now?"

The machine flatly replied, "Nineteen years old, soon to be twenty years old."

"He's the same age as me!!" Luhan screamed in horror.

"What? That's impossible, Lulu," Kris crinkled his eyebrows, "you still look young though."

"Ugh, didn't you hear the machine? You are nineteen now," Luhan groaned and buried his face on his palms. He didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Baekhyun frowned at the machine. "But I said forty eight, not nineteen!"

The machine didn't budge.

Kris approached a mirror attached to the wall and checked out his own reflection. "I look handsome. This is my hairstyle when I was younger, but it was blonde though. Guess I'll have to cut it just a little bit and style it up. It's okay, I'll stay like this."

"Yah, don't walk around like that," Sehun said, shielding his eyes with his hand and throwing a blanket towards the young king with the other hand. Kris picked the blanket from the floor and wrapped it around his waist, and then casually sat down and joined the others sitting there.

"Dad, get in there again," Luhan pointed at the machine, "you can't be the same age as me."

"No, baby, I'll stay like this. I can live longer and we can communicate better because we have no ," Kris winked, making his son gasp for air and fan himself with his hand.

Sehun leaned closer and whispered to Luhan, "It's okay, at least he's not a loud baby anymore." Really, it helped the deer a lot and made him feel much better.

"Okay then, just let him be. Let's try with Lay hyung now," Chen said.

They repeated the same procedure all over again, but this time they asked for a twenty-five-year-old unicorn. It was another same mistake; another teenager came out of the machine.

"Eighteen years old, soon to be nineteen years old."

"He's even younger than us," Xiumin said to Luhan, his bun-like face looking amazed and confused at the same time.

As soon as Lay saw how exposed his body was, he gasped and covered his manliness with his hands immediately. Baekhyun gave him a lab coat and asked him to sit down with the others and hear his explanation later.

The last turn was baby Suho's. The machine also worked the same way; it gave them an eighteen-year-old boy instead of a forty-seven-year-old man like they had asked for. Suho sat next to Sehun and they stared at each other in awkward silence.

"So," Baekhyun clasped his hands, "this is all we can do."

Everyone responded with noisy comments and protests, most of them were about how incompetent those two boys were. Kris wasn't part of them though; he was busy fixing his hair in a manly way with a certain panda boy scooting closer to him and staring at him admiringly. Suho and Sehun were still staring at each other, until Lay poked Suho's cheek and the young king shifted his attention completely to the shy young unicorn boy. They were the same age then.

"Please calm down, everybody," Chen said a little bit loudly and the noises died down gradually. "Thank you."

And then Baekhyun said, "We don't understand why this machine acted the way it wanted and didn't follow our order instead. Maybe because it uses the power from the Heart and we still don't understand its power completely. So..."

"You want us to just accept this," Lay cut sharply, making his two assistants flinch and then bow their heads sadly in guilt. Suho whispered something to him, and then the young professor answered him with a firm nod. "I guess maybe later Suho hyung and I will be able to do so, but you can't do this again to anyone else."

Baekhyun and Chen's eyes widened and their lips formed small circles in surprise, while the other boys looked at Suho and Lay in disbelief.

"...Really? You forgive us?" Baekhyun asked carefully with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"We have no choice," the teenage Suho shrugged nonchalantly, "if it's about the Heart we can't expect that much. It's not totally your fault anyways, and I guess being young again has lots of advantages. We'll just have to explain this to our people."

Sehun frowned and crossed his arms. "They wouldn't like being led by a teenager."

"Trust me, I'm still a wise and competent king," Suho winked and smiled cutely and Sehun wasn't really sure how to react. "Don't worry, Sehun-ah, you'll still have your throne."

"That's not what I meant."

"I understand your feelings completely."

"You're an annoying brat."

Suho and everyone else there widened their eyes to the maximum size at the maknae. "Yah, that's really rude I'm still your father! I'm even a year older than you!"

"Sorry, dad, my mouth moved by itself," Sehun shrugged and stuck out his tongue at the older.

Suho narrowed his eyes at the maknae like an unstable teenager trying to hold back his emotion. "Just call me hyung from now on."

"Wow, he's really unstable," Kai clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Come to think of it, he impregnated other woman beside his wife when he was younger. We have to keep an eye on him from now on."

"Yah, I wasn't that bad, I was an okay guy! It was the first time I got drunk and I didn't mean to do it! Yah listen to me I'm your king!"

Everyone ignored the boy's babble and mockingly imitated his words instead. They all had the same thought; an angry young Suho was the cutest.

In the end Baekhyun and Chen got what they wanted; they won the first place in the competition for turning the king into a cute and good-looking teenage boy.

A/N: hi was it good? I hope it was okay ^^ the next chapter will be the last chapter about Baekhyun and Chen's experiments, because they'll go to Earth xD the next chapters after will be much different with these first ones though. Please look forward to it ^^

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!