First Day in China (part 2)

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

That morning Luhan's eyes were greeted by a pretty face staring down at him as soon as they cracked open. He shielded his eyes with his hand immediately to protect them from the bright shine emitted by her broad grin, which to him was brighter than the sunlight coming in through the wide glass door to the balcony. Her soft beautiful voice broke the comfortable silence around them as she waved a hand and cheerfully greeted the awaken deer.

"Good morning, Luhan! Still remember me?"

Luhan closed his eyes again for a few seconds and opened them again, his lips forming a small smile that he was clearly trying to hide.

"No, I don't remember you," he replied in his morning husky voice.

"Hey, lying is not good, you know," Li Yin frowned, shaking Luhan's body a little bit. "You can't forget me that easily in one night, except if your amnesia has gotten much worse."

Luhan chuckled and brought his hand up to rub the sleep off his eyes.

"I thought your hair was black. What did you do to it?"

"I got it dyed all this morning! Does it look nice?" Li Yin tilted her head, letting her wavy brown hair fall off her shoulders. "You really are a sleepy head. I've gone everywhere this morning while you were still on the bed. You should get up now."

Luhan grinned and pulled the sheets covering his face. "Are you my mother? I'll ask for five more minutes then."

"No, it's 10.30 already! You've already had enough. You really slept well, didn't you?" Li Yin giggled as she yanked the sheets off Luhan's body.

"Hey, you shouldn't do that to a just-woken-up guy in the morning," Luhan laughed lightly and pulled the sheets back up covering his body. "You might see what you don't want to see."

"What do you mean?" The girl crinkled her eyebrows. As the reply, Luhan only slid out off the bed and walked straight to the bathroom, chuckling and mumbling incoherent words to himself. He had found it kind of fun teasing the other.

"Hey Li Yin, you've showered already, haven't you?" Luhan asked out loud from the bathroom.

Li Yin cocked her head to the side and answered, "Yeah, few hours ago. What about it?"

"Nothing. I'll probably take some time in here, so..."

"Okay I got it. Oh, I've bought you some new clothes while you were still sleeping, by the way," Li Yin said as she grabbed some plastic bags in the corner of the room.

The door to the bathroom opened again and came out the deer's head, poking out to see the other. "Really? Can I see them?"

Li Yin spilled all the contents of the plastic bags on the bed and started to sort them out, choosing what Luhan should wear that morning. "You said you'd take some time in there. Take your time then, and then you can try them on."

When Li Yin heard the door closed again, she thought Luhan would quickly finish his morning business and clean himself so he could see his new clothes, but what really happened was the door opened again almost immediately and came out a deer with messy bed hair, having only a towel wrapped around his waist. He casually walked back to the bed and sat on the edge while the other looked at him with abnormally large eyes.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?? Get back in!" Li Yin quickly shielded her eyes with her hand, another one pointing at the bathroom.

"I want to see them," Luhan grinned innocently, "but I already had my clothes off so I just grabbed a towel."

"But you're exposed in front of a girl! Where's your shame, Luhan? Is it gone along with your memories? Gosh," Li Yin said behind her hand in disbelief.

Luhan couldn't get it though; he furrowed his eyebrows and stared down at his body. "But I have a towel covering me. Moreover, you changed my clothes last night, didn't you? You've seen my body, so why should be embarrassed? Now show me the clothes."

Li Yin moved her hand down slowly and glanced at the boy, highly cautious and aware. This boy...

She pointed at the pile of clothes in the middle of the bed. "There, they're all yours now. I only had one and a half hours to buy them, so hopefully you're okay with them all."

Luhan leaned and reached out an arm to grab a random piece from the pile. As he did so, Li Yin scolded herself for stealing a glance at the flawless milky white skin of his toned tummy and chest. She looked away and puffed her cheeks.

'Oh weird, it suddenly gets really hot in this room. I should consider getting someone to come and fix the air conditioner soon.'

Luhan eyed the black t-shirt in his hands and gave it a nod of approval. The next pieces of clothing he grabbed were an expensive-looking black leather jacket, a hoodie, some jeans, shorts, more t-shirts from sleeveless ones to long sleeve ones, socks, even some snapbacks and a pair of white sneakers, some dress shirts in cute colors (he found a short sleeve pink one and he kind of liked it), and last but not least... Boxers and wifebeaters. He took the longest to inspect the boxers, making it more awkward for Li Yin if that was even possible.

"I guess you really are my mom," Luhan chuckled with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "I'm thankful yet so embarrassed right now."

"So you can feel embarrassed too? Look at you, wearing only towel, sitting on a bed in front of a girl with a pair of boxers in your hands and a snapback on your head. There should be a big mirror in front of you now," Li Yin lectured the other, half- pouting, half-laughing.

Luhan laughed and stood up to return to the bathroom, but before that he bowed politely and ruffled the other's hair. "Thank you so much, Li Yin. I owe you a lot. But please don't think that I'll use you from now on, okay? You don't have to buy me more things, I already have more than enough now."

"Are you sure? I was planning to buy you some food. Don't you want to eat?" Li Yin teased the other, laughing when she got a doubtful look from the deer. "I'm just kidding, I've already bought you some food too since breakfast time is over now. Now go and clean yourself."

"Okay," Luhan grinned at the other before making his way to the bathroom. But this just had to happen; Luhan's towel slipped off his slim waist on the way, giving the poor girl a quick booty flash and a mini heart attack. Luhan quickly pulled his towel back up but it was just too late; Li Yin was already screaming like those women in horror movies.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll shower now!" The deer boy quickly entered the bathroom and shut the door.

Li Yin stood up and started to pace back and forth while trying to as much oxygen as she could into her lungs.

'I've seen enough of him, enough! I don't need to see anything left on him that I haven't seen. Ohh my eyes, my innocent eyes.'

As if it wasn't enough, Luhan called out again, "Hey Li Yin?"

Li Yin sat down on the bed, put her hand on her chest and heaved a long heavy breath. I've already had too much in one morning. "What is it, Luhan?"

"...Like what you saw?" Li Yin swore she could hear his grin in his soft voice. The image of the booty popped out in her head again involuntarily because of the question, and for a second she actually thought if she liked it or not. She groaned quietly and sank her reddening face on her hands.

"Shut up and finish your business in there, Luhan."

After a short while she could hear the sound of flowing water and she could finally sigh in relief. Unfortunately it was a little bit too soon for her to do so, because suddenly she heard Luhan's not-so-manly scream echoing inside the bathroom and the sound of falling water stopped abruptly. She quickly scrambled to the bathroom and knocked the door repeatedly in alarm.

"Luhan, are you okay in there?? Luhan!"

She got nothing in response and was about to barge in absent-mindedly when suddenly the door opened and came out none other than a half-wet happy Sehun.

"Sehun? What were you doing in there?" Li Yin crouched down and grabbed the dog's head. She had forgotten that there should have been a dog inside her room.

Sehun let his pink tongue fell out of his mouth and his round eyes closed into happy crescents, panting slightly out of excitement. Instead of considering it cute somehow Li Yin found his naughty "smile" a little bit insulting, as if saying, 'I have seen more than what you've seen.'

Li Yin frowned to herself. What had gotten into her? A dog couldn't be a ert. Well maybe he could, if he was in heat, but it didn't seem like it.

And so, while she waited for Luhan, she killed the time by drying Sehun's wet fur with her hairdryer that she had brought from home. The previous messy man that had brought Sehun to her room the night before had been right; the dog had a lot of energy he wouldn't stop spinning around. But all her efforts didn't come to waste; the fluffy Sehun was then much fluffier. She even added some baby powder on him to keep him smell nice. The dog rewarded her with a on the face, making her giggle at the unfamiliar ticklish feeling.

Luhan came out of the bathroom smelling like a baby soap that Li Yin always used. He was wearing a sleeveless white t-shirt with a picture of a wolf's face and also a pair of army shorts, his head covered by the white towel. Li Yin wasn't used to the sight of a boy coming out of the bathroom after shower like that though, so she only stared at him, secretly admiring how manly he looked like that. The clothes he was wearing made his biceps and toned legs a free sight that was pretty pleasant to stare at. But then again Li Yin shook her head and mentally scolded herself.

'I've turned into a ert in just one night.'

"What are we doing today, Li Yin?" Luhan asked conversationally as he plopped down on the couch and started to dig on his food that the other had prepared for him.

"We'll go to the beach," the girl smiled, "I think it'll be fun to play with you and Sehun at the beach."

Luhan perked up at the idea. "That sounds fun! Actually I don't know how beach looks like, since I woke up here. I can't wait to see it."

Li Yin eyed Luhan silently as the deer happily ate his food. "Luhan, do you want to see your ship?"

Luhan stopped munching abruptly and froze in his position. "My... Ship?"

"Yeah. We need to be careful though. It fell on a deserted area, but if someone sees us go there, they may find your ship and make a big deal out of it," Li Yin said, face turning serious.

Luhan lowered his gaze and munched his food again slowly. "They will find it soon or later, though," he mumbled with full mouth. "What would they do to me if they found it?"

Sehun the dog noticed the change of the deer's face and it made his happy face turn into a confused one. He nudged Luhan's knee with his nose and cocked his head to the side. Not understanding his gesture, Luhan took a piece of his roasted pork and brought it to the dog's mouth. Although confused, Sehun took it into his mouth and kept staring at his so-called master's face while chewing the meat.

"They won't harm you, I promise," Li Yin said wholeheartedly, "you're with me now so they won't be able to find out that the ship belongs to you. You just have to stay with me and never go back to your ship alone or with Sehun only."

Luhan gulped down his food and forced a smile at the other. "Thank you, Li Yin. Again I've caused you a lot of trouble. You're basically helping a stranger and... And I don't know how to repay you, you're just too nice to me you might get yourself in trouble because of me-"

"Shhh, eat your food," Li Yin cut Luhan's words and gave him a calming smile. "Don't bother thinking about it. Finish your food and we'll play at the beach. If you want to see your ship we can go at midnight when the beach is empty. I can't stay too long at the beach until afternoon though, because my friend is coming today. I'll introduce you to her."

"Are you going to tell her where I came from?" Luhan asked, almost like a squeak, his doe eyes looked somewhat scared.

"I won't if you don't want me to." The two exchanged meaningful gazes and genuinely smiled at each other.

Luhan finished his breakfast quickly and checked himself out on the mirror. Sehun watched him with an amused look on his face, and then a brilliant idea popped out in his dog mind. He took a white snapback from the table using his teeth and gave it to the boy.

"Wow, you have a good taste, Sehunnie! Thank you," Luhan took the hat and the dog's head.

"Your dog is really smart, isn't he?" Li Yin giggled, "I envy you a lot for having him. I wanted to have a dog but my mama wouldn't let me."

"Well he's now ours then," Luhan chuckled. He put on his new snapback and fixed his thick bangs covering his forehead, turning his head left and right to make sure he looked perfect already, and then spun around to give the other his brightest and cutest smile.

"You look like an eight-year-old," Li Yin commented and laughed, not able to hold her face-splitting grin. "Sehunnie, he's really cute, isn't he?"

The big Samoyed barked as a sign of approval, making Luhan's face turn pink just a little bit.

"No, no, no. I'm manly, not cute," Luhan shook his head in disapproval and pouted when the other didn't buy his words. Even Sehun shook his head side to side to show that he disagreed; a while before the deer had screamed like a girl in the bathroom when Sehun had showed up from his hiding place under the countertop. Luhan even had sprayed him with water and had caused a little mess in the bathroom, although he hadn't meant to do it.

Luhan helped Sehun put on his own mini sneakers that Li Yin had bought for him, and then trailed the girl out of the room. Short after they found themselves already walking across the spacious lobby, with Li Yin smiling at all the staffs they met on the way. Most of them gave her meaningful smiles, knowing that the daughter of the hotel's owner was rarely spotted walking together with a boy. It made her blush just a little bit out of embarrassment, while Luhan was completely oblivious; he was just being the usual smiley bambi.

"Hey Li Yin, why is everyone smiling at you?" asked the deer.

"Oh? Uh, I'm not really sure. Maybe because they're happy?" Great, can't you find a lamer reason?

"Oh, okay," Luhan grinned. "I didn't know people could be this friendly when they're happy. And your house is really big, by the way."

Li Yin lessened her pace to look at the other's face in disbelief. "What? This is not my house, Luhan. It's a hotel." He doesn't even know that?

"What's a hotel?" Actually, even if he hadn't lost his memories, he would still have asked the same question, because back there in his kingdom they didn't have anything like that. The only hotel-like building was the huge mansion behind EXO-K's old castle, the one that had been used during the war; the place where the people could stay at if they really had to. It was too bad that Luhan couldn't remember that place.

"It's... Nevermind. I'll tell you next time." Li Yin gave the other her eye smile, yet also secretly thinking hard about the weird amnesia case of the boy. Come to think of it, how can he speak mandarin while he doesn't even know Earth and what a hotel is?

This time Li Yin stopped walking completely because of a figure she saw across the lobby. She turned her head slowly towards the taller boy and his dog, who stared back at her in bewilderment.

"Is there something wrong?" Luhan asked.

"My papa," Li Yin whispered and enlarged her eyes. "Oh my God. Of all chances why is he here now?? What if he sees you- Gosh. He'll probably kill you with a mountain of questions, or maybe make you cry like he did to one of my boy friends!"

The doe eyes widened and came the pleas, "Please save me, Li Yin. I don't know how questions can kill me but please help me, I don't want to die yet. Um, I don't feel like crying here too."

Li Yin stared into the doe eyes and the fear in them was apparent and real. He was actually scared like a deer seeing a hunter.

"Hai Lin, honey, is that you?" The father called out from afar. Li Yin slowly turned her back to her father and whispered to Luhan in a low voice, "Go and hide with Sehunnie. Now, move."

Luhan snapped his head side to side to find a hiding spot, and then grabbed Sehun and brought him towards a big pot to hide behind it. He crouched down and, of course, anyone could easily see him there. Li Yin facepalmed and randomly pointed at a small corridor, motioning him to go there. Luhan lifted Sehun in his arms and immediately ran to the pointed direction and entered a door, which turned out to be the female restroom. Li Yin smacked her forehead and shut her eyes, praying hard to the heavens for the restroom to be empty.

"Hai Lin?" The father's voice sounded closer, but still not too close yet. "Why did your friend run away? Who was that?"

'Nooo he has seen him already! Plan B, plan B!'

Hurriedly Li Yin ran after Luhan and entered the restroom, not forgetting to lock the door. She dragged Luhan into one of the stall and also locked the door, failing to notice the terrified look on the other's face. She put her finger on her lips and shushed the boy, telling him to stay quiet.

"What... What are you g-going to do to m-me?" Luhan squeaked and stuttered, his back pressed on the wall. He felt even more scared that Sehun wasn't with him; the dog was waiting outside the stall. "D-Did your papa ask you to k-kill me?"

Li Yin froze and widened her eyes, surprised by the other's reaction. Her gaze then softened as she carefully took Luhan's hand and pulled him closer.

"Why are you scared, Luhan? Hey, I told you, you're safe with me," Li Yin said with an irritated tone in her soft voice, which wasn't left unnoticed by the other.

"I don't know," Luhan bowed his head, "I'm sorry."

Li Yin sighed and massaged her temple, put her hand on her waist and pursed her lips, and then enlarged her eyes and snapped her fingers as a light bulb popped out in her head.

"Look, Luhan," she whispered, making the other raise his head to look at her, "in order to escape my papa we have no choice but to answer his questions. He's pretty nosy about boys who hang around with me and he can be too protective. I can't possibly tell him the truth about you, so here's what we need to do."

Luhan leaned closer by instinct and sharpened his ears.

"So I guess I'll just tell him that you're my friend musician. It will lessen his questions because he's nicer with my friend musicians, since he's a musician too. Oh, one thing, did you hear what he called me?"

"Umm... I forgot, but it didn't sound like your name," Luhan answered carefully.

"Hai Lin. It's my real name, Xi Hai Lin," Li Yin slowly said.

"Hai Lin," Luhan repeated. It felt new to his tongue. "So you told me a fake name?"

Luhan's sad face made Li Yin feel like the evillest evil who had just killed an innocent puppy. She shook her head hard, waved her hands frantically and loudly whispered, "No! It's my other name that I told you. You see, some famous people have other names, or you can say 'stage names', so they don't go with their real names. My papa always calls me by my real name, while my mama likes to call me by my stage name. My close friends also address me by my real name, but they sometimes change it into Haylin. My stage name is Li Yin here and Lee Jin in Korea. Wait, you don't even know what Korea is, do you?"

"No," Luhan blinked and shook his head, "but you're famous? Who are you?"

"I'm a musician, to be specific I play the piano and sing too. Look, I'll explain more to you later but we have to go out now. Play along, okay?"

"Okay," Luhan nodded and pursed his lips. He had never felt that nervous ever since the first time he had woken up in Li Yin's room.

"Nice," Li Yin smiled in satisfaction. "If he asks, let's just tell him we met here by accident because we're both on our break, okay?"

"Okay. But is it okay to lie to him?" Luhan asked doubtfully.

"Usually I don't do this, really. It's okay just this once. Now let's go out."

Li Yin unlocked the door and they walked out of the stall quietly. Sehun narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously, but then Luhan said, "Sehun, play dead."

The dog didn't budge and kept the same expression on his face. 'Why should I be dead after you two had a silent make out session inside a toilet stall?'

"Come on, baby. Play dead," Luhan jutted out his bottom lip slightly, bribing the dog with his cuteness. Sehun grunted under his breath before lying down on the restroom floor with his eyes closed. Luhan's sad face turned happy as he picked the dog up in his arms.

"Thank you, baby," Luhan pecked Sehun's head, giving the big white dog a weird feeling inside him that he had never felt before.

As soon as Li Yin unlocked the restroom door, a tall charismatic-looking middle-aged man barged in noisily, looking like he had just entered a crime scene which was the restroom in his wife's hotel.

"What happened here? Why did you lock the door, Hai Lin?" Mr. Xi asked in panic. And then his eyes fell on Luhan and the weak-looking dog in his arms.

"Why are you inside the female restroom, young man?" The man furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ah, I..." Luhan gulped and stole a glance at Li Yin. "Something wrong happened to my dog and I entered the wrong restroom because I was in panic."

"How can you bring your dog inside? Animals aren't allowed here," Mr. Xi said again, his face didn't look too happy. He was actually not that kind of man, really; he only acted like that towards unknown boys who hung around with his daughter. Once he had gotten close to someone, he would turn into a warm and funny man.

"Papa, he's my friend," Li Yin cut, "I asked the guys outside to let this dog in. He was injured." So far it's all the truth.

"Your friend?" Mr. Xi squinted at Luhan, making the poor boy fidgeted a little bit in discomfort. "How did you find him?"

"He's a musician too," Li Yin said, glancing at Luhan. "He plays piano too and he can sing. His voice is really soft and beautiful." Well that first part was a lie, but the nice voice part was true. She had heard Luhan hum random notes in the bathroom earlier and his soft soothing voice was really pleasant to hear. Luhan was surprised to hear the compliment though; he averted his gaze and smiled shyly to himself.

"Really?" Mr. Xi raised his eyebrows, his lips forming an amused smile. "Boys with soft voice must have soft demeanors too! I guess it's apparent on your face. So you're a musician too? How well do you know my daughter? What's your name again?"

That was pretty quick. "Thank you, Sir," Luhan bowed politely. "My name is Wu Luhan. I've known Hai Lin for quite awhile. I think she's a great musician, I saw her music sheets and I have to admit that she is a great song writer too."

Li Yin widened her eyes and parted her lips slightly. 'He saw my music sheets?? For real? Gosh, I left them on the desk this morning! Wait, did he wake up earlier than I thought?'

"Yes, my daughter really is a great musician! She's preparing herself for another concert during her break now. Oh, did you two plan to meet here?" Mr. Xi widened his eyes in realization, yet didn't seem too upset about that.

"No, Sir. We met the beach last night by accident," Luhan smiled politely. Li Yin had to mentally praise him for that, for he was trying his best not to lie to the older man. "Hai Lin found my dog and I injured there so she helped us, and I'm really thankful for that. Your daughter is a really nice person, Sir. I'm sure it's because she comes from a nice family too."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xi laughed and patted Luhan's back like a proud father, while the daughter kept staring at the boy in awe. He sounded really honest and sincere in his every words, but what really amazed her was that the boy could get his confidence back that quickly.

"You're an interesting boy! I rarely find Hai Lin's other friends as polite as you. I bet your parents have taught you well to be this polite!"

It was true, since Luhan had been a real prince back then at home far, far away. Unfortunately he still couldn't remember anything about it, that was why he looked a little bit down because of the man's remark. Li Yin noticed it and furrowed her eyebrows slightly at her father.

"Papa, we have to go now. Luhan's dog needs some fresh air so we're going to the beach now, okay? Is there anything more that you need to say?" Li Yin asked sweetly.

"Oh! Is that so? I'm sorry for holding you two here," Mr. Xi apologized and immediately made way for the two. "Have fun at the beach!"

Luhan walked out first carrying Sehun in his arms while the girl trailed behind him, but suddenly Mr. Xi caught Li Yin's elbow and whispered, "I guess it's time for you to get a boyfriend. He seems nice."

Li Yin enlarged her eyes and gave her father a look that was a mixture of shocked, horror, disbelief, and maybe a little bit... Happy? Since when had her father paid attention to her love life?

Luhan noticed that the father and daughter were whispering something and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what they were arguing about, so he pretended to be oblivious and shifted his attention to the dog in his hold.

Sehun squirmed a little bit under Luhan's intense gaze. He opened an eye to peek at him, expecting the deer to tell him to stay still, but Luhan was only smiling at him. Sehun opened another eye and gave him a happy face, craning his neck a little bit to Luhan's jaw. Luhan giggled while the dog his own nose with his long tongue. Sehun's gaze turned more intense at the boy's face.

'I want him. He's mine. I have to mark him. No one can take him, he's mine.'

That was probably the first sign that he was about to be in heat for awhile.

Few moments later the three of them were already at the beach. They didn't talk about the previous conversation any further though. Although the beach wasn't the greatest place they could go to, and not at the best time of the year, they were having a great time together. Li Yin had visited the beach countless times, but with Luhan and Sehun there, it felt like a whole new experience. She enjoyed laughing and watching as Sehun chased Luhan around and tackled him down onto the sand, every parts of him that he could . The dog looked as if he was eager to eat up the giggling deer. Li Yin noticed that it seemed like Sehun's injured leg had recovered really quickly. The three of them played and splashed around in the shallow water, took some pictures and strolled around together until the sun was high enough to send them away from the beach. Li Yin brought the other two to a seafood restaurant, since the seafood there was really good, but again they had to bring all the food to their hotel room because they couldn't bring Sehun into the restaurant.

After lunch they took turn to clean themselves again and waited for Li Yin's friend to come. Luhan sat on the couch, squirming restlessly as he kept on scratching his arms and other parts of his body. Li Yin eyed him quietly, furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side, confused and worried because the scratching was getting a bit too intense.

"Luhan, is there something wrong?" She asked.

Luhan stopped scratching himself to look at the other with a very uncomfortable look on his face.

"My body is really itchy," he whined and scratched his arm again.

Sehun and Li Yin looked at each other worriedly before approaching the deer boy, who was then lying on the couch with half-lidded eyes. Just after Li Yin had sat down beside Luhan did she notice that his face was red, as well as the skin of his arms.

"Oh my God, Luhan, what's wrong with you??" Li Yin lifted the other's sleeve and touched his flushed skin. She held the hem of his shirt to lift it and see if his body was okay, but stopped abruptly when she realized it would be rather inappropriate to do that. She panicked quietly and bit her lip, and then froze and widened her eyes when she realized something.

She asked warily, "Luhan, are you allergic to seafood?"

"I don't know," Luhan answered weakly, "please help me I'm dying here."

Li Yin fleed to the bathroom to get changed immediately, while Sehun tried to comfort his master by his hand.

Luhan hadn't expected the other to drag him out of the hotel and shove him into a car that brought him to a hospital, but that was what actually happened, although he had insisted that he hadn't been asking for that and seeing a doctor wasn't necessary at all. Unfortunately Li Yin was panicking a bit too much to even listen to him. She even looked somewhat scared it made Luhan think maybe he was actually going to die; but really, he was only itching like hell and his tummy didn't feel that good too, but nothing more than that.

About two hours later they found themselves in the hotel room again, three of them sitting on the bed together, quietly recalling what had happened in the last two hours.

"Pfftt..." Luhan bowed his head and snickered quietly. He was feeling much better then, after getting some antihistamines from the doctor.

"What's so funny?" Li Yin furrowed her eyebrows, while Sehun cocked his head to the side, giving his master a confused look.

"Nothing. Just..." Luhan grinned to himself, "you were that worried."

"Of course I was. I wouldn't have known what to do if you have died here," Li Yin crossed her arms and pouted. "I'm not buying you seafood again."

Luhan sighed dejectedly and shrugged. "Okay. It was tasty though." And then he gave the other a cute smile. "Thank you for taking care of me, Li Yin."

Li Yin chuckled and returned the smile. "Sure, Luhan."

After a moment they were getting bored because of not having anything to do, so Luhan's naughty mind decided to do something to tease the girl.

Li Yin was sitting on the bed, leaning on the headboard while scribbling on a blank music sheet. She was listening something on her iPod. Whilst trying not to crack an evil grin, Luhan dragged himself on the bed towards the other and lied down next to her. He propped his head up on his hand and glanced up at Li Yin's face, but the girl was too preoccupied with the music flowing inside her head.

Luhan sat back up and slowly leaned closer, almost a little bit too close. This time Li Yin caught his move but tried hard to ignore the boy. But, in result, her hand froze and the music bars inside her head scattered everywhere, causing her to stop scribbling on the paper. Luhan noticed it and secretly smiled in victory. He unplugged one of the earphones from the other's ear and replaced the music with his soft whisper.

"Hai Lin~" he breathed into the shell of the other's ear.

Li Yin had never imagined how Luhan's soft voice whispering her real name could affect her that much; making her shiver visibly, causing all the hair on her body to stand, getting her heart to beat a little bit faster.

'I really shouldn't have told him my real name.'

"Luhan, what are you doing?" She frowned, not daring to move more than a slight turn of her head towards the deer boy.

"Teasing you," he smiled and winked, attempting to look y yet still came out cute. He snatched the paper and pencil away from Li Yin's hands and put them on the bedside table on his side. To the girl's surprise, Luhan got up and straddled her legs, hands on both sides of her body. He slowly crawled closer, forcing Li Yin to slide down to a lying position beneath him on the bed. His facial expression remained the same, dark and unreadable, sending shivers down the girl's spine.

"Luhan, it's not funny," Li Yin put her hands on Luhan's shoulders and slightly pushed him away. Her heart had already started to thump madly against her ribcage.

"Of course it's not. But, can't we get a little bit close like this?" Luhan tilted his head and jutted out his bottom lip, ever so slightly, his doe eyes blinking innocently. "We even slept on the same bed."

"Yeah but there was Sehunnie too, so we were not that close."

Luhan ignored the other's mewl and kept inching closer until he was ghosting above her, using his both hands as support for his weight. He slowly and carefully leaned down, bringing their faces dangerously close. Sehun the dog was watching in the corner, mentally arguing with himself about whether he should jump onto the bed and bite Luhan on the or just keep silent there and accept the harsh fate that his target was trying to mate with someone else.

Luhan his lips and tilted his head a little bit, while Li Yin shut her eyes tightly as she could feel Luhan's warm breath on her face. She felt like her poor heart was about to explode any second, if Luhan made any more small move closer.

Luhan touched the other's hair softly and teasingly twirled some strands of it with his finger as he sweetly whispered, "Hai Lin, I know you've done a lot to help me, but please let me ask you one more favor. Just one more thing for me. Will you give it to me?"

Li Yin opened her eyes slowly and stuttered, "G-Give you what? W-What do you want f-from me?"

Luhan brought his mouth to Li Yin's ear, breathed into it and sensually whispered, "I... I want more... Please give me more of your..." Suddenly the pissed off Sehun barked once and growled, right at the same time as when Luhan finished his sentence.

"...aunt's baozi."

Li Yin shrieked out of annoyance and pushed Luhan away, while the deer proceeded to roll on the bed laughing his off.

"Look at your face!" Luhan cackled madly, pointing at the other's tomato face.

"Ugh- LUHAN!!" Li Yin grabbed a pillow and hit Luhan's furiously, ignoring his beg for mercy. She dropped her down on the bed and turned her back to the other to hide the mad blush on her face.

"You're so annoying, Luhan. How naughty. Why did you have to do that? Stop teasing me," Li Yin mumbled in a childish manner.

Luhan, still not able to stop laughing, crawled to her and tilted his head to see her face.

"I'm sorry," he said between his giggles.

"No you're not."

"Oh? I guess you're right."

Luhan lied down facing the other, bottom lip jutted out slightly and doe eyes blinking innocently. Li Yin rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue.

"Right. So you know you're cute."

The girl crawled off the bed while the boy sat up and eyed her curiously. Li Yin grabbed a square bag behind the desk and pulled out something square that made Luhan even more curious. She sat back down on the bed and made the other surprised when she opened the square thing and turned it on.

"Wow! What is this, Li Yin?" Luhan widened his eyes and stared at the screen closely as if it was a magic thing fallen from the sky, just like himself.

Li Yin smiled, noticing that the other had stopped calling her by her real name. "This is called a laptop. You should just learn how to use this if you're bored."

"Use this? What is this for? How do I use it? What are these buttons? Do you use it like playing the piano?" Luhan didn't stop asking. Seeing how the boy was acting, Sehun jumped onto the bed and sat next to him. The dog threateningly squinted at the laptop, thinking that it was another weird creature that Luhan could mate with, because the deer seemed really excited just with it placed in front of him he might start rubbing himself on it any second.

The screen showed the desktop with a picture of a boy and a girl as the background. Li Yin was about to click an icon when Luhan stopped her so he could examine the background picture. The girl in the picture was sitting behind a grand piano that was placed next to a tall, big window, looking really consumed by whatever music she was playing; while the tall teenage boy was standing next to the piano, leaning on it while staring out through the window. The picture looked really calming because of the warm shade of the white room that was illuminated by the sunlight coming through the window. There weren't that many icons on the desktop, so the picture was clear. Li Yin glanced at Luhan and she could tell that the boy was captivated by the picture.

"This picture is pretty," Luhan commented in awe. "Who are they, Li Yin?"

"My brother and I," Li Yin chuckled. "It was a photoshoot. I think it's a little bit awkward, putting my own picture here, but my brother changed the background and told me not to change it again at least until I come back to him."

"It's you?" Luhan widened his eyes. "So different! Your hair color here is also different. You change your hair color a lot, don't you? Oh look, your brother looks a little bit different. Why are you not as cute as him? Are you sure you're his blood relative? You didn't get a fair share of the perfect genes, did you? What's his name?"

Li Yin pursed her lips and inhaled deeply, feeling like laughing but also eager to stuff the deer's mouth with a pillow. This boy is getting on my nerves. "Shut up, Luhan. Are you done judging it? I'll open the browser now. His name is Ziyu, by the way."

"What is browser? Like brows in 'eyebrows'?"

Li Yin glanced at the other and blinked at his clueless face. She ruffled his hair and pinched his cheek, catching him off guard and making him turn faint pink.

"Just watch how I use this. This, Luhan, is the internet. You can find anything here. You see, you can type what you want to look for here," Li Yin said as she typed a certain website's name and opened it. "Now, this is a video site, you can watch videos here. What do you want to watch, Luhan?"

"Really?" Luhan's doe eyes sparkled in amazement. "I can watch anything here?"

"Well not exactly anything. You can't watch here," Li Yin laughed, making the blush on the other's face turn a faint shade of red.

"I'm not interested in that stuff anyways," Luhan mumbled, awkwardly drawing imaginary circles on the bed with his index finger.

"You don't know what a hotel is but you understand what is," Li Yin concluded with a teasing smile.

Luhan looked away and sank his face on Sehun's thick fur. "I don't know how I knew it, let's not talk about it. It's embarrassing."

This shall be revenge. "You probably forgot that you used to watch everyday. That's why it's stuck in your mind that it didn't even get lost after you've lost your memories."

"No I didn't," Luhan whined against Sehun's fur, "I don't see any reasons why the past me should consume something like that."

"Because you've got too many share of cuteness from your parents' genes that you look too cute to be a girl's boyfriend so you were desperate about not having a woman, that was how your mind became wild."

Luhan lifted his head and opened his mouth but not able to counter the insult, so he laughed and covered his face with his hand out of embarrassment. "I shall retaliate later."

"Good boy."

Just after Luhan heard music coming from the laptop did he uncover his face to see the screen again. It was a video of a boy group consisting of five members. Luhan's attention was instantly captured by the catchy beat.

"Li Yin, who are they?" He asked.

"They're called TVXQ," Li Yin beamed. "They're cool, aren't they? This song is called Mirotic. But they're Korean, you probably don't understand the language, do you?"

"Mirotic?" Luhan mumbled absentmindedly as he watched the boy group and listened closely to the lyrics.

"I understand their words," he said, looking as surprised as the other.

Li Yin gasped and stared at Luhan with wide eyes. "Seriously? You know what they're saying??"

"Yes," he furrowed his eyebrows, "I understand the words, yet I don't get some parts though. That last line, it's in different language, isn't it?"

"It's in english. That 'I got you under my skin' part caused some controversy because some people assumed it had a ual meaning, so that line was changed into something a little bit lame. I think they exaggerated it too much though. It's just an idiom," Li Yin frowned. They sat there and watched the video in silence, sunk in their own thoughts about the song. Luhan secretly thought they were really cool though. The song was really catchy too. It made him wonder, could he dance too?

The song ended and the deer bounced on his excitedly. "Watch more! Watch more!"

Li Yin giggled and shook her head, smiling understandingly. "What do you two want to watch now?"

Sehun reached out his paw and pointed at one of the thumbnails. It was a video of a girl group.

"This doggy want to watch some girls," Li Yin laughed lightly as she clicked the video. "Be careful, Luhan. He might catch a girl sooner than you."

"Nope. I'm pretty confident with myself," Luhan smiled smugly and winked, running his fingers through his hair and seductively biting his bottom lip. His smile turned into a shy laugh when he got only blank faces from the other two. "Yeah, or maybe not."

Li Yin laughed and Sehun made a happy face. "Your chance is pretty big, really."

The video started and they focused on the screen. Luhan could see a bunch of girls standing on a display window of a shop, acting like some mannequins.

"Who are they, Li Yin?" He asked again.

"They're called SNSD, or Girls' Generation," Li Yin explained, "and this song is called 'Gee'. It's still pretty new, launched two months ago. I think it's pretty cute. It's really popular though!"

Luhan nodded and watched quietly with sparkling wide eyes. The song hadn't finished yet but it was already stuck in his head. Li Yin sang along while Sehun the dog started to wiggle cutely to the beat of the song. Li Yin and Luhan noticed it and laughed at him, but then the three of them ended up wiggling together.

"It seems like Sehunnie loves dancing," Li Yin laughed and clapped her hands after the song had ended.

"Yeah, dancer doggy," Luhan chuckled and rubbed Sehun's neck, causing the dog's tongue to roll out his mouth and his eyes turn into happy crescents.

And then Li Yin said again, "But hey, Luhan, you understand korean and mandarin but you don't understand english. I doubt that you're a real alien. Maybe you're just a genius chinese-korean who was too innovative, creating a spaceship to travel from Korea to China."

Luhan tilted his head, pursed his lips and blinked several times as he digested the other's new theory in his mind. "Maybe, but that sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it? And I guess I don't have a look of a genius."

Li Yin gave a firm nod as a sign of approval. "You're right."

"Hey, I thought you'd say I do look genius!" Luhan laughed, surprised and embarrassed by the other's unexpected reaction. "So I look like a dummy then?"

Li Yin laughed and shook her head. "No, you look neither smart nor dumb. You just look cute, that's all."

Both Li Yin and Sehun gave Luhan a big smile, making him bow his head and smile shyly. "I'm not cute. I think I'm manly."

Luhan chuckled awkwardly and squirmed uncomfortably under Li Yin's warm gaze.'Why is she smiling like that?'

"Hey Luhan, are you interested in singing and dancing like them? You have the face and the voice if you want to be like them," Li Yin grinned.

"You mean like those girls?"

"Well not only them, not that specific. Although you look pretty suitable, of course you wouldn't want to join a girl group, would you?" Li Yin teasingly smiled, causing the other to smile shyly again. "I mean, are you interested to be an idol? A singer, maybe?"

"I don't know. They look pretty cool though," Luhan shrugged. "But hey, I didn't even know that I could sing. I could read your music sheets too, that was pretty surprising."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows. "So you actually read my music sheets? We should test you later then! Maybe you have that talent in you but you don't remember it. But, for now," she clasped her hands and smiled, "what do you want to watch next?"

Before Luhan could say anything as the answer, came the sound of the doorbell, sign that they had a guest waiting outside. Li Yin crawled off the bed and fast-walked to the door. After she had seen who it was through the peephole, she beamed and swung the door open immediately.

"Ayyy Haylin baby!!"


A tall black-haired girl threw herself into Li Yin's arms and gave her a big hug. They laughed and wobbled around the room, scattering some shopping bags here and there that unintentionally slipped out of the new girl's hands. They only stopped when they heard a small mewl that didn't come from any of the two of them.

They turned their heads towards the bed and found Sehun holding Luhan still on the bed with his big and heavy body, grinding on him with an innocent look on his face. The shocked and embarrassed Luhan was trying to push him away, but the dog kept on climbing him again.

"...Now, what have you gotten while I was away, babe?"

Quickly Li Yin scrambled to the bed and yanked Sehun away from the madly blushing Luhan. Li Yin booped Sehun's head lightly and scolded him, "Bad dog, what did you think you were doing to your master? You can't mate with him! Now what has gotten into you? Just now you were really calm and sweet."

Sehun growled under his breath and squinted at the girl. 'And what has gotten into you? I was only expressing my love and I knew he actually liked it and you ruined it. Ya you saved me but don't expect me to give him up to you that easily.' Honestly the dog himself didn't know why he turned aggressive all of a sudden; he had acted by intinct since he had considered it a chance to do so.

Luhan sat up and smoothed his crumpled clothes, trying his best to avoid eye contact with Li Yin's friend, who was obviously inspecting every details on him.

Unexpectedly, the short-haired girl held out her hand towards him and casually said, "Hello, I'm Chen Lin. Sometimes Li Yin calls me Chen though."

Luhan took the hand shyly and looked up to smile at the other. Manly nickname for a manly girl. "Hi, I'm Luhan."

"Nice name," the girl smirked. "You're such an eye candy."

Luhan laughed shyly and rubbed his nape. "Thank you. Sorry about the inappropriate scene you've just witnessed."

The tall well-shaped girl glanced at her best friend, who was having an intense staring contest with the dog, and then chuckled and nodded understandingly.

"Say, Luhan, do you play soccer?"

The questions got both Luhan and Li Yin taken aback for different reasons.

Li Yin shifted her attention from Sehun to her best friend. "Hey Chen Lin, are you only asking him casually? Or is it for something else?"

"Nope. I'm considering to use him. Look at his legs. He looks pretty suitable," Chen Lin winked, making Luhan even more puzzled. "So, can you?"

"I, umm... I'm not really sure about that," Luhan said sheepishly.

"Really? That's impossible. Then how did you get all those muscles? However we'll know better if we can see you play. Do you live around here?" Chen Lin asked again.

"Uh... No?"

"Then?" She raised an eyebrow, getting only a doubtful look from the boy.

To Luhan's relief, Li Yin saved him by immediately cutting their awkward conversation. "I'm planning to take him home to Beijing. He's with me now."

Chen Lin gasped and covered . "He's your boyfriend?? I can't believe it-"

"No!" Li Yin cut, her face turned flushed red. She gulped and hesitantly glanced at Luhan, who was awkwardly pretending to be deaf. "He's with me not in that way, you're completely wrong. I'll explain it to you later. Let's go out now, shall we?"

Li Yin tidied up her friend's stuff quickly and grabbed her bag, while Luhan and Sehun confusedly watched her rushed moves around the room. Li Yin approached the boys on the bed and gave each of them a light pat on their backs.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go now. There's something that I have to do with my friend here. You can use my laptop if you want, Luhan. I'll come back soon and we'll all go out for dinner tonight. Be good here, okay? Don't go anywhere," Li Yin said quickly and flashed a bright smile at the still-confused Luhan before waving goodbye and dragging her friend to the door.

Luhan nodded slowly and mumbled, "Okay, I'll be waiting here. Come back soon."

The door shut and the room became awfully quiet with just Luhan and Sehun inside. Luhan sighed and fell on his back, arms spread on his sides, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Slowly and carefully, Sehun climbed onto his body again and sat on him, this time only slightly wiggling instead of humping on him again. Luhan moved his gaze from the pale white ceiling to Sehun's equally white face, which turned happy after he got the deer's attention.

"Sehun, it's too quiet here, isn't it?" He mumbled. "Say, I wonder why you did that to me. Are you in heat now? Should I get you a girlfriend?"

He wasn't sure how to react when Sehun positioned himself again and started to hump on him.

"Hey, don't do it to me. First of all I'm not a dog, and then I'm not a female too," Luhan said as he sat up and gently pushed the dog away.

Sehun whimpered and stared at the other with sad puppy eyes. 'Do I really have to do it with a female dog? They're basically es.'

Luhan blinked few times at the dog with wide eyes, feeling as if Sehun had just talked to him through his mind. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head hard.

"I'm nuts. Telepathy with a dog is complete nonsense."

Sehun stepped closer again and nudged Luhan's jaw with his wet nose. Luhan glanced at him and their eyes locked with each other.

'Please let me do it with you. I like you.'

"Gosh," Luhan groaned and sank his face in his palms. "She's just left me for five minutes and I'm already losing my mind! Someone please help me."

And then Luhan's eyes fell on the laptop. He was almost a hundred percent sure that he was slowly getting insane when a question popped out in his mind.

'Is it really impossible to watch here?'

He pulled the laptop closer and stared at it doubtfully before quickly typing down the keyword while pretending that he didn't know what he was doing.

'It's okay, I'm just checking the truth.'

And then the screen changed.


He panicked and quickly typed something else as soon as he realized what he was doing. He crawled away from the laptop and knelt on the bed, face sunk on the pillow, his sticking in the air.

"What did I do just now?? What if she finds out I searched for that stuff? I'm so dead, such a ert, she'll kick me out soon."

And then he gasped and lifted his head off the pillow, eyes wide in realization.

"Did she intentionally tell me that I couldn't watch it there so I would be curious and try to prove it to myself? Is this some kind of test?"

He dropped his head again and let out a fake muffled sob. "I've failed then. I didn't see anything though."

Sehun the dog diverted his gaze from the laptop to the boy's inviting . He flicked his tongue up and his nose as he tried hard to hold himself back. He kept telling himself that his master didn't want to mate with him, but his natural instinct was pretty much torturing him and the sight was so tempting. So he stood on his hind legs and placed his front paws on Luhan's back, and then began to his hips into the clothed pretty . Luhan's breath hitched at the contact and he scrambled away immediately, shrieking and holding his bottom while giving the dog a disgusted look. Realizing his mistake, Sehun jumped off the bed quickly and hid behind the desk.

"What is wrong with my life??" Luhan lied flat on his tummy on the bed and mentally cried after his own mind answered the question. "Everything's wrong, I guess."

To top it all, he had no idea that the dog in heat was his own boyfriend.

After a short while of silence, Sehun walked out of his hiding spot hesitantly and jumped back onto the bed. He lied down next to his master and pawed the boy's head. Luhan turned his head facing the dog and their eyes met again.

'I'm sorry. Please don't be sad, master Lulu.'

Sehun Luhan's cheek lovingly and snuggled into him. Sighing, Luhan wrapped his arms around the smaller body and pecked his head.

"I guess I'm screwed up now, Sehunnie. What kind of nickname did I just imagine you calling me? 'Master Lulu'? It's so not manly, isn't it?" Luhan asked his dog.

Sehun stared into the other's eyes as the answer. 'I did call you that. You're still manly with that name though! But real man shouldn't watch .'

"I wasn't going to watch it, really," the deer whined, "please don't think of me that way. Although I can't remember anything I just know that I wasn't that kind of person. You know that too, right?"

'Yes, master Lu. Even though I don't remember you at all, I'm sure you're a good boy! You look innocent though.' Sehun craned his neck and Luhan's cheek. 'Don't worry, I won't tell Li Yin noona what you did.'

"Thank you, Sehunnie. I somehow feel a little bit better," Luhan smiled and hugged the other. "I'll just keep imagining you talking to me, although I might go insane for real."

Luhan wasn't sure what trick his mind was playing with him, but he could see a glint of hurt in Sehun's eyes as he "imagined" him saying, 'My words are not only your imagination, I'm not to ruin your sanity.'

Sehun wiggled to escape Luhan's embrace and lied down in front of the laptop instead. Using his paw, he dragged the cursor to one of the thumbnails and opened it like he had seen how Li Yin had done it before. It turned out to be a soccer video; Luhan had absentmindedly typed the keyword "soccer" to change the screen.

Luhan sat up and eyed Sehun in awe. 'What kind of dog is he..?' He lied down on his stomach next to Sehun and joined him watching the video.

Soon the first video ended and he knew he had instantly found interest in that kind of sport, and so did the dog. They spent the rest of their time watching some similar videos. They even found some cool tricks people did with a soccer ball. Luhan clapped his hands excitedly, going "Oohh~" and "Wooww~" everytime he saw some cool moves. His feet were already itching to try to do them by himself. The time passed by quickly and when he looked outside, the sky had already turned dark. He put the laptop away and walked around the room, playing with an imaginary soccer ball as he waited for Li Yin to come back.

"Waahh~ I need a real ball now."

A/N: this chapter turned out longer than I wanted it to be, I'm sorry I just love writing about Luhan :'D so I wonder, should Luhan get into a deeper relationship with this girl? What about Sehun then? Next chapter will be about Sehun and Luhan again heheh ^^ I feel like this is getting pointless, seriously. Thanks for reading anyways. Oh, by a request to write more rated M scene, I've already finished a hunhan one but yeah that's for later ^^ thanks, sorry, bye. Haha. <3

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!