Jealous of Who?

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

It had been quite awhile Minseok had been working for the Lee's. If he was asked to list the things he had learned about the family, he would be confident enough that he could tell a bunch; but the first thing he would say was about his "owner", as Mr. Lee had adressed his own daughter. He believed that Lee Seyeon was bipolar.

"Good morning, Minseok oppa!"

"Eh? Are you sleep talking, Miss?"

"What? No. Happy birthday!"

That one morning, right after waking her up, Minseok got a pretty big surprise in form of a big hug and a pretty little cupcake, with light brown icing sugar and sprinkles that she had taken out of the drawer of her bedside table. There was a small candle on it, which she lit up using a lighter that was also taken from her drawer.

"Make a wish before you blow it!" she said, beaming as she shoved the cupcake towards Minseok's gawking shocked face.

Minseok shifted his gaze back and forth between the cupcake and the smiley face of the girl sitting on her bed. "B-B-But w-why a-are you doing t-this-"

"Just make a wish already!" Seyeon giggled at her butler's face. Looked dumb yet very adorable, she thought. Minseok shut his eyes immediately and clasped his hands.

"I wish I will get my memories back soon-"

Seyeon raised her eyebrows, she hadn't seen that coming.

"-and I wish I can be a good butler for milady, so I can make her smile more often than frown and sulk." Minseok smiled, opened his eyes and blew the candle. Seyeon laughed and pulled him down into a loose hug, failing to notice a tinge of pink on his cheeks. She had never hugged him before, yet she could do it like she was used to it.

"Eat this." Seyeon brought the cupcake to Minseok's lips, which parted right away to take a big bite.

"Mmm... It's mocha," Minseok said with full mouth, darting his tongue out to his lips. He swallowed it and beamed in satisfaction. "So tasty! How come it's still fresh? You took it from your drawer."

"I made it at dawn," Seyeon smiled rather shyly; something that she rarely did for her butler.

Minseok gasped, his eyes widened double times. "What?? Oh gosh, Miss, you know you don't have to do anything for me-"

"Okay then, I'll take this cupcake back," Seyeon retreated her hand, yet Minseok caught her wrist and snatched the cupcake from her hand.

"N-No, I'll eat this, it's really good," Minseok said as he stuffed his mouth with the cupcake like a hungry hamster. He finished it in no time.

Seyeon laughed and slowly got off her bed. It was her new top secret that she loved watching Minseok eat; that was why lately she spoiled him with a mountain of food, and that was why Mr. Shin the old butler had to get some bigger uniforms for his junior. Minseok was getting fatter for sure; so far he had gained five kilos from all those food and sweets. Seyeon was starting to consider about getting a diet program for her cute chubby hamster, but that could wait.

"There's one more thing that I want to give to you," Seyeon said, glancing at the older while walking to her desk. She opened the drawer, took out a white box and brought it to the young butler.

"Ah, I guess I can't accept more," Minseok rubbed his nape sheepishly, "but what is it?"

"Open it by yourself," Seyeon handed the box with a small smile gracing her lips.

Minseok took the box, peeked into it and closed it again immediately, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

"...Ohmygosh Miss a cellphone you can't give me this I owe you too much it looks so expensive how should I pay it back I guess even being your butler forever isn't enough-"

"Shut up and learn how to use it," Seyeon caught Minseok's lips and shut them with her fingers to stop him from babbling rapidly. "You need it, so keep it."

Just after Minseok had nodded obediently did Seyeon release his lips and crack a satisfied grin. Grinning; another point in the list of rare things she did around Minseok.

"...Actually it's also a reward, for helping Chansoo and Jongdae-ssi to escape back then," Seyeon said again, "so please use it carefully."

Minseok cocked his head to the side and tapped his chin, trying to figure out which event the other meant, because he had helped the said two males escape about five times so far. Maybe it was for all those five? Minseok shrugged and beamed at Seyeon.

"Thank you so much, Miss. I'll use it carefully."

"Good! Learn how to use it too. You can use the internet too with that. But don't watch , you got that?"

Minseok gasped and gawked at the younger in disbelief. "? No, no, Miss! I'm not that kind of person, really! I swear I'll stay clean because I'm your butler."

"Nice," Seyeon grinned again, showing off her perfect set of pearly white teeth. "And you should stop calling me 'miss' from now on. Call me by my name like a friend, okay? Try it."

Minseok bowed his head and fidgeted with his fingers. "Se...Seyeon-ah."

Seyeon threw her hand over to hold herself from squealing in delight, but then hid it immediately by pretending to clear .

"That's better. You may go now."

Minseok raised his head and beamed at the girl. "Thank you so much, Miss! I mean Seyeon-ah!" he bowed deeply before making his way out of the room.

Since that day, Seyeon had slowly opened up to Minseok, until at one point their awkward relationship turned into one of a pet and its master. Seyeon fed her butler more and because of that Minseok was often seen munching something in his mouth, even at the coffee shop, either during the break time or when he was learning from the baristas.

Sometimes his extra weight had to slow him down a little bit, but he was still as nimble as ever, since he still had all his power deeply buried inside him. He hadn't found out about it though, since somehow his power wouldn't come out naturally following the commands in his mind like the way he had used it back then on his home planet. But he did notice that sometimes weird things happened around him.

Like, for example, when he helped Mr. Shin make some ice cream together.

"Minseok-ah, put this in the freezer. We can eat this together tonight." That was Mr. Shin's message before he left Minseok alone in the kitchen.

"Tonight? But I want to eat this now," Minseok mumbled dejectedly as he shoved the container into the freezer.

After five minutes had passed, he opened the freezer again to check the ice cream. "Is it done yet?"

Of course, it was still in the same form as when he had just put it in. After five more minutes, he did the same thing again, also after the next ten more minutes. He became a little bit impatient that he said to the ice cream, "Freeze now or I'll drink you with a straw."

After pointing out his threat to the gooey ice cream, he closed the fridge and frowned at it, opened it again right away and then beamed at the ice cream. "Good ice cream, you listened to me! Now where's the spoon?"

He shocked Mr. Shin when he came to him holding two cups of solid ice cream in his hands. Since then, both of them had believed that their fridge was a magic fridge.

Not so far from where Minseok had started his new life, his forgotten unknowing boyfriend was enjoying his own life in the street. Unlike Minseok, the power Jongdae had discovered in him wasn't anything related to his super power; he had only discovered his beautiful singing voice. Together with Chansoo, he had become a well-known street singer around the area where they worked together everyday. They earned more money everyday and therefore they could eat more properly and wear more decent clothes. By Seyeon's request, they sneaked into her house twice a week with Minseok's help, and so far they had never been caught by her mother. Through this habit, Minseok and Jongdae was starting to get along with each other, and their relationship was more like shy buddies. Minseok tended to act shy around Jongdae, because he secretly admired him for his pretty voice and his supposed-to-be handsome face that was always hidden behind all the dust and dirt, but sometimes Minseok got envious too whenever his lady paid more attention to Jongdae. Until then, Minseok still couldn't understand why Seyeon took care of the younger boy as if he was her baby or such.

Could she possibly have a crush on him? Well, Jongdae might be just a street singer, but he certainly had good boyfriend materials. Nice face, nice body, nice personality. While Minseok was busy being envious, Jongdae was completely oblivious and just simply enjoying his clueless life. He did realize that Seyeon cared a lot about him, but he still believed that it was because he had saved her little brother once.

What Minseok hadn't realized was that his shyness had attracted Jongdae's attention. The younger of the two was determined to bring the voice out of the chubby butler. Therefore, he had decided he should frequently.

Like that one morning, when Jongdae and Chansoo came to Seyeon's house, while the mistress of the house wasn't at home. Minseok was experimenting with coffee alone in the kitchen while happily eating a chocolate muffin, while Jongdae, Chansoo and Seyeon were playing together in the latter's room like a happy little family. When Jongdae remembered his bun-like friend though, he decided to go and find him, maybe to ask him to play together with them.

"Seyeon-ah, Chansoo-ya, I'll go find Minseok hyung now," he declared and jumped off the bed.

"But what if Seyeon noona's mother suddenly appears and kicks you out?" Chansoo asked, cutely furrowing his eyebrows.

"He'll be fine, my mother won't come back soon," Seyeon smiled and the little boy's hair. "Jongdae-yah, do you want us to go with you?"

Jongdae shook his head and smiled. "You guys should just wait here and play, I'll be back soon."

And so, Jongdae went out of the room and began to walk around the big house while peeking into every doors he found on the way.

"Ah, where is he? I'm looking for a lost hamster now," Jongdae said and snickered to himself. "Waah, why am I so stupid though? He must be in the kitchen!"

Jongdae grinned and snapped his fingers when he peeked into the kitchen. Minseok was still there, happily working on three cups of coffee while humming random k-pop songs. He was so into it that he didn't even notice when Jongdae tiptoed towards him from behind.

Jongdae stood behind the shorter boy and stared at the cups through his shoulder. He leaned down a bit until his head was next to the other's, yet Minseok still didn't notice him and focused on adding milk to one of the cups. Not until Jongdae surprised him with his loud voice.

"Wow, they smell nice!"

"Eek!" Minseok yelped and flinched away immediately, leaving a trail of milk on the kitchen island's countertop.

Jongdae laughed and pinched the older's cheek before grabbing a napkin to wipe the milk stain.

"Why are you so clumsy, hyung? Look at all this mess you've made."

"I-I'm not clumsy! You surprised me!" Minseok snatched the napkin from the younger's hand and used it to slap his shoulder. He pouted and puffed out his chubby cheeks, only making the other laugh even more.

"Gosh, you're so adorable," Jongdae snickered and winked teasingly. He peeked into the cups again and inhaled the sweet scent of the coffee. "Waahh, you're getting better at making this! Who are these for, hyung?"

"For us and Seyeon-ah," Minseok answered shyly, but with a proud smile. "Thank you. This coffee is made of the roasted coffee beans from the coffee shop, it tastes really good! Wait until I finish them, I'll add some more milk."

"Okay!" Jongdae sat on the tall chair, rested his chin on his folded his arms on the countertop and watched closely as Minseok poured some steamed milk onto the surface of the coffee and began to draw on it using a toothpick.

"Wow, you're really patient, aren't you hyung?" Jongdae commented. "If I were you, I would drink the coffee right after it was done."

"This is the art of being a barista. It's called latte art," Minseok said proudly. "Besides, milady loves it when I draw something on her coffee. I'm drawing a panda face for her this time."

"Oh, you're drawing yourself!" Jongdae laughed and pointed at the older's face.

Minseok pouted yet opted to focus on his coffee. "I'll draw a camel's face for you then."

Jongdae lifted his chin from his arms and gaped a little. "Hyung! Are you saying I look like a camel? That's so mean!" he laughed again, rested his cheek on his arm and pretended to pout sadly.

Minseok glanced at the younger and chuckled a little. "Why are you acting like a kid now? You don't usually act like this."

Jongdae grinned from ear to ear, his eyes curving up into crescents. "Because I'm younger than you, maybe? Seyeonnie is few months younger than me, and Chansoo is eleven years younger, so you're the only one who is older than me. Oh, I've just realized this. It feels good to have a hyung."

Minseok straightened his back and smiled at the other. "You really talk a lot, don't you?" he ruffled Jongdae's hair. "I'm glad to be your hyung."

Jongdae giggled as he reached out his arm towards a jar of cookies nearby on the countertop. He opened the lid, took a piece of cookie and popped it into his mouth. "Do you eat this a lot, hyung? You've become cute and chubby, you must love food a lot now. The first time we met, you were a bit thin and your face wasn't round."

Minseok also took a piece from the jar and stuffed his mouth with it. "Yeah, can't help it. Seyeonnie feeds me a lot, it has become a habit." He bent down again and slowly poured the milk onto the last cup, making a pattern out of it.

"Waahh, so cool! It looks like a leaf," Jongdae pointed at the cup of coffee and clapped his hands.

"Thank you," Minseok grinned bashfully, "it's still not perfect though."

"You'll be a professional barista really soon," Jongdae beamed as he pushed the jar of cookies back to its place. "You'll have your own coffee shop and I'll get free coffee everytime I go there."

"No way, you'll have to pay," Minseok shook his head and wagged his index finger. "But now you can have yours for free. I couldn't draw a camel, so you can take any cup except the panda one."

Minseok began to clean up the kitchen island, while Jongdae admired the three cups of coffee quietly. "I'll take the heart one, okay? You must have made this with your heart. I want to drink Minnie hyung's heart."

"Minnie hyung?" Minseok mumbled and furrowed his eyebrows, but then smiled to himself. Wasn't it such a cute pet name?

"This is really good, hyung," Jongdae commented, "we should bring this to Seyeonnie while it's still hot. Ah, she's really lucky to have you here, she can have some good coffee anytime she wants. If your future girlfriend is a coffee lover, then she'll be a lucky one to have you! Ah, I'm so envious now!"

Minseok blushed a little as he washed his hands in the sink. "I've never thought about that before."

"About having a girlfriend?" Jongdae took a sip of his coffee before putting the cup down and getting off the chair to walk over to the older boy. "Why not? You have Seyeonnie with you everyday, doesn't she make you consider having a girlfriend? She's really nice and she has a cute face, her cheeks are a bit chubby too, so you two would make a cute couple."

"What are you talking about? That's nonsense," Minseok waved his hand, "milady can't be my girlfriend. Besides, she seems nicer to you, you both are really close now. Don't you like her?"

"Me? With her?" Jongdae held Minseok's shoulder and turned him around. "You got it all wrong, hyung. She's just being thankful because I saved Chansoo." he took a step closer, forcing Minseok to step back until he was trapped between the sink and his taller body.

Getting nervous all of a sudden, Minseok gripped the edge of the sink and forced himself to look up to meet the younger's eyes. "I-It doesn't look like that anymore though."

Jongdae smirked and lowered his head a little bit. "Are you jealous, hyung? Don't worry, I won't take her away from you."

"N-No! It's not like that," Minseok stammered and shifted on his feet.

His shyness only made Jongdae's smile stretch even wider. The younger boy tilted his head and brought his lips to the other's ear.

"...Besides, I'm more interested in you," he whispered.

Minseok turned his head away and shut his eyes tightly. It was not the first time Jongdae messed around with him, he knew he should have been used to it, yet he still acted like a shy teenage girl and he didn't know why. It ruined his pride as the older boy.

Jongdae curled his fingers around Minseok's chin and lifted it slightly, giving a way for his other hand to touch the side of the older's neck, on the scorpion tattoo under his left ear. He didn't say anything about it, yet Minseok could understand what he meant by his gesture. The older of the two opened his eyes slowly and turned his head back towards the other's face.

"We're 'best buddies in the past' after all, right?" Jongdae smiled and wiggled his eyebrows, "so we should be closer to each other than to anyone else."

'Best buddies in the past', that was what they believed about themselves for their matching symbols.

"Y-Yeah." Minseok placed his hands on the younger's chest and gently pushed him away. "But don't you think this is awkward? We're both guys, we shouldn't get this...close."

Unexpectedly, Jongdae laughed and pinched the other's tummy, making him flinch and gawk in surprise.

"Then why are you so nervous if we're both guys? Oh, look at your face, it's pink!" Jongdae cackled even more, whil Minseok bowed his head to hide his face and cupped his cheeks.

"No it's not," the older pouted.

"Aww." Jongdae poked the other's tummy and squeezed it a little bit. "Your tummy is so cute, hyung. It must be as chubby as your cheeks."

Minseok slapped the younger's hand away and put his hands on his waist, cutely puffing out his cheeks. "Stop teasing me!"

Jongdae laughed his loud signature laugh and ran around in a small circle before returning to his seat to finish his drink. Teasing his older friend was his second most favorite thing to do, beside singing together with his little friend Chansoo on the street.

"Why are you so mean? Just you wait and see, I'll get my body back to its normal size," Minseok mumbled and pouted childishly.

He knew Jongdae had never meant to mock him, he had never actually called him fat either. Jongdae had even said once that he liked chubby Minseok better, but then Minseok was determined to lose some weight and return to the thin, not-so-chubby-faced Minseok. And to achieve that, he knew he needed his master's help.

"Seyeon-ah, you have to stop feeding me sweets from now on! Starting today, I'm on a diet program and I'll do more sports to lose some weight."

Since he declared that, Seyeon had been trying quite hard to stop giving him food and let him suffer by eating only twice a day. She had decided to help him with his diet program, and therefore she had found him a soccer club to join for more physical activity. It got him even busier.

Everyday in the morning until noon, Minseok worked as the butler at the Lee's, and in the afternoon he worked as the cashier at the coffee shop. In the evening he learned at the coffee shop's kitchen with the baristas until the shop closed at night, and when he returned home he had to continue his job as a butler until midnight. For the weekend though, he learned with the baristas for shorter time because he had to go to the soccer club. In result, he went home sweaty and extremely tired, but he still had to do house chores left for his part. During the first week he had started his new routines, he got sick and couldn't work for a day. Seyeon and Mr. Shin told him that it was okay if he couldn't do it, but Minseok insisted he had to be fit to be the Lee's decent butler.

For that one day Minseok was sick, Seyeon spent her time at home as well to take care of him. It was quite a surprise for Minseok, since his master was really loyal with her job and so far she had never skipped a day working at the coffee shop. But then, she didn't go to work to take care of him and accompany him at home.

In the morning, Seyeon went to his room carrying a bowl of soup and a cup of hot tea for his breakfast. She set down the tray on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Minseok oppa," she called softly and patted Minseok's arm. "Wake up, you have to eat."

Minseok cracked his eyes open and grunted under his breath because of the pain in his head. When he saw the other though, his eyes opened wide and he tried to get up quickly, but found no energy to do so.

"Se-Seyeonnie why are you here-"

"Sshhh," Seyeon shushed the older and helped him get up slowly to a sitting position. "It's ten already, you have to fill your tummy."

Minseok turned his head and gasped seeing the food on the bedside table. "Oh! Seyeon-ah, you really don't have to do this-"

"Shush," Seyeon caught Minseok's lips between her fingers and wagged her index finger. "Don't talk too much, you'll only waste your energy."

After getting a nod, Seyeon released the other's lips and took the bowl of soup from the table. She scooped a spoonful of soup and brought it to Minseok's mouth. "Aaaahhh."

Minseok stared at the spoon doubtfully and gave the younger his puppy eyes. But when Seyeon raised an eyebrow, he parted his lips right away and took the spoon into his mouth. A small smile found its way to his lips.

"Ah, so good," he grinned, "your soup always tastes the same."

Seyeon took a tissue and used it to wipe the corner of the older's lips. "Thank you, oppa. Eat well, okay?" she smiled.

She continued to feed her butler until the last drop. Minseok was about to lie back down, but Seyeon held him and shook her head.

"You need to be cleaned first," she said, gripping the hem of Minseok's sweater. "Raise your arms."

Minseok widened his eyes but stayed still, so Seyeon lifted his sweater and slid it off his head and his arms by herself. Minseok hugged himself and jutted out his bottom lip, ever so slightly.

"I took a shower last night before going to sleep," he mumbled and shivered, "it's cold."

"Nope, you have to stay clean," Seyeon shook her head and gripped the other's shirt. In a swift move she took it off as well, leaving Minseok's torso completely exposed. Minseok yelped and crossed his arms over his chest like a girl.

"Oh, your tummy has gotten a bit smaller now," Seyeon chuckled and pinched the older's cheek. "Wait here, I'll go to the bathroom."

Minseok pulled his blanket up covering his body and rubbed his arms to keep himself warm, while Seyeon went away to the bathroom inside that room. She returned with a stainless steel washbowl filled with warm water and a small towel.

"Now, don't act like a girl," Seyeon chuckled and pulled the blanket down.

"It's embarrassing though," Minseok mumbled as he uncovered his chest hesitantly. "Umm... Where's Mr. Shin?"

"He's out to buy some things," Seyeon said, "he prepared this but he can't help cleaning you now. Do you want me to do this or that maid who has a crush on you?"

"C-Crush on me?" Minseok widened his eyes and bowed his head. "It'll be awkward, I guess... Y-You're okay."

"Chill then. You've seen me do this a lot to Jongdae and Chansoo, so it's okay," the younger of the two flashed a reassuring smile. Minseok nodded and let her wipe him with the warm wet towel.

While Seyeon's hands were working gently on his flushed hot skin, Minseok's mind flew back to his previous talk with Jongdae.

'You have Seyeonnie with you everyday. Doesn't she make you consider having a girlfriend?'



"Does it feel different?"

Seyeon glanced at Minseok and smiled a little. "What do you mean?"

Minseok bowed his head and stared at his own body. "When you cleaned Jongdae's body... And me... I mean, he has a nice body."

Seyeon laughed softly and lifted Minseok's chin to wipe his face. "Why are you asking about that now? No, it's the same to me. It feels like cleaning up Chansoo's body. Don't be too concerned about your body, you're still in a good shape. Only you have more fat on some parts, but just that. You're still handsome, oppa."

Minseok felt his cheeks somewhat hotter; not only because of his fever, but also because of the younger's compliment. "You... You think so?"

"Of course." Seyeon patted Minseok's tummy and smiled at him. "I think you don't have to have a good body to be handsome."

Minseok kept his eyes locked on Seyeon's face while she moved her hand up to wipe his neck and his chest.

"What's with that face? Don't look at me like that," the younger chuckled awkwardly.

Minseok looked down at her hand and gently wrapped his fingers around her thin wrist. Seyeon's lips parted slightly as her gaze slowly moved up and finally settled on the pretty grey orbs of the young butler.

"Se...Seyeon-ah..." Minseok called softly, his gaze involuntarily falling down to the other's pink lips.

Without both of them realizing, Minseok lowered his head and their faces inched closer ever so slowly. He cautiously brought his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek, but she didn't pull away, much to his surprise. Suddenly he realized what was happening and his heart started to beat faster. They were about to kiss and he was half . There was a loud alarm inside his head, telling him to stop, but he couldn't stop his body from acting on its own. He tilted his head slightly and halfway closed his eyes.

'I do want to have a girlfriend. I want to know how kissing feels like.'

Their lips almost met each other when suddenly the door was kicked open, followed by a very familiar loud voice.


Jongdae slammed the door shut as soon as he saw what was happening inside Minseok's room. Minseok pulled away immediately and sank his face on his palms, while Seyeon bit her bottom lip and gave him a worried look.

"I'm sorry." minseok lifted his face from his hands and looked at the other with puppy eyes. "I'm... I'm so sorry."

Seyeon chuckled and gave him a quick hug. "It's okay. Jongdae and Chansoo come to see you, I'll call them in now," she said while helping the other put on his clothes.

Minseok nodded and lied back down on his side, pulling his blanket over his head to hide his flushed face. Seyeon patted his head before walking away to the door.

In his coccoon, Minseok shut his eyes and mentally scolded himself. What had he been thinking? He had almost kissed a girl, to be exact his own master. A butler couldn't kiss his master. There was something that kept bugging him though; why hadn't she pushed him away? And she had said it was okay. Would it still be okay if he tried to do it once again?

'Wait, what am I thinking? Why do I want to kiss her? I don't even know if I actually like her in that way! ert, ert Minseok.'

"Minseok hyung!" Chansoo shouted from the door, ran towards the bed and jumped onto the big bump that was Minseok's body. He sat and bounced on him while shaking his body with his little hands. "Hyuuung, please don't die! Haven't you just kissed Seyeonnie noona? Did it feel that good that you passed out like this? Wake up, wake up!"

Minseok could hear Jongdae laugh as if he hadn't seen anything just then. He pulled his blanket down slightly to peek. The younger boy was standing next to the bed with his arm encircled around Seyeon's shoulders, both of them smiling at Chansoo's cute antics.

"Aahh, you're awake!" Chansoo beamed and leaned down to peck Minseok's cheek. "Wow, you're really burning, hyung."

"The kiss was that hot," Jongdae remarked and laughed again. "Chansoo-ya, you shouldn't kiss a girl until you're big enough. You got that? Don't be like Minnie hyung, he's still as cute as a baby but he kissed a girl while he was half ."

"We didn't kiss," Minseok complained.

"It's okay, Minseok hyung is big enough. But next time you should put on a shirt before you kiss my noona, okay?" Chansoo flashed an understanding smile and patted Minseok's arm.

Seyeon chuckled and crossed her arms. "Now, acting all mature again? He's right, Chansoo-ya, we didn't kiss."

"Oh really?" Jongdae raised his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised. "Was it because of me?"

"Of course. Who else?" Seyeon stuck out her tongue at Jongdae and pinched his side. Not expecting that kind of answer, Jongdae laughed again and messed the younger's long light brown hair, getting a bashful grin from the girl and an unnoticed unhappy gaze from Minseok. The chubby butler narrowed his eyes and slightly jutted out his bottom lip.

'Who does he come here for again? He hasn't even greeted me properly.'

A soft knock on the door caught their attention. While Seyeon went to open it and see who it was, Jongdae put Chansoo next to Minseok on the bed so he could replace his position, sitting on Minseok's body. The eldest boy widened his eyes as Jongdae dropped his on his tummy and grinned at him innocently.

"Hyung, you're going to kill him!" Chansoo laughed and lightly pushed Jongdae away, but not enough to make him get off of Minseok.

Jongdae made the curly-haired little boy laugh with his funny face by raising his eyebrows comically and putting his finger on his pursed lips. "Sshh, I'm trying to make him feel warm. You know, like a chicken sitting on its eggs to keep them warm." He shook his on Minseok's tummy, put his thumbs under his armpits and flapped his folded arms to imitate chicken's wings. Chansoo laughed at him, while Minseok still had the same gawking expression on his flushed face.

Jongdae giggled and reached out his hand to touch Minseok's forehead, but when his fingertips made contact with the heated skin, his grin disappeared right away. He leaned down and cupped Minseok's cheeks in his hands.

"Hyung, are you really okay? You're burning," he said worriedly. "You should go to the doctor."

Minseok glanced at the other's hand on his cheek and gaped a little. "I," his voice cracked a bit, "I'm okay. You said you wanted to make me feel warm. I'm hot now, thank you."

Jongdae bit his bottom lip doubtfully as he got off of the older's body and sat next to him. "I'm serious now, hyung." He touched Minseok's neck with the back of his hand and then subtly brushed his fingertips against his red cheek. "Why are you like this? You have to take good care of your health."

"He forced himself too much," Seyeon said, catching Jongdae's attention. She closed the door and walked back to the bed carrying an icepack in her hand. "Here, Mr. Shin gave me this for you, Minseok oppa."

"Let me help." Jongdae took the icepack and put it on Minseok's forehead. "Hyuung, get well soon, okay?" he cooed, smiled and patted the older's cheek.

"Yes, get well soon," Chansoo parroted and patted Minseok's cheek as well.

Minseok nodded and pouted cutely. He felt like a kid being treated like that, while in fact he was a year older than Jongdae. He couldn't say that he didn't like it though; he smiled shyly when Jongdae leaned down and laid his head on his chest, hugging him while giggling without any clear reasons. Chansoo joined them by climbing onto Jongdae's body and lying on top of the two, only adding more weight on the sick boy. Nonetheless, a grin appeared on Minseok's face as he pulled his arms out of his coccoon and wrapped them around the two younger boys.

Seeing how the three boys were acting, Seyeon put her hands on her waist, shaking her head with a smile of a proud mother on her lips. "Look at you guys, you look like a bear family."

"Right, papa bear Jongdae and mama bear Minseok," Chansoo giggled, "I'll be the baby bear."

Jongdae glanced up to see Minseok's face and cracked a creepy grin. "Did you hear that, hyung? We have a baby. Let's give him little brothers and sisters," he whispered, but loud enough for Chansoo to hear.

Minseok was about to respond with a scold, but a small subtle peck on his chest took away all of his words.

"We would make a great family, don't you think so?"

Since that day, Minseok often found himself unhappy whenever Jongdae and Seyeon acted like a couple in front of him. He didn't even understand why he had to be unhappy. It wasn't that those two were in love or anything; they were just buddies with lots of skinship, but seeing them made Minseok feel like an unattractive glob of fat that couldn't get a girl to like him, which was absolutely wrong according to Mr. Shin. The old butler had been a place for him to spill his heart out, but apparently his wise words and advices weren't enough to raise his confidence back. Therefore, Mr. Shin decided to follow his junior's way; he supported his will to lose some weight by lessening his work hours as a butler and helping him to manage his time and activities, so he didn't have to get sick again. Minseok gladly used his spare time to go to the soccer club.

The first time Seyeon had taken Minseok to the club, she had known it wouldn't be easy for him to be accepted by the others. She had seen him play once and he had passed out in the first fifteen minutes. He had kicked his shoe off instead of kicking the ball, he had tripped on his own foot and fallen flat on his face. But then, Minseok was already used to play soccer and he ran on the field like a tough wild deer. He was slowly returning to his old self. It made him happy because he was finally going to prove his words to his naughty friend Jongdae. He would finally stop teasing him.

To make sure of it, he asked both Seyeon and Jongdae to watch the next game at the club. They were more than glad to come.

That saturday afternoon, Seyeon and Jongdae came and watched from one of the benches near the edge of the field. While watching Minseok and the other boys warming up, Jongdae crossed his leg over the other and casually encircled his arm around Seyeon's shoulders.

"Seyeonnie, don't you think he looks cute in that jersey?" he said, smiling dreamily at a certain boy in white soccer jersey stretching in the middle of the field.

"Yeah. Look at his hair, he must have used some gel on it. He looks like a real soccer player," Seyeon grinned while swinging her legs back and forth.

"He has a nice ," Jongdae commented. "It's too bad that he has lost his man s, I wanted to see them bounce while he runs though."

Seyeon laughed and smacked the other's thigh. "Really, Jongdae-ya? I didn't know you were a ert!"

"I'm a ert only for him," Jongdae smirked, his eyes not leaving Minseok's bottom and thighs any second. "I thought he was y although he was a bit fat, but now he's ier like this."

Seyeon raised her eyebrows and gawked at the other. "Oh? Don't tell me you actually like him."

While still smiling, Jongdae turned his head towards the other, put his finger on his lips and flashed a naughty wink. He returned his gaze back to the field and grinned creepily, leaving the other staring at him with unblinking eyes and mouth ajar.

Jongdae chuckled and lightly squeezed Seyeon's shoulder. "Don't look at me like that, I'm flattered."


"Sshhh," Jongdae put his finger on the other's lips and pinched her cheek. "I didn't say anything, okay?"

Seyeon rubbed the red mark on her cheek and pouted at the slightly older boy. Jongdae glanced at her and chuckled again. "Don't pout either, you look like a hamster."

Suddenly he ducked his head and brought his lips to the other's cheek, only to make a smooching sound before he could actually kiss her and pulled away immediately.

Seyeon gasped and smacked his thigh again. "Ya! What was that for?? Do you want to die?"

Jongdae laughed and clutched his stomach. "No, I just wanted to do it. Look at your face, you're red like a crab." he pinched both her cheeks and lightly shook her head back and forth. He made a duck face and cooed, "Aren't you a cute one? Hmm?"

"Oww. Ya!" Seyeon slapped the other's hands away and frowned at him, while he laughed and playfully messed her hair. Seeing him laugh, Seyeon's frown slowly disappeared, replaced with a broad grin. They failed to notice a certain boy glaring at them from afar.

The game soon started, both Jongdae and Seyeon focused on the field. Minseok was running really fast chasing an opponent who was dribbling the ball.

"Wow! His speed is impossible," Seyeon commented in awe.

"Yeah. So fast I can barely see his legs, they're blurry," Jongdae said.

Soon Minseok managed to steal the ball. Seyeon and Jongdae cheered for him as he turned around and dribbled the ball towards the opposing team's goal. Two opponents came and blocked his way though; one of them made it to steal the ball, but then he took it back and kicked it towards his teammate nearby. He quickly ran towards the goal and when he was close enough, his teammate returned the ball to him with a strong kick from afar.

"No! It's too high," Jongdae exclaimed and tugged his own hair.

The ball flew closer and closer towards Minseok. He opened his legs slightly, lowered his body and locked his eyes on the ball. When it was almost above his head, he jumped surprisingly very high and hit the ball hard with his head, sending it towards the goal without any fights from the dumbfounded goalkeeper.

Everyone gawked at Minseok and the ball, but when he landed back on his feet and began to run around happily, they all cheered for him and ran towards him to give him some hugs.

Near the edge of the field, Jongdae was still gaping at his older friend. He had never seen a smile that big on Minseok's face. Under the sun, his sweat trickled down from his forehead to his neck, somehow giving him a glowing angelic aura in Jongdae's vision. How would he even get that image of pure perfection off his head?

And that was when he realized something important.

Minseok's team won that day, with Minseok showing a big progress by giving three scores for his team. It was because he kept catching his two friends on the bench getting too close and touchy that he express his annoyance in form of extra energy in his kicks and his speed, he became an aggressive player on the field. Not knowing about that, the coach and his friends praised him a lot, assuming that he had secretly been practicing outside the club. They made him feel somewhat better and for a moment he could forget about his annoyance towards Jongdae and Seyeon. Or maybe jealousy.

To Minseok's dismay, apparently it wasn't exactly everyone who didn't know what had actually been going on in his head during the game. Later that day, when the sky had turned dark and everyone was about to go home, Jongdae came to him and pulled him aside.

"Hyung, let's stay here alone for a bit more. Just two of us."

"Huh?" Minseok raised his eyebrows. "W-Why? What about Seyeonnie?"

"I've told her, she said she'd go home by herself. So, are we staying?" Jongdae smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

A frown slowly appeared on Minseok's face. "No, we can't let her go home alone. It's too dangerous-"

"She has left already."

"Already?? No!" Minseok turned around swiftly and ran away to get his bag, but Jongdae chased him and caught his wrist.

"Hyung!" he flipped the other around and held his shoulders. Minseok was about to slap his hands away, but his hands hung in the air when he met the younger's stern eyes.

"She'll be fine. I want to talk to you alone."

Minseok let out a long tired sigh and dropped his hands. "Fine. But don't take too long."

After everyone had left, Jongdae brought Minseok to the middle of the field. He began to kick the soccer ball around lazily, while the older watched him with a frown on his face.

"Yah, what do you want to talk about?" Minseok crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. "Hurry up, don't waste my time. I hope it's about something important."

Jongdae bent down to grab the ball and flashed a teasing smile at the other. "So impatient." He threw the ball and Minseok caught it with both of his hands. "Kick it towards my chest."

Minseok stared at the ball in his hands doubtfully. "What's your intention now? I thought you wanted to say something."

"I do. But kick it first. I want to see if you can hit the right spot," Jongdae flashed a broad grin before turning around and running away to make some distance between them.

Minseok rolled his eyes and puffed his cheeks. "Testing me, huh? Of course I can." He put the ball on the ground, took few steps backward, and then ran forward and swung his leg towards the ball. It rocketed towards the boy standing several meters away. Based on his calculation, it would definitely hit the spot on Jongdae's chest; but to his surprise, Jongdae bent his legs and lowered his body, causing the ball to hit his head hard. The younger of the two screamed dramatically and held his head as he collapsed onto the ground. Minseok gasped and sprinted towards the other immediately.

He knelt next to Jongdae's body and shook him hard. "Jongdae-ya! Jongdae-ya, are you okay?? Does it hurt a lot?"

Jongdae kept his eyes shut, making Minseok panic even more. The big red mark on his forehead wasn't helping either.

Minseok's shoulders slumped as he let out a sound of a dying whale. "Awwh, I knew I shouldn't do it! Jongdae-ya, I'm so sorry, please wake up!" he threw his leg across the younger's body and shook his shoulders lightly. Not getting any response, he tried to pat the other's cheeks softly while calling his name, but to no avail. He straightened his back and turned his head around, but no one was around to give some help.

Minseok jutted out his bottom lip and stared at the other's face with sad puppy eyes. He brushed Jongdae's bangs aside and touched the red mark on his forehead. Suddenly he felt something stir inside him, making him feel just uncomfortable, as he would describe, like there was something tugging his heart. The longer he stared at the younger's face, the more bothered he felt and the warmer his cheeks got.

'I didn't know he was this handsome.'

"...Jongdae-yah, I'm sorry, please don't die here."

Suddenly a pair of strong arms pulled Minseok down until his head bumped the hard chest of the owner. He froze and gawked as the arms s around his body, engulfing him in a warm embrace.

"Are you worried about me now?" A deep, gentle voice rang in Minseok's ears. "Do you actually care about me?"

Minseok lifted his head off Jongdae's chest and gaped at him. "You... You've tricked me again!"

His eyes became a little bit damp when he blinked, but Jongdae only gave him a soft, rather adoring smile. Chuckling, Jongdae pulled the other's head down gently and placed it back on his chest.

"Not really. It still hurts, actually," Jongdae smiled and the other's back, "but it's okay because it was you who hit me."

Minseok tried to get up, but Jongdae's arms were stronger to keep him still. He pouted and weakly punched the younger's arm. "I hate you."

"I know," Jongdae chuckled, his hand busy playing with the hem of the other's shirt. "I made you jealous, didn't I?"

Minseok widened his eyes and unconsciously held his breath. "J-Jealous?"

"I saw that you looked pissed off during the game. I even caught you giving me and Seyeonnie that cold, scary look, it gave me goosebumps. Now tell me, who were you jealous of?"

Surprised that the other knew his little secret, Minseok was too taken aback to say anything as the answer. Jongdae's chest rose and fell as he let out a long sigh.

"We have to make things clear, hyung. Let's just not hide anything from each other."

Minseok remained silent, so he asked again, "Were you mad because I touched her? Do you want me to stay away from your girl?"

"She's not my girl," the older said quickly, "I... I wasn't jealous. Let go of me, this is too awkward."

Instead of letting go, Jongdae tightened his arm around Minseok's body, while his other hand moved downwards to give a light squeeze to the other's buttcheek. Minseok froze and widened his eyes.

"I can make this more awkward if you keep hiding things from me."

"...You can't force me."

"I can, if it's related to me."

Minseok wished he would have been able to fight back and push the younger boy away, maybe punch him too to give him a little lesson about respect, but unfortunately he found himself so weak as he always was around the other boy.

Minseok raised his head again and begged through his eyes. "Please," he croaked, "just let me go."

Jongdae smiled softly and moved his hands to Minseok's face, cupping his cheeks. "Okay then. Fine."

Minseok beamed and pushed himself up immediately, but before he could get back on his feet and stand properly, Jongdae tackled him down again and straddled him on the ground. Minseok yelped and shut his eyes tightly as the younger boy ducked his head and pecked his cheek. When he opened his eyes again, Jongdae was already standing in front of him, grinning cheekily with his hand reached out towards him. Minseok sat up slowly, stared at the hand doubtfully before finally taking it to pull himself up.

Minseok pouted hard at Jongdae as he touched the burning area on his cheek, where the other had just kissed him.

"W-What was that for? You know you can't kiss a boy like that. Shame on you," Minseok hissed.

Jongdae laughed and slung his arm around the older's shoulders. "It's your fault for hiding things from me. I told you I could make it more awkward. Now let's go home, Mr. Shin shouldn't hide Chansoo in his room for too long."

Minseok blew his bangs off his forehead and puffed out his cheeks. "It was you who wanted to stay here longer."

As they walked out of the field together, Minseok glanced at the hand on his shoulder and smiled secretly. They were walking really close and the warmth from Jongdae's body had spread to Minseok's cheeks, giving the latter a strange tingling happy feeling inside his chest. Suddenly he wasn't that pissed off anymore.

Before going back home, Jongdae kindly offered to ride the bike, so Minseok could just sit at the back and rest his legs. To Jongdae's surprise, this time Minseok agreed without any fights; he obediently sat on the back seat and loosely wrapped his arms around the other's waist. That little act alone was enough to make both of them smile shyly along the way.

As the night wind ran through their hair, Minseok hugged Jongdae's waist a little bit tighter and leaned his head on his back. His chest became warmer and his smile grew wider when Jongdae placed a hand on his arm and gently it to keep him warm. Jongdae's fingers slid along Minseok's arm until their fingers met, tangled with each other just for a mere second as a silent, subtle sign before Jongdae pulled back his hand and placed it back on the handlebar grip of the bike.

Then that Minseok thought again about it, what had been the actual reason of his jealousy? Was it because Jongdae had become too close and touchy with his girl?

Or was it because Seyeon had gotten too close to his Jongdae?

A/N: HIIIII I can't believe I've finally updated this story :'D I'm sorry it's been more than a month, lately I've been working on my other fic "Oh Sehun's Diary" and another one, a rated M hunhan fic on my other account (because there are some of my friends irl on this account and I won't let them see my other side heheh >:D I know I'm sorry OTL) so my attention to this fic was divided. Actually I wrote chapter 22 and 23 a month ago but I couldn't post them because I had to follow the order. It should be Baekyeol, Xiuchen, Suho+kaisoo, and then hunhan and chinese line. So it means the next chapter will be about Suho and Kaisoo. On the next chapter, SMEnt will begin to take part in the story. One of the three boys will start to consider joining SM :D

So what do you think about this chapter? I hope it wasn't that bad because I had left this story for quite some time. I've started going to univ and I'll get busier for sure, but I'll try to update this frequently, as well as my other fics. Thank you so much for reading and subscribing~ ^^

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!