Two Stray Puppies Fighting for Love

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

Dara had been driving around for an hour to find a certain hobo and was on the verge of giving up. On the back seat was sprawled a giant boy, sleeping with his mouth hanging open. The sky was slowly getting dark and the twenty-one-year-old lady was starting to feel a little bit drowsy, and she knew she had to go home immediately before she had to hit someone and get into an unnecessary trouble.

Mentally apologizing to the hobo, Dara made a sharp turn towards the direction of her house. It was his own mistake anyways, for not listening to what she had told him and disappearing without any traces instead.

Dara rubbed her eyes and yawned. She closed her eyes only for a split second, but when she opened them again, someone had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the street. She widened her eyes and hit the brakes immediately, making the car stop abruptly, causing Chanyeol to roll off the back seat and fall onto the car floor with a loud thud.

"Aish-" Dara hit the steering wheel furiously, opened the car window and glowered at the melancholic-looking guy standing in front of her car. "Ya!! What are you, a chicken?! Do you think you have eyes on both sides of your head?? Look left and right, don't look down! Aish, did you even go to school?" She scolded furiously, not bothering to control her emotion because of the overwhelming drowsiness. She was one with lots of patience, but not when she got shocked on the road when she was sleepy.

The guy shifted his mellow eyes from the road to the nagging lady, and then both of them gasped and widened their eyes.



A car stopped behind Dara's and honked the horn. Dara tore her gaze off Baekhyun's face to look around and realized that she was still in the middle of the road.

"Hurry and get in!" She shouted at Baekhyun, who immediately ran to the other front door and threw himself in. Dara stepped on the gas pedal as soon as the door was properly shut.

Baekhyun leaned his head back on the car seat, eyes closed and hand on his chest. He breathed out in relief before opening his eyes again to see the lady sitting next to him.

"How could you find me there?" He asked, brow furrowed.

"I was almost giving up finding you though. Why did you not stay on your place? This is quite far from there," Dara said, her voice a little bit calmer.

"...I'm sorry."

"What's your name again?"

"Byun Baekhyun."

Ears catching another unfamiliar voice, Chanyeol cracked his eyes open and struggled to pull himself up from his awkward lying position on the car floor.


Baekhyun stiffened at the zombie-like voice behind him. Eyes widened, he slowly turned his head towards the back seat. He was immediately greeted by the sight of a big head with hooded big eyes and sticking out big ears, his hair in a horrible mess. Suddenly Chanyeol let out a huge loud sneeze and Baekhyun's scream of shock exploded uncontrollably, causing Dara to jump in her seat and involuntarily slam her foot on the gas pedal.

"WAAAHHH!" The three of them screamed at the top of their lungs as the car violently swerved left and right.

"Stop the car!! Noona, I'm begging you please stop the car I don't want to die yet!!" Chanyeol screamed and shook Dara's shoulders from behind, making her lose control even more.

"Alright, alright! Let go of me!" Dara finally hit the brakes right on time before they could hit a group of innocent people standing on the roadside.

The three of them sank in their seats, chests heaving up and down, their heartbeats loudly drumming in their ears. Dara opened to say something, but since she couldn't find proper words to say, she stepped on the gas pedal again and quietly drove back home. She wasn't sleepy anymore.

At home though, to both of the boys' surprise, Dara changed a hundred and eighty degrees, back into a cheerful and smiley one. She ushered the boys to different bathrooms and handed them some of her father's old clothes, which fit perfectly on Chanyeol but were too big for Baekhyun. When they were done showering, some food had been placed on the dining table. Dara told them to sit and eat together.

"I'm sorry I could only make you fried chicken. I'm too tired to cook more than this, but I promise I'll feed you better tomorrow!" She said cheerfully as she poured some water to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's glasses before joining them at the table.

"It's okay, noona! It's really delicious, although now I feel like a cannibal after being a chicken for four hours today," Chanyeol laughed while munching his food.

"Thank you for the food, Dara-ssi," Baekhyun timidly said.

"No problem," Dara waved a hand, "you both have to eat well, okay? We'll have a talk after this."

"What's with the serious tone? You're no fun, noona," Chanyeol said with full mouth.

Dara gulped down her food and smiled as wide as she could at the big boy. "Do you mean I can't talk like that, Yeollie? How about this? Hmm?" She asked with sickeningly sweet tone.

Chanyeol shielded his eyes and averted his face from the lady. "Ow, ow. My eyes! Okay, okay, anything but that smile!"

Dara's smile faltered, replaced with a pout. "I don't think it's that bad though."

Chanyeol laughed lightly with his deep soothing voice as he shook his head and waved his hand. "I didn't say your smile was ugly, noona."

Baekhyun squirmed awkwardly on his seat, feeling out of place because the other two seemed to be really close. So he cleared his throat to get their attention and shyly asked, "Umm, have you guys known each other for quite awhile?"

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun as if he had forgotten that the other boy was there too, while Dara smiled kindly at him and replied, "No, I found him just this morning! It's his first time coming here too. Why do you ask about it, Baekhyun-ssi?"

"You both look really close though," Baekhyun cleared his throat again, "and the way you talk to each other."

"I've considered her as my noona, since she's letting me stay here," Chanyeol said nonchalantly as he took another bite on his chicken.

Baekhyun nodded quietly and took a sip of his glass of water. It felt painfully awkward to talk to the other boy. "Okay."

Dara furrowed her eyebrows, feeling the awkwardness too thick in the air. "You both shouldn't be awkward towards each other, you know. I believe you guys are related."

Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun, who was munching his food slowly with his head down. The smaller boy only lifted his head when the other reached out his hand and said, "Hey, I'm Park Chanyeol."

Baekhyun took the bigger hand shyly and shook it a little bit. "Byun Baekhyun."

Dara chuckled and silently clapped her hands. "There you go. Get along with each other, because you'll be staying in the same room."

Baekhyun widened his eyes and choked on his food, almost spitting it out but luckily that didn't happen so he didn't have to embarrass himself more. He coughed several times and gulped down all the content of his glass in attempt to stop it. Dara reached out her hand to pat his back and flashed an anxious smile at him.

"Be careful, Baekhyun-ssi," she said. Chanyeol secretly rolled his eyes and shook his head at the other boy's clumsiness, but his gestures weren't left unnoticed by the smaller boy. It only made Baekhyun feel embarrassed even more.

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun muttered, "but, are you letting me stay here too, Dara-ssi?"

"Well... I let Chanyeollie stay here until he can remember again and live on his own, so why shouldn't I let you stay?" Dara shrugged and smiled. "It's because you both are relatives though. Usually I don't go around and pick up hobos from the street to stay at my house. But of course, if you two do something bad, I won't think twice to kick you guys out."

"You're just lonely here, noona," Chanyeol smiled teasingly, "just admit it."

Dara opened again to deny it, but if she thought about it again, it was not so wrong. "...Well yeah, but that's not the main reason, okay? Shut up and finish your food, Yeollie."

Chanyeol smiled understandingly yet didn't talk about it any further. Dara had told him earlier that day that she lived there alone because her parents had moved to a new house and she had decided to grow up and learn to live by her own. He wondered where her parents lived. He saw nothing wrong with the current house though, it was big and cozy.

"...Thank you so much, Dara-ssi," Baekhyun said, "I don't know how to repay you."

"That's easy, you should just be Mrs. Chick at my father's amusement park."

Dara flashed a broad grin, Chanyeol snickered and Baekhyun gaped at the lady. He absolutely hadn't seen that coming.

"Don't worry, you'll be paid, of course. It's better than being jobless, isn't it?" Dara wiggled her eyebrows, her grin not leaving her face.

"Yes. Yes of course, Dara-ssi."

"Now, if you call me that, it wouldn't be fair because Chanyeol calls me noona. You should just call me noona from now on! You're obviously younger than me, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm nineteen this year."

"You both are the same age then!" Dara exclaimed happily. "That's perfect. Now I have two cute little brothers who are two years younger than me."

"Cute? I'm flattered, noona," Chanyeol batted his eyelashes and flashed a naughty smile, while Baekhyun bowed his head and smiled shyly.

Dara laughed and stuck out her tongue. "No, I'll take that back."

After dinner, Dara brought them to the living room to dig as much information as she could get from them, but apparently they really could remember nothing but their names, ages, and birthdates. She gave up and ushered them to the guest room.

Baekhyun had secretly been worrying about sharing a bed with the other boy, but to his relief, it turned out that there were two beds in that room. After making sure that the two boys were okay on their own, Dara left to her own room upstairs.

Baekhyun sat on his bed and watched as the taller boy walked around the room to identify his surroundings and finally stopped in front of a big mirror attached to the wall. Chanyeol cocked his head to the side and examined the spot on his neck below his left ear. There was a tattoo there that looked like a star or a sun, he wasn't really sure; he wondered why he had it and what that symbol meant. If he thought about it, the current him had no interest in having any permanent tattoos on any parts of his body. Since both of them hadn't taken a closer look of each other, they hadn't noticed the tattoos on each other's necks.

Chanyeol shrugged and decided to just go to sleep. He snuggled into the sheets, feeling awkward and uncomfortable because the other boy wouldn't stop staring at him. What did he want?

Baekhyun widened his eyes and gasped quietly when suddenly Chanyeol sat up again and took off his shirt, tossing it onto the floor.

"W-What are you doing?" He dared to ask, which sounded more like a squeak. He couldn't help but letting his gaze drop from Chanyeol's face to his exposed toned body, which was a thousand times manlier and ier than his. There was no doubt than Chanyeol was good-looking.

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun with unreadable flat expression yet his gaze was quite intense, making the smaller squirm uncomfortably on his bed.

"I'm more comfortable like this. Do you have a problem with that?" Chanyeol asked, his voice a little bit colder than he wanted it to be, so he somewhat felt bad when Baekhyun shook his head fervently, looked down and bit his lip as if he was really scared of him. The giant didn't do anything about it though; he shrugged and lied back down, and so did the other boy.

Chanyeol folded his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling.

"You're so awkward that it hurts," he murmured, clear enough to be heard by the other.

Baekhyun's lips slowly formed a pout. "Well sorry about that."

Chanyeol turned his head and his eyes unintentionally fell on Baekhyun's neck. He shot up to a sitting position immediately and jumped, almost like flying off his bed towards the other's. He straddled Baekhyun absentmindedly and cocked the other's head to the side, leaning down to see the tattoo on his neck. On the other hand, Baekhyun was already shivering in fear, thinking that he was about to be by the y shirtless boy.

"G-Get your dirty hands o-off of me," Baekhyun stuttered and shut his eyes tightly.

Chanyeol straightened his back immediately and frowned at the boy beneath him. "What do you mean? I washed my hands after dinner, it's not dirty anymore."

Baekhyun opened an eye to peek and closed it again when Chanyeol leaned back down and brushed his thumb against the side of his neck, causing him to shiver visibly.

"You have the symbol on my necklace," Chanyeol muttered with wide eyes. He grabbed the pendant of Baekhyun's necklace and examined it closely. "...and the symbol on your necklace is the same as my tattoo."

Baekhyun opened his eyes slowly to stare up at Chanyeol's neck. He was right, it was the same symbol.

"We're literally related then," he said, "I wonder what kind of relationship we had before."

Chanyeol eyed the other closely, trying to figure out what that boy had to do with him. "Couldn't be anything special, I guess."

"Ouch." Why did he have to say it that way? Baekhyun averted his gaze and wondered why earlier he had thought that Chanyeol had been intending to him. The way Chanyeol talked and looked at him clearly stated that he had no interest in him. That thought alone somehow could make Baekhyun feel embarrassed that his cheeks turned somewhat flushed, which unfortunately had caught Chanyeol's attention.

"Why is your face red like that?" The taller asked and raised an eyebrow, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Baekhyun looked away, "just... You're literally sitting on me, and the way you jumped on me, and... And..."

Baekhyun trailed off at the end of his sentence and Chanyeol nodded slowly, the expression on his face showing that he thought he knew what the other meant.

"Did you think I was going to 'touch' you?" He asked bluntly. Baekhyun closed his eyes and covered his flushed face with his hand; the gestures which Chanyeol took as a "yes".

"Why? Did you want me to do that to you? Do I look like the type of person who would do that carelessly to someone I barely know?" He pushed further, his face slowly inching closer until Baekhyun could feel his warm breath on his face. Baekhyun squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, unintentionally letting out a soft whimper. When he could no longer feel the warmth above him though, he let his eyes flutter open again, which he regretted right away. He felt kind of humiliated seeing the disgusted look on that handsome face staring at him.

"Your mind is quite dirty, isn't it." Chanyeol got off Baekhyun's bed and returned to his, quietly slipped into the sheets and turned his back to the other.

"Good night, Baekhyun-ssi."

Baekhyun knew he wasn't supposed to feel that way, but somehow he was really sad being treated like that by the other. He hadn't expected it to turned out that way; he didn't want to leave bad impressions on the first night they slept together in the same room.

"...Good night, Chanyeol-ssi. I'm sorry."

He didn't get any replies for a good minute he waited, so he turned around and shut his eyes, trying to fall asleep but to no avail. He was too busy concentrating on his attempt to sleep that he didn't even notice the sounds he was making, not until Chanyeol pointed it out with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Can you please stop yelping like a dog? I'm trying really hard to fall asleep."

"...I'm sorry."

It was quiet for a short while until Baekhyun started to make the same noises again, he couldn't help it. Maybe it was just his habit. Chanyeol groaned quietly under the sheets, but eventually both of them finally fell asleep. After few moments though, Chanyeol's breath became louder and he started to snore, snapping Baekhyun out of his slumber. Brain not working properly, he slid off his bed and wobbled towards Chanyeol, absentmindedly pinched the giant's nose to cut his loud breathing. Soon after Chanyeol's eyes shot wide open as he gasped for air and slapped Baekhyun's hand away. He sat up and they stared at each other; Chanyeol with unhappy face, Baekhyun with unamused face.

"You're too loud," Baekhyun groggily said before crawling back onto his own bed and snuggling into the sheets.

They repeated it all over again; Baekhyun yelping and Chanyeol covering his ears with his hands, trying hard to fall back into slumber.

Even though they seemed not suitable to be roommates, they did have their beauty sleeps and woke up with bright smiles on their faces. Not when they saw each other again though. Everything remained awkward between them, even when they transformed into Mr. and Mrs. Chick. Baekhyun would always steal anxious glances at Chanyeol, and the giant would ignore him everytime, although he was completely aware of those timid glances. It creeped him out.

That night, Baekhyun decided to have a talk with Dara about his problem. Dara gladly accepted him and dragged him into her room, ignoring the curious look Chanyeol gave to both of them. Dara locked the door to make sure the big boy wouldn't barge in and bother their consultation session, but it only made Chanyeol even more suspicious. He started to think of bad things Baekhyun might do to his naïve-looking noona.

Knowing that Chanyeol might eavesdrop them, Dara told Baekhyun not to talk too loud. And so, they both sat on the bed and the depressed boy began to pour his heart out.

"It's really awkward between him and I, noona. I guess I did something wrong and now he wouldn't even talk to me. I'm starting to think that he hates me and that I shouldn't be here because I'm useless and I would just bother you two-"

"Shush, what are you saying, Byun Baekhyun? You're not bothering anyone!" Dara cut quickly. Seeing how Baekhyun's bottom lip jutted out slightly and his eyes turn a little bit watery after blinking several times, she pulled him closer and soothingly his back. Now she knew that the boy could actually be really melancholic and emotional.

Baekhyun buried his face on his palms and sadly murmured, "He hates me, he really hates me. We might be related but it means nothing now, because we can't remember what we had between us in the past and now he hates me. I did a mistake too and he only hates me even more."

Dara was hesitant at first, but she drew the boy into a hug and let him rest his head on her shoulder. Baekhyun pouted and wrapped his arms around her body, her scent somehow able to soothe his heavy heart and troubled mind.

"I believe he doesn't hate you. I don't see any reasons why he should hate you," Dara said softly and gently the younger's hair. "What was your mistake, by the way?"

"It's embarrassing," Baekhyun pouted more and explained in a child-like manner, "yesterday night he jumped on me and I thought he was going to do something inappropriate, but it turned out he just wanted to take a closer look at my tattoo. Apparently my stupid thought has made him feel offended and disgusted at me, he said my mind was dirty. I apologized for that though, but he ignored me."

Honestly Dara wasn't sure how to respond to his story. He was pretty blunt though. But if she had been in his position that time, she might have thought the same way.

"Umm, so it's just a misunderstanding," she concluded, "I guess you need to talk to him. Do you need my help to do that? I can talk to him."

"He'd think I'm a coward then."

"Then you should fix it by yourself. Don't worry, he's actually a really nice boy! You shouldn't be too shy around him. Say, you weren't even that timid when you first met me."

Baekhyun lifted his head off Dara's shoulder and rubbed his nape. "Yeah... I don't know. It just feels awfully awkward for me to talk to him."

"Try it again, you'll be fine. Just trust me, he doesn't hate you," Dara patted Baekhyun's back and gave him a sweet smile.

"Okay then," Baekhyun nodded weakly, "I'll try. Thank you, noona. I shall go back now."

Dara gave the younger a hug once again, patted his cheek and ruffled his hair. "Good luck, Baekhyunnie."

Baekhyun rubbed his nape and smiled shyly at the nickname. He kind of liked it. All of her comforting touches, they made him feel loved and warm inside. He wished he could just stay there with her, but he knew his place. So he got off the bed and quietly walked out of the room.

When he closed the door and turned around, he yelped because of the giant standing right in front of him with crossed arms and a frown on his face. Chanyeol leaned down until his face was only centimeters away from Baekhyun's, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He went straight to the point, "What did you do in there?"

Baekhyun bowed his head and fidgeted with his fingers. "I..." Man up, Baek. He bit his lip and gulped down all his nervousness before looking up right into the taller's grey orbs, catching the other off guard for a split second.

"I just had a talk with Dara noona about stuff," he said, this time with a little bit more confidence, although it was still really fragile and would falter really easily if Chanyeol used his cold tone again.

Chanyeol straightened his back and squinted at the other. "Stuff?" Baekhyun just shrugged, still trying hard to maintain the eye contact. He wasn't scared of that giant and he was going to prove it.

It wasn't that easy though. When Chanyeol grabbed his shoulder and pushed him aside out of his way, he felt like a complete loser and he knew it was true. He couldn't even befriend someone as warm as Chanyeol and got the cold shoulder instead.

"Go to sleep first, I also want to talk to Dara noona."

"...Fine then." Baekhyun sighed in defeat and walked back to their shared room, while Chanyeol knocked on Dara's door and opened it after he had gotten the permission.

When she had heard the soft knock, Dara had thought that Baekhyun hadn't finished yet with his problem, so she was pretty much surprised when she saw Chanyeol walking in instead of the smaller boy.

"Oh, Chanyeollie? Is there something wrong?" Dara asked, putting her cellphone aside.

Chanyeol plopped down on the bed and gave the other his adorable puppy eyes and a pout. "Noona, what did you do with him?"

Dara chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Why do you want to know about it? Hmm?"

"Well..." Chanyeol bowed his head, his finger drawing imaginary circles on the sheets. "I was just worried about you."

"Oh? Why did you have to worry about me?" Dara grinned and raised her eyebrows, "Did something happen between you and Baekhyunnie?"

"Baekhyunnie?" Chanyeol frowned at the nickname. "No. Nothing happened."

Dara raised an eyebrow. "Then?"

Chanyeol rested his elbows on his crossed legs and cupped his cheeks in his hands, his eyebrows met in the middle. "I just don't really like him."

That really caught Dara off guard. She widened her eyes and leaned forward, her lips parted slightly and her hands balled into fists against the bed. "What? What are you saying, Yeollie? He could be someone close to you!"

"But, isn't he suspicious? The way he acts all shy and quiet, it's all suspicious. He might hurt you when you're not aware. I can't let that happen, noona," Chanyeol fought back. "Besides, it seems like he's a ert too. You can't be too naïve, noona. Did he touch you earlier?"

Dara gaped at the boy and his words, not able to understand his way of thinking. With dazed face she answered, "Well, yeah, but it was just a hug and I initiated first." Wait, did she really have to tell him that? Great, that would just make Chanyeol stand his ground and go on with his suspicion.

Chanyeol clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't have done that to him, noona. Why did you have to hug him?"

"He was just a little bit sad," Dara frowned, "sad and worried about many things. He's not as bad as you think, really. He's really nice, even his feelings are really soft and he could get depressed that easily. No, don't say he was only acting. I knew it was real and he was that scared that you would hate him. He realized his mistake and he wanted to fix it, you know. You should open up to him. Okay, too much information. Why don't you talk to him, Yeollie?"

Chanyeol sighed and crossed his arms. "Okay, if that's what noona wants. But I will still keep an eye on him."

Dara chuckled and patted Chanyeol's arm. "Don't do it for me. It's for yourself. Don't be that mean to him, now he's my little brother too."

"Okay," Chanyeol nodded, "but you're not being fair to your other little brother."

The older cracked an amused grin and cocked her head to the side. "Why am I not being fair?"

Chanyeol looked down and grinned, but immediately replaced it with a childish pout. "He got a hug but I didn't."

"Awww! Isn't that the cutest thing I've ever heard from a teenage boy," Dara laughed as she pulled the big boy into a subtle hug. But when she was about to pull away, Chanyeol pulled her back into his arms and squeezed her a little bit, laughing with his deep soothing voice.

"You're really warm, noona. Like a pillow," he giggled, not letting go of the other.

Dara was a little surprised by the possessiveness though, but Chanyeol himself was also warm and she somehow felt safe in his arms. She was sinking in the warmth but she snapped herself out of it. She laughed again and smacked the younger's shoulder.

"Do you mean I'm warm because of the fat? Thank you so much, now let go of me," she chuckled and pulled herself away from Chanyeol's arms.

"What fat? You're not fat at all, noona," Chanyeol grinned. "Even skinny people can be warm too, you know."

"But not like a pillow," Dara stuck out her tongue. "You should go to sleep now, Yeollie. It's late already."

"You're kicking me out," the younger pouted again, but laughed when the older hit his arm lightly with a pillow.

"I'm sleepy, you know. Tomorrow you still have to work too, your shift is in the morning. Just hold on until this weekend and you'll be free," Dara said, rubbing her heavy eyes and yawning behind her hand.

"Okay then." In a blink of an eye, Chanyeol leaned closer, tilted his head, brought his lips to the older's cheek yet stopped when he was an inch away, made a kissing sound with his lips and immediately ran to the door, leaving Dara sitting dumbfounded on her bed.

"Good night, noona! Have a good sleep!"

Chanyeol shut the door and Dara fell onto her back, stupidly grinning to herself. She noticed that then Chanyeol really cared a lot about her, like a stray puppy showing his gratitude to his new master for picking him from the street. Then she wasn't sure whom she should be careful of, but somehow she believed that Chanyeol, with all of his warmth and affection, was the one who was more dangerous than the other one. So much for being naïve and blunt at the same time. But he was her new little brother after all, and what she had to do was only taking care of those two adorable stray puppies. Nothing less, nothing more.

Chanyeol ran down the stairs grinning to himself, somehow feeling happy without any clear reasons. As he got closer to his shared room with Baekhyun though, his smile slowly faded away. He quietly opened the door and sneaked into the room. Apparently Baekhyun had fallen asleep, because he wasn't making weird noises anymore. Chanyeol stood next to the other's bed and stared at his sleeping face, which didn't look calm and peaceful at all. Apparently he was having some kind of nightmare, but Chanyeol couldn't care less about it.

'Right, I should go easier on you, but I will never fogive you if you hurt my noona. I met her first, so I deserve more love and atttention from her. Don't even think you can steal them away from me.'

Chanyeol climbed onto his bed and pulled the sheets up to his head, ignoring the soft whimpers that Baekhyun was starting to make. If only he had known about it, he was the one who was filling Baekhyun's dream.

It was a dream about Baekhyun himself, sleeping on the hard dirty ground at one cold night. At the beginning of his dream, he had been smiling in his sleep because of a certain someone hugging him in his dream, showering him with the very familiar feelings of warmth and secureness. In that dream they curled up into a ball and cuddled to share the warmth that it didn't feel cold anymore, that they didn't mind the thick dust covering their bodies. But then, suddenly the warmth enveloping him disappeared like the wind, leaving him alone in the darkness of night. He tried to open his eyes but it was pitch black, he tried to reach out his hands to find the warmth but he found nothing but more dust and coldness. He began to tremble in fear in his dream, he opened his mouth to shout out that certain someone's name, but no voice came out of his throat. He couldn't say his name, he didn't remember what it was. He shut his eyes and pulled his hair in frustration as he tried harder to remember, but as he thought more about it, the more he lost every tiny bits of the image of that person left in his memories. He let out a loud scream and wail out of frustration at the top of his lungs, the loudest he could ever make.

Baekhyun cracked his eyes wide open and shot up to a sitting position. His body was drenched in sweat and his chest was madly heaving up and down. He put his hand on his chest and closed his eyes, recalling the nightmare he had just had.

Tears began to slide down his cheeks and he didn't bother trying to hold back his feelings anymore. He opened his watery eyes to glance at Chanyeol's back, and after he was sure that the other was asleep, he buried his face in his hands and wailed his heart out.

What he failed to notice was that Chanyeol wasn't yet asleep; he was still wide awake under the sheets, listening to every little bits of his wails and cries of desperation, yet his ego held him to stay still.

They were only strangers after all.

A/N: tadaaa here's Baekyeol for you XD it's not so baekyeol though, more like Baekhyun and Chanyeol heheh. So I wonder how Chanyeol would open up to Baekhyun, who was actually his own boyfriend OTL they were too awkward to be baekyeol hahaha

Next chapter, it should be (still) about the k-boys :D and then we'll move back to China. It's okay to write a lot about Luhan, right? Maybe I should just make him the main character. But it's about ot12 x'D

Anyways, thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting too! ^^

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!