To be a Star or Not To be a Star

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

A few months had passed since the first time Jongin and Kyungsoo had found the Kim sisters' dance club. Four of them were fast to get along with each other that they became like siblings; except that Jongin didn't really see Kyungsoo in a brotherly way. He had found himself seeking for the owl-eyed boy's attention to an unhealthy extent, which Kyungsoo realized too; but he opted to remain silent about it, thinking that maybe Jongin only needed more love and he would eventually be cool again because the love they got from Kim's was more than enough.

Or maybe it was because Jongin was jealous. If only four of them had been blood-relative siblings, Kyungsoo would have most likely been the youngest one and not Jongin, because that was how Yeojin and Jinae treated him. Kyungsoo had become quite famous around the area as a young new chef who had made a poor-quality restaurant become crowded every lunch and dinner time, so he automatically had to cook for the noonas too, and it made them love him even more. Not that they loved him more than they loved Jongin though; they insisted that their love for the two boys was equal. They bought them the same amount of clothes, they gave them the same place to live, they talked to them in the same way; only Kyungsoo received pinches on his cheeks more often than Jongin. So, Kyungsoo wondered, what was the problem here then? Did Jongin want more pinches too? That didn’t seem like it.

If there was anyone who was supposed to be jealous here, it should be Kyungsoo instead, seeing how close Jongin had become to Yuri. But, not seeing that as a problem, Kyungsoo remained cool and calm towards both of them. Yuri praised him a lot for his cooking and it made him happy enough. She had become his close friend too who could talk openly about many things, also with a safe and healthy amount of skinship. So, to say it shortly; Kyungsoo saw everyone in his new family in the same way, including Jongin too. To the big-eyed young chef, Kim Jongin was a clingy dongsaeng who needed to be taken care of. And a wonderful, brilliant, talented meant-to-be dancer. Just that.

Apparently their five-year-old relationship was left forgotten just like that.

One fine morning at the dance club, as usual Kyungsoo woke up earlier than Jongin. He sat up lazily, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, yawned and stretched his arms before sliding off the bed and shuffling his way to the bathroom for an early shower. After spending fifteen minutes humming and singing in the shower while cleaning himself, he returned to his shared room and found Jongin sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side. He walked to the bed and lightly pushed the younger boy's shoulder.

"Ya, Jongin-ah."

Jongin raised his heavy head and forced his eyes to open up. "Huuhh?" he croaked.

"Get up and take a shower. I'm going any minute now," Kyungsoo said with a flat expression on his face.

Jongin smiled sleepily and absentmindedly pulled the older boy into a loose hug, causing Kyungsoo to lose his balance and fall forward onto the bed. "You smell good, hyung."

"You smell like drool," Kyungsoo grumbled as he tried to push himself up.

Jongin shut his eyes again and chuckled quietly to himself. "That's y."

"Whatever. I'm going now."

Kyungsoo turned around and made his way out of the room, ignoring Jongin's pitiful whine. He unlocked the main door of the building and quickly walked across the street towards the restaurant, the place where he had been going to everyday for a few months by then. The restaurant hadn't opened yet, but the owner had given him the permission to come early everyday and fix some food for himself and Jongin, and maybe for his noisy noonas too sometimes. His boss would let him do anything he wanted as long as he worked there everyday and cooked some nice food, made more money and got more people to come. And so, Kyungsoo used the chance to get free meals everyday.

Kyungsoo greeted the skinny guy who was cleaning a table and the sleeping guy at the cashier casually before entering the kitchen and proceeding to make some breakfast. About an hour later, he went out of the restaurant carrying a big plastic bag full of food container.


Kyungsoo flew his gaze towards the dance club and found Yeojin and Jinae waving their arms at him, shouting at him across the street.

"Come here, come heeeere! We're hungry, hurry up and feed us!" they squawked noisily like hungry crows, getting some attention from the few people around them.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Feeling embarrassed, Kyungsoo walked across the street rapidly with his head down, trying to hide his face and protect his image from getting scarred by the two embarrassing grown up ladies. As soon as he stood in front of them, they took the plastic bag from his hands and peeked inside. Broad grins split up their faces when the smell of the food flew into their nostrils.

"Waahh~ I can almost taste the food just by smelling it! It must be really tasty," Yeojin said with sparkling eyes and darted her tongue out to her lips. Her hand swiftly flew up to Kyungsoo's face and caught his squishy cheek between her fingers, pinching him and shaking his head back and forth. "Thanks, Kyungie! You're the best, let's get married soon!"

"Ya! You're tearing his face apart," Jinae slapped her younger sister's hand away from Kyungsoo's face and smacked her head, while the younger winced and held her head, glaring at the older.

"I don't want to marry anyone who's going to tear my face apart," Kyungsoo mumbled, rubbed the red mark on his cheek and pouted at Yeojin, but then his lips formed a heart shape as he laughed seeing the older panic because of his words.

"No, no no no I won't pinch your cheeks anymore! Anything so I can eat your cooking everyday!"

"Aish, this girl," Jinae gave her sister a disgusted look, "you should never marry a woman like her, Kyungie, she can only cook instant noodles and she'll make you a slave in her kitchen."

"That's not true!" Yeojin stomped her foot and they glared at each other, making Kyungsoo laugh at their childish act.

"It's okay, though, I'll be really glad to see anyone eat my cooking happily."

"D'aww," both sisters smiled at kyungsoo and cooed in unison. "What a little angel."

"Is the food here?"

The three of them turned their heads towards the entrance of the building. Jongin had poked his head out with Yuri tiptoeing behind him to peek; the dancer girl was grinning happily, but Jongin had a pout on his face. He opened the door wider and walked out towards Kyungsoo.

"Hyung." Jongin hugged Kyungsoo's arm and jutted out his bottom lip ever so slightly. Kyungsoo looked up at the taller boy's face and raised an eyebrow.


"Play with me more. You only play with these noonas. I was bored, Yuri noona is too boring."

"Ya! I can hear you, Kim Jongin!" Yuri walked quickly from the door towards Jongin, whose arms had flown up to cover his head.

"Just kidding, just kidding!" Jongin exclaimed and hid behind Kyungsoo, while Yuri successfully made him yelp by pinching his side. She turned her head towards Kyungsoo and flashed her sweetest smile.

"Hello, Kyungsoo-ya."

"Hi, noona," Kyungsoo raised his hand slightly and flashed a shy smile. "Have you eaten anything yet? I didn't know you were coming early, but I've cooked quite a lot."

"I had breakfast with my brother, but I won't mind helping you finish the meal," Yuri chuckled and took the plastic bag in Yeojin's hand. "Come on, let's get inside."

Inside the studio, all five of them sat in a circle and ate together. Jongin sat next to Kyungsoo and secretly watched him while he was eating; just to make sure his hyung was eating carefully, Jongin reasoned to himself. The Kim sisters were joking and bickering as they always did and Kyungsoo was laughing endlessly because of them, in result making himself choke on his food and cough continuously. Jongin's instant response came almost immediately; he snatched a water bottle and gave it to the older boy, he patted and rubbed his back to calm him down while he was drinking the water.

"Hyung, are you okay? Please be more careful," he said worriedly. Everyone looked at Kyungsoo and waited until he could answer properly.

"Yes, I'm okay," Kyungsoo said and wiped away the water welling up in his eyes. "Thank you, Jongin-ah."

A big smile bloomed on Jongin's face. 'He thanked me!'

Jongin patted the older boy's back a bit more and grinned from ear to ear. Finding his face rather funny, Yuri laughed softly and lightly elbowed his arm.

"You take care of Kyungie really well, don't you?" she asked with a playful tone in her voice.

Jongin's smiley face turned into a funny dazed one for a split second before an even bigger smile took over his face. He was good at it; changing his facial expressions in split seconds.

"Of course! He's my hyung," Jongin pointed at Kyungsoo with his thumb and cracked a goofy grin. "He takes care of me better though!"

Flattered, Kyungsoo bowed his head and drank his water again quietly, trying not to smile like the clumsy dancer boy. They all finished their meal and cleaned up the food containers together in laughter. While waiting for the restaurant and the club's opening hour, they sat again in a circle to talk about stuff; just doing their morning ritual.

"Yuri noona, tell us more about your brother," Kyungsoo said, "he sounds like a fun guy."

"He sounds like an okay guy to me," Jongin shrugged nonchalantly. Kyungsoo glanced at him and it was more than enough to make him shut his mouth.

Yuri laughed and tapped her chin with her finger. "Well... What do you want to know about him? There's nothing much about Junmyeonnie that I can talk about though."

"You said he played golf with your dad," Yeojin said, "isn't that the stuff for old dudes? Girl, he must be really boring. I prefer dancer guys than golfer guys."

Yuri cocked an eyebrow at her older cousin. "No he's not, and I doubt if he wants to be with you," she stuck out her tongue mockingly. "Remember your age, unnie, he's four years younger than you."

"Kyungie is five years younger than me though," Yeojin grinned and hugged Kyungsoo's arm, "and we'll get married soon. Right, Kyungie?"

Kyungsoo widened his big eyes, bowed his head and scratched the back of his neck clumsily. "Uh, about that..."

"I told you he didn't want to be with you," Jinae said and stuck out her tongue at her younger sister.

Yeojin pouted and let go of Kyungsoo's arm, pretending to be disappointed. Seeing that Kyungsoo panicked and waved his hands cutely, making the ladies laugh and Jongin pout secretly.

"I'm just kidding, Kyungsoo-yaaa," Yeojin laughed and pinched Kyungsoo's cheek. The young chef bowed his head and cupped his pink cheeks in his hands, making everyone coo at him.

"Aish, why is everyone looking at me?" he complained and waved his hand, "we were talking about Junmyeon hyung."

"'Junmyeon hyung'?" Jongin raised his eyebrows. "Hyuuung, we haven't even met him but you're already calling him 'hyung'! As if you've become close to him!"

"Aww, Jonginnie is jealous," Yeojin and Jinae , laughed and high-fived each other.

“I’m not,” Jongin crossed his arms and sulked.

"Are you that interested in him, Kyungsoo-ya?" Yuri chuckled and cocked her head to the side, finding it interesting that the boy wanted to know much about her brother.

"It's not like that," Kyungsoo said, "I just don't see that many boys around here, beside Jongin and the boys here at the club, so I'd like to meet some new boys and Junmyeon hyung seems good enough to be friends with."

"So me only is not enough then," Jongin mumbled under his breath dejectedly to himself. "Tch. What's so good about him?"

"He certainly is," Yuri beamed, "he's a good boy, but his likings are a bit different. He has an old man style because of my dad, you can see it through his clothing style and the stuff in his room. Lately it's changing though, his friends are affecting him."

She looked somewhat sad at the end of her sentence and it wasn't left unnoticed by Kyungsoo, so he asked, "But he's still a good guy, isn't he?"

Yuri chuckled and smiled at the floor. "I hope so. You should come to my house and meet him when you have time." She pointed at Jongin. "You too, Jongin-ah."

"Go to your house?" Jongin blinked dumbly. "Ah... Your house must be really big, noona. Is it really okay to go there? Won't your parents kick us out?"

Yuri laughed and playfully slapped Jongin's arm. "Of course they won't! You two are good boys, why should they kick you out? I guess they'll like you guys instead," she smirked and winked, making both boys smile shyly. "How about tonight? You can come after Kyungie's done working."

"Only Jonginnie and Kyungie? Not us too?" Yeojin pointed at herself and her sister. "We want to see Junmyeonnie too!"

"We can't, we're having a dinner with Mom and Dad tonight, remember?" Jinae said, "we can come next time."

"Awwh, I totally forgot about that," Yeojin sighed sadly, but then beamed again and shook Kyungsoo's shoulder. "Kyungie, later you have to tell us about Junmyeonnie, okay? I won't trust Jonginnie to give any information about him, he's clearly jealous with Junmyeonnie, you know? He'll only talk bad about him."

"Noona, I'm not jealous!" Jongin whined, but Yeojin shushed him and glared at him.

"Jongin-ah, you're going with Kyungie to Yuri's house tonight and you'll treat Junmyeonnie nicely, okay?" Yeojin said unequivocally, while Jongin bowed his head and whimpered like a sad puppy.

Yuri patted Jongin's back and encircled her arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry, unnie, they'll get along well. Maybe Jongin can teach Junmyeonnie how to dance too? He needs to move his body more."

Jongin glanced at Yuri and nodded weakly. "Okay. I guess I can."

All of a sudden Jinae's face brightened up as she straightened her back and snapped her fingers. "Speaking of dancing, has anyone heard about the casting system held by SM?"

"Oh! I've heard about it, they're going around for new trainees! And they will hold a youth competition too!" Yeojin exclaimed, pointing at the older. She bit her bottom lip and balled her hands into fists as she bounced on her excitedly. "This can be our chance!"

"Ya, remember your age," Jinae smacked Yeojin's arm, "you'll be a rotten old lady soon and you can't even sing properly."

"What? Hellooo, are my ears broken? I'm the one who is supposed to say that to you, you know! For goodness' sake you're four years older than me!"

While the Kim sisters were bickering about their ages and the casting system, Yuri elbowed Jongin and flashed a meaningful smile, also wiggled her eyebrows at Kyungsoo.

She leaned towards the two boys and whispered, "Do you guys want to be SM's trainees?"

Jongin and Kyungsoo looked at each other, and then shrugged in unison.

"I guess I don't have the potential to be an idol," Kyungsoo said, "I can't do idol stuff. Maybe Jongin can? He can dance and he has an aura of a star."

Jongin giggled shyly and his lips formed a big smile hearing the compliments. "Thanks, hyung. I've never thought of being an idol though, but if I'll be dancing a lot and make people happy through my dancing, then I'll be happy to become one."

"That's what idols do," Yuri beamed and snapped her fingers, "you should try it! Be a trainee and share your talent, don't keep it only under this roof."

Jongin's face brightened up even more. "I will then!" Yet suddenly his smile faltered and he looked at the older boy sadly. "But if I make it to be a trainee, doesn't that mean I can't see Kyungsoo hyung everyday anymore? And you noonas too?"

"Oh, you're right about that," Yuri furrowed her eyebrows and sighed. "I can't possibly go with you, of course Yeojin unnie and Jinae unnie too, but maybe you can bring Kyungie along with you? Both of you can be trainees together if you guys are lucky enough."

"I won't make it though," Kyungsoo mumbled. "Now that I think about it, I like singing quite a lot and I'd like to be a singer, but there's nothing special about my skills."

Jongin widened his eyes and straightened his back. "Singing! Oh, how could I forget about it? Your voice is really good, hyung! Yuri noona, have you heard him singing? I heard him singing in the bathroom and his voice sent me to heaven!"

"Really? You should join, Kyungsoo-ya!" Yuri laughed and clapped her hands happily. "Both of you can even be idols together!"

Jongin and Yuri held each other's hands and laughed so happily, while Kyungsoo bowed his head and rubbed his nape sheepishly.

"I don’t know, I'm not confident with my voice. Besides, I have my own job and I can't leave it," he smiled apologetically at the other two, "but please try your luck, Jongin-ah, don't mind me."

Jongin's face dropped once again as he stared at the older boy with sad puppy eyes. "I'm not trying if you're not, hyung."

"Please do, for me?" Kyungsoo held the younger's shoulder. His doubtful smile melted Jongin's heart that the tanned dancer boy could fight him no more.

"...Okay then," Jongin sighed, "I'll think about it. Yeojin noona, Jinae noona?"

Jongin's voice cut the two sisters' argument; they stopped talking and turned their heads towards him in unison.


"About the competition... When is it?"

The sisters looked at each other, their lips slowly stretched into broad grins.

"Oooh, our little dongsaeng is so going to be a star."

Later that night, Yuri went home with Jongin and Kyungsoo with her. The two boys walked into her huge with their mouths agape and their heads spinning around.

"Waah~ It's really big and classy," Jongin said in awe, "I feel like entering the heaven. You must be really rich, noona."

"You're exaggerating it too much," Yuri chuckled and waved her hand.

"Where are your parents, noona? It's so quiet here," Kyungsoo said while turning his head around until his gaze finally fell on the reflection of his own dazed face in a big mirror on the wall. He cocked his head to the side and blinked clumsily.

"They're attending a friend's marriage, I guess they haven't come home yet," Yuri shrugged, "and my brother too, he's out with his friends but he's supposed to come back soon. Do you want to go upstairs or go look around first?"

Both boys beamed at the eldest. "Can we go around first?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Of course." Yuri chuckled and encircled her arms around the boys' shoulders. "Let's go now!"

On their way around the house, they were greeted by a small fluffy creature that could make Jongin squeal like a girl.

“A puppy!” Jongin lifted the puppy in his hands and nuzzled their noses together. The small white puppy let its tongue loll out its mouth as it panted happily and Jongin’s nose. He laughed and rubbed their faces together.

“Aww, so cute,” Kyungsoo balled his hands and smiled adoringly at the puppy. “What’s its name, noona? Is it yours?”

“Her name is Star,” Yuri chuckled, “she’s Junmyeon’s.”

“Can we have a puppy at the dance club too?” Jongin asked sweetly, flashed his puppy eyes and pressed the puppy against his cheek. “I love puppies.”

“That’s a great idea! It’ll be fun to have a pet at the club. Let’s talk about it later with Yeojin unnie and Jinae unnie, I’m sure they won’t mind as long as we take care of the puppy,” Yuri giggled gleefully.

“Awesome!” Jongin beamed and raised his hand and they high-fived each other.

“Remember the ‘we’ here,” Kyungsoo mumbled to himself, already imagining all the mess a puppy could make at the club.

About twenty minutes later, after going on a tour around the house with Yuri and the puppy, Jongin and Kyungsoo were brought to the last destination, which was Junmyeon's room. The room was neat as always and the boys did find some clothes that seemed to be an old man's stuff in the closet. While Kyungsoo was busy examining some music sheets on the table, Jongin took one of the many mangas in the shelf and began to flip through the pages. He put it back on the shelf and take another one for another quick scan.

"Wow, noona, what is this book? I saw some like these at the book store, but I've never opened one. It's really interesting," Jongin commented.

"You like it?" Yuri chuckled and took a peek of the small book in Jongin's hands. "It's called manga. We can buy some for you if you want."

"Please do! I need to educate myself with some books."

"Manga doesn't really help you with education," Kyungsoo mumbled while eyeing some action figures on the table.

Suddenly a loud sound of a door being slammed came from downstairs, making the two boys flinch in surprise. Yuri's face dropped as she walked to the door to peek outside.

"Who's there? Junmyeonnie?"

Came no reply; knowing that there was something wrong, Yuri gathered Jongin and Kyungsoo and told them to wait outside the room while she went downstairs to see what was wrong. But before she could go down, a familiar figure appeared at the end of the stairs, looking totally screwed up and was struggling very hard to climb up. Utterly shocked, Yuri could only gape at him for what seemed like forever until he finally stood in front of her.

With hooded droopy eyes, Junmyeon smirked at his sister and clumsily threw his heavy arms around her.

"Noona...! I missed you."

Yuri scrunched her nose in disgust as she caught the smell of alcohol coming from her brother.

"Junmyeonnie! Are you drunk??"

Jongin and Kyungsoo looked at each other in surprise before quietly approaching the other two. They could finally see the Junmyeon guy's face; he was really handsome, but his good guy image in Kyungsoo's head had flown out of the window.

Yuri looked very upset and her face became red out of embarrassment. She told Jongin and Kyungsoo to wait in her room next door while she dragged her brother into his room and locked the door.

Oblivious to his sister’s anger, Junmyeon giggled to himself and lazily dragged his feet towards his bed, letting himself fall face first with his arms spread open. Yuri sighed loudly, crossed her arms and tapped her foot before impatiently pulling the younger up by the collar. Forcing his eyes to stay opened, Junmyeon struggled to push himself up and look at the other in confusion.

“Ya, you brat. Listen to me,” Yuri said coldly. After Junmyeon finally made it to stand in front of her on his wobbly legs, the corner of his lips curved up into an annoying half smile, making the older snort and roll her eyes out of annoyance.

“Ya. What had Mom and Dad warned you before you went to the party?” She snapped. Junmyeon furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, and then he pouted and flashed his sad puppy eyes at the older. He reached out his hand towards her face, but she slapped it away and glared at him.

“Don’t give me that look. Now explain to me what happened– Eek!”

In a blink of an eye, Junmyeon pulled his sister by the shoulders and pushed her onto the bed, straddling her and trapping her between his arms.

“Noona, you’re so pretty when you're mad.”

Before Yuri could even react to that, the drunk boy ducked his head down and crashed their lips together.

"Mmph!" Yuri widened her eyes and immediately tried to push the other away, but Junmyeon pushed himself down onto her even harder, not giving her any chance to escape from the kiss. Her hands were on his chest, tightly clutching his shirt as she started to feel her fear take control. It was a drunk boy that was on top of her and he was much stronger than her. Remembering that the boy wasn't actually her blood-relative brother, the loud alarm inside her head made her struggle more to run away, but to no avail. She wanted to scream for help, maybe Jongin and Kyungsoo could help her, but nothing could come out of clearly since it was blocked with Junmyeon's. Suddenly she felt a cold hand slip into her shirt and slide up and down the side of her body, causing her to shut her eyes tightly and let out a small whimper.

Hearing that, Junmyeon finally released her lips to see her face, yet not even bothering to give her a space to move an inch.

"Don't be scared, noona. I like you."

Yuri's eyes were practically bulging out of their sacks. Had her brother just confessed to her? She found her brain not able to process it, because she was more aware of the hand on her body that was roaming inside her shirt. Junmyeon lifted his body ever so slightly, to the older's dismay, just enough for himself to place his hand on her and give it a light squeeze. She was too shocked that she could only gasp and gape at the younger's handsome face. He was smiling at her; a typical smile of a drunk guy, with heavy hooded eyes and the smell of alcohol lingering on his breath. But when the hand moved downwards and lifted her skirt, snaking up her thigh inside until it made contact with the fabric of her underwear; with the power that she didn't even know where she got from, she finally managed to push him aside and slap him across the face really hard.

"Bastard!" she exclaimed in anger, catching the other off guard. Shocked, Junmyeon held his cheek and looked at her with wide eyes, too dazed to even react when Yuri pulled his collar and yanked him off the bed. She dragged him towards the bathroom, tossed him inside, left him alone in there and locked the door from the outside.

"Stay in there until you realize your mistake!" she shouted before letting her back hit the door. She slid down to the floor and hugged her knees, closed her eyes and leaned her head on the door as she tried to listen what the other was doing inside. There was no sound for a moment, but then came a weak knock behind her head. Apparently Junmyeon was on the floor too, at first knocking hesitantly, but gradually became constant and rather urgent.

"Noona... Noona... Open the door."

Yuri ignored him and his knocks became louder.

"Noona... Noona! Please open the door, it's cold here."

It kept going like that and Junmyeon was slowly turning desperate, he began to pound on the door.

"Noona, I'm so sorry, I won't touch you anymore! Please don't treat me like this."

Yuri was mentally fighting with herself about whether she should open the door or not; apparently he was not so drunk anymore, yet she changed her mind when the boy began to sob and slowly grew louder, bawling like a little kid. He was definitely still drunk, she thought.

"Noonaaa~ Yuri noona I'm so sorry! I just wanted to touch you a little bit, I couldn't help it! Pleeease, open the door!"


Came a faint gasp behind Yuri's ear. "Whyyy? Noona, I really like you... Really. You're so pretty and you have a nice body. Please," he said sleepily, "don't let me touch myself here."

Yuri rolled her eyes and scrunched her nose in disgust. 'Tch. I didn't know he could be so cheap.'

Once again came a soft knock, yet not from the door she was leaning on.

"Yuri noona?"

It was Jongin's voice. Yuri stood up and quickly went to the door. As soon as she opened it, she was greeted by Jongin and Kyungsoo's worried faces.

"Noona, are you guys okay in there?" Jongin asked worriedly, while Kyungsoo kept nodding his head, staring at the eldest of the three with his usual wide eyes. "Your face is red and your hair is a bit messy."

"Oh," Yuri combed her hair with her fingers quickly and patted her cheeks, forcing a smile to come out. "Yeah, I mean no, I mean not really."

Finding her suspicious, Jongin pushed the door opened wider and made his way in, as if it was his own room. The two boys flew their gazes around the room until their eyes finally fell on the bathroom door, where some weird noises were coming from.

"Is that Junmyeon hyung in there?" Kyungsoo asked, "What is he doing? Is he crying? Is he alright?"

Yuri sighed and massaged her temple as she returned to the bed and sat on the edge. "I locked him in there."

"What?" both Jongin and Kyungsoo turned their heads towards her. "Why?"

Not getting any answers, they went to her and sat by her sides. “Did something happen?” Jongin asked carefully. “Tell us, noona.”

“Yes, tell us,” Kyungsoo parroted and patted the older’s hand.

Yuri glanced at the other two and let out a long sigh. “I guess he’s just very drunk. He kissed me and touched me and even confessed to me.”

“WHAT??” the two boys exclaimed and widened their eyes.

“But he’s your brother,” Kyungsoo said with wide eyes, “I mean technically, although not blood-relative, but he can’t fall for you... Ah, this is so wrong.”

“And he kissed you too,” Jongin said in disbelief and glared at the bathroom door. “What are you going to do about this, noona?”

“I’m not sure,” Yuri shrugged weakly, “but I won’t tell our parents. They’ll get mad at him and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.”

Jongin eyed Yuri’s tired face in silence, secretly observing the changes of her expression. And then absentmindedly he asked, “Do you like him too? He’s quite good-looking though.”

The long-haired girl remained still for a moment that Jongin thought she didn’t hear his question, but then she glanced at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

“What nonsense are you asking me, Jongin-ah?’ she asked flatly.

“He’s right though, noona,” Kyungsoo said, making Jongin crack a happy grin. “Since you’re not blood-related to him, having a crush on each other is possible.”

Yuri let out a pitiful whine and tossed her head back. “Oh goodness I’m so done with this.”

Carefully, Jongin encircled his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer, placing her head on his shoulder. He patted her arm soothingly, while Kyungsoo smiled apologetically and held her hand, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb.

“What to do? I guess I can’t see him in the same way anymore,” Yuri mumbled sadly.

“Don’t get stressed out about it,” Jongin said softly, “he’s just drunk. I’m sure he wouldn’t have touched and kissed you like that if he had been sober. Just tell us if he bothers you again, we’ll try to help you.”

“Yes, we can talk to him,” Kyungsoo smiled, “or we can be your bodyguards.”

“That’s right,” Jongin beamed, “we’ll protect you from your own brother!”

“That sounds funny and ironic at the same time,” Yuri chuckled and lifted her head off Jongin’s shoulder. “But thank you! You boys are the sweetest.”

She grinned and wrapped her arms around the other two, pulling them into a big hug. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo grinned bashfully and hugged her as well, secretly blinking their eyes and giving a thumb up at each other.

“Anytime, noona. But for now, let’s just leave him in there until morning,” Kyungsoo said, and the three of them laughed while Junmyeon was still sobbing alone in the bathroom.

Before going home, Jongin and Kyungsoo bumped into Yuri’s parents at the gate and they were asked to go back inside and have a little talk. At first the two boys were beyond nervous to meet such rich persons that even looked as if they were shining from head to toe, but by the time the couple had given them the permission to go back home, they had realized that not all rich people were arrogant as they had expected. Mrs. Kim turned out to be a kind woman who loved kids; she told them that she had wanted to have many children since young age, but unfortunately it couldn’t come true. Since both Jongin and Kyungsoo acted really shy around them, she found the two boys very likeable that she even asked her husband if Yuri could have two more little brothers, but Mr. Kim pointed out that they couldn’t go around collecting teenagers and then adopting them as their children. Nonetheless, since he found out that the boys were some kind of orphans from the little talk, he told them that he wouldn’t mind if they wanted to consider them as their parents. That would make the couple their second parents, beside Yeojin and Jinae’s parents.

Or maybe the third. Ironically, Jongin didn’t even know that his blood-relative father was the drunk teenage boy trapped in his own bathroom, whom he had met earlier. And his real brother was far, far away, somewhere in China. And his unknowing boyfriend was literally staying next to him all the time. They were all close but far to each other.

The next morning, Yuri woke up early and went straight to Junmyeon’s room to unlock the bathroom door. When she opened it, she found the boy curling up into a ball next to the bathtub with his face buried on his arms. She approached him and crouched down in front of him, reached out her hand and gently ran her slender fingers through his messy black hair.


Junmyeon raised his head slowly and forced his eyes to open up. “Yuri noona,” he croaked, blinking sleepily. With the older’s help, he got up from the floor and sat on the edge of the tub. He bowed his head and rubbed his nape sheepishly.

“Junmyeon-ah, can you remember what happened last night?” Yuri asked; not with the cold tone, but not sweetly either.

The boy shook his head weakly and glanced at the other with worry in his eyes. “I suppose I did something really bad? I got locked here.”

“You did,” Yuri said straightforwardly, looking at the younger sharply in the eyes. “But don’t think about it. Hurry and take a shower before Mom and Dad find you smelling like this.”

Yuri stood up and silently went to the door, but before she could leave, Junmyeon called out to her.

“Noona, I’m performing today,” he said expectantly.

“…I know. Good luck.”

Yuri continued her way out and shut the door, leaving Junmyeon sighing sadly to himself.

’Why did I get drunk though? I didn’t drink that much. How stupid I am, now she’s not going to come and watch me.’

Deciding that he could do nothing about it, he got up and took a shower while practicing to sing for his performance at his school’s event that day. Without his knowledge, Yuri was still in his room, sitting on the bed while secretly listening to his beautiful singing voice. She had always loved listening to his singing.

And then she remembered about SM’s competition. As if she had won a lottery, she squealed quietly and jumped off the bed, ran to her room and her laptop. Because everything was still awkward between her and her brother, she was not going to come and watch his performance, but she’d stay at home and prepare something bigger for him. She knew that being a singer was Junmyeon’s dream, so she’d do her best to help him reach that dream. But first, she’d start by doing a little research about the competition.

Soon Junmyeon left with their mother and Yuri began to work on her laptop, gathering all information she could find about SM’s competition and being its trainee. She found herself doubting many times if she should really let her brother be a trainee, because if he really made it, of course he wouldn’t be staying at home and everything would turn like before he had come to their house; it would be silent and lonely again. Besides, Junmyeon was a really smart boy; wouldn’t it come to waste if he became an idol only? He could be a rich, handsome businessman with mountains of money, huge house with loads of maids, shiny expensive car and even a beautiful classy wife. But in the end, she decided that if his dream was to be a singer, then so be it. Junmyeon could be a trainee together with Jongin and maybe Kyungsoo too; that would be perfect.

Time passed quickly and before she could realize it, it was noon and Junmyeon had come back home. While she was arguing with herself mentally if she should go to his room, suddenly the door to her room swung opened and came in none other than the boy she had been waiting for, with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face.

“Noona! An SM agent gave me his name card!”

Yuri gawked at him and shifted her gaze back and forth between him and her laptop, opening and closing in attempt to say something, but she couldn’t find the right words to say.

But one thing that she had become sure of, the boy’s future was just clear enough to be read; he was just destined to be a star.

A/N: Hi hiii been awhile heheh so finally one of these boys was found by SM! Suho is the first but the others will catch up x) I’m sorry I’ve been focusing on multiple fics lately, I guess I didn’t do that well on this chapter? Kaisoo didn’t have that many special interactions. But do you think Kyungsoo would join the audition with Jongin? If not, then they would be separated x) on this chapter Kyungsoo still didn’t see anything special in his dongsaeng, who was actually his boyfriend, and Jongin only wanted his hyung’s attention, so how to make them fall for each other again? Moreover, it wouldn’t be that easy after they met the rest of them. They might fall for someone else it’s even possible to make new pairings, but would you like that to happen? Hehe the drama will begin later, I guess~

Next chapter, it’s about hunhan again! Yaay if you notice, the hunhan part is more drama-like (?) than the others in this story, you’ll find more later xD there will be 2 hunhan chapters in a row, please expect them! Anyways, thank you so much for reading and subscribing! ^^

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!