First Encounter with Strangers

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

It was midnight in Qingdao, Shandong, in the eastern of China. A beautiful chinese young lady had just come out of the bathroom in her hotel room, white towel slung on her shoulder. She plopped down on the big bed and took her cellphone from the bedside table.

5 missed calls, 2 new messages.

She raised an eyebrow when she opened the missed calls list, and then called the person back immediately.

"Hello? Mama? Is there something wrong?" She asked in fluent mandarin, her velvety voice breaking the silence in the spacious room.

"Li Yin honey, where have you been? I've called you five times in the last one hour!" a motherly voice said at the other end of the phone.

"I know, I could see that. I was in the bathroom." Li Yin stood up and proceeded to walk around the room while drying her long wavy black hair with the towel. "Why did you call me though?"

"I came to your room and stood there for half an hour. I rang the bell about a hundred times but you didn't answer me at all! I thought you were dead. I bought you some food, just open the door and you'll find it."

The girl gasped and widened her eyes. "You did? I didn't hear anything though! Maybe the music was too loud," she said, trailing off at the end of her sentence. "It's midnight, why did you buy me food? I've already had my dinner. But thank you, you're a really nice mother! I'll take it now."

"I bet you only had instant noodles as your dinner, am I right?" the mother chuckled.

"Right," Li Yin answered shortly, secretly smiling out of embarrassment. "I didn't have time to go out."

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure you're fine in there. Just call me or anyone if you need help, okay? Eat well! If you want to go out to the beach, be careful with strangers and don't stay out too late. You got it?"

"Okay, mama. I got it. Thank you."

They exchanged undirect kisses before ending the phone call. Li Yin walked to the door and opened it, and then gasped in surprise right away. There was a lot of food. Her cheeks reddened a little bit, embarrassed by the thought of the people staying around her room considering her as a gourmand girl who ate a mountain of mood at midnight. She carried all the plastic bags into her room quickly, stealing glances left and right before shutting the door a little bit too loud.

She frowned and put her hands on her well-defined waist. "What do I do with all these food? I can't eat all of them, but it will taste bad tomorrow. Moreover I'm still pretty full."

She sighed and took her cellphone again, this time checking the text messages.

From: Chen Lin

Hey baby I'm on my way to the airport now! Can't wait to see you soon! ;)

Li Yin's lips curved up into a smile right after she saw her best friend's name. They were going to meet there the next day; the reason why Li Yin was there and not at her home in Beijing. She quickly typed the reply and sent it with a bright smile plastered on her face.

To: Chen Lin

Sure, baby, we'll meet here at my mama's hotel, okay? Don't forget to bring all the souvenirs!

She opened the other text message and her smile grew even wider.

From: Xi Ziyu

Jiejie, when will you go home? I'm dying, I need help with my homeworks! *insert dying walrus' sound here*

She quickly typed another reply, and then shoved her phone back into her pocket.

To: Xi Ziyu

I'll be home in three days! You're 17 already, stop whining and make your sister proud! :P

Li Yin plopped back down on her bed and stared out through the transparent glass door to the balcony. A quiet sigh came out of the tiny gap between her lips, which slowly formed a slight pout.

'Oh the irony. The only boy who texts me is only my brother. And for whining about homework only.'

She took a glance at the pile of food, and then down to her body.

'It's not so bad, is it?'

The other part of her told herself, 'Of course not! Everyone says you look like a model. It's just you for being too cool towards boys.'

"Yeah, right. It's not on purpose though."

Li Yin stood up and snatched her room's keycard from the table, and then walked straight out of the room. She needed to go out to the beach and get some fresh night air; it had become an addiction to her in the last three days.

She walked slowly along the beach, hands balled inside the pockets of her jacket, ears plugged with her earphones. The wind blew her hair softly and the sand got into her sandals but she wasn't bothered at all; she was too deeply sunk in the soft instrumental music soothing her mind while she imagined the musical notes inside her head. Just the typical thoughts of a musician.

Li Yin unplugged one of the earphones when she heard another sound entering her ears. It was a dog's barks. Maybe the dog had found something? She flew her gaze around, but it was a little bit too dark there and she couldn't see any dogs around, so she used her trained ears to lead herself to the source of the sound.

'Wait, why am I looking for someone else's dog?' She stopped abruptly and furrowed her eyebrows. 'Or it might be a stray dog. But what if someone's in danger? Well it's not my business, but...'

She turned her head towards the hotel, and then to the source of the constant barks, and then to the hotel again.

'Well, I'm always the curious girl anyways, so...' She shrugged and continued her way towards the dog.

She was starting to feel bad as her own feet brought her farther to the more deserted part of the beach, but the voice was already really close so she couldn't turn back and pretend nothing had happened. She stepped closer to a big rock and craned her neck to see what was behind it, but then she gasped and abruptly turned around with her back pressed on the big rock.

'This can't be... I'm only imagining things, right? It's midnight and there's a UFO here... No, no, no! It doesn't look like UFO. But it looked like it has fallen from the sky? Is it a spaceship? What... What if there's an alien in there?! A small green one with big head and purple eyes! What should I do if it asked me to take it to my leader?? Should I take it to my mama?'

Her long train of thoughts was brought to a halt by another bark from the dog. It was inside the spaceship. Quietly and cautiously, Li Yin tiptoed closer to the spaceship, poked it and quickly pulled back her hand, and then walked around it to find the door after she had assured herself that it was okay to mess with an alien's spaceship.

She found that the door wasn't properly shut anymore; there was a small gap on it, which she used to slip her hand in and yank the door open. It was hard at first, but after it was opened halfway, the door lifted up completely by itself.

And what she found inside wasn't a creepy green alien with big head and purple eyes; instead, it was the most adorable young-looking boy she had ever seen. He was lying unconscious on his side, a big white dog squished between his body and the airbag inside. The dog whimpered and tilted its head to see Li Yin with its sad big round eyes, once again snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Oohh, hold on, doggy! I'll get you out of here, okay? Hold on," Li Yin said as she reached out her hands into the ship and carefully pulled the boy out. The boy's face and clothes were dirty, but she didn't really mind when the boy's head fell on her shoulder and his clothes brushed against hers. What really worried her was only one thing; was the boy still alive?

Li Yin slipped her arm under the boy's legs and the other one around his shoulders, thinking that it wouldn't be that hard to lift him up. But what happened was he didn't even move an inch, so she mentally apologized and slipped her hands between the boy's armpits to drag him out. She laid the boy down on the sand and proceeded to pull the dog out of the broken ship.

"Hey doggy, are you okay?" Li Yin put the dog down next to the boy and its head. She noticed that the dog was limping with one of its front paws folded down. "Oh, is your leg broken?"

Li Yin stood up and put her hands on her waist, pursing her lips and blinking several times at the two creatures she had just discovered.

'Now what should I do with these two?'

She quickly fished out her cellphone from her pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello? Yes, can you please send someone to help me? I'm out at the beach, umm... You can track my position using my phone. Okay, thank you."

She put her cellphone back into her pocket and quickly dragged the boy away from the ship with the limp dog trailing behind them. Luckily the beach was already empty, so no one knew she had gotten the boy from the unfamiliar spaceship. She dropped the boy down again in a more open area, secretly hoping that no one would find his broken ship.

After a short while two big guys dressed in black came to them and bowed at the girl.

"Hello, Ms. Xi. What can we do for you?" One of the two asked kindly.

"Hello," Li Yin replied with a polite smile, "can you please help me carry this boy and his dog to my room? They're injured."

The big guys stared at each other, wanting to question about the suspicious boy but also knowing really well that they had no rights to do so. So one of them only said, "We will bring the boy to your room, but animals aren't allowed inside the hotel."

"Oh really? You won't let me have this dog in my room?" Li Yin asked in surprise and raised her eyebrows, "But my mama owns the hotel. I can talk about this to her, you should worry about nothing."

"But miss, what if Mrs. Xi finds out and then blame us for it?" The other big guy said, half-whining at his boss' daughter.

"I told you, I can talk to her about it, she will understand completely. I guarantee you won't lose your job. So, can you please help me?" Li Yin gave them her sweetest smile.

The two looked hesitant but then bowed obediently anyways. "Should we treat the dog for you too?"

Li Yin perked up, "That's even better! Bathe it, treat its broken leg and feed it, and then please bring it to my room. Please be extra careful."

Before the big guys carry the boy and the dog away, Li Yin sneakily slipped some money into their hands.

"It's a tip, not a bribe," she winked and walked first towards the hotel. After the two had seen the amount of money, they didn't stop thanking the girl until they arrived at her door.

"Where should we put him, miss?"

Li Yin stared at the dirty boy and then flew her gaze around her room.

'Hmm, let's see... Should I put him on my bed or in the bathtub?'

It was a little bit hard for her to decide there and then, so she said to them, "Just put him here on the floor, thank you. I'll move him later by myself. Oh, don't forget the doggy too. Thank you so much for helping me."

"Okay. It's our job, miss. Good night."

"Good night."

Then, Li Yin was left alone with the boy. She sat down on the carpeted floor and looked closely at his face.

'He's so cute! How old is he?'

And then she frowned and shook her head. It was so not her for calling a boy cute.

But that was the truth that she couldn't deny. The boy's face was almost perfect; his lips, his nose, his jawline, everything. She bet he had a pair of beautiful eyes too, if only they had been opened. The boy's hair was black and curly but not messy, covering his forehead and framing his face cutely. Too bad, he was really dirty. Li Yin put a finger beneath the boy's nose, and then smiled in relief when she felt his warm breath on her finger. Why should check his pulse if she could check his breath?

"Now, I should clean you first."

Li Yin dragged an office chair from behind the desk into the bathroom and then struggled to pull the boy up and sit him on the chair. The boy's body kept falling to the sides, so she leaned him between the seat and the countertop while she walked around the bathroom to prepare what she needed to clean him up.

"Sorry I treat you like this, I'm not a romantic type of girl who is an expert in treating injured boys like those in the dramas," she talked to the unconscious boy and chuckled to herself. "I wonder what happened to you. You should wake up soon."

Li Yin used a wet towel to wipe the boy's dirty face, and then down to his neck. Just after all the dirt had been wiped off could she find some small cuts on the boy's face. She also found a tattoo of a symbol on his neck, on the left side below his ear.

"Your clothes look pretty cool. Since they're dirty too, I should take them off. May I?" She waited and got no response, of course, so she allowed herself to do so.

Carefully she held the other's body and pulled his shirt up. It was covered with sand. She tossed it away somewhere in the corner and started to wipe the well-built body with the warm wet towel.

"Wow, I feel like cleaning something like ferrari or lamborghini," she chuckled, "your face is cute but your body is so manly. No, I should stop talking to you, you must be having a nightmare now."

But after she had finished cleaning his body, she said again, "Should I take off your pants too? You're wearing underwear, right?"

Since the pants were also covered with sand, she had no choice but to take it off too. With a mad blush spreading across her face, she ed the boy's pants and carefully slid it down his legs.

"I'm not a ert, really. But you have toned legs... Do you play sports too?"

She kept talking all the while she cleaned the rest of the boy. It was amazing that she was talking that much; it was another new achievement in her life.

After taking care of the boy's wounds, Li Yin went out of the bathroom and to the closet to find some proper clothes for him. They were all girly clothes, except for her pajamas and her other clothes for sleeping. She ended up grabbing her loose pink long sleeve shirt and her sweatpants, putting them on the boy while trying hard to ignore the heat on her face.

Luckily the chair had some wheels, so Li Yin didn't have to drag the already-clean boy around the room. She pushed the chair towards the big bed and carefully moved the boy onto the bed, and then covered his body with the sheets. He looked much better then.

Li Yin returned the chair back to its place and cleaned all the mess before plopping down again on the edge of the bed. The boy still hadn't woken up yet. She kept staring at his face admiringly for awhile until her eyes caught something else. She had seen it when she had been cleaning him, but she hadn't taken a look at it closely.

It was a chain necklace; its pendant was a small hexagonal one in black with a white symbol on it. She had never seen that symbol before, it looked like circles with some lines connecting them. She flipped the charm and surprisingly found a name on it.

"Luhan... EXO?" She stared at the pendant in awe. "Is this your name? Luhan? Lu Han?"

She kept saying the name repeatedly, trying to match it with the boy's face. "It really suits you, it's a cute name. But what's EXO? Is it a part of your name? Or could it be... Is it the place where you came from?"

She was sinking deeper into her own thoughts when suddenly came a sound of the bell in her room. She quickly walked to the door and opened it, just to be greeted by a messy-looking man holding a big white dog in his arms. It looked perfectly clean and its broken leg had been treated really well.

"Here is your dog, miss," the man said, still panting a little bit. "He has a lot of energy. Please have patience taking care of him."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows. ''Him'? So it's a male?'

"Of course. Thank you so much, have a good rest!" Li Yin took the dog and rewarded the man with a sweet smile. She carried the dog inside and put it down next to the bed.

"Oh, you have the same necklace!" She crouched down and touched the pendant. "But the symbol is different. Oh, it’s the same symbol as the tattoo on his neck! And your name... Sehun?"

Hearing the girl mentioning his name, the dog barked and wagged its tail.

"Sshhh, you'll wake him up!" Li Yin shushed the dog and pointed at Luhan. "He's your master, isn't he?"

Sehun put his tail back down on the floor and tilted his head at Luhan, as if asking, 'My master? Who is he?'

Instead of jumping onto the bed and the boy's face like Li Yin had expected, the dog yawned and lied down on his belly, head resting across his front legs.

"Hey, are you not going to wake your master up?" Li Yin frowned. As the answer, Sehun opened one eye to glance at her and closed it again right away.

"Oh, you must be too tired for that."

Li Yin shrugged and walked to the closet to change her own clothes. After she was done, she walked around the bed to lie down on the other side of it, trying to make as big space as possible between Luhan and herself. She didn't want him to freak out if he suddenly opened his eyes again.

She lied on her side with her back facing Luhan, but then she couldn't help it and rolled around to see the other. Luhan's head was facing up, but Li Yin could still see the perfect feature of his face under the bedside lamp.

'He's a fallen angel.'

Li Yin sighed and smiled at the thought, but short after she frowned and blinked several times.

'What am I thinking about? I'm praising him too much.'

That was when she saw Luhan's eyelids flutter and his head move a little bit. She shot up to a sitting position and crawled closer to him on the bed.

"Luhan? Are you awake?"

The sleepy Sehun heard it and also lazily got up to see the boy, his so-called "master". Luhan's head moved again until his eyes finally cracked open halfway.

"Oh, you're awake!" Li Yin quietly clapped her hands and beamed. For awhile Luhan only stared at her with hooded eyes, making the girl squirm in discomfort. And then Luhan opened his eyes completely and Li Yin died a little inside.

'Oh, those eyes. Beautiful eyes.'

"W-Who are you...?" Luhan's voice cracked and sounded husky, making the poor girl die a little bit more.

"Ah, I... I'm Xi Li Yin. You can call me Li Yin," the girl bowed slightly and smiled at Luhan. "I found you and your dog in a broken spaceship at the beach. Where did you come from? Your name is Luhan, right?"

Luhan blinked few times, trying to digest her words in his brain. Her language sounded familiar, but he felt like he hadn't heard it in thousands of years, if he had lived that long. But then he realized he was the first to ask in that language.

"Spaceship...?" Luhan whispered and crinkled his eyebrows, " dog?"

"Yes, there," Li Yin pointed at the dog, "Sehun. He's your dog, right? It looks like he's a Samoyed, isn't he?"

Luhan turned his head towards the big white dog and they stared at each other awkwardly.

"Sehun...? I don't remember him," Luhan frowned. He tried to find the dog in his memory, but he found it surprisingly empty. "I... I can't remember anything."

Luhan widened his eyes and shot up to a sitting position, but soon regretted it because his head suddenly hurt a lot. He groaned loudly in pain and Li Yin quickly yet carefully pushed him back onto the bed.

"Be careful, Luhan. Did you hurt your head?" Li Yin asked worriedly.

Luhan blinked few times, stared at the girl, and then at the dog. Sehun had lied down on his belly again, closing his eyes and covering his head with his front legs as if his head also hurt a lot.

"I can't remember anything," Luhan muttered slowly, "I don't remember any spaceship. I don't know where I came from."

Luhan's chest started to heave up and down, he kept opening and closing his mouth like a dying fish. Li Yin was panicking internally because she had never faced people with amnesia before; she was a musician, not a doctor. What should she do? Her hands wanted to touch the unfamiliar boy and calm him down, but she hold them back because she was afraid that it would only make Luhan freak out even more.

Luhan gripped the hem of the sheets tightly, his eyes moving frantically as he kept trying to dig deeper into his memories. He still found almost nothing.

"Umm, Luhan," Li Yin called softly. Luhan shifted his gaze to her and she felt her heart stop beating for a second.

Luhan. Lu Han. Lu... He's a scared lost little deer.

"...It's okay, you don't have to try so hard now. You've just woken up," she said, choosing her words extra carefully. "You'll hurt your head even more. Don't be scared, you're safe here with me. So, for now... Are you hungry?"

Luhan's eyes stopped shaking as he locked his confused gaze on Li Yin's face. "Hungry?"

"Yes, hungry," Li Yin patted her tummy, "do you want to eat?"

Luhan stared down and placed his hand on his own tummy. It grumbled in protest right away; it must have been empty for quite awhile. Li Yin heard it and chuckled, making Luhan stare at her again quietly with a confused look on his face.

"I'll prepare you some food. You're lucky, my mama bought me a mountain of food for tonight."

Luhan watched as the unfamiliar girl got off the bed and walked towards a pile of plastic bags on the table. He was having an internal argument with himself.

'What should I do now? I don't know her. But I'm really hungry, my stomach hurts. But what if she's a bad person? Won't she poison me with the food?'

As if she could read his mind, Li Yin chuckled again and said, "Don't worry, Luhan. I won't poison you with this food."

'...What is she?'

"There are several kinds of food here. What would you like to have? There are noodles, roasted duck, some soup, rice, even some steamed buns too... Why did she buy me buns? Oh, right, maybe they're from my aunt," she said, trailing off at the end of the sentence.

All kinds of food sounded unfamiliar on Luhan's ears, so he ended up mumbling, "Umm, I'll have anything."

"Hmm, okay," Li Yin hummed as she picked one and brought it to Luhan. She sat on the edge of the bed and showed the food to Luhan. "Since you're not very well, you should just eat some soup. It's not hot anymore, but it's still good. My mama buys me this a lot."

Luhan sat up slowly and eyed the plastic bowl in Li Yin's hand curiously, but then smiled when she opened the cover. It smelled nice.

Li Yin scooped a spoonful of the soup and carefully brought it to Luhan's mouth.

"Say 'aaahh'~"

Luhan blinked at the food and stared at Li Yin's face doubtfully, not sure if he really should eat the unknown food.

"Come on, you'll like it!" Li Yin smiled assuringly.

Hesitantly, Luhan parted his lips and took the spoon into his mouth. He let it stay in his mouth for awhile before gulping it down with a smile on his face.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" Li Yin asked, her round eyes sparkling with hope because of the other's smile. Luhan nodded and opened his mouth again cutely.

'Ugh, can this boy be even cuter than this?'

Li Yin tucked her hair behind her ear and took another spoonful of the soup, which quickly disappeared into Luhan's mouth again. She put the plastic bowl on the bedside table and gave Luhan a glass of water, remembering that his throat was probably dry too. Luhan drank it all up quickly and waited for his food to come to his mouth again with hungry eyes.

"You're really hungry, aren't you?" Li Yin laughed lightly, making the other bow his head and smile shyly. "It's okay, you can eat all the food. It's too much for me to eat it all up alone. Here, open up."

Luhan opened his mouth again and Li Yin continued feeding the hungry baby deer happily. As she was doing so, Sehun jumped onto the bed and lied down next to her, thinking that he should act nicely towards the girl who had saved him. Li Yin smiled and patted Sehun's head while Luhan stared at him quietly. Sehun stared back at him, and when he felt that it was awkward enough, he turned his head away but still stealing shy glances at him. Unexpectedly Luhan smiled at him, causing him to lift his head and let his pink tongue fall out of his mouth. He guessed the deer wasn't that bad after all.

Luhan ate really well, Li Yin even let him eat all the steamed buns. It turned out that he really liked them, so Li Yin told him they were called "baozi". Luhan kept the name in the back of his head for later if someday he wanted to eat them again.

Luhan finished his meal with a big gulp of water and a quiet burp that he muffled with his hand. Li Yin heard it and laughed as she brought everything left to the bathroom to be cleaned. When she returned, she smiled and her heart felt warm because of the scene going on the bed.

Despite not knowing each other, Sehun and Luhan were snuggling into each other. Sehun sitting on Luhan's lap facing him with his head resting on the boy's shoulder; Luhan hugging Sehun and burying his face on the dog's neck. They got along pretty fast. Not wanting to disturb them, Li Yin sat on the other edge of the bed and watched them quietly. But then Luhan noticed that she was there, so he lifted his head from Sehun's neck and smiled at her.

"Li... Li Yin," he called softly, "...thank you."

Li Yin beamed and nodded a little bit too excitedly. "Of course, it's okay! I'm glad to help you."

She crawled closer and plopped on her again, but not too close, thinking that she should let Luhan feel safe and comfortable by not sticking on him too close. On the other hand, Luhan noticed the distance between them and smiled softly at the girl.

"I won't bite," he said. Li Yin widened her eyes at the unexpected remark, but then quickly moved to his side and gave him a clumsy grin. Sehun noticed her and turned around to lie down on Luhan's lap, letting the boy his back while he stared at the girl.

"Do you feel better now, Luhan?" Li Yin asked with a kind smile.

"Yeah," Luhan smiled back, "my head doesn't hurt anymore. Umm, are these your clothes too?”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry I changed your clothes without asking for your permission first,” Li Yin bowed her head and drew imaginary circles on the bed. “You were dirty, so I cleaned you up.”

“Really? You did?” Luhan widened his eyes, and then also bowed his head and smiled shyly. “Thank you. I’ve caused a lot of trouble for you.”

“No, it’s nothing.”

They both glanced away shyly, cheeks reddening out of embarrassment.

“Umm... I've just found out that this dog has a similar necklace to mine."

"Yes, that's how I knew your names. So do you remember anything now?"

"Not really," Luhan pouted unintentionally, "try me."

"Hmm," Li Yin tapped her chin, "what's your full name?"

"Wu Luhan."

"Your age?"


"Really? We're the same age!" Li Yin laughed and clapped her hands happily. "You look younger though!"

"Wow, that's nice," Luhan chuckled. "Is that a compliment? Thank you anyways."

"Yeah, looking ageless is nice, isn't it?" Li Yin giggled. "So, where's your home?"

"I don't know about that," Luhan said sadly, making the other widen her eyes and wave her hands in attempt to brush away the topic.

"Okay, okay, umm let's see... When's your birthday?" The girl asked again.

"April 20th. Wow I still remember that," Luhan shook his head in disbelief.

"It's next month then!" Li Yin exclaimed excitedly. "You'll be twenty soon!"

"Next month?" Luhan cocked his head to the side. "I don't even know what date is today."

"It's march 18th," Li Yin said and giggled again. "Do you remember anything else? Your parents' names maybe?"

"No," Luhan shook his head again, "I guess that's all."

"Hmm, it's possible that you're a chinese too and your parents' name might start with Wu," Li Yin concluded, "but then again you came in a spaceship. If you're a chinese why should you travel around in China on a spaceship?"

"I don't even know what China is," Luhan shrugged and smiled weakly.

"It's where you are. You're in Qingdao, in China," Li Yin said, "...on Earth."

She said the "Earth" part carefully to see the other's reaction. If he really was an earthling, he should have known what Earth was even if he had lost his memories. He remembered his birthday, why should he forget the planet he had lived on? But what she got was only Luhan's confused face.

"I guess I need more time to remember more," Luhan finally said.

"Okay," Li Yin smiled, "you should sleep now."

Luhan raised his eyebrows, "You're letting me sleep here?"

"Of course! I can't possibly send you back to the beach," Li Yin laughed. "Sleep here on my bed, don't go anywhere."

Li Yin took one of the pillows and brought it to the couch. Luhan furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you putting it there?"

"I also need a pillow to sleep," she smiled and plopped down on the couch.

"You're sleeping there?" Luhan frowned deeper, "Why? Why not on the bed?"

"You're talking too much, Luhan," Li Yin laughed awkwardly in attempt to brush off the topic. "Just sleep, okay."

"No. It doesn't look comfortable sleeping there. Move here, Li Yin," Luhan commanded.

"But you're sleeping there too."

"I'll sleep there then."

"No, you stay there. You'll hurt your body even more."

"But you move here."

"It's awkward, Luhan."

"Sehun can sleep in the middle."


Sehun lifted his head from the bed, surprised that they had just agreed to make him a partition. But if he thought about that again he didn't really mind, as long as he could sleep on the comfy bed too.

Li Yin turned off the lamps and snuggled into the sheets, trying hard to ignore the fact that she was sleeping on the same bed with a boy. Well not only two of them, there was a dog in the middle, but still it was new to her. She turned her head and found Luhan already fast asleep. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Good night, Luhan."

"Good night, Li Yin."

Or maybe not yet asleep.

Later at dawn, while they were sleeping peacefully, somewhere in the other parts of China, three other members of EXO were having hard time getting themselves out of their ships.

Tao hadn't been too far away from where Luhan had landed; he was in Qingdao too, but not at the beach. After walking around for awhile he found a building that seemed to be a shaolin. Too tired to walk farther, he lied down and fell asleep in front of the shaolin.

Kris’ ship had fallen in some kind of landfill site in Guangzhou. When he came out of the ship it was rubbish everywhere, but luckily no one was around so he could drag himself out of the landfill safely. He was walking with a limp and soon finally gave up, lying down helplessly on the street. Two young poor teenagers found him and dragged him to their dilapidated house, bringing him to their mother to be treated properly.

Unlike Kris, Lay’s ship had fallen in an open field. But because it was midnight, no one barely saw the fallen ship; except for the four little children playing soccer there. It was weird enough that they were playing soccer at midnight, but it could be guaranteed that it would be the last time they played there at night. Lay had come out of the ship dirty and wearing an extremely perplexed face, almost as if he had been drunk, making the children scream as if they were seeing a real nasty alien. But then Lay shushed them and fished out some candies from his pocket, just as a silent bribe to make sure that they wouldn’t get everyone chasing him the next day. The four little kids shut their mouths and bowed at the unicorn, who was slowly and lazily dragging his feet away from the group.

The rest of the twelve had fallen far, far away; they all had surprisingly landed on deserted areas in Korea, so no one had really seen them. Actually some people had seen them from afar, but they had thought that those ships had only been some falling stars. In result, they could get away from the broken ships without being considered as aliens.

Except for Kai and Kyungsoo. When Kyungsoo opened his eyes, the door of his ship had been missing and what he saw was a man staring down at him with a broad grin plastered on his face.

“Hello, my little friend! Welcome to India! Congratulations, you’ve just landed on my camel.”

Kyungsoo groaned and pulled himself out of the ship, failing to notice another boy squished behind the airbag inside.

“Ah. Ouch.” The big-eyed boy held his head and swung left and right, trying hard to regain his balance. He stood outside and frowned at the ship, and then at the man.

“Oh... You’re not as little as I imagined!” the man beamed. Just after Kyungsoo had stood straight in front of him did the man realize he was shorter than the boy. “Your face makes you look like a little boy! Are you an alien?”

“Alien?” Kyungsoo frowned deeper. He turned towards the ship and crouched down next to it. “You said I landed on your camel?”

In an effortless move Kyungsoo lifted the ship up with both hands and moved it aside to see the said camel. The man was surprised seeing how strong the boy was, but Kyungsoo himself was even more surprised.

“...It’s a bicycle,” Kyungsoo flatly said.

“What are you saying? Look, you’ve just come from the sky and I’ve lived on this planet for twenty five years and now I’m telling you, it’s a camel! I know better,” the man babbled and threw his arms in the air out of annoyance.

“...Fine. Camel.”

The man wobbled away, almost tripping on his own foot, and then returned back with a big piece of orange metal in his hand. Kyungsoo jumped in surprise when it was thrown towards him and landed on his feet.

“Here, I return your stupid door! Now you give me something to pay back my dead camel,” the man snapped.

Suddenly came a faint groan from the inside of the ship, making both Kyungsoo and the apparently-drunk man stiffen in alarm. Kyungsoo approached the ship cautiously and peeked inside, slipping his hand between the seat and the airbag, and then immediately pulled it back when it made contact with something hairy. Kyungsoo and the drunk man stared at each other with wide eyes for awhile, and then Kyungsoo stuck his hand in again to pull anything in there out of the ship. A muffled shout was heard when Kyungsoo yanked the object out with a little bit too much force.

What he actually grabbed turned out to be a fistful of black hair and what he was pulling was someone’s head.

“Stop! Please, stop! Have mercy on me!” a boy’s voice pleaded, and then came a hand slapping Kyungsoo’s hand repeatedly to make him stop pulling and yanking.

Kyungsoo let go of the other’s hair and let him come out of the ship by himself. Together with the drunk man, he watched as the taller boy jumped out and then fell onto the ground almost immediately, groaning with his hand placed on his back. It was Kai, but of course, Kyungsoo didn’t remember him at all.

“Yah, you still have to pay for my camel,” the drunk man nudged Kyungsoo. The owl-eyed boy stared at him for a short while, and then flatly said, “You can have him.”

Kai stopped groaning and widened his eyes in surprise as the drunk man lifted him up bridal style.

“Yah, put me down! You can’t take me away! Heeelp! Yah you short boy, please help me!” Kai shouted and kept on hitting the drunk man’s head.

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows and slightly tilted his head. Whom did he just call ‘short boy’? As the man walked farther he started to feel bad for the other boy, so he grabbed the broken metal door and chased the drunk man, stopping right in front of him.

“I changed my mind. Let’s exchange him with this door,” Kyungsoo said casually.

Kai pouted unintentionally, feeling his man pride hurt by the other’s words. “You exchange me with a door?”

“I have nothing else. Well I have my clothes but I can’t possibly give them to him.”

The man narrowed his eyes at the orange metal door.

“Don’t wanna trade,” he looked away and lifted his chin up high in a childish manner.

Without any warnings, Kyungsoo smashed the metal door onto the man’s head, creating a loud sound and instantly knocking the man out. Kai rolled off the man’s arms as the drunk one slowly collapsed backwards onto the ground. Kai’s scream of pain pierced through the air as soon as he fell on his back, saying “It hurts!” repeatedly, automatically sending Kyungsoo into his panic mode. The shorter boy spun around holding his head, muttering “What do I do? What do I do?” continuously until the other’s sob snapped him back into sense.

“Please help me, whoever you are,” Kai said weakly to the other.

And so, Kyungsoo tore a long, smaller piece of the metal door, flattened it and bent it again around Kai’s waist like a belt. To make it comfortable, he took off his own sweater and slipped it between the other’s waist and his temporary belt, unintentionally spotting a tattoo on the side of his neck in the process. ’This boy must be a douchebag.’

“Don’t move too much, keep your back straight,” Kyungsoo instructed and the other nodded obediently.

Kyungsoo lifted Kai up in his arms easily and carried him away; he wasn’t sure where he was going but he kept on walking farther and farther.

“What’s your name?” the shorter boy asked casually.

“Umm... Jongin,” the other said, “Kim Jongin. What’s yours?”

“Do Kyungsoo. We woke up in the same ship but we don’t know each other. That’s weird.”

“Yeah,” Kai mumbled, “I can’t remember anything much.”

“Me too.”

“How old are you?”

“Nineteen this year, I guess. How about you?”

“I’m eighteen on January 14th, if I remember it right.”

“You’re younger then. My birthday is two days earlier than yours.”

“Really? That's cool.” Why is this so casual? “You have a tattoo on your neck.”

“Really?” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows. Was I a douchebag too? “How does it look like?”

“Like this,” Kai pointed at the symbol on the pendant hanging on his chain necklace. He had just noticed it a short while before. “Exactly the same.”

Kyungsoo looked down at his own necklace. “Your tattoo also looks exactly the same as this symbol on mine.”

Kai eyed Kyungsoo’s necklace quietly, but his mind was really full of chaotic thoughts.

“What were we? We couldn’t possibly be a couple, could we?” Kai muttered softly.

“What are you saying? We’re both boys.”

“...Yeah. Hey, I guess we kinda look awkward now. You’re carrying a bigger person than yourself. Aren’t you tired? You’re pretty strong, aren’t you?”

“Not really, I’m not really sure,” Kyungsoo sighed, “actually I don’t know where to go so let’s just stay here for the night.”

“Where is this?”

They looked around and found that they were behind an old dance studio; they knew it was a dance studio from the big sign above it, written in some characters which they surprisingly could read.

Kyungsoo put Kai down on the concrete and sat down with his legs stretched out, and then took Kai’s head and placed it on his lap.

“Sleep now.”

Kai stared up at the other’s expressionless face anxiously. “How about you?”

“I’m fine. You’re injured, so you better sleep now.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Okay. Just wake me up if you need anything.”

“Sure. Good night.”

“Good night... Kyungsoo hyung.”

Kyungsoo watched as the other closed his eyes and snuggled into his lap. It was the first time he got the chance to look at his face closely since they had woken up inside the ship.

’He looks pretty handsome, actually.’

Kyungsoo widened his eyes and shook his head immediately after he had realized what had just gone through his mind.

’Why am I admiring a boy? I should stop thinking like this. A couple, huh? That’s just impossible.’

This chapter is longer than the previous one, isn’t it :D how was it? Next chapter will be about their first day on Earth, how they would start new lives, and on the next few chapters Sehun and Luhan will probably have more scenes than the others (since they’re my biases and my favorite otp :D) so... Next chapters should be fun, so please look forward to them ^^ thank you for reading and subscribing! (Picture is not mine ^^)

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Will always support you!!
Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!