A Famous Luhan = A Jealous Sehun

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

Luhan was looking at his own reflection in a mirror, stunned at how different he looked. A beaming Li Yin was standing next to him. There was a small picture of Bambi stuck on the edge of the mirror, right next to the reflection of Luhan's face.

"...My hair is deer-ish." Luhan brought his hand up and touched his hair. Just earlier that morning, Li Yin had taken him to the salon to fix his hair that had almost resembled a birds' nest. Actually she had only planned to get his hair cut, but a change of plan had happened when Luhan had seen a young girl get her hair dyed at the salon.

"Li Yin, can I have my hair colored in that color?" He had asked innocently, pointing at the girl like a five-year-old asking for a toy.

Li Yin had seen no problems with that, so she had let the boy get what he wanted.

Then, his black hair had turned into a warm shade of copper. His hair didn't fully cover his nape anymore, yet wasn't too short either. It was still slightly curly and thick as it originally was, covering his forehead completely and also the sides of his face, but not too long; just enough to frame his face cutely. The moment he had finished getting his hair dyed, Li Yin had called him "Bambi" right away; that was why there was that bambi picture attached on the mirror.

"Aren't you very cute, Luhan," Li Yin clasped her hands and smiled adoringly.

"No I'm not, but I like my hair," the deer boy grinned. He ruffled his hair and turned his head left and right to admire himself.

Weird enough, both of them were somehow in Li Yin's bathroom; Luhan had barged in to check himself out on the mirror there. He just had to do it with all mirrors existed in the house, in case he would look ugly in one of them.

"Jiejie, gege, are you guys in here??"

Both of them turned their heads quickly towards the open door that connected the bathroom to Li Yin's room. A messy Ziyu came into sight, his face was a mixture of panic and excited. His mouth slowly fell open when he turned his head and saw the other two together in the bathroom, while Luhan and Li Yin stared back at him with wide eyes.

"...What is it?" Li Yin was the first to speak.

Ziyu shut his mouth and ruffled his tousled hair. "Ugh, okay now, I won't assume bad things about you guys-"

"Why should you? Luhan was just using the mirror here to check himself out," Li Yin protested, frowning and crossing her arms.

Ziyu fisted his hair and stomped his foot. "Okay I got it don't cut me now this is really important it's emergency we have to do something-"

"Just get to the point, Ziyu," Luhan cut calmly.

Ziyu's mouth stopped babbling and froze agape. He always listened to Luhan, his role model, and this time of course it was still the same. He shut his mouth and heaved a long breath to calm himself down.

"Mama and baba are on the way here."

This time it was Li Yin and Luhan's turn to panic.

"What?! Why didn't they tell me oh gosh what to do now there's no food here the house is messy where are the maids call the maids-"

"Oh God what to do Li Yin help me they're going to kill me and oh gosh my hair it's not black anymore they'll call me punk and kick me out of the house-"


Ziyu screamed and the other two stopped babbling abruptly at the same time, scrambling out of the room to take care of their own business before getting changed into some more decent clothes.

The three of them waited restlessly in the living room; even Li Yin and Ziyu was strangely very nervous too. Ziyu was exceptionally fidgety because of that; his sister had met their parents not long before in Qingdao, but he himself hadn't met them for more than a year. It had been a long time since the last time their parents had come home, the two siblings weren't sure what had caused them to decide to pay a visit so suddenly. Was there something wrong?

Somehow Luhan strongly believed that he was the cause why the parents were coming over. They wanted to kick him out. He secretly began to make a pleading speech in his head for later if it really happened.

It was really quiet that moments later they could faintly hear the sound of the front gate being opened and the engine of a car entering the gate. They stiffened even more. Li Yin was sitting between the two boys, who were both holding onto her arms.

"Calm down, guys. There's nothing wrong," Li Yin said, more like to assure herself.

The first thing they heard was the mother's voice echoing from the front door.

"Oh baby boy~ Luhan, are you here~?"

Li Yin and Ziyu frowned while Luhan shut his eyes tightly and tightened his grip on Li Yin's arm, slightly trembling and whimpering.

"Li Yin, she wants to kill me," he squeaked shakily. He remembered the last time Mrs. Xi had tried to rip his face apart mercilessly. He was definitely going to die.

"No, Luhan. My mama is not a psychopath. Don't be scared," Li Yin sighed heavily and puffed her cheeks. Is Luhan the reason why they're coming? What do they want from him? She shook Ziyu's hands off her other arm and wrapped it around Luhan protectively, causing the youngest of the three to gape at her in disbelief.

And they finally came in. Mrs. Xi walked in first cheerfully with her husband following behind her. Behind them were some maids carrying many plastic bags and suitcases. The three teens stood up and bowed at them.

"Welcome home, mama, baba," Li Yin smiled, and so did the other two boys.

The Xi couple approached the three with broad grins on their faces.

"Oh, my lovely kids! I missed you guys so much!" Mrs. Xi hugged them one by one, including the dazed Luhan too. To be honest he had been expecting the older woman to grab a knife from her purse and stab him on the belly.

Mr. Xi approached Ziyu, who kept his head down and shifted on his feet awkwardly. The older patted his arm, causing him to shoot his head up in surprise. Ziyu stared at his smiling father with wide eyes, but when he was pulled into a hug, he blinked his eyes rapidly to hold back the happy tears.

"You've grown taller than me, Ziyu."

Ziyu bit his lip and nodded against his father's shoulder. "Yes. I missed you, baba."

While the father and son were hugging each other, Li Yin was trying to stop her mother from reaching out her hands towards Luhan's face. She swatted them but they just wouldn't stop coming again as the older woman kept on talking about how Luhan had become much cuter than the last time she had seen him. Luhan himself was hiding behind Li Yin's shorter body, his hands loosely clenching the back of her shirt.

"Mama, will you please stop trying to molest Luhan? He's scared of you, you know," Li Yin hissed as she swatted the older's hand once again.

"Oh?" Mrs. Xi stopped her hands and raised her eyebrows. "Really, Luhan?"

Luhan bit his lip and nodded half-heartedly.

With that, everyone calmed down and moved to the dining room. The maids had served a bunch of food that Mr. and Mrs. Xi had bought for them all, so they sat at the big table and had lunch together while talking about stuff. About Ziyu and Li Yin's careers and studies, the parents' works, and mostly about Luhan. Since both parents had met Luhan before, they didn't interrogate him like some suspicious parents intimidating a stranger who wanted to marry their daughter with a bunch of unnecessary questions. Furthermore, Li Yin didn't have to lie to her father about Luhan being talented in music, since she had found out that it was actually true. Nevertheless, they still dug as much information as they could get from him in the nicest way. With that, they found out that Luhan had amnesia and he didn't have any ID with him while he wasn't a minor and he would be twenty soon. That could be a problem. But, brushing it off, Mr. Xi promised him to take care of it. In exchange, he asked the boy to show him what he could do about music. Just a typical thought of a musician.

To prove it, Li Yin made Luhan play the song she had been working on lately for her upcoming concert. Luhan played it on the piano, and his little show made Li Yin's father his first ever fanboy and her mother his second fangirl after her.

There was something that Li Yin was still worried about though. So she pointed it out, "Mama, baba, actually what's the main reason you come back home?"

Her parents didn't answer it right away and they found themselves sitting in the living room again, although not as tensed as the first time the parents had arrived.

Meanwhile, Sehun the dog had just woken up from his nap on his beloved blue beanbag with his Pinku Pinku doll fallen on the floor next to it. He jumped off and stretched his body, yawned and blinked few times, grabbed his doll by his mouth and put it back on the beanbag before happily making his way out of Luhan's room. He wanted to play with his master.

Sehun walked down the stairs happily, yet after a couple of steps he stopped abruptly and froze with his eyes directed at the living room downstairs. There were many people and his master was there too. And the deer's face didn't look happy at all. Having a bad feeling, the Samoyed turned around to return back to Luhan's room quietly, but then his eyes caught something that caused him to stop.

Luhan had caught the sight of the big white dog out of the corner of his eye. He lifted his arm and pretended to scratch his head while his finger instructed his pet to go to the direction he was secretly pointing at, which was the way out to the backyard. He didn't know if the Xi couple would be happy to see animals inside their house, so to be safe, he'd just make Sehun stay outside for awhile.

While Mr. and Mrs. Xi talked about something Luhan barely paid attention to, he kept on stealing glances at his dog, who was quietly stepping down the stairs and finally walking towards the back of the house. Luckily the parents were sitting with their backs facing the stairs, so they didn't notice the dog at all. Luhan watched as Sehun's wiggling slowly disappeared at the back of the house and he could finally sigh in relief.

"...So are you okay with that, Luhan?" Mr. Xi finally asked, catching Luhan off guard. He widened his doe eyes and straightened his back like a deer caught in the headlights, turning his head to Li Yin and secretly asking for help through his blinking eyes.

Li Yin averted her gaze and pretended to be oblivious while trying to hold a smile. Luhan gaped and shot her a pleading look that she didn't even bother to see.

'Oh come on, Li Yin. It's not the right time for this.'

Luhan grinned bashfully at the Xi couple and rubbed his nape. "Uh, umm... Y-Yes..?"

"Good!" Mr. Xi beamed and clapped his hands, while his wife cheered happily.

Luhan gulped and glanced at the snickering Li Yin. Ugh. What have I just agreed to?

Before any of them could say anything further, came a cheerful voice of a certain girl from the front door.

"Mama, baba, are you here yet? You're better here, because I'm here~!" Sang the voice.

Ziyu narrowed his eyes and asked flatly, "What is she doing here?"

Mr. and Mrs. Xi turned their heads and beamed when they saw a tall short-haired girl standing there waving cutely at them.

"Chen Lin!" Mrs. Xi exclaimed happily and waved back at the girl.

"Why are you here? We're having a family meeting, get out," Ziyu pointed at the direction where the girl had come from, pretending to be annoyed.

Chen Lin gasped and covered exaggeratingly, pretending to be surprised, and then pouted and slowly turned around. That made Mrs. Xi panic and stood up from her seat, squinting at Ziyu before hurriedly approaching Chen Lin.

Ziyu gaped at his mother. "I can't believe she fell for her trick."

Mrs. Xi came back dragging a grinning Chen Lin behind her. The black-haired girl plopped down next to Ziyu and batted her eyelashes at him, making the boy pretend to gag.

"So, how's it going?" Chen Lin asked the two eldest in the room with a big grin on her face.

Mr. Xi chuckled and smiled at her. "We were just talking about making Luhan our family member."

"WHAT?" Luhan shouted and covered his mouth immediately. All confused eyes fell on him, except for Li Yin's.

So that was Mr. Xi had asked him about.

Chen Lin was the one to break the silence with her cackle. "Oh, that's awesome! So you're now Xi Lu Han, princess of Beijing."

Ziyu secretly pumped his fist and muttered under his breath, "Yeah, awesome, I'm not the princess anymore."

A frown slowly appeared on Luhan's face. "But I am not a princess and that's not my name. I'm Wu Luhan."

The parents' face turned even more worried.

"But didn't you agree with that, Luhan?" Mr. Xi carefully asked.

Luhan bowed his head and played with his fingers nervously, the frown not leaving his face as he pondered over it.

Being one of the Xi's? It wasn't that bad, actually. But... "Can I keep my real name? At least only the given name." Changing his surname wasn't a decision he could take as easily as flipping his hand upside down. It would affect his life and his future in many aspects. Besides, that surname would make him bound to the family, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't he leave them someday? When he remembered everything?

Mr. Xi nodded slowly and bowed his head, smiling as he let out a long sigh. "Okay, I respect your decision. So, Lu Han, that is?" He said the name with a different tone and a short pause in the middle.

Luhan nodded quickly and smiled. "Yes, I guess that's better."

Mr. and Mrs. Xi smiled at him, and then at each other.

"We'll use that name for your ID," Mrs. Xi said. "You need it, since you're not a minor anymore."

"Make a dork face for your ID card, bro," Chen Lin snickered.

"He's good at it," Li Yin added and high-fived her best friend, ignoring Luhan's pout.

The confused Ziyu finally spoke up, "Does this make Lu ge my brother?"

Before his parents could answer, Chen Lin cut again, "Ouch, then Li Yin can't date Lulu. I feel you baby." She reached out her hand to pat Li Yin's back while nodding understandingly.

Li Yin brushed the other girl's hand away and frowned at her to hide the surprised look that was apparent on her face for a split second. Both her parents were equally surprised, while Luhan bowed his head and thought deeply about it. About Chen Lin's words and about being Ziyu and Li Yin's brother.

He didn't know why, but he preferred not to. Not because of that dating thing though. He had never even thought about dating stuff.

"Oh, are you guys... heading there?" Mrs. Xi asked carefully and watched the two's expressions closely. "Don't let us stop it if you are."

Li Yin widened her eyes and shook her head immediately. "No! There's.... nothing between us, okay?"

Luhan nodded quietly to confirm her statement.

"Oh, but we shouldn't rush you then," Mr. Xi grinned at Luhan a little bit too happily, "I guess you need more time to think about your decision, don't you, young man? We'll give you some time then."

Luhan nodded and flashed a genuine smile. "Thank you for your understanding, sir."

"Not a problem at all." Mr. Xi stood up to leave, his wife following suit.

"Wait, sir," Luhan called again and the couple stopped to look at him.


Luhan bowed his head and scratched the back of his ear. "Umm... Do you... have any problems with animals... inside the house?" He sheepishly asked.

Li Yin and Ziyu widened their eyes in realization, while the husband and wife stared at each other.

"It's okay, mama, baba, he's a smart dog," Ziyu convinced his parents even before they could say anything. Everyone blinked at him.

Moments later, they found themselves somehow packed inside a bathroom with a very confused Sehun sitting on the toilet.

"You see, mama, Sehunnie pissed on the backyard without ruining anything. Now, he'll show you that he can poop neatly without littering the grass outside," Ziyu explained, determination to protect the dog flaming in his eyes. Luhan didn't even have to try; he just watched. Because Ziyu didn't give him the chance to even open his mouth.

Mr. and Mrs. Xi watched the dog with clear amusement on their faces, as if Ziyu was a salesman explaining about a brand new device that could keep their house always clean.

Sehun stared at Luhan with pleading eyes, begging to be saved. He whimpered and shifted on the toilet seat pitifully.

'I don't want to poop now, master Lu. Even if I did, I wouldn't want to be watched either.'

Luhan sighed and bent down, smiling and cupping Sehun's big head in his hands. "Come on, baby. You can do it. Poop for me."

Ziyu and Li Yin facepalmed silently, even Sehun bowed his head and covered his eyes with his paw.

Nonetheless, Sehun took his pooping position and began to clench his muscles.

'I'm doing this because I love you, master. I'll let them see my sweet chocolate brownies just this once in my lifetime and it's not happening again, I'm telling you.'

Luhan chuckled and rewarded the dog with gentle on his neck and under his chin. "Yes, yes, baby. Of course."

Luhan straightened his back and turned his head to see the weird looks on everyone's faces, all directed at him. He stared back at them in silence with dazed wide eyes.

'I've just let them witness my mental illness.'

After what seemed like ages of awkwardness, Sehun finally turned around on the toilet seat and used his paw to flush the toilet like he always did whenever he was done dumping his brownies. As if it wasn't awkward enough, Mr. Xi and his wife clapped their hands and cheered for the dog as if Sehun was their little boy, pooping on the toilet successfully for the first time.

With that, Sehun's existance was accepted in the house. What a test.

Planning to stay for a week, the Xi couple unpacked their stuff in their respective room and locked themselves inside for a long nap without disturbance. They hung a "Do not disturb" sign on the door handle to make it clear.

Ziyu insisted they were making out. Chen Lin smacked his head and told him to go back to his room.

The next day started just as usual, not as special as Luhan had expected. Li Yin had tried to push her parents' door open in the morning, but it was still locked, so she made a small note and attached it to the door before going off to her campus, together with Luhan. Luhan had done the same; he had stuck a blue sticky note on the side of Sehun's beanbag, telling him what time he would be home again, although he believed the dog couldn't even read it.

Which was actually very wrong. Sehun read it and he spent most of his time of the day sitting idle on Luhan's bed; eyes locked on the blue and white clock on the wall, Pinku Pinku lying by his side.

Every fifteen minutes he lowered his head and nudged the rilakkuma doll's face with his nose, asking through his eyes, 'Pinku Pinku, are you bored? Me too. Do you miss master Lulu? Yeah, me too.'

Meanwhile, Luhan was sitting in his class, eyebrows slightly furrowed and attention fully focused on the old professor babbling in the front. Suddenly came a paper ball landing on his desk, unintentionally hitting his pen and making it fall onto the floor. Some giggles and clicks of tongues were heard around him. Luhan rolled his eyes and picked up his pen, placing it back neatly next to his notebook before taking the crumpled paper and lazily opening it. He smoothed it on the desk while still paying attention to the professor, but then widened his eyes when he looked down again and found the paper full of messy scribbles of Hanzi in different colors of ink.

It was a collection of messages from many people in the class with a big "LOVE MESSAGES FOR LUHAN" written in pink marker at the top. There were many names on it that he didn't even know which persons they were. He furrowed his eyebrows as he read them one by one. There were short ones and somewhat long ones; the short ones were almost the same though, like "Hey new kid, I like you" or like "NOTICE ME LULU" or like "You're so handsome, please go out with me I sit behind you" or "Hey pretty let's make out after the old dismiss this hellhole" or even worse "Lulu please my *beep*! It's tasty like the grilled sausages in the cafeteria, bet you'll love it~" with a sausage picture next to it, smeared in what seemed like mayonnaise or maybe mustard - it was colored by a neon yellow highlighter - and Luhan didn't even want to think about it otherwise he'd shock the class by gagging and throwing up his breakfast on his desk. These people were just nasty.

But the longer messages seemed to be more fascinating.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. Your lips are pink, and I feel blue (Can I kiss them? Pretty please~ ;D *blue as in my is turning blue)"

"Oh my God," Luhan whispered to himself and sank his face in his hand, feeling like throwing up, but then continued to read the messages.

"Lulu, sitting at the back, I can't help but staring at your bright head. Your hair reminds me of a rising sun, you shine while your surroundings are dark."

Luhan turned his head slightly and peeked through his shoulder, squinting at the back rows, trying to spot a suspicious face that might have been the writer of that message. Weird, all of them seemed suspicious. He shrugged and focused back on the paper. He really should just throw it away, but reading them was kind of fun, actually. Typical languages students. Play with words. Cheeeeesy.

"Dear Luhan, I can still feel the heat somewhere deep in my stomach. It was the hardest hit I've ever felt in my life and you've left a strong impression on me, as strong as your legs. You're so adorable, really! Let's be friends ;) (sorry my writing skills , didn't know what to write here someone just passed the paper to me hehe ^^v)"

Wait, it wasn't as cheesy as the others. It sounded rather normal instead. Luhan's eyebrows furrowed as he stared longer at the messy scribbles. Was it just him or the sender of the message seemed somewhat familiar? Heat? Stomach? Legs?

Luhan froze and widened his eyes when the realization hit him. He turned his head around, trying to find a certain someone until he finally set his eyes on a boy sitting three rows behind him, grinning and waving at him. Luhan recognized him immediately by his rather messy black faux hawk hair and his lanky body.

"Zhou Kai!" Luhan whispered loudly and cracked a big grin. All heads around him turned towards the direction of where he was waving at.

"Ahem!" Suddenly the professor cleared his throat loudly and everyone swiftly turned their heads towards the front of the class, bodies stiffened and faces straight.

Luhan couldn't hide his smile though. It had been more than a week and he had just found out that the tall goalkeeper was the same year as him. And they had the same class too. He had focused too much on the professors.

The copper-haired boy shoved his "love message" into the pocket of his jeans and grabbed his pen again, proceeding to copy the notes the professor was writing on the board.

When he finally had free time, he met up with his closest buddies, bringing his new friend Zhou Kai along with him. So then there were five of them; Luhan with Zhou Kai, Shixin, Chen Lin and Li Yin, basically some famous kids sitting together at a table in the cafeteria. Sitting at the table on their left were a bunch of noisy guys who were Shixin and Zhou Kai's friends. Most of them were from the soccer club, whom Luhan had befriended rather easily. There were also a bunch of girls at the table behind them. Luhan nudged Li Yin and asked who those girls were and why they were staring at their direction while smiling creepily, and Li Yin explained to him with a bored tone that they were some kind of Shixin's fanclub and they were there because it was Monday, one of the rare days when Shixin had lunch in the campus' cafeteria.

"Waaahhh," Luhan stared at the guy sitting next to him admiringly with sparkling eyes in awe. "You have your own fanclub, Shixin."

Some faint squeals errupted from the table behind them; the result of the deer's adorable dazed face. Shixin chuckled as he opened the cap of his water bottle and gulped down half of the full content in big gulps. He set the bottle down on the table, wiped his lips with the back of his hand and patted Luhan's back.

"You'll have your own soon, Luhan," he winked. "You're quite famous already. Don't get cocky though."

"Speaking about being famous, he's also getting famous with my babe here," Chen Lin elbowed Li Yin's shoulder. "Have you guys seen their picture on the internet?"

"I have," Zhou Kai said, "the one at the airport, right? You were there too, manager-"

"I've told you many times don't call me manager. It's awkward, you know," Chen Lin cut and rolled her eyes.

"Right, Chen Lin," Zhou Kai grinned and corrected himself, "you were there too and Li Yin was wearing a mask, right? I wonder why many people assume Luhan is Li Yin's boyfriend. Like, Luhan looks really young-"

"Are you saying I look old?" Li Yin cut, pouted and crossed her arms. Chen Lin cooed and pinched her cheek mercilessly until Li Yin had to swat her hand away.

"No, of course not," Zhou Kai shook his head rapidly and flashed his most innocent grin. "You look young and beautiful, everyone knows that."

"Don't forget that you were his crush, Li Yin," Shixin said matter-of-factly, elbowing Zhou Kai and wiggling his eyebrows at him.

"N-Not anymore," the younger goalkeeper looked away and puffed his cheeks childishly, while Li Yin shrugged nonchalantly and munched on her food.

"Is that true?" Luhan asked with a mischievous smile. "That picture must have broken your heart a tiny bit then, Zhou Kai. Really, there's nothing between Li Yin and I."

"Ugh, I told you guys she's not my crush anymore, it was when we were in elementary school," Zhou Kai whined childishly and the others laughed at him.

"But really, Luhan is going to be famous soon," Zhou Kai said in attempt to change the topic, which was quite successful.

"He'll be surrounded by girls soon, and maybe some dudes too," Chen Lin winked at Luhan.

"I guess I don't really want to get famous," Luhan shrugged, and then fished out a piece of folded paper from his pocket. He put it on the middle of the table and Chen Lin snatched it quickly before Shixin could take it. The girl's laugh boomed as soon as she read one of the messages on it. Everyone's eyes fell on her, amused and curious as to what could make her laugh that happily until she had to clutch on her full stomach. Li Yin, who was sitting next to her, leaned closer to see the scribbles and eventually began to laugh too.

"What is this? Lots of them asked you for a ," Chen Lin struggled to talk properly between her endless laugh. The boys at the table next to them guffawed at that, making Luhan's face turn hot and pink.

Shixin raised his eyebrows and looked at the pouting Luhan in surprise. "Really, Luhan? They wrote that to you?"

Luhan rested his elbows on the table and covered his face with his hands. Could it be more embarrassing? Shixin, his role model, the one he looked up to, finally found out about his embarrassing new reputation as the object of many guys' dirty fantasies. That sounded a little bit dramatic though, but true.

Shixin took the paper from Chen Lin's hand and read it together with Zhou Kai quietly.

"Hey, this is from you, isn't it?" Shixin nudged Zhou Kai and pointed at one of the messages. The younger goalkeeper laughed and scratched his head.

"Yeah, since like everyone wrote on that paper," he shrugged. "I didn't write anything insulting though."

"Yeah," Shixin nodded, "but the others are so embarrassing. Who drew this sausage? It looks like... Something. Ugly."

"He asked for a politely though, he even recommended those nasty grilled sausages here. Ew, his junk must look ugly and taste really awful," Zhou Kai shuddered.

"Who would want to taste people's junks anyways," Shixin shook his head and set the paper down on the table.

"Oh trust me, Captain, those girls sitting behind you would do anything for tasting yours even just once," the younger motioned his head towards the hyperventilating, eagerly nodding girls sitting at the table behind them.

"Hey, that's nasty," Shixin hit Zhou Kai's shoulder playfully while Luhan, Li Yin, and Chen Lin covered their mouths to hold their lunch from coming out again.

"Shut up, Chowchow. You're littering Luhan's innocent mind," Chen Lin stood up and leaned forward, reached out her arm and flicked Zhou Kai's forehead.

"Ow!" The black-haired boy slapped his hand over the red mark on his forehead. He pouted and glanced at Luhan's somewhat flushed face. "I don't think he's that innocent though. If he is, he'll probably be like Shixin ge, a twenty-one-year-old ."

"We don't do free , okay. You yourself are a too," Shixin pushed Zhou Kai away a little bit and slightly turned facing Luhan. "Ignore him. I know you're a good boy. Right, Luhan?" He tilted his head slightly and flashed a sweet smile, earning another squealing fit from the group of girls. Even one of them shouted "My ovaries!!" very loudly. That was quite disturbing.

"Yes," Luhan nodded and smiled. "I also thought what he said was nasty."

Shixin leaned closer instinctively and examined the deer's face closely. "So... You've never done that before, have you?"

Luhan grinned and leaned backwards also instinctively. "What 'that'? Nope, nope."

"Good," Shixin smiled. "Don't let people use you because you're good-looking. Prove that you're not an easy guy, not a cheap man, okay? You're manly, right, Luhan?"

"Of course I am!" Luhan answered right away without any doubts in his voice. He puffed out his chest and smirked at Shixin. It made the older laugh and pull him into a quick bro hug, which he enjoyed quite a lot. Everyone around them cooed at the scene.


"Eh?" Luhan and Shixin turned their heads towards the sound, which turned out to be the camera of Li Yin's cellphone. Chen Lin leaned towards her immediately and cooed at the phone screen.

"They look like a shy couple!" The short-haired girl giggled. "This is going to be a scandal!"

"Let me see it," Luhan grinned and held out his hand, asking for the device. Li Yin handed her phone to him with a broad grin gracing her lips.

Luhan laughed seeing his own somewhat flushed face, while Shixin chuckled and shook his head. He took the device and handed it back to its owner.

"Do it again properly," Shixin beamed at Li Yin and all the girls behind him became noisy and overly excited when he and Luhan posed for the camera, while Zhou Kai tilted his body so he didn't have to be a third wheel in the couple picture, but Shixin's hand pulled him back to join them. The three males made "peace" signs with their fingers and grinned at the camera.

"Post on your blog, Shixin gege!" One of the fangirls shouted. The called guy turned around towards the bunch of girls, smiled and gave a thumbs up, making them squeal loudly and in result causing all heads in the cafeteria to turn towards them.

"I'll send it to you now then. I will post this for your blog too, Luhan," Li Yin said, giggling as she opened the blog using her phone and uploaded the picture.

"Oh, Thank you, Li Yin," Luhan giggled and grinned at Shixin. "Follow my blog."

"Don't worry about that. I've followed you already," the older winked, and then made a cute pouty face. "Notice me, Lulu~"

Luhan laughed bashfully and cooed along with the fangirls.

After they had finished all their classes for the day, they gathered again on the soccer field. As usual they were training for the upcoming championship. It was a prestigious one, all universities in Beijing were participating and if they won it, they would get huge respect and some reputation to be proud of. And some huge prizes too. But the main reason they had to win it wasn't because of all of that; but because it would be the last championship for some of their team's members, including their beloved captain Wu Shixin. They were graduating really soon and everyone in the club was determined to give the best gift to Shixin for all he had done for the club in the last four years.

After the championship was over, they would have to choose a new captain. Before Luhan had joined the club, everyone had strongly believed that Shixin would pick Zhou Kai as his successor; but then, seeing how their captain had become really fond of Luhan, and how good the deer boy actually was, they couldn't be sure about anything. Captain Luhan? That didn't sound bad at all. The only thing that made them doubt Shixin would pick him was that by the time he had to leave, which was not more than two months later, Luhan would still be counted as a newcomer. At least Zhou Kai had been in the club several months longer than him.

Actually Luhan wasn't expecting that much either, he was pretty cool about that. Being the striker was already dreamy enough. But of course, he wouldn't reject it either if later Shixin decided to choose him. He would do anything to make his captain proud.

But what was important then was their training; he had to do his best to help his university win the championship.


"GOOOAALLL!" Chen Lin screamed from the commentators' table. At the same time the referee - who was also the club's member - blew the whistle three times, the last loud and long, sign that the match was over. "IT'S LUHAN'S FOURTH GOAL FOR TODAY'S MATCH! CONGRATULATIONS, BLACK TEAM, 5-3 FOR YOUR VICTORY!"

All boys on the field gathered and hugged each other happily. Shixin scooped Luhan up in his arms, while the deer encircled his arm around his shoulders and raised the other one up high in the air, laughing elatedly in victory. Everyone was cheering for him.

It wasn't yet the real championship but they were that happy.

"With Luhan, we're going to win for sure!"

They had never seen their captain stare at someone so adoringly.

After the club activities were over, Shixin walked Luhan and Li Yin to the parking lot, where their driver and the car had been waiting. Chen Lin had gone away earlier with her motorcycle. The three stopped next to a black sedan.

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" Shixin rubbed his nape and smiled rather shyly at Luhan. Pretty surprising though. The confident Shixin.

"Sure," Luhan flashed an innocent grin. "Thanks for today, Shixin."

"No, thank you," the older chuckled. Li Yin felt as if she was watching a live romantic drama and she was only a cameo to stand there. Why was that tall dude still there? They were going to meet again the next day anyways.

"You should go home now," Luhan said, still with a genuine smile on his face.

Shixin glanced at his sport watch and nodded hesitantly. "Okay, I'll go now. Take care, Luhan."

Before Shixin could take a step away, Luhan reached out his hands and pulled him into a hug. Li Yin was surprised by his rather bold action, but not as surprised as the tall goalkeeper. And before Shixin could even wrap his arms around the shorter's body, Luhan pulled away and beamed at him.

"Bye," the deer waved cutely, yet Shixin was still standing there, not showing any signs that he would leave anytime soon.

"Umm... Bye-"

"Arf! WOOF!"

"Eek!" Luhan and Li Yin jumped forwards because of the sudden barking sound behind their ears. They turned around and found the very familiar big white head sticking out of the car window.

"Sehunnie!" Luhan exclaimed in surprise.

The dog didn't look happy at all. He narrowed his eyes at the tall young man and growled under his breath. Not expecting the unfriendly greeting, Shixin froze and blinked at the dog with wide eyes.

Li Yin quickly walked to the other side of the car, got in and sat in the back seat next to Sehun. She tilted her head to see the driver's face, silently asking through her narrowed eyes about why the dog was there, but the driver only flashed her an apologetic smile and showed her a long scratch mark on his arm. She sighed loudly as she threw herself back into the seat and then grabbed the sides of Sehun's body to pull him back inside. Sehun didn't budge.

"Sehun, what's wrong with you?" Luhan frowned. "Greet him properly, he's my friend."

'NO.' Sehun growled louder as a warning.

"Uh... It's okay, I was going to leave anyways-"

"Wait," Luhan held Shixin's wrist and turned his head back to the dog. "Sehun...." That was also a warning tone.

"It's okay, Luhan."

"Nope. This dog needs to learn some respect."

Sehun growled under his breath constantly like an engine of an old car, while Luhan kept pushing him silently through his narrowed eyes. After what seemed like ages Sehun finally gave up, just because he didn't want to upset his master. He stuck his paw out of the car window and held it out towards Shixin. Luhan's angry face turned happy instantly. Shixin also held out his hand hesitantly and took Sehun's paw, slightly shaking it up and down. After that the dog took back his paw immediately and pulled his head back into the car, sticking his chin up in the air cockily.

Luhan sighed and massaged his temple. "I'm sorry about my dog's behavior, Shixin. Usually he's warm and friendly, I don't know what's wrong with him today."

"It's okay," Shixin gave the other a genuine smile, "maybe he's just jealous. He must have seen you hug me."

"Oh," Luhan bowed his head and glanced at the dog inside the car, "maybe."

"I should get going now. See you tomorrow, Luhan."

"See you."

Their trip back home was painfully awkward and silent. Sehun didn't even bother convincing Luhan to talk to him again; he lied down on the back seat, put his head on Li Yin's lap and fell asleep while she was petting him.

Later that night, Luhan came to Li Yin's room just to roll around on her fluffy bed, while the owner of the room was lying on her stomach, doing something on her laptop. There were only two of them in the room and Li Yin was aware about that, while Luhan didn't seem to mind about it. He only stopped rolling when his body collided with Li Yin's.

"Lu Han."

Luhan grinned at the name, it sounded different. "Yes, Li Yin?"

"Do you want something?"

"Hmm... Nothing in particular. Oh, can I sleep here with you? It's really comfortable here."

Li Yin turned her head and squinted at Luhan. "What's your motive now?"

Luhan giggled and got up to crawl towards the fluffy pillows. He snuggled into the sheets and curled comfortably.

"Hey, answer me properly," Li Yin sat up and had to laugh lightly seeing the deer's happy smiling face.

Luhan lifted the comforter slightly and patted the pillow next to his head. "Come here, Li Yin," he winked seductively.

Li Yin laughed and smacked the deer's limbs beneath the sheets. "Hey, who do you think you are? Get out of there, princess."

Luhan sat up slowly and pouted at the other. Laughing, Li Yin dragged herself towards the deer and sat next to him, her legs stretched with her laptop in her lap.

"Let's just see your blog now," she grinned. Luhan perked up and nodded excitedly.

"Yes! Have you changed the name for me?"

"Yup, it's 'Lu Han' now."

"Okay. Can we see Shixin's first?" Luhan giggled.

"Oh, do you like him now?" The girl raised her eyebrows, pretending to be surprised.

"No I don't!" Luhan shook his head quickly. "I mean, not like that! Of course I like him as a friend."

"Well, that's what I meant. If not as a friend, what else?" Li Yin wiggled her eyebrows and she knew she had won this time when she saw a tinge of pink on Luhan's cheeks.

Li Yin opened Shixin's blog and a picture of him posing with a ball greeted them immediately. Dashing as always.

"What? Wow! He has almost a million followers??" Luhan widened his eyes and leaned forward to see the screen closely. "How come? Where do all those people come from?"

"Basically just his fans," Li Yin shrugged. "Have I told you that he was a model as a kid?"

Luhan gaped at the goalkeeper's picture. "Really?? He's basically a star," he said dreamily. "I should have known that he's that famous. He has that many fangirls."

"You'll be surprised if you find out about the other famous fellows and idols going to our university. There are quite a lot," Li Yin said confidently, "like me, for example."

"There are more?" Luhan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah," Li Yin nodded, "but Shixin isn't counted as a real idol, since he doesn't do modelling and stuff anymore. That's why the number of his followers don't actually reach a million. Many people don't know he was a kid model, most of the fellows at our university love him because of his look and his skills."

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows and nodded slowly. "That's too bad. If he still worked as a model, maybe that number would be two millions, like yours."

"You can get two millions too, someday," Li Yin grinned. "You've got two hundreds already."

"Nah," Luhan shrugged and laughed lightly. "I want to see his pictures, Li Yin."


The first picture that appeared as his latest post was the picture of him together with Luhan and Zhou Kai. It had earned hundreds of comments and likes already. Li Yin scrolled down to Shixin's earlier posts and they found many pictures of him with a ball or with other guys, but not with girls. Luhan had expected to see a bunch of pictures of him together with different girls though.

"Li Yin, doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Luhan asked with pure curiosity.

"Nope. He has never had one before, but he did have a boyfriend once," Li Yin said, lowering her voice at the end of her sentence.

Luhan gasped and widened his eyes. "He's gay??"

"Shhh," Li Yin shushed him, "never point that out in front of anyone else, okay?"

Luhan nodded slowly and glanced at the picture of the smiling boy on the laptop screen. "So is it a secret? Who else know about it?"

"Just us five and his parents. It was five years ago. He has been friends with Chen Lin, Zhou Kai, and I ever since we were in elementary school, so he let us know about it. I guess he will eventually let you know about it, but you should act like you don't know until then, okay?"

Luhan bit his bottom lip and nodded hesitantly. "Okay. I guess... No one can actually be perfect."

"Right, and you should be careful," Li Yin smiled mischievously. "I guess he likes you."

Luhan didn't know why his cheeks felt warm hearing that. It couldn't be true. Even if it had been true, he believed he should have felt disgusted, maybe saying "Eww! That's so gay" or something like that, and maybe he should have been secretly making a plan to avoid him... But he couldn't just hate him like that. He somehow had the urge to protect the older's feelings instead. It must have been quite harsh for him.

'Can't wait to see him again soon,' he thought, smiling to himself.

"Oh look, Luhan. You've got some comments on your picture," Li Yin said, snapping Luhan out of his thoughts.

"Eh? Where?" Luhan leaned forward and looked at the screen. Unlike Shixin's post, which was exactly the same, he had gotten twenty five comments only. He was still quite new to the blog though.

Judging from the comments, apparently some of them were from his university too, because they knew Shixin and Zhou Kai.

"Lu Han~ it's princess Lu Han with his bodyguards! Cutiepies ♡"

"How lucky! I want to take a picture with Shixin gege too~"

"Lulu, notice me I'm your fan! ♡♡♡"

"Hey, I'm the one who wrote a message to you with the sausage picture next to it, do you remember? I'm serious about my message though. ;)"

"Ugh, nasty. Why is he so persistent?" Luhan wrinkled his nose, causing Li Yin to laugh. "I'm a guy for goodness' sake, I'll never people's junks. Ew." He shuddered.

Li Yin giggled and scrolled down again. And then she gasped. "Look, Luhan! Shixin left a comment too!"

"Where? Where?? Oh, you're right! Aish! Wait, why am I overreacting?" Luhan facepalmed and Li Yin laughed again at him, teasingly wiggling her eyebrows.

WuShixin: you're handsome here, Lu Han ^^ let's take a picture again together next time ;) (did you change your name?)

"Do you want to reply his comment, Lulu?" Li Yin giggled and elbowed Luhan's shoulder lightly.

"Ah... What should I say to him?" Luhan asked doubtfully as he took the laptop and moved it to his own lap.

"Anything you want. You sound like a pathetic teenage girl, you know."

"No I don't."

After spending about five minutes typing and deleting his reply, he finally clicked the "reply" button and puffed his cheeks.

LuHan: thanks, Shixin! You're handsome too~ ^^ yes I changed my name, I forgot to tell you about it. I'll tell you tomorrow at the campus ^^

"Praising each other," Li Yin snorted and chuckled, "making a promise in public to meet again tomorrow. How transparent."

"Hey, you didn't even help me," Luhan protested and blew his bangs off his forehead childishly, getting only more giggles as the reply. He scrolled down the comments and raised an eyebrow when he found a long one.

"Wuyifan: hi Lu Han I'm your new follower! You see, I found your picture, that one with your doggy, when I was browsing through the 'cute' tag-"

"Wait, did you tag my picture 'cute'?" Luhan asked Li Yin with scrunched up forehead.

Li Yin shrugged and smiled. "You were cute in that picture though."

"Aww man, they'll think I'm too confident for tagging my own picture cute," Luhan whined.

"-and you were absolutely right for tagging your own picture 'cute'. I'm your fan now! In this newest picture you're really cute too with your new hair color. ^^ Post more pictures, pretty please? I'll be happier if you upload some short videos of yourself too ;) at least write something here! You've only posted two entries so far. Thank you!"

"This Wuyifan guy seems nice," Li Yin giggled. "He's right, you should update your blog more often."

"He called me cute though. Again I don't think I'm cute enough to be called cute," Luhan frowned. "What should I write about?"

"Anything you want. Since it will be your first text post, how about writing about yourself?" Li Yin suggested.

"Hmm, let me find the words first," Luhan tapped his chin and pretended to think deeply. "So, my name is Lu Han, I love soccer, I have a dog, currently I'm in bed with a pretty girl who is literally an idol, she's sitting really close to me and I guess I'll have a really good sleep tonight-"

"Hey!" Li Yin cut and weakly smacked Luhan's shoulder. Luhan's laugh exploded as the blush spread on Li Yin's face. "Write something more normal, don't cause unnecessary misunderstandings," she pouted.

"Please, everyone, don't get jealous because she has just touched me," Luhan said between his cackles, "I wish she would touch me harder though."

"Are you asking me to punch you in the face??"

"Ooh, she's threatening me, isn't it very y? I feel really hot now. Really, tonight is going to be the most unforgettable night of my life-"


Luhan chortled and clapped his hands elatedly. Li Yin threw a pillow at him, hitting him square on the face. Luhan threw the pillow back at her. They ended up having a pillow fight.

Guangzhou, China

"Gege, let's go home."

"Can't we stay a little bit longer?"

"No, gege. You've been returning to that picture like a hundred times and now you've been staring at it for fifteen minutes. It's night already."

Yi Fan turned his head and grinned bashfully at the young teenage boy.

"I'm sorry, Baobao. I can't help it, he's really pretty."

Bao bent down and narrowed his eyes at the computer screen. "He's a guy. Why would you call him pretty?"

"Don't you think he's cute?" Yi Fan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Well, yes he's cute, but I don't think you can say he's pretty. Are you done ogling at him? Mother and Biyu are waiting at home."

Yi Fan chuckled and scratched the back of his head. He smiled at the picture once again before closing the browser and leaving his seat.

Outside the public library, they ran into a tall female with a long ponytail, whom Bao recognized but Yi Fan didn't.

"Hello, jiejie," Bao waved and smiled sweetly.

"Oh, hello, Bao!" The girl greeted back cheerfully. "I didn't know you also came here at night."

"Usually I don't, but lately I do because of this gege," Bao pointed his thumb at Yi Fan, who widened his eyes and stared at the girl as if he was trying to prevent her from getting the bad impression of him.

The girl chuckled and tilted her head. "Oh? I've never seen him before. I guess I had been away for too long."

Yi Fan bowed immediately, rather awkwardly and introduced himself. "I'm Wu Yi Fan, Bao's friend. Nice to meet you."

"Jessica," the girl tilted her head and flashed her eye smile. "I should go inside now. See you later, guys."

"Bye, jiejie," Bao waved and dragged the dazed Yi Fan away.

Along the way home, Yi Fan walked with his eyes wide open. Bao stared at him worriedly.

"Gege, aren't your eyes tired?"

"Eh? No," Yi Fan shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "Umm... Who was she?"

"She?" Bao's forehead scrunched up. "You mean Jessica jiejie?"

"Yes," Yi Fan nodded dumbly.

The younger boy's face brightened up. "She works at the library. Biyu and I know her well because we've been going there almost everyday for a very long time, maybe more than two years."

"Oh," Yi Fan nodded again, "she looks... Different."

"She's Chinese-Canadian."

"What's Chinese-Canadian?"


"Seriously, I don't know what it is," Yi Fan made a "peace" sign with his fingers.

"Well, that means she's chinese and canadian at the same time. Half Chinese, half canadian. I don't really understand but I guess she's having a little problem with her double nationalities. She has just come back from Canada."

"...So Canada is a name of a place? Is it far away? How long does it take to walk there?"

"...Maybe years."


"Seriously. You might even have to swim too."

"She must be really strong."

Is he joking or is he just basically very dumb? "Let's ask her to show her muscles tomorrow."

"She looked slim though."

Bao sighed and slapped a hand over his face. "She travels by flying, gege."

Yi Fan widened his eyes double times. "She can fly too?? She doesn't even have any wings! Oh wait, did she hide them under her clothes?"

"Oh God," Bao groaned and tossed his head back. "You know what, ge, let's not talk about her. You better save all your energy for tomorrow, it's your first day running errands. We may get lots of tasks tomorrow."

Yi Fan beamed and jogged excitedly. "I'm so ready for running tomorrow. Let's race back home!"

Before Bao could say anything, Yi Fan had bolted away few meters in front of him. The skinny boy gaped, but then shook his head and grinned as he began to run, chasing the taller boy.

"Yi Fan ge, wait for me! I won't accompany you watching that pretty guy's picture tomorrow if you leave me!"

Yi Fan stopped abruptly and laughed as he turned back and ran towards the younger. Bao began to for having a crush on a guy and Yi Fan back for being short and skinny, although it was completely irrelevant. They laughed their way back to their dilapidated house, along the deserted night street.

A/N: hiii this chapter is pretty random isn't it? No? Next chapter Kris will have more of his part ^^ but he still have to share! We know how these boys had spent their first days on Earth, but not their real families that they had left on their home planet. How was the condition in their beloved kingdom EXO? Find out on the next chapter ^^

It's about time Sehun would turn into a human again, so please wait for the next updates :D thank you for reading and subscribing! ^^

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!