Luhan, Mr. All-Round

Come Back Home, Our Guardians!

"Guys, say hello to our new friend Luhan."

"Hiiii, Luhan!"

"H-Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you all."

Luhan bowed and flashed his shy yet adorable smile at a group of boys in their white soccer jerseys. After seeing Luhan play with the ball back then at Li Yin's house, Chen Lin had decided right away that Luhan telling them he had never played soccer before was a complete nonsense. He played like he had been playing soccer all his life, although he had insisted that his body and his legs had moved by themselves and he had had no idea how he could have done that. Chen Lin believed that the deer boy was born to be a soccer player and therefore he should join the club at the university where she and Li Yin went to, since their main striker had broken some bones in a stupid accident and they needed a replacement immediately.

"But the replacement has to be from our university too," the captain had objected.

Li Yin and Chen Lin had talked about it, so as the club's manager the latter had replied nonchalantly, "Then Luhan can be a student here."

Li Yin had been through quite a lot of trouble getting him into the university since his status was unclear, but after going through lots of tests, Luhan had proved that he deserved to be a student there, even one of those whom the university could be proud of for the quality of his brain. Li Yin hadn't been that surprised to know about that, since she still believed that Luhan had once built his own spaceship.

And then there he was; a university student, somehow ended up learning foreign languages, already quite famous because of his cute face and was about to enter the soccer club. And if he was lucky enough, getting the striker position too.

It was then the time to show them what he had got. The big group divided themselves into two using the classic rock, paper, scissor game; the losers changed into their black uniforms, while the winners stayed in their white ones. Luhan was in the white team. He loved white.

The captains of each teams gathered their members and explained the gameplans and strategies. The captain of the white team, Luhan noticed, was tall and quite good-looking. He was wearing a different jersey, it was a long sleeve black and blue one with gloves covering his hands.

"Remember guys, share the ball with Luhan. We'll see how good he is," the charismatic-looking captain reminded his team, glancing at Luhan and giving him a small friendly smile. Luhan smiled back and nodded at him. When he dismissed the group to get into position, Luhan secretly memorized the back numbers of his teammates and their respective positions. The captain was the goalkeeper. Wu Shixin, number 1. That name reminded Luhan of someone. Or maybe something.

Sehun. A big grin appeared on Luhan's face when he remembered how that dog had played soccer with him and Ziyu back then; he was that good he had even scored some goals using his head. Too bad he couldn't join the club there, it was a club for humans only.

The game began with the black team taking the kick-off. Luhan was amazed and suddenly felt he wasn't good enough when in the first thirty seconds the opposing team had already made the first attempt to score a goal, but the dashing goalkeeper Shixin was faster to stretch out his long arm and stop the ball with his hand. The brown-haired tall boy threw the ball again towards his midfielder with back number 8, who was immediately surrounded by two players from the black team. Number 8 dribbled the ball while trying to keep it from being stolen, but since it was pretty tight, he passed the ball towards number 7.

Luhan got the ball and immediately dribbled it towards the other team's goal. He could hear Li Yin and Chen Lin scream his name from afar like some crazy fangirls.

"Go Luhan! Go Luhan! Yeahh Lubasa! Cristiano Lunaldo! CL7! Break that goal, you go boy! Run with the wind! Woot!"

Luhan's face and ears turned a deep shade of red. The players in black, even his own teammates were chuckling and cooing at his adorable flushed face. He puffed his cheeks and focused on the ball, avoiding every opponents swiftly until he was finally close to the goal.

He swung his leg with all his might (and all his embarrassment) and kicked the ball towards the goal.

'Hyaaaaa it's embarrassing!'

Unfortunately, his first attempt failed because the goalkeeper in red jersey jumped and the ball hit him hard square on the belly. He collapsed onto the ground whining and clutching his stomach.

"Awww. It's okay Lunaldinho! Take the ball again, take the ball!" Chen Lin shouted and laughed again with Li Yin.

Sadly noone really paid attention to the poor goalkeeper; another player in black came and took the ball away, which Luhan stole again and kicked towards the goal furiously from the middle of the field. The goalkeeper tried to stand up quickly and jumped to catch the ball, yet he was too late just for milliseconds after the ball had hit the net hard.

"And GOOOALLLL!" Chen Lin screamed at the top of her lungs. "LULU SCORED THE FIRST GOAL FOR WHITE TEAM! AS EXPECTED OF OUR CL7!"

Luhan gaped at the ball. 'Goal? I scored a goal?' A creepy grin slowly formed on his face until he finally turned and ran around happily with his arms spread open. He kissed his finger and waved it in the air; the gesture he had learnt from the famous football players he had seen on the internet. Some of his teammates ran to him and jumped onto him, hugged him and proudly ruffled his hair.

"Whoa! Those are some legs you've got there, man! What a kick!"

"Yeah, no doubt you're a true striker!"

Luhan wiped the nonexistent snot off his nose and grinned receiving all the praises from his teammates, even from the opposing team too. He bowed politely and thanked them all, in result getting more praises for being such a well-mannered kid.

Without any exact reasons, Luhan turned his head towards his own team's goal and beamed at his captain. Shixin smiled and gave him a thumbs up before pointing his index finger at the other end of the field. Luhan's eyes followed the direction until they finally fell on the other goalkeeper. He was still crouching down with only two of the players in black patting his head and his back. Luhan gasped and ran to him immediately.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry," Luhan crouched down and held the lanky goalkeeper's shoulder.

The black-haired guy raised his head and flashed a painful smile at Luhan. "I- I'm okay, thanks." He stood back on his feet with the help from Luhan and his other two teammates.

Luhan chewed on his bottom lip anxiously and kept staring at the taller's clothed tummy. Ignoring the fact that he barely knew the other, Luhan grabbed the hem of the goalkeeper's jersey and lifted it up until the red skin of his stomach was visible. The taller widened his eyes and pushed his shirt back down.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing??" He snapped a little bit too loudly that more of the boys ran to them to see what was happening. But, seeing the startled look on Luhan's face, the goalkeeper's gaze softened as he shooed the others away.

"I... I'm sorry, I was just worried," Luhan mumbled sadly.

The other boy bowed his head and scratched his nape, guilt stirring inside him. "It's fine. Sorry for snapping at you."

He turned around to grab the ball from the ground, allowing Luhan to see his back. Zhou Kai, number 12.

Luhan felt a hand wrapped around his wrist, so he turned around and yelped when he saw Shixin standing right behind him, staring down at him. By standing that close, Luhan had just realized that the other was a head taller than him.

"Go back to your place, Luhan. We'll continue the game now," the captain commanded, without even sounding harsh or cold at all. He sounded really calm and patient instead, despite that pair of fierce eyes he had.

"Y-Yes, captain."

Shixin ran back to his place and the game continued. The next fifteen minutes was quite fierce; they were playing in quick pace without any breaks, both teams kept attacking each other's goals and the goalkeepers kept jumping left and right and falling onto the ground to protect their goals. But since Shixin was basically the main goalkeeper of the club, he had better stamina than Zhou Kai; so the latter finally failed to catch the ball and let white team got another score. It was 2-0 for the whites then.

White team did another small celebration for the goal. This time it was number 5, the short striker, who had scored the goal by using his head, jumping really high for his height. Luhan made a mental note to learn from him later.

They continued the game again, but unfortunately an accident happened after five minutes had passed. When Luhan was dribbling the ball, two opponents came and tried to steal the ball. Seeing the space pretty tight, Luhan kicked the ball up and away through the gap between the other two's bodies. When he was about to run and chase the ball again though, one of the two swung his leg to stop the ball but ended up hitting Luhan's shin, causing him to stumble and fall flat on his face with a dull thud.

Chen Lin gasped and snatched a whistle from Li Yin's hands, and then blew it with all her might. The two girls ran across the field towards the deer lying idle in the middle, but before they could reach him, Shixin was already crouching next to him.

"Luhan? Luhan, are you okay?" The captain shook his striker's body lightly and tried to lift him up by holding his sides.

Luhan twitched and put his hands on the ground to help his knees supporting his weight, his head hanging low. Everyone became quiet as they stared at the new boy anxiously.

"Luhan?" Shixin reached out a hand, biting his bottom lip doubtfully as he gently grabbed the other's chin and lifted his head up.

What greeted his eyes was a smiling Luhan with a quite big amount of blood running down his nose. Chen Lin and Li Yin shrieked while some of the boys hissed at the sight.

"I- I'm okay."

In a swift move Shixin scooped Luhan up in his arms and carried him away from the crowd, Chen Lin and Li Yin trailing behind him.

The dazed deer gaped at the taller boy carrying him, couldn't believe what had just happened. Shixin looked somewhat pissed off and kept his gaze straight forward, ignoring the uneasy and awkward look on Luhan's face.

"Captain Wu, I'm okay." His face felt like torn apart though.



"Stop squirming."


Shixin brought Luhan to the infirmary and let the girls and a nurse there take care of him while he waited outside with some of the other boys.

The tall boy leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, frowning at one of the boys in black. He didn't have to say anything to make the boy bow his head and apologize.

"I'm sorry, captain." Although he had played in the opposing team, he still called Shixin captain because he was just basically everyone's captain in the club.

"Please be more careful next time."

"Okay, I will."

"...And apologize to him."

"Yes, captain."

Accidents like that rarely happened to their club; that was probably why the captain was acting so cold and quiet. Maybe that was how he usually looked, but he had never actually acted like that; he had always been warm and friendly. It somewhat scared the other boys there, but they understood his reason completely.

After what seemed like forever Luhan came out with a white mask covering half his face. Shixin eyed him anxiously, but the deer gave him his eye smile and a thumbs up to assure him he was okay.

After apologizing and bowing several times at Luhan, the boy in guilt went away with his friends, leaving him with the girls and the captain.

"I'm sorry this had to happen on your first day," Shixin said sheepishly to Luhan.

"It's okay. It will heal soon," Luhan said behind his mask. "Thanks for taking me here before I could lose too much blood, captain."

Shixin snorted and shook his head. "And you said you were okay. Is your nose broken that badly?"

"The nurse could fix it though. She put something on my nose, to protect it and keep it in place, she told me," Luhan shrugged. "This mask is only to hide it. I guess it's fine now."

Shixin nodded with concern apparent on his face. "Still, you should be careful with it. It still takes quite awhile to heal completely."

Luhan nodded and gave the taller his eye smile again. "I will. Thank you for your concern, captain."

Shixin smiled and patted Luhan's back before turning towards Chen Lin and Li Yin. "So, is he in now?"

"What do you think?" Chen Lin asked back with a broad grin on her face.

Shixin eyed the shorter boy closely, making him very nervous all of a sudden.

"P-Please let me join your club," Luhan bowed slightly and gulped as he stared back at the handsome yet expressionless face, which then turned into a smiley one after five seconds Luhan mentally counted. His eyes curved into crescents and his lips formed a small yet warm friendly smile.

"Of course. Why not?" Shixin chuckled, growing into laughter when Luhan jumped a little bit and pumped his fist, doing a weird yet funny celebratory dance together with the two girls.

"Thank you so much, captain!" Luhan bowed deeply, "I promise I will be good!"

"You are good already," Shixin grinned and patted the shorter's back.

All four of them walked back to the soccer field to grab the bags they had left. Chen Lin kept babbling about stuff with Li Yin, something that didn't seem too interesting to Shixin, so he focused his attention on the boy walking next to him.

"Hey Luhan, how old are you?" Shixin asked casually.

"I'm twenty next month," Luhan answered cheerfully. "How about you, captain?"

"I'm twenty two this year. It's my last year here, so I'm graduating this year if everything goes right," the taller chuckled. "You should just call me by my name if it's not on the field, Luhan."

"Your name?" Luhan tilted his head to see the other's back. "Oh, right. Wu Shixin. You're my senior then. Should I call you gege?"

"You forgot my name already?" Shixin clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Just Shixin is okay. Yeah, but don't let it make you too formal around me. Let's just be friends."

Luhan giggled and nodded happily. "Okay, Shixin. We're friends now."

Shixin smiled and slung an arm around the younger's shoulders. "You should stick with me tomorrow when you have free time, so I can show you around and introduce you to some of my friends. You'll love it here."

Luhan perked up at the idea. "Really? You'll do that? Thanks a lot, captain! I mean Shixin! I'll stay with you then."

Shixin chuckled and winked, causing Luhan's mouth to fall open involuntarily. "Anytime, Luhan."

After taking their bags, they got changed and walked together again out of the campus. They only separated and waved goodbye at each other when they reached the parking lot; Shixin went to his own car, Luhan following Chen Lin and Li Yin to the latter's car.

All the way home, Luhan kept smiling to himself, happy that he had made a new friend. A cool and handsome new friend. He had secretly made Shixin his role model ever since the older had run to him to help him when he had fallen on the field.

"Hey Luhan, why do you look so happy?" Li Yin nudged Luhan and chuckled seeing his happy crescents.

Instead of saying something to answer her, Luhan only cocked his head to the side and smiled cutely at her, which she couldn't see because of the mask, yet she was still able to see his adorable twinkling eye smile.

"Oh look at you, acting all cute again," Li Yin clicked her tongue and shook her head, yet her lips curved into a mischievous smile. "Are you happy because he carried you?"

She laughed when Luhan's eyes widened, confirming that it was true.

"What? No! Why should I be happy just because of that?" Luhan pouted behind his mask, which then turned into a smile when a corny line appeared in his head.

"All my happiness right now is basically because of you, Li Yin."

"Oh shut up, you cheesy deer."

Luhan snickered and flashed his eye smile again.

They dropped Chen Lin off at her house first before going home. When they arrived, Sehun was already waiting outside with a maid standing next to him. As soon as Luhan got off the car, the dog ran to him and tried to climb his body, barking and wagging his tail elatedly with his long pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. Luhan laughed and pulled the big dog up in his arms.

"Hello, Sehunnie! Did you miss me?" Luhan giggled and kissed Sehun's neck, getting a big wet on the cheek as the answer.

Sehun kept sniffing on Luhan's neck as he carried him back into the house. The dog's happy face suddenly dropped, turning into an unhappy one.

'My master smells a bit different. There's someone else's scent on him. What's with that mask anyways? What is he trying to hide? Smooching marks?'

Sehun rested his chin on Luhan's shoulder and whimpered sadly, thinking that the deer had found a new playmate out there while he had been away.

His sad face wasn't left unnoticed by Li Yin, who was walking behind them. "Luhan, your doggy looks sad. Maybe he got lonely while you weren't with him."

"Oh? He was happy just now." Luhan put Sehun down on the floor in the living room and the two teens sat down next to the dog. Being the clingy dog he was, Sehun lied his head in Luhan's lap and weakly pawed his thigh and his arm, whimpering for his touch. The deer wasn't able to understand his gestures though; he thought Sehun was sick.

"Li Yin, I think we should take him to a vet," Luhan said worriedly, causing Sehun to twitch and lifted his head immediately, staring at his master with unblinking eyes.

'No, no, please don't. I'm not sick, just touch me that would be more than enough.'

"You think so?" Li Yin tilted her head and tapped her chin. "He looked perfectly fine though, I guess he's not sick. Maybe he only wants you to touch him?"

Sehun bobbed his head up and down and cracked a big smile. 'Yes, yes! That's what I want. Oh thank you for saving me from some stupid vets, woman.'

"Oh look, he's happy again! Maybe you're right," Luhan said. He the side of Sehun's body, making the dog relax again and place his head back on his lap. Sehun closed his eyes and let his tongue roll out of his mouth, and then rolled on his back when Luhan rubbed his tummy. He was contented enough, yet he was still waiting for the hand to move up and touch the part he liked the most.

"He likes it," Li Yin giggled. "Try his chest or his chin, Luhan. Ziyu said dogs like being touched there."

The corners of Sehun's lips tugged up, forming a bigger smile. 'God bless this woman.'

"Really? Seems like he knows a lot about dogs. I have a dog but I know nothing about dogs," Luhan chuckled and shrugged before moving his hand to Sehun's chest, making the dog pant happily with his round unblinking eyes locked on his master's face.

'Ahh... There, that's right, baby. Goooood. Up, master. Up a little bit more.'

When Luhan finally placed his hand under the dog's chin, it gently, Sehun made a happy cooing and purring sound and slightly wiggled his body closer to Luhan, his hind leg moving up and down scratching the air. He let Luhan pet him a little bit more before getting back on his feet and climbing Luhan's body to reward him with all over his face. Luhan giggled and cupped the dog's face in his hands, their eyes locked with each other.

'I missed you, master. Please spend more time with me, otherwise I will get sad if you only want to play with him.'

Luhan's smile faltered and a frown appeared on his face. He was imagining things again. But... "Him?"

'Anyone who left his scent on you. I can smell it, it must be a guy.'

Luhan lowered his gaze and furrowed his eyebrows. "Shixin?" He whispered, unintentionally sounding out his thought. He stared into Sehun's eyes again.

'So that's his name? Who is he? Your new mate?'

"Luhan, what are you mumbling to Sehunnie?" Li Yin's voice cut the dog and master's telepathy. Luhan turned his gaze to see the complete and utter confusion on the other's face.

"Eh? Oh, nothing," Luhan shook his head and gently pushed Sehun away. 'I'm absolutely nuts! Maybe I should ask Li Yin to take me to a psychologist.'

Li Yin tilted her head and inspected the other's face closely. "Did you say Shixin's name?"

Oh. What to do? Lying wasn't Luhan's style. "Umm... Yeah," Luhan smiled bashfully behind his mask, "it sounds a bit similar to Sehun's name, doesn't it?"

To Luhan's relief, the confusion on Li Yin's face flew away, replaced with a bright smile. "You're right! Not exactly the same though. But now that I think about it, Sehun is like the dog version of Shixin," she giggled, causing Luhan to his head to the side and furrow his eyebrows.

"Dog version?"

"Yup. They both look cool on the outside, but actually very friendly! Both of them play soccer too," Li Yin grinned and Sehun's back. Since he hadn't gotten the answer he wanted from Luhan, Sehun moved to Li Yin's lap and decided to ignore the deer just for a moment.

"Oh, right," Luhan nodded slowly, "but I guess Shixin is more mature."

Sehun lifted his head from Li Yin's legs and squinted at his master. 'Are you saying I'm immature? Well look who's talking.'

Luhan shrugged and averted his gaze from the dog.

"It's hard to compare their maturity unless Sehunnie was a human too," Li Yin said, smiling softly at the dog. "But I guess if he were a human boy, he would be one with lots of cuteness. Maybe he would be handsome too, since his dog face is really cute and good-looking."

Luhan glanced at Sehun again and he had to admit that Li Yin was right. His Sehunnie was really adorable.

"...And maybe he would be much more mature if he were a human. Because his body is big, he would probably be tall and well-built, and with that body I guess he couldn't be that immature."

Luhan was then smiling again as he imagined the figure Li Yin was describing. If the human version of Sehun had been exactly like that, then he would have looked more or less like Shixin. Or at least the same type of guy. The longer Luhan stared at Sehun, the clearer he saw the image of a handsome boy in him.

"...Yeah. Too bad he isn't a human," Luhan muttered with a small smile, "but why should I ask for more? He's perfect like this."

Sehun stood up and walked back to his master to curl in his lap again. He rubbed his face against Luhan's chest, his jaw and flashed a dog smile at him. He had had enough ignoring him, which Luhan probably hadn't realized because it hadn't even lasted for five minutes and Sehun just couldn't keep himself from his master for too long.

'Master Lulu is perfect too.'

Luhan chuckled and gave his pet a kiss on his head through the mask covering his face.

"Aren't both of you a sweet couple," Li Yin giggled as she got up and patted Luhan's back. "I'll go shower now, you should too."

"Aye aye, cap'n." Luhan grinned and stood up with the big dog in his arms, carrying him upstairs to his room.

As soon as he was in his room, Luhan put Sehun down and locked the door. He couldn't hear any sounds of a ball bouncing on a wall or a guitar being strummed, so that probably meant Ziyu wasn't home.

After glancing at the window to make sure the curtain was still down, Luhan took off his shirt and put it in a basket in the corner to be washed by the maids later. He bent down, pulled his mask down a little bit and grabbed Sehun's head, tilting it slightly to sniff his neck.

"Ugh, you're smelly, Sehunnie. Should we take a bath together?" The deer winked and he didn't have to do anything more to make Sehun get into the bathroom right away. Luhan laughed and trailed behind the dog.

In the bathroom, Luhan put Sehun in the tub and bent down to turn on the shower. Being the naughty dog he was, Sehun took the advantage of Luhan's position by stretching his neck and nudging the deer's crotch with his nose. Luhan froze and glanced down to see the dog cocking his head to the side and smiling mischievously at him before nudging him again and sniffing on him.

"Sehun, stop sniffing my crotch," Luhan tapped Sehun's body lightly and proceeded to get him drenched in water.

'I'm just following my doggish instinct, master.'

"Nope, you're only being naughty," Luhan said, secretly thinking that screw it, I'm alone with Sehun and therefore it's okay to let my mental illness take over me. He took the big bottle of dog shampoo that Li Yin had bought for Sehun and squeezed a big amount of the content out onto the dog's back, and then began to rub it all over his body. Sehun was soon covered in foam and bubbles.

'Being naughty is a different thing, master. It's like this.'

Sehun craned his neck and bit the waistband of Luhan's pants, tugging it down until his briefs came into sight and nudging his clothed member with his nose.

"Hey! Bad dog!" Luhan pulled his pants back up with his foam-covered hand, in result wetting his pants. His face was somewhat flushed because of the touch.

Sehun cracked a big smile. 'You look like you peed yourself.'

Luhan squinted at the dog and sprayed his face with the running water. Sehun shut his eyes immediately and stepped backward to avoid the water but Luhan kept spraying him endlessly with no mercy.

"I'm your master, apologize to me," Luhan demanded. But since Sehun's eyes were closed, he didn't get any replies from the dog. Sehun began to whimper and shiver until he finally couldn't take it anymore and jumped out of the tub with his body still covered with foam and bubbles. He ran to the corner and curled into a shivering big white ball, staring at Luhan with a kicked puppy expression on his face.

Luhan felt like running out of the bathroom and opening the window in his room to surrender himself to the monster living next door. He had just abused an animal! The evillest evil like him should just go away and disappear inside that neighbor monster's house, or maybe die too after being mercilessly.

Luhan put a halt to his own death's scenarios playing in his head and turned off the water before cautiously walking towards Sehun, hoping that the dog wouldn't go berserk and bite his hand off.

"Sehunnie, I'm sorry," Luhan said weakly and pouted sadly. He crouched down and opened his arms. "Here, please come to me. I have to wash the foam off your body."

Sehun whimpered and shook his head and Luhan noticed that he couldn't hear him talk in his head anymore. A part of him was happy because he was probably going back to normal but on the other hand he also felt like he had lost something.

Luhan sighed as he stood up and approached Sehun, pulling him up in his arms, smearing all the foam on his bare torso. Sehun squirmed and tried to escape when Luhan was about to put him back in the tub, so Luhan sighed again and put the dog down on the floor.

"I'm really sorry, I really am. Do you hate me now?" Luhan whined and looked into Sehun's round eyes, which he found surprisingly empty.

"Say something."


Luhan let out yet another heavy sigh before moving his hands to his pants, lazily pulling them down along with his briefs. Sehun twitched noticeably when his eyes fell on the deer's member. He was almost completely exposed then, with only the mask still covering half his face.

"I have to wash myself too," Luhan briefly explained. He washed off all the excess of the foam left in the tub and began to fill it with warm water and bubbles. Sehun shifted on his feet and his nose restlessly when the Luhan dipped his feet into the water one by one and finally sat in the tub. Suddenly he had the strong urge to jump back into the tub and pounce on the oblivious deer.

There was a human's soul inside the dog's body after all.

While trying not to be too obvious, Sehun placed his front paws on the edge of the tub and slowly climbed back in. On the other side, Luhan was too busy burying his face in his hands and pitying himself for being hated by his own pet, so he didn't notice the other creature inside the tub; not until Sehun walked on his stretched legs and tapped his crotch with his paw.

Luhan shot his head up and screamed a little bit, which was somewhat muffled by the mask that was still on his face. He shifted his gaze between Sehun and the puddle on the floor where the dog had previously been standing.

Sehun stepped closer and rubbed his face on Luhan's bare chest, tilting his head to his neck and his jaw. Luhan's tensed body gradually relaxed again as he wrapped his arms around the dog's body and pulled him down to lie on his body. Sehun stared up at his face and offered him a smile, which made Luhan feel like crying in happiness.

Luhan took off his mask and threw it onto the countertop. He lowered his head and pressed his lips on top of Sehun's head, letting them linger there a little bit longer. When he pulled away, his eyes met with the other's big orbs that were filled with confusion and worry. For a moment Luhan had the same expression with his, confused as to why Sehun was worried, until he realized what could be the reason of the dog's anxiety. He smiled and gently Sehun's back.

"My nose got broken, but you don't have to worry about it. It'll be okay soon."

Luhan's breath hitched when he felt a paw pressed on his crotch. Sehun's face remained the same though, so he assumed maybe the dog didn't realize where he was putting his paw. Luhan shifted the dog's body and moved the paw to his thigh, but again he stiffened when Sehun moved his hind leg and placed his paw back on .

"Sehunnie, please move your leg," Luhan asked kindly and he got what he asked for, although not exactly like what he wanted.

Sehun began to move his hind leg slowly in a circular move with his paw still pressed on the little deer between Luhan's legs, his unblinking eyes locked on the boy's startled face as he gently kneaded on . Luhan's lips parted open involuntarily, yet he shut his mouth again immediately.

"N-No, Sehun, not like t-that," Luhan stammered as he dipped his hand into the water to stop Sehun's leg. Sehun retracted his leg to avoid the hand and swung it towards the crotch again, kicking but not hard enough to hurt him. He repeated it again few times, the last a little bit harder and he got a quiet moan in return, unintentionally slipping out of Luhan's lips.

Luhan held Sehun by his sides and gently pushed him away, with flushed face folding his legs up and placing his hand on his abused crotch.

"B-Bad dog, w-what did you think you were doing? It hurts," He puffed his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows at the dog.

And finally he could hear Sehun talk in his head again.

'I was just trying to entertain your little deer, master Lulu.'

"You..." Luhan's face turned red, speechless and embarrassed. To Sehun's surprise, Luhan hit the water like a five-year-old and splashed the water on his face.

"ert doggy!"

They finished their awkward bath time quietly and went out of the bathroom after spending a good hour inside. Luhan spent another hour drying Sehun's thick fur with a hairdryer until he finally gave up because no matter how long he did it, he still found a patch of wet fur somewhere on the dog's body and Sehun wouldn't stop walking away to avoid the hot air from the hairdryer. He applied some baby powder on him - Li Yin said it would make him smell better - and finally managed to get himself out of the room. Staying alone with Sehun for too long would drive him insane. Crotch kneading and all.

When he opened the door though, his eyes were immediately greeted by a grinning sweaty Ziyu in his basketball jersey, holding a ball in his hands.

"Lu ge, let's play basketball! Oh, are you sick?"

Luhan brought his hand up to touch his mask and shook his head. "I broke my nose."

"Oh..." Ziyu flashed an apologetic smile. "Don't worry, ge. Your nose's shape won't change and you'll still be handsome."

Luhan laughed shyly at the younger's unexpected words of encouragement. He slung an arm around Ziyu's shoulders and walked away from his door with Sehun trailing behind them. "Of course. Now let's play with your ball."

"No, wait," Ziyu stopped abruptly, "you shouldn't play, you'll ruin your nose completely if your face get hit by the ball and that will definitely hurt a lot."

Luhan's shoulders slumped as he sighed sadly and clicked his tongue. "I really want to try playing basketball though. At least let me watch you play. Please?" He pulled his mask down, jutted out his bottom lip slightly and blinked his sad doe eyes.

Ziyu laughed and shook his head. "Oh, ge. You can't possibly be bribing someone younger with your cuteness." Yet he ended up taking the older's hand and leading him to the backyard anyways. Luhan grinned happily and hid his nose again under his mask.

On their way out Luhan turned his head around to see if Li Yin was around but he couldn't see her anywhere around, so he asked the younger boy, "Ziyu, where's your jiejie?"

"She's making out with her music sheets. Don't worry, she won't stop you from getting near a ball," Ziyu grinned and shoved the older boy and the dog out through the back door.

"Are you sure she won't get mad if she knows about this?" Luhan asked worriedly when they almost reached the court.

"Of course she'll be mad," Ziyu chuckled and Luhan looked even more doubtful and worried. "But it's okay because she won't know. So, still want to watch me play?"

By the time he asked that, Luhan had already sat down on the bench near the basketball court, so there was no turning back. He was too excited. The deer boy nodded and pointed at the court, motioning the younger to start playing. Ziyu chuckled and ran towards the court dribbling the ball in his hand.

"Sehun, come here," Ziyu called from afar. The dog perked up instantly and ran towards him, leaving Luhan alone on the bench. He didn't mind though, it'd be fun to watch Ziyu play with Sehun.

"Sehun, you play as my opponent, okay?" Ziyu instructed, Sehun barked and wagged his tail as the answer. "Good. Steal the ball if you can."

The ball bounced on the ground once and Sehun jumped towards Ziyu, managed to tap the ball off his hands but the boy caught it again quickly. Ziyu dribbled the ball towards the basket with Sehun running next to him, eyes locked on the ball. The next time the ball hit the ground, Sehun nudged it with his nose and dribbled it away before it could move back up to Ziyu's hand again.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Ziyu laughed as he chased Sehun around the court. The dog was running quickly with the ball rolling in front of him, his speed was quite shocking that Ziyu could barely catch up with him.

"Woohooo! Go Sehun!" Luhan cheered from the bench, making the dog run even faster, panting happily with his pink tongue waving in the air. After quite some time Ziyu finally managed to catch up and stopped in front of Sehun with his legs spread apart and his hands ready to catch the ball, yet when he blinked once Sehun was already between his legs, dribbling the ball through the gap. Ziyu could hear Luhan laugh from afar and he grinned bashfully as he turned around and chased the dog again.

When Ziyu finally managed to steal the ball, he dribbled it only until he reached three-point area and shot the ball directly towards the basket, knowing that if he dribbled further the ball would be stolen again.

"Woowww!" He could hear Luhan exclaim in awe as the ball flew in the air, hit the backboard, bounced on the ring and finally fell to the side.

"Awww man!" Ziyu kicked the ground and clicked his tongue. He widened his eyes when suddenly Sehun bolted towards the faling ball, jumped surprisingly very high and headed the ball, causing it to fly up again and fall smoothly into the basket.

"Scoooore!" Luhan screamed on his seat, his fist punching the air. Sehun ran around in a big circle, barking and wagging his tail gleefully in victory before bolting towards his master, who had run away from his safe spot on the bench towards the court to come to his dog. The dog and the master met on the edge of the court; Luhan laughing and crouching down to reward the dog with on his chest and his chin, Sehun wagging his tail and panting contentedly.

Ziyu chuckled and shook his head seeing the other two. Like master, like pet. He grabbed the ball and aimed it at the basket before shooting it from where he was standing, which was quite far and therefore caused himself to put a little bit too much force. The ball bounced hard on the backboard and flew... towards Luhan.

Ziyu's face lost its color immeadiately.

"Lu ge, watch out!! WATCH OOUUUT!"

Luhan shot up to a stiff standing position right away because of the scream. When he turned his head, the ball was rapidly inching closer to him; to be exact, right to his face.

Uh-oh, it's too late.

Luhan turned his head to the side quickly and shut his eyes tightly. The next things he heard were a loud sound of something and Ziyu shouting again, yet his shout sounded a little bit weird.

'Is my face broken that badly?'

He brought his hand up to his face with his eyes still closed.

'Wait, I didn't even feel anything.'

He cracked his eyes open slowly and flew his gaze around the court. Ziyu was nowhere to be seen. He looked down and his eyes met with Sehun's blank face staring at him. Or maybe dazed.

"Whoa! Is this even possible??"

Luhan turned his head quickly towards the source of the voice. It was Ziyu, standing near the fish pond a little bit far away from the court. Luhan ran to him immediately, Sehun following behind.

Luhan stopped next to the younger boy, bending down with his hands resting on his knees to catch his breath. "Ziyu, what happened?"

Ziyu pointed at the pond; there was a ball floating in the middle. "The ball flew here."

Luhan widened his eyes and straightened his back. "the ball? It didn't hit me?"

Ziyu turned his head slowly towards the older boy and gaped at him. "No. It flew away. It splashed into the pond! This fish pond, meters away! Is that even possible?? There wasn't even any wind! It changed direction right before it could hit you! And it flew like a rocket, oh my gosh," he fisted his hair, "the world is going to end soon."

Luhan's eyes had widened to their maximum size they looked they were about to pop out of his skull. "C-Could it be... Is it possible that..."

Ziyu and Luhan stared at each other with horror on their faces until they finally screamed in unison, "A ghost???!"

Sehun twitched and stiffened noticeably. 'G-G-Ghost...?'

Ziyu took his ball quickly and the three of them ran for their lives rapidly, back to the court. They threw themselves towards the bench where Luhan had been sitting and panted heavily.

"I can't believe it! There's a ghost wandering around here, at my house, my beloved backyard," Ziyu whined dramatically.

Luhan took the wet ball from Ziyu's hands and frowned at it. "Or maybe... Maybe this ball is possessed by satan?"

Ziyu and Sehun flinched and widened their eyes.

"Throw it away before it gets into your body, ge! Throw it away!" Ziyu shouted and covered his head with his arms, giving the older boy a panic attack. Luhan throw the ball randomly and followed the younger's gesture.


Ziyu gasped. The ball fell into the basket. He turned around facing the older boy sitting next to him, gaping at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"How could you do that??"

"D-Do what?" Luhan asked, his arms still covering his head.

Ziyu pointed at the court. "You- You threw the ball randomly but look at that, it's a perfect score! A three-point shot! No, that should be a five-point!"

Luhan put his arms down slowly and stared at the ball lying on the ground meters away from him. 'I did that...?'

"Really, Lu ge. You and Sehunnie are amazing. Totally. You two are just impossible."

Those words entered Luhan's ear and flew out of his head again through the other ear just like that. He was still gaping at himself, also not able to believe what he had just done.

"...It's nothing. It was just coincidence, maybe because I was scared," Luhan finally said, more like to himself.

"Oh, well then, let's try it one more time."


Ziyu got up to get the ball and then returned to give it back to Luhan. "Now throw it again."

Luhan took the ball and stared at it anxiously. He lifted it a bit higher than his eye level and finally tossed it towards the basket from his sitting position.

And another score.

He gaped more at himself. It was ridiculous; the ball's move was even against the physics' law, it flew straight towards the basket instead of moving in a curved path and it was as if the ball had intentionally dropped itself into the ring. But it seemed like Ziyu wasn't a big fan of physics, so what he did was only exclaiming "I told you so!" and continued on praising Luhan again, telling him how he had probably been a basketball player from NBA yet he didn't remember it because he had lost his memories. It couldn't sound weirder to Luhan, and besides, he didn't know what NBA was.

"Lu ge, I envy you a lot for having those strong arms! You could have been like, one of the best basketball players living on Earth if you showed what you've got to the world," Ziyu said with excited sparkling eyes.

Luhan opened his mouth and closed it again, and then decided to laugh at the younger's statement.

"No, Ziyu. I have nothing special in me. Maybe I'm just used to play basketball, actually," Luhan shrugged, "Too bad I can't remember about it. If I think again about it, I don't think what I did was that special though."

Ziyu snorted and rolled his eyes. "You demean yourself too much, Lu ge. Don't you agree with me, Sehun?"

Sehun nodded slowly and kept staring at his master's face, which turned somewhat worried.

"Being humble is good, but it's okay to be full of yourself just once in awhile," Ziyu grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, making the older smile again.

"Maybe you're right," Luhan nodded. "Come on, let's get back in."

Ziyu took his ball and the three cuties went back inside; Ziyu went straight to the bathroom, Sehun to his beanbag in Luhan's room and Luhan not knowing what to do. He wandered around the house, deciding to go look for Li Yin and for a bit.

"Hmm... Where could she be~?" He hummed, poking his head into Li Yin's room. The door wasn't properly shut and she wasn't there too. Weird, he couldn't hear her voice anywhere. Well not that weird because she was just usually pretty quiet. That was why Luhan was going to tease the voice out of her.

'Ziyu said she was working with her music sheets. Maybe she's in the music room?'

Luhan nodded to himself and snickered quietly as he made his way to the room downstairs.

He couldn't understand why he became so naughty when it came to that girl. But it was fun to see her flushed face and make her panic while she tried hard to hide it. So it was okay.

And his guess was right. Li Yin was in the music room, sitting behind a table with her back facing the door. Luhan sneaked into the room and tiptoed his way towards the girl. Apparently she was really deep in her thoughts, sinking in her many papers, that she didn't even realize there was someone standing behind her. Luhan bent down slowly and peeked through her shoulder to see the papers, his face only centimeters away from the other's. Just when Luhan hummed a small part of the notes on the sheet did Li Yin turn her head towards him, yelp loudly and unintentionally made a long thick scratch across the paper she was scribbling on before jumping away with her eyes bulging out and her hand on her chest.

"Luhan!!" She clenched her teeth and lifted her fist in the air, but not able to swing it towards the face eye-smiling innocently at her. He was lucky that his nose was broken. Well, not that she would have punched him either if his nose had been perfectly fine. Classy ladies didn't go around punching boys.

Li Yin pouted and smacked Luhan's shoulder weakly before lightly pushing him away and plopping back down on her seat. Luhan giggled and reached out his hand to carelessly pinch the girl's cheek, which caused her to stiffen with blank face as if she had just had a heart attack. Luhan had to shake her a little bit to get her functioning again.

"Ugh- Would you please stop doing that?" Li Yin waved her hand in a random direction, furrowed her eyebrows and slightly puffed her pinkish cheeks.

"Stop doing what?" Luhan tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

"Just- Just stop doing things to surprise me," she pointed at her paper, "look at this, you've just made me screw the sheet."

"Oh, but of course it's not enough to screw the beautiful music if you play it," the deer wiggled his eyebrows. "Come on, play it. Make my heart flutter. Make it go ba-dump ba-dump."

"To be very honest I've had enough of your cheesy words, Luhan," Li Yin said, not able to stop a grin from taking over her lips.

"Oh, you're very welcome, Li Yin." Luhan bowed like a gentleman and motioned his arms towards the piano.

Li Yin narrowed her eyes and glanced at the boy, biting her bottom lip as she half-heartedly stood up and made her way to the piano. The happy deer giggled and trailed behind her.

"I haven't finished it yet, so I'll just play something else," Li Yin said, sitting behind the black grand piano.

"Yes, miss. I'll be happy to listen anything from you," Luhan bowed politely and stood straight again next to the other, clearing his throat and placing his hand on his stomach. "Now, our audience, please give applause to our pretty composer, Li Yin! Yaaayy!"

Luhan cheered and clapped his hands along with the nonexistent audience. Li Yin facepalmed and laughed quietly out of embarrassment. When she finally regained her composure and placed her fingers on the piano keys, Luhan shut his mouth and sat down next to her on the same seat to watch her play closely.

Li Yin let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes as her fingers began to move gracefully, playing the intro of a song Luhan didn't know. The latter kept shifting his gaze between the other's calm face and her fingers, amazed that she could play it perfectly and flawlessly with her eyes closed. His amazement hadn't ended yet and he was again surprised when Li Yin opened and let out her soft velvety, rather jazzy voice, singing the song in clear and fluent mandarin. Luhan hadn't expected it to have some lyrics though. He listened to every words closely.

"It’s already pretty far, legs are also a little tired
We all don’t know how much further the road is
Until whenever we rest for a bit

Might as well be now, let us stop for a while
However, after resting, we still don’t know
The reason why we continue..."

Luhan closed his eyes and began to sway side to side, sinking in the soft music. Li Yin's voice was really soothing. It's a sad song, isn't it?

"...The rain has stopped, the sky has cleared, and we still don’t understand
What place this road of love could possibly take us
Might it be to continue to cherish
Or is it to return to the beginning
The current me’s reliability is a little weary."

Seeing how Luhan was enjoying the song, Li Yin repeated it from the beginning once again, and by the time she repeated the reffrein for the third time, Luhan had surprisingly memorized the lyrics and he sang along with her. His voice was exceptionally soft and beautiful.

Li Yin ended the song and stared at the other in awe. Weird enough, it was as if Luhan had lost all his confidence in front of her; he bowed his head and smiled shyly. It had been awhile since the last time he had acted shy around her.

Being the one full of surprises he was, Luhan put his hands on the piano keys and started to play it. Exactly the same song, like how Li Yin had played it, but only the reffrein part. He played it and he sang beautifully Li Yin somehow felt like a proud mother. Again, Luhan bowed his head and smiled shyly after ending the song perfectly. Li Yin clapped her hands and shook her head slowly in awe.

"You're a star, Luhan. I can see it in you."

Luhan grinned and rubbed his nape. "I didn't know I could do that well. I like the song. What's the title?"

"It's 'Bu Dong', sung by JJ Lin. I like his songs, you should listen to them sometimes," Li Yin beamed. "You know, Luhan, singing together with you is quite fun. You should sing more often, I really like your voice."

"Thank you," Luhan smiled, "but it's nothing compared to yours. I should learn more from you."

Li Yin chuckled and patted the other's arm. "Wish you'd act sweet like this more often than teasing me."

Luhan laughed and scratched his head, somewhat feeling bad, although the other's grin showed that actually she didn't mind at all. He watched curiously as the slightly younger girl got up and walked to the guitar stands, picking a white acoustic guitar and then went back to her seat behind the piano.

"Here, play this," Li Yin handed the guitar to the boy sitting next to her, who looked surprised and somewhat hesitant, yet he took it very carefully.

Luhan turned around with his back facing the piano, crossed his leg over the other and placed the guitar on his lap. He felt familiar to it.

"I don't know if I can play it well though," he said doubtfully.

"Try it," Li Yin flashed an encouraging smile. "You look cool with that guitar."

Luhan laughed bashfully as he placed his left fingers on the fretboard and the right ones on the steel strings. "I'll play the same song."

Li Yin turned around also, tilting her head to watch closely. "Okay."

Luhan strummed the guitar once and began to play the song fingerstyle instead of singing it again. Li Yin's mouth practically fell open seeing how good he was in fingerpicking she felt like dying seeing him play. His skillful fingers were dancing on the board gracefully without making any single mistakes; he even added some complicated improvisations that made the song sound more beautiful. She began to hyperventilate and squeal quietly, fangirling over him yet at the same time being extremely envious too. He had acted as if he couldn't do anything while in fact he could do like almost everything. Not literally.

If someday Luhan became an idol, Li Yin wouldn't hesitate to start the first ever fanbase for him. She would even be the first fansite noona too.

Luhan finished the song with a strum and a genuine happy smile on his face. When he turned his head though, his smiling face turned into a dazed one.

"Eh? Li Yin, why are you crying?"

"S-So beautiful..."

Li Yin sniffed. Luhan blinked.

"Ah... Thank you, but please don't cry," Luhan scratched his head and chuckled awkwardly.

Li Yin dabbed her happy tears quickly and nodded at him. She eyed the shy boy sitting next to her adoringly, making Luhan squirm under her loving gaze. Too much warmth. Getting hot.

It was a piece of perfection that she was staring at. That was what she kept on telling herself. Despite losing his memories, Luhan hadn't lost his perfection. His handsome youthful face and the perfect features, a bunch of hidden talents, his good manners and his nature of being humble...

Wait, why was she listing his good points again?

Li Yin tore her gaze off Luhan's face and shook her head, her cheeks felt somewhat warm. She should be careful not to let herself fall too deep for him. That would be bad.

"Umm... Am I that handsome?" Luhan grinned rather awkwardly and Li Yin stared at him again in disbelief.

Another good point; he was a dork.

"I'd rather say you're pretty, but then you would be mad. So yeah, you're handsome," Li Yin shrugged and grinned, taking the guitar from Luhan and putting it back in its place.

"Hey! That doesn't sound sincere at all," Luhan laughed, a tinge of pink coloring his cheeks. "I'm not pretty. I'm manly, you know. I broke my nose and I didn't even cry."

A manly dork.

"You can cry now if you want." Li Yin pinched Luhan's cheek - because he had done that first - and giggled at his startled, somewhat flushed face. "Come on, cutie. Let's get out of here."

Luhan stood up and followed the other out of the room with a childish pout on his face.

"I don't even think you can call a boy cutie."

"Oh, so you're a boy?" Li Yin smirked. My turn to tease~

"What- I am! Aish! Should I prove you that? Here, let me show you."

Luhan held Li Yin's arm to stop her from walking further and flipped her around, placed his hands on his waistband and pushed it down a little bit without actually intending to show her whatever he had got in his pants. Before he could do further than that though, Li Yin had shrieked and bolted out of the room covering her face with her hands.

Luhan chuckled darkly and fixed his pants as he walked out of the room.

"You can never tease me, Li Yin~"

A manly evil dork. Yet, who could not love him?

A/N: SO BIASED hahahah forgive me OTL I don't even know if Luhan can actually play any musical instruments but let's just make him shine here x)

This is really long, isn't it~ next chapter will still be about Luhan. And if it doesn't get uncontrollably too long, there will be Kris too :D what do you think about Shixin? Yes, I got his name from Sehun's chinese name, Shixun (yeah lack of creativity) XD Sehun won't change back into human on the next chapter, but he will on the next following hunhan chapter :D what do you think would happen if human Sehun met Shixin?

Please wait for the next chapter, thank you for reading and subscribing~ ^^

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Chapter 24: . . .what. . .
Chapter 24: what?!
please don't stop. Even if u stop just....just make another update by casually describing the ending of the story.
Please! Don't be so cruel to us, your readers.
*cries hard*
felichai #4
Chapter 23: nyaaa its so good author nim~ please continue im crying so bad and i really want to know what will happen! im gonna pray for u ok so you'll update this huhu
Chapter 23: Hell yeah!You should really say sorry to Sehunnie!He's your freaking lover Luhannie!Author-nim,please bring back their memories :(
Chapter 23: Owwwww i wan't their memories back.. I'm sad about hunhan¥_¥ /cries/
I love this story very much!!^^
Hehe gud luck n update soon unnie!!! ^~<
Chapter 23: Author nim~~~~ where did you go :3 I miss this fic :'((((
sherasaavedra24 #8
Chapter 23: I WANT THEIR MEMORIES BAAAAAACK! But its fun seeing them clueless, the thrill is amazingggg!