

Mark was listening to music while walking back to the dorm from school. The boys' dorm was on the other side of the school than the girls' dorm but girls had gathered around the dorm of the boys again. Mark sighed as he saw them. Girls started to squeeze as they saw Mark. 

"MARK OPPA!" A girl jumped in front of him and Mark stopped in his tracks. 

He put his earphones out and looked at the girl.

"I-I... This is for you!" The girl gave him a letter and blushed.

Mark took it and walked away without saying anything or smiling. It was really nice of them caring so much about GOT7 but he needed his peace right now. 
When he walked into the dorm he walked to the first floor where GOT7 had their own space. They were not famous yet but they were about to debut and they were already the stars of Seoul Arts High School. When Mark walked in he found Bambam and Yugyeom playing something together on their laptops.

"Sup, my man." Jackson walked out of the kitchen with a drink in his hand and greeted Mark on his way to join the maknaes.

"Where is Jinyoungie?" Mark asked. 

"They were practicing together with JB hyung." Yugyeom said without looking up.

"Okay." Mark said and got into his room and layed down on his bed.


"We could attend Seoul Arts Highschool." Mina said.

"You know how expensive the school fees are, don't you?!" Lyn said and closed her eyes.

"I'm gonna part-time, don't worry." Mina smiled.

"Do you think this is easy?" Lyn opened her eyes back.

"Lyn, I know this won't be easy and we are already on our way to Seoul... There is no way back but we have to try our best from now on." Mina looked at her.

After an hour the bus arrived at Seoul Bus Terminal and Mina and Lyn got out. 

"First we have to throw our phone cards away, so they won't find us." Mina said and Lyn nodded.

They threw their phone cards into a bin and walked to the next internet cafe. Mina had taken all of her money she used to save back then and so did Lyn.

"I think we have enough money to survive one month." Lyn said as she counted the money in a corner on the streets.

"Great! Let's go inside." Mina pulled Lyn into the internet cafe and they booked a computer for half an hour.

She typed in 서울예술고등학교 (Seoul Arts High School) in Naver and the main site of the school popped up.

"Look, it's private." Lyn said.

"But look, we can get a scholarship!" Mina said pointing excited at the screen.

"Well you might get one with your dancing skills but me?" Lyn sighed.

"Come on, I know how great your voice is. Stop thinking so low of youself." Mina playfully glared at Lyn.

Lyn sighed and shook her head.

"Okay, let's grab something to eat and had over to the school!" Mina got up and closed the computer.

"What? Already?" Lyn looked at her dumbfounded.

"Yeah, why not?" Mina smiled at her as she grabbed her hand.

After eating a little bit they headed straight to the school.

"I don't think there are any auditions today though..." Lyn said.

"We'll see. Come on." Mina said and they walked into the school.

Mina made out a big house on one side of the school where a lot of people had gathered. She wondered what it could be but first she needed to find the secretaries office. They walked in and looked around with big eyes. The school was really big and beautiful. Mina soon spotted the secretaries office and knocked slightly on the door before walking in.

"Hello, mam." Mina said and they both walked in.

"How can I help you?" A young lady with red lipstick looked at them.

"We... Uh, we wanted to study here." Mina said suddenly lost for words.

"We wanted to ask you when the auditions start?" Lyn jumped in and smiled.

"Uhm, yes..." The woman said and looked at some papers in front of her.

"The last auditions are today. Do you want to audition?" The woman looked up.

"Yes!" Mina smiled brightly.

"I need your ID card, please." The woman said and Mina and Lyn gave it to her.

The woman looked at Mina's ID and then looked up at her with big eyes.

"Gu Mina?" The woman asked.

"T-That's me." Mina looked at her.

Suddenly a smile formed on the woman's face.

"Ms. Gu! Welcome to Seoul Arts High School!" The woman got up and smiled.

"T-Thanks." Mina looked confused at Lyn and Lyn looked back.

"And your friend is...?" The secretary asked.

"I'm Park Lyn, mam." Lyn introduced herself.

"Welcome Ms. Park! Please follow me." The woman walked ahead and Mina and Lyn followed them.

"You can leave your luggage here." The woman said and Lyn and Mina did as they were told.

They followed the secretary through the halls when they met two guys covered in sweat.

"Hello, Ms. Jin, you look beautiful today." The one with the dark hair said and the secretary smiled while blushing.

Then Mina's and those two guys' eyes met. The one with white-gray-ish hair winked at her and they walked by. Mina looked after them confused.

"They are JB and Jr of GOT7, a famous group in our school." The secretary smiled. 

Mina just nodded and they continued to walk. Soon they reached a big door and the secretary opened it. 

"Wait for me." She told Lyn and Mina to stay and rushed to a man.

She told him something into his ear and his eyes widened as he looked towards Lyn and Mina. Then he nodded and the lady rushed back to them.

"You are up next. The principle is waiting for you." She said smiling and walked away.

"What,we are next? Wait, I didn't prepare anything!" Lyn said excited.

"Just sing the song you always sing to me as a lullaby." Mina patted Lyn's arm. 

"W-What?" Lyn asked confused.

"Ms. Gu Mina!" Someone called her and everyone turned around and looked at her.

Mina smiled at Lyn for the last time and walked up the stage. A song started to play out of nowhere and Mina started to dance along. It was as if she had practiced months before but she was just dancing like she wanted to. She was a born talent for dancing. Soon she was done and they called Lyn up.
Mina smiled at her before she walked down the stairs. Lyn coughed slightly and told them what song she was going to sing. Soon the music came on and Lyn closed her eyes pretending she was singing Mina her lullaby. When it was over everyone clapped and Lyn walked down.

"You were greeaaaat!" Mina hugged Lyn.

"I'm dying." Lyn said and turned red.

"Ms. Gu, Ms. Park, can I speak to both of you?" The principle walked up to them.

"Yes, sir." Mina smiled and they followed him to his office.

"Please sit down." The principle said and Mina and Lyn sat down.

"Sooo... You two were really great." The principle smiled at them.

"We'd like to have 2 pupils like you here." He leaned in.

"Here, take these to your parents. They need to sign it." He reached them two papers.

"Uhmmm... The thing is our parents..." Lyn started but was cut off by Mina.

"We'd like it if you'd keep our identity in secret. Our parents are moving out of the country soon and they decided to leave us here and thought that this school would be the best for us. They are too busy to sign anything though..." Mina explained and Lyn looked at her dumbfounded.

"Oh, I see. Of course, if that is what your parents want." The principle nodded.

"And they kind of left us all by ourselves to learn to live our own lives... But we'd appreciate it if we'd get a scholarship... Or if we could just stay here in the drorms...." Mina looked down.

"That shouldn't be a problem you have to worry about. I wanted to ask you if you want to take a scholarship next." The principle laughed.

"You two were really outstanding." He smiled.

"Thank you." They said together.

"The secretary will show you your new rooms." The principle got up and so did Lyn and Mina.

They bowed before leaving and when they were out they hugged each other.

"I can't belive you!" Lyn said excited.

"I knew they'd be asking for our parents!" Mina smiled.

They made their way to the secretaries office and got their luggages. The secretary showed them to their room and gave them their schedules for tomorrow.

"I can't believe it." Mina threw herself on one of the bed's.

"You are crazy." Lyn said as she threw herself on the other bed.

"We are crazy." Mina said and they giggled.


The next day they got up and got prepared for the first day of school. Mina was really excited. She looked at herself in the mirror for the last time before she and Lyn left their room. The dorm was really empty. Mina looked at her watch but it wasn't 8AM yet, so they weren't late. When they entered the school they saw everyone gathered in front of a big wall. Mina heard how some people walked away crying while some were jumping in joy. 

"I heard there are two students who aren't in the list but made their way in." Mina heard a girl next to her saying.

"I heard that too! I also heard they did pretty well and got a scholarship!" The other girl said.

Wow. Words spread like fire. Mina thought to herself.

Suddenly it got pretty loud and everyone walked towards the entrance. The way to the wall was empty by now. Mina walked towards it and looked at the list to see what kind of people also made their way in. 

"Why is everyone so excited?" Lyn asked pulling on Mina's arm.

"I don't know." Mina said not paying any attention at all.

"I'll go take a look." Lyn said and walked away.

Mina continued looking at the list. There were a lot of new boys coming in. Mina suddenly heard someone yelling. She turned around and saw a girl laying on the ground. Mina searched for Lyn when she saw her looking scared at the girl.

"Lyn!" Mina called and rushed towards her best friend. 

"Lyn, are you okay?" Mina hugged her and just then her eyes met with a boy whose hair was red and who was standing next to the guy who had winked at her yesterday.

"Let's go." Mina said to Lyn, her eyes not leaving the boy.

Why did he look at me so intensely? Mina wondered.

After Lyn calmed down they walked towards their classes.

"Maths? Really now?" Mina sighed looking at her schedule.

"Even if we come here, we still need the basics, Mina." Lyn laughed.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Mina suddenly grabbed Lyn's schedule.

"Why do we have in different classes?! This is not faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir!" Mina whinned.

"Come on, Mina, we're gonna see each another enough from now on. So much that I'll get sick of you..." Lyn playfully rolled her eyes.

"Not before I get sick of you." Mina stretched her tongue out.

"Come here, you little witch!" Lyn started chasing Mina.

Mina started to run away without looking in front of her.

"MINA!" Lyn yelled as she stretched her arms out towards her.

Mina turned around but it was too late. She bumped into a strong chest and both of them fell down. Mina was laying on the ground not moving - she was too embarrassed. 

"MINA!" Lyn grabbed Mina's shoulders and shook her as she turned her around.

"Are you okay?" Lyn asked her.

Mina slowly opened her eyes.

"I want to die." She slowly whispered and Lyn laughed.

"Excuse me." The guy interrupted them.

Mina quickly got up and apologized not facing the boy.

"It's okay, I should have looked ahead as well." The guy smiled brightly at her.

Mina didn't know what to say so she just smiled at him.

"I'm Jackson, by the way." He reached his hand towards her.

Mina looked at his hand before smiling at him.

"I'm Mina." She took his head and shook it.

"Well then, see you around." Jackson said and walked away.

Next to him was the red haired guy from before again. When they walked around the corner Mina felt how everyone have been watching them so far.

"Oh my god, so embarrassing!" Mina whispered as she cupped her cheeks.

"It was funny though." Lyn laughed as she held her stomach.

"Ya!" Mina hit Lyn's arm but she continued laughing.

Just then the school bell rang and everyone hurried to their classes. Mina and Lyn waved at each other when they walked towards their class. Just then Mina realized that she was walking into the same direction as Jackson and the red haired guy.

I hope we don't have classes together. Mina thought and blushed again.

He was good looking though. She heard herself sighing while thinking of Jackson.

What are you doing?! Hurry up, you're late to your class on your first day! She mentally slapped herself.

She started to run and just made it to class before the teacher was closing the door. He looked confused at her and Mina bowed before telling him that she was new.

"Oh, I see." He smiled at her and Mina was about to make her way towards the back of her class without looking around when the teacher called him.

"Hey, new girl. Introduce yourself, please." The teacher called her to the front.

"A-Ah.... Yes..." Mina blushed even more.

"Hello, I'm Mina. Nice to meet you all." She bowed and looked around for the first time, just to find Jackson grinning towards her widely.

She sighed and the teacher sent her to her place. Mina quietly sat down and took her notebook out and a pencil to write things down. As she was writing eagerly something hit her head. She turned around and saw Jackson smiling at her widely while pointing down. Mina looked down and found a piece of paper. She picked it up and looked at Jackson again. Jackson made a sign for her to read it. Mina looked at Jackson and then at the guy sleeping next to her before she turned back to read the little paper.

Next time you run into me, you gotta buy me something ;p

She read and had to smile slightly. Mina quickly turned around and nodded while smiling at him.


"Stop flirting." Mark nidged Jackson's arm slightly.

"You just continue to sleep." Jackson looked at him laughing.

Jackson didn't pay any attention to class and looked at the back of Mina's head with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"You look like you will fall into her any second..." Mark sighed as he also looked Mina.

"Don't you think she's different?" Jackson asked Mark his eyes still on Mina.

"I don't know... We don't know her yet." Mark sighed and sat up straight.

"Then let's get to know her." Jackson turned around and grinned at Mark.

"Jackson..." Mark sighed and shook his head.

I did feel weird this morning though, when our eyes met. Mark thought and quickly shook the thoughts away as he started to note down what the teacher had written on the board.

A/N: here is chapter two~~~~ *woohoo* 
how do you find this story so far? leave me a comment and let me know ;D 
thanks to all the subscribers :* i love youuuuuu <3
for those who don't know yet; i'm writing my last chapter of Re-Love please check it out as well! ^^


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Tiatioot #1
Chapter 24: I loved it, and i hope mina will end up with mark by the way..
From the start when the new guy came, i already suspected that minjoon is the one that mina parents forced to married with, *sigh* why cant all stories end up happily w/o any drama? Hihihihihihi ^^
Chapter 22: What? What happened? Oh come on. Pleaseee update soon. I can't wait. Is she dead? Is Mark ok?
PuiiTlaichhun #3
Chapter 21: i hate minjoon.i ship mark and mina so much
Chapter 18: you Minjoon! I hate him...Mina she's a pabo. And Mark, come on.Don't ignore Mina because of Minjoon! She really loves him
Chapter 15: Minjoon is the one who told her mother about where she is working...I'm sure about it.And Jessica? I don't like her...she makes me suspicious!!

Update Soon, author-nim!!
Chapter 11: I think minjoon is the dude Mina's parent want her to marry..
Chapter 11: Alfbhdlalr!!I love this chapter!Soo much.Jackson it's really a cute guy..I hope he'll take care of his bestfriend!!
Cute and fluffy!!
Thank you,author-nim for this chapter!!

Please Update Soon!!
Take care of you! Byebye~ ^^
Chapter 10: Why?Why Jackson!Really? :( Everywhere it's someone to ruin the relationship.I want Mark and Mina.Jackson?He can get over her...He's flirty! ;;;
I'm sorry,author-nim...but I don't like Jackson! *sighs* I hope you are not sad for what I'm writing!

Please Update Soon,Authot-Nim!
I Love This Story! <3
Chapter 10: Why?Why Jackson!Really? :( Everywhere it's someone to ruin the relationship.I want Mark and Mina.Jackson?He can get over her...He's flirty! ;;;
I'm sorry,author-nim...but I don't like Jackson! *sighs* I hope you are not sad for what I'm writing!

Please Update Soon,Authot-Nim!
I Love This Story! <3
Chapter 7: Aigooo, author-nim ah! :( update on the ff pls. hoping that mina and lyn wont get caught yet