
It Started With An ... Ice-Cream?


ALERT! LONG CHAPPIE AHEAD! I am not going to update for a few days


next morning.

I am going to LA today.I left a note for oppa at the bed.I packed clothes enough for a week.there were about 4-6 bags.I had my breakfast at the is so boring waiting alone.I board the flight.after a 13 hour flight,I finally arrived at LA.I wore my sunglasses and fedora and held my passport in my other hand.

when I went out of the gate I was greeted by fans and has been a while since I came to LA.I thought they have forgotten me.I waved and smiled to them.

"are u going to Baby Phat's party tomorrow?"  (EVERYTHING IS IN ENGLISH SINCE SHE IS IN LA! EVEN IS SHE TALKS TO WONBIN!)

"are u opening a new line in LA?"

I was threw with  A LOT of questions.I just nodded and smiled.I texted Wonbin oppa.he said that he is on his way.he will arrive in 5 minutes.I talked with the fans for a while before seeing Wonbin oppa's car pulled up in front of the airport entrance.

I bid goodbye and entered oppa's smelt new.

"new car?" I asked.

"yeah.just arrived yesterday." oppa smiled.

"oppa.can u be my date for the whole week?" I asked oppa kindly.

"huh?" oppa looked confused.

"yeah.I have a lot of shows and I need a date.I don't want to go alone." I pouted.

" u have anything today?" oppa asked.

"I think not.tomorrow yes.why?" I looked at my schedule.

"I am meeting up with a few frens and I want to bring u along.I bet u are going to be bored at the house." oppa chuckled.

"ok! at what time?" I the radio.

"just get ready" oppa said.

we arrived at oppa's was huge! of course it is a mansion and it is in Beverly Hills.I went to get ready since oppa said to get ready.I took a great bath and went to open my luggage.I didn't know what to wear.I looked at everything and found a great shirtdress.I wore it and did my hair and make-up.

Mi Soo's dress,hair,make-up,accesories->shirtdress

I went downstairs and oppa was ready.oppa drove to an elite restaurant.we entered the has been a while since I came to this restaurant.oppa suddenly closed my eyes.oppa guided me somewhere.then oppa opened my eyes.I was surpised to see the person in front of is my highschool frens! TROY AND VICKY! I went to them and hugged them so hard.

"I MISSED U GUYS SO DAMN MUCH!" I said to them while hugging.

"we missed u too" they said.

"what are u guys doing here?" I asked.

"we are on a vacation and Wonbin said to come down to LA to meet u." Troy said.

"u guys still in New York?" I asked.

" is our senior year" Vicky said.

"why are we standing?" Troy asked,

we sat down and had so much fun.suddenly Vicky asked something very sudden.

"how is Henry?" she asked.

"huh?" I choked on my drink.

"he got into Super Junior right? and they are under ur company.I bet u meet him everyday" Vicky said.

"well.he is just.........fine." I looked away.

"did he do anything?" Troy asked.

"no.he did not do anything" I laughed nervously.

"u are lying.he wants u back right?" Troy asked.

"huh?" I was surprised.

"yeah.he does.what did he do?" Vicky asked.

"he just being the old Henry again.the flowers,the presents the persuading.u know those things" I drank my water.

"wow! he still hasn't forgotten u right?" Troy looked interested.

"I just ignored him.why are we even talking about him? let him be! let's have fun!" I said.

"want to try something fun?" Troy asked.

"what?" I asked.

Troy called the waitress and whispered something to her.the waitress nodded.the waitress came back with a bottle of champagne.I was surprised.

"are we gonna drink?" I asked.

"yeah.loosen up a little" Troy poured some in my glass.

"but we are underaged" I said,

"relax.I am a regular here.they won't! drink! come on.u will feel relaxed and forget everything" Troy said.

I looked at Wonbin oppa and he already held the glass in front of his mouth.I swallowed my saliva and we all cheered.I drank the champagne one shot.I felt so good.I kept adding until I was drunk.oppa was drunk too.we called a taxi and drove us home.

me and oppa plopped on the couch.I was sitting on oppa's lap.I met with oppa's eyes.he looked really handsome tonight.suddenly oppa kissed me passionately.I didn't even backup.instead I replied.oppa bit my lower lip asking for entrance.

I opened my mouth.we had a battle of tongues.oppa won.he explored my whole mouth.I wrapped my hands around oppa's neck bringing him closer.oppa had his hands around my waist.oppa carried me bridal style into his bedroom.we put me gently on the bed.

we never broke the by one our clothes were being torn and threw away across the room.the next thing I knew is that we were and having .it was painful but oppa relaxed me since I was a .it the turned into pleasure.we had like about 3 rounds.oppa is really wild.

after tiring 3 rounds of .oppa pulled the sheets over our body.

"u are pretty good for a beginner" oppa smirked.

"thanks" I smiled.

oppa had his arms wrapped around my hand is around oppa's stomach.I slept in oppa's embrace.

next morning.

I woke up in Wonbin oppa's arms.I was so surprised.I pushed oppa away and covered myslef with the blankets.oppa fell on the floor .he groaned and rubbed his head.

"what did we do last night?" I asked oppa.

"huh?why are we ?" oppa looked confused.

"u have to be kidding me!" I said almost shouting.

"wait! calm down!" oppa said.

"why is there blood?!" I looked at the sheets.

there were a few drops of blood.I looked at oppa with wide eyes! 

"did we?d-d-did we? had ?" I asked.

"no way! " oppa said.

"no! I lost my ity to U?! how am I gonna tell Sandeul oppa?! if this comes out he will KILL ME!" I said .

"no.he will not know.this will be a secret" oppa sat in front of me.

" can't happen" I stood up and went to my room.

I took a long bath.tried to clear my mind.I have to get ready for Baby Phat's anniversary party tonight.I went to open my closet and was mind was still bothered about the night I had with Wonbin oppa.this can't last I picked a simple outfit

outfit ->l_p0013101318.jpg(pants)   l_p0011407368.jpg (ignore the glasses and the pants.)


I did my hair and set to go.although it was awkrward with oppa but we still have to work it out.we will act normal in front of people and enjoy the party.I am one of the VIP at the party.I checked if I brought my pass along.thank god it wasn't gone.

there were a lot of reporters and paparazzis at the party.I linked arms with oppa and went out of the car.the cameras were flashing wildly trying to take pictures of me and oppa.I smiled and walked the red carpet.I stopped at the front for a few poses.then Kimora came.I hugged her.I looked like a lost daughter.

"u have got some meat girl" Kimora told me.

"it lost naturally.maybe because of stress" I said.

"let's take a few pictures." Kimora pointed to the cameras.

Kimora had her hand over my shoulder while I had my had around her waist.thank goodness I wear high heels today.I entered the party.I met A LOT of A-list artists.we had so much fun.everyone was fun drinking but I can't.I was the only one underaged at the party.

I went home early because I have a photoshoot tomorrow.I bid goodbye to Kimora.she gave me a few Baby Phat and Kouture new clothes and was A LOT! 

next morning.

I am going to be the new cover for Vogue.I tried new clothes and posed for the was so tiring but I cheered up the staffs by doing jokes and buying them food.after the photoshoot and treated the staffs for dinner.a few days at LA was really is the day I am going back to Korea.the accident with Wonbin oppa is still FRESH in my mind.

I packed my things,bid goodbye to oppa and went to the airport.I just wore shorts,tank top and wore a blazer over it.I wore my ankle-high black boots,with sunglasses from Baby Phat and Fedora.I board the plane and went back to Korea.the flight back to Korea was so tiring because I kept on thinking about the accident.I was getting nervous.

the stewardess told me that we are going to arrive at Gimpo Airport in a few heart felt like it is going to pop out from my heart because I am so afraid.the plane finally arrived at the airport.I alighted the airport.after getting out of the gate I was greeted by reporters.I just smiled and entered my car.

instead of going home I went to SBS building.I needed to talk to oppa.oppa returned from Japan a few days ago.oppa has Inkigayo today.I went to search for oppa's waiting room but Big Bang was not there.I ran through the halls because I am so afraid.I am running in a 5 inch heels.stupid heels!

I made way to the stage and Big Bang is performing.I waited beside the stage.after oppa's perf they are announcing the number one winner.Big Bang won although this is their goodbye stage.Jiyong oppa saw me.he went downstage and pulled me up.

I smiled did oppa see me? they did their encore stage with me.I was not so excited because the thing is bothering me.the moment we got down the stage,I pulled Jiyong oppa somwehere.I think it is better to talk to Jiyong oppa than oppa.I dragged oppa to a closet and locked it.

"what are u doing?" Jiyong oppa asked.

"I need to tell u something" I played with my fingers.

"what is it?"oppa looked at me.


"tell me" oppa said.

I told everything to oppa.EVERYTHING! oppa's jaws were wide opened while his eyes were big as the ocean.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" oppa shouted.

"SSSHHHHH!!!" I closed oppa's mouth.

"how can that happen?" oppa asked.

"we were drunk" I said.

"how can u drink? u are underaged!" oppa said.

"I don't know what go into me.oppa.u have to help me" I said.

"u better tell him urself.if he finds out somewhere is will make it worse.this is the only choice u have." oppa said.

"arasso" I nodded.

oppa held my hand and we went out of the closet.oppa held my hand tight because he knew how nervous I am.we walked to B1A4's waiting room.he knocked on the door.Gongchan opened the door.

"WHEN DID U ARRIVE IN KOREA?!" Chan hugged me tightly.

"an hour ago.where is Sandeul? I need to talk to him" I smiled.

"sure.hyung! Mi Soo wants to see u" Chan shouted.

Sandeul came running and hugged me tightly.I didn't hugged him back.I pulled oppa's hand and dragged him somewhere.we were at the end of the hall.

"what's wrong?" oppa asked.

"I need to tell u somehing.bad" I said.

I told everything to oppa with much hesitation.oppa's face became more and more red.after I finished telling him the truth.he was silent for a secon and exploded.


tears were rolling down my face because of oppa's was very hurtful.I felt my legs weaken.I fell on the floor.oppa didn't even look at me.

"oppa.mianhe.jeongmal mianhe" I said between my cries.

"there is no use.I am out of here" oppa went away.

he didn't even look back.

"let's go Mi Soo" someone said.

I looked up and saw Jiyong oppa.he carried me bridal style and brought me back to the dorm.I slept in Jiyong oppa's bed.Daesung oppa is coming home tonight.



sorry for the crappie chappie! so so so so sorry.what do u think? Sandeul is mad.what is going to happen to them? what will Wonbin do? please comment and don't forget to subscribe.

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omo so that the end of her adventure... ended with a sad? yet happy? ending<br />
im glad to know that her umma finally got to tell her who she really is<br />
happy for jinyoug and her and... yup their cute little daughter<br />
so i guess that was the end, great story <3<br />
hmm i'm senseing some drama ;D
Omo! What happened? Stat strong mi soo
noooooooooooooo~ why did you do it mi soo
I wish she'll be with jiyong oppa..He's so sweet to her..But why is everyone like on her? LOL xD
Qiqi1992 #6
perfect!!!!<br />
like it!!!<br />
poor mi soo...<br />
hav to go study...<br />
take care a business...<br />
her oppa had accident....<br />
pity her...<br />
henry seems so nice in this chapter im kinda going for henry right now
When I read the title i almost thought it was it started with a kiss, lol but ice cream! CLEVER!!! the foreword reminds me a bit of BOF with Jan di's friend dropping the ice cream on Gu Jun Pyo's shoe. LOL i'm looking 4ward 2 reading this story.
awww and she was fianlly happy T.T
Hey, want to say love this..but upu're mixing too many people here..her life is too complcated..Thats my advice..haha..LOL..