EXO : She's My Angel

I tried to sneak out to update so... Here's chapt. 012. I'll try my best to write longer because I noticed I write short. So yeah.


.... I was having a conversation with Tae Jun and knowing that,

"BWOYA!? JINJJAYO!?" I yelled. Knowing that Tae Jun is the ex BOYFRIEND OF YAE. 

"Yeah. We broke up. I did something to her last time at the back of Lotte World. And I.. I just don't want her to let go." He sighed. "Plus I was hit by a brick, it was so painful. I want to get revenge from that person." O_O 

Back of the Lotte World. Wait. Its the time when Yae got lost. The guy who was pinning Yae on the wall is Tae Jun??

"WAIT. I remembered. You're that guy!?" I explained everything what happened and what I saw back then. 



"Coincidence! Yah, the brick is hard and it hurts you know." He playfully sobbed.


Luhan's P.O.V 

*sigh* I closed my eyes as I felt the wind gushing on my cheeks. Its so boring. I have nothing to do. All of them are busy, Yae is having her seminars, which I don't even know what seminar but she just told me. Second my friends, they all at their home, not even bothering to call me or whatever. ~~~~, she never came back since he met Tae Jun I think. 

.... I miss her smiles, laughs, voice. I just feel empty without her. Being with Yae can't cheer me up. Even exo. 

*ring* I checked the caller ID 'Yae' I answered the call and she said she's done and asking me to go out with her later at night, I said yes and goodbye as I end the call. 

I looked down and stood up walking back to my car.


Youngmin's P.O.V

AISH. I forgot to go back to heaven. I wonder what ~~~~ is doing. I went out and ascended back and left Yae. She said she will go out with Luhan today. I went inside the gates and stepped on the grass. I put my hands inside my pocket and looked left and right. 

Oh, I miss being here again, so peaceful. 

Aha, there she is. Why is she laughing all by herself? I went closer and I saw a guy beside him. Oooh.

While walking towards them I called her name sat in front of them. "Annyeong ~~~~-ah! How are you? I missed you a lot." I happily told her.

"Oh! Youngmin! I'm fine, This is Tae Jun I met him last time.How about you? I barely see you these days?" She hugged me before asking me. 

"I'm fine." I faced the Tae Jun guy and bowed "Well hello Tae Jun-ssi. I'm Youngmin by the way. New here?" I stern a bit. 

"Oh. Neh. Nice to meet you Youngmin-ssi." He bowed back. "Just call me Youngmin." I smiled. "By the way ~~~~ I have something to tell you." I held her hand and ran. "Tae Jun, let me borrow ~~~~ for a second!" "Neh! See you later!" He shouted back.

We hid behind the tree and looked around to make sure costs clear.

"~~~~-ah, I don't know how to start but, last time I realized that I should tell you about this." I stared at her and,

"I didn't tell you that I am a guardian angel, watcher of Yae." I gulped down and waiting for her to react.

"So, what's the big deal?" 

.... fail. I expect her to be surprised. ._.

"I just want to tell you. And I want to say sorry for keeping secrets from you." 

She nodded and suddenly "EHH!? You're a guardian angel of Yae!?" She shouted. 

I nodded and she looked at me shocked. "Daebak." she said and walked away. "Wait!" I held her wrist and having a bad feeling about this.

"I sense something with Tae Jun. A feeling that...." I looked at Tae Jun smirking at me as I fainted. I fell down and felt numb, all I can see is black but I can't control myself anymore. I can't even hear ~~~~'s voice or anything. What's happening to me?

~~~~'s P.O.V

"Youngmin! Youngmin!" I shouted and looked back to call Tae Jun. What? I saw Tae Jun wearing black and he disappeared like a shadow. I can't explain how did that happen?

Later on the other angels help me to carry Youngmin and sent him to a sanctuary. "~~~~-ssi" an angel bowed to me. "I am Prishe. This place is Charlotte's Sanctuary. Charlotte is a angel of medicine, which means she's a healer. Later on we will know what happened to Youngmin-ssi." She stated. "Okay, Nice to meet you Prishe, thank you guys for helping." 

So we waited for a couple of minutes and later on Charlotte called us. We saw Youngmin already woken up but Charlotte said we shouldn't talk to him first. "Youngmin's friends?" she asked. "Yes we are." I replied. 

She looked down and said, "A while ago, While I try to cure Youngmin, I sense dark aura in him. And when he woke up, his eyes turned red, which it seems he turned into something different." 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 



"Someone has entered Heaven from Hell. I sense something from that new guy, Tae Jun? He seems different. And I think he's the one from hell." an angel said.



"What? Tae Jun? I don't think so." I shook my head.  "He's a good guy. He never did something wrong, but-"  I saw the vision once again, Tae Jun wearing black and disappeared. It makes sense. Wait, but Tae Jun is not bad. He's nice to me and how can he do this to Youngmin?



"So, you've seen him wearing black a while ago? I saw that also, and he's really the one who hypnotized Youngmin. But I assure its not hypnotism, its worse." A young guy said.



"This is bad." Prishe held her chin. Youngmin stood up and suddenly he held his head and screamed. "Everyone, get out." Charlotte said. We stood for a while and later on we went out. 



"Ugh! What's happening?" I sat down and furrowed my brows. "Its because of Tae Jun." Prishe looked at me. "And you." I looked at her with eyes widened. "The time you became close he had the chance to obliterate us one by one. And there, first victim is Youngmin. We don't who'll be the other victims." 



I looked down and felt really bad. Is Tae Jun really a bad guy? "We should be careful. The question is how did he enter here?" she walked out "I'll ask others. Wait for Charlotte." 



"~~~~ noona, don't worry it'll be fine. Youngmin will be fine." a little girl told me. I smiled and rested my head on the wall.




Luhan's P.O.V


I waited at the cafe for Yae to come. She invited me to go out. She took so long but I didn't care. I feel someone is watching me and I feel dizzy at the same time. Later on Yae come, the dizziness faded away but I think there is someone who's watching me again. 


"Annyeong oppa." she kissed my cheek and I greeted her as well. "Are you fine oppa?" she asked. "Oh, yes I am. Let's order something?" I invited her and she said she'll be the one to order. 




Tae Jun's P.O.V (yoohoo, let us welcome Tae Jun~)


I laughed hard as I saw Luhan sweating. He can sense that I'm watching him. 


"Yah, Tae Jun. What are you doing?" My friend, Yuro asked.


"Trying to know my victim more." I said.  "Its so funny to see them being sweet together. They are not even sweet." I chuckled


"But what about that ~~~~ girl you're saying?" he asked. I laughed again, "~~~~? She's fun to fool. She easily believes in my sayings. Yae is nobody to me, I told her she's my ex." I began holding my stomach laughing so hard. 


"You better know what you are doing Tae Jun." he pushed his glasses which is about to fall. 


"I know what I'm doing Yuro. Besides, its fun." I watched Luhan going out of the cafe with Yae. 


You'll receive your present soon Luhan. *evil laugh* Yuro looked at me weird. I just rolled my eyes and smirked.






Our tests was over just these past two days. NO MORE REVIEWING! Freeeeeeeedooom from Schoool~  xDD And tada~ The Evil Tae Jun is now here. XDDD

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Chapter 21: omg
there a book 2
Chapter 21: just wanted to let you know that you made me cry the moment she remember everything and after :'( anyway I'll go with the second part :)
Chapter 20: we want PART 2!!!!

please author~nim will dying here for waiting part 2...
babyssi #4
Chapter 21: WHERE IS THAT PART2?!
RedKJM_22 #5
Chapter 21: part 2 where is it!!
Chapter 21: This was really interesting and I loved it very much.I actually cried while reading this.Hope there is a happy ending in book 2!