YongSeo Couple

Traveler's Love



“_____! Wake up! Wake up!” _____ opened her eyes just to see a worried Hyeonmi in front of her, “You have to wake up now!”


“Onnie.. 5 minutes more...” She groaned and pulled the blanket over her face, but Hyeonmi quickly pulled it off .


“You have a guest! Wake up!”


“A guest? What time is it?”

“It’s 7 am, I know it’s too early for you, but you have to wake up! Seohyun is waiting for you outside!”






After a quick shower and dressed up, ______ went to the living room where Seohyun was. It really surprised her that she came to her house, but more surprising that Seohyun also brought Yonghwa with her. And the moment _____ showed up in the living room, Seohyun sent death glares to her and it made _____ uneasy.


“Eeer... Is there anything I can help?” she asked awkwardly to the two guests sitting in front of her


“I’m sorry we have to disturb you this early..” Instead of Seohyun, Yonghwa answered her, “We only have time now, that’s why we’re here in early morning..”


“That’s okay, wake up early is a good thing, anyway..” she lied. _____ really wasn’t a morning person.


“Well, we’re here to get things straight.. I heard you and Kyuhyun hyung had a fight because of Seohyun..”


“Oh, that..”


“Yeah, we want to clarified that it was all Seohyun’s mistake..” Seohyun was rigid when he said that. She was avoiding _____’s gaze all the time, “I don’t know if he aleady explain this to you, but..”


“Seohyun was asking Kyuhyun if he could they could get back together like the old times, but of course Kyuhyun hyung said no. And she insisted a hug as a fine goodbye for both of them..”


He explained more, “Kyuhyun did hug her, as a goodbye, but Seohyunnie here,” he pinted at Seohyun who was at the time pouting, “She wanted more, so she kissed him when he was off guard. Then you came in just right in time..”


______ didn’t respond much, she was quite surprised with his explanation. All she could do when he talked was nodding or humming.


“You were there, right? Were you waiting for her, or eavesdropping?” she cautiously asked.


“I was waiting for her, there...”

“But.. I don’t get it.. Don’t you guys go out together? You knew what was she talking about with Kyuhyun, right? Didn’t you angry or something?”

“Is that even your business?” Seohyun snapped her harshly.


“Hyun, don’t start” Yonghwa sternly reminded her


“I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s not my business. Pardon my curiosity”


“No, that’s okay” Yonghwa assured her, “To answer your curiosity, yes, I do know her feeelings to Kyuhyun hyung, and she also knows about mine to her, and I know too that she hasn’t over him yet. But I always say to her that I’ll wait for her”


“Ooh.. That’s so sweet of you, Younghwa-ssi..”


“Aah~ thank you. So back to the problem, we didn’t come here just to tell you that, we’re here to apologize to. Seohyunnie said she wante to apologize..”


Both Yonghwa and _____ looked at Seohyun, waiting for her to speak. But she didn’t say anything and just pouted with her arms crossed. She remained silent until Yonghwa nudged her, “Hyun!”


“Okay, okay! I’m sorry, ____-ssi. I caused conflicts between you and Kyuhyun oppa” Seohyun finally blurted out.


“And?” Yonghwa asked her more.


“And you have to know that Kyuhyun oppa, he didn’t kiss me. It was all my fault. He didn’t even kiss me back”


“And I’m sorry too, we didn’t clarifie these things sooner” Yonghwa added.


‘No, it’s okay. You both didn’t have to come all the way here to explain, you know.. There’s nothing to clarifie.. Kyuhyun had already told me before..”


“Yeah, but we just want to make sure you know the details of the event, you know. We heard Kyuhyun hyun was so depressed because of this”

“Depressed? I think you’re exaggerating..”


“No, he’s right. Onnie-deul said that Kyuhyun oppa was knocked out last night, and he was pretty crazy because of it”


“He drunk?” ______ said in disbelieved.


“Yes, he drunk. But we don’t know the details since we’re not there.” Yonghwa answered, “_____-ssi, mianhae. But I think we have to gi now. We have a taping this morning..”


“Oh, right. That’s okay”


The three of them got up and walked to the door, “It’s been nice to see you, _____-ssi” Yonghwa bid his goodbye to her.


“Nice to see you” Seohyun followed him.


“Nice to see you guys too. And thank you for coming here, explaining everything. I’ll tell Kyuhyun you stopped by here”


After they bid their goodbyes, Seohyun and Yonghwa left quickly due to their schedule. _____ stared at the couple as they went off. Yonghwa was gently led her to the car while Seohyun acted “Tsundere” towards him. They looked kinda cute for her, even though Seohyun had pissed her off few times.

“So have you forgiven Kyuhyun now?”


“Onnie, you scared me!” _____ nearly jumped by Hyeonmi who popped behind her out of sudden.


The older girl ignored her and went on, “You should know how horrible Kyuhyun oppa was last night..”


“So how’s he when he’s drunk?”


“He tought I was you, and he madly shook my body then mourning at me. In front of all the people in the club”

“Jinja?! He did that?!”


“Oh, yeah. And he also pushed me to love him and not choose Heechul. Well, he thought I was you, so..”


“I can’t believe he’s that... horrible” _____ murmured in disbelieved. She never imagined this side of Kyuhyun.


“Yeah..” Hyeonmi nodded in agreement, “I know, right?”


“What happened next?”


“Well,..” Hyeonmi tried to re-call her memories, “Hyukjae oppa did something to stop him, and then the party’s over, Siwon oppa took care of him”


“What did Eunhyuk oppa do exactly?”


Hyeonmi slightly grimaced, “He punched him down”


“HE WHAT?!” ______ shouted in surprised. She never thought Eunhyuk would hit their magnae like that. But then she also recalled something from the party,


“Wait.. What happened with you and Eunhyuk oppa, exactly? I saw you guys dance awkwardly last night. That’s really not you.. oh, did he hit him to defend you?”


“Mwoh?! Ani!” Hyeonmi straightly denied it, but _____ didn’t buy it, especially by the way she blushed after she asked that.


“Is there something happen between you two?” she asked cheekily


“Nothing! There’s nothing!” _____ just laughed at her sister who tried to assure her, “Why are we talking about this now?! We’re talking about Kyuhyun, you know!”


“Omo. Why does my heart sink everytime I heard his name?”


“What?” Hyeonmi looked at her confusedly.


Without her realization, tears were suddenly falling down on her cheeks, but she held her chest instead.


“My heart. It sinks”


“Well, young lady, that Kyuhyun boy is hurted too. For the million times I’ve told you, talk to him, get things clear,”


______ nodded weakly at her, “I will..”




______ had been staring at her phone. “PaboKYU” was written on the screen. It was the name for Kyuhyun’s contact number in her phone. After all the fight they had yesterday, she changed the name like that because she thought Kyuhyun acted like a kid. She was hesitated whether she had to call him or not.


But then, instead of calling him, she decided to postponed her call and check on her twitter.


“Hmm.. Lots of fancam and fantaken pictures of super show..” she mumbled as she scanned her timelime, which was filled with Super Junior fanbases tweets,  “Oh! Shindong oppa tweets something!”





규현이가 아파요~~~ 몹쓸몸살~~힘내라!!!! 잘자라 우리아가~~ !!! 오늘심심타파 보이는 라디오로 보아씨와 함께합니다 기대바래요 호호호^^


Kyuhyunnie is sick~~~ High fever~~ Cheer up!!!! Sleep well our baby~~ Ah !!! Expecting a lot for today’s SimSimTaPa’s viewable radio together with Ms.Boa huhuhu^^


_____ stunned after reading Shindong’s tweet about Kyuhyun. The tweet was also provided with a picture of Donghae who’s pointing at Kyuhyun who’s sleeping uncomfortably. He looked pale and sick, like in pain or something. And it worried her.


She immediately typed Donghae’s number and called him. After several rings, Donghae picked up the phone.




“Hae oppa, this is _____-ah..”


“Oh, hey _____-ah? What’s up?”


“Emm... I just saw Shindong’s oppa tweet, you know.. about Kyuhyun. He said Kyuhyun oppa is sick, is it true?”


“Aah~ dae. Actually I’m in the dorm now with Kyuhyunnie. He’s having high fever. _____-ah, can you help me a bit?”



“So everyone in the dorm was out for schedules and I’m the only one left here to take care of Kyuhyun. But I have a taping in one hour..




“So.. I’m asking you to come here and take care of our Kyuhyun. His condition is poor and since I can’t cook and we have no food here, Kyuhyun haven’t eat anything until now”


“Jinja?! Well, can you just order something for him and ask your manager to take care of him?”


“He’s sick, what do you expect him to eat? Ordered pizza? And Manager hyung is busy with the others..”


_____ groaned, “You know I’m kinda have some problem with him, right?”


‘Well technically, Kyuhyunnie is sick because of you”


‘Mwoh?! Wae gurae?!”


“He got drunk because you broke heart heart.. He didn’ t want to eat properly because he’s having a broken heart, and he’s too tired too from the concert..”


“So you’re saying that was all because I broke his heart?”




“Well he broke my heart as well but I didn’t do stupid things like him”


“_____-ah, please.. Can you just say yes and help me? That stupid Kyu is really sick now.. And he needs to eat something.. pwetty pweaassee?? ” Donghae persuade her with some aegyo voice.



She groaned again, “Oh my God... You and your stupid aegyo!”




UPDATED!!! Sorry if I took time too long to update T.T
Writer's Block hit me, the worst writter's block I've ever experience. I don't hv any inspiration..

But it was over! Enjoy the new chapter! Yes, it's a whole chapter and nor a teaser! kkk~

PS: Midterm exam is coming... Gaaah! I have "Civil Law" exam tomorrow... Sobs. It's a hard subject T.T

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Dodoisone #1
Chapter 67: I can't believe I finish this story in 4 straight hours
phineasandferb #3
Ceritanya bagus bangeeeet :'') bikin lagi ya cerita cerita kayak gini
NoeRod #4
Yaaaaaa I loved it ! ♥ Gomawooooooo ♥
kay-el25 #5
author- I got two words for you.... YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! I love it very much!! XD
Gaemgyu4ever #6
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i super love this story... i can really feel it hahahah i cried hhahahah ^^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR :) KYUHYUN I LOVE YOU <3
choseoyoung #8
@shiname hello, new reader! ^^ yes, I'm Indonesian too~<br />