Chapter 9

Two Is Better Than One


Its been two months since Sungmin had left home. He’s never been happier, but there’s always a part of him that misses home. Especially his mother. Being the only son, his mother had dote and pampered him heavily. And she would always be the one to step out and protect him from his father’s rage. Even though his father may be harsh, strict and demanding at times but Sungmin would not deny the fact that Mr. Lee was a responsible and great father and had only wanted Sungmin to be the best he could be. Sungmin knows and he understands. 

But there’s only so much pressure a person could take and he yearns for a much needed break. Eunhyuk had kept him updated about things at home, his parents had denied the questioning neighbours saying that Sungmin had gone for a special course overseas. His mother would always seem so sad and gloomy while his father showed no emotions except for a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes every time Eunkhyuk sees them. 

On the other hand, the band had been nothing but great to him. They were caring, warm and loving to Sungmin. Staying with Donghae and Heechul had of course brought them closer. Heechul had opened up and told Sungmin about how he and Donghae met. Unlike Donghae, Heechul had never knew love or family, his mother had left him in the doorstep of the orphanage ever since he was a baby and had no clue whatsoever of his family identity. Heechul had even admitted his envy of his other classmates but him, who was the only one that was growing up in the orphanage. When Donghae had came, it made his life a little less lonely and they remained best friends till today. Sometimes they were even closer than brothers and knew each other like the back of their hands. Sungmin had felt a pang of jealousy towards Heechul, he had also wanted to know and understand Donghae like the elder did. He had admired and envied the bond that they both shared. 

Then Hankyung had taught him a few defense moves and also introduced Sungmin to his gang. Sungmin had never met mafias in his life before and they were surely intimidating, they weren’t like the television had portrayed them to be, no tattoos, no bats around their hands, no wild hairstyles or hair color. Hankyung had laughed and told Sungmin that they dress like any other normal being. Hankyung had then told Sungmin of his reluctance to help his family’s underground business in the future but he had no other choice having to think about the livelihoods of the members to their large organized underground association. Hankyung had also expressed worry towards Heechul. His involvement in the illegal business had endangered his lover’s life a number of times but Heechul had remained loyal and stayed by his side. Hankyung was grateful for having someone like Heechul and had even told Sungmin to appreciate Donghae. 

Kyuhyun on the other hand had introduced him to his parents and they had hired him immediately. Kyuhyun and Sungmin had bonded through working in Liquid together. He was grateful that the drummer had taught him so many things, from dealing with angry and difficult customers to making a few shots himself to even opening and closing the bar all by himself. The mischievous drummer had also brought him clubbing and lets just say, Donghae wasn’t too pleased after that. His first ever pay was spent treating the band to dinner at his favorite restaurant downtown. Sungmin had also dropped out of school completely and is working full time in Liquid now. He had enjoyed all the new experiences the band had showed and teach him for the past two months. 

Donghae had also taught him how to play more instruments like the drums, bass and his favorite, the piano. Sungmin had also learnt a few of Donghae‘s habit the past two months he had been living with his boyfriend, like how the elder likes to compose at night, how he likes to cuddle close and breath into Sungmin’s neck when he sleeps at night, how Donghae would wake up the next morning with a very blur but cute expression on his face, then there was Donghae’s extreme tolerance with the cold, his slow and gentle pace of kissing, and the list goes on. 

But one of Donghae’s most prominent habit was giving surprises. And this was exactly what they were doing now. The composer had only told him to take the day off and the rest was kept in the dark. Even after much prodding and questions which ended up in total failure because Donghae had resort in distracting him with his lips. 

Damn those lips.

So now they were off Donghae’s bike, and Sungmin had turned around for a better look of his surroundings as he removed his helmet. He could roughly guess they were at the graveyard, judging by the neatly lined headstones and green grassy plane. 
Sungmin’s confused eyes turned to meet Donghae’s amused one. 

The latter had only smiled and as he laced their fingers together and lead the younger deeper into the graveyard. Donghae had kept his smile as they walked deeper into the graveyard in comfortable silence. They stopped after a while, Donghae approached the headstone on the far left end, he then kneeled down carefully placing his bouquet of flowers on cemented surface. 

There were two headstone lined impossibly closed together and a slightly smaller one separated by a thin gap between the left side of the twin headstone. 

Sungmin’s heart skipped a beat. 

“Sungmin-ah, I want you to meet my parents,” Donghae signaled the paired headstone and pointed to the smaller one by its side, “And this is my brother.” 

Sungmin was silent as he bowed towards the said headstones with politeness, afraid that he’ll ruin the moment when Donghae was staring at his family so intently. He was surprised that his boyfriend would want him to meet his family, though they aren’t any much alive. He smiled cutely at how sensitive and sentimental the elder was. 

“He’s really important to me. So I brought him here to meet you guys.” Donghae laced their hands together again as he spoke to the headstone with warm smile on his face. Sungmin had found that his smile was different. His face was relax, his soft brown eyes sparkle from the tears he was trying so hard to hold in, and his smile, the smile formed from his irresistible soft lips. 

Sungmin shifted shyly as more of those thoughts crept up on him. Lately, Sungmin had begun responding to the older man’s kisses and touches. What started out as an innocent kiss would always escalate into hot fiery passion that Sungmin himself didn’t know existed. Sometimes, their hot kisses would always leave him gasping for air. 

“Sungmin?” The composer had noticed the unfamiliar silence in his boyfriend. 

“I’m really glad you brought me here, Donghae,” Sungmin tried to shift the subject and his very preoccupied mind away. He’s been feeling very hot lately, and anxious, even excited sometimes when Donghae touches him. It scares him. 

“I don’t come here often. Only when I have something special to tell them,” the elder hinted. Sungmin embraced the elder giving the elder silent comfort and support. He was beginning to feel guilty for being distracted when Donghae’s opening up to him. More so when he’s visiting Donghae’s family. He wanted very much to bang his head on the wall. 

“I’m fine Sungmin-ah. Its been a long time anyway. I just want you to meet them,” Donghae then leans in to kiss his forehead, “Cause you’re my family now. Forever and always.” 

Sungmin froze and turned up to look at Donghae. His heart swelled with love and adoration for the elder. He then circled his arms around the elder’s neck and pulling him in for a chaste kiss. 

“Thank you for everything, Donghae.” 

Donghae was startled from Sungmin’s own initiated kiss but recovered with a big silly grin on his face. They had been together for more than two months. Through that time, Donghae had grow to understand, care, and love for the younger even more. Donghae also couldn’t help but notice at how shy Sungmin was when it comes to showing his affections and loves him all the more for it. 

“Come on. We still have to head to Liquid for rehearsal, its Kyuhyun’s last gig tonight. And the talent scouts would be there too,” Donghae who was already ahead offered his hand to Sungmin who took it without hesitance. 

Donghae and Sungmin walked hand in hand as they headed back towards his bike at the entrance. 

Although it was painful to speak of his family, but the composer had realized that by embracing and accepting the present, he was able to let go of the past. 

Because Sungmin is the present that matters now. 


“Thanks for coming everyone! We would also like to congratulate Kyuhyun for his confirmed scholarship in Yale and all the best in New Haven!” Hankyung explained, out of breath from the night’s gig into the microphone as they crowd cheered enthusiastically. 

The band had shared a toast with the crowd before exiting gracefully backstage. After two months of playing in Liquid, Sungmin had gotten used to the atmosphere and the butterflies in his stomach had ceased to exist anymore. He had learn the feeling of enjoying himself on stage as he played and let music take over his soul automatically. 

Sungmin saw Kyuhyun sitting at the corner of backstage, staring at his drumsticks as his fingers expertly turned them around. 
He walked towards the drummer and offered him a bottle of water. Kyuhyun muttered a silent thank-you and gulped the contents hurriedly. 

“I’m going to miss this. Miss the band, and miss playing of course.” The younger of the two confessed. 

“Can you help keep an eye on my parents for me, hyung? When I leave, they’ll be alone, I need to get them a guardian angel,” Kyuhyun grinned at his pun. 

Sungmin nodded. Of course he would. Kyuhyun’s parents had been nothing but kind and caring to him the past months he’s been working in Liquid. Sometimes, they had even treated Sungmin like their own son. 

Sungmin then caught sight of something in his line of vision, Kyuhyun brought it nearer, “This is for you, hyung. Thanks for being a great friend and for making Doghae hyung so happy. Heck, you make the whole band happy!” 

Sungmin took the violet colored pick as the drummer pulled him for a hug. 

“Kyuhyunnie-ah! What are you still doing there? Come up to the bar, we need to celebrate!” Heechul yelled happily as his head peaked out through the curtains. 

“Coming hyung! Come on Sungmin hyung, time to get drunk!” Kyuhyun grinned slyly as he stuffed his drumsticks back into his gear bag. 

Sungmin examined the guitar pick carefully, it was violet in color and on it was Sungmin printed and lightly carved with a loose silver lining. He could tell it was custom made and he held it tightly in his hand. 

He was going to miss Kyuhyun terribly, despite his nasty and sarcastic remarks and the way he made fun of the rest of the band members. But he was a core part them. In music, he brings the beat and tapping rhythm to the song. In life, he was the mischievous young boy that the band had grew to love and dote on. 

As Sungmin stepped out of the backstage with Kyuhyun, he caught a glimpse of Donghae and the rest of the band at the private bar. Hankyung seemed to be in a deep conversation with two person that Sungmin had never seen in town. 

“They are the talent scouts from the record company. I hoped they liked our performance. It could mean a breakthrough for Donghae hyung and Heechul hyung,” Kyuhyun had answered Sungmin’s silent question. They waded themselves through the sea of people on the dance floor and made their way for the private bar. 

“This is Cho Kyuhyun, our drummer. And Lee Sungmin, our lead vocalist and guitarist,” Kyuhyun, Sungmin and the two talent scouts politely exchanged handshakes. 

“I like his voice,” Sungmin heard the man who’s hair tied into a ponytail told the woman as she nodded in agreement. 

“Well then, it was nice hearing you guys play. We shall get back to you as soon as possible.” The lady told Hankyung politely. 

The man smiled as he shook Hankyung’s hand, “I know it’s a little too early, but welcome to SM records.” 

As the talent scouts took their leave, Heechul immediately reach for the bottles of alcohol behind the bar counter. 

“This calls for a double celebration!” Heechul cheered excitedly as he turned around to do a member check only to find Donghae and Sungmin missing. 

He then spotted them immediately at the bar counter, Sungmin sitting on the tall bar stool while Donghae hugged the younger from behind. They seemed to be in a deep conversation with Donghae occasionally whispering to the younger’s ear making him giggle and smile cutely. 

Heechul felt his heart grow warm and tingly for his best friend, “Yo Guys! Its Kyuhyunnie’s last night here! You have all the time in the world later tonight!” 

Thankfully for Sungmin, they were in a bar with rowdy customers and extremely loud beat and fast pumping music. So no one except for Donghae and the band heard the lead singer. The whole group gathered the round table as Heechul raised his glass with the others in sync. 

“A toast for Kyuhyun! May he graduated from Yale with flying colors!” 


“Ahh!” Sungmin screamed his cute squeal randomly as leaned on Donghae for support. He was beginning to sway and stagger his way home. 

“Look, Donghae! I’m flying! Wee!!” Donghae had managed to wrap his arms around his boyfriend before Sungmin could leap off the flight of stairs down their apartment. Donghae had painstakingly carried the younger up and there was no way Sungmin’s going back down again. Especially not when Sungmin wakes up with bruises all over his body the next morning. 

“No flying baby!” Donghae melts when he sees Sungmin pout. His face beet red from the alcohol and heat running all over his body. 
He then decides to drag Sungmin into the house before the latter could think of flying again or doing anything else that he might regret the next morning. 

After making sure that Sungmin is safely snuggled on the couch, Donghae heads to the kitchen to make his boyfriend a little tea to help sober him up. 

“Sungmin baby,” Sungmin hears a deep voice cooing his name and smiles immediately. 

“Donghae,” He mumbles incoherently as he snuggles closer to the familiar warmth he recognize as his boyfriend. 

“Drink up, babe. You’ll feel better.” 

“I miss home.” Donghae frowned as soon as those words escaped Sungmin’s lips. It was his fault Sungmin was in this mess in the first place, and he had wanted the younger to appreciate and love his still living family. Because he didn’t have the chance to. 

“Drink up and we’ll go to bed.” 

Sungmin cringed and made a noise of annoyance but drank the cup pushed in front of him obediently. 

Donghae sighed when he caught sight of Sungmin sleeping soundlessly on the couch after washing up the empty mug in the kitchen. He kneeled beside the couch, slowing taking in all the features of the younger. Donghae had fell deeply in love with Sungmin. A part of him is worried that when Sungmin leaves, he won’t be able to breathe again. Because he knows that the past two months was a brief taste of heaven. It will have to stop soon. 

With another sigh, he gently lifted Sungmin up from the couch to his bedroom. 

Soon, he himself also gave in to his exhaustion, falling asleep with a contended heart and a warm smile on his face. He would just like to hold on to this piece of happiness for as long as he could. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />