Chapter 7

Two Is Better Than One


Sungmin stared out longingly at the scenery outside from the car window. He was finally heading home after a week. Usually, he hated Fairview, hated going home and hated going to school. Of course, he misses his cousins and his family. And this trip back really made him happy. Especially seeing the happy faces of his cousin and her family when she had walked down the aisle, and he knew how they felt. Because he had Donghae now and he knew reality would hit them hard in the face, they weren’t normal and Sungmin had accepted the fact. For now, he would just have to live with the fact that he and Donghae would have to be contended in their own world. And their world of music. 

But the past week without the band had made him miss home even more. He misses Donghae terribly and couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the elder pouting heavily. He catches a glimpse of his father, hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road in pure concentration while his mother dozes off quietly next to his father. 

She had been working so hard on the preparation for her niece and Sungmin had seen how her eyes had sparkled in joy when his cousin had put on the wedding dress for the first time. Sungmin had wished and hoped that he would be able to make his mother proud and happy as well. 

But how was he going to break the news to his parents that he’s in love with Donghae? He could also imagine the look on his father’s face when the latter finds out. 

It was hard to choose between the two, between his parents and the person he loves. 

Sungmin shook his head in frustration and decided to tear his attention towards the line of trees outside. Spring had already ended and it was going to be summer soon, the morning sun was already beating down towards the car and the radiating heat gave no reason to turn on the heater, the trees had grown greener but the weather had remained the same. Cool and crisp. This was the usual summer in Fairview and Clintwood. Sungmin smiled, the weather couldn’t be any better. 

His eyelids were growing heavier from the all the counting of trees outside and he thought it would be best if he catches some sleep. 
Sneaking out tonight would take a lot of energy and he needs to stay awake for class the next day. 


Donghae sighs as he threw another rock towards the lake making little ripples, disrupting the still, silent waters. This week without Sungmin was already killing him bit by bit but the torturous week had finally come to its end. 

He was glad that he had gone through the week without going crazy. He had thought of sneaking to Sungmin’s backyard like he always does when he misses Sungmin, but his family is heading home today and he couldn’t risk the chance of Sungmin’s father finding out. 
Especially since Donghae was a nobody. He doesn’t live in Fairview or go to St. Patrick’s (Sungmin’s school). Heck, he doesn’t even have a family to begin with. Not one with a good background or high social status. He was just a mechanic and a school student. He was just an orphan with a very vague and unstable future. The only thing that makes him special is his music. 

Sungmin is everything he’s not. 

His train of thoughts were disrupted when he felt a pair of small, warm hands covering his eyes. He smiled as he catches a whiff of familiar vanilla scent lingering in the air. 

“I’m back,” The cute voice tickled his ears in a soft whisper. 

Donghae automatically reaches for Sungmin’s hands and gives each of them a soft, lingering kiss. 

“Never leave again. Or else I’m going to kidnap you next time.” 

Sungmin laughs loudly. The silly smile on Donghae’s face grows wider.

They sat in comfortable silence, staring out at the lake in the distance as Donghae laid his chin on the younger’s shoulder, embracing him gently. Summer has arrived in Fairview but nights were just as cold as it be. Sungmin had never felt warmer as Donghae wrapped his arms protectively around him. The moon is oddly bright tonight, giving the lake an illuminating light that was both romantic and warm. 

“I miss you, Donghae,” Sungmin was first to break their happy silence. 

He hears Donghae hummed in agreement, “I’m going crazier by the minute. Kyuhyun and Heechul wants punch me senseless already.” 

Sungmin giggles, “Yes, they should.” 


Sungmin laughs again as he saw the elder pouting, “You’re so silly. Its only a week. And besides, I wanted to see how much you miss me.” 

“You see the moon Sungmin?” 

Sungmin looks up in sync to Donghae’s instructions and nods. 

“I bet you didn’t even look at it when you were out of town.” Donghae scoffs. 

“Its been glowing brightly for the past few days already. You know what does that means?” Sungmin shook his head in confusion. 
“It means that Lee Donghae misses Lee Sungmin terribly.” 

Sungmin rolls his eyes and pinches his boyfriend’s hands that were resting on his waist. “You are a big ball of grease, Lee Donghae.” 
“Hey!” Donghae protested in pain and moves his hands up so he could squeeze Sungmin’s sides as the younger squirmed and laughed happily. 

“But you’re my big ball of grease, okay? No one else‘s!” Sungmin tugged both of Donghae’s ears for emphasis as he turned so they could face each other. 

The elder’s arms tightened around Sungmin’s waist, “I’m yours, heart, mind and soul.” 

Sungmin had to look away in embarrassment when Donghae’s gaze on him grew more intense. He then remembered something and excitedly fishes it from his pocket. 

Donghae looks on in confusion as his cute lover tugs his left hand roughly before clipping on a bracelet and pushing it happily to Donghae’s face. Donghae had to squint his eyes due to the close proximity of the bracelet on his hand and his face. 

“Now, you’re mine. This seals the deal.” Sungmin grins smugly and crosses his arms. 

Donghae takes his time to admire the bracelet. It wasn’t fancy, there were no engraftments, no pendants whatsoever. It was just a very simple bracelet. But the fact that Sungmin bought it for him had made it so valuable. Donghae wouldn’t give it away even if it costs a million. 

“You don’t like it?” Sungmin pulls the bracelet back but Donghae manages to swat his hand away. 

“Hey! No taking back your presents!” 

Sungmin’s glare fails miserably and ends as a cute pout instead. The younger was mad that he just got hit. 

Donghae immediately regrets and hugs Sungmin apologetically, “I’m sorry” 

“This is my first gift in a long time,” he continues unsurely. 

This time, it was Sungmin’s turn to feel guilty. “I’m really happy, Sungmin. Thanks,” he heard Donghae’s deep voice muffled by their clothes as the elder embraced him tightly. 

Sungmin breaks their embrace and cups Donghae’s face instead, “I love you, Donghae” 

Donghae’s face immediately brightens as the younger leaned in for a peck on the lips. “Say it again,” This was the first time Sungmin had ever said that to him and he was damn determined to mark it in his calendar as The-first-time-Sungmin-had-said-I-Love-You day. 
“Lee Donghae, I love you. So don’t think you can run away now!” 

“I’ll never run, unless you want me to.” 

“You know, I’m going to turn into goo one day from all of your cheesiness.” 

Sungmin shuts Donghae up with a kiss, before the elder would reply with more of his greasy lines. Sungmin gives in easily, like he always does and smiles into the kiss. 

Sungmin then decides he would worry about the future later. Right now, Donghae is all that matters. 

They spent the whole night counting stars and sharing kisses. 


Sungmin skipped happily along the sidewalk earning a very weird look from his best friend. 

“Are you okay, Sungmin? You looked like you’re on sugar high. Or worse, you’re on crack!” Eunhyuk accused alarmingly. 

Sungmin jumped and covered his too talkative friend’s mouth, “Shh .. Of course I’m not. I’m just very happy lately Hyukkie ah” 

Eunhyuk slumped, “Obviously. I’ve never seen you so happy since… since never!” 

“So, had you slept with Donghae then?” His best friend asked curiously before earning a hit to his head. 


“Stop talking nonsense, Lee Hyukjae” Sungmin glared at him before changing his expression again and deciding that nothing can ruin his mood today. Not even Eunhyuk’s teasing. 

Eunhyuk rubbed his head before tugging both his hands into his pocket, “Yah, that Lee Donghae really is something.” 

Sungmin ignores his friend and starts singing happily. 

Eunhyuk smiled, he’s happy that Sungmin’s happy and had never regretted that he had introduced the band to him. At least Sungmin could experience the feeling of being cared and loved for. His family seem to lack of that, despite the fact that Sungmin was their only son. 

“Just don’t let your guard down, Sungmin. I got a feeling your dad is not going to be happy if he finds out.” Eunhyuk shivered at the thought of a very angry and red faced Mr. Lee. He had never really like Sungmin’s father, because he had seem to dislike the fact that he has relatives in Clintwood. Its not like they have disease or something. 

Sungmin begins to slow down and sighs, “I wish I was like them. They don’t have to take orders from anyone. Having the freedom to do whatever they want without anyone’s consent. I want that feeling, Hyukkie” 

Eunhyuk looks at his friend in pity. He feels that Sungmin’s life is no different from a bird caught in the confines of its cage. His best friend had grew up doing and practicing things that were useful or beneficial to his future. There were no music, no parties, no hanging out, basically, his life was boring and Eunhyuk understands the fact that Sungmin needs an outlet. And he felt no one would have done a better job than Super Junior. 

Sungmin had begun singing. He speaks happily, his eyes sparkles with joy every time Eunhyuk sees him. He would like to thank Super Junior for making his friend a happier person. 

“Well, I’m home. Thanks for walking me home, Hyukkie. Donghae had promised no big bikes at school anymore.” Sungmin announced as they stood in front of his house by the pathway. 

Eunhyuk nodded in agreement, Donghae’s 500cc Kawasaki wasn’t hard to miss, judging by the load roars the engine produces and the sheer size of the bike. And no one in Fairview was wild enough to ride a bike anyway. 

“I’ll see you soon, Sungmin.” 

“Bye Hyukkie!” Sugnmin waved happily before he began singing to himself. 

He had stopped the moment he saw his father at the living room, reading the day’s headlines. Sungmin shrugs it off and began walking happily to his room upstairs. 

“Sungmin,” his father’s stern voice startled him. He puts down the paper revealing his glare and face red from trying to contain his anger. 

“Yes, dad?” Sungmin answers shakily. 

“Why are your grades slipping?” 

Sungmin’s body went from relax into panic and fear in just a few seconds. 

“Your school called this morning to inform me that you’ve been failing some of your subjects. I have also been inform that you were caught sleeping in class and you hardly paid any attention at all!” Sungmin saw his father gripped the sides of the chair angrily. 

Sungmin remained silent as he bit his lip. Eunhyuk was right, he had been too careless. 


“Is it because of your new friends, Lee Sungmin?! Tell me, which side of Fairview are they living in?” 

Sungmin knew that his father had found out about the band. 

“Tell me why did Uncle Lee, Uncle Choi and the rest of the neighbourhood saw you in Clintwood at twelve in the morning when I know very well that you should be in bed at that ungodly hour?!” 

“Explain to me Lee Sungmin, why are you hugging and holding hands with a biker when you know very well you should be in bed?! What have you become?! I warned you, I warned you that those sinners in Clintwood are thugs. They hurt people for fun, they waste their time by loitering around!” 

“You don’t know them!” Sungmin was done with the accusations Mr. Lee is throwing towards the band. They are nothing like his father had describe. 

“And you do?!” Mr. Lee was startled by his son’s sudden outburst. 

“Yes. And I love Donghae!” Sungmin yelled back with equal fire. 

If Mr. Lee’s face could grow any redder from anger, he would already explode. “What did you just say?” 

“That biker is my boyfriend! I love him!” 

Sungmin had felt a sense of déjà vu when his father had spared none of his strength and anger in slapping Sungmin. “I forbid you to see that sinner anymore!” 

Sungmin gripped his fist tightly by his sides as the heat of pain rushed through his cheek, “No!” 

He was done taking orders, he is sick of his confined life. He saw his father’s eyes grew wide in disbelief of his response. 

“No son of mine is gay.” 

“Then I don’t want to be your son!” 

“Repeat your words Lee Sungmin,” his father warned slowly. 

“I’m tired of being your son. You had never treated me like one anyway!” It came out as a whisper but his father had heard everything. 

“Sungmin,” he heard his mother call softly. 

Sungmin had already had his hand on the doorknob when he heard his father yell, “If you leave this house, don’t you think of coming back!” 

He stood rooted to the ground with his hand resting on the doorknob. His mother’s cries echoes in the distance together with his father’s voice. His cheeks had begun to burn from the pain. That’s when he had decided. 

Super Junior is his real family. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />