Chapter 6

Two Is Better Than One

Sungmin glances happily and in awe around Liquid. This was his first trip here and the thought of playing here for the first time tonight is making him giddy and nervous. 

The bar wasn’t as dark or stuffy as the usual bars, not that Sungmin was ever allowed into one anyway. But he had heard numerous stories about Liquid and other bars thanks to his best friend Eunhyuk. There was of course the shot counter at one end of the bar, round tables for those who prefer a little privacy with their friends and from the counter and a large stage at the other end. 

Liquid was spacious and huge. There was also a deejay booth for Sundays and Wednesdays clubbing night and for birthdays and special occasions right beside the huge stage. Sungmin could easily recognize Kyuhyun’s drum set right at the end of centre stage. The stage was decorated in a dark and reflective manner, giving the bar a sense of class and elegance. 
In short, Liquid was definitely the best in town. 

“Like the place, babe?” Sungmin was still busy marveling at the sight of the bar but couldn’t help blushing at the pet name Donghae had given him. 

Donghae leaned down and gave his cute boyfriend a peck in his cheek from the back. 

“I love it!” The younger said breathlessly, as his eyes sparkled at the round lights that hung lowly below the ceiling. Even the slightest detail like the lights weren’t spared in terms of design in the bar. 

“Heechul hyung helped with the decorations. He always has a good eye when it comes to fashion and design. Kyuhyunnie’s parents were delighted the moment they stepped in for the first time.” Donghae notes as he hugs Sungmin affectionately from the back, whispering more facts that awed and excited the younger even more. 

Sungmin was all too aware of Donghae’s close proximity but he was beginning to feel comfortable and even loved the feeling of Donghae’s protectiveness around him. Its been two weeks since their encounter at the park. Sungmin had never felt happier since, and of course he had continued learning music with Donghae and after a week more of class, he had played with the band. It was a great feeling. It made Sungmin feel like he had bonded with the band and making his mark. 

Lying wasn’t hard anymore as Sungmin didn’t feel the least guilty about it. Especially after his dad had slapped him that day, he felt he didn’t need to fear or respect his father anymore. Obey or not, it was still dissatisfaction and more pressure for him. 

Sometimes, he tells his parents he’s having trouble with his calculus and needs a tutor, not that he was lying anyway. Kyuhyun was a genius when it comes to calculus, trigonometry and algebras and he was more than happy to help Sungmin with his homework while he waits for Donghae to clock off from work. 

Other times, he sneaks off at night for band practices. 

In short, Donghae and the band had bonded tightly in the past two weeks. Heechul had brought him shopping for new clothes and spent time cooking with the lead singer. Hankyung sometimes heads early to the studio to help clean up, and he taught Sungmin a few impressive defense moves and he had used it on Donghae immediately that night startling the elder. Kyuhyun and him had bonded through homework. Kyuhyun was good with math while he would help the younger with statistics and accounts. 

The past two weeks with Donghae was bliss. Donghae was caring and a loving person in a cute way. The composer may look cold and heartless from the outside but he’s the person that buys Sungmin candies and whatever junk food the other wants. He also waits for Sungmin at after school everyday just so he could send him home, then there were the random cuddles, hugs, and pecks Donghae would give him every time they see each other. 

“Minnie, you’re spacing out again,” Donghae pokes his sides for Sungmin’s attention. 

Just then, a gagging noise could be heard behind them, “I wish to keep my breakfast in my stomach hyung. If you don’t mind.” 

Donghae glared annoyingly at Kyuhyun who had just disrupted their alone time. 

“Thank god its before opening time. Have you shown Sungmin around, hyung? The audio and everything?” 

“I will, Kyuhyun, just slow down. We just got here. And he has not eaten lunch, right babe?” The couple were now staring lovingly at each other earning a long sigh from Kyuhyun. 

They were no different from the HanChul couple, great Kyuhyun thought. As Donghae excused both of them so they could grab a bite for Sungmin, Kyuhyun smirked as he thinks about Sungmin biting something else but shakes it off and continues settling down the chairs and tables for tonight. 

Because tonight was special, Sungmin would be introduced to the world as their newest and fifth band member. But to Super Junior, it means something else, Sungmin was their latest family member that everyone seemed to dote on. 

And a new family member that they had begun to love. 


Sungmin could feel his stomach fluttering, and his heartbeat accelerating by the minute. He takes a peek at the crowd from backstage. He had never performed in front of the crowd before, except for Sunday church choir and worship. But that was besides the point. He was afraid, and nervous. 

What if he screwed up? What if he sounded horrible? What if the crowd hated him? There were so many what ifs running through his mind now. 

“You’ll fine, babe.” Donghae had seemed to read his mind and was now hugging the younger. 

“Just remember to have fun and Heechul would be there to play backup if you ever strum wrongly. So don’t worry. I have faith in you.” 
Kyuhyun walks around calmly and announces, “We’re on in five guys.” 

Heechulhanded Sungmin his guitar as the rest began collecting their own instrument. Donghae’s keyboard and Kyuhyun’s drums were already on stage. So the elder was helping Sungmin with last minutes checkups on his instrument and giving him encouragements. 

A last reassuring peck on the lips and they were off towards the stage. Sungmin had followed Heechul to centre stage along with Hankyung. 

The crowd was already cheering and tonight was more packed than the usual as word had travel around town about the debut of their latest band member. Many were surprised because Super Junior were always a four person band. And Hankyung had announced that there would be no more or no less. So this had really got the town buzzing with excitement. 

“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Liquid. We’re Super Junior and the first number today would be Face Down,” Hankyung announced calmly to the microphone. 

The crowd had continued cheering and excitement was heavy in the atmosphere as Hankyung stepped backwards replaced by Heechul stood towards the front. Kyuhyun began his beat followed by Heechul’s guitar and the rhythm was beginning to build up. 

Sungmin felt himself relaxing as Heechul began singing his lines. He began playing to a later tune to Heechul’s and Hankyung’s bass. 
The crowd went wild with Heechul’s vocals and Kyuhyun’s drum solo. The first song ended well and Sungmin caught a glance of Donghae smiling encouragingly at him. 

“Our second number, also our newest. Your Guardian Angel. Would be sung and played by our newest member. Sungmin.” 

This was the moment everyone was waiting for. Sungmin was trying his best to calm down as he took Heechul’s place in centre stage. Hankyung had handed him his acoustic guitar in change of his electric one. The crowd was cheering and screaming more than usual as Sungmin adjusted the mike. 

He took a deep breath and began strumming. The crowd grew quiet instantly. 

//When I see your smile, 
Tears roll down my face// 

The crowd cheered happily at the sound of Sungmin’s voice as he continued singing and strumming. 

//I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong, I have figured out, 
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.
And I know I'll find deep inside me, 
I can be the one.// 

//I will never let you fall. (let you fall.)// 
Sungmin relax as he heard the rest of the band repeated after his line. 
//I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all. (through it all.)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.// 

//It's okay, 
It's okay, 
It's okay-ay-ay-ay-ay.// 

//Seasons are changing, 
And waves are crashing, 
And stars are falling all for us.
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter, 
I can show you I'll be the one.// 

Sungmin felt his confidence grew by the minute. The lines to this song was beautiful, Donghae had told him that this song was written for Sungmin. It felt so sincere and the first time Sungmin had heard the elder play. He was touched and in tears. Donghae had meant every single line he sang and now, Sungmin wants to sing it back to him. Because he wants to protect Donghae as well. 

//I will never let you fall. (let you fall.)
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all. (through it all.)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.// 

//'Cause you're my, you're my, my-e-y-e-y, 
My true love, my whole heart.
Please don't throw that away.
'Cause I'm here... for you! 
Please don't walk away and, 
Please tell me you'll stay! //

The rest of the band had join in a flash, Heechul’s electric guitar, Hankyung’s bass, Donghae’s keyboard and Kyuhyun’s drums. That had instantly got the crowd cheering as they rocked along to the beat. 


Heechul and Sungmin sang together to the end of the lines. The rest of the instruments played in unison behind as Sungmin’s earlier acoustic version of the song was replaced by a rockier one. Everyone was amazed at the song, the lyrics and of course, Super Junior’s latest member. 

//Use me as you will! 
Pull my strings just for a thrill! 
And I know I'll be okay, 
Though my skies are turning grey! (grey! grey! )// 

//I will never let you fall! 
I'll stand up with you forever! 
I'll be there for you through it all, 
Even if saving you sends me to heaven!//

//I will never let you fall! 
I'll stand up with you forever! 
I'll be there for you through it all, 
Even if saving you sends me to heaven!// 

As soon as the song had ended, the crowd went crazy, they were clapping, cheering and whistling all over. Sungmin had also spotted Eunhyuk amongst the crowd and his best friend gave him a nod and a thumbs up. 

Sungmin had never felt happier in his life. Music was definitely his passion and his life now. 

The crowd cheered and chanted his name causing Sungmin’s heart to flutter in happiness. The band patted his back in encouragement of his wonderful performance. They moved on to their third and fourth number of the night. 

And word had spread through town after that night, Sungmin, Super Junior’s amazing new vocalist and guitarist. 

Eunhyuk had congratulated him in school the following week and was already chiding on the progress of his relationship with Donghae. 

Sungmin had only smiled and walked away. 


“What’s all this, Donghae?” Sungmin asked Donghae as he eyed the equipment the other had laid on the ground, or more like the fishing gear. 

Donghae smiled, “I thought we should fish.” The elder handed his a rod which was already lined with bait. The elder then sat that as Sungmin followed him suit. 

They were at Sungmin’s hideout by the lake. It was where no one could spot them because of the thick bushes and tall trees covering the lake view. Few would notice this undeveloped side of Fairview, because it was far deep into the park and Fairview-ers would squirm at the dirt and leaves they have to get through before reaching this little paradise. 

For Donghae and Sungmin, it was their paradise. It was where no one could judge them. 

“When I was sitting down here one night during the week you had avoided me. I wondered, if there was any fish in this lake. And I told myself I’ll come here fishing someday.” 

Sungmin laughed his melodious laughed, “You’re so silly, Donghae.” 

Donghae joined the younger as they laughed heartily, “You were great that night, Sungmin. The band’s really proud of you. I’m proud of you.” 

“I love the song you wrote, Donghae. Its beautiful.” Sungmin said shyly. 

“You told me that like a thousand time already this week,” Donghae chuckled and rolled his eyes. Somehow, he had never felt sick hearing it. 

“Did not” 

“Did too” 

“Not. Its only the beginning of the week. So its impossible I would have said it a thousand times.” 

“Okay fine. But it already sounded like a thousand.” 

Sungmin had startled Donghae when the younger had leaned in to give him a peck and then shy away cutely, “Thanks for letting me in the band, Donghae. And teaching me everything there is to know about music.” 

Donghae smiled at the rare display of affection Sungmin had just given him, “You’re very welcome, Sungmin. And as a reward, I brought you here.” 

Sungmin raised his eyebrows, “For fishing?” 

Just then, streaks and streaks of colourful lights made their way upwards the sky, lighting the dark night with its colors. Donghae saw Sungmin’s eyes sparkled in excitement and awe as he stood up takes in the fireworks that were painting the night silhouette beautifully with so much colours. Donghae lets his fishing rod down and followed suit. 

“Its so pretty!” Sungmin hugs Donghae excitedly, his eyes never leaving the sky above. 

“Thanks for making me so happy, Sungmin” Donghae pecked his forehead gently. 

“How’d you do this anyway?” 

“I’m Lee Donghae,” Donghae answered lamely as he chuckled earning a glare from the younger. 

“I may have bribed Heechul and Kyuhyun a little.” Donghae laughs. 

“So you better pay up with lots of hugs and kisses, Lee Sungmin.” 

Sungmin stick his tongue out causing the elder to laugh even more, “I thought this was my reward. Since when do I have to pay a reward with another reward?” 

Donghae pouts cutely, “Because you love me?” 

Sungmin was cut off when Donghae leans in for a kiss from the younger, the younger kisses him back, as the last few streaks of fireworks lighted the background. 


“Don’t pout, Donghae. I’ll be back in a week time.” Sungmin hugs Donghae and gives him a soft peck on the nose. 

“I’m going to miss you,” Donghae’s pout grew even worse. 

They were in park by their favorite lakeside again, the composer had picked Sungmin up from school and the younger had requested for them to be here. 

“Me too,” Sungmin echoed Donghae’s tone. Sungmin had brought them to the park to tell Donghae that his family would be off to the neighbouring town for his cousin’s wedding and wouldn’t be back until the next week due to the long drive and that his mother had wanted to help her favorite niece in the preparation. 

The elder had began pouting as soon as the news left Sungmin’s lips. Donghae was cute this way, Sungmin concluded but he felt the elder was over reacting. It was only a week. 

But to Donghae, it was like a year. 

Sungmin laughed at the elder’s mushiness and silliness. 


“Chill Donghae-yah,” Heechul sighed as Donghae had been quiet the whole day since they agreed to meet up in Liquid. 

It had been normal for the band to meet up in Liquid before opening hours for a little privacy and bonding time. 

“It’s not like Sungmin is never coming back,” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes impatiently. And he had thought that the lovebirds together was mushy. This was worse. 

Heechul glared at Kyuhyun as Donghae slumped even more in his seat at the mention of his boyfriend’s name. Hankyung had tried his best to hold in his laughter at his band’s antics. 

Heechul handed him a packet of cigarettes, “Here, maybe you’ll feel better.” 

Donghae shook his head startling the rest of the band, he never refuses an offer for smoking. 

“Sungmin hates smokers. And he has asthma. So I’m throwing away this habit for good,” Donghae explained and drinks his shot instead. 

Kyuhyun sighed mockingly, “Love. Scary yet powerful.” 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />