Chapter 17

Two Is Better Than One

“I’m sorry sir, but any access to the mountains now would be strictly denied,” The volunteer explained to Heechul politely, his arms stretch out to prevent the three figures from trespassing. 

“What do you mean denied?!” Heechul charged at the man angrily while Hankyung and Kyuhyun held on to him.

The startled volunteer moved back in fear of the muscular vocalist lunging at his neck. 

“Why are access to the mountains blocked?” Hankyung asked calmly with hands still onto Heechul’s. 

Despite the thick coat he had on, the volunteer folded his arms and began rubbing the sides to generate some heat, “It will be dark soon. Temperature here drops to minus twenty at night, and according to the meteorology department, there will be a snow storm coming ahead. According to protocol, we’re are not allowed any rescue work till the storm clears.” 

This time Heechul bursts, startling everyone around him, “What do you mean no rescue work can be done?! Are you just going to let my friend die up there?!” 

A low voice interrupted and somehow had calmed the tense atmosphere. The volunteer bowed respectfully to the bearded man, “To us, rescuing stranded hikers are our top priority but if it means having to sacrifice my team and everyone else’s lives, I have to choice but to issue an order to halt the search and rescue mission until the storm clears tonight.” 

Heechul was no longer angry, his voice almost pleading, “What are the chances of my friend surviving the storm till tomorrow?”

The middle aged man lowered and shook his head, he had decades of experience in search and rescue missions. He know the news would be devastating to them but it was better than having them putting any false hope. It was best that they were prepared for the worst, “He had been reported missing for almost four hours. At this rate, the body slows down all cellular activities, leaving his body in the state of coma, also, we do not know how deep or how much he was buried in the snow. Chances are, if he was fully buried, he would be dead by now.” 

The vocalist’s eyes were red and b with tears while Hankyung held on to him for comfort. 

“What about his beacon?” Kyuhyun asked desperately. He didn’t know it would come to this, with Sungmin getting married and Donghae staring at death in the eye. 

Beacon, a device that emit’s a certain frequency into the atmosphere. It enables rescuers that are equipped with the same device to track and locate any buried avalanche victims speeding up searching and rescuing work tremendously. 

“We can’t seem to locate or pick up any signals in the nearby mountains. I assume he must have lost the beacon during the avalanche.” 

Heechul’s eyes widen in recollection, “The valley… the valley! Have you search there?!” The vocalist could remember Donghae telling him it was the most beautiful place in the mountains. Heechul was certain the composer had gone there to reflect.

“You mean the valley up west? Its been deserted for years, avalanches were so often, we have to restrict access there as well,” The man asked curiously. 

“Donghae hasn’t been here in years. He wouldn’t know,” The vocalist explained sadly. Hankyung could only wrap his arms around his lover for comfort. 

“We will search for him ourselves,” Hankyung announced to the rescuer calmly. 

The bearded man shook his head in disagreement, “Don’t be a fool boy. You will only kill yourself.” 

“We’ve been here plenty of times. We know very well what to do sir,” Hankyung argued, he had to at least try. 

“So have I. I’ve been in this voluntary rescue team for decades. These mountains are very unpredictable. One minute, its calm and peaceful, next thing you know, snow would be the last thing you see in your life.”

A strong blow of wind had send their bodies to sway along with the trees and tents which were set up below next to the hotel lodge and cabin. The elder man looked towards the sky, grey was already seeping through the fading blue sky and waves of wind blew violently around them. 

“Its getting dark soon. The storm’s not far behind either.” 

The other three turned to look at him pleadingly, “I’m sorry boys. I have other people’s safety and lives to consider. We have to wait till tomorrow morning, after the storm clears. I promise you, with all my power I would bring your friend back.”

Somehow, those words offered little comfort to both parties. With the storm hitting tonight and the deadly drop of temperature in the mountains, the chances of Donghae surviving are a million to one. 

“Till then, lets not lose hope. Miracles are rare, but they are never impossible,” The man said before giving a pat on Heechul’s shoulders and turned to leave. 

“Hyung...” Kyuhyun begin carefully. 

Silence hung around the atmosphere, the only noise that greets them were the strong wind blowing past everything around them. 

Heechul hugged himself tightly to keep warm, with Hankyung’s strong embrace not far behind. 

“Its so cold,” The vocalist shivered as he spoke, “Imagine what its like up there.” 

Hankyung tightened his arms around his lover, brushing their cheeks together to keep Heechul’s face warm. “The old man’s right. It would be impossible to navigate in this weather. The hike up the valley would be hard. I suggest you and Kyuhyun stay here.” 

Heechul’s eyes widen in disbelief as he turned around to face his lover, “And let you go up there alone?! Are you crazy?” The elder hissed angrily. 

“No way hyung. I’m not staying here, I can stand the cold. Besides, I’m good with the compass,” Kyuhyun suggested stubbornly, there was no way they will let Hankyung go up there after Donghae alone. 

“Then count me in as well,” Heechul butted in. Their conversation was reduced to mere whispers, afraid that the other volunteers may hear them.

Hankyung nodded reluctantly in agreement, as much as he wanted to argue for his lover’s safety, he decided that time is running out. Time was better spent looking for Donghae instead of bickering and deeming who is worthy of hiking up. They would work together as a team.

As a family. 

“Kyu, grab every gear you can. Including a beacon. Chul, we need warm clothing and towels. Donghae would be freezing up there. I’ll find us a way around these volunteers. We rendezvous here in five,” Hankyung stated firmly. The other two nodded and set off in their own direction. 

The three were alerted by the loud siren and yells of the volunteers in the distance. 

Hankyung, Heechul and Kyuhyun stopped dead in their tracks when the sight of more snow flowed down the hill violently, engulfing everything in its path. 

“” Kyuhyun cursed, mist forming from his mouth as he tried to keep his breath in tow. 

Looks like they were snowed in tonight, like it or not. 


It was dark, cold and windy. 

The snow was falling in the opposite direction making it hard for him to travel. His thick layer of clothing proved to be useless as the cold began to numb his body. Sungmin hugged himself tighter to keep warm as he continues walking upwards. He had his hood over his head and head down to avoid the blizzard from hitting his face. 

He clumsily fished for his compass in his pocket and studied his bearings. Sungmin then waited till the arrow in the device points north and made his way west. 

Heechul said there was a valley up west the mountain. And he had did some digging up in the rescue camp below, the rescuers had yet to search the valley. It was most likely that Donghae had been stranded there. 

After the trio had interrupted and left his wedding ceremony so abruptly, Sungmin’s instinct had told him to follow them. And so, ignoring his father’s yell after him, the gasps from the guests and the nagging of his conscience, he drove off in his Mercedes towards the mountains. 

He had also eavesdrop on their conversation with the chief of the rescue team. Sungmin made no hesitation as he shed his wedding suit in change of more suitable winter clothing he stole from the volunteers and any necessary gears before sneaking up to the mountains unnoticed. 

A hazy silhouette of the lake greets Sungmin as he made his last few steps up towards the top of the hill. 

This must be the valley that Heechul had been talking about.

Sungmin then slowly made his way downwards. This time, the direction of the snowstorm pushed him further down as the wind blew passed him mercilessly. Sungmin flinched and shivered to the cold. 

“Donghae!” He began yelling. 

He didn’t know how long he had been walking and yelling, his throat was dry and painful due to the extreme cold, his nose frozen and he was having difficulty breathing for the air around him was so cold, it pained his chest. 

The old man was right, one was likely to survive in this weather.

His thoughts began to wander to Donghae. 

How long had he been trapped? 

Where was he? 

Is he feeling cold and in pain?

Did he injure himself? 

Those questions were running through the younger man’s mind as he continued walking. Tears threatened to pour out anytime as he thought of Donghae. How could the elder just leave him like that? 

There was so many things he wanted to tell Donghae. He wanted to apologize. 

Right now, nothing matters to him except the composer. 

“Donghae!” He yelled again, his voice breaking to the pain in his dry throat. 

Sungmin kneeled on the ground helplessly. His legs giving in to fatigue as snow continued to fall heavily on him. His sobbing turning louder and louder as more tears begin to flow. 

“Please…” He begged. He didn’t know to who or what was he pleading for. 

He was lost. 

A loud bark startled him. Sungmin squinted his eyes and widens immediately in recognition as he spots Bada running towards him. 

The dog let out another bark and tugged his sleeve urgently. Sungmin stood up as Bada wagged his tail in excitement and proceeded to lead his new friend towards his master. 

Sungmin made a dash towards Donghae side as soon as he caught sight of the elder’s figure lying lifelessly on the ground. 

Donghae’s lower body was evidently buried in thick, dense snow while his arms and torso were covered by a thin layer of freshly fallen snow. 

“Donghae!” He brushes the snow away in an urgent and rough manner. 

The elder was unconscious, Sungmin began to cry, his heart thumping heavily in fear. 

He didn’t care how the cold snow had numbed his fingers despite the gloves he had on, Sungmin kept digging, shoving more of the snow that was holding Donghae hostage beneath it. Bada was not far behind as the dog helped. Its two front paws working back and forth to lessen the amount of snow crushing the composer. 

Sungmin held on to Donghae’s shoulder, arms wrapped under the elder’s armpits as Sungmin yanked with all his might. Both of them fell on the snow covered ground with a soft thud as Donghae was finally free from the thick pack of snow, with the unconscious Donghae on top of him. 

His own heart had stopped beating when he presses his fingers against the elder’s neck, feeling for a pulse or any sign that the composer was still alive. Tears continued flowing as he hugged Donghae tightly. His warm cheek brushing with Donghae’s ice cold one, mingling of their breaths, the way their bodies were pressed closely together for an exchange of body heat. 

“I’m sorry, Donghae. Please wake up… I’m so sorry…” The only reply that Sungmin got was the insistent fall of snow and Donghae’s limp body slumping against his. He was glad that he made it, and to feel the elder again after so many years was comforting. His sense of lost and pain was momentarily gone. 

They’ll never make it to the bottom tonight with the storm picking up and the tremendous drop in the temperature. He needs to find shelter. Donghae’s body was ice cold and numb. 

He searches frantically for any sign of life at the bottom of the valley but the snowstorm had made most of his vision cloudy and vague. 
He thinks of his options. 

If he hikes upwards from where he came from, it would be nearly impossible with a knocked out Donghae in tow and the storm against their direction.

The second option was to head down the valley and search for a cabin, shed or anything that would keep them sheltered and warm for the night. 

He then decides that time is of the essence and Donghae desperately needs heat. Before the composer has hypothermia. 

Sungmin goes into a squatting position before locking Donghae’s legs around his waist and pulling the elder‘s arms over his shoulders to lie on his back. He stands up in one swift movement lifting Donghae off the ground. 

Sungmin cringed. Donghae maybe as thin as a stick but he surely weighed more than one. 

He sighs when he feels the elder breathing into his neck and head resting peacefully on his shoulder. It brings back memories that were forced to the back of his mind years ago. He didn’t want to believe Heechul, to believe everyone that told him Donghae loves him. 

It was all bull. But Sungmin had watched Donghae the other day, he saw the pain in Donghae’s eyes. But every time he wanted to forgive the elder, memories of the night Donghae pushing him away would always taunt him. It was a painful reminder of how their love ended. 

He was also mad at his father for lying to him, for making him believe that Donghae was nothing but a liar. For making him hate the person that he loves. 

Heechul had even blew his cool today just to protect his best friend. He had to admit, the sight of Heechul’s eyes boiling with hatred and anger was frightening and the threat had scared his father senseless. 

It was too late to point fingers now, it didn’t matter whose fault it was. Both of them had gone through so much pain, Sungmin decided to stop running away from his problems. Besides, he owes Donghae his life four years ago. Donghae had made no hesitation to go after him in the sea. Without the composer, he wouldn’t be here now. 

His hold on Donghae’s thighs tightened as he continues walking down towards the lake. Yeondoo was not far behind, the dog kept its nose low to the ground picking up various scents. Sungmin follows the dog quietly, occasionally looking back at the composer to check on him. Donghae remained passed out to the cold. 

The snow fall did not spare them at all, leaving an uncomfortable chill that crawls up to Sungmin’s spine. 

His hatred towards the cold had just intensified. 

Bada’s bark startled him from his thoughts. Sungmin turned towards the source of the sound and smiled as soon as he caught sight of an old shed by the frozen lake. 

He then turned to look at Donghae, “Hold on Hae..”

“Please hold on.” 


Heechul paced urgently around the cabin lobby while Hankyung watched him carefully on the sofa. 

“Hyung, you’re making me dizzy,” Kyuhyun complained flatly. He made a reach for the pillow by the side of the couch and brought it close to his chest for a hug. 

The vocalist made a low growl as he kept his pacing even more. The blizzard was getting worse and the little avalanche earlier had disrupted their rescue mission. Even the volunteers had packed up and retreated for the night. 

The weather was simply too cold to bear. 

Heechul prayed desperately for his brother’s well being. Hankyung finally gives up watching and makes his way to Heechul’s side to comfort him. The elder of the two gives in easily to his lover’s embrace. 

“Why can’t we do anything? I feel so helpless now,” Heechul sighed heavily. His brows creased in worry. 

Hankyung’s voice was calm and soothing, “We will leave as soon as the storm clears up. I’ll bring our Donghae back. I promise.” 

“What if we’re too late?” 

Hankyung silenced his lover and rocks their body in a slow relaxing rhythm.

“Donghae is a good person. And a good person deserves a second chance. He will be fine, Chullie-ah,” Heechul closes his tired eyes and lets his head to rest on his boyfriend’s shoulder. 

After a few minutes, the leader noticed the change in his lover’s mood as Heechul breaks their embrace. He looks up immediately. 

Heechul was glaring at the elder Lee couple. Mr. Lee was staring back at Heechul with the same intensity while Mrs. Lee had an apologetic look on her face. They were still wearing the same attire they had on at the church. 

“What the are you doing here?” Heechul felt that Mr. Lee does not need his respect. So far all he had done was make his best friend suffer. He hates that man’s guts. 

Mr. Lee gave no reaction whatsoever as he spoke ever so coldly, “I’m here for my son.” 

Heechul looks at him in bewilderment, “Are you crazy? Sungmin’s in the church back home, having his stupid wedding while my friend is out there in the mountains dying.” 

The old man folded his arms as he looked elsewhere, “He ran away.” 

Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun’s eyes widen in shock as they shared eye contact with each other, “What?!” 

“Sungmin left as soon as the three of you did,” This time, it was Mrs. Lee who spoke. Speaking on her husband’s behalf for she was afraid that his temper would create a scene. 

“I’m sorry Mrs. Lee but we did not see Sungmin anywhere here today,” Hankyung spoke politely. He seemed to take a liking towards Sungmin’s mother. The lady had always looked so sincere in contrast to her husband. It was as if she was trying to protect Sungmin and Donghae. 

Mr. Lee frowned heavily, “Nonsense. Where else could he be?” 

Heechul scoffed, “How would I know? He’s your son.” 

“We saw him come here ourselves! Do you think we’re lying?” Mrs. Lee held her husband’s arm to calm him down. 

Before another argument could come between the two parties, Kyuhyun interrupted intelligently, “Do you think Sungmin hyung managed to sneak up to get Donghae hyung?” 

The lobby was eerily silent as the fact slowly seeps through everyone’s mind. 

It was Hankyung’s turn to worry now, “What was he thinking? He’s never been up there before, he’s going to kill himself.” 

Kyuhyun held in his laughter as he sat back comfortably on the couch again. The elder Lee couple’s face was scrunched up in horror while his former band mates remained rooted on the ground with a very worried expression on their face. 

“Relax hyung,” He told the lovers. They looked at him alarmingly, maybe Kyuhyun had a way to save them. 

“You forgot what the power of love can do?” The drummer smirked handsomely as he laid nonchalantly on the couch while Heechul and Hankyung turned to glare at him. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />