Chapter 4

Two Is Better Than One


Sungmin calmly stab the fork on his pancake, occasionally stealing glances at his father who was reading the morning newspaper intently right at the end of the table. He did not understand why would his dad buy such a huge rectangular table which could easily sit a dozen of people when there was only the three of them at home. 

But then again, everything in his house was bought in excess. Especially his sixty-two inch plasma hanging on the wall of their entertainment room. No one watches it anyway, except when there were guests over and it was something his dad could gloat about. Then there was the library, his parents most prized possession. His dad have this obsession of collecting antic books and encyclopedias and had gone to the extent of extending the library by sacrificing the guestroom next door. 

And his mother’s pride was the kitchen, complete with state of the art dishwasher, oven, refrigerator and anything that makes the kitchen. Sungmin is only interested in the food that comes out of it. 

“Where were you yesterday, Sungmin? Your mom and I were about to report you missing.” Mr. Lee joked calmly as he took a bite of his sandwich from his mother’s very expensive silverware. 

“I went to a new friend’s house.” Sungmin lied, hoping his dad could not hear his heartbeat. 

“New friend? Is he from your school as well?” Mr. Lee asked curiously. 

Sungmin nodded, “He’s from the neighbouring town. His family just moved in a few days ago.” 

Mr. Lee nodded, “Good. As long as you realize that you’re mixing with the right group of people.” 

“What does his father do?” 

That question had caught Sungmin off guard, “Err... He works in the music industry. He owns record company.” All he could think of was Super Junior’s talent in music, so that lie had come out naturally. 

The look plastered on Mr. Lee’s face wasn’t too good, “Just be careful with trusting people, Sungmin. They might turn their back on you.” 

Sungmin looked down at his plate and sighed inwardly. His wished he had the freedom that Super Junior has. In their decisions and everything. 

“I’d best be heading off.” Mr. Lee took another bite at his sandwich and looked at his watch “Need a ride son?” 

Sungmin shook his head, “I will walk with Eunhyuk. I need some fresh air anyway. Thanks dad.” 

Sungmin slumped against his chair when his dad had left the dining room and had declined his mother’s offer of more coffee on the way. 

This had been his umpteenth time that he lied this week. God would be angry. But he’s in half of the way, might as well go for it. So he made a grab for his bag lying beneath the table which were packed with beach necessities and not books and headed for the door kissing and telling his mom that he would be heading to school. 

Yup, Sungmin thinks, God would be very angry indeed. 


“Sungmin!” He heard Heechul’s high strung voice yelling his name. He turned around to the source of the voice, a huge silver coloured Volvo SUV was parked right in front of the park entrance, with the front passenger window rolled down and Heechul’s upper half sticking out of it.

Sungmin had noticed Heechul had dyed his red hair into black and had trimmed his hair to a neater and much cuter cut. The latter had a huge shades on covering almost half of his face and was waving at Sungmin in a very cute manner. 

Donghae’s bike was no where in sight, instead he was leaning casually against the SUV with Hankyung in the driver’s seat. Donghae had also cut his hair into a much neater length. He also had shades on with a black tank top and board shorts. 

“Come on in,” Heechul ushered him in before opening the passenger door for him. 

Kyuhyun smiled sheepishly at him, “Ssup Sungmin” 

“Hi” Sungmin smiled back at him. 

“No one says that nowadays Min” Kyuhyun took out his hand in what it looks like a handshake. 

Sungmin took his firm grasp, and Kyuhyun had did some complicated knuckle banging and finger twisting with Sungmin following Kyuhyun clumsily. 

“There,” finally the youngest had stopped, “That would be our secret handshake from now on.” 

“Kyuhyun, stop harassing Sungmin,” Hankyung took a glance at the rear mirror and warned the youngest. 

“What? Its only a handshake.” Kyuhyun defended innocently. 

Sungmin’s stomach fluttered at the sight of Donghae frowning on his right, “I’m still not over the alcohol incident, Kyuhyun.” 
Kyuhyun laughed heartily. 

“It’s okay. I wanted to try it anyway,” Sungmin defended Kyuhyun, earning a cute smirk from the youngest. 

Heechul turned enthusiastically to the back seat, “Don’t worry, Sungmin. That’s just a tip of the iceberg. Wait till you get a taste of what they offer you in Liquid.” 

Donghae had interrupted before the older can come up with anymore funny ideas, “Shall we, Hankyung? Its too early to get drunk.” 

Hankyung laughed as he caught a glance of Donghae scowling in the backseat before switching the gear into drive and stepped on the accelerator. 


Sungmin smiles as the strong wind blows against his face, sending his hair flying in all directions. In the distance, he could see Kyuhyun bugging Heechul for an early picnic snack with Hankyung watching them in amusement. 

He could see Donghae, standing very close to the shore, staring out into the horizon like he usually does by the lake side. His hands were tucked into his pocket as his face adopt a serious expression. 

Sungmin sees the opportunity to tackle Donghae into the water. Donghae was caught off guard but quickly recovers. Sungmin squeals when Donghae tackles him onto the soft sand, wetting most of their body. The other three were now distracted at the sight of their composer and newest band member wrestling on the shore. 

The three smiled knowingly. Its been a while Donghae’s been that happy. 

“Hyung, can I bring you to Yale with me? I’m gonna dead miss your cooking,” Kyuhyun joked as he took another piece of Hankyung’s self baked pie. 

Heechul joins in, “Yah! Hankyung goes nowhere without me!” He then puts his arms over Hankyung’s shoulder for emphasis. 

Hankyung laughs as the two continues to banter, “I’m gonna miss you, Hyunnie. You’re the only that appreciates my food around here,” As he glares at the anorexic member of the group. 

“What?” Donghae asks innocently. “I love your cooking. But I’m not a pig about it.” He teases Kyuhyun. 

“Haven’t you heard that eating more means appreciating?” 

“Haven’t you heard that quantity is quality?” 

“Exactly my point.” 

“The less you eat, the more you’ll appreciate.” 

Heechul cuts them half way in, “So, Sungmin? Enjoy yourself?” 

Sungmin nods, “It’s been a while since I been to the beach.” 

“We usually come here once a month. But when its winter, he head for a long drive to the hills for skiing and snowboarding. Its beautiful that time of the season, Sungmin. We would love for you to experience it.” Hankyung told him calmly. 

“Thanks for bringing me here.” 

“No problem Sungmin. You need to rest, that’s how you work harder when you’re back studying.” Kyuhyun said seriously.

Sungmin smiled in appreciation. This band was unique in its own way. With Hankyung’s great leadership and Heechul’s crazy randomness, then there’s their love for each other which Sungmin could sense every time they looked at each other. Then there’s Kyuhyun’s wittiness and Donghae’s calmness. 

They treated him like their own and he was beginning to open up to them. Especially Donghae, he was a great friend and a teacher. Listening to Sungmin tear but never had he once asked or pry. He was patient when it comes to teaching Sungmin. He had so far learnt how to strum without running off key and sing along while playing to the guitar. 

Super Junior was surely winning Lee Sungmin’s heart. 


“Hyung, have you seen Sungmin?” Kyuhyun asked Heechul and Hankyung who were packing up the remains of their lunch. 

“I thought he went for a swim with you.” Kyuhyun brows scrunched up in confusion as Heechul asked him.

“I thought he was leading me a while ago. I assumed he reached to shore before me” 

“Sungmin-ah!” Donghae let his plate drop as he dash towards the ocean with high speed. 

Heechul’s arm had caught Kyuhyun who also wanted to follow Donghae into the sea, “Let Donghae do this, Kyuhyun” 

The younger nodded in agreement. 

After a good lunch, thanks to Hankyung‘s unbelievable cooking skill of course, Kyuhyun had challenged Sungmin for a swim. Sungmin had agreed immediately, as its been so long since he last swam. The two had agreed to swim all the way to a buoy floating quite a distance in the sea and turn back, the fastest who reach the shore wins. 

All he knew was he was leading perfectly, a few after he had touched the buoy and made a turn around for shore, his legs were beginning to feel limp and a sudden numbness had stop him completely. Instead of swimming for first place, now he was struggling to fight for his life. Hoping to dear God that the rest had noticed his absence especially Kyuhyun on shore. 

This was surely his punishment for lying to his parents, Sungmin thought. After a few more times of trying to calm his leg and in hope of swimming again, he had failed miserably. His breath was coming short and he could feel the stinging sensation of water in his nose. 
Before he had out, he felt stronger arms wrapped around him and more water running through his nose. 

Donghae swam as fast as he could towards shore as he had a firm grip of Sungmin with one arm. Donghae had been watching Sungmin swim, he was impressed at how fast and good Sungmin was at swimming. But something had gone terribly wrong when Kyuhyun had overtake him and he had remained in the same spot. Donghae squinted his eyes and panicked when he saw Sungmin trying to catch his breath as he struggled in the water. 

All he could think of was Sungmin’s safety. As soon as he was on shore, he had laid the younger boy on the soft sand and pumped his chest hard with both his hands. When Sungmin did not respond, Donghae had resorted in giving air to Sungmin by himself. 
He pumped harder as he continued to blow air into Sungmin’s mouth ignoring Hankyung, Heechul and Kyuhyun’s presence. All that matters was Sungmin now, and no one else.

Everyone had heaved a sigh of relief when Sungmin began to cough violently, spewing sea water that he had reluctantly drank in during his struggle. Donghae who was on the verge of tears stood up and left the others who had known all too well of his behavior. They decided silently that Sungmin would make him better. Since he had owe Donghae his life now. 

The others had bought him towels and gave him room for air as he tried to calm his heartbeat from his near death experience. 
He had turned his head in search of Donghae who was no where in sight. When he did, he saw the elder sitting closely to the waves as he stared out the ocean with a very calm expression. 

He decided he should thank his hero. 

Sungmin quietly took a seat beside Donghae but the elder had made no acknowledgement of his presence. 

“Thank you,” Sungmin said shyly as he look down at the soft brown sand, still to be tainted by the crashing waves. 

Donghae kept his eyes on the ocean as he sighed, “Do you know how my parents died?” 

There was still silence before Donghae continued, “We were supposed to leave for America. To start out a new life. My brother and I were so excited, we sang in the car the whole ride to the airport. Then, I could hear a loud honk in the distance. I could feel the car turn and my head hit real hard against the window.” 

Sungmin’s heart sank as this was his first time seeing Donghae so vulnerable. 

“I managed to climb out of the back seat through the window. The car had gone upside down, my parents passed out due to the impact. I cried and cried. The car was on fire, but all I could do was cry outside.” 

“My brother was saved. But he died a few days later from internal bleeding. My parents died on the spot.” 

Sungmin saw Donghae’s jaw quivering, as he bit his lip to stop himself from crying. 

“And when I saw you in the waters just now. I didn’t want to feel helpless, I didn’t want to see another person I love leave me again.” 
Sungmin’s heart thumped when he heard Donghae confessed. His eyes widen in shock. 

“I love you, Sungmin, ever since I heard you singing, ever since I saw you by the lake in the park.” 

In an instant, he felt Donghae’s fingers on his chin, like very much the first night he had met him. 

“You had scared the ing hell out of me, Sungmin. I don’t know what I’ll do when I see another person I care about leave me. Please don’t do it again.” 

Donghae had faced him and was inching closer towards his face. Sungmin noticed that Donghae had soft brown eyes, the were full with emotion as they gaze in him deeply. 


That was all Sungmin could say before Donghae had close the remaining gap between the both of them. He went limp and started to panicked as Donghae began to his lips, his tongue nudging for entry. 

Sungmin had resisted for all three seconds before he gave in and began kissing the older back. 

It was no wonder Donghae was calm and emotionless around others, but he had opened up for Sungmin. 

Because he loves Sungmin. 

And Sungmin, 

He had realized that he had fallen in love with Lee Donghae as well. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />