
Two Is Better Than One


Chapter 21 - Epilogue

It was noon in Clintwood, with the summer sun ray beating down mercilessly towards the people below. Spring had made its swift exit weeks ago, letting fresh green blossom into an abundant mixture of colours.

People flocked the beach for the warm sand, beautiful sunset and cool clear sea waters while others preferred the comfort of the grassy park for picnic or even a simple stroll. Time seemed to slow down in both Fairview and Clintwood, its residence taking full opportunities of what summer has to offer.

Even with the glaring sunlight piercing through the windows, Donghae’s room remained dark, shielded from the thick curtains while the air conditioner cooled the room from the heat. Two figures lay huddled closely together on the center of the bed, too close for comfort in fact. 

Sungmin shifted due to the gutsy discomfort of lying on his stomach, but was unable to. A familiar weight pinned him down against the bed, he could feel warm breath tickling the sensitive skin at the back of his neck, and a pair of arms curling tightly around his waist. He blinked several times in regain of his bearings and smile crept on to his face when last night's memory came flooding back.

He giggled when Donghae's soft snore filled the dark room. Sungmin turned his torso gently pushing the older man to lie on the bed instead of his back. He then stretched his body, letting the blood rush through his spine while he yawned lazily.

With no Donghae to protect him from the cold, Sungmin shivered hugging his chest before pulling up the covers and snuggling tightly against his lover.

Donghae felt shuffling beside him and smiled knowing that he would never wake up to an empty space beside him again. Well, except if Sungmin goes for a business trip or if he oversleeps. But that would be left to worry later, Sungmin was by his side again, and that’s all that matters.

“You’re awake,” Sungmin hit his chest playfully when Donghae welcomed Sungmin into his embrace.

The composer chuckled tiredly as he nodded, “Hours ago. I love the feeling of you close to me.”

Donghae kissed the vanilla scented hair, “I can’t get enough of your scent. Its like being in a flower field, refreshing yet addicting and sweet.”

Sungmin scoffed, despite the curve formed between his lips. He then yawned while stretching his arms, “Its still early Donghae. Save your sap for later.”

“Hey!” The other man shifted their positions on to lay on top of his boyfriend, resting on his elbows giving Sungmin some room, but they‘re were still glued chest to chest. His plump lower lip stuck out into a pout, “You used to blush at my sap. Now all you do is give me unappreciative responses.”

The younger of the two smiled, his hands reaching to cup his lover’s face, “I was young and stupid back then. But that’s okay, its what makes you a good songwriter anyway.”

“Young and cute is who I fell in love with,” Donghae emphasized the cute instead of stupid, his eyes continued staring deeply into Sungmin’s.

He allow himself to melt into the composer’s soulful orbs that were staring intently at him, “I’m glad you came after me Hae. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I was so ready to give up then.”

“I’m sorry it took so long,” Donghae grinned sheepishly above him. His hair automatically reach to comb Sungmin’s brown locks.
“So are you gonna make it up to me?” Sungmin grinned teasingly, his eyes shone with a mischievous glint as his fingers circled lightly around Donghae’s chest.

“With pleasure,” Grinning at his own pun before swooping down to claim a kiss from his lover. Sungmin gladly obliged snaking his arms around the composer’s nape.

Their lip lock lasted a while before they reluctantly pulled apart for air. 

“I love you, Sungmin,” Donghae sighed dreamily into the crook of Sungmin‘s neck.

Before Sungmin could pull his lover in for another steamy kiss, the sound of his high pitch ring tone echoed through the room. 

Donghae groaned in frustration but didn’t heed the noise, leaning down to claim another kiss from Sungmin.

“It might be Umma,” Sungmin pushed his chest to resist. Donghae gave in easily due to his respect for Sungmin’s mother. The woman had never looked down on him and treated Donghae with the utmost grace the past month.

He peck the composer apologetically before running for his phone hidden in his jeans pocket. 

Donghae plopped back down onto his new mattress, his head resting on the soft pillow as he closes his eyes. 

He sighed dreamily, the waft of fresh paint filling his nostrils. He chuckled at the memory of Sungmin telling him to remove his pictures and drawings before agreeing to move in with him.

A month has passed since Donghae went after Sungmin, during that course of time, the wedding had been officially canceled with Mr. Lee giving no response whatsoever except for the initial outburst at the reception. Sungmin’s mother supported them, and treated Donghae like her own son. He couldn’t be happier.

On the other hand, he and Sungmin had begun a steady relationship. They had meals together, they spent time in each other’s house, movies, long phone conversations when they were apart and basically things that any other normal couple would do. After a month of getting to know each other again (and sweet dating), Sungmin had finally agreed to move in with Donghae.

Granted that Donghae remove all his ‘artwork’ from his walls. To the younger man’s surprise, Donghae threw all of it away, except for a few photos that was now sitting on his nightstand table. He claimed that he had what he needed right beside him now. They had a new king sized bed, and spent the past few weeks redecorating their room. Sungmin had then officially moved in, and they spent last night by celebrating the best way they could.

After last night, the past four years of pain they both experienced was more than worth it. Things were finally setting themselves into place. Donghae let out another happy sigh as he took a pillow to cover his face, Sungmin’s distinct scent imprinted all over it.

“Donghae!” Sungmin’s high pitched yell brought him back to earth. 

“Huh?” Donghae asked dumbly.

Sungmin grinned cutely above him.

“Its Umma and Appa’s thirtieth anniversary tonight. Knowing my dad, there would be a grand party. And mom wants us to be there.”

Donghae’s gut churned uncomfortably and his body stiffened at the mention of Mr. Lee, he and the old man never really got to a good start after all. Sungmin noticed the frown forming on his boyfriend’s face and leaned in to plant a comforting kiss.

“It’ll be fine, mom had a talk with him. I know he usually ignores you when you’re over, but think of it as a chance to make peace. After all, he can’t hate you forever, you are my other half.”

Donghae smiled warmly as he caressed Sungmin’s cheek, “I’ll go as long as you’re with me. I’ll work hard to earn his respect, and for the meantime, his acknowledgement.”

“Give him a little more time.”

“I am.”

Sungmin took the hand that was resting on his cheek and laced their fingers together, his eyes moist with tears of happiness.

“I love you. So don’t ever think of leaving me again, and if you do, I’m going to hunt you down and castrate you myself.” Sungmin threatened as tightened their locked hands and he sinks his nails harshly onto Donghae’s hand making half moons on the tan skin but his playful tone and the grin on his face proved otherwise.

Donghae yelped in pain and laughed. His deep baritone voice was like music to Sungmin’s ears, “I won’t ever. Even if your dad kills me”

“He won’t. Cause I’m gonna kill him first. And then kill you for listening to his useless threats.”

“I love you too, despite you being violent now.”


Donghae touch his chest and tilted his head down for a look on his chest,“You left a mark there!”

“Did not.”

“I missed the old shy Sungmin.”



“You-” and Donghae aimed for Sungmin’s lips before the latter could argue back.

They spent the whole morning cuddling and catching up on sleep, though Donghae was terribly nervous about tonight. He was a little upset that he has to cancel on his well planned (romantic) dinner but smiles when he thinks the reservation would be put to better use.


“Its really nice of you to bring me here, Hankyung. What’s the special ocassion?” Heechul asked casually as he took another polite bite at the cut portion of his steak.

Hankyung smiled, his heart pounding violently against his ribcage. He eyed the head waiter who already was on standby at the corner. 

He did a quick mental checklist: Flowers - check. Music (in the form of violinist and the pianist) - check. Romantic restaurant atmosphere (courtesy of Donghae) - check. Ring (Hankyung tapped his pants pocket) - check. Speech (already memorized in his mind) - check.

And most importantly, Heechul (now looking adorably lovely with wide eyes, waiting for Hankyung's reply) - check.

Hankyung cleared his throat. Here goes nothing. He slid off his chair and propped his left knee to kneel on the floor. 


Hankyung froze at the familiar voice and cues the waiter to halt their surprise plan when Heechul was not watching.

“Kyuhyun!” Heechul called out happily, oblivious to Hankyung’s uneasiness.

He then turned his attention to Hankyung who was still kneeling on the floor, brows creased in a questioning manner, “Are you okay, Hankyung?”

The leader nodded dumbly, “Of course!” He stammered, “I – I was looking for my earring,” He then reached for the floor blindly to pretend searching for the said object.

“Found it!” He quickly shuffled back to his seat and cursed for his stupidity. 

The leader sigh in relief that Heechul had not caught on his intentions, he then takes in a few deep breaths to regain his composure and turn to find the love of his life staring intently at Kyuhyun.

Or rather the person standing behind him, as Hankyung had realize when he turned to look at the ex-drummer.

A girl, almost as tall as Kyuhyun stood behind him. Hankyung had also noticed their laced hands hidden behind the youngest member's back. She had jet black, long wavy hair that flow downwards until her shoulders, the light makeup she had on complimented her facial features while her black dress hugged her impressive figure and made her long model legs to stand out. 

In short, she was perfect. Perfect for Kyunhyun of course. He already had Heechul and no one is more beautiful than him.

“Oh, and who is this?” Heechul's teasing voice broke Hankyung from his reverie.

Kyuhyun grinned mischievously bringing their linked hands out of hiding and gently led the girl forward to stand next to him, “My very good friend in Yale. She's a big fan of Donghae hyung's music. And I thought she should listen to him live.”

“This is Eunmin. Kwon Eunmin.”

“And Eunmin, this are my best buddies. More like my brothers, Heechul hyung and Hankyung hyung.”

The said pretty girl bowed politely and the three exchanged smiles and handshakes.

“Kyuhyun-ah has been talking a lot about you both,” Eunmin smiled.

Heechul grin sheepishly, “Really? Well, he hasn't mention anything about having such a beautiful girlfriend like you.”

Eunmin blushed slightly at the compliment while Kyuhyun whined, “Hyung! I thought it would be a surprise for you guys. Besides, Eunmin here had no initial plans on visiting Clintwood.”

“Hey,” Eunmin turned to face her boyfriend, landing a light smack on his head, “I did, and I said I wasn't sure. I didn't know my parents would leave me all alone for a cruise.”

“So I only come second after your parents?” Kyuhyun pouted animatedly, startling the leader for a while, the Kyuhyun that was in love was a little amusing to watch.

“Of course,” Eunmin answered confidently but reach to cupped Kyuhyun's face gently, “They gave birth to me.”

“Fine. You win there,” Both of them smiled happily before Kyuhyun turned to looked at Heechul.

“She's a freaking awesome cook too, hyung!” The proud Kyuhyun then planted a peck on his girlfriend’s cheek earning an even more intense blush from her.

Heechul and Hankyung shared an amused laughter, “You guys had seats already? Why don't you both join us?”

“If thats okay with you Hankyung...” Hankyung sighed inwardly but nodded anyway. A little glimmer of hope that Kyuhyun would decline the offer.

But that hope disappeared as fast as it came.

“Sure,” So much for proposing today.

Kyuhyun was being the blunt, straight forward him as usual. They spent the whole dinner getting to know Eunmin and how she could be the one that was able to tame the mischievous Cho Kyuhyun.


“You okay, Hankyung? You have been spacing out all night,” Heechul asked worriedly as they strolled hand in hand down the streets of Clintwood in the comforting summer night.

Dinner had ended hours ago, the couple had then parted with Kyuhyun and Eunmin for a little time of their own. Their summer break would come to an end soon and in less than two days, the duo would have to head back to the studios and produce more albums and chart topping hits. They would have to be back on guard again, where the world would judge them, punish them for every little mistake they do.

Heechul let out a contended sigh as he leaned against Hankyung's broad shoulders.

“I'm happy now, Hankyung. Despite our stressful schedule and lives, I love it now. Because I have you by my side.”

Hankyung's heart softened at the confession, “I love you too Heechul-ah. And we'll go through this together.”

The taller of the two reached into his dress pants pocket to fish out the box he had been keeping with him since a month ago. He had been planning to propose since then, but there would always be interruptions and at times Hankyung would simple lose his voice (and courage).

He was done with procrastinating.

So pulled pulled them into a halt, tugged Heechul to face him and got down onto the floor to kneel. He pulled Heechul's left hand to plant a loving kiss before caressing the soft skin tenderly.

“Heechul-ah. We've known each other since high school, but I fell for you long before that. I just didn't have the courage to confess. It took me months to even talk to you, but seeing what I have today. I've never regretted every single second we spend together. I know I have not been a good boyfriend in the past, and my dad gave you a hard time.”

The lead singer covered his mouth with his free hand, he wanted to cry and smile at the same time. Hankyung pulled out the tiny box cover to reveal a beautiful diamond embedded ring.

“But we proved everyone wrong. We proved that a thug and and a great singer like you can be together. Its been eight years since I've asked you out. And now after eight years, I'm asking you to stick with me forever, there's no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with besides you. Because you are my first and last love. Kim Heechul, would you marry me?”

By the end of the speech, Heechul's eyes were already red and moist with tears. He too dropped on his knees and crushed his lover in his tight embrace, not caring about soiling his expensive dress pants.

“You already know my answer, love. And I'll say it again, yes Hankyung. I'll marry and love you for as long as you allow me to.”

With a slip of a ring and a passionate kiss, their promise was sealed. They were both on their feet now, bodies still incredibly close together, foreheads touching and sharing an intense gaze.

There was no need for music, or flowers, or a romantic setting.

A perfect proposal is from the sincerity of the heart. And the bond of their love.

Because to Kim Heechul, Hankyung would forever be perfect in his eyes.


“Stop playing with your tie, Donghae. You look fine,” Sungmin complained half heartedly as he helped to re-adjust the tie on his lover's neck. Donghae has been fidgeting with it the whole car ride to Sungmin's parents house. 

“This suit feels itchy. And hot,” The composer had on a white shirt beneath his black suit and a black skinny tie to make his attire a little more formal, the way Sungmin‘s dad likes it. The composer looked dashingly handsome. They had gone for a last minute shopping knowing that Mr. Lee is really in favor of men who wore suits. Something about professionalism and mannerism. 

Sungmin smiled cutely and leaned his head against the broad chest, inhaling Donghae's cologne, “If it helps. I think you look handsome in a suit. Especially that day when you came after me.”

Donghae grinned, “I do?”

Sungmin tilted his head to press a chaste kiss on his lover, “Yes, now lets go in. My parents are waiting.”

Sungmin guided Donghae to his huge backyard with their hands entwined tightly together.

“Mom,” Sungmin called as he spotted his parents who were in the midst of entertaining their guests in the middle of the yard.

The said middle aged woman turned to the source of the her son's voice. She had on a turquoise evening dress with a dash of light makeup. Donghae thought she had looked especially elegant with her hair done up. The composer had never have much time to have a mother figure before, and Sungmin's mother had been like one to him for the past month. He liked the feeling of having someone to fuss over his health, his well being and his happiness.

He felt Sungmin's hand squeezing his own as if to channel his love and support to Donghae. They approached Sungmin’s parents and Donghae bowed politely to the both of them.

“Auntie, Uncle,” He felt eyes roam up and down his body to approve of his attire for the night. He swallowed the lump formed in his throat in anxiousness.

Sungmin's grip tightened and he caressed Donghae's skin with his thumb as he felt Donghae tense up to calm him. 

Mr. Lee caught the movements of their hands and his eyes widen, trying to control his disgust and trying not to be appalled by their affections.

“Congratulations on your anniversary,” Donghae managed to speak despite his nervousness.

Mrs. Lee's smile widen and thanked Donghae for his politeness, she then nudged her husband to do the same when the latter's eyes remain fixated to their laced hands.

“Oh..” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Umm... thank you boy.”

Sungmin plastered his fake smile as the atmosphere got a little tense after the initial greetings. But he thanked the heavens when of one his father's business associates approached to greet them.

“Ahh... Mr. Lee. What a pleasure!” The middle aged man, who had a little moustache on his face and was slightly younger than Sungmin's father himself shook hands with the elderly Lee.

Sungmin's father immediately relax as soon as his attention was off Donghae and proceeded to greet the man, “Thank you for being able to make it Mr. Kwon.”
“This must be your lovely wife. Pleasure Mrs. Lee,” The man bowed and took her hand like a gentleman would.

His eyes then traveled to Sungmin and Donghae. He seemed unaffectedby the fact that they were holding hands.

“You must be Sungmin and...” He paused to look at the composer for a moment. Donghae had wanted to introduce himself but the man beat him to it.

“Lee Donghae!” All eyes widen in shock, especially Mr. Lee's. He was sure Donghae had never met anyone from Sungmin's business circle, even though he was often present for dinner at their house but this was the first event they attended publicly since they got together. 
The man smiled, “I'm NRE remember? I've been trying to get you to join my company for the past few weeks.”

The composer then smiled in recognition and shook the man's hand, “I'm sorry Mr. Kwon. I didn't know it was you.”

The elder man grinned as he shoved his hands into his pockets casually, “I like to go on disguise when I recruit my gems.”

Mr. Kwon then turned to Mr. Lee ,“Mighty talented boy you have here Mr. Lee. I've been after him for weeks. But sadly, he wants to spend more time with his partner.”

All eyes were on Sungmin as Donghae blushed profusely.

“I was hoping you could persuade him. It would be a waste if his talent was just kept hidden like that” Mr. Kwon said as he patted Mr. Lee's shoulder.

The elder man said nothing in reply. He was still absorbing the fact that one of the most famous music producer in the industry would actually know Donghae. And even persuade him to work for his company. As far as he knows, Donghae plays in a cheap bar and works in a workshop downtown.

Sungmin turned to look at his boyfriend, puzzled by the sudden turn of events, “Why didn't you tell me about this?”

Donghae shrugged, “What’s there to tell? I've never thought of accepting it anyway.”

“Why not?” He let Donghae’s hand go.

“I just got you back in my life again. All I want now is a stable life.”

A loud smack was heard as Sungmin palm landed on Donghae's head, “Ouch!”

“As much as I'm flattered and touched, I want you to accept the offer, Lee Donghae,” Sungmin's tone was laced with warning.

“Because music is your thing,” His tone softened again and he reached to hugged the elder man, “I don't want you giving it up because of me again.”

Both of them shared a heartwarming gaze but the voice that spoke startled them all, “Accept the offer, Donghae. Mr. Kwon here is the best in the industry. For him to be asking you more than twice proves that you really are talented.”

“Don't let my stupid son get in the way,” With the usual poker face he had on, one would never imagine Mr. Lee would be joking. But years of living with his father had Sungmin accustomed to the elder man's rather odd habits.

“Well, that settles it then,” The mustached man clapped and rubbed his hands together contentedly, “I'll be seeing you soon then, Donghae. You have my number, I assume,” With that, the producer left the family to their privacy again. 

“What was that for appa?” Sungmin whined.

“It means, at least the Lee family would have a famous composer in their family. And without you getting in the way, I would have a well-known son-in-law.”

Mrs. Lee was stunned from her husband's words, her lips then form into a small curve. The elder Lee was beginning to accept Donghae.

“You both come home often for dinner. In the meantime, I still have other guest to attend to,” Sungmin's father cleared his throat and looked away uncomfortably. Mrs. Lee just smiled at her husband's effort to be accepting yet stern at the same time, after all, the old man's pride did mean a lot to him. 

“Enjoy yourself tonight, Donghae,” The last word came out more of a low inaudible mutter but Donghae caught it anyway. The composer couldn’t wipe the happy grin off his face.

He felt a pair of hands cupped his face, “Told you it’ll be fine.”

Sungmin brought Donghae’s face for a quick kiss on his lips as a reward for not losing his composure tonight. The composer s his hands around his lover’s waist for a hug.

Sungmin squinted as he caught sight of a familiar figure over Donghae’s shoulders in the distance.

Isn’t that, Eunhyuk?

His eyes grew even larger as he spots another familiar back while Eunhyuk held on to her waist tightly.

And Shinae?!! 

Sungmin’s guess was confirmed as Eunhyuk turned to his side while Shinae stayed impossibly close to him to help mingle with more of the guests present at the party.

He smiled and sighed contentedly.

Everyone did have their happy ending. Though it wasn’t really an ending for him and Donghae.

But merely the beginning of their lives together.

The thought of their home, family, friends and Bada made Sungmin’s heart flutter in happiness.

His hold around Dongahe’s back tightened, burying his face onto the composer’s shoulders as they swayed gently to the rhythm of the music enjoying their night together as a couple. 

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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />