Chapter 8

Two Is Better Than One

Donghae stared into his new composition with pure concentration. He’s determined to write the lyrics to his new found tune. ‘Your Guardian Angel’ was written a long time ago, since Donghae had ever set eyes on Sungmin and the week the younger had ignored him had made him finished it flawlessly. 

When he was sure that no muse was going to come to him tonight, he results in playing little stretch of tune here and there instead. His grin growing wider as his mind replayed the scene of him and Sungmin at the lake over and over again. The younger had told Donghae he loves him and had even gave Donghae a bracelet so he could bind them together. The thought alone was enough to make Donghae dance happily. 

Heechul who was watching a silent movie playing on the television screen turns to look at Donghae annoyingly. The tune was too happy and light to bear, even for someone who sticks pink, fluffy stickers on his Ipod. 

“I don’t know which Donghae I should kill. The one who’s slumping and moping around or the silly fool who’s in love,” Heechul teased. 
Inwardly, Heechul’s really happy that his best friend had found happiness and that he would have the chance to feel love again. 

Especially since the accident that had mercilessly took Donghae’s family away from him. It’s the first time his best friend had ever behave this way. To Heechul it’s weird. But in a good way. 

Donghae sighed dreamily, “I’ll give my everything to him, hyung. Sungmin’s my life now!” 

“Note that you have the whole band behind you Donghae. And Hankyung has a battalion of his people behind his back. So, you don’t have to worry” The lead singer boasted cheerfully about his lover. 

Donghae creased his eyebrows, “Kim Heechul. You can relate the weirdest things together and get away with it. Besides, Sungmin and I are in love, not at war. So there’s no need to bring his thugs out in the open. And I don‘t want them scaring Sungmin away.” 

“Oh, you have to sooner or later. We’re a family now. And family don’t keep secrets.” 

Donghae took a seat next the elder on the blue couch, cuddling one the plushy lying on the sides of the couch. 

“Speaking of Hankyung, why aren’t you out with him anyway?” The composer inquired curiously. 

Heechul clears his throat and continues staring at the screen, “We need our personal space. You can’t expect me to be glued to him twenty four seven don’t you?” 

Donghae rolled his eyes and scoffed. The band knows, Clintwood knows, and the whole town practically knows that Hankyung and Kim Heechul are inseparable. 

Very inseparable. 

Unless they fight of course, but they usually kiss and make up in less than a day. 

Heechul reaches for Donghae’s hood and pulls it over his head playfully for revenge, tugging hardly so it covers the composer’s face fully. 

He then laughs like a hyena when Donghae responded with an annoyed growl. 

The ring on the doorbell startled them both and the two best friends had even argued on who should greet the guest at the door. 
Finally, Donghae gives up and heads lazily towards the door. 

The sight that greets Donghae, or more likely, the person that greeted him at the door had his mouth open in a wide gape of shock, and a little confusion. 

“Oh, Sungmin-ah!” Sungmin caught a glimpse of Donghae’s head poking through the gap between Sungmin’s arms and the door. 

“What brings you here?” Donghae’s voice was laced with concern. It was already late at night and they all knew too well of Sungmin’s strict curfew. 

“Can I sleep here tonight?” Sungmin asked innocently, a small bag pack draped over his shoulder. Donghae could more or less guess what had happened at home. 

“Of course you can, Sungmin-ah! We’re family now, what are you standing there for?! Come on in” Heechul already had his arm over Sungmin and was dragging the latter happily in. 

Donghae shook his head and smiled at the caring Heechul and closes the door softly behind him. He then made his way towards Sungmin who was already sitting on the couch. 

Donghae kneeled in front of Sungmin so he could take a better look at his boyfriend. He could tell that the younger had been crying and one side of his cheek had swelled in a purplish red color. Donghae gently cups Sungmin’s face with his palms. His thumb running softly over the visible bruise of his boyfriend’s cheek. 

“Are you okay Sungmin?” Sungmin had tried to looked away in embarrassment but Donghae’s strong hold had caught him in place. 
“Your dad slapped you again?” Sungmin remained silent. The concern and care in Donghae‘s voice had made his heart melt. And he wasn’t going to give in to the tears he had tried so hard to dry hours ago. He had been crying by the lakeside in the park before sneaking home to take his belongings after the argument he had with his parents. 

Sungmin winced at the pain when Donghae had accidentally applied to much pressure on his cheeks. “I’ll go boil you an egg. It makes the bruise go off faster” 

The younger closed his eyes in comfort as he felt Donghae’s soft lips touch against his forehead. 

Heechul had appeared from no where and stops Donghae half way, “I’ll boil the egg, Donghae. Why don’t you help Sungmin settle down so he can rest? I’m sure he’s tired.” 

Donghae nodded in agreement and gently pulled the younger up so they could head to his room. 

Donghae had tried not to cringe the moment Sungmin’s eyes widen in shock and surprise when the elder had opened his bedroom door. 

He studied Sungmin’s expression carefully as the shock in his face was replaced with a cute appreciative grin, “I didn’t know I have such a big fan!” 

Donghae grinned shyly as he rubbed his nape in order to ease the blood flowing rapidly to his cheeks. 

Needless to say, Sungmin was startled that one corner of Donghae’s room wall was dedicated to him. There were sketches, drawings and photographs of Sungmin doing everything. From his silhouette by the lake, to Sungmin concentrating on the guitar, to both of their pictures together. 

“That’s why I wouldn’t let you in the first time. You would have thought that I’m a weirdo or something,” Donghae explained as he casually leaned against the door frame. 

“I would.” Sungmin nodded in agreement and smirked to himself when he saw Donghae’s cheeks grew even redder. 

“But now, I think it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done about me,” Sungmin pulls his lover cutely for a hug. 

“You drew all those?” The elder nodded as Sungmin pointed towards the drawings and sketches of himself hung randomly all over the wall. 

“You’re not only a great musician, but an artist as well!” Sungmin exclaimed excitedly. 

Donghae chuckled, glad that Sungmin wasn’t appalled or turned off. He didn’t know when he had developed his talent in art, but he had started sketching when he saw Sungmin by the lake a few years ago. He had been in love with Sungmin for a long time, but the latter did not have the courage to talk to Sungmin. 

He was only ever contended with watching the younger from a far, but that night in Eeteuk’s wedding had changed his life. He was happy that Sungmin had accepted him not only as a friend, but as the person that Sungmin would trust and love. 
He couldn’t have ask for more. 

“I’ll sleep on the floor tonight, you can take my bed.” Donghae suggested as he leaned in and stole a kiss from the younger. 
Sungmin was about to argue about their sleeping positions when Heechul had barged in unannounced. His left hand holding onto a handkerchief that was neatly wrapped around the already peeled hard boiled egg. 

“Egg’s ready!” 

“Thanks Heechulie hyung.” Sungmin thanked the lead singer politely as Heechul handed the wrapped egg over to Donghae. 
Heechul grinned cutely, “Don’t worry about it Sungmin. Donghae will take care of everything” 

Heechul winked at Sungmin and made a quick grab for Donghae’s hood, pulling it roughly over the composer’s head for the second time that night. 

The room was filled with the unique laughter of Super Junior’s two main singers as Donghae growled in annoyance. He moodily pushed the hood back over his head and made a mental note to himself to never wear a hooded sweater in front of Heechul again. 

“Be decent guys. Night night!” 

Donghae glared at Heechul, still holding a grudge towards the elder for messing with his hood. 

Heechul had only laugh even louder as he left the room leaving the couple for their much needed privacy. 

Donghae cursed silently at Heechul who had seemed to influence Sungmin so heavily. 

Instead of rubbing the hot wrapped egg over Sungmin’s bruised cheek, Donghae had spent the whole night lifting and adjusting his hood up and tickling the daylights out of Sungmin for disturbing his hood. 

He then sighs when he thinks about the number of hooded sweaters he had to throw out or give away after this. 

But Donghae couldn’t help but grin happily when he thinks about the number apologetic kisses Sungmin would give him everytime the younger messes with his hood. 


Sungmin stared at the ceiling above him before turning his head towards the clock on the nightstand table. 

It was already two in the morning but Sungmin had found it impossible to close his eyes. Even with the turn of events that had happened the night before. In the blink of an eye, he had ran away from home and had chosen to stay with Donghae and Heechul. He felt that his father had over reacted but he just couldn’t stand it anymore. 

He wanted freedom, even just a taste of it before he has to face reality again. 

But he knows that Donghae would always be by his side and that fact alone was enough to give him assurance. 

He smiled happily to himself when he turned to the corner of Donghae’s room that was filled with his pictures and pictures of them together. Some which the younger didn’t even remember taking. Donghae is like a puppy, affectionate and loyal but fierce and protective at the same time. 

He then turned to his left and felt his heart melt at the sight of Donghae sleeping snugly on the floor. Heechul had offered Donghae a heat mattress that he had claimed it was a good buy at Barney’s annual sales. He had laughed when he heard Donghae muttering about Heechul’s weak consumer planning and the junk that he buys were finally put to good use. 

Sungmin quickly hid under his covers when Donghae had shifted to lie on his other side which was now facing him. 

He takes a peek at his boyfriend’s sleeping face. Donghae looked adorable. With his hair slightly ruffled, eyelids closed and his soft lips that Sungmin had seem to grew addicted to. Deciding that he couldn’t catch any sleep at all and is dire in need of Donghae‘s comfort, he lifted his cover quietly and slide in next to the elder. 

Donghae was awaken by a sudden chill hitting his body and was replaced by a familiar warmth wrapped around him. 

“Bed Sungmin,” Donghae had tried his best to speak coherently and was hoping that Sungmin would understand. 

“I can’t sleep,” But he was awake enough to catch the faint murmurs coming from his chest as the younger snuggled closer, nuzzling his chest. 

“Baby…” Donghae coaxed the younger, hoping Sungmin would get back to his bed. 

He lets out a sigh in defeat when he hears Sungmin’s breathing even out and was now using his chest as a pillow. 

“I’ll protect you, Sungmin. Always.” He brushes a stray hair off the sleeping boy’s forehead before planting a lingering kiss on the bare spot of Sungmin’s forehead. 

He then circled his arms around Sungmin’s slender waist and let his head rest on the other, before giving in to his sleep. 


The bright summer sunlight had pierced brightly into Donghae’s room, making Sungmin stir from his slumber. He groaned grumpily into the pillows as he lifted the sheets over his head in order to block the blinding light. 

He opened his eyes in horror as he remembered his father’s warning about getting up late. He was about to panic when it came to him that the pillow he’s currently hugging had smelled exactly like Donghae, so was the sheets. 

Then he had remembered the argument he shared with his parents, from today onwards. He’s not going home anymore. But he’s willing to pay the price in return for freedom. 

“Sungmin, you’re up?” 

Donghae chuckled as Sungmin struggled with his tangled sheets and climbs on the bed to help his boyfriend. 

“Never sleep on the floor again, alright?” In an instant, last night’s memory came flashing into his mind, he remembered snuggling onto the floor with Donghae but he had woke up on the bed this morning. 

“You carried me, Donghae?” 

Donghae nodded and brushed their noses together, “You’re heavy, you know that?” 

Sungmin tugged Donghae ears violently, “Yah! Its not that heavy!” 

“You slept whole way through. I was worried, how’s the bruise? Is it going down?” Donghae reached in to touch the spot on his cheek that his father had mercilessly slapped. 

Sungmin blushed as Donghae continued brushing his thumb over his cheek, eyes never leaving the other. “You don’t have to worry about me, Donghae. I’m fine.” 

Donghae sighed heavily, “Your dad found out about us, huh? And the band as well?” 

Sungmin nodded, “Some of my father’s friends saw us out at Liquid. I denied nothing. I told him I love you.” 

“He shouldn’t have hit you.” 

“See, I even told my dad. Now, you got to pay up.” Sungmin had realized the seriousness in Donghae’s voice and decided to lighten up the mood. He wasn’t good at sentimental things like this. 

Donghae smiled and respects Sungmin’s decision on not delving deeper into the subject and opts for a soft and lingering kiss on his mouth instead. 

“Come on. The band’s waiting for you for breakfast.” Donghae pulls Sungmin out of bed before growling when the younger had once again mischievously tug his hood over his head and making a dash for the bathroom. 


“Morning Sungmin!” Heechul greeted cheerfully from the kitchen, pan and spatula still in his hands. 

Sungmin smiled at the sight of the band seating together around the small, rectangular table. Its nothing like the grand table he has at home. But it has a sense of closeness and comfort to it, like a real family table. Donghae had also explained to the younger that the band gathers at the apartment every Saturday for breakfast. It was like a bonding time for the band. 

“I hope we didn’t get you into too much trouble, Sungmin,” Hankyung apologized politely as Donghae pulled him for a seat next to his boyfriend. 

“Screw the family, Hankyung hyung. Now, you’re free Sungmin, take this opportunity to do things you had never done before, like get drunk, cuss, beat people up and I’ll personally teach you how to make shots at my parents bar, then there‘s with Donghae hyung…” Kyuhyun butted in nosily as he grabbed more slices of toast from the plate. 

Hankyung and Donghae had glared at Kyuhyun fiercely but the drummer was never intimidated by them. He ate his buttered toast obviously instead. 

“He’s still a by the way, Sungmin hyung” Sungmin’s red face almost exploded with embarrassment and looks down to stare at his sunny side up instead. 

If Hankyung had not interrupted then, Donghae would already had lunged at Kyuhyun’s neck to strangle him.

“Donghae-yah. I’ve already sent out our demo. Now all we have to do is wait for a reply” 

Thankfully, Donghae was interested letting Kyuhyun off the hook and nodding to Hankyung’s reply. 

“Heechul hyung! What’s taking you so long in the kitchen? And what’s with the feast? Its not my birthday!” Kyuhyun had made his escape to the kitchen before Donghae could strangle him. 

“Of course it’s not your birthday, silly. I’d reward you with glue for that mouth of yours.” Heechul responded while carrying in a few plates of pancakes, more eggs and toasts with Kyuhyun tagging along. 

This time it was Donghae and Hankyung who laughed while Kyuhyun just scowled as he took his seat again. 

“I’m celebrating Sungmin’s first breakfast with the band. He’s family now. So from now on, no bullying him, araso Hyunnie?” Heechul warned Kyuhyun sternly as he took his seat next to Hankyung. 

Sungmin felt his heart soften when Heechul had called him family. He’s part of Super Junior now. And he was touched at how the band had treated him, they were a constant contrast to his family. He had never had a livelier and homely breakfast before, with Kyuhyun’s occasional sarcastic remarks, Hankyung and Heechul’s concern over him, and Donghae holding his hand under the table. 

They had also cleaned up and did the dishes together. Of course, being boys, there were soap and water fights. He had never thought cleaning would be fun, usually Sungmin would just dump his dishes into his mother’s state of the art dishwasher. 

Sungmin had thought of what he had wanted to do with his freedom and had popped the question randomly when the band was getting ready for practice. 

“Kyuhyun-ah. Can I get job at Liquid?” 

Kyuhyun laughed at Sungmin’s excited expression while the other three looked on with confusion written all over their faces. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />