Chapter 20

Two Is Better Than One


Donghae's pace quickened with every step he took, a heavy jog pass the immigration counter soon turns into a full paced run out of the main hall. He ignores the glares and angry murmurs sent by other travelers as he pushes his way towards the heaps and throngs of people in front of him.

He didn't care anymore, all he knew that he was running out of time. Every second that ticked by counts and his happiness was at stake. Donghae's hurried dash finally turns to a halt as he exits the airport main entrance, hands on his knees and chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

He spots an approaching cab and flags it urgently. The door closes with a slam, “Fairview Church. Hurry...” The driver, a bald middle aged man nods immediately. He switches his gear to drive and slams his foot on the accelerator sending the car to a rough jerk forward and out to the highway. He catches sight of Donghae rummaging his almost empty bag pack through his rear mirror and wonders if everyone travels without packing nowadays.

*F l a s h b a c k*

The morning spring breeze sweeps by gently, rustling the new grown leaves, bringing the scent of fresh greenery all along the park while the taller grasses sways to the rhythm of the wind. Moisture hung comfortably in the air from the morning dew, blending the two surroundings into the perfect spring morning.

Birds chirped and sang happily to the perfect day. Donghae sat down gloomily on the bench observing a pair of lovebirds grooming each other on the nearby tree branch. He smiled remembering the fact that Kyuhyun once told him that most birds mate for life. No contracts, no rings, no ceremony, just two souls coming together and staying with each other till they die.

It was the epitome of nature’s marriage. Simple yet pure.

Donghae tore his attention back to the paper on his hand, the blank sheet taunting him of his futile effort in penning down the words for his latest song. He seemed to have a lack of concentration lately, his mind wondering far off to space sometimes or more likely to a thought of someone.

Its been a week since he left Clintwood, the record company had immediately put him to training and working mode. Its been a week since his he had stared death right in the eye, a week since Sungmin had saved him, and a week since they had made the promise to move on.

Donghae had managed to shake himself awake before drowning in nostalgia again.

He tried returning to the task at hand, his mentor had given him a task to write and compose a song solely by himself. And with the deadline dawning in, he had absolutely nothing written yet.

He sets his stationary aside and leans tiredly against the bench. He closes his eyes and sets his mind to blank mode, allowing any muse to come.

//When I see your smile//
//Tears roll down my face//

All he could see was Sungmin. His soft alluring features that Donghae had fell for.

//I will never let you fall//
//I’ll stand up with you forever//

Images from the night of Sungmin’s debut perfomance flashes through his mind clearly. It was the beginning of everything; a beautiful summer, a wonderful relationship and a new family.

//I’ll be there for you through it all//,
//Even if saving you sends me to heaven,//

In an instant, the lyrics came rushing through his mind, crisp and clear. Every word, every sentence, he wrote with sincerity. There were words from the very core of his feelings, never truly forgotten, only kept and saved securely in his heart.

//I can show you I’ll be the one//

They had never stopped loving each other, even after so many years. Just then, a chord struck in Donghae’s mind. What was the real reason that kept them apart? Was it Mr. Lee? Was it the fact that they were so different to begin with? Or was it the perception of everyone towards them?

What Donghae know was... it didn’t matter anymore.

If Sungmin was brave enough to leave everything for the sake of their love, why couldn’t he?

Heechul was right, he was a coward. He was running away from all the accusations thrown at him, and running away from the guilt of tearing Sungmin apart from his family.

And now, he was running away from the pain of losing Sungmin.

//Cause you’re my true love//
//My whole heart//

He opened his eyes, jumping back to reality. Maybe it was time to stop running, even if it means losing, Donghae was going to fight for his happiness.

With that, he made a dash back to his dormitory, hoping to book the earliest flight back home to Clintwood.

Inspired by a pair of lovebirds and ‘Your Guardian Angel’, he was going after his source of inspiration – Lee SungMin.

*E n d o f F l a s h b a c k*

Donghae continues rummaging through his bag contents urgently, shoving his passport and unnecessary documents aside. He hadn't the time to pack, as soon as he had booked his plane ticket and informed the company of his leave. He made a mad dash to the airport, mentally calculating his time and chances of beating Sungmin to his wedding.

He smiled as he unfolded the piece of paper that revealed all sorts of random scribbling he had done in the plane ride back to Clintwood. With little time he had left, he needs to rearrange the lyrics and come up with the perfect tune before he reaches the church.

Another idea popped into his head as he fishes his cellphone out from his pocket and calls the first person in his mind.



“Donghae?” Heechul sounded puzzled but his tone changed to concern and worry in seconds, “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

Donghae smiled as he relishes in his best friend’s behavior, “I'm fine, hyung, but I need your help.”

“Oh my freaking God! You're crashing the wedding aren't you?! yes!” He chuckles as Heechul continues screaming victory lines on the other side. Years of growing up together had them sharing a well known understanding towards each other enabling them to read each other's feelings like an open book.

But the line became serious again, “Oh ! I forgot, Mr. Lee has security out this time, they're guarding the church tightly. We can't get in without an invitation and ever since Kyuhyun crashed the last wedding, we were not invited this time.”

There was a short pause in the conversation as both of them were at a lost. With the church heavily guarded, there was no way anyone could barge in unannounced this time.

Heechul's high pitched yell startled him, “I've got an idea! But we'll need Kyuhyun and Hankyung.”

The ex-vocalist could practically feel Donghae's confusion of bringing the rest of their band members into the picture, “Trust me, Donghae. You've been helping Hankyung and I for a very long time. Its time I return the favor.”

“We'll rendezvous at Clintwood in ten minutes, the usual.”

Donghae shook his head in amusement as he turn off his call, his brother had not changed at all. He was glad he had his band behind his back despite the loss of his family.

“Sir, make it Clintwood street fifty-six,” The middle aged man nodded before setting off on his course.

He tightens his grip on the piece of paper in his hands as he studies it carefully, rearranging the words from his heart that would hopefully touch Sungmin’s heart.

Because this was his last shot.

And he would give his all.


“Sungmin,” His mother’s voice brought him back to earth again. He was in the church’s dressing room, his back slumping against the chair as he sat facing the large clear mirror, staring off into space. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he missed his mother’s calls for him. 

“Huh?” He turn to look at his mother’s reflection in the mirror. She had a wide smile on her face as she massaged his shoulder lovingly and he responded by returning her smile.

Mrs. Lee had caught the emptiness in her son’s eyes, despite the huge grin plastered on his face. Her husband had remained oblivious to the fact that their son was far than being happy to be married to Shinae. Only those who knew Sungmin well would notice. 

He had been spacing out when he thought no one was looking, the dark circles under his eyes proved his restlessness and his quiet or reserved response to everything around him. But so far the only person who were attentive enough to notice were her and Eunhyuk. Maybe because they were the only person that truly cared about how he feels. 

“Everything’s set honey. You’ll be out in a few minutes. You need a drink? Are you feeling okay?”

Sungmin shook his head and continued smiling, touched by his mother’s concern.

“Wedding jitters mom, I’ll be fine,” He pats his mother’s hand that was one his shoulders, giving her another reassuring smile before setting off to the washroom.

He turns on the tap and gives his face a thorough splashing of water willing himself to wake up from his day dreams. He then tilts his head upwards to look at himself in the mirror. The wax and gel used to style his neat hair made his scalp itch, the black suave tux he had on made him uncomfortable, feeling constricted with every second that ticked by.

After this, he would have to leave for his ‘perfectly’ planned honeymoon in the Caribbean’s before heading back to work for his father. 

His future was nothing but a routine, with nothing to look forward to. Nothing but working with fake, pretentious people.

He sighed and closed his eyes, his body leaning towards the sink tiredly. His mind heading back to the night in the cabin. All he could think of was Donghae, the last night he spent with him before they parted. He missed his warmth, his low soothing voice and Donghae’s silly grin.

A small tear managed to slip out of his eye as he rested his head against the mirror, he wanted so badly to cry. To runaway from everything, but he was disappointed when Eunhyuk broke the news to him that Donghae had left Clintwood a week a ago. It pained him to know that Donghae was brave enough to runaway on his own, but was a coward to runaway with him, that Donghae would leave him here all alone to face the pain.

His father on the other hand had everything laid out for him, ignoring his consent and opinions. Only deciding what’s best for him, but not what he wanted. 

He envied Hankyung and Heechul. They had nothing against them. They were high school sweethearts that against all odds lasted till today. It was as though nothing could tear them apart. If only Donghae and him were granted with the same fate.

But he knew all his hopes and dreams were to remain as they are.

“Min,” Sungmin looked up and caught his friend’s gaze in the mirror. He gave him a soft smile.

“Aunty is looking for you, its time,” Eunhyuk looked at his best friend in sympathy, if only there was something he could do to get him out of this situation. He knew very well how much Sungmin loved Donghae and how they are torn apart from the cruelty of society.

Before he could even offer words of encouragement to his best friend, Eunhyuk’s cell phone rang unexpectedly.

“I’ll meet you at the altar, you go ahead first,” Eunhyuk gave Sungmin a comforting pat on his shoulder before leaving to answer his phone in privacy.

Sungmin let out a sigh and straightened his coat before pushing the washroom door gently and heads towards the altar with a heavy heart.


“Eunhyuk is sure taking a long time,” Mrs. Lee commented worriedly, her eyes scanning the crowd who were already settled in their respective seats. The ceremony was about to begin, but with Sungmin’s best man missing from the altar, things were momentarily paused.

Mr. Lee glanced at his watch impatiently, an uncomfortable feeling forming in his gut. He just wanted this wedding over and done with fearing the repeat of previous unwanted event.

“Forgot about that irresponsible boy. Sungmin’s the one that’s getting married, we don’t want to keep the bride waiting,” Sungmin glared angrily at his father for insulting his friend. The elder man, on the other hand remained oblivious to his son’s wrath. Sungmin wouldn’t dare disobey him anyway. 

Mr. Lee looked around the church and grinned smugly. His men were stationed in every corner of the church, some even on guard around the perimeter of the place. Nothing and no one would stop this wedding again.

His grin then turned into a triumphant smile at the thought of his self, well planned security. Only those with invitations were allowed access and he had revised the guest list making sure that the four trouble makers were out of his only son’s life. He had spent years planning for this day, and Donghae’s appearance in Sungmin’s life almost ruined everything. Thankfully, they were now apart and this marriage with the Kims would seal everything. 

“Why are you smiling like that in the corner all alone?” His wife’s voice startled him from his thoughts. He grinned happily at her.

“Oh, nothing. Just that, after this, everything would be going according to plan.” Mrs. Lee sighed and turned to her son that was apparently staring at the pot of plant in the front row seats a little too intent.

Before she could protest anymore, her husband had managed to signal for the ceremony to begin. The blaring of organs and the church choir woke Sungmin from his reverie. He sighed inwardly and closed his eyes tiredly for the final time, allowing the memories of the past to flow once more before finally closing it shut.

He promised himself, just this once.

Just then, the annoying tune (to Sungmin) of the organ stopped urgently. There was a blast from the speakers before the minister could speak into the microphone.

There were gasped and murmurs as guests exchanged looks of bewilderment and confusion.

“Good morning Fairview!” Sungmin could recognize that voice anywhere, Heechul’s voice booming loudly throughout the whole church.

“Listen carefully Sungmin.”

“And as for the rest of you out there, Super Junior is back!” Heechul added sheepishly before his voice faded out.

The crowd’s whispers were getting louder as the bodyguards began checking the building for intruders. 

A soft guitar tune began to fill the building from the speakers attached to the ceilings and top corner of the church.

///I remember what you wore on the first day///

That voice, it was the voice that haunted his dreams, it was the voice he longed to hear for so long. And that voice was singing to him.

///You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing///

Sungmin’s feet remained rooted to the ground as he listened in shock.

///'Cause maybe it's true
That I can't live without you///

Heechul’s softer voice could be heard blending in with Donghae’s deep voice as they sang through the chorus.

///Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time///

Sungmin looked and searched the church frantically for signs of Donghae or the band.

///To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one///

His feet automatically broke into a run as he speed down the altar and towards the main door, ignoring his father’s outrage yell at him.

///I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes///

Heechul’s own voice echoed through the hall, helping Donghae confess his feelings. He proved too quick for the guards as they came rushing to his father’s order of stopping him.

///The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing///

He continued running out towards the street, craning his neck in search of Donghae.

///Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing///

He hears Heechul in the distance and turns his head to the source of the voice with high hopes. He catches sight of the band playing at the reception garden. He wastes no time and makes a run for it.

Kyuhyun’s drums and Hankyung’s bass began joining the tune as Donghae sang through the chorus once again.

///And maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time///

There. Donghae was on stage. Instead of his usual keyboard at the side of the stage, the composer was strumming a guitar center stage. He looked dashingly handsome in a black suit.

///To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
Yeah, yeah///

In fact, it was the first time Sungmin had ever seen him wear one. He made his way past the flower arrangements, tables and chairs towards the band playing on stage. 

///I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"///

They both shared eye contact, with Sungmin gazing deeply into Donghae’s soulful orbs.

///Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone///

To him, Donghae had never looked so handsome. Music really was his thing, and it pain him to know that he was the one holding Donghae back.

///And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When it's all said and done
Two Is Better Than One///

Donghae looks at him deeply before repeating the last line.

///Two Is Better Than One///

Sungmin smiled happily through his tear brimmed eyes as Donghae sets down his guitar reaches for the microphone.

“Minnie-ah. Is it too late to tell you that I object this wedding?”

They both laugh despite wanting to cry. Emotions were running amuck in both their souls. Sungmin’s heart was thumping wildly.

“Because I realize how much I needed you. I’m sorry for being a coward. For not understanding your feelings. Forcing you to move when you obviously didn’t want to was selfish of me. I always told you I would protect you. But I would always end up hurting you instead.”

“I’m here to ask for another chance. To stop us from living in regret again. Four years without you was already too painful. And now I know, I can’t afford to lose you anymore.”

The reception garden was beginning to be filled with the crowd from the church. They too had discovered the source of the music. But the couple remained oblivious to everyones around them.

“Remember ‘Your Guardian Angel’?” Sungmin nods, too quickly. How could he ever forget that song? It was Donghae’s feelings for him.

“Well then, this song is written for you too. Its called ‘Two is Better than One’, because it was stupid of me to think otherwise.”

“Lee Sungmin, I love you”

Sungmin was lost for words. Just moments ago, his life was turning for the worse. He could already imagine himself waking up to a person he doesn’t even love.

But now, Donghae was standing here. Right here, when Eunhyuk had told him days ago that Donghae had left town.

His legs broke into a run again. They collided hardly against each other as Sungmin pulled him for a hug on stage. Donghae wound his arms tightly around Sungmin’s waist.

“I’m glad you came,” Sungmin whispered into his ears.

They share another loving gaze as Donghae gently bumps their forehead together, his fingers brushed gently against Sungmin's tear stained cheek, cupping his face lovingly.

“I could never afford to lose you.”

"I love you too, Donghae" 

Kyuhyun steals a few beats on his drum set while Hankyung and Heechul joins in with their respective instruments. The crowd cheered encouragingly in respond

“What is the meaning of this?!” The crowd became silent as they gave way while Mr. Lee made his way towards the stage. His black suit men following sharply behind. 

“Where are my pianists, violinist, the double bass and cellist?! These are noise! Nonsense! Rubbish! I would have you thrown out for ruining my son’s wedding! I would have you thrown out for breaking into a restricted premise!” He yelled angrily.

Mr. Lee’s bodyguard rushed up stage to assist the band in leaving.

“I’m part of this band. If you throw them out, I go too,” Sungmin glared at his father as he protected the band. Things were different now, he was young and naïve four years ago, but now, he is certain of what he wants.

The elder man’s face was burning red with anger, his fist clenched tightly by his sides as he sees his son holding the composer’s hand lovingly.

“No one is leaving today,” Mrs. Lee’s strict voice pierced through the tensed atmosphere. Her husband stares at her in shock.

“Except for them,” She pointed angrily at the bodyguards.

“I’m sick and tired of seeing our son living a lie. I am not letting this wedding go through unless if Sungmin’s wants to. Its his life, not ours. Stop treating him like a puppet,” She explained sternly to her husband. The crowd was taken aback by the sudden outburst.

Mrs. Lee was usually quiet and soft spoken, but she blew her cool today. She then turned towards the bride’s parents.

“I’m so sorry Mr. and Mrs Kim, it looks like we have to cancel again. I would personally pay for your loss in this situation.”

Mr. Lee pointed at his wife accusingly, face turning into a darker shade of red. If that was possible. “You…” He then looked towards the stage and sighed in anger.

And with that, he left angrily without another word, his men tailing closely behind.

Mrs. Lee sighed, her husband just needs sometime to accept the fact. She had a long time ago, but respected his decisions. Mr. Lee went overboard this time, and she needed to stand up for her son. A genuine smile formed by her lips as she looks at her son staring happily at the man he loves on stage.

She wouldn’t have asked for more.

Sungmin managed to find Eunhyuk beaming at him, back leaned casually against the side entrance of the church door. He gave his best friend a thumbs up and Sungmin caught his meaning.

He smiled back happily back in return, feeling Donghae’s warm hand around him tighten.

Sungmin wasn’t afraid anymore.

Because when the whole world would be against them, he knows that Donghae would always stand by his side.

Protecting him.

Protecting their love.

Sungmin had never been happier as the morning sun shines down Fairview, giving everything around them a beautiful glow.

Just like their hearts. 


u/n : for thanking my subscribers , i think i should give you guys an privilege to read the epilogue ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (so my dear subscribers , if you interested in it and trust me , then please drop your email add in private msg on my wall ^^)

Thank You All , love you guys , because of your support , i really think i made the right decision for sharing out this fanfic ~  

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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />